HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-11-03; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: MINUTES ITEM #3 MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, November 3, 2010 PLACE OF MEETING: Library Learning Center, 3368 Eureka Place, Carlsbad, CA CALL TO ORDER: Vice-chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Hulsart, and Swette Absent: Trustees Bradley and Lignante* Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst Devin Castel, Library Sr. Business Systems Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Hulsart/Benson) and vote (2/0/1-Swette abstain) the minutes of the meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Swette asked for information on the Transforming Life After 50 fellowship and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that the fellowship was awarded to Sr. Librarian Birdwell who will participate in a number of training programs during the year and then the Library will utilize what she has learned to evaluate Library programming. Trustee Benson asked about participation in the computer classes at the Learning Center and Principal Librarian Ahrens responded that the classes are consistently at capacity for each session. Trustee Hulsart questioned the door count statistics indicating lower numbers at all locations and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that the Library is not aware of any particular reason for the decline and will be watching these numbers over the next few months to see if a trend develops. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of November 3, 2010 Meeting *Trustees Bradley and Lignante arrived at the meeting and Trustee Benson turned the meeting over to the chair. Trustee Bradley asked for additional information on the Homework Zone and Principal Librarian Ahrens provided a brief overview of the program, available at all three locations, and heavily utilized during the school year. Trustee Bradley also asked for clarification on the difference between page views and unique users for the Web, as reported in the statistics. Sr. Business Systems Specialist Castel responded that the unique users represents an individual visiting the website and counts as one, but that same user may visit several pages within the website and each page is reflected in the page views statistic. QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Sr. Business Systems Specialist Castel explained that this report covers the July to September quarter and now includes statistics for the current and previous quarter as well as the same quarter for the previous year. In his analysis of the data he pointed out that there appears to be a decline in the use of the public computers when compared to the previous year and explained that in August a key piece of equipment failed greatly reducing Internet speed and significantly impacting both the patrons who use the computers at the Library and all City staff, and we are still feeling that slow-down. He explained that the drop in utilization of the Library computers may be directly related to the difficulties with Internet access and reduction in speed. The Board asked when the Internet speed would improve and if the variety of personal handheld wireless devices now available for Internet access might also be a reason for the decrease in the computer use. Sr. Business System Specialist Castel responded that Internet speed is gradually increasing, and as for the impact of the other devices, it was too early to determine if there is a trend developing. This quarterly report also contained information on the use of the self-check machines including the types of transactions. The Library's goal is to have 75% of circulation take place at self-check machines and the Board was interested in what marketing was being done to encourage the transition. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto and Principal Librarian Ahrens both responded and explained the various methods being used to promote the self-check option. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of November 3, 2010 Meeting LIBRARY STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS REVIEW: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto presented the annual timeline for review of the Library's Strategic Directions in preparation for setting initiatives for the next year. The Library staff is scheduled to meet later in the week to begin the brainstorming session and would like input from the Library Board. The Board identified several areas of focus: • With school libraries less accessible, partner with schools to ensure access to library services • Engage all segments of the community by identifying what they are, analyzing market segments, and re-balance programs/services to ensure needs of these segments are met • Bring community together, connect in ways similar to Summer Reading Program and Carlsbad Reads Together • Serve literacy needs of youth, early childhood literacy, through middle school MEETING ROOM POLICY CHANGES: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that the Library received a letter from The Alliance Defense Fund challenging the constitutionality of our meeting room use policy as it appeared the policy and fee structure discriminated against religious organizations. It is not the Library's practice to discriminate against religious organizations and the Library engaged the services of Mary Minow, a library attorney, who reviewed the policy and made several suggestions in ways to clarify the language to better represent the practice. At the same time, she was also asked to review the Library's policy on display and distribution of literature, as both represent public forums. Attorney Minow's suggestions were then reviewed with the City Attorney's office and a draft revised policy has now been prepared which will be shared with The Alliance Defense Fund as a courtesy, for any feedback. The Board reviewed the changes in detail and Trustee Benson asked about the age limit for renting the facility (21), and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto agreed to check with the City Attorney about a possible change. With that in mind, by proper motion (Benson/Hulsart) and vote (5-0) the Board unanimously approved the draft version for the City Attorney to respond to the Alliance Defense Fund challenge. LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION & DISPLAY POLICY: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto referenced the previous agenda item and advised that this policy is still undergoing some changes and will be brought to the Board for approval at a later date. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of November 3, 2010 Meeting DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto updated the Board on the following issues: Library Board photos: The Trustees will have updated photographs taken at the January meeting. Library staffing: Steve Didier, who has been serving as the interim Management Analyst, has been hired to fill that position on a permanent basis. Librarian Erin Zocco, previously an hourly employee, has been selected to fill the Reference Librarian position at Cole, vacated by the promotion of Jacqui Petri to Sr. Librarian in charge of Collection Development and Acquisitions. Dove Lane Reference Librarian Dione Sobin has requested to reduce her hours from full-time to hourly. Currently there are two recruitments for hourly staff, one at the Learning Center and one for the mail room at Dove Lane. Community event - Halloween on Elm: The Library participated in the hugely successful event with the Children's Division staff offering a Halloween storytime. Mini-Golf: The mini-golf fundraiser in the Library is scheduled for November 14th. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the mini-golf fundraiser was a principal topic of the Foundation's last meeting. There are also several changes in the Board membership, some of whom participated in a webinaron strategic board development. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart also reported for the Friends, announcing that they made slightly over $2,000 at the last book sale and have scheduled the annual Holiday Boutique at the Dove Lane facility for the week of December 6th. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Keeley reported that membership is increasing at a steady rate. She reported on the fall seminar, reviewed upcoming events and reminded the Board that they are invited to attend the annual Holiday Party at the San Marcos Country Club on December 7th. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Hulsart proposed that the Trustees make individual donations to the Library for the purchase of a number of items for the collection in recognition of retiring Mayor Lewis' service to the City. The Board agreed and will send their donations to the Library with the request that Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of November 3, 2010 Meeting _____ all the items purchased contain a bookplate "Donated by the 2010 Library Board of Trustees in Honor of Mayor Bud Lewis." PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Lignante/Benson) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:36 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for SEPTEMBER 2010 Systemwide... 1. Banned Books Week was celebrated in September with displays and publicity highlighting the freedom to read. The week is sponsored by the American Library Association. 2. The Homework Zone is back in session at all three Library locations with volunteers providing after-school homework assistance Monday-Thursday afternoons. 3. Staff from both Cole and the Learning Center attended the first meeting of the Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.) for the 2010-2011school year at the Harding Community Center. Carlsbad Chief of Police, Garry Morrison, talked to the group about his background and his desire to work with community organizations that help the youth in Carlsbad. At the end of the meeting all the community organizations gave a short presentation about the organization they represented. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson discussed the services at the Learning Center and youth programs available at all Carlsbad libraries. Homework Zone flyers and Children's calendars were distributed to the audience. 4. Four staff members attended a Serra-sponsored Infopeople workshop on September 23, "Stress Management for Library Staff." The workshop was designed to help library staff develop personal skills and resources to manage stress at the library. Librarians from various San Diego area libraries attended the workshop. CCL, Dove Lane... 5. Nearly 150 people attended An Evening with Poet Laureate Kay Ryan on September 16. Ms. Ryan read some of her poems, signed books, and spoke with poets and poetry lovers of different ages - seniors, high school students from a local AP English class, and children, among others. 6. The Cinema Society of Carlsbad featured an award-winning film called As It Is In Heaven on September 4. Nearly 100 people attended and enjoyed discussing the film after the screening. 7. On September 15, author Candice Reed discussed her book Thank You For Firing Me! How to Catch the Next Wave of Success After You Lose Your Job to a group of about 20 people. Candice shares her tips for job hunting and signed books for the attendees. 8. Technical Services Librarian Laura Coleman and Collection Development Librarian Jacqui Petri attended a full-day session called Ebooks: Libraries at the Tipping Point, on September 29. 9. Three new volunteers were trained to sort donations to the Library on September 13. These volunteers worked a total of 33.25 hours in September. 10. Children's staff members conducted eight tours for school groups from La Costa Meadows and Hope Elementary schools on September 20, 27 and 28. Monthly Library Reports for September 2010 11. Senior Children's Librarian Barbara Chung attended the regular monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Education Committee on September 29. 12. Volunteers in the Children's Division donated 26.5 hours for the Homework Zone and Saturday Stories during the month of September. 13. Regular pre-school programs started right after Labor Day and attendance has been steadily growing as people once again make Children's programs part of their weekly routine. In addition, there were programs for school-age children: Science Saturday, PowerPoint for Kids and an Autumn Make & Take Craft. Total attendance at all 26 preschool programs was 1436. Total attendance at our 10 school-age programs was 264. 14. In celebration of National Library Card Sign Up Month, young patrons were asked to bring in their library cards and show them at the desk. In return, they received a bookmark (with Arthur explaining the Dewey Decimal System) and a pencil. 121 proud library card holders come in to show their cards. 15. Senior Reference Librarian Glynn Birdwell attended a 3-day, Transforming Life After 50 fellowship institute in Portland, Oregon. 16. 29.5 hours were contributed by volunteers in the Reference division: 22.5 hours proctoring exams and 12 hours as computer tutors. 17. Librarians led instruction in 5 different computer classes helping 25 users improve skills. 18. Librarian Heidi Wyner's First Wednesday Book Club met to discuss Armenian Golgotha by Grigoris Balakian, with 8 members attending. 19. Librarian Dione Sobin's First Thursday Book Club read and discussed Shop Class as Soulcraft by Matthew Crawford, with 7 members attending. 20. The Monday Night Classics book club met at the Dove Library on September 27 for a discussion of the classic gothic novel, Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. 15 people attended the discussion led by Senior Librarian Leila Dooley. 21. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted three Monday Games & Refreshments programs with a total of 24 teens enjoying popcorn and games. 22. Pizza & A Movie Night featured The Lightning Thief. 35 teens enjoyed this film tie-in to the popular Percy Jackson series. Georgina Cole... 23. The Tuesday Evening Book Club met on September 7 for a discussion of Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris. The Thursday Afternoon Book Club met on September 9 with a discussion of Freakonomics by Steven Levitt. Monthly Library Reports for September 2010 24. The Genealogy Division and the North San Diego County Genealogical Society (NSDCGS) provided 9 programs in September. The two "Focus On" workshops provided hands-on instruction with State Censuses. The Computer Genealogy Group met on September 14 with Tom Underbill speaking about "Working with Digital Images." There was a "standing-room only" crowd of 97 people. Also presenting to a "standing-room" only crowd (101 this time) was Fred Spong speaking about "Research in England, part one" on September 28. The second part of the presentation will be in January. Volunteers Margaret Read, Marti Meiners, and Marianne Meth led the first three of five sessions of the Evening Beginning Genealogy course on September 15, 22, and 29. 25. On Saturday, September 25, Carlsbad City Library and NSDCGS presented the annual Fall Seminar at the Senior Center with 72 people in attendance. The Fall Seminar features speakers who are members of NSDCGS. This year, members Wayne Anderson, Margaret Read, and Marge Kealey presented case studies on "The Immigrant Experience." All three speakers were great story tellers and the seminar was a great success. 26. The Carlsbad History Room received a donation of Oceanside-Carlsbad High School yearbooks for 1933 and 1934 along with a 1934 high school commencement program. 27. 52 hours were volunteered in the Carlsbad History Room in September. 28. Cole Children's volunteers worked 64.75 hours. 29. Children's regular programming resumed after Labor Day. A total of 53 programs were offered during September with total attendance of 1,778. Total attendance was 55% higher than September 2009 when 54 programs were offered. The increase in attendance was mostly due to the storytime programs where there was a 66% increase over last September. 30. One of the special after-school programs on September 21 was a visit from Disneyland's Farley the Fiddler performing as Johnny Appleseed to an audience of 50 in the Cole Community Room. 31. The weekly TeenScape afternoon program was off to a great start with 14 in attendance for the first session. An informal survey was offered to the teens as a means for them to provide input as to what programs and materials they'd like to see at the Library. The last informal teen survey was held two years ago. 32. On September 26, the Library hosted the Poetic Matrix Poets at Cole Library. Approximately 45 people attended the poetry reading. Learning Center... 33. In celebration of the National Hispanic Heritage Month two special programs were offered at the Learning Center. A journey to Mexico through dance, stories and folklore was presented by Alina Mendez on September 16 and on September 30. Adults and children alike learned to make Latino paper decorations for festivities. Monthly Library Reports for September 2010 34. Regularly scheduled youth programs including Toddler Time, Bilingual story-craft, "Puros Cuentos y Pan Dulce," and the All Star Readers began their "Fall Season" in September at the Learning Center. 35. On September 9 and 10, three computer classes in Spanish started at the Learning Center. Writing on the Computer 1: Keyboarding, Writing on the Computer 2: Word Processing and Writing on the Computer 3: Internet and E-mail. Two classes meet on Thursday mornings and one meets on Friday morning. 36. Cole Reference Staff taught five computer classes in English at the Learning Center: three sessions of Basic Internet, one session of E-mail Basics, and one session of Internet Tips and Tricks. 37. The literacy book club discussed Walk Two Moons. Next month's selection is The Notebook. 38. There were several presentations made to community groups in September: • Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson welcomed a group of parents from the Head Start Program to the Learning Center on September 9. Information about library services, children's programs, homework assistance, and the current calendar were shared with the group. • Volunteer tutor Mary Lou S. and Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott presented information about the Learning Center and Literacy Services at a Carlsbad Kiwanis breakfast meeting held at The Crossings on September 14. • Learner Fernanda J. presented to the Citizen's Academy on behalf of the Learning Center and Literacy Services. She did an amazing job and received many compliments. 39. Literacy Services' first "Each One Reach One" open house in celebration of National Literacy Month was a big success in spite of the unpredictable weather. Throughout the month of September, literacy program participants were invited to give an Open House invitation to a friend, neighbor, or family member who would be interested in learning more about the program. On September 30, 60 people braved the bad weather and enjoyed snacks, Scrabble games, computer demos, and tours to learn about the program. As a result, over 100 reference questions were answered, 4 learners signed up for orientations, and 8 potential tutors were introduced to the program. 40. In honor of National Literacy Month, all learners received a copy of literacy advocate John Corcoran's book The Bridge to Literacy. The books were purchased with a combination of donated and state grant funds. John Corcoran, who was a former learner in our program, generously signed all of the books for the learners. 41. Work was completed on the Learning Center's new lobby, with the exception of minor punch- list items. The lobby design has received rave reviews from patrons for its energy and beauty. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - SEPTEMBER 2010 CCL Dove Lane Reference questions Circulation People count Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count* Learning Center Reference questions Circulation People count** Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities Web Users (beginning FY2010-11) Website Page views Website unique users Online Usage(beginning FY2010-11) In-house and remote database usage Downloadable audiobooks Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours SEP-09 15,237 77,555 33,483 10,791 33,845 14,828 1,071 1.280 4,775 39 602 8 70 67 2,102 17,599 Not collected Not collected Not collected Not collected 82 3,021 15 1,694 AUG-10 13,981 77,963 40,224 10,060 35,537 31,292 1,796 1,184 4,149 34 1,117 4 176 28 2,227 13,570 62,351 24,271 6,937 334 78 3,849 23 1,941.25 SEP-10 13,429 73,030 35,230 9,700 34,172 30,200 2,020 1,444 5,956 51 675 7 93 110 3,760 13,149 53,848 44,858 5,996 302 109 4,613 26 1,704 * Door counter in 2009 not working properly. **Learning Center door counters down for 1 day in August 2010 I:\UBRARY BOARD\Lib Board Statistics\2010\FINAL Stats SEP 2010.docx CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Jul-Sep 2010 PC Management Sessions Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Total Computers 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Sessions Apr- Jun 2010 8,352 994 5,785 3,559 1,267 10,568 1,628 2,119 1,267 1,789 Sessions Jul - Sep 2010 8,732 1,010 5,986 3,697 1,156 10,736 1,114 1,925 1,375 1,596 Pet of Change 5% 2% 3% 4% -9% 2% -32% -9% 9% -11% Sessions Jul -Sep 2009 11,416 1,395 6,695 4,101 1,885 11,644 1,565 3,054 1,466 1,866 Sessions Jul - Sep 2010 8,732 1,010 5,986 3,697 1,156 10,736 1,114 1,925 1,375 1,596 Pet of Change -24% -28% -11% -10% -39% -8% -29% -37% -6% -14% PC Utilization Averages Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Total Computers 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Utilization Apr- Jun 2010 67% 69% 28% 56% 16% 84% 33% 30% 30% 56% Utilization Jul -Sep 2010 63% 67% 29% 57% 13% 82% 21% 24% 44% 32% Pet of Change -6% -3% 4% 2% -19% -2% -36% -20% 47% -43% Utilization Jul - Sep 2009 81% 80% 32% 62% 23% 86% 29% 41% 32% 58% Utilization Jul - Sep 2010 63% 67% 29% 57% 13% 82% 21% 24% 44% 32% Pet of Change -22% -16% -9% -8% -43% -5% -28% -41% 38% -45%01 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Jul-Sep 2010 Wireless Users Location Dove Cole Learning Center Users Apr- Jun 2010 3,275 1,818 144 Users Jul- Sep 2010 3,506 1,811 120 Pet of Change 7% 0% -17% Self-Check User Sessions Location Dove Self-Checks Cole Self-Checks LLC Self-Checks Total User Sessions Total Self- Checks 5 3 1 User Sessions Apr- Jun 2010 31,405 12,402 246 44,053 User Sessions Jul -Sep 2010 35,404 13,637 323 49,364 Pet of Change 13% 10% 31% 12% User Sessions Jul -Sep 2009 30,394 12,299 210 42,903 User Sessions Jul -Sep 2010 35,404 13,637 323 49,364 Pet of Change 16% 11% 54% 15% Self-Check Item Transactions Location Dove Self-Checks Cole Self-Checks LLC Self-Checks Total Item Transactions Total Self- Checks 5 3 1 Items Circulated Apr- Jun 2010 102,016 34,477 404 136,897 Items Circulated Jul -Sep 2010 119,140 39,773 500 159,413 Pet of change 17% 15% 24% 16% Items Circulated Jul -Sep 2009 104,274 36,910 450 141,634 Items Circulated Jul -Sep 2010 119,140 39,773 500 159,413 Pet of change 14% 8% 11% 13% ITEM # 6 CARLSBAD 1 CITY LIBRARY 2010-11 STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS Position the Library as an active leader in the areas of learning, cultural arts, and the value and enjoyment of reading. Position the Library as an active partner with other agencies in the areas of economic development and public safety. Position the Library as an active provider of information on current quality of life issues in the community. Offer convenient, personalized and responsive library service. Build community by connecting Carlsbad residents with the City, the Library, and one another. Develop and diversify library collections, programs and services to satisfy a broadening range of residents' needs and interests and engage all segments of the community. Ensure safe, comfortable and inviting library facilities. Position the Library as a leader in the preservation of Carlsbad History. Ensure that library information technology systems support community needs to create an optimal customer experience. Develop and retain effective Library staff. Update and improve staff tools, technology and internal processes to optimize use of staff resources. Assist City departments to leverage library resources to improve citywide performance Deliver value to the community by optimizing efficiency and providing cost- effective services. Diversify fiscal support sources. K:\Strategic Workshop\Strategic Directions Jan 2010 update.docx 1/21/2010 2011 STRATEGIC WORK PLAN TIMELINE Month July 20 10 September 20 10 October 20 10 November 2010 December 20 10 January 201 1 February 201 1 March 201 1 April 201 1 May 20 11 June 201 1 July 201 1 Day Nov. 3 Nov. 4 1-16 Dec. 15 Milestone Launch 2010-11 initiatives Communicate prior fiscal year's accomplishments to public via website Performance measures developed reflecting past year's results; include in action plan any changes in following year's measures Revisit strategic directions for next fiscal year with Library Board Revisit strategic directions and brainstorm initiatives with Division Heads; half-day activity Division Heads write up and submit proposed initiatives Division Heads prioritize initiatives; final discussion at DH meeting Report out on final directions and initiative process to Library Board Prepare cost estimates for priority initiatives for next fiscal year budgeting Final prioritization of initiatives by management team Develop budget inclusive of selected initiatives for next fiscal year Confirm initiatives going forward with Division Heads and Library Board Budget submitted Develop Friends' funding requests, inform Friends and Foundation of next fiscal year's initiatives Develop departmental goals related to initiatives Submit requests for funding to Friends Budget adopted, inclusive of any resources for initiatives Launch current initiatives Rev. 10/10