HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-02-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: MINUTES ITEM #3 MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 PLACE OF MEETING: Library Board Room, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 3:59 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, Lignante and Swette Absent: None Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On a motion by Trustees Benson/Hulsart the minutes of the November 18, 2009 meeting were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Bradley asked about enrollment in the computer classes at the Learning Center (taught in Spanish) and Principal Librarian Ahrens responded that the classes were full at each session and that the Learning Center maintains a wait-list for openings in the classes. Trustee Hulsart asked for information on the number of patrons who have signed up to receive the e-newsletter and Community Coordinator Padilla Bowen replied that currently there are 1300 individuals signed up. Trustee Hulsart asked when the downloadable audio books would be available and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library experienced some difficulties with the interface on the website but anticipate the issues will be resolved in time for roll-out sometime this spring. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of February 17, 2010 Meeting Trustee Swette asked for a demonstration of the process for the downloadable audio books and Library Director Pizzuto responded that staff will provide that at a future meeting. Trustee Lignante commented that the November statistics overall were lower than the month before and Library Director Pizzuto explained that library usage in October is usually high as school is in full-gear and November usage statistics are usually lower due to the number of holidays and reduced open hours. Trustee Benson requested additional information on the technology challenges mentioned in the monthly report and Business Systems Specialist Castel responded that a virus had infected the public computers at Cole and one at the Learning Center. Previously he and the IT staff were unable to locate and identify the virus and therefore were undertaking the very labor- intensive process of reimaging and rebuilding each of the infected PC's. The recent attack on the PC at the Learning Center provided more information and IT has a utility that may wipe out the virus without having to reimage/rebuild the machines. Trustee Swette asked for more information on the Adult Learner Institute and Principal Librarian Ahrens explained that the institute is held each year, this being the third year Carlsbad has hosted it, draws attendees from San Diego and Imperial Counties and is both attended and facilitated by the learners. Trustee Swette asked if the Board could receive a report on a future agenda on all the various out-reach programs in which the Library takes part. Trustee Bradley requested additional information about the State Library's Persistence Program and Principal Librarian Ahrens responded that the program is a new one for the State Library to focus on retention of learners in literacy programs. She added that the Library's literacy program has already been working on developing new methods of assessment and retention. The purpose of the summit meeting held in Sacramento was to connect various programs that will develop methods and share techniques that are successful in increasing retention. QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Business Systems Specialist (BSS) Devin Castel provided a PowerPoint presentation dealing specifically with computer sessions and utilization over the last quarter, explaining that information on the website hits is not available as the tools to capture that information on the new website are not fully operational. BSS Castel pointed out that the numbers were down for October through December, 2009 as compared to July through September 2009. He referenced the previous discussion when the Board was examining the monthly statistics report and the impact of the November and December holidays. For a better comparison, he decided to pull the statistics from October Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of February 17, 2010 Meeting through December of 2008 which revealed a 2% increase in the number of sessions and a 33% increase in overall utilization. Library Director Pizzuto added that the increased usage and utilization is consistent with the overall increase in use of Library services, a trend primarily attributed to the current economy. The Board discussed the wear and tear on the equipment, the replacement schedule and the feasibility of adding computers or re-purposing some of the existing ones. Library Director Pizzuto explained that the City's IT Department sets the replacement schedule for the equipment and the Library has already re-purposed several machines at the Dove Lane location. In addition, since the Cole Library's infrastructure cannot support any additional computers, the Library is launching a pilot program for leaner netbooks which can be checked out for use in the building and utilizes the wireless network. Trustee Bradley asked about funding from the Gates Foundation and Library Director Pizzuto responded that this Library probably would not compete successfully with other libraries applying for those funds, mostly from smaller communities with far fewer resources. Trustee Hulsart asked if it was appropriate to redirect patrons waiting for computers at Cole to the Library Learning Center and Library Director Pizzuto responded that staff currently does so, but the availability of those computers is limited by the hours the Learning Center is open. PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that annually the Library contributes to the City's State of Effectiveness Report which is published and available on the City's website. The Library has typically had three or four performance measures that are contained in that report and the Library has not made any significant changes in the performance measures in the past few years. She added that the City's Growth Management Report which was previously included in the State of Effectiveness Report has been pulled out and is a stand-alone report this year. Trustee Benson asked if the Library could increase its ranking in the State based on attendance, and Management Analyst Mast reminded the Board that the Library has had continuing issues with the accuracy of the door counters but that with the installation of the new ones, we should have reliable numbers for next year. Library Director Pizzuto explained that the Library is looking for a different measure to replace the state ranking as there is no standardized method of comparison, no benchmarking system that works across the State of California, because libraries in the State are organized in such a diverse manner. There are county libraries, city libraries, large communities, rural communities, with differences in governance and funding. Smaller states with libraries that are more similarly structured and funded find it much easier to compare their services. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of February 17, 2010 Meeting STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS & INITIATIVES FOR 2010: Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that at a previous meeting she had asked for their input on the Strategic Directions and any adjustments that they felt were advisable. The input from the Board was taken back to the staff and with their input as well, the Library made some adjustments to the language of some of the Directions, to make them more precise or focused. She added that the staff is now working on initiatives for next year which will identify the work related to those directions, and those Strategic Initiatives will be brought back to the Board once determined. BUDGET FOR FY2010-11: Management Analyst Mast reported that the Library had been advised that the budget allocation for next year will be flat, no increases or decreases from the current year; however, there are some impacts. There was a previously negotiated salary increase for general employees which must be absorbed and the Library would like to fund a position that was unfunded in last year's budget. Trustee Swette asked if there were plans to reduce the materials budget for next year and Library Director Pizzuto responded that it is too early to know for sure, but there are two areas of the budget in which the Library can absorb the increases and those are materials and personnel. She added that the budget will be brought back to the board once it is prepared for submittal. Trustee Swette asked about capital improvement and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Library has no plans for any large capital purchases or improvements in the next fiscal year. CALTAC MEMBERSHIP: Library Director Pizzuto advised that the dues for CALTAC had been paid for the coming year to ensure that their Honor Board status was retained. Trustee Bradley reminded the Board that she had suggested that they each pay their own dues in view of the current economy and made a formal motion that the Trustees reimburse the Library for the CALTAC membership. Trustee Swette seconded her motion but after discussion, the motion was unanimously defeated by proper vote. Trustee Bradley then moved that the Trustees could make a voluntary donation to the Friends of the Library equal to the CALTAC dues and it was seconded by Trustee Lignante. By proper vote, the motion carried unanimously. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of February 17, 2010 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that registrations for the March workshop were submitted for her and Trustee Bradley but that registration is available the day of the workshop if any of the other Trustees wished to attend. Trustee Swette mentioned that he had held a CALTAC Board position at one time and that the organization is always looking for Board members. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto advised the Board that last fall the City provided an opportunity for individuals to consider retirement from the City with the option of some additional credit time and two of our staff members expressed their interest in taking advantage of the offer. Before their requests could be accepted, the Library had to make a determination if it could accommodate the retirements as they would result in a reduction in staff. The Library was able to approve their requests and Librarian Mary Sasso and Library Assistant Anita Stafford both retired in December. The net result of the two retirements was a reduction in full time equivalent employees (FTE) by .75 and a redeployment of FTE which allowed the Library to hire a current part time employee, Stacy Wile, as a full time Business Systems Associate to support Library Technology. The other action the Library was able to take was to increase the status of the Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott from three-quarter time to full time. Other staffing news included the promotion of Librarian Leila Dooley to the Sr. Librarian position in charge of the Cole Reference Division, creating a vacancy at the Dove Lane facility. The internal recruitment for the Librarian l/ll position opened today. Library Director Pizzuto also shared with the Board information on the City's realignment in its effort to reduce the City's overall staffing and to respond to the changing needs of the community now that the City approaches build-out. She added that the realignment does not significantly impact the Library & Arts but that her role as the Director has changed to include her membership as part of the City's Leadership team, dealing with the overall governance of the City. Library Director Pizzuto reported earlier that the downloadable audio books are on hold at present, but the Board will be provided a demonstration as soon as the issues with the website interface have been resolved. Also under the heading of technology, she reported that the Library continues to work on the implementation of debit/credit card payment options at the self-check stations; the latest RFID improvement. Spring is the target for introducing the debit/credit option to the patrons which will allow them to check out DVDs at the self-check, as well as pay fines. Currently debit/credit Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of February 17, 2010 Meeting payment is only available at a staffed station, requiring all patrons borrowing videos to check out there because of the required insurance fee. Library Director Pizzuto advised that the Library has removed from the collection all video (VMS) and audio cassettes for a couple of reasons: the collection was old and replacement items were no longer available for purchase; interest in the collection had increasingly declined. She also reported that the non-fiction DVDs which had been filed in with the non-fiction print collection for awhile have now been relocated to a nearby but separate location. Library Director Pizzuto advised the Board that a patron at the Library Learning Center had challenged the Library policy requiring shoes. The Library again submitted the patron conduct policy containing this requirement to the City Attorney's office for review and was informed that the policy is non-discriminatory; therefore the policy remains unchanged. In response to a question from Trustee Hulsart, Library Director Pizzuto advised that the work out in front of the Dove location to eliminate the curb at the entry is underway with an estimated completion in mid-April. In response to a question from Trustee Swette for information on Carlsbad Reads Together, Community Coordinator Padilla Bowen responded that the negotiations with author Thomas Steinbeck, son of John Steinbeck, have been concluded and he is scheduled for a program on April 24th at 2:00 p.m. She added that the Board will receive information on all the related programs and events at their next regular meeting. FOUNDATION REPORT: Library Board Liaison to the Foundation, Trustee Hulsart, reported the selection of Neil Black as the new President and the Foundation has hired a new part-time Executive Coordinator. Also discussed at their last meeting were their scheduled retreat and a joint coffee with the board members of the Friends of the Library. Trustee Swette asked for an update on the capital campaign and Library Director Pizzuto responded that the Foundation presented the City with $100,000 in 2009. Trustee Swette was also interested in the results of the Foundation's outreach plan to show the DVD on the Learning Center in private homes to gather community support. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart, also reporting for the Friends Board, announced the plans for a book sale May 1st at the Cole Library location, adding that the holiday boutique was very successful. There is a general meeting at the Cole Library tomorrow where they will vote on some by-law revisions. Library Board of Trustees Page 7 Minutes of February 17, 2010 Meeting _ NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Phyllis Johnson was present to report on the Society's programs for the past month and highlighted the Spring Seminar scheduled for March 27th. She also reported that the beginner and refresher genealogy research classes will resume next month. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Lignante asked if the Foundation still had any seat plaques available for purchase in the Ruby B. Schulman Auditorium and Trustee Hulsart responded that she would check and report back to him at the next meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT:AUJUUKIMMtlM I: By proper motion, (Lignante/Hulsart) the meeting was adjourned at 5:36 p.m. / Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for NOVEMBER 2009 Systemwide ... 1. Four library staff members and Library Director Heather Pizzuto participated in a panel presentation at the League of Women Voters meeting on November 19. Panelists discussed several aspects of library services and programs including collection development, the history room, reference services, and programs at the Learning Center. 2. The annual "Food for Thought" reading incentive program sponsored by In-N-Out Burger ended November 21. Children were able to earn up to three certificates good towards a free hamburger or cheeseburger for every 5 books they read. 496 children signed up for the program at Cole, 65 at the Learning Center and 655 at Dove. 3. Several staff members attended the annual California Library Association conference in Pasadena from October 30-November 2. Fewer staff than usual were able to attend due to budget constraints. Staff who attended shared what they learned at two sessions open to all staff members. 4. Approximately 70 movie lovers attended the November Cinema Society film screening of "Music Within" on November 14. 5. Twenty people attended the November 22 poetry reading at Cole featuring San Diego poet Frank Montesonti. 6. The Library partnered with the Carlsbad High School Film Academy for the second time to present an American history film series. Three classic films around the theme "Turmoil in the Twenties" were shown in November. Nearly 100 students from Carlsbad High attended each film, along with members of the public. CCL, Dove Lane ... 7. On November 8, the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation's fundraiser, "Mini- Golf Fore the Library" took place in the library on Dove Lane. This unique event featured 18 holes of miniature golf spread out throughout the public areas of the library. The event enjoyed sponsorship from a number of local businesses and great volunteer participation. The event went very well with significant press coverage and a great, memorable time had by many participants. 8. Head of Technical Services, Chris Pickavet, was interviewed by three different library school students for class projects regarding the technical services areas of library work. 9. Children's staff conducted tours for five 2nd grade classes from Hope Elementary. Monthly Library Reports for November 2009 10. The annual Children's Trim a Tree craft took place on November 30 with 36 school-age children making one item for their tree and one for the Library's. 11. The Teen Pizza and a Movie Night was held on November 12. Eleven teens attended and enjoyed the 2004 Tina Fey film, "Mean Girls". 12. On November 9, Librarians Leila Dooley and Heidi Wyner attended the Care & Shelter Training conducted by David Harrison, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for the City. The training presented an overview of what would have to be done to open and operate a shelter at the Calavera Community Center in the event of a local emergency that required evacuations. Georgina Cole ... 13. The Carlsbad History Room staff worked with Carlsbad Magazine, Leo Carrillo Ranch, and the City's IT Department on requests for photos and documentation. They also had several school group tours. 14. The new atrium furniture (courtesy of the Friends of the Library) is in place and patrons are enjoying the area. 15. The Genealogy Division, along with the North San Diego County Genealogical Society, sponsored several programs in November. On November 10, David Armstrong and Ann Miller gave a presentation on Google Maps to the Computer Genealogy Group with 84 people attending. On November 24, Professor Eve Kornfield of San Diego State University, gave a talk to NSDCGS on "Culture and Economics of Revolutionary America" with 78 people attending. On November 14, Margaret Read and Marti Meiners presented their Beginning Genealogy Class with 17 students. Learning Center ... 16. On November 5, Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended the Head Start Parent Meeting at Jefferson Elementary School. Information about holiday programs at all the libraries and the children's calendar were distributed to parents and teachers. 17. On November 19, Lizeth Simonson & Library Technician Sandra Riggins gave a tour to members of the City's Strategic Change Team and provided information to the group about the programs and services that the Learning Center provides to the community. 18. Literacy Services hosted a workshop on saving energy and money on energy bills presented by SDG&E and the Center for Sustainable Energy. The workshop was developed in partnership with the San Diego Council on Literacy. A second session is tentatively planned for an evening in January. Monthly Library Reports for November 2009 19. On November 3, the Learning Center celebrated Native American Month with a program by "Running Grunion", a storyteller who recounted the history of early California before the Missionaries to children of all ages. 20. On November 5 and 6, participants from the three computer classes taught in Spanish completed their eight-week courses. All the participants advanced to the next level and classes resumed on November 12 and 13. ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for DECEMBER 2009 Systemwide ... 1. Several staff members from all three sites attended the Serra Children's and Young Adult Committees' 6th annual Summer Reading Conference and Performer's Faire on December 10. Librarians from Serra Cooperative Library System libraries presented ideas for planning and creating successful 2010 summer reading programs to attendees. 2. The 21st Annual Magee Park Poets Anthology was released on December 2 with a party featuring poets reading their work from the anthology. Nearly 50 poets throughout San Diego County are featured, including several student poets. The anthology is printed with funding provided by the Friends of the Library and is available for sale at all three Library locations and in the Friends bookstore. 3. The Library hosted several holiday concerts in December for people of all ages. On December 3, Celtic/World Music group Skelpin' played to an audience of approximately 80 people. On December 6, Latin jazz violinist Diego Mondragon, accompanied by percussion and keyboard, performed for 75 people at Cole Library. And on December 13, John Doan performed a Victorian Christmas in the Schulman Auditorium for approximately 200 people. 4. The Carlsbad Playreaders 15th season closed with a production of "Wonder of the World" attended by approximately 150 people on December 7. A new artistic director, Eric Bishop, takes over Carlsbad Playreaders in 2010. Eric is the Chair of the Performing Arts Department of MiraCosta College and the Library is pleased to further strengthen its partnership with MiraCosta. CCL, Dove Lane ... 5. Childrens Services' Hanukkah program on December 10 was attended by 26 enthusiastic children and adults who sang along as they learned all about the holiday. Santa's Annual Visit took place on December 11 and attracted 217 participants. On December 15, Craig Newton presented his Holiday Music Show which was attended by 104 children and adults. 6. Childrens Services provided tours for four elementary school groups and one pre-school group. 7. Adult volunteers donated 7 hours for Saturday Stories during the month of December. Georgina Cole ... 8. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society held its Annual Meeting and Holiday Luncheon on December 8. The officers for 2010 were installed with Gordon Hoard continuing on as president. Monthly Library Reports for December 2009 9. Childrens and Teen Services provided holiday programs during December including Craig Newton performing his annual holiday music program, a visit from Santa, and a winter storycraft, Culture Craft focused on Russia, and an ornament workshop. 10. History Room Librarian Amy Davis conducted two presentations for Carlsbad High School design students on architectural resources in the History Room collection. Approximately 50 students participated. Learning Center ... 11. Three Learning Center staff members participated in the Holiday Tree Lighting on December 6 sponsored by the Carlsbad Evening Rotary. During the event, stories were read in both English and Spanish to groups of children and adults. Each reading was followed by a craft activity related to the story. Over 100 people participated in the programs. 12. Family programs at the Learning Center in December included making ornaments used to both decorate the Learning Center Christmas tree and to take home, a musical program by Irish-American band, Skelpin', a Hanukkah program, and a visit from Santa Glaus (which included a gift of a new book donated by the Friends of the Library for each child). 13. Literacy Services' three AmeriCorps members Shirley B, Ben R., and Leslie R. celebrated the end of their term with CLLS with a luncheon and ceremony held at the Hemet Public Library. During their year of service, they tutored a total of 14 learners, and participated in community events such as Read for the Record and the Carlsbad Street Faire, and volunteered 2000 hours. All three members will be continuing in 2010 as San Diego Council on Literacy AmeriCorps members. 14. Literacy Services hosted their annual Holiday Open House on December 16. This open house allows tutors and learners an opportunity to show friends and family where they volunteer and study. Approximately 50 people enjoyed refreshments, making holiday cards, and playing Scrabble. 15. On December 11, Library Technician Virginia Velati attended the Hispanic Network Breakfast meeting at the Encinitas Library. She shared information regarding the services that Carlsbad City Library provides to the community. The Network is composed of service providers who meet twice a year to discuss needs and resources for Hispanic youth and their families in the North San Diego County region. ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JANUARY 2010 Systemwide ... 1. The Library launched its e-newsletter in January. The e-newsletter, sent every two weeks, features upcoming Library events and highlights various services, including homework help, databases and more. Patrons have been signing up through the Library's Web site and via forms at the service desks. Patrons who were previously on the Library's event list through the old Web site are also receiving the e-newsletter. Subscribers can easily manage their subscription, forward the e-newsletters to their friends or opt-out at any time. 2. The Library featured a "Tea Moments in Film" movie series in January to complement the Cannon Art Gallery's Teapots exhibition. Approximately 250 people attended the films Tea With Mussolini, Sense and Sensibility and Beauty and the Beast. 3. Thirty people attended a poetry writing workshop with poet Michael McLaughlin on January 24 at Cole Library. 4. The Carlsbad Playreaders 2010 season launched on January 25 with a full house attending a play reading of Neil Simon's classic "The Odd Couple." 5. Downloadable audiobooks will soon be available to library patrons through NetLibrary. This service is anticipated to "go live" this spring. 6. The Homebound book delivery service currently delivers to 18 homebound patrons through 10 volunteers. During January, volunteers donated 16.5 hours providing this service. 7. Volunteer Coordinator Amy Bennett had 14 people attending the January orientation with 11 interviews scheduled. The next orientation is planned for Feb 20 at the Dove location. 8. Volunteer Coordinator Amy Bennett has successfully recruited a candidate for coordinating and proctoring tests. The volunteer will report to Librarian Darin Williamson in Reference at the Dove location. She has also found a candidate for the sorting of donation materials at the Dove location. She will work with Collection Development Senior Librarian, Susan Simpson. 9. Senior Librarians Barbara Chung and Marsha Weeks and Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson, attended the annual Santiago Library System Performer's Showcase in Yorba Linda on January 28. The showcase presented auditions from 32 performers who perform in libraries and schools throughout Southern California. During the event, four performers were booked for Summer Reading Program 2010. 10. California and Federal tax forms are available at all three libraries. Monthly Library Reports for January 2010 11. In August 2009, the non-fiction DVDs were interfiled with the non-fiction books in an effort to have materials on a subject together, regardless of the format. Library users were vocal about the change. In addition, circulation of non-fiction DVDs declined. In January, staff decided that the non-fictions DVDs should be separated from the non- fiction books but remain in the non-fiction area of the library instead of their initial home with the fiction and entertainment DVDs. The collection was re-shifted at all libraries at the end of January. CCL, Dove Lane... 12. Senior Children's Librarian Barbara Chung attended the regular monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Education Committee on January 27. 13. Children's staff conducted tours for five 2nd grade classes from La Costa Meadows in January. 14. Children's Librarian Julie Conklin hosted 10 children at an after-hours pajama party on January 22. The kids listened to stories, made dream catchers and enjoyed cookies and milk. 15. Eagle Scout candidate, Nirav Mehta, and his crew spent several hours on Saturday, January 16 planting the xeriscape demonstration garden. While there is still work to be done, the project is taking shape nicely. Georgina Cole... 16. The Cole Library computer lab has had a series of technology challenges during January involving both Internet computers and the PC/Print management system. The Information Technology Department is looking at this ongoing problem and will be working in February and March to resolve the challenges. 17. The two Cole-sponsored book clubs had strong attendance during January as they read A Mercy by Toni Morrison and Mary Ann Shaffer's The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. 18. Cole Reference staff continue to teach computer classes at the Learning Center. In January this included four Basic Internet Classes, an e-mail class, an Internet Tips and Tricks class, and Library Resources for Job Seekers. 19. Regularly scheduled Children's programs resumed in January after a two-week break at the end of December. The storytime programs saw its largest monthly attendance totals this fiscal year with 1,639 participants. This is a 4% increase over last January. Staff saw many families they had not seen at programs before. 20. January Cole Children's program highlights include The Ruben H. Fleet Science Center's "Creative Contraptions" program which had 78 people in attendance and Children's Librarian Missy Shaw's "Puzzle Mania" program for National Puzzle Month which had 42 Monthly Library Reports for January 2010 attendees working on various puzzles during the program (Sudoku, crossword puzzles, word searches, etc.). 21. Children's Library Assistant Amy Jordan presented a Library tour and storytime to a visiting Head Start class of 25 children and leaders. 22. The Genealogy Division received a donation of over 500 volumes of books and magazines from the estate of Alberta M. Dennstedt. Genealogy staff is in the process of deciding whether to add items to the collection or to transfer the items to the North San Diego County Genealogical Society for resale. 23. Library Technician Jan Mongoven presented two sessions of the Genealogy Division's popular "Focus On" series on January 5 and 19. He demonstrated and assisted patrons with the Bureau of Land Management, Government Land Office website and searchable database which contains records for the initial transfer of land from the U.S. government for the federal land states. 24. NSDCGS member Phyllis Young spoke to the Computer Genealogy Group about "Historic Newspaper Research" on January 12. There was a standing-room only crowd of 97 people. Library Technician Ann Montgomery spoke to NSDCGS on "The Future of the Family Search Website" on January 26 with 89 people in attendance. Learning Center ... 25. Participants from the two computer classes taught in Spanish completed their eight-week courses on January 21 and 22. All of the participants will advance to the next level of classes which will resume in February. 26. The Learner Book Club shared and discussed The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. Next month's selection is The Witch of Blackbird Pond. 27. The first session of the 2010 Adult Learner Leadership Institute was held on Saturday, January 23, at the Learning Center. Thirteen learners from 5 Southern California library literacy programs are participating in the once per month six-session program. 28. Current literacy tutors received in-service training through two tutor brown bag sessions, a PhonoGraphix session, and a Read Naturally training session. New tutors were also trained with a revised training workshop, incorporating more hands-on activities using case studies. This new format simulates the lesson planning that the tutors will be doing with their learners. 29. All three of the Literacy program's 2009 CLLS AmeriCorps members, Shirley B., Ben R., and Leslie R., transitioned to the San Diego Council on Literacy (SDCOL) AmeriCorps program. The members will continue to tutor multiple learners in the program under the AmeriCorps program through July 31. Monthly Library Reports for January 2010 30. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson gave a presentation about library services and children's programs to a group of parents at Kelly Elementary School on January 7. 31. Lizeth Simonson attended the monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.) at the Harding Community Center. North County Health Services gave a presentation to the group about low cost healthcare for low income families and parenting classes available in the community. 32. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott and AmeriCorps member Leslie R. attended the Learner Persistence Summit held in Sacramento January 13 and 14. The purpose of the Summit, funded by the State Library, was to bring together 12-15 CLLS programs to discuss the research and best practices related to learner persistence. Ongoing "study circles" will create a learning community around persistence issues. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - NOVEMBER 2009 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Learning Center (began Aug 2008) Reference questions Circulation People count In-House Use of Materials Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Nov-08 12,965 71,641 30,148 7,928 7,441 30,329 16,113 5,835 305 1,292 3,420 280 31 326 10 111 88 2,153 12,429 60 2,062 20 1,078.15 Oct-09 14,478 78,217 34,502 9,100 10,166 34,906 17,406 6,649 1,117 1,572 5,025 540 40 444 13 128 117 3,048 14,633 80 3,344 5 1,725.65 Nov-09 12,709 73,457 29,891 6,470 8,547 31,467 16,605 5,589 1,066 1,362 4,133 636 33 680 10 103 85 2,240 13,115 63 2,580 4 1,538.05 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - DECEMBER 2009 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count Learning Center (began Aug 2008) Reference questions Circulation People count Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Dec-08 12,197 70,336 32,111 6,718 28,645 15,221 659 1,310 3,967 19 513 10 93 89 2,646 13,134 62 3,008 18 1,010.25 Nov-09 12,709 73,457 29,891 8,547 31,467 16,605 1,066 1,362 4,133 33 680 10 103 85 2,240 13,115 63 2,580 4 1,538.05 Dec-09 11,806 68,300 30,170 7,030 29,842 18,551 1,151 1,136 4,049 21 368 8 122 83 2,495 12,539 67 3,000 5 1,443.6 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JANUARY 2010 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count Learning Center (began Aug 2008) Reference questions Circulation People count Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users AH Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Jan-09 15,363 76,150 34,468 9,107 33,385 19,068 551 1,389 4,183 41 734 8 90 116 3,130 15,166 79 2,293 14 1,325.05 Dec-09 11,806 68,300 30,170 7,030 29,842 18,551 1,151 1,136 4,049 21 368 8 122 83 2,495 12,539 67 3,000 5 1,443.6 Jan- 10 13,701 76,026 34,352 7,797 32,479 16,082 1,344 1,312 3,620 37 504 7 74 108 3,313 12,111 83 3,585 6 1,587.65 CARLSBAD Cl I * LIBKAKY Oct-Dec 2009 Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report ITEM # 5 PC Management Sessions Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Computers Jul Sep 2009 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Sessions Jul Sep 2009 11,416 1,395 6,695 4,101 1,885 11,644 1,565 3,054 1,466 1,866 Computers Oct - Dec 2009 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Sessions Oct - Dec 2009 8,345 1,012 5,267 3,696 1,689 10,218 1,389 2,702 1,173 1,752 Pet of Change -27% -27% -21% -10% -10% -12% -11% -12% -20% -6% PC Utilization Averages Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Computers Jul Sep 2009 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Utilization Jul -Sep 2009 81% 80% 32% 62% 23% 86% 29% 41% 32% 58% Computers Oct - Dec 2009 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Utlization Oct - Dec 2009 69% 72% 27% 57% 22% 84% 27% 37% 27% 54% Pet of Change -12% -8% -5% -5% -1% -4% -2% -4% -5% -4% Top Public Internet Categories Jul - Sep 2009 Oct - Dec 2009 Category Streaming Media/MP3s Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Reference E-mail Computers/Internet Business/Economy News/Media Arts/Entertainment Percentage of use 16% 13% 9% 6% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% Category Audio/Video Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Fteference Computers/Internet Shopping Business/Economy E-mail Content servers Percentage of use 14% 12% 10% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 3%