HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-04-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: MINUTES ITEM #3 MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Hulsart, and Lignante. Trustee Benson arrived immediately following roll call. Absent: Trustee Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Hulsart/Bradley) and vote, the minutes of the February 23, 2011 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. Approval of the minutes of the March 16, 2011 meeting was continued until the next regular meeting. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: In reviewing the monthly reports the Trustees asked that staff always include attendance numbers when reporting on individual programs. Trustee Bradley asked about the Southern California Library Literacy Network's annual conference and Principal Librarian Ahrens reported that many of the workshops offered at the conference were on topics already included in the literacy program at the Learning Center, to include financial literacy (balancing a check book and reading a bank statement) and health and nutrition. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of April 20, 2011 Meeting The Board commented on the increase in program attendance last month as well as the door count at Cole. Deputy Library Director Smithson reminded the Board that the new door counters will have been in place for one year this month providing us with a realistic baseline number for comparison. DONOR RECOGNITION POLICY: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto referred the Board to the enclosed list of elements for the proposed policy and advised that she had requested input from the Friends of the Library and the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation. Trustee Bradley emphasized the importance of acknowledging all donations in some way or another and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto pointed out that whatever the method, a huge component is the staff time required, and the need to ensure the recognition is commensurate with the size of the donation. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto advised that staff will continue to work on the policy based on the philosophy that all donations should be recognized and return with the draft version possibly as early as the June meeting. LIBRARY BUDGET & FEE REVISIONS FOR FY2011-12: Management Analyst Steve Didier reported that the Library's budget had been through the initial review at Finance and would be sent forward to the City Manager's Team as part of the process. At this point the Library has not been advised what efficiencies and cost-saving options proposed by the Library were being implemented as part of the City's efforts to bridge the $3 million gap. He added that as part of the annual budget the Library reviews current fees and is proposing an increase in the fees for copies/prints to 20 cents for black and white and $1 for color (currently the fee is 15 cents for black and white and 75 cents for color). He explained that the increase will only cover about 4% of the actual cost of providing this service. Also proposed to increase is the charge for recorded copies of programs held in the Library's Auditorium (DVDs and CDs). The new fee would be consistent with what the City Clerk charges for copies of other recordings produced by the City. Also under review are a number of technology services offered by Community Relations in conjunction with events held in the meeting rooms and auditorium. Trustee Benson asked if the fees were in line with those of other libraries in the region and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that the Library routinely checks with Serra- member Libraries before changing fees. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of April 20, 2011 Meeting DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported that many events planned for the Carlsbad Reads Together have already been held and reminded the Board to notify Community Relations Manager Jessica Padilla Bowen if they planned on attending the Saturday event. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto also updated the Board on the following: Citizen's Academy - This Thursday features the Library & Cultural Arts, and Parks & Recreation providing information about our services to the attendees. Library Hourly Employee Recognition event - This annual event is scheduled for Friday, May 13th at the Senior Center and the Board is invited to attend. Emergency Exercise - Last month Community Relations Manager Padilla Bowen and Sr. Librarian Leila Dooley participated in a City-wide exercise. Staffing updates- Interviews for the hourly volunteer coordinator position were conducted today. The interviews for the full time Business Systems Associate position are concluded and a candidate selected. A decision from the City Manager's Team has not yet been made on the request to unfreeze the full time Technology Librarian position and a decision will not be forthcoming until after the budget is set. California Library Association Snapshot Day - The Library participated in this event last October along with libraries across the state to capture what happened on one day in the Library. The results have been compiled into a flyer that contains both State-wide information as well as that specific to the Carlsbad City Library. The information will be used as a marketing tool as well as shared with local legislators. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the Foundation meeting focused on fund raising events, including the possibility of a gala in connection with the Mini-golf, the purpose of which would be to acquire commitments for larger donations. Also at the meeting a subcommittee was appointed to explore donor recognition methods. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reporting for the Friends announced that the Better Books Sale raised a little more than $2,000 and the opportunity drawing for the quilt brought in another $950. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of April 20, 2011 Meeting _ NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: No report. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Benson commented on the news that libraries will soon be able to provide downloadable books for the Kindle reader in addition to other reader devices. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Lignante/Benson) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for MARCH 2011 Systemwide... 1. The City-sponsored event "Experience the World in the Village" was held on March 19 from 1-5 p.m. Hundreds of community members enjoyed hands-on art projects, storytelling, live music, games and more at this family-friendly event in the Carlsbad Village. City departments, including the Library, worked with community partners from the Carlsbad Educational Foundation, LEGOLAND, Museum of Making Music, New Village Arts and Kidville. The Library support included providing the sound system, event planning, on-site event management, and Cultural Arts project assistance. Librarians provided storytelling sessions and hosted a Carlsbad History Room display at the event. 2. The Community Relations Division worked with Childrens' Division supervisors to redesign the children's program calendar. The new format was debuted in March and features a full-color layout listing children's programs for all Library locations. Several patrons were complimentary about the new format and mentioned that they liked being able to see all the children's programs available at all locations. 3. Library staff members are working to provide an upgraded interface to the library's online catalog. The industry name for this type of upgrade is called "discovery services." Our Discovery Team received presentations from the three vendors who responded to our Request for Information (RFI), rated the products, and are preparing for next steps in a very aggressive timeline. It is hoped that the upgraded interface, with its more user- friendly experience, will be in place by the fall. CCL, Dove Lane... 4. On March 12, the Library's Saturday film series featured the acclaimed foreign film "The Necessities of Life." More than 150 people attended and many stayed after for the post- film discussions. 5. The Library hosted author Victor Villasenor for the launch of his newest book, "Beyond Rain of Gold" on March 31. Nearly 200 people attended the talk and signing with attendees attracted from as far away as Temecula, Los Angeles and Sacramento, along with many long-time local residents. 6. The Dr. Seuss read-a-thon on March 2 was a lot of fun, thanks to wonderful volunteers from throughout the library. Thirty-four children and adults (and the Cat in the Hat) enjoyed stories and birthday cake out in the Children's Garden. 7. Mardi Gras revelers learned about the holiday, made masks and then finished their celebration by marching around the meeting room to the tune of "When the Saints Go Marching In." Twenty-five children and adults got a taste of Fat Tuesday fun on March 8. Monthly Library Reports for August 2009 8. The March 12 "Science of Spring @ the Library" Science Saturday program attracted 57 children and adults, who came face-to-face with some creepy crawlies and other critters. 9. Pizza and a Movie Night featured Toy Story 3. Eleven teens came and enjoyed the film and the refreshments. 10. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted three Monday Games & Refreshments programs with a total attendance of 22 teens. Georgina Cole... 11. The Cole Library hosted a spring concert on Sunday, March 13, featuring the local Zydeco group The Bayou Brothers. Approximately 85 people attended and several enjoying playing the rubboard (a corrugated metal plate scraped with spoons) alongside the musicians. 12. Thirty writers attended the March 27 poetry writing workshop at Cole Library led by San Diego poet and teacher Roger Aplon. 13. The Genealogy Division staff presented two Focus On small group classes presenting hands-on instruction on the Footnote.com online database. Volunteers Marti Meiner, Marianne Meth, and Blythe Stokes presented three sessions of the Wednesday evening Beginning Class series during March. 14. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society held its annual all-day Spring Seminar at the Senior Center on Saturday, March 26 with 126 people in attendance. The speaker was Stephen P. Morse who spoke about his "one-step" websites. The two additional Society- sponsored lectures were Blythe Stokes presenting "Do you iGoogle?" to the Genealogy Computer Group with 63 people attending and Colleen Fitzpatrick presenting "Who is Benjamin Kyle?" with 84 people attending. 15. Genealogy Library Technician Ann Montgomery presented two outreach sessions on behalf of the Carlsbad City Library at the annual Family History Fair held March 5 at the LDS church in Escondido. She discussed the Carlsbad City Library genealogy collection and resources and our online user guides (pdf files on the library website which guide users through some of the more complex genealogy research areas and collections). 16. Children's Services presented several seasonal programs in March. In celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday (March 2), Story Craft featured Dr. Seuss tales and children made a large Cat in the Hat hat for their craft. Forty-four people participated. Representatives from the Carlsbad Flower Fields came to the Library as part of their outreach program and 63 children were able to plant a sunflower to take home. 17. Puppeteer Kathy Felker returned to the Cole Library for St. Patrick's Day to perform her holiday-themed puppet show to an audience of 92. Ms. Frizzle from the San Diego Monthly Library Reports for August 2009 Natural History Museum wrapped up the Tuesday afternoon programming for the month with her presentation on bees to a group of 79. 18. Cole Reference Staff taught seven computer classes in the lab at the Library Learning Center including the two special topics classes, Social Networking and Career Cruising (an online career guidance and planning system sponsored by the Serra Cooperative Library System through November 2011) Learning Center... 19. An adult education presentation was conducted at the Learning Center on March 8. San Diego County Migrant Education Program in partnership with the Library Learning Center invited families with school-age children to attend a presentation by Guillermo Marin, a Professor from the National University of Oaxaca. Mr. Marin spoke to the audience about principals and values of the Hispanic culture and the ancient history of Mexico. 20. On St. Patrick's Day, adults and children of all ages enjoyed a program with Kathy Felker and her marionettes. She entertained the audience with a charming tale featuring Irish music and folk legends. 21. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson made a presentation to a group of Head Start parents at Kelly Elementary School on March 3. Information about children's programs and services offered at the Learning Center was discussed and materials were distributed. 22. Community Outreach Services Supervisor Carrie Scott, and library clerk Tiera David staffed a booth at Life Technologies' volunteer fair on March 16 where approximately 70 people learned about services and volunteer opportunities at the Learning Center. 23. Three Literacy Services staff members attended the Southern California Library Literacy Network's (SCLLN) annual conference. Presentation topics included financial literacy, advocacy, and health literacy. Information from those presentations is being incorporated into the tutor resources and the Adult Learner Leadership Institute curriculum. 24. The four Carlsbad winners and runners-up for the Writer to Writer Challenge were recognized at the March 5th SCLLN conference during the lunch program. This program is for adult learners in public library literacy programs. 25. The Dyslexia Training Institute presented a workshop on dyslexia to Literacy Services staff to promote a better understanding of how to recognize and work with learners with learning disabilities. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS MARCH 2011 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Circulation 82,746 71,662 82,723 People Count1 38,606 34,153 38,856 Reference Questions 9,927 11,557 12,712 Circulation 36,055 33,559 36,247 People Count1 21,355 28,893 31,240 Reference Questions 1,959 2,101 2,239 Circulation 1,808 1,469 2,516 People Count1 7,253 4,832 6,588 10 Reference questions 25,938 26,319 28,908 11 Circulation 120,609 106,690 121,486 12 People Count 67,214 67,878 76,684 1. Door counters changed in March/April 2010; counts are low prior to change Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Mar-10 Feb-11 Mar-11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Adult Programs Adult Prgm Attndnce Young Adult Programs Young Adit Prgm Attndnce Children's Programs Children's Prgm Attndnce 45 750 12 120 138 4,203 Computer Use Webpage Views Database Usage Audio Books Downloads # Events Booked Event Attendance # Events Cancelled 14,986 ..•••"" .."•"""" .••••""""" .•••"""""...-••* 99 5,144 14 26 Total Volunteer Hours 2057 45 1211 9 82 115 4,469 11,513 60,097 7,075 396 121 6,156 25 1601 48 1706 10 99 140 5,416 13,955 68,677 8,255 407 123 5,628 39 2021.75 2. Shaded area indicates data that staff began collecting in July 2010 3. Website Users removed ITEM # 5 Donor Recognition Policy Elements Statement of philosophy and guiding principles on accepting and recognizing gifts Alignment of gifts with mission and purpose of the Library Types of gifts accepted Authority for acceptance Separate opportunities for donations to Friends of the Library, Library and Arts Foundation (each with separate gift acceptance and recognition plans/policies) Acceptance criteria: conditions, restrictions; City Council approval upon recommendation of Library Director Expectations for acknowledgment of gifts and communication with donors/honorees Responsibility for donor recognition Reporting of gifts to Library Board, City and public Disclosure of gifts and donors; individual donor confidentiality [Note: subject to legal review] Recognition consistent with value of contribution Duration of recognition and permanence; relationship to nature and value of gift Recognition levels and methods; relationship to gifts Consistency of recognition among library facilities, and relative to specific fundraising initiatives Potential naming opportunities, recommendations to and approval by City Council Cumulative or annual giving: methods of recognition, extent of tracking Editorial/content control retained by Library over all programs and services funded by donations Donor Bill of Rights F:\UBRARY BOARD\Donor Recognition Policy Elements - draft 4-12-ll.docx