HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-05-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 PLACE OF MEETING: Georgina Cole Library Community Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, and Swette Absent: Library Board Trustee Lignante Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Cheryl Mast, Library Management Analyst Marg Kealey, Liaison from NSDCGS Prior to moving to the formal agenda, the Board was introduced to members of the Library Reference staff who have shifted positions recently. Sr. Librarian Glynn Birdwell transferred to Dove Lane Reference as the Division Head, Librarian Leila Dooley was promoted to Sr. Librarian and replaces Glynn as Cole Reference Division Head, and Librarian Maile McKeon was hired to fill the vacancy in the Dove Lane Division created by Leila's promotion. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Swette/Hulsart) and unanimous vote the minutes of the April 21, 2010 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the report on Library activities that took place during the month of April and requested additional information on the Public Service Announcement which had been nominated for a National Association of Television Arts & Sciences Emmy® award. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of May 19, 2010 Meeting QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT: This agenda item was continued until the meeting next month. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER RECAP: Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen reported that this year's participation exceeded one thousand individuals and she provided the Board with information on the book sales at the author event and comments received from participants. BUDGET UPDATE: The Board received information on the public workshop presentation of the budget and the revised Council date for adoption and Management Analyst Cheryl Mast reviewed the areas where the Library could make further reduction in costs, should that become necessary. PROPOSED LIBRARY FINES AND FEES FOR FY 2010-11 The Board reviewed the proposed fines and fees submitted with the budget and chose to continue their practice of voting on each one separately. On the increased fee for Interlibrary Loans, on a motion (Hulsart/Benson) the vote was unanimous in support of the increase. On the non-pickup fee for items on hold, on a motion (Hulsart/Bradley) the vote was unanimous in support of the increase. On the initiation of a fee for No-show renters (Classification B), on a motion (Benson/Hulsart) the vote was unanimous in support of the fee. On the initiation of a fee for piano tuning (all classifications), on a motion (Benson/Hulsart) the vote was unanimous in support of the fee. On the increased rental fees for both the Gowland Meeting room and the Schulman Auditorium (all classifications), on a motion (Bradley/Swette) the vote was unanimous in support of the increases. The Board requested additional information at a future date on usage of the meeting facility by the various classifications of users. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of May 19, 2010 Meeting PREVIEW OF SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2010: The Board received information from Senior Librarian Marsha Weeks on the theme for this year's program as well as information on programs scheduled for the various age groups. DEMONSTRATIONS: Two members of the Library's New Formats team, Librarians Laura Coleman and Jacqui Petri demonstrated the two newest services added: downloadable audio books from NetLibrary and Mango, on-line language instruction. The demonstration of the new credit/debit card payment at the self-check machines was trailed until the end of the meeting. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library Director Pizzuto briefed the Board on the following items: Dove Lane entrance improvement - The project is nearly complete with the exception of an issue with the lighting. Library Technology - • The netbook for the pilot loan program at Cole has been purchased and is in the process of being configured. • On-line donations - a Library team is exploring options for the Library to accept on-line donations. City Technology - • Deputy Library Director Curtis is the leader of the project to implement a Citizen Response Management System (CRM) which makes it possible for individuals to report issues in the community, similar to the 311 system in use in San Diego. • The Library Director is participating on a City-wide steering committee in the planning and implementation of a human resources system which will manage hiring and recruiting information, training and development, as well as payroll processing and budget control of the full time equivalent staffing. Both systems will have major impacts on the Library. Learning - A variety of staff participated in two recent webinars, Collaborating Across Organizational Boundaries and Libraries as a Catalyst for Economic Growth & Community Development: a Mayor's Summit on Public Libraries. These are among the benefits provided through the Library's membership in the Urban Libraries Council. Handouts from these webinars were available to anyone interested. Twitter - The Library launched its Twitter account under the handle of @carlsbadlibrary. City's General Plan - The General Plan update is in process. The Library Board will be asked for feedback and a presentation on the revised plan is scheduled for a future Board agenda. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of May 19, 2010 Meeting _ FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart, representing this board on the Foundation Board, presented a preliminary report on the Castles of Carlsbad tour, but final accounting of profit was not yet available. The Foundation is planning its second Mini-golf event at the Library in the fall. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart also reporting for the Friends of the Library announced that at their Better Book Sale they made $1700. A Silent Auction is scheduled for July. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Kealey reported the latest membership totals and highlights of recent programs. She also reviewed the schedule of upcoming programs. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Sweete announced that he has served the maximum term as a Trustee but does not plan to submit his resignation and will continue on the Board until the Mayor and Council appoint his replacement. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Benson/Sweete) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:48 p.m. Due to the length of the formal meeting, the demonstration of the use of credit/debit cards at the self-check machine, trailed from agenda item 10, was continued until the next regular meeting. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for April 2010 Systemwide ... 1. The Volunteer Appreciation Event held on April 15 at the Senior Center went well with about 70 people attending. Volunteer Coordinator Amy Bennett organized and spoke at the event. Council members also gave their brief comments and great thanks to the volunteers. 2. The new fine/fee payment feature at the self check units went live on the April 29. The Library has several volunteers and staff assisting patrons with the new self-check screens. Library users are getting accustomed to idea of using the units for all their check out transactions. 3. Carlsbad Reads Together events kicked off on April 7 with a special presentation from the Library's History Room about the travels of early Carlsbad residents. It was followed by a special screening of the PBS documentary "Horatio's Drive," about the first person to drive across America. Approximately 80 people attended. 4. Other Carlsbad Reads Together events included book discussions; a John Steinbeck film series, with lively discussion after each movie; a travel writing workshop, attended by 25 people; and a play reading of "Grapes of Wrath," attended by 200 people. 5. A highlight of Carlsbad Reads Together was the Steinbeck Celebration on April 24. Approximately 90 people attended the 11 a.m. talk by Steinbeck scholar Dr. Susan Shillinglaw and 200 people attended the 2 p.m. event featuring Thomas Steinbeck. 6. The April 11 Schulman Auditorium concert produced by the Museum of Making Music featured acclaimed Blues musician Scott Ainslie. Approximately 100 people attended. 7. A National Poetry Month celebration was held on Sunday, April 25 at Cole Library and featured a reading by four local poets. Approximately 25 people attended. 8. A new library service, downloadable audiobooks, is now available for Carlsbad library patrons. Patrons can link to the NetLibrary website through the Carlsbad library webpage 24 hours a day and download audiobooks to their computers and personal listening devices. 9. April was the first full month of using the library's new door count equipment. April visitor door counts at Cole (where the most problematic counters had been located) almost doubled from 2009. Monthly Library Reports for April 2010 CCL, Dove Lane... 10. The Children's Division Book Swap in celebration of National Library Week was very successful, as was the Bingo for Books which took place on April 27 during TV Turnoff Week. 34 children and parents enjoyed the fun-filled event with children playing bingo for the chance to win a book of their own. Bingo was played until every child had won a book. 11. April's Science Saturday program was "All that Glitters" and 59 children and parents enjoyed learning about rocks and minerals. All children in attendance got to take home their own crystals. 12. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted two Games & Refreshments programs. 23 teens enjoyed the food and sharing. 13. On April 8 the Teen Pizza and a Movie program featured Over the Hedge.17 teens enjoyed the show along with pizza and drinks. 14. April 29 was the kick off program for the Rock the Library Concert Series. Make It Last Kid, an intricate alternative rock/puck infused trio that is the 2010 Carlsbad Battle of the Bands winner, drew an enthusiastic audience of 120 in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. 15. Cole Children's library technician Maile McKeon was hired as the new Reference Librarian in charge of Periodicals in the Dove Reference division. Maile will begin her full-time position on Monday, May 17. Georgina Cole... 16. The Cole Children's Division planned several programs and a display that tied-in with Carlsbad Reads Together's Travels with Charley discussions and programs. Books featuring dogs and travel were put on display. Presenters from Helen Woodward Animal Center instructed children on how to properly greet dogs and care for pets. April's StoryCraft featured a dog theme. A screening of the film Homeward Bound: the Incredible Journey wrapped up the Travels with Charley—inspired programs. 17. Other children's programs included the San Diego Air & Space Museum presenting a program on kites. Children were able to make kites from recycled products such as plastic grocery bags. CultureCraft featured stories and a craft from Germany. 18. The History Room received a donation of 50th reunion memorabilia from Carlsbad High School's Class of 1960. The History Room also received materials donated from the Library's Media Services area which included a collection of artwork, scrapbooks, and other items from past Summer Reading Programs including pieces of original artwork by former library employee and artist Janell Cannon. Monthly Library Reports for April 2010 19. The Genealogy Division received new shelving donated by North San Diego County Genealogical Society. The genealogy staff is in the process of shifting the whole collection. 20. Genealogy Division and NSDCGS programs in April included a Beginning Genealogy class on Saturday, April 10, with 23 students, a PowerPoint use demonstration presented to the Computer Genealogy Group by Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol, and "Diseases of Our Ancestors" presented by Dr. Steven Baird with a standing room only crowd of 109 people. Learning Center... 21. The Learning Center celebrated the Day of the Child/Day of the Book on April 29 with "Papel Picado" paper banners, a decoration used in Latin America and Mexico for many occasions. The children also received a free book donated by the Kiwanis Club. The event was well attended by children of all ages and adults. 22. Two programs were offered to both literacy tutors and learners in April. Community Outreach Coordinator Carrie Scott repeated her presentation on "Finding a Book You'll Love in the Collection" and Library Tech Dennis Osgood presented a workshop on managing debit and credit cards. 23. Three long-time Homework Zone volunteer tutors resigned allowing the Learning Center to welcome three new volunteers Mai Than, Lorraine Alexander, and Kristin Bryce. They will be assisting children with reading and math homework until the end of the school year. 24. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended the monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.) at the Harding Community Center on April 21. Corporal Rick Loefffer, School Resources Officer, Carlsbad Police Department, gave a presentation to the group about their partnership with the Carlsbad Unified School District and how they interact with the parents to help their children succeed in school. Lizeth shared information about services at the Learning Center and invited the agencies to refer families to the Carlsbad libraries for homework assistance. 25. The National Association of Television Arts and Sciences (San Diego, Pacific Southwest Chapter) nominated a Time-Warner Cable-produced PSA for an Emmy® under the category of Best Public Service Announcement. The PSA, developed to promote the San Diego Council on Literacy, featured learners and tutors from the Council's affiliated programs (including Carlsbad's) and was filmed at the site of the former Adult Learning Program. Award winners will be announced on June 26. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - APRIL 2010 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count Learning Center (began Aug 2008) Reference questions Circulation People count Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Apr-09 15,604 80,538 35,272 8,678 33,304 17,527* 946 1,547 4,530 37 505 11 117 114 3,765 13,786 96 3,897 18 1,593.7 Mar-10 14,052 82,746 38,606 9,927 36,055 21,355 1,959 1,808 7,253 45 750 12 120 138 4,203 14,986 99 5,144 14 2,056.65 Apr-10 15,094 78,152 40,496 9,696 34,892 30,281 1,530 1,878 6,701 31 521 4 37 77 2,069 13,374 90 3,681 25 1,766.45 *Door counter not working properly. ITEM # 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES FY 2009-10 [Fee Description • Welding • Compressed Gases • Dust Production (plus $65 per reinspection) • Combustible Fiber u«8 and Storage • Aerosol Use/Storage • Flammable Finishes • Haz-Mat Use and Storage • Dry Cleaning • Spray Booth (plus $65 per resinspection) • Motor Vehicle Repair • Medical Gas Dispensing System • Industrial Ovens • Combustible Storage Facility • High-Piled Combustible Storage • Refrigeration Equipment Flammable and Combustible Liquids Dispensing, Use, Storage Tanks Liquefied Petroteum Qas (p,us $65 per resinspection) ""' *"*• fire - Initial Occupancy Inspection Fee Fire Inspection -Interim ($65 - each reinspection) F.re Inspection - Other ($65 - each reinspection) Fire - Failed Business Inspectten/Znd Reinsp Fire • Hydrant Water Flow Test Fire - Weed Abatement (charge per parcel) Fire- Weed Abatement Compliance Certificate Fire- Special Event - per firs personnel per houi Library Borrowing - Audio Visual Equipment (per item, per day) Library Borrowins - Audio Visual durance fee - Per Video Tape/DVD Library Facility Fees (See schedule C) ape'uvu Library Fines (per day per item) Library Fines - Juvenile (per day per item) Library Account Collection Fee [Library Fines - Video (per day per item) IfcrarytntertibraryLoan Library Card Replacement [Lost/Damaged Videotape/DVD Lost/Damaged Library Materials C - Library B^k Non Plcfcup Fee (pef ^ Library Facility Rental - see schedule B Efijicg Police • Dispatch Tape Copy Police - Copy Investigation Tapes (+ cos, of dupiicating the tape, .P« - False R°b^J^an^^ 1 Note Current s Fee I S 11 $ 11 $ 17 $ 17 $ 11 $ 11 S 24 $ \7i S 11; S 174 | $ 241 (6) I 1 1 (6) ( $ $ $ 5) $ 5) $ $ 169 $ 164 $ 308 S 174 $ 123 $ 123 $ 310 $ 180 4 180 $ 65 S 72 S 149 $ 110 Actual Cost $ 5 S — i r.j-r»-ii i_ Q 7C-1 $ 0.25 $ 0.10 $ 10 5 1 J -L $ 2 20% of list price -ist price+S40 If out of print Variable up to list price U.&U" / Direct Cost 5 50 60 Direct Cost 30 80 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 1 i Propose increase A oo JC"*t>.*>° ' f\f^» oo — . i <5) L$ 100 1 the video insurance (A, was dafe d b a u of//! continued until the May meeting decided to ne motion to approved the fee increase for present. The remaining two (B &C) were CITY OF CARLSBAD FEE SCHEDULE GENERAL CITY FEES AND CHARGES Changed Fee NcwFee MEDIA SERVICES FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE DEPOSITS B CATEGORY C D Cleaning/ Damage Deposit - All $200 (Categories B - F) No Show ¥$&%% Reuters Piano Tuning Fee (Optional) $25. $150 FACILITIES LOCATION Schulman Auditorium Gowland Meeting Room CATEGORY A B C D E F N/C N/C (15)20 (N/C) 10 (20) 30 (15)20 (55) 65 (20) 30 (75) 90 (30) 40 (100) 120 (40) 50 B Carlsbad resident not-for-profit (non-paid management); example: Boys and Girls Scouts C Carlsbad resident not-for-profit (paid management); example: Property Management, Home Owners Associations, Boys & Girls Clubs D Non-resident not-for-profit; resident religious & political et al E Residential Commercial, for profit et al F Non-resident Commercial, business, political, non-resident religious, and for profit organizations ITEM # 6 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Community Services Program Review Worksheet Program Title: Carlsbad Reads Together 2010 featuring John Steinbeck's Travels With Charley: In Search of America Dates of programs: • Book discussions: April 1, 6, 7, 8, 13 and 26 H«rnmpntarv . History Room presentation on travels of early Carlsbad residents, followed by PBS documentary Horatio's Drive about first person to drive cross-country • Travel writing workshop: April 17 «.-ii-n«ia«, and ? o m. Steinbeck Celebration: 11 a.m. presentation by Steinbeck scholar Susan Sh.llmglaw and 2 p.m. interview of Thomas Steinbeck on April 24 . Steinbeck film series (movies based on Steinbeck books): April 14, 21 and 28 • Carlsbad Playreaders Grapes of Wrath play reading: April 26 • Family film Homeward Bound: April 28 Discussions at the events were lively and several patrons reporting sharing the book with fam.ly members and friends. Measurable outcomes: . Nearly 1,000 people attended the April 2010 Carlsbad Reads Together events. . Between October 2009, when the Carlsbad Reads Together selection --"^^'^ " 2010, Travels With Charley books were checked out nearly 400 times, with the aud.obooks . Moig *e cSad History Room Apri, 7 talk, several patrons in attendance made follow-up visits to learn more about the History Room. . Thus far, we have received 36 evaluation forms from participants, with mostly pos.t.ve strong for the author ta.k, with the Friends of the Library receiving more than $300 donated from a portion of book sales. were ad Reads Together committee of 10 staff members and three Friends of the Library ives met every other month to choose the book and plan events. ces staff provided technical support for the author talk and movies. They also filmed the Auditorium talk for archival use. • Graphics staff worked on marketing materials for the program. Reference staff wrote content for the resource guide. • Jessica wrote and sent out press releases for the program and coordinated overall publicity. • Friends of the Library members staffed the book sale table and Mysterious Galaxy bookstore, an independent bookstore in San Diego, provided the books. Marketing efforts: • Ad in winter Carlsbad Community Services Guide • Resource guides distributed at the Library locations • Bi-monthly calendar of events distributed • Film posters, author event posters/fliers at Library and posted at bookstores locally • Website included program info, event info, author info and resource guide • Four ads in North County Times the first week of April • Press releases distributed to local media outlets • Proclamation at April 6 City Council meeting Suggestions for change: • Continue photo exhibit opportunity to further involve community members. • Provide stanchions to guide the line for the author events. • Continue to work on having more students participate. Opportunities for future collaboration: • Keep Cal State San Marcos and other local colleges in mind as possible partners. Other comments: Carlsbad Reads Together committee has a list of possible book ideas for 2011 and will be reviewing them over the summer, with a goal to announce a selection by October 2010. Program review submitted by: Jessica Padilla Bowen Date: May 11, 2010