HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-02-23; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: MINUTES ITEM #3 MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, and Lignante Absent: Trustee Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Bradley/Hulsart) and vote, the minutes of the January 19, 2011 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Hulsart commented on the programs held last month at the Library in partnership with the Ruben H. Fleet Science Center and the San Diego Natural History Museum, and asked if the Board could have a list of the other area organizations who partner with the Library. Trustee Bradley asked for some additional information on the Adult Learner Leadership Institute which was hosted by the Library Learning Center last month. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the program is in its fourth or fifth year and is sponsored by the State Library. The Learning Center has been the host program for the last four years. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of February 23, 2011 Meeting Trustee Hulsart commented on the large jump in the statistics for Cole and Deputy Library Director Smithson reminded the Board that last year's numbers were collected before the new door counters were installed. Trustee Hulsart suggested these numbers would be helpful for those who are contacting the State representatives to support the need for library funding. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto offered to provide annual numbers as well, contained in the State Library Annual Survey for last fiscal year. Chair Bradley requested that all the Board receive the information. CITY BUDGET CALENDAR FOR FY2011-12: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto referenced the schedule for the departmental budgets which was included in their packet. She added that the budget submittal goes through a number of reviews before it is final, and the budget will be brought back to the Board when it is firm for concurrence. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto also advised the Board that all City departments are responding to a request to identify three million dollars in the City's budget as possible efficiencies, savings, and revenue generating opportunities. STATE BUDGET IMPACTS: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto advised the Board about the hearings on reductions to library services if the Governor's proposed budget is passed. Currently the Budget Conference Committee, in meetings this week and next, is addressing the issues not resolved between the Senate and Assembly budget subcommittees. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto offered talking points from the California Library Association as well as contact information for members of the Budget Conference Committee for anyone who wanted them. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto added that a secondary impact that was not known last month was that the State has to achieve a maintenance of effort requirement in order to be eligible for federal funds to be distributed by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). IMLS supplies a good portion of the funds that are passed through the state libraries to local jurisdictions and used to fund state-wide programs. Therefore, in addition to the $30.4 million that would be lost directly if the proposed budget is passed, the indirect loss of federal funds after about 18 months would be about $16 million if that maintenance of effort is not sustained at the state level. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of February 23, 2011 Meeting STRATEGIC INITIATIVES FOR 2011-12: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported that the staff has met several times to review potential initiatives for next year's work. Beginning with a list of twenty-four possible initiatives, the staff utilized a number of methods to prioritize them, to include surveys and concept mapping. The results of the analysis and rating allowed the staff to pare down the list to sixteen initiatives to be considered as the Library develops the budget for next year. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that the final determination has not been made and the finalized list would be brought back to the Board. DIRECTOR'S REPORT; Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto brought the Board up to date on the following items: CALTAC workshop - Registration for the workshop is due this week and Library staff is happy to make the reservation for anyone who wishes to attend. Library Automation System - The Library is working with the current provider, SirsiDynix, to extend the contract, which expires in May, for three years to allow for more time to explore options for future delivery of library automation solutions. Discovery service - A Request for Information (RFI) document is being finalized to be sent to vendors for a different add-on service, called Discovery. Additional information on this item will be presented at the next Board meeting with the technology report. Staffing - Two full time positions that support technology are now open with the resignation of Business Systems Associate Stacy Wile. The Library will be asking for that position to be unfrozen immediately, especially in view of the current number of technology projects and the vacant and frozen Technology Librarian position. The Library's Volunteer Coordinator Amy Bennett has also announced she will be leaving within the next month but as this position is hourly, the Library is free to recruit for her replacement immediately. BEE - The event which is a replacement fundraiser for the discontinued Walk for Literacy will be held on February 24, at the Sheraton Four Points and tickets are available. SRP - In preparation for the annual Summer Reading Program (SRP) the Library has received the order form for the standard tee-shirts but also available this year is a canvas tote bag as an option. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of February 23, 201 1 Meeting ___ FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the Foundation's annual retreat is scheduled for this weekend and the focus will be on strategic planning and their future direction. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart announced the Friend's Better Book sale will take place on April 15th and 16th at the Cole Library and the garden club will join them on the 16th with plants for sale. A second quilt drawing will also take place on that Sunday. Tickets for the quilt drawing will be available in the book store beginning on March 1st. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marge Kealey reported on the recent trip to Salt Lake City by 15 of the members. She also provided information on recent programs and a preview of those scheduled for the next month, including the Spring Seminar on March 26th at the Carlsbad Sr. Center. The beginning and refresher genealogy classes begin again tonight for the four-week series. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Benson relayed a greeting from previous Trustee Sweete and Deputy Library Director Curtis had a similar message from previous Trustee Tarman. Chair Bradley reminded the Board that there were some questions presented last month with regard to state funding for libraries both school and public. She asked Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto to review her response to those questions. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained the structure of public libraries and sources of funding for libraries in California. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion,(Bradley/Lignante) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JANUARY 2011 Systemwide... 1. Carlsbad City Library staff had the unique opportunity to attend the American Library Association Mid-winter Conference held at the San Diego Convention Center from January 7-11. As the Mid-winter Conference is the time for ALA business and committee meetings, the primary focus of staff participation was visiting with vendors and suppliers in the exhibits area. The exhibits provided insight into new technologies, publishers' information, author talks, and library products. 2. Library support and education organizations Califa and InfoPeople co-sponsored a webinar, The Edgy Librarian, on January 27. The webinar incorporated five 1-hour segments: Library technology trends, reference chat, e-books, integrated library systems, children's services and local history. Over 30 staff members from all three locations participated in the webinar broadcast at both the Library on Dove Lane and the Library Learning Center. 3. Library staff members Barbara Chung, Lizeth Simonson, and Marsha Weeks attended the Santiago Library System Performer's Showcase in Yorba Linda on January 27. The showcase presented auditions from 38 performers who perform in libraries and schools throughout Southern California. During the event several performers were booked for our 2011Summer Reading Program. 4. The Library's e-newsletter subscriber list is approaching 3,000 while the Library's Twitter followers (twitter.com/carlsbadlibrary) are close to 280. CCL, Dove Lane... 5. The Cinema Society of Carlsbad on Saturday, January 22 had 150 attendees for a screening of the award-winning foreign film "Gloomy Sunday." Many audience members stayed after to share their thoughts about in the film in the post-discussion. 6. Thirty two pajama-clad children listened to stories, did a craft and enjoyed cookies and milk at the Children's Division's Pajama Party on January 20. 7. Science Saturday was held on January 22. The dinosaurs topic attracted 89 children and parents. Georgina Cole... 8. The January 23 poetry writing workshop at the Georgina Cole Library was hosted by local poet and teacher Sylvia Levinson and attended by 32 people. Monthly Library Reports for January 2011 9. The Ruben H. Fleet Science Center presented a special program on January 18, Fantastic Forces, with 82 young people in attendance. This hands-on program introduced participants to friction, forces, and the laws of motion. Children experimented, designed, built, and played with roller coasters. 10. Cole Reference staff taught several computer classes at the Library Learning Center, including a new class on the Career Transitions database. This successful class will be repeated in February to accommodate interested participants. 11. Genealogy classes in January included the topics How to Get Your Family Interested in Genealogy, Linkpendium, English Research, and a beginning genealogy class. Learning Center... 12. The San Diego Natural History Museum presented the educational program, Ms. Frizzle and the Dinosaur's Dinner on January 27. Children of all ages explored with Ms. Frizzle (of Magic School Bus fame) the wild world of dinosaurs including their habitats and habits. 13. Volunteer literacy tutor Ricki D. presented Healthy Living in the New Year, a successful workshop attended by 21 tutors and learners enrolled in our program. 14. The 2011 Adult Learner Leadership Institute, sponsored by the State Library, had its first session on January 22 at the Learning Center. This 6-session program facilitated by learners for learners focuses on teaching leadership, advocacy, and presentation skills. The main facilitator is a current Carlsbad learner and graduate of last year's Institute. She will be joined by other facilitators and guest speakers for the various sessions. Twelve other learners representing three programs (Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Escondido) are participating. ' 15. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended the monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (Y.E.S.) at the Harding Community Center. Susan Golding, former Mayor of San Diego and CEO of Promises 2 Kids, gave a presentation about the importance of continued collaboration with community agencies to better serve our communities. She commended Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services for helping families and their children by providing information on the many resources available in San Diego County. 16. The literacy learner waiting list has started to lengthen since the loss of the AmeriCorps program. The Literacy Services Division, with the assistance of City Volunteer Coordinator Sue Irey and Library Volunteer Coordinator Amy Bennett, has increased recruitment efforts, including outreach presentations, advertising, re-establishing a presence on VolunteerMatch, and sending out a letter to current tutors asking if they are able to take a second learner. Literacy Services has received a very good response from these efforts. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS JANUARY 2011 lifaraf 3ii«[=iMif«iiiF:i4 MI AnniuTgf | i 2 3 Reference Questions Circulation People Count 13,701 76,026 34,352 4 5 6 Reference Questions Circulation People Count 7,797 32,479 16,082 7 8 9 Reference Questions Circulation People Count 1,344 1,312 3,620 10 11 12 Reference questions Circulation People Count 22,842 109,817 54,054 10,380 67,806 31,748 7,750 29,639 25,194 1,421 1,381 4,269 19,551 98,826 61,211 _ 12,695 74,927 34,600 11,051 34,350 28,871 2,145 1,494 4,984 25,891 110,771 68,455 Programs and Technology 13 14 15 16 17 18 Adult Programs Adult Prgm Attndnce Young Adult Programs Young Adit Prgm Attndnce Children's Programs Children's Prgm Attndnce 37 504 7 74 108 3,313 19 20 21 22 23 Computer Use Webpage Views Website Unique Users Database Usage Audio Books Downloads 12,111 ..•••••* ..••• .••"""""*.••«•*""* 24 25 26 # Events Booked Event Attendance # Events Cancelled 83 3,585 6 27 Total Volunteer Hours 1599 25 898 6 94 77 2,470 12,178 54,171 21,480 4,707 342 105 3,711 29 1357 43 1119 8 56 113 4,177 12,639 57,086 n/a 5,808 390 95 2,849 25 1679 1. Webiste unique user data unavailable due to change in reporting system 2. Shaded area indicates data that staff began collecting in July 2010