HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-03-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 PLACE OF MEETING: Library Learning Center - 3368 Eureka Place, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 3:59 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, and Lignante Absent: Trustee Sweete Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Marg Kealey, Liaison from NSDCGS APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Benson/Lignante) and vote the minutes of the February 17, 2010 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were unanimously approved with a minor change. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Trustees reviewed the information in the monthly report of Library activities with favorable comments on the ongoing outreach to seniors and numerous and unique programs for children. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER: Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen distributed copies of the resource guide, pointing out that the centerfold contained the schedule of events for the Carlsbad Reads Together program. The signature event will be a visit from Thomas Steinbeck, who holds the rights to this year's selection, Travels with Charley, and who will share some memories of his father. Following the event there will be copies of Travels with Charley as well as books by Thomas Steinbeck available for purchase. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of March 17, 2010 Meeting Also scheduled during the month are a Steinbeck film series, a travel writing workshop, a number of book discussion groups and on display at all library locations are US travel photos submitted by members of the community. PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND (PLFl ALLOCATION: Library Director Pizzuto explained that the Library annually receives notice of the amount of the Public Library Fund that will be provided and that information was attached to the agenda packet. She further explained that the amount is based on a formula and the Library's budget, but that the PLF program is not fully funded and therefore instead of $310,000 the Library only receives $37,000. MERGED LIBRARY DIVISIONS: Library Director Pizzuto explained that over a year ago, based on the retirement of the Media Services Manager, the Library proposed to the City Manager a restructuring that would bring two divisions of the Library together. Since that time the Library has been working with the Human Resources Department to best determine how to staff the merged divisions to function as one. Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen reviewed the steps taken thus far, to include moving the graphics operation from the Cole back down to the Dove Lane location to share space with Media Services, cross training existing staff in the two divisions, and conducting a comprehensive review of the current practices, policies and fees for renting the facilities. Community Coordinator Padilla Bowen referenced the video production previously undertaken by Media Services and explained that future videos would be shorter than the 1-hour format and more closely aligned with other City videos for the City channel as well as on the City's YouTube account and accessible from the web pages. Library Director Pizzuto added that the primary manager position of the merged division will continue to be Community Coordinator Padilla Bowen but that Human Resources has been reviewing the classification for the full time positions and analyzing job titles and how they fit into the overall classifications within the Library and the City. The vacated position will be re- titled and used in a different manner, most likely to further support programs but also to accomplish the website work that has become such a major part of the activities of marketing and communication. Both of the changes in job titles require City Council approval and the Human Resources Department will be bringing those recommendations to Council before the end of the fiscal year. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of March 17, 2010 Meeting PROPOSED LIBRARY BUDGET FY2010/11: Library Director Pizzuto distributed an overview of the Library's budget as submitted, adding that the Library has not met with Finance for the initial review. In addition, each City Department has been asked to be prepared a 5% reduction plan should circumstances change. Management Analyst Mast reviewed the figures with the Board. By proper motion (Hulsart/Bradley) the Board unanimously voted its concurrence with the budget as submitted. STRATEGIC INITIATIVES FOR FY2010/11: A list of Strategic Initiatives was included in the agenda packet and Library Director Pizzuto explained that these are the ones the Library staff has elected to move forward on for the coming year. The Board had questions about some of the more general statements and members of the staff responded with additional information, following which the Board expressed their general support of the initiatives. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto brought the Board up to date on the following: Librarian l/ll recruitment - The internal recruitment has closed and following the oral board and departmental interviews, the position should be filled sometime in April. Curb work at Dove Lane - The project is on schedule and should be completed in April. Debit/Credit cards use at the self-check stations - The software is expected to arrive tomorrow and following the installation and testing, the Library anticipates offering the service in mid- April. Director's vacation - Deputy Library Director Smithson will be acting Director between March 26 and April 2 while the Director is on vacation and Deputy Library Director Curtis is attending the Public Library Association Bi-Annual Conference. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the Foundation held their annual retreat on March 27th during which they reaffirmed their mission statement and recommitment to fund raising. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of March 17, 2010 Meeting In response to a question raised at the last Library Board meeting, Trustee Hulsart reported that there are still six seats without plaques in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium available at $250 each. She also reminded the Board that this year's Castles of Carlsbad is on May 1st with tickets available for purchase at the Library. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart also reporting for the Friends of the Library announced the opportunity drawing for the quilt on display in the lobby of the Dove Lane location and their Better Book Sale on May 1st at the Cole Library. Castles of Carlsbad tickets will also be available at the Better Book Sale. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Marge Kealey reported membership has reached 521 and announced the upcoming programs including the annual Spring Seminar for which 140 tickets have already been sold, to be held at the Carlsbad Senior Center. She also announced the Monday night beginner and refresher genealogy classes began on March 1st and the Saturday classes will start on April 10th. She concluded her report with the announcement that the Society had received a donation of 500 books from a former member, some of which they will sell on eBay. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Bradley gave a brief report on the recent CALTAC workshop she and Library Director Pizzuto attended last week. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Lignante/ Benson) the meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. Cissie Se/ton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for FEBRUARY 2010 Systemwide... 1. VHS tapes and audio cassette tapes were officially withdrawn from the collection at all levels and locations. These collections were not holding up well with age, were not being well utilized, and new and replacement tapes were unavailable for purchase. This action created room for the expanding DVD collections and for expansion of the newer audio book formats (MP3CD and digital players). 2. Two Carlsbad City Library librarians are serving as mentors in the Serra Cooperative Library System's "Preparing Librarians to Serve Diverse Communities Along our Nation's Border." This IMLS funded program encourages and support students currently enrolled in a master's degree program in library science. Jacqui Petri (Cole Reference) and Laura Coleman (Technical Services) are each working with a current student. CCL, Dove Lane... 3. The Library screened romantic screwball comedies in the month of February in honor of Valentine's Day. Approximately 250 attended the films "The Philadelphia Story," "His Girl Friday" and "The Lady Eve." A lively discussion followed each film. 4. The Library's concert series, produced in partnership with the Museum of Making Music, kicked off on February 3 with International Guitar Night. Approximately 200 people attended. The series continued on February 21 with a Latin jazz concert which drew just over 200 people. 5. The second annual Local Authors' Festival was held February 27 in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. Despite the rain, approximately 45 people attended the panel discussion and book signing featuring seven north county authors. The panel was moderated by author and Friends of the Library President Taffy Cannon. 6. Volunteer Barbara Murray started regular Monday morning work at the Dove location helping with the task of sorting donations. She is a very big help and the processing of materials has been greatly improved. 7. The DVD display at the Dove location for February and March, 2010, is titled "The Golden Years", and features films about older people. 8. Librarian Darin Williamson led a tour of 19 La Costa Glen residents, highlighting collection areas of particular interest including large type audio books, and DVDs, as well as our programs and events. It is anticipated that there will be another visit from La Costa Glen in April. 9. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted three Gaming Monday events. 33 teens enjoyed the after school activities. Monthly Library Reports for February 2010 10. On February 18, 20 appreciative teens saw the movie "Up" while enjoying pizza and drinks at the Pizza & a Movie program. 11. The First Wednesday Book Club read The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. Reference Librarian Heidi Wyner led the discussion attended by 12 members. 12. The First Thursday Book Club read The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett. Seven members attended the meeting, led by Substitute Librarian Cathy Janovitz. 13. The Monday Night Classics group discussed Around the World in Eighty Days, by Jules Verne. Cole Reference Senior Librarian Leila Dooley led the group often. 14. Children's staff conducted tours for three 1st grade classes and two Kindergarten classes in February. 15. The Children's Division celebrated Mardi Gras on February 16 with 20 adults and children who learned about Mardi Gras, made their own Mardi Gras necklaces, marched in a parade around the Gowland Meeting Room, and enjoyed refreshments. 16. On February 25, 47 adults and children joined Children's staff in celebrating Chinese New Year. Children's Librarian Julie Conklin read Lin Po Po (the story of the Chinese Red Riding Hood), the children made a Year of the Tiger photo frame and enjoyed traditional Chinese almond cookies. 17. Science Saturday was held on February 20. The topic was dinosaurs, which proved popular. 162 adults and children come out on the rainy Saturday. They learned how big the dinosaurs were and how they digested food. They all enjoyed the opportunity to draw a dinosaur, make their own fossil and take a closer look at a real fossil with a special microscope. Staff received many compliments from the attendees Georgina Cole ... 18. On February 28, 21 people attended a poetry reading featuring poet and CSUSM professor Brandon Cesmat in the Georgina Cole Library Community Room. 19. The two Cole Library book clubs read and discussed Moral Disorder: Stories by Margaret Atwood and Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery. 20. Children's Services celebrated the Chinese New Year by presenting March's Culture Craft featuring stories and a craft from China. Aubrey Kuan Roderick, Chinese language instructor at MiraCosta College, was a guest presenter. 21. The twice-a-year Book Bingo program was hosted by Children's Services with a total of 57 participants playing for a chance to win a children's book. Book prizes come from the library's book donations that are in good condition. Book Bingo play continues until each Monthly Library Reports for February 2010 child wins at least one book. Book Bingo is one of Cole Children's most popular in-house programs and the division continues to receive very favorable comments about it. 22. Genealogy and the North San Diego County Genealogical Society hosted two standing- room only programs: Finding Ancestors in the Old Country and Placing Images in Word documents. Their two hands-on "Focus On" workshops were also filled to capacity with the topic being Family Search Pilot. Learning Center... 23. During the month of February the Library Learning Center celebrated "Library Lovers' Month." Adults and children of all ages expressed in writing what they love about the library and received a chocolate kiss in return. Their comments were displayed on valentine hearts in the Learning Center. 24. New lights were installed in the collection area downstairs. The new lights were installed in addition to the existing lighting in order to improve the visibility in this area. Staff have received compliments from patrons about the brightness in the area. 25. Cole Reference staff taught nine computer classes at the Library Learning Center: Basic Word, Computer Basics, Basic Internet (4 sessions), Internet Tips and Tricks, and Email Basics. 26. Literacy staff presented three in-service training sessions and one brown bag session for current tutors as well as two tutor orientations and one tutor training for prospective tutors. 27. Literacy Services' Learner Book Club shared The Witch of Blackbird Pond. The next selection is The Outsiders. 28. Literacy Services staff have begun check-in meetings with every active tutor/learner pair. The purpose of the check-in meeting is to update the learner's goals, report on progress on those goals, and identify any new materials or training that the tutor may need. Literacy Services' goal is to meet with every pair by the end of May. 29. The Mid-Year California Library Literacy Services (CLLS) Report was completed and submitted to the State Library. Statistics were very similar to last year. The check for the final installment of the CLLS grant was received, bringing the total to $41,812 for the fiscal year. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - FEBRUARY 2010 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count Learning Center (began Aug 2008) Reference questions Circulation People count Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Feb-09 14,480 72,794 33,182 8,955 31,663 16,503 520 1,218 4,369 40 515 9 86 109 3,055 13,625 86 3,854 15 1,462.95 Jan-10 13,701 76,026 34,352 7,797 32,479 16,082 1,344 1,312 3,620 37 504 7 74 108 3,313 12,111 83 3,585 6 1,598.65 Feb-10 13,386 73,563 32,857 9,156 32,199 16,772 1,825 1,367 5,419 37 417 8 108 113 3,455 13,261 87 3,858 15 1,698.85 I ITEM # 9 CARLSBAD W^ CITY LIBRARY 2010-11 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Position the Library as an active partner with other agencies in the areas of economic development and public safety. • Partnering for economic development Offer convenient, personalized and responsive library service. • Learning Center open hours Build community by connecting Carlsbad residents with the City, the Library, and one another. • Under-recognized services • Engage community virtually Develop and diversify library collections, programs and services to sustain/satisfy a broadening range of residents' needs and interests and engage all segments of the community. • E-books • ESL partnerships Ensure safe, comfortable and inviting library facilities • Cole Reference Reading Area redesign/install Position the Library as a leader in the preservation of Carlsbad History. • Oral histories of City's outgoing leaders Ensure that library information technology systems support community needs to create an optimal customer experience. • Bandwidth optimization • Next generation library automation solution • Library public computing environment • Netbook loans Develop and retain effective Library staff. • Succession planning • Staff training Update and improve staff tools, technology and internal processes to optimize use of staff resources. • Knowledge management intranet Assist City departments to leverage library resources to improve citywide performance. • City staff awareness and use of Library services and programs. Deliver value to the community by optimizing efficiency and providing cost-effective services. • Performance measures F:\Strategic Planning\Strategic linitiatives 2010-11 final cut.docx