HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-07-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, Lignante and Swette Absent: None Staff Present: Heath'er Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Benson/Lignante) and vote the minutes of the June 16, 2010 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board had some questions about the leaner laptop program at the Cole library and how it would be evaluated. They also discussed the computer training offered at the Learning Center and the favorable response. These classes which were previously taught at the Cole Library are in addition to the classes routinely taught in Spanish at the Learning Center. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto provided an update on participation in the Summer Reading Program announcing that nearly 5,000 individuals had signed up by the fourth week. A full report will be provided at the next Library Board meeting when the 2010 program will have ended. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of July 21, 2010 Meeting ADDITION TO COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that the Library has made an addition to the Collection Development Statement to expand the section on alternative formats. The expansion relates to web based resources. In the past the Library followed the City's linking policy as to what was allowed on the website but the Library identified a need for a broader selection than the City's policy based on its role as an information provider. The new policy will allow the Library to deliver information on the website consistent with how materials are selected for the print collection, with an emphasis on websites that will complement the library's print collection. The revised policy was reviewed by the City's Communications Office and the City Attorney. The Board was unanimously supportive of the action and by proper motion (Bradley/Lignante) approved (5-0) the expanded addition to the Collection Development Statement. LIBRARY MEETING FACILITIES POLICY: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto announced that the Library recently received a letter from the Alliance Defense Fund challenging the current meeting facility fees as discriminating against religious organizations. The letter was forwarded to the City Attorney's office for response, but on initial review of the Library's practice it was evident that the Library is not discriminatory. The City Attorney has responded to the letter and has recommended that the Library review the current fee schedule language to provide more clarity. The Library has contracted with Mary Minow, librarian and attorney, to review the current policy as well as the Library's policy on distribution and display of materials. Both of these policies were written over ten years ago and may benefit from updating. Any suggested changes will be brought back to this Board for approval. NON-FICTION DVDs AND VIDEO GAMES: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that several months ago that in implementing the debit/credit payment at the self-check, we discovered that renewals of non-fiction DVDs and video games would trigger a renewal fee, which was not the current practice. Temporary measures were put into place to restrict use of the self-check machine or online to renew items in those two categories in order to prevent a renewal fee from posting. Since that time the Library staff has been looking at alternatives and has recommended that instead of allowing for these items to be renewed, we extended the loan period for nonfiction DVDs and video games to 3 weeks. Currently none of the entertainment DVDs can be renewed and some containing multiple discs have a 3 week loan period. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of July 21, 2010 Meeting After some discussion the Board unanimously (Hulsart/Bradley) (5-0) approved the staff recommendation to change the loan period for the non-fiction DVDs and video games to 3 weeks and to remove the option to renew the items. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR FOR FY2010-11: By proper motion and vote, the Board selected Trustee Bradley (Lignante/Benson) and Trustee Benson (Bradley/Hulsart) to serve additional terms as the Chair and Vice-Chair respectively. OTHER BOARD APPOINTMENTS Trustee Lignante agreed to serve another term as the Board's representative to the Gallery Committee and Trustee Hulsart agreed to continue to serve as liaison to the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation board. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto advised the Board that John Coates, Parks and Recreation Department Director, had been announced as the new Assistant City Manager. Other City news included the decision made by the City Council not to appoint an interim City Treasurer to serve out Mac McSherry's term but to allow the Assistant City Treasurer to serve until the general election in November of this year. In updating the Board on the Library's Strategic Staffing plan she announced the reclassification of the Library's Business Systems Specialist, Devin Castel, to the Senior level and the creation of a new position for Community Coordinator Jessica Padilla Bowen, that of Community Relations Manager, as she supervises the Library's Community Relations Division. In addition, the Library received permission to recruit for the vacant full time management analyst position and to fill a newly approved full time position in the Community Relations Division. Other staffing news included the approval to hire a provisional or temporary librarian to fill the vacancy created by Susan Simpson's retirement and an interim replacement to fill the vacant management analyst position until the full time recruitment and interview process was concluded. Also included in her report: • The new fines approved in the FY2010-11 budget by the City Council at their meeting on June 28, will go into effect on August 2nd. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of July 21, 2010 Meeting • The Library is partnering with the neighboring shopping center in presenting a movie night, outside in the courtyard of the Dove Lane Library location, on July 31st. The management company for the shopping center has provided $1,000 towards the cost of the event. • The State of the City video will be shown in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium on August 30th for anyone interested. There is no fee to attend the showing. • The date announced for Mayor Lewis' retirement event is November 17th, the same date as this Board's regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The Board will need to make a decision about postponing or canceling their meeting scheduled for that date to avoid any conflicts. • The Library & Cultural Arts Director will be on vacation the week of August 2-6, and Deputy Library Director Dave Curtis will be the acting director during her absence. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that at the Foundation's last meeting there was much discussion about the Castles of Carlsbad event, possible restructuring the event or discontinuing the tours but no decision was made. Also on the agenda was the discussion of the mini-golf event to be held on November 14th at the Dove Lane location. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart also representing the Friends of the Library, reported that the silent auction proceeds were disappointing this year although the event was well attended. At the annual meeting last month they had a special tribute for long-time Friend of the Library Maureen Tracy. In conclusion, the coupons redeemable for a free book, given as incentives to children participating in the Summer Reading Program, seem to be well received. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Marg Kealey provided an overview of the programs held in June and previewed the ones coming up in July. She also reminded the Board that they are invited to the annual ethnic pot luck luncheon scheduled for August 18th. The Monday class for children has been well attended and there are plans to schedule one on Saturday mornings in the fall. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of July 21, 2010 Meeting _ LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS; Trustee Lignante expressed his concerns about the Gallery committee and exhibits in the Gallery and the possibility of this Board's involvement. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that the Gallery Committee falls under the direction of the Arts Commission, not the Library Board, and offered to have the Gallery Curator and/or the Arts Office Manager attend a future Library Board meeting to present an overview of the process for selecting exhibits for the Gallery. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Lignante) and vote (5-0) the meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JUNE 2010 Systemwide... 1. June 21 marked the beginning of the annual seven-week Summer Reading Program. The program provides for summer reading encouragement and fun for readers of all ages: babies, children, teens, and adults. Participants may report on their reading all hours the library is open at all three library locations. Registrations during June (the first ten days of the program) were up from the same period last year—totals will be prepared at the end of the program in August. 2. Themes for this year's summer fun revolve around water: • Babies Splish—Splash Read! • Children Make a Splash: Read • Teens Make Waves@Your Library • Adults MyTreasures 3. John Abrams kicked off the Summer Reading Program on June 22 with his Animal Magic show presented to overflow audiences at each of the three library sites. On Saturday, June 26, Cole Library hosted a screening of "Pirates of Penzance" to kick off the adult Summer Reading Program. 4. June films at the Schulman Auditorium featured the "Page to Screen" theme. Approximately 400 people attended the three films for the month: Sherlock Holmes, Where the Wild Things Are and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. 5. The Carlsbad Playreaders' performance of "Macbeth" hosted approximately 140 people on June 28. About 30 of those in attendance were students from MiraCosta College. 6. In June, the Library's e-newsletter subscription list grew to approximately 1,600 people and Twitter followers to about 50. 7. Library staff at all three libraries and the Arts Office presented a tour for new members of the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation. CCL, Dove Lane... 8. The First Wednesday Book Club read "The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. 9. The First Thursday Book Club read "The Gathering" by Anne Enright. 10. The Monday Night Classics group read "Three Men in a Boat" by Jerome K. Jerome. 11. A second self check station was installed in the Children's area, just in time for the Summer Reading Program. Patrons are grateful for the additional self-check convenience. Monthly Library Reports for June 2010 12. The first Summer Science Saturday program in Children's had 95 attendees who learned about "Water, Water, Everywhere." 13. Computer Classes (Word, Browser Essentials, Internet Searching, Email Basics, and Internet Basics) were provided to 18 eager computer users. 14. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson provided three Games and Refreshments programs in June with 23 teens attending. 15. The movie "Serenity" was featured on Pizza and a Movie Night. 21 teens enjoyed the show. Georgina Cole... 16. A pilot program designed to test the feasibility of loaning Netbook computers for use in the Library was launched on June 29. Data will be collected throughout the summer to determine if patrons will be willing to use the smaller computers and if the program will be a way to help alleviate the long wait times to use the Cole Library adult computer lab. 17. History Room Librarian Amy Davis responded to a request from the Mayor's office for information about Bud Lewis' tenure as mayor. The information request was made in anticipation of the mayor's retirement. Amy provided the office with a timeline of events from 1970 to the present. 18. Cole Library Book Clubs in June hosted discussions of Gabriel Garcia Marquez' novel Love in the Time of Cholera and The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa. 19. Genealogy Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol led the two "Focus On" sessions this month. The topic was the subscription database, New England Ancestors. A total of 20 people attended the two sessions. 20. Kelly Bartels, from the National Archives and Records Administration, Southern California Facility (in Perris, CA) was the speaker at the Genealogy Computer Group. He talked about little known or little used federal records and their uses in genealogy research. 102 people attended. 21. Volunteers Margaret Read and Marianne Meth taught the Beginning Genealogy Class on three consecutive Wednesday evenings. Approximately 20 people attended each of the classes. Learning Center... 22. On June 24, the Learning Center hosted a summer concert with Latin jazz violinist Diego Mondragon, a keyboardist and percussionist. Approximately 45 adults and children enjoyed the evening of music. Monthly Library Reports for June 2010 23. Several computer classes were taught at the Library Learning Center by Cole Reference Staff during June: Basic Word, Word Beyond the Basics, Basic Internet, and Internet Tips & Tricks. 24. Library Assistant Fred Vrabel (from Dove Children's) taught a second three-week session of PowerPoint instruction to children in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. Eight children filled the computer instruction room and learned how to create a PowerPoint presentation. Each child presented their slide show, which highlighted their family and favorite books and activities to the group. 25. The Literacy book club discussed "The Children of Willesden Lane." Next month's selection is "Island of the Blue Dolphins." 26. The Carlsbad High School partnership completed another year at the Learning Center. Four high school program participants graduated this year. CHS Special Education teacher Judy Gaitan praised the tutors, facility, and staff as "phenomenal." 27. Literacy Services hosted its 26th annual Tutor/Learner Celebration. Over 125 program participants, guests, and dignitaries enjoyed the buffet luncheon from Daphne's. Following the lunch, attendees heard success stories from learners and tutors in the program. 28. Twelve learners graduated from the third Adult Learner Leadership Institute (ALLI) on Saturday, June 19. Over 40 friends, family members, and staff from the participating library literacy programs attended the event. 29. Eleven tutors and three staff members attended the 20th annual Tutor Conference hosted by READ/San Diego. 30. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson met with Alejandra Estrada from the San Diego County Office of Education - Migrant Education and provided Library Learning Center services brochures and Summer Reading Program children's calendars. The information will be distributed to families with children enrolled in the Carlsbad Unified School District Migrant Program. 31. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott (along with literacy providers from other agencies) presented at a regional Educator's Resource Fair at Balboa Elementary in San Diego. 32. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott and Library Technician Sandra Riggins represented the library at the North County Youth One-Stop Resource and Career Fair presented by the San Diego County Office of Education and the Juvenile Court and Community Schools. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS JUNE 2010 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count Learning Center Reference questions Circulation People count Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours Jun-09 15,429 84,715 38,381 10,438 36,173 *21,808 942 1,519 4,239 34 585 6 53 38 1,352 14,028 74 4,616 10 2,230.3 May-10 14,076 75,659 35,587 8,570 33,216 28,261 1,699 1,389 5,651 39 504 13 261 127 4,066 13,122 86 3,966 20 1,845.7 Jun-10 . 14,741 82,357 41,333 9,956 36,871 31,293 2,188 1,922 5,904 34 703 6 64 63 2,205 13,014 91 4,206 27 2,931.45 *New door counters installed in late March of 2010. ITEM # 5 Excerpt from the current Collection Development Policy as posted on the web page. (http://www.car1sbadca.gov/services/departments/library/Documents/About%20Us/CollectionDe velopmentPolicy.pdf) Alternative Formats The library will collect materials in alternative formats, including audio tapes, CDs, MPSCDs, DVDs, CDROMs, electronic formats and others. All of these formats enhance, enrich and complement the print materials. Audio tapes and CDs include a wide range of music and spoken word materials. DVDs focus on educational and documentary content, but also cover literature on film, award- winning movies and popular entertainment. Circulating CDROMs focus on educational topics. Reference electronic resources include directories, indexes, full-text databases of magazines and newspapers, encyclopedias, medical information, state and country information, and related materials. These are available at computer workstations in the library, and most are available remotely via the library's website. Not all materials and information found via the Internet are part of the Library's collection. Only web-based resources accessed over the Internet that are specifically selected using the criteria outlined in this policy are part of the collection. Sites selected from the Internet and linked from the library's website are subject to the same selection criteria as other materials and are also subject to the policies and procedures of the City Information Technology department. Internet access is available at computer workstations throughout the library. Separate policies address Internet access for adults and children. F:\LIBRARY BOARD\Agenda -LB\Excerpt from the current Collection Development Policy- bkground 2010 JOL mtg.docx Carlsbad City Library COLLECTION SCOPE STATEMENT Subject: World Wide Web (WWW) links collection Dewey numbers considered: not tied to Dewey classification Anticipated user group(s): adults and children seeking information Format of present collection: public websites available via any Internet-connected computer Narrative description of present collection: The City of Carlsbad's libraries (CCL) in furtherance of its Collection Development Policy (CDP) will provide links from its website to other non-CCL websites to support the library's goal of providing a wide range of information to the public. The WWW links are selected to enrich, broaden, and complement the print, audiovisual and online library materials. Staff librarians will recommend websites, consistent with the CDP, to the library Web Team for their informational and/or educational value. Government, non- profit, and commercial websites free from excessive marketing may be included. When commercial sites are listed, it is not for the purpose of promoting or endorsing those businesses or products, but rather because they offer useful information. Since non-CCL website content may change or disappear entirely without notice, the City of Carlsbad's libraries are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any material found on any of these non-CCL websites. Library staff will use its best efforts to keep links current, but will encourage website visitors to inform the city webmaster or Library staff if they find a link that no longer functions or that is inconsistent with the above stated criteria. CCL Web Team members may remove links, without notice, consistent with this policy and the CDP. Narrative description of optimum collection for this subject: The collection will include a range of topics that address the information needs of patrons of all ages in the most user-friendly and authoritative manner. Useful, accurate and informative websites for both children and adults, and sites in English and Spanish may be included. Other community resources in this subject area: Many libraries, universities and similar organizations offer a list of selected links on their websites to guide people's online research. Four year plan to develop the collection: Sources for appropriate web resources include reference selectors, standard library professional publications, and professional review sites on the web. Website selection is based on authority, currency, content, design, and usefulness to library patrons and/or library staff. To be selected, websites must meet the following criteria: • The site should contain information of use to library patrons and/or staff. • Sites should provide content at no charge. • Sites should originate from the creating or responsible institution, not a third party. • The person or organization responsible for the site should be clearly identified and should be a reliable, unbiased source; and contact information should be provided. • Material should be up-to-date. • The site should be well organized and easy to use. • Advertising should not be inappropriate or intrusive. • The site does not promote or exhibit hate, bias, discrimination, pornography, nudity as defined by the Carlsbad Municipal Code § 11.28.020, alcohol, firearms, tobacco, or libelous or otherwise defamatory content • The site does not promote a specific religious, political or social agenda. Sites will be examined and reevaluated regularly for the quality and validity of information, access, design, and currency of content. The subject selectors will evaluate whether a website is needed, or if there is a better alternative. When a website no longer satisfies the criteria, it will be removed immediately. 2009/10: Create and organize a links collection for adults to complement our current subscription databases. 2010/11: Create and organize a links collection for children and Spanish-speakers to complement our current subscription databases. 2011/12: Re-evaluate all existing links and make changes if recommended. If desired, expand the topics beyond those covered by our subscription databases. 2012/13: Re-evaluate all existing links and make changes if recommended. If desired, expand the topics covered. 7/10 Current Loan Periods for Library Materials Lending policies Other fees Other resources Other Library material Resource Type Loan Renew? Fees Period Books 3 weeks yes no Audiobooks 3 weeks yes Overdue Fines Adult collection: 25? per day per item Children's collection: 10s per day per item Adult collection: 25? per day per item Children's collection: 100 per day per Kern Downloadable audiobooks Compact discs DVDs: entertainment DVDs: documentary and instructional CD-ROMS DVD sets (4 or more in one case) Video games Overhead projectors, slide projectors and screens 3 weeks 3 weeks 7 days 7 days 3 weeks 3 weeks 7 days 1day yes, at no NetU'brarv yes no no 75c insurance fee yes 756 insurance fee yes no no 75f! insurance fee yes 75e insurance fee yes $5 None: file expires Adult collection: 25? per day per item Children's collection: 10s per day per item $1 per day per item S1 per day per item ^•4 — S1 per day per item $1 per day per item S1 per day per item •^ $5 per day per item Proposed Changes: Resource Type DVDs: Documentary and instructional Loan Period weeks Renew? No Fees $1.00* Overdue Fines $1 per day per item Video Games weeks No $1.00* $1 per day per item Renevv by phone at 76G-6Q3-9563 in person or via the online catalog Videos must be returned to a Carlsbad City Library location *$1.00 fee increase already approved by the City Council in Budget for FY2010/11 in June. To become effective August 2, 2010. F:\Policies & Procedures\POLICY & PROCEDURES MANUAL - F-ALL\Loan Period change - DVDs and video games.docx