HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-03-16; Library Board of Trustees; Minutesimproved:6 -/'5 -ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, March 16, 2011 Library Learning Center 3368 Eureka Place - Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Trustees Benson, Hinman, and Hulsart Absent: Trustees Bradley and Lignante Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Devin Castel, Sr. Business Systems Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approval of the minutes of the January 19, 2011 regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was deferred until the next regular meeting of this Board. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Trustees commented on the list of programming partnerships between local organizations and the Library, which was provided following their request at their last meeting. Trustee Hulsart asked for additional information on the impact of budget cuts and the Serra Cooperative Library System. QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Sr. Business Systems Specialist (BSS) Devin Castel guided the Board through a PowerPoint presentation of the highlights from last quarter, including information about computer usage in the Library and the increase in the use of personal devices. The statistics indicate that during the last quarter the Library's website was accessed 13,000 times by mobile devices and national trends Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of the March 16, 2011 Meeting show a marked increase in the number of smart phones and tablet device sales. Sr. BSS Castel added that the Library was working to refine the current method used to track and record wireless usage. Also of interest to the Board was usage of the self-check machines. For the last quarter, 56% of the patrons used the self-check option and 52% of all the items checked out were at a self-check machine. Deputy Library Director Curtis added that the Library continues to market the use of the self-check by assisting patrons who are waiting for a manned station to check out their items. LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY ACTION PLAN: Sr. BSS Castel continued his presentation with an overview of the Library's action plan for evaluating the current business systems whose contracts are all expiring within the next couple of years. He explained the process wherein the Library staff together with a consultant and members of the City's IT staff met and decided on a structured plan for decision-making on upgrading or replacing current technology. Sr. BSS Castel responded to several questions from the Board on the various elements of the plan, expressing concern whether there would be any impact on service. BSS responded that although some service interruption was unavoidable, the Library and the City's IT staff routinely work to minimize the impact by working after hours and on holidays when the Library is closed. In concluding his presentation, Sr. BSS Castel stated that a critical element of the plan is to fill the Library's Business Systems Associate position currently vacant and frozen. He added that the budget for FY2011-12 will also be a huge factor. DONOR RECOGNITION; Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that this item was on the agenda to provide the Board with some background information on types of donor recognition and methods utilized by the Library in the past as the initial step for creating a formal policy. She called the Board's attention to the recently completed lobby downstairs at the Learning Center and the addition of a donor recognition element. She reviewed the history of the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation (CLAF) Capital Campaign and their authority from City Council to offer naming rights for the building with the understanding that major donations would be acknowledged on the wall. Although the City and CLAF have an agreement for a number of naming opportunities in exchange for specific donation amounts, neither the Library nor the City have a written donor recognition policy. She added that the Friends of the Library and the CLAF were being invited to offer their suggestions as well. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of the March 16, 2011 Meeting The Board discussed the methods in use by a variety of organizations, including in a virtual environment, and asked staff to create an outline of what the policy might look like and the elements it needs to include, and bring it back to the Board for discussion. LIBRARY BUDGET FOR FY2011-12: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto asked Management Analyst Steve Didier to update the Board on the status of the budget development. Management Analyst Didier reported that the Library's proposed budget was submitted a week ago Friday, immediately followed by a list of efficiencies and cost savings measures to help reduce the City's budget by $3 million. He added that the next step will be meeting with the Finance Department to review the Library's budget submittal. Worth noting is that the Library has already cut costs in areas that are invisible, therefore any of the efficiencies or cost savings measures that are selected for implementation will impact services in some way. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER: Community Relations Manager Jessica Padilla Bowen distributed copies of the Resource Guide for this year's event taking place during the month of April. She reviewed the schedule of events which includes a French cooking demonstration and several "foodie" films in support of this year's book selection, My Life in France by Julia Child with Alex Prud'homme. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that this weekend is the City sponsored family friendly event, Visit the World in the Village. In addition, she briefed the Board on the following: • A proclamation is on the City Council agenda for April 5, recognizing National Library Week and Carlsbad Reads Together. • The Library Volunteer Recognition event is scheduled for April 13 at the Carlsbad Senior Center. • The Library is requesting permission to unfreeze and recruit for two vacant full time technology related positions, the Business Systems Associate and the Technology Librarian. • Recruitments are underway for two hourly vacancies, a media tech and the Library's Volunteer Coordinator. • The analysis of the workflow in the Collection Development and Acquisitions and Technical Services Divisions has been prompted by the reduction in the budget for materials as well as the migration to more electronic resources which changes some of the nature of the work. A consultant has been selected to do the analysis and identify opportunities for efficiencies. • The annual training for Boards and Commissions members is tentatively scheduled for an evening sometime in June. More information will be forthcoming from the City Clerk's office. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of the March 16, 2011 Meeting FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the Foundation held its annual retreat on March 26 which was well attended and focused primarily on major fundraising and methods to bring together and join forces where appropriate the three organizations that routinely fundraise on behalf of the Library and Cultural Arts: Friends of the Library, Friends of the Arts and the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto added that at the Foundation's regular March meeting the Board Members were debriefed on the retreat and received materials that were the result of the discussion. They also continued the discussion of their goals. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reminded the Board that the Better Books Sale will take place at the Cole Library on Saturday and Sunday, April 16 & 17, and she had brought tickets for sale for the quilt drawing taking place that Sunday, as they had requested. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marge Kealey reported on the previous month's events and upcoming programs including the Spring Seminar on March 26. The genealogy classes continue on Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. at the Cole Library and the beginner class is scheduled for April 9 from 9 a.m. to 3p.m. She added that these free classes continue to be full. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Benson welcomed newest Trustee Wendy Hinman to her first meeting since her appointment. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper mo$or\ (Hulsart/Hinman) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. jssie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for FEBRUARY 2011 Systemwide... 1. Career Cruising, a career development, training, and job search database launched as part of a free subscription offered through the Serra Cooperative Library System until Nov. 1, 2011. CCL, Dove Lane ... 2. On February 12, the Library hosted a Local Authors' Festival featuring seven Carlsbad and North County authors. Friends of the Library member and author Eva Shaw moderated a panel discussion in the auditorium and a book signing was held in the courtyard. Approximately 50 people attended. 3. On February 13, the Library hosted a concert featuring Latin jazz musician Diego Mondragon, along with five another musicians and a flamenco dancer. The auditorium event was at capacity and audience members raved about the music. 4. Dove Reference Staff taught five computer classes in February. 5. The Childrens Division's Chinese New Year Celebration on February 17 attracted 39 children and parents who listened to a story, made felt fortune cookies and enjoyed real ones. 6. The Space Shuttle Science Saturday program on February 26 attracted 74 participants who got to look at meteors and make edible space shuttles. Georgina Cole... 7. Programs sponsored by the Genealogy Division and the North San Diego County Genealogical Society included Jean Wilcox Hibbens' presentation to the Computer Genealogy Group on "Deductive vs. Inductive Reasoning" with 78 people in attendance, and Anne Miller's presentation on "Evaluating Genealogical Evidence and Sources" with 86 people attending. Volunteers Margaret Read, Marti Meiners, and Marianne Meth taught the first of four evening Beginning Genealogy Classes. Volunteer Dustin Brace held the second monthly Scan Your Photograph session. Library Technician Judy Michaels presented two hands-on classes on State Censuses. 8. The Architecture Design class from Carlsbad High School visited Cole Library for a tour and presentation about the Carlsbad History Room. Kruger House Preschool brought two groups of about 20 people each to receive a tour and explore the Children's area. Monthly Library Reports for February 2011 9. Cole Reference Staff taught seven classes at the Library Learning Center, including a new and popular class on Social Networking. 10. February was Black History Month and this was celebrated with an interactive drum circle program by Chazz Ross. Sixty-eight people participated and the Cole Children's staff received many compliments about the program and the presenter. He had a wonderful rapport with the kids and was very high energy. Each child (as well as several adults) was able to play a drum as part of a drum circle. Mr. Ross later brought out more instruments and participants lingered, played, and talked with him long after the program ended. 11. Culture Craft celebrated Chinese New Year with 66 participants listening to stories and making a red lantern to take home. A reporter from the North County Times attended and a photo of the event was featured on the newspaper's website. Learning Center... 12. During the month of February the Library Learning Center celebrated Library Lovers' Month. Library users of all ages expressed in writing on a red paper heart what they love about the library and received a chocolate kiss. Additional youth programs included a Teen Team valentines program and a three-session PowerPoint instruction course presented by Dove Childrens' Library Assistant Fred Vrabel. 13. Parents at Jefferson Elementary School received a presentation by Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson about library services and children's programs. All-Star Readers Club brochures, Homework Zone flyers and children's calendars were distributed to the group. 14. North County Transit District Community and Government Relations Manager, Melba Novoa, spoke to library patrons on February 15 and 16 about upcoming changes in bus routes in north San Diego County. NCTD was seeking community input to assist in the planning for proposed Breeze bus service changes that will affect Carlsbad residents. 15. Literacy Services Library Technician Deanna Westphal began teaching Facebook classes to Literacy Services' program participants. Her curriculum consists of 3 levels, with an open lab available for personalized help. 16. The "Spellbinders" team from Literacy Services, which included staff member Deanna Westphal and tutors Gail Rosemeyer and Meli Barrett, finished second place in the San Diego Council on Literacy's first spelling bee fundraiser. "The Bee" raised money to support the Council's literacy affiliates, which includes Carlsbad's program. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott served as team sponsor and as a judge at the competition. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Community Partnerships Listed below are organizations that have partnered with Carlsbad City Library for program presentations or other services. Cal State University, San Marcos Carlsbad Educational Foundation Carlsbad Fire Department Carlsbad High School: CHS Theater Department and CHS Speech Team Carlsbad Kiwanis Carlsbad Playreaders Carlsbad Police Department Eveoke Dance Theater Flower Fields Helen Woodward Animal Center LEGOLAND Love on a Leash MiraCosta College Museum of Making Music New Village Arts North County Transit District North County Health Services Palomar College Plaza Paseo Real Shopping Center/Madison Marquette Project Wildlife Ruben H. Fleet Science Center San Diego Air & Space Museum San Diego County Library San Diego Natural History Museum San Diego Space Society San Diego Zoo Solana Center for Environmental Innovation Vista Community Clinic Write Out Loud Youth Enrichment Services Partners specific to the Library Learning Center California Library Literacy Services Community Interface Head Start Hispanic Network Pacific Library Partnership San Diego Council on Literacy San Diego County Office of Education Migrant Education Program Southern California Library Literacy Network 8 March 2011 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CCL Dove Lane Reference Questions Circulation People Count l Reference Questions Circulation People Count 1 Reference Questions Circulation People Count 1 Reference questions Circulation People Count 13,386 73,563 32,857 9,156 32,199 16,772 1,825 1,367 5,419 24,367 107,129 55,048 12,695 74,927 34,600 11,051 34,350 28,871 2,145 1,494 4,984 25,891 110,771 68,455 •niaTl; 12,661 71,662 34,153 11,557 33,559 28,893 2,101 1,469 4,832 26,319 106,690 67,878 1. Door counters changed in March/April 2010; counts are low prior to change Programs and Technology " " 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Adult Programs Adult Prgm Attndnce Young Adult Programs Young Adit Prgm Attndnce Children's Programs Children's Prgm Attndnce Computer Use Webpage Views Database Usage Audio Books Downloads # Events Booked Event Attendance # Events Cancelled 37 417 8 108 113 3,455 13,261 """ .•••••""" ••••*"""* 87 3,858 15 26 Total Volunteer Hours 1699 43 1119 8 56 113 4,177 12,639 57,086 5,708 390 95 2,849 25 1679 45 1211 9 82 115 4,469 11,513 60,097 7,075 396 121 6,156 25 1601 2. Shaded area indicates data that staff began collecting in July 2010 2. Website Users removed CARLSBAD ' CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Oct - Dec 2010 PC Management Sessions Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Total Computers 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Sessions Jul -Sep 2010 8,732 1,010 5,986 3,697 1,156 10,736 1,114 1,925 1,375 1,596 Sessions Oct - Dec 2010 8,067 982 5,135 3,302 1,076 9,400 1,242 1,855 1,029 1,211 Pet of Change -8% -3% -14% -11% -7% -12% 11% -4% -25% -24% Sessions Oct - Dec 2009 8,345 1,012 5,267 3,696 1,689 10,218 1,389 2,702 1,173 1,752 Sessions Oct - Dec 2010 8,067 982 5,135 3,302 1,076 9,400 1,242 1,855 1,029 1,211 Pet of Change -3% -3% -3% -11% -36% -8% -11% -31% -12% -31% PC Utilization Averages Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Total Computers 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Utilization Jul -Sep 2010 63% 67% 29% 57% 13% 82% 21% 24% 44% 32% Utilization Oct - Dec 2010 67% 78% 25% 54% 13% 80% 25% 25% 24% 41% Pet of Change 6% 16% -14% -5% 0% -2% 19% 4% -45% 28% Utilization Oct - Dec 2009 69% 72% 27% 57% 22% 84% 27% 37% 27% 54% Utilization Oct - Dec 2010 67% 78% 25% 54% 13% 80% 25% 25% 24% 41% Pet of Change -3% 8% -7% -5% -41% -5% -7% -32% -11% -24% Htfl en F CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Oct - Dec 2010 Self-Check vs Staffed - User Sessions Self-Check 56% Staffed Station 44% Self-Check vs Staffed - Item Transactions Self-Check 52% Staffed Station 48% — ITEM # 7CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Donor Recognition Practices The Carlsbad City Library highly values donations received both directly and indirectly through its support organizations: Carlsbad Friends of the Library; Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation; and the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. Relationships with donors have been carefully fostered, and great effort has been made to recognize and appreciate the many library patrons, community members and businesses that support the Library through contributions large and small, year over year. The Library routinely recognizes all donations received. Donations less than $500 are acknowledged with a letter of thanks from the Library unless given anonymously or where the donor elects not to receive acknowledgment. Book plates designating the donor and/or an individual designated by the donor (in memorium, in honor, etc) are inserted in items funded through donations to the Library's collection. Donations of $500 or more are accepted by the City Council through an agenda bill, which directs an additional letter of acknowledgment be sent on behalf of the Council. Donors are invited to attend the Council meeting where the donation is accepted, and to address the Council. If desired, a photo of the donor with the Council is provided for the donor to use for documentation and communications about the donation. Council meetings are broadcast on cable TV and available for viewing on the City's website. The funding of ongoing programs is recognized in all publicity for those programs. For example, the Robert H. Gartner endowment which funds cultural programs in the Schulman (managed by the Library and Arts Foundation), is mentioned in all publicity of those programs and announced at the beginning of each event funded. The Friends of the Library are similarly credited in publicity materials and at the beginning of all programs they fund. Major gifts have been honored through naming opportunities at all three library facilities, each with the approval of the City Council. In the Georgina Cole Library, the Genealogy area was named to honor the Dana and Eleanor Blayney Family. The Library on Dove Lane contains several named areas: the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium; William D. Cannon Art Gallery; George and Patricia Gowland Meeting Room; and Leichtag Family Foundation Computer Lab. All gifts associated with named areas recognize donations ranging from $20,000 to $250,000. Gifts of $5,000 and up received at the opening of the Library on Dove Lane are recognized on the donor wall in the lobby there. Two areas have been named in honor of the Library's former library directors, which are unassociated with a donation: in 2000, the Georgina Cole Library was renamed for the first library director of Carlsbad, prompted by a request from community members. And in 2008, the lobby of the Learning Center was named in honor of Dr. Cliff Lange upon his retirement, at the request of the Foundation. During construction of the Learning Center, the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation requested that naming opportunities be made available to enhance fundraising potential toward achievement of its $1.5 million funding commitment. At that time, the City Council expressed the desire to carefully establish donation levels associated with naming opportunities, indicating the levels used for naming opportunities at the Dove Lane Library were set too low. A citywide naming policy had not yet been adopted but was in development. Responding to a proposal from the Foundation, in 2006 the Council 3/7/11 approved naming opportunities within the Learning Center, along with Principles and Guidelines for crafting an agreement with the Foundation for marketing these naming opportunities. The Principles and Guidelines stated: "Named areas within the facility will be identified in a manner mutually acceptable to the Library Director and the donor. Additional recognition within the facility will be determined similarly." In February, 2007, the City entered into an agreement with the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation affirming the naming opportunities as well as terms and conditions for their use. The agreement specified the creation of a Donor Recognition Committee comprising representatives of the City, Foundation, Board of Trustees and the Library Director, to ensure proper management of a process for review and recommendation for approval of donor naming, including recognition. Acting upon the direction of the Council, the Library established a donor recognition design at the Learning Center to support the naming opportunities and ensure proper recognition of major gifts. Participating in this design was a member of the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation, along with representatives of the staff and volunteers delivering service at the Learning Center. Guidance in developing a donor recognition design was also offered by the Cultural Arts Office. In 2009, the Library engaged the services of a contractor to design a donor recognition area as well as enhancements to the Learning Center lobby that would effectively showcase major gifts and create an inviting, inspiring entrance to the facility. In late 2010, the design was completed. Three major donations are currently represented on the donor wall of the Learning Center: a $100,000 gift from the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation toward its commitment of $1.5 million; a $20,000 donation made by Knox and June Williams in honor of their son Drue Knox Williams; and a $25,000 donation made by the Friends of the Carlsbad Library to fund opening expenses. 3/7/11