HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-01-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved:ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, January 19,2011 PLACE OF MEETING: Georgian Cole Library Community Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Hulsart, and Lignante Absent: Trustee Bradley* (arriving shortly after roll call) Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Darin Williamson, Reference Librarian APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Hulsart/Benson) and vote, the minutes of the December 15, 2010 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. *Trustee Bradley arrived at this point and Vice Chair Benson turned the meeting over to her. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS FOR DECEMBER 2010; The Board reviewed the monthly reports, commenting on the addition of a new research database, Tuition Funding Sources, and the outreach from the Learning Center to the parents and faculty at Valley Middle School. Also of particular interest was the announcement from the San Diego Council on Literacy that the Race for Literacy will not be held in 2011. The Council will be sponsoring other fundraising events in recognition of their 25th anniversary, to include a spelling bee to be held in late February. The Carlsbad Library Learning Center has assembled a 3-person team to compete. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of January 19, 2011 Meeting Comments on the statistics were primarily focused on the increase in program attendance and facility meeting room use. Also of interest was the steady increase of downloadable audio book use. MEETING ROOM POLICY APPROVAL: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported that there had been no response from the Alliance Defense Fund and she had spoken with the Assistant City Manager who agreed that this item does not need to return to City Council for approval as the changes that were made were not substantial and dealt more with procedures and the descriptions of the classifications and not with the policies or classifications themselves. For those reasons, the Library Board of Trustees approval is all that is necessary. She also pointed out that following the inquiry from Trustee Benson at the last meeting of this Board, the minimum age for renting a facility has been changed to 18 years unless there is alcohol involved, in which case the minimum age is 21 years. By proper motion (Benson/Hulsart) and vote, the Board unanimously approved the Meeting Room Policy as presented. LIBANSWER SERVICE (demonstration) Reference Librarian Darin Williamson provided an overview of the "Ask Us" service available on the Library's webpage as well as a demonstration of the various features. There is a list of frequently asked questions as well as the ability to contact the Library directly. The staff then responds directly to email and text message inquiries. He explained that service has been very popular even though there was not a major "roll out" and it is being provided for a 1-year trial period through the Serra Cooperative Library System. STATE LIBRARY BUDGET: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto shared with the Board the potential impacts of the proposed state budget cuts on the State Library, the Serra Cooperative Library System and the Carlsbad City Library. She explained that the Library receives a variety of funds from the state, most of which are proposed to be eliminated. The amount of those funds received this year was about $178,000. A portion of which are funds for the Library's Literacy program and although it is unclear when cuts will be implemented, we have already received the Literacy funds for this Fiscal Year and are not anticipating a retroactive loss. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of January 19, 2011 Meeting She continued that in addition to the funds received directly by the Carlsbad City Library, the state funding is the primary support of the cooperative library systems, including the Serra Cooperative Library System. The proposed budget cuts would most likely decimate the system and eliminate the services they now provide, including the courier service between all the libraries in the county, the elimination of third level reference services, and assistance with Interlibrary Loans. The Library also currently relies heavily on the professional training opportunities offered by InfoPeople, through their contract with the State Library. The Board had questions about actions being taken and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that the State Library retains lobbyists in Sacramento on behalf of all the libraries in the state and within the next few weeks there are several meetings and conference calls scheduled to discuss the situation further and any advocacy efforts that need to take place. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported to the Board on the following: TLAF Grant award - The Library has been awarded the $10,000 grant, which are federal funds, and will be disbursed as soon as we receive and complete the claim form. The funds will be used to assess the needs and interests of the community, specifically in regards to programs and services for ages 50 and older, and analyze current programs. Strategic Initiative - Next Generation Library Automation Solution - Following the workshop with consultant Rob Magee, the Library was able to develop an action plan for evaluating the three contracts for our major systems coming up for renewal and selection of any replacement systems. More information on the plan will be provided at the next Library Board meeting as part of the Quarterly Technology Report. American Library Association Mid-winter Conference - The Library sent a significant number of employees to the conference held in San Diego to look at all the automation systems and talk to vendors on future trends. The Library will collect feedback from the attendees and schedule demonstrations in-house from select vendors. In the interim, the Library is working with the current provider, SirsiDynix for an extension to the current contract. Strategic Initiatives for FY2011-12 - Library staff are in the process of prioritizing 24 possible initiatives for next year. At their meeting last week they decided to approach the prioritizing from another position keeping in mind the resources, both staff and financial required for each. Library vacant full-time position - The Library has submitted a request to un-freeze the Reference Librarian position which was vacated last November, to allow us to fill the vacancy. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of January 19, 2011 Meeting Efficiency/work flow - With the assistance of an outside consultant, the Library will be analyzing the work flow in Technical Services and Collection Development for the purpose of determining the most efficient use of staff and time in that work area and determine if there is any value in restructuring those areas. City Community activity - The Library will be taking part in the next family friendly community activity scheduled for March 19 in the village. The event will be similar to the Halloween on Elm, held last October. The theme for the March event is Experience the World in the Village and the Library will host a story-time as well as assist with crafts and performers. The Library's history room will also be involved. Carlsbad Reads Together - The Friends of the Library are providing some funding for the program this year and the committee has selected the book, My Life in France, by Julia Child and Alex Prud'homme. The programs that are being planned are largely about food and France. Customer/Communication Relationship Management System (CRM)- Deputy Library Director Curtis has been leading a city-wide team researching an effective method for residents to communicate their questions or alert the City to items that need addressing, and the City to receive the information, act on it and respond. The team has been expanded as it moves forward in the process and Library Management Analyst Didier is a new member. Proclamation for past Trustee Swette- a proclamation will be presented to outgoing Trustee Rob Swette at the Council meeting next Tuesday. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the Foundation currently consists of twelve members and is looking to expand its numbers. The Board has decided not to hold a Castles of Carlsbad home- tour in 2011, and has not determined what their major fundraiser will be for the year. They have scheduled their annual retreat is for February. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the Friends made $10,000 on the Holiday Book Boutique this year and their overall book sales equaled $50,000 for the year. The next Better Book sale is scheduled for April 16th & 17th at the Cole and the Carlsbad Garden Club will be there to sell plants. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of January 19. 2011 Meeting NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison Marg Kealey reported on the continuing increase in membership and provided a review of programs from last month and information for those scheduled in the future. She announced the next series of genealogy classes will begin Wednesday night, February 23. She also reported that the society has a new website with their schedule of events and information and can be accessed from the Library's home page. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: Linda Petrucci of 4640 Park Drive, Carlsbad asked to speak with regard to agenda item #7, the proposed state budget cuts, and asked if the budget cuts affected school libraries proportionately to city and county libraries. Board Chair Bradley deferred an answer to the question to the Library Director as the question did not address information or authority under this Board's purview. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion (Lignante/Bradley) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports For DECEMBER 2010 Systemwide... 1. The Library added a new research database, Tuition Funding Sources, which is designed to help students find scholarships, financial aid, and career information. 2. On December 3, the Staff Development Committee hosted its 3rd annual Holiday Open House for library staff and families at the Learning Center. Attendees enjoyed decorating and eating cookies, making holiday cards, ornaments, and crafts to take home. The fun evening was highlighted by Santa and his merry elf. 3. The Library's holiday concert season kicked off with a performance by the Mariachi Divas Trio at the Library Learning Center on December 2. An audience of about 80 people of all ages enjoyed the performance. The season continued with a concert featuring Patric Petrie and Friends at Cole Library on December 5. Both of these concerts were sponsored by the Friends of the Carlsbad Library. The season concluded on December 19 with a co- production with the Museum of Making Music featuring the Strauss/Warschauer Duo performing original and traditional Yiddish pieces. 4. The Library released the 22nd annual Magee Park Poets Anthology, which is published each December with support from the Friends of the Carlsbad Library. Poets from around San Diego County submitted nearly 600 poems for the anthology and more than 60 poems were selected. On December 8, the Library hosted an open reading by poets whose poems are featured in this year's anthology, followed by refreshments and mingling. The anthology is now for sale at the Library's Circulation Desks and Friends Bookstore for $5, with proceeds going to the Friends. CCL, Dove Lane ... 5. Children's celebrated the holidays with a variety of special programs. A Hanukkah Celebration was held December 2. Santa Claus paid a visit on December 10, with 292 attendees, and 32 happy ornament makers took part in the Trim-a-Tree craft on December 7, where children made one ornament for their Christmas tree at home and one for the tree in the Children's Division, which looked beautiful when they were done. 6. On December 16, the Library hosted best selling local author Victor Villasenor in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium for a book talk and signing. Approximately 75 people attended, with some coming from as far as Long Beach. 7. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted the Pizza and a Movie program featuring "Prince of Persia." 35 teens showed up and enjoyed this great movie. Monthly Library Reports for December 2010 Georgina Cole... 8. The Carlsbad High School Theater Department performed a readers' theater production of "A Charlie Brown Christmas" with 39 people in attendance. Senior Librarian Marsha Weeks and Library Technician Dan Wood worked on the script and as directors. Childrens' staff supported the program with scenery, props, and music. 9. Children's staff held a "Winter Wonderland Family Fest" for all ages the evening of December 15. Stations were set up where patrons could make and decorate their own 3- D Christmas tree, make a holiday necklace, decorate paper snowflakes, design an ornament using magic scratch paper and decorate sugar cookies. Refreshments were also served. Families were very complimentary about the program. 10. Animanga Hour was held for teens on December 1 and had a record number of attendees with twenty teens participating. A special TeenScape holiday craft was held on December 13 with twelve teens in attendance. 11. December is traditionally a "dark" month for Genealogy programs. There was only one program this month, the NSDCGS Annual Meeting at which the 2011 officers were installed. 72 people attended the luncheon. The new officers for 2011 are: President Gordon Hoard; Vice President Carol Baird; Secretary Jean Tempke; Treasurer Phyllis Young. Learning Center... 12. On December 6, Learning Center staff members Isabel De Anda, Noemi Jaramillo and Lizeth Simonson participated in the Holiday Tree Lighting event sponsored by the Carlsbad Evening Rotary club and the City of Carlsbad. Staff presented several sessions of storytelling in English and Spanish and crafts to groups of children and adults. 13. Library Technician Virginia Velati gave a presentation and distributed brochures to a group of parents and teachers at Valley Middle School on December 1. She described general library services as well as those specific to the Learning Center including Homework Zone and Adult computer classes in English and Spanish. Questions were answered about card application procedures, Homework Zone sign ups, and computer class requirements. 14. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott attended the San Diego Council on Literacy's network affiliate meeting. The major announcement was that there would not be a Race for Literacy in 2011 for economic reasons. However, affiliates are invited to participate in other fundraising events planned for the 25th anniversary of the Council. One is The Bee; a spelling bee to be held on February 24. Literacy Services has secured a sponsor and has assembled a 3-person team of staff member Deanna Westphal, CHS tutor Gail Rosemeyer, and adult literacy tutor Geoff Armour. 15. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott graduated from Supervisor's Academy (a five-day session led by the Centre for Organization Effectiveness) on December 4. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY USAGE STATISTICS - DECEMBER 2010 CCL Dove lane Reference questions Circulation People count Cole Library Reference questions Circulation People count* Learning Center Reference questions Circulation People count Library-Sponsored Programs Adult programs Adult program attendance Young Adult programs Young Adult program attendance Children's programs Children's program attendance Computer Users All Facilities Web Use (beginning FY 2010-11} Website Page views Website unique users Online Usagefbeginning FY2010-11) In-house and remote database usage Downloadable audio books Facility Meeting Room Use Events booked Event attendance Events cancelled Volunteer Hours Total hours DEC-09 11,806 68,300 30,170 7,030 29,842 18,551 1,151 1,136 4,049 21 368 8 122 83 2,495 12,539 Not collected Not collected Not collected Not collected 67 3,000 5 1,443.6 IMOV-10 12,085 73,451 33,364 8,232 33,474 25,896 1,348 1,773 4,964 36 834 11 91 118 4,123 12,643 55,265 21,963 5,578 299 73 3,453 19 1,620 DEC-10 10,380 67,806 31,748 7,750 29,639 25,194 1,421 1,381 4,269 25 898 6 94 77 2,470 12,178 54,171 21,480 4,707 342 105 3,711 29 1,357 * Door counter in 2009 not working properly.