HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved zoio ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 PLACE OF MEETING: Georgina Cole Library Community Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, and Lignante Absent: Trustee Swette Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Library Community Coordinator Devin Castel, Library Business Systems Specialist Marsha Weeks, Sr. Librarian Peter Gordon, Cultural Arts Manager Karen McGuire, Gallery Curator APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Benson/Hulsart) and vote the minutes of the July 21, 2010 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported that as of 1 July, the beginning of the new fiscal year, the Library has added to the monthly report the statistics on web users, computer users, database usage, and downloadable audiobooks. Trustee Hulsart asked if the problems with wireless connectivity at the Cole Library had been resolved and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that there are still some issues being worked through. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of September 15, 2010 Meeting Trustee Benson asked for additional information on the number of families that had been involved in the meetings held at the Learning Center with personnel from the San Diego County Office of Education's Migrant Program. Principal Librarian Ahrens responded that there were between 20 and 30 families who attended the meetings at the Learning Center in July and in August. Community Outreach Supervisor Simonson provided information on the variety of services offered at the Learning Center to several families who are enrolled in the Carlsbad School District Migrant Education Program at Jefferson Elementary. SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2010: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto referenced the statistics provided to the Board previously adding that Sr. Librarian Marsha Weeks, Children's Librarian at the Cole Library, was on hand to answer any questions. Trustee Benson asked for some general thoughts about the program this year. Sr. Librarian Weeks responded that the program seems to draw additional participants each year and that this year the Library increased the number volunteers and hours available for reporting. A cost saving measure this year was to offer vouchers for children's books from the Friends of the Library instead of purchasing gift certificates for local commercial bookstores. The vouchers were a big hit with the children and parents. Trustee Hulsart commented that she volunteers in the Friends of the Library Book Store at the Dove Lane location and that an added benefit of the vouchers for the children's books was getting some parents into the store for the first time. MYSTERY SHOPPER REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto asked the Board if they had any questions about the report provided in their packet. The Board expressed interest in the issues with staff badges not always being visible at a service desk and the criticism of the institutional feel of the Learning Center. Deputy Library Director Curtis explained that staff has been directed to be aware of positioning of the badge, especially when sitting at a desk. Principal Librarian Ahrens reported that the Learning Center lobby area design is in its final stages of completion, making the entry way much more welcoming. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of September 15, 2010 Meeting STRATEGIC INITIATIVES 09-10: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto referenced the summary report prepared by Community Relations Manager Jessica Padilla Bowen on two initiatives completed last fiscal year, and invited questions from the Board. Trustee Benson asked how the Library was evaluating the effectiveness of its marketing efforts and Community Relations Manager Padilla Bowen responded that it does present a challenge. The Library collects the number of users on the Library webpage as well Twitter and the e-- newsletter. QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Library Sr. Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel walked the Board through the April - June report with primary focus on the decrease in computer use, explaining that there were several factors that could explain the decrease; spring break and the end of the school year were chief among them. He will monitor the next quarter's activity levels to see if a trend is developing. CANNON GALLERY EXHIBITIONS: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced Cultural Arts Manager Peter Gordon, Gallery Curator Karen McGuire and Arts Commission Chair Heath Fox who were present to answer any questions from the Board about the Cannon Art Gallery exhibition selection process. Trustee Bradley asked how the Gallery Vision Statement translated into the actual selection process and Gallery Curator McGuire responded in detail on the process of searching and selecting exhibitions and the function of the Gallery Committee as advisory. Both Gallery Curator McGuire as well as Cultural Arts Manager Gordon answered questions from the Board regarding the variety of the exhibitions and the selection criteria. Trustee Hulsart asked about the 3-Part Art classes and school tours and Gallery Curator McGuire responded that the opportunity for the classes and tours is open first to those school districts serving Carlsbad children, and then to others if space allows. She added that the Family Open Studios are open to everyone. Trustee Hulsart also asked above the composition of the Gallery Committee and Curator McGuire explained that the Committee is an advisory committee of up to fifteen members and includes arts professionals, community members who are interested in art, and currently three members from the City Council appointed Arts Commission. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of September 15, 2010 Meeting STATE LIBRARY REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that this report is filed with the State Library each year and Management Analyst Steve Didier was on hand to respond to any questions. After some discussion and by proper motion (Benson/Hulsart) the Board accepted the report and approved the submission to the State Library. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto updated the Board on the following issues: • The November Board of Trustees meeting is being rescheduled to November 3, and will be held at the Library Learning Center on Eureka Place. Notices will be posted at the Library, Council Chambers and on the website. • The Community and Economic Development Department is working on the revised general plan and will be providing more information to this Board at a future meeting. • Library staffing changes include the retirement of Sr. Librarian Susan Simpson and the promotion of Librarian Jacqui Petri to Sr. Librarian to fill that vacancy. Kelly Gilfillen was hired as the Library's new Graphics and Media Supervisor in the Community Relations Division. The oral board for the Management Analyst position is scheduled for next week to be followed by departmental interviews. • All Library locations will be closed the morning of October 19 for the annual staff training. The theme of this year's workshop is teamwork. The Library will open at 1:00 p.m. that Tuesday and notices have been posted in the facilities and on the website. • Library system improvements include an upgrade to the audio visual equipment in the Cole Community room, enhancements to the parking lot lights at the Cole, improved signage at the book returns as well as new plants at the entryway at Dove Lane. FOUNDATION REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reporting for the Foundation reminded the Board of the Minigolf fundraiser event on Sunday, November 14. The Foundation Board discussed the Library's request to change the timing for determining the disbursement amount from the Gartner Endowment Fund in order to allow for better planning. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reporting that the Friends of the Library processed 700 vouchers for free books during the Summer Reading Program this year. The Friends have set the date of October 2, 2010 for their Better Book Sale and are partnering with the Garden Club again for the event. ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports For JULY 2010 Systemwide ... 1. Library Volunteer Coordinator Amy Bennett worked with City Volunteer Coordinator Sue Irey to present a workshop on July 14: "Delegate - The Happy Medium between Doing It All Yourself and Dumping It." Library and City staff participated and learned about delegation in general and how volunteers can assist. SRP 2. The Summer Reading Program continued throughout the month of July with participation at all levels surpassing past years, most notably in the "baby" program. 3. Programs for kids and families presented at all sites included: • Ocean Adventure presenting "The Australian Great White Shark Adventure" • Hullabaloo (award-winning kids' folk music duo from Del Mar) • Puppet Art Theater presenting "Tommy's Splashy Pirate Adventure" • Bubble Mania • Mad Science presenting wacky water experiments 4. Additional programs presented at Cole included the Carlsbad High School Theater Department presenting a play "Finding Nemo" written by Cole Children's Library Technician Dan Wood, a pirate ship craft program, and the Kids' Late Night after-hours program (in which one mom shared with the staff that her daughter said "this was the best night of my life!"). Teens at Cole participated in several programs with the highlight being the Teen Late Night with a Survivor/Fear Factor theme including obstacle courses and "delicious or disgusting" food challenges. 5. At the Dove location, the Children's Division hosted their annual Library Sleepover, which was attended by 57 children and adults. There were two Teen Games and Refreshments programs and an Ice Cream Social. Teen Movie Night featured "Pirates of the Caribbean." 34 teens were able to watch half the movie before rain and thunder interrupted the outdoor event. CCL, Dove Lane... 6. Test proctors volunteered 4 hours. The computer tutors volunteered 18 hours helping patrons with computer questions. 7. Robin Davis volunteered 19 hours in Reference working on a scope statement for the city documents. Robin will be starting Library School at the University of Illinois in August. 8. The First Wednesday Book Club read "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. 12 readers attended the meeting. 9. The First Thursday Book Club read "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein. 7 readers attended. Monthly Library Reports for July 2010 10. The Classics Book Club read "Tarzan of the Apes" by Edgar Rice Burroughs. 13 readers attended. 11. Reference staff taught five classes: Beginning Word, Browser Essentials, Internet Searching, Email Basics, and Internet Basics. 12. On July 8, 14 teen contestants participated in "Carlsbad Idol: a Singing Competition." 120 people attended the show and Cameron Miller took first place with her original song and guitar accompaniment. On July 22, 30 teen contestants danced in the "So You Think You Can Dance" contest. 150 people watched Shoshi Krishel and Taylor Damude take first place with their samba dance. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson made an appearance on San Diego CW Channel 6 live to promote the Teen Talent Shows. Five of the talent show contestants were able to perform live on the show. Georgina Cole... 13. The two book clubs that meet at Cole discussed The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman and John Updike's collection of short stories, My Father's Tears and Other Stories. 14. Cole Library patrons continued to have problems with wireless connectivity in July; patrons intermittently are unable to connect to the Internet or lose the signal after connecting. The ongoing problems with wireless connectivity have impacted the Netbook Loan Pilot Program. 15. Genealogy programs in July included two sessions of the "Focus On" class with the topic being City Directories and taught by Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol, Jean Hibbons' presentation to the Computer Genealogy Group about Federal Census Records, and Eve Kornfeld, San Diego State University history professor, who spoke to NSDCGS about "Visions of Reform in Antebellum America." 16. The final session of the four-week evening Beginning Genealogy course was held on Wednesday, July 7. Fifteen people attended the course taught by volunteers Margaret Read, Marti Mieners, and Marianne Meth. Learning Center ... 17. Cole Reference staff taught seven computer classes at the Library Learning Center with the following topics: Word Beyond the Basics, Basic Internet, E-mail Basics, and Internet Tips and Tricks. These classes are open to all members of the community. 18. The learner book club discussed The Island of the Blue Dolphins. Next month's selection is Walk Two Moons. 19. Alejandra Estrada from the San Diego County Office of Education's Migrant Program and several of her staff members met twice during the month with parents and their children at the Learning Center. They promoted family literacy and regular library visits. Ms. Estrada also donated several new children's books to the Learning Center to be distributed among the Summer Reading Program participants. Monthly Library Reports for July 2010 20. The San Diego Council on Literacy's AmeriCorps program is complete. The three former members are continuing as tutors with Literacy Services. During their last month with AmeriCorps, two of the members, Ben Russak and Shirley Betters, staffed a booth along with other Library staff at the Carlsbad Community Health and Fitness Expo on July 10. 21. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott participated in the San Diego Council on Literacy's Executive/Finance and Board meetings. She was re-appointed to the board and selected as Co-Vice Chair for another 2-year term. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - JULY 2010 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count Learning Center Reference questions Circulation People count* Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities Web Users (beginning FY2010-11) Website Page views Website unique users Online Database Usage (beginning FY20io-n) In-house and remote Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours JUL-09 18,067 89,841 45,448 10,823 39,769 22,923 924 2,051 5,581 28 502 17 532 102 3,276 14,792 — — 88 3,547 29 3,327.75 JUN-10 14,741 82,357 41,333 9,956 36,871 31,293 2,188 1,922 5,904 34 703 6 64 63 2,205 13,014 — .„ 91 4,206 27 2,931.45 JUL-10 15,903 89,852 49,232 10,387 39,331 34,145 1,695 2,189 6,269 30 691 14 401 81 4,671 12,037 57,512 20,795 6,880 106 3,952 30 3,950.65 "Learning Center door counters down for 2.5 days during painting - July 2010 I:\LIBRARY BOARD\Lib Board Statistics\2010\July 10\FINAL Stats JUL 2010.docx ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for AUGUST 2010 Systemwide... 1. August brought the completion of the Library's annual Summer Reading Program. Statistics and comments all tell the story of a very successful summer with over 5,000 patrons reading over 1.7 million pages. End of program celebrations were held at all sites with special thank you parties for our teen volunteers who donated over 4,500 hours. After the Summer Reading Program was over, most children's and teen programs were "dark" until after Labor Day. 2. The Library's Twitter followers grew above 100 in August. Tweets about Library events and services are sent out one to three times a day. Subscriptions to the Library's e- newsletter continue to grow and nearly 1,700 are on the list. 3. A systemwide volunteer orientation was held at the Dove Lane location on August 21. There was a strong showing with 23 people in attendance. 4. As part of the City's role in supporting the community in case of a disaster, several staff members participated in a Care and Shelter training exercise on August 17 at Calavera Hills Park—one of three City facilities prepared to be a shelter in case of a disaster. CCL, Dove Lane... 5. The Library's August film series highlighted the Cannon Art Gallery's "Portraits from the Golden Age of Jazz" exhibition. Three jazz films were shown: A Great Day in Harlem, Lady Sings the Blues and The Benny Goodman Story. The gallery stayed open late to accommodate moviegoers after the film screenings. Approximately 350 attended the films. 6. The Library and Cultural Arts Office partnered to present Family Open Studios Plus on Saturday, August 14. Families toured the Cannon Art Gallery, made art projects related to the exhibition, and enjoyed two fun and educational performances of Classics For Kids'jazz ensemble. 7. On August 14, the Library and Museum of Making Music presented a concert featuring Grammy winners Cindy Cashdollar and Dave Alvin. More than 200 people enjoyed this sold-out summer concert. 8. In the Reference division, a total of 29.5 hours were volunteered: 9.5 hours proctoring exams and 20 hours helping patrons with computer questions. 9. Four computer classes were conducted (Internet Searching, Browser Essentials, Beginning Word, and Internet Basics) with 20 attendees improving their skills. 10. Reference Librarian Heidi Wyner led the First Wednesday Book Club. Eight attendees read and discussed The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. Monthly Library Reports for August 2010 Page 3 21. History Room Librarian Amy Davis worked with City staff to produce a video for the City's new series, City at Your Service. The video is available online via the City's YouTube channel. 22. Genealogy programs in August included a presentation on online options for storing and sharing your family history by Gary Hoffman, and on archival techniques for preserving family documents and photos by History Room Librarian Amy Davis. The small group "Focus On" workshops provided hands-on instruction on how to use the Newspaper Archives database. 23. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society also held its annual pot luck dinner on August 18th with attendees encouraged to bring food based upon their heritage. Learning Center... 24. Community Outreach Supervisor for Bilingual Services Lizeth Simonson gave a presentation to a group of parents enrolled in the Carlsbad School District Migrant Education Program at Jefferson School. Information and brochures about library services, children's programs, homework assistance, and computer classes were shared. 25. Cole Reference Staff taught several seven computer classes at the Library Learning Center including Basic Word, Basic Internet, Email Basics, and Internet Tips & Tricks. These classes are open to all patrons. 26. Several training sessions were presented by Literacy Services staff in August: Library Technician Helen Lindner presented a brown bag session for learners on Reading Medicine Labels; Library Technicians Deanna Westphal and Helen Lindner continued the "Basic Skills" class for those learners who need additional reinforcement of critical foundation skills; two tutor orientation sessions and one tutor training were presented for prospective tutors; Library Technician Helen Lindner presented a tutor orientation for the Carlsbad High School partnership tutors. 27. The Carlsbad High School literacy partnership program is entering its 13th year. Thirty- four high school students began on August 26 with 22 of the 34 returning students. 28. Library Technician Dennis Osgood presented a tutor in-service training on the Library's new online product Career Transitions. Selected high school tutors will be using Career Transitions to help students define their interests, build a resume, and learn critical interviewing and job skills. A future tutor in-service training will be offered for adult literacy tutors to learn the product and use it with their learners. Career Transitions is the ideal tool for the literacy program, as it provides a "one-stop" shop for those seeking employment. Monthly Library Reports for August 2010 Page 2 11. Reference Librarian Dione Sobin led the First Thursday Book Club. Four readers discussed Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sihie. 12. Senior Librarian Leila Dooley's Classic Book Club read Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote. 15 members attended. 13. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson organized and served as MC to the final Talent Show. The event featured 11 acts and drew 110 appreciative fans. 14. A record crowd of 42 teens attended Pizza & a Movie in August. Reference Librarian Maile McKeon did a great job with the youthful crowd as they enjoyed Sherlock Holmes along with their pizza. Georgina Cole... 15. On Sunday, August 22, 30 people attended a poetry writing workshop at Cole Library led by local poet and teacher Joe Milosch. 16. A specialty-themed preschool storytime program, "Kindergarten Kick-Off," was held on August 18. As a conclusion to many children's experiences in attending the weekly preschool storytime sessions, children entering Kindergarten were read stories about going to school for the first time and participated in several school-readiness activities. Handouts and books were made available to parents and graduation certificates were given to the kids. Approximately 50 people were in attendance. 17. Intern Arianne Leigh completed her internship with the Cole Children's division in early August. Arianne interned for 146 hours over the summer creating reading lists for young children, observing and conducting storytime sessions, and working on the Children's Desk. Arianne is a student at the San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science. 18. The two book clubs held at the Cole Library read and discussed Elizabeth Strout's Pulitzer Prize-winning collection of short stories, Olive Kitteridge, and Jill Ker Conway's memoir of growing up in Australia, The Road to Coorain. 19. The Carlsbad History Room received five boxes of items belonging to long-time library supporter and Friends of the Library founding member Ede Westree and her husband Nelson, donated by their daughter, Barbara. The items donated include personal papers, travel diaries, documents of local organizations and photos. History Room Librarian Amy Davis is processing and preserving the materials. 20. The Carlsbad History Room received an anonymous donation of a 2003 Carlsbad High School year book—the one year that had been missing in their collection. The collection is now complete. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - AUGUST 2010 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count Learning Center Reference questions Circulation People count* Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities Web Users (beginning FY2010-11) Website Page views Website unique users Online Usage(beginning FY2010-11) In-house and remote database usage Downloadable audiobooks Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours AUG-09 14,954 81,337 37,360 9,402 34,184 19,241 1,035 1,115 3,720 34 515 4 231 28 1,593 14,847 Not collected Not collected Not collected Not collected 61 3,134 9 2,146.95 JUL-10 15,903 89,852 49,232 10,387 39,331 34,145 1,695 2,189 6,269 30 691 14 401 81 4,671 12,037 57,512 20,795 6,880 378 106 3,952 30 3,950.65 AUG-10 13,981 77,963 40,224 10,060 35,537 31,292 1,796 1,184 4,149 34 1,117 4 176 28 2,227 13,570 62,351 24,271 6,937 334 78 3,849 23 1,941.25 "Learning Center door counters down for 1 day in August 2010 I:\LIBRARV BOARD\Lib Board Statistics\2010\Aug 10\FINAL Stats AUG 2010.docx Participants Reports Pages Read Program Completion 7 reports, earned t- shirt 10 reports, earned FOL book Number of Programs Program Attendance End of SRP party (all ages) Volunteer Hours Summer Reading Program 2010 BABIES PROGRAM Splish-Splash Read! Dove Cole LLC Total CHILDREN'S PROGRAM Make a Splash: READ Dove Cole LLC Total TEENS PROGRAM Make Waves @ Your Library Dove Cole LLC Total ADULT PROGRAM My Treasures Dove Cole LLC Total 265 182 52 499 2,587 1,317 241 8 38 421 1,500 4,145 234 150 43 427 91 49 114 254 GRAND TOTAL 5,325 13,392 6,769 2,263 22,424 1,231 748 355 2,334 250 200 519 969 25,727 869,553 463,340 78,206 1,411,099 225,439 124,879 30,037 380,355 118 98 16 232 1,121 543 101 1,765 102 64 19 185 828 414 87 1,329 64 49 18 131 46 25 60 92 10 324 376 206 1,857 1,832 883 906 4,572 4 20 1,921 2,245 3,131 400 5,776 456 65 29 550 1,791,454 2,182 1,460 158 8,247 906 HW 2010 Summer Reading Program Highlights Over 1.7 million pages read Systemwide Program Participants Babies (under 3 years old) 499 (up 33% from 2009 ) Children's (ages 3 - 6th grade) 4,145 (up 11% from 2009) Teens (7th-12th grades) 427 (up 17% from 2009) Adult 254 SRP Volunteer hours 4,572 (up 9% from 2009) (teens grades 7-12 assisting with Children's program) New this year: • Reporting available all hours the Library is open • SRP budget reduction of about $10,000 Final Report award included Friends Bookstore book of their choice instead of $7 Borders gift card ITEM # 7 CARLSBAD 1 CITY LIBRARY Select 2009-2010 Strategic Initiatives Update Engage Community Virtually • Migrated website to new content management system to enhance ability to update information • Enhanced recognition of collection resources, especially in research area • Creating new additions to the site, such as an expanded "Staff Favorites" featuring books in the collection • Created a "featured" area on home page to highlight various programs and services • Created new videos to add to the site (Carlsbad Reads Together Thomas Steinbeck clip, Cole concert) to further share programming • Worked with City Attorney and Communications on update to linking policy specific to Library, to provide additional information to patrons • Launched Library Twitter to highlight programs and services and further connect with patrons. Marketing of under-recognized services • Utilized Library e-newsletters to highlight specific databases and Learning Center programs • Utilized Library "featured" box on Library website in strategic manner to highlight services such as Mango database, downloadable audiobooks, Carlsbad History Room • Utilized Library "events" on home page to feature less popular programs • Highlighting lesser-known services in the Community Services Guide mailed to residents and distributed at city facilities . Created bilingual bookmark for Learning Center's Toddler Time and distributed to local stores, Head Start and schools, resulting in increased attendance • Send Library program information to city communications department for inclusion in the Carlsbad Currents newsletter mailed with city water bill and in Community Services Guide • Highlighting services and programs via Twitter CARLSBAD Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Apr - Jun 2010 CITY LIBRARY PC Management Sessions Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Computers Jan - Mar 2010 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Sessions Jan - Mar 2010 8,869 1,106 5,772 L_ 3,717 1,684 9,989 1,211 2,448 1,312 2,098 Computers Apr - Jun 2010 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Sessions Apr - Jun 2010 8,352 994 5,785 3,559 1,267 10,568 1,628 2,119 1,267 1,789 Pet of Change -6% -10% 0% -4% -25% 6% 34% -13% -3% -15% PC Utilization Averages Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Computers Jan - Mar 2010 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Sessions Jan - Mar 2010 71% 77% 28% 59% 20% 79% 26% 35% 29% 62% Computers Apr - Jun 2010 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Sessions Apr - Jun 2010 67% 69% 28% 56% 16% 84% 33% 30% 30% 56% Pet of Change -4% -8% 0% -3% -4% 5% 7% -5% 1% -6% HM *00 CARLSBAD Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Apr - Jun 2010 CITY LIBRARY Top Public Internet Categories Jan -Mar 2010 Apr -Jun 2010 Category Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Audio/Video Entertainment Reference Computers/Internet E-mail Business/Economy Games Percentage of use 12% 10% 9% 8% 8% 5% 4% 4% 3% Category Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Reference Audio/Video Computers/Internet E-mail Business/Economy Games Shopping Percentage of use 10% 8% 7% 5% 4% 4% 4% 3% 2% Wireless Users Location Learning Center Dove Cole Users 144 3,275 1,818 ITEM # 10 CARLSBAD % CITY LIBRARY State Library Survey Fiscal Year 2009-2010 FAST FACTS 1. Population: The population number calculated by the State for the City's service area increased by 2.1%, from 104,652 to 106,804. 2. Operating Expenditures: Decreased 3%, or roughly $285,000 from $9,589,561 to $9,304,749. 3. Per Capita Spending: Decreased from $91.5 to $87 due to both an increase in population and a decrease in operating expenditures. 4. Virtual Library Visits: Increased 21% from about 246,000 in FY09 to 298,000 in FY10. These are visits to the Carlsbad library web pages by individual user sessions during the fiscal year. This is the second year this data has been reported. 760 § 730 700 670 640 Total Library Visits 1 "Ml/ A, 750K VisitsIZ /o 686K Visits 670K Visits663K Visits FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 1.36 1.32 1.28 1.21 Circulation 3.1%-" 1.38m 34m 1.28m 1.29m FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 280 250 220 190 Reference Questions 301K 22OK FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10