HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved:ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 PLACE OF MEETING: Library Board Room - 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 3:55 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Hulsart, and Swette Absent: Trustees Bradley and Lignante Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marg Kealey, Liaison from NSDCGS Before proceeding to the next agenda item, Library Director Pizzuto introduced Stacy Wile, the Library's new Business Systems Associate. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Hulsart/Benson) and vote the minutes of the March 17, 2010 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Benson noted the installation of the new door counters at all locations and the increased people count in the monthly statistics and Library Director Pizzuto responded that Library staff has performed some double checking and the counts are accurate. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of April 21, 2010 Meeting PROPOSED LIBRARY FINES AND FEES FOR FY2010-11: Library Director Pizzuto explained that the information presented today was also presented to the Library Board last year. That Board was split over some of the proposals and decided to discuss them individually. The Board's action on the individual items was also split, and a summary of their comments was sent to the City Manager's office. However, the City Council decided not to consider any fee increases for the next fiscal year, thus not taking up the Board's comments. Library Director Pizzuto further explained that the Library intends to bring these proposed changes forward again with the budget submittal for next fiscal year and therefore is asking for the Board's support to do so. Management Analyst Mast added that implementation of the proposed fee increases had the potential to generate $45,000 in additional revenue. The Trustees chose to follow the same procedure as last year and take each of the four proposed fee increases as separate items. The motion to approve the increase for the DVD/video game fee (Hulsart/Swette) was followed by a considerable amount of discussion, resulting in a vote of 2-1 opposed (Benson in favor). Discussion of the other proposed fees resulted in the three Board members present agreeing to continue the item until the next regular board meeting in hopes that all the Trustees will be present. PROPOSED CHANGES TO LIBRARY RENTAL FACILITIES POLICIES: Library Director Pizzuto explained that in the merging of the previous media services and programs and graphics divisions into the Community Relations Division, the Library took the opportunity to review the policies relating to the rental of the facilities. Currently, outside organizations are restricted from renting the facility more than twice a month, and the proposed change would give the Library Director the discretion to allow more frequent usage. The Division Head, Jessica Padilla Bowen, explained that City and Library programs and events can reserve the facilities as far in advance as desired and as frequently as needed, but outside organizations and individuals are only allowed to book the spaces six to eight months in advance. This arrangement allows for City and Library usage to take precedence over the community use of the space. However, she explained, some organizations need to book space more frequently than twice a month, and as the space is often underutilized, it would be beneficial to both the Library and the community to accommodate them. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of April 21, 2010 Meeting Library Director Pizzuto added that the proposal to allow for more frequent bookings does not change the original policy regarding usage which was approved by the City Council. By proper motion (Swette/Hulsart), the Board unanimously approved the change in the policy to allow for the Library Director's discretion in determining the frequency of bookings by outside organizations and individuals. CREDIT/DEBIT CARD PAYMENTS AT SELF-CHECK: Library Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that the ability to accept credit/debit cards for the payment of fines and fees at the self-check stations has been an ongoing project as staff worked with the vendor to develop a program to accept payment of fees through the RFID system. This will provide the patrons with an alternative to using a manned station to borrow videos and DVDs and to pay fines. Business Systems Specialist Castel explained that two major components in developing the process involved complying with requirements of the credit card industry and developing a transaction reporting tool needed by the City Finance Department. The Library is now prepared to offer the service which will require taking all the self-check stations out of use for two days while software and configuration changes are made. The official launch of the service is planned for Wednesday, April 28th, and will be offered at all three Library locations. Deputy Library Director Curtis then explained to the Board that during the testing period it was discovered that the system would also charge a fee for renewals of DVDs and video games. When the decision to allow on-line renewal of non-fiction DVD's and video games was made, it was not possible to capture the associated fee and the Library has not been collecting it. With the launch of the integrated system to accept the credit/debit card payment, renewing the item will automatically generate the charge and there is no way to suppress the action. Rather than postpone the credit/debit card payment launch or suddenly charge a fee where there was none before, the Library will temporarily require renewal of DVDs or video games to be processed by a Circulation staff member. The staff can renew their items and then cancel the fee. Library Director Pizzuto added that this is a temporary measure to allow the Library time to look at the impact statistics and possibly reconsider the renewal fee, and would will bring their findings and recommendations back to this Board. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto brought the Board up to date on the following: Dove Lane entrvwav improvements - The project is nearly complete and on schedule as the contractor waits for a dry, sunny day to apply the sealant. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of April 21, 2010 Meeting Library Recruitment - The recruitment for the Librarian l/ll position has closed, interviews completed and a selection made. The Library is waiting for the final approval from Human Resources. Library Retirement - Senior Librarian Susan Simpson, the Collection Development and Acquisitions Librarian has announced that she plans to retire September 16th after twenty years in that position. The Library will be analyzing the best manner in which to staff that area of work. Technology update - The Library has purchased a netbook for the Cole Library which will be used in a pilot program to expand the Internet usage there. The netbook will be available for check-out to use in the building and will access the wireless network. Staff is working on developing procedures and security measures. Downloadable audio books - This project is still waiting for the IT Department to complete the authentication process before we can add the link on our website. Shopping Center partnership - The Library is participating with the marketing company in a coupon promotion for businesses in the shopping center adjacent to the Dove Lane location. Electronic bulletin board - The new monitors have been installed at the Dove Lane location to provide Library information in the form of an electronic bulletin board. This method of delivering information has proved very successful at the Cole Library where it was first tested. Twitter - The City is moving towards the use of more social networking and the Library has a team working on our own Twitter site. City Staffing - The Finance Director position is vacant as Lisa Irvine has left the City for a new position; and there is a current recruitment for the position of Assistant City Manager with the first review of applications scheduled for next week. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reporting for the Foundation reminded the Board that the Castles of Carlsbad home tour is scheduled for May 1st and tickets are available at the Library. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart also reporting for the Friends of the Library announced their Better Book Sale is also scheduled for Saturday, May 1st and that both the Friends and the Foundation will be Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of April 21, 2010 Meeting promoting the other's event. The Garden Club will also have plants for sale at the book sale and the drawing for the quilt will take place that day. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Marge Kealey, Society Liaison to the Board, reported that they sold 120 tickets for the Spring Seminar on DNA and made $2,000 on the sales. Also covered in her report was a review of upcoming programs, an announcement that the Saturday genealogy classes resumed on April 10th, and that the Society had recently donated a new bookcase for the genealogy section of the Cole Library. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Benson mentioned an article he read where a Library in Minnesota allowed patrons to volunteer at the Library to work off their fines. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Hulsart/Swette) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:01 p.m. -ACissie Sextc Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports March 2010 Systemwide... 1. New door counters were installed at all library sites during March. Initial analysis and testing shows a significant increase in the number of visitors and accuracy of the count. The first full month of measurement with this new tool will be in April. 2. Local authors John and Jean Silverwood spoke about their book "Black Wave: A Family's Adventure at Sea and the Disaster That Saved Them" on March 13. About 40 people attended this event in the Gowland Meeting Room and many stayed after getting their books signed by the authors. 3. On March 14, approximately 50 people attended the Cole Library Spring Concert featuring blues musician Nathan James. 4. On March 18, the Library hosted author Jan Balakian and seven actors from New Village Arts Theatre for a behind-the-scenes look at the upcoming production of "The Heidi Chronicles." Approximately 4o people attended this event in Schulman Auditorium, which included a talk about the play and playwright, two scenes from the show, and a question- and-answer discussion. 5. In March, the Library continued its partnership with the Carlsbad High School Film Academy and presented two films about the Cold War, The Bedford Incident and Failsafe. The films were attended by a mix of Library patrons and Carlsbad High students. Carlsbad High School teacher Shawn Jones gave a brief pre-show talk about the movie's themes each night. 6. Other March films included recent Oscar nominees Julie & Julia, The Hurt Locker and Fantastic Mr. Fox. The Library had a full house for the March 24 screening of The Hurt Locker, with many attendees coming for the first time and nearly half staying for the post- film discussion. 7. The Carlsbad Playreaders season continued on March 22 with "The Lieutenant of Inishmore," which attracted 180 people. 8. Volunteer Coordinator Amy Bennett had 8 people attend the March orientation. The next orientation is planned for April 24 at the Dove Lane location. CCL, Dove Lane... 9. Children's Librarian Julie Conklin was a guest reader at the Aviara Oaks Elementary School Dr. Seuss program on March 5. 10. Children's staff conducted tours for a Cub Scout Pack on March 12 and a Daisy Scout Troop on March 18. Monthly Library Reports for August 2009 11. The Children's Division celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a special program on March 16. 18 children learned some of the traditions associated with the holiday, listened to a story and made their own leprechauns. 12. Kathy Felker presented her "Once Upon a Shamrock" puppet show to full houses at both the 10:00 and 11:00 performances of Storytime Theater on March 19. 13. The March Science Saturday program took place on March 20, the First Day of Spring. Appropriately enough, the theme was "The Way Things Grow." Thanks to the beautiful weather, over 79 parents and children spent time in the Children's Garden, doing art, making their own seed wheels and learning about how seeds sprout. 14. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted 5 afterschool programs. 53 teens enjoyed the popcorn and games. 15. The Teen Pizza and a Movie event in March featured Monsters vs. Aliens. 17 teens attended. 16. Reference Staff taught three different classes in March. Reference Librarian Darin Williamson taught an Internet Basics class and an E-Mail Basics class. Reference Librarian Heidi Wyner taught a Beginning Word class, and Reference Librarian Dione Sobin taught an Internet Searching Class. 17. Book Clubs in March included the First Wednesday Book Club, led by Heidi Wyner, readine My Life in France by Julia Child, the First Thursday Book Club, led by Dione Sobin, reading The Forever War by Dexter Filkins and the Monday Night Classics Club, led by Leila Dooley, reading The Awakening by Kate Chopin. Georgina Cole... 18. For Dr. Seuss' birthday on March 2, library staff collaborated with students from Carlsbad High School's drama department and presented a readers' theatre performance consisting of four Dr. Seuss stories. Library Technician Dan Wood wrote the scripts and held rehearsal sessions with the students. The program had 64 people in attendance and one of the children proclaimed that this was "the best program ever!" This program was free for the library and provided the drama students with an opportunity to perform in front of an audience. Children's Services is looking forward to future partnerships with CHS. 19. Children's programs in March included a safety program for kids in grades K-2 presented by the Carlsbad Police Department, a program on cohabiting with animals presented by Project Wildlife, and our monthly Culture Craft program which featured stories and a craft from Ireland to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. 20. Carlsbad History Room librarian Amy Davis made a presentation on the Rancho period in Carlsbad to a fourth grade class of 34 students at Carrillo Elementary School. Monthly Library Reports for August 2009 21. Three book club meetings were facilitated by Cole Reference staff. They read The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman, The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan, and The Awakening by Kate Chopin (hosted by Senior Librarian Leila Dooley for the Monday Night Classics Book Club at the Dove Lane Library). 22. Eight computer classes were taught by Cole reference staff at the Library Learning Center including Basic Word, Basic Internet (4 sessions), Internet Tips and Tricks, Email Basics, and our special topic of the month, Vacation Planning. 23. The Beginning Genealogy Class, taught by Margaret Read, met on four Monday evenings, with an average attendance of 15 people per class. The Computer Genealogy Group participated in a presentation by Gila Philibert Ortega on "Facebook" to an audience of 89 people. Colleen Fitzpatrick presented a "Forensic Genealogy Case Study" to a standing- room-only crowd of 98 attendees. 24. The NSDCGS and the Genealogy Division held their annual spring seminar. Bennett Greenspan from Family Tree DNA presented an all-day seminar on "Family Tree DNA and You." 130 people attended the program held at the Senior Center. Learning Center... 25. Despite the rain, the Carlsbad City Library Union-Tribune Race for Literacy Team gathered in Balboa Park on March 7 for the annual 8K run. The Library had the second largest San Diego Council on Literacy Affiliated Program team. In Motion Events, the event producer, donated $500 to Carlsbad Library Literacy Services in recognition of this achievement. 26. Life Technologies, a Carlsbad-based biotech firm, hosted a volunteer fair in which more than 75 employees visited a Library Literacy Services booth. The booth was staffed by AmeriCorps member Shirley Betters and Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott who answered questions on topics such as the Learning Center, Literacy Services, and Summer Reading Program and volunteering at the Library. 27. A three-week PowerPoint workshop (March 11, 18, and 25) was presented by Dove Children's Library Assistant Fred Vrabel to children in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. Eight children attended the class and created a PowerPoint presentation about their lives. Staff and parents were impressed with the enthusiasm and creativity of the children. This is the same program that is regularly offered in the Library on Dove Lane Children's computer lab. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - MARCH 2010 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count Learning Center (began Aug 2008) Reference questions Circulation People count Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Mar-09 16,296 82,328 37,914 9,170 35,733 17,810* 1,052 2,229 5,526 23 566 12 112 94 2,605 15,828 102 3,902 21 1,702.9 Feb-10 13,386 73,563 32,857 9,156 32,199 16,772 1,825 1,367 5,419 41 475 4 55 113 3,455 13,261 87 3,858 15 1,698.85 Mar-10 14,052 82,746 38,606 9,927 36,055 21,355 1,959 1,808 7,253 45 750 12 120 138 4,203 14,986 99 5,144 14 2,056.65 *Door counter not working properly. ITEM # 5 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES FY 2009-10 Fee Description - Welding - Compressed Gases - Dust Production (plus $65 per reinspection) - Combustible Fiber Use and Storage - Aerosol Use/Storage • Flammable Finishes - Haz-Mat Use and Storage - Dry Cleaning - Spray Booth (plus $65 per resinspection) - Motor Vehicle Repair - Medical Gas Dispensing System - Industrial Ovens - Combustible Storage Facility - High-Piled Combustible Storage • Refrigeration Equipment - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Dispensing, Use, Storage, Tanks • Liquefied Petroleum Gas (plus $65 per resinspection) Fire - Initial Occupancy Inspection Fee Fire Inspection -Interim ($65 - each reinspection) Fire Inspection - Other ($65 - each reinspection) Fire - Failed Business lnspection/2nd Reinsp Fire - Hydrant Water Flow Test Fire - Weed Abatement (charge per parcel) :ire- Weed Abatement Compliance Certificate Fire- Special Event - per fire personnel per hour (consistent with City payroll records) .Ibrarv Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Equipment (per item, per day) Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Insurance fee • Per Video Tape/DVD Library Facility Fees (See schedule C) Library Fines (per day per item) Library Fines - Juvenile (per day per item) Library Account Collection Fee Library Fines - Video (per day per item) Library Interiibrary Loan Library Card Replacement Lost/Damaged Videotape/DVD Lost/Damaged beyond repair book/audio item Lost/Damaged Library Materials Library Book Non Pickup Fee (per item) jbrary Facility Rental - see schedule 8 Library History Room Photo Fee (vendor cost of duplicating historical photos) Library Lost Item Processing Fee Police • Dispatch Tape Copy Police - Copy Investigation Tapes (+ cost of duplicating the tape) Police • Emergency Response DUI Traffic Collision (max S1 2.000 per incident) Police - Burglary Alarm Response - Second Occurence (no charge for 1st response if permitted) Police - Burglary Alarm Response - Each Additional Occurence Police - False Robbery - Panic Alarm Response - Second Occurrence (no charge for 1st response) Notes (6) (6) (5) (5) (5) Current Fee S $ $ $ $ $ $ S S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 113 113 174 174 113 113 246 174 113 174 241 169 164 308 174 123 123 310 180 180 65 72 149 110 Actual Cost 5 9_3L£»Jr 3 0.25 0.10 10 1 *~ 2 20% of list price Listprice+S40ifou $ $ $ $ $ S $ of prin Variable up to Us price i n fin Direct Cos 5 50 60 Direct Cos 30 60 100 f fv /. CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES Changed Fee New Fee MEDIA SERVICES FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE DEPOSITS Cleaning/ Damage Deposit - All CATEGORY A B C D E F $200 (Categories B - F) $150 (Categories B - F)Piano Tuning Fee (Optional) FACILITIES LOCATION Schulman Auditorium Gowland Meeting Room CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C (15)20 (N/C) 10 (20) 30 (15)20 (55) 65 (20) 30 (75) 90 (30) 40 (100) 120 (40) 50 B Carlsbad resident not-for-profit (non-paid management); example: Boys and Girls Scouts C Carlsbad resident not-for-profit (paid management); example: Property Management, Home Owners Associations, Boys & Girls Clubs D Non-resident not-for-profit; resident religious & political et al E Residential Commercial, for profit et al F Non-resident Commercial, business, political, non-resident religious, and for profit organizations COPY ITEM # 6 Carlsbad City Library Rental Facility Policies Carlsbad City Library has two spaces available for public rental, the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium and the George and Patricia Gowland Meeting Room. Interested parties are encouraged to check availability, determine rental cost and book a facility online. Booking online is quick and easy. Booking Current policy: Facility reservations will not be approved for any group or individual for use on an ongoing basis. Other than city-sponsored groups, all groups (classifications B through F) are permitted up to two meeting dates per month. This is to ensure that rooms will be available to other community groups. Suggested Change: Facility reservations will not be approved for any group or individual for use on an ongoing basis. Other than city-sponsored groups, all groups (classifications B through F) are permitted up to four meeting dates per month, at the discretion of the Library Director. This is to ensure that rooms will be available to other community groups. Additional adjustments to booking frequency can be made at any time by the authority of the Library Director. Presented to the Library Board of Trustees for approval at their meeting of April 21, 2010