HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES ITEM #3 MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Hulsart, and Lignante Trustee Hinman arriving shortly after approval of the minutes Absent: Trustee Benson Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Prior to moving forward with the agenda Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced new staff members Tammy Atherton, Kelly Gilfillen and James Jones. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Hulsart/Bradley) and vote the minutes of the April 20, 2011 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. The minutes of the March 16, 2011 meeting were deferred until the next regular meeting. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: In reviewing the monthly narrative report the board commented on the writing class for children, being taught by a high school junior, and the workshops held recently at the Learning Center focusing on getting employed and taking the citizenship test. Management Analyst Didier distributed a revised schedule of statistics due to a correction in some of the children's program and database statistics. Mr. Didier also commented that the format for the children's program statistics changed to provide pre-school aged programs separately in order to match a change to the annual State Library Report format. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of May 18, 2011 Meeting QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT & DISCOVERY SOLUTION: Sr. Business Systems Specialist Castel provided an analysis of the quarterly information on computer use at the Library and the progress towards being able to capture wireless use statistics. He also pointed out that the use of the self check stations showed a decline in user sessions which was related to one of the stations at the Dove Lane location being out of service during this quarter. However, the number of transactions taking place on self-checks had still increased. Deputy Library Director Smithson reminded the Board that it has only been a year that the self- check stations could handle all transactions, to include payment of fees, and the station located in Children's has seen an increase in use. Additional outreach has also recently been launched to increase patrons' comfort with the self-checks. Sr. BSS Castel also provided a demonstration and information on the discovery solutions, a form of upgraded online catalog. In his explanation he compared the upgrade to being more Google- like in the search function, expanding the scope of the search to include everything in the Library's collection pertaining to the topic. He advised that the Library has sent Requests for Proposals to providers two weeks ago and will need to determine which product will provide what works best for this community. Trustee Hulsart asked if there would be a test group from the community at large and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that may be part of the process and she also offered to provide the Trustees with websites currently using the products the Library is researching. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER: Community Relations Manager Padilla Bowen provided a recap of the program for this year and advised that the committee has already met to discuss the book selection for next year. The committee would prefer to feature an author visit for next year and is considering local authors in the selection process. LIBRARY BUDGET FOR FY2011-12: Library Management Analyst Didier provided the Board with a summary of the Library's budget as submitted and compared it to the current year's, adding that the final amount will not be known until the reductions for the cost efficiencies identified earlier are finalized by Finance. Also submitted with the budget are some proposed fee changes including those for services in the auditorium and meeting rooms and print/copy services. On a motion by Trustee Hulsart (Lignante second) the board approved all the proposed fee changes. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of May 18, 2011 Meeting Following further discussion of the budget, including personnel costs, the materials budget, and possible changes in service delivery methods, the Board concurred with the budget as submitted. (Bradley/Hulsart)(4-0-Benson absent). SUMMER READING PREVIEW: Sr. Librarian Chung and Librarian Williamson were on hand to give the Board a brief preview of the program for this summer which will offer something for every age group, from adults to babies. The program which begins June 20 and continues until August 5 will include performances, story times, crafts, and talent shows. Participants will be eligible for a variety of rewards. The Board was treated to a screening of the PSA which is being shown on local television channels. LIBRARY PRIVACY POLICY TRAINING VIDEO: The Board also viewed the video recently completed in-house which will be used to train the Library staff on the privacy and confidentiality of user records. The policy was reviewed by the City Attorney's office and approved by the Board earlier. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto said the video was also being shared with those City departments which might also receive requests for records. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto brought the Board up to date on the following: Incident at Cole - The Sheriffs Department has the lead on the investigation and the Library has no additional information. The Library conducted a staff debrief at the Cole the following morning and also at the Division Heads' meeting last week and used the event todiscuss communication and response to situations occurring when access to the building is not possible, and to update emergency contact information and accessibility. Hourly employee recognition event - The annual event was held last week recognizing employees achieving from three to twenty-five years of service. Also honored was a Library Technician who was retiring after 32 years of service. North Coast Church Weekend of Service - The Library was one of several locations chosen by the Church volunteers for their weekend of service. Thirty-nine volunteers performed a variety of tasks including taking inventory, cleaning books, and preparing for storytime. Staffing updates- • Graphic Artist Linda Rockafellow will be retiring at the end of the fiscal year. • Previously the Library decided to fill the vacant Collection Development and Acquisitions Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of May 18, 2011 Meeting Librarian position temporarily to allow time to look at the workflow for that area and technical services. As the Library moves towards more electronic resources it has reduced the number of physical items that need processing and the Library has retained an outside firm to assist in identifying possible efficiencies. • The Reference Division at Dove Lane has consolidated and cross-trained the hourly employees to allow for more efficient scheduling to cover the many different tasks previously assigned to specific service desks. • The vacant fulltime Technology Librarian position remains frozen but has been funded in the budget for next year. The Library will submit the request to unfreeze and recruit for the position after the budget has been adopted. Additional Seating area at Dove Lane - The oversize collection has been shifted to allow for the addition of two tables in that area to meet the request for additional quiet/study locations. Request for Proposals for a coffee cart - The deadline for response was last week but the Library is still sharing information and encouraging vendors to propose a solution to providing the service. Board election/appointments - On the agenda for next month with be the selection of the chair and vice-chair of the board and the appointments for the other board responsibilities. FOUNDATION REPORT: Reporting for the Foundation, Trustee Hulsart announced the date for the Mini-golf fund raiser as September 18th and the Foundation is seeking sponsors for each of the nine holes. Also at the meeting it was announced that the chair of the pre-event gala planning committee has temporarily stepped down due to unexpected circumstances, putting the event on hold for now. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Trustee Hulsart also reporting for the Friends announced that a meeting is scheduled for tomorrow to discuss the Library's funding requests for next year. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Liaison to the Board Marg Kealey reported that the Society's membership continues to grow as they draw nationally-known speakers for some of the seminars. She announced that 120 people attended the Spring Seminar bringing in $700, and she previewed topics for upcoming events. Also reported was the May 18th start date for the next series of genealogy research classes at the Cole. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of May 18, 2011 Meeting __ LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Lignante) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:44 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for April 2011 Systemwide... 1. Nearly 800 people participated in Carlsbad Reads Together events in April. Events included a French cooking demo, book discussions groups, "foodie" films, an afternoon of French music and family-friendly fun with The Good Food Factory. Feedback at the various events was very positive. 2. The Library celebrated at the Volunteer Appreciation Event on April 13. Volunteers enjoyed a lovely assortment of desserts, kind words of appreciation from staff and city officials. The attendees were entertained by a sampling of competitive speech and debate events from Carlsbad High School's speech and debate team. 3. As part of the Community Services segment of Citizens' Academy on April 21, current Literacy program learner, Adult Learner Leadership Institute graduate and facilitator, Joyce F. presented to the Academy participants. 4. The Library celebrated National Poetry Month with a special reading by five local poets at Cole Library on April 3. Approximately 20 people attended. CCL, Dove Lane ... 5. The Joy of Writing, a class for children in grades 4-6, started in April. Budding authors came up with some very creative ideas that they were able to share in the class's supportive environment. Angela Zhang, a junior at San Dieguito Academy who is going for her Girl Scout Gold Award, is teaching the class with the help of some of her classmates. Angela has a lot of great ideas for motivating her students and the class is going well. 6. The annual Bingo for Books took place on April 20 in celebration of TV Turnoff Week. Twenty three children and adults participated and every one of the children went home with a book they chose after getting "Bingo!" 7. Dove Reference staff taught four different computer classes in April. These valuable classes drew five attendees on average. 8. Teen services librarian Darin Williamson hosted Pizza & a Movie night that featured "How to Train Your Dragon." 24 teens enjoyed this great movie. 9. Teens enjoyed four Monday Games and Refreshments programs with a total attendance of 26 teens in April. Monthly Library Reports for April 2011 Georgina Cole... 10. Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol spoke to the Fallbrook Genealogy Group on April 8 at the newly rebuilt Fallbrook Branch of the San Diego County Library about ebooks for genealogists. About 50 people attended. 11. Genealogy Library Technician Judy Michaels led the "Focus On" hands-on classes on April 5 and 19 in a discussion of library catalogs and the best ways to search them for genealogy materials. A total of 15 people attended the two classes. 12. NSDCGS Board Member Dorothy Miller spoke to the Computer Genealogy Group on April 12 about Family Tree Maker, the most popular genealogy database. 78 people attended. 13. On April 26, Dr. Stephen Baird spoke to NSDCGS on "Autosomal DNA: Cousins? Not So Fast?" Dr. Baird explained the science behind the newest DNA testing available to genealogists and explained why the results are not as significant for genealogy research as expected. 89 people attended. 14. Cole Reference staff taught eight computer classes at the Library Learning Center: Social Networking, Career Cruising database, 4 sessions of Internet Basics, Internet Tips and Tricks, and Email Basics. Most of the classes filled the 8-seat lab with 6, 7, or 8 students each. 15. The Carlsbad History Room received a number of interesting donations in April including a collection of WWII-era ration books, photos, maps, and letters; a number of elementary and high school student newspapers from the 1950's; and, lease records for land by the Southern Pacific Railroad from the 1920's into the 1960's 16. The American Library Association now refers to "Day of the Child/Day of the Book" celebratory event as simply Dfa. In celebration of Dfa, a musical guest by the name of MEXIKA (pronounced mesh-ee-ka) led their interactive "Sounds of Mexico" musical program where children learned about ancient Mexico and music. MEXIKA brought homemade musical instruments based upon vintage instruments of ancient Mexico for children to play. The children also learned to sing songs in Maya and Nuhuati. The program had 45 attendees. 17. The Cole Children's staff presented a special version of Culture Craft to tie-in with the Carlsbad Reads Together theme. The program was called "Culture Craft: Cuisine de France" and had 102 people in attendance. Children listened to tales such as Ratatouille, and made non-bake recipes such as chocolate mousse and built a mini Eiffel Tower out of wafers and frosting all while wearing French chef hats. 18. Story Craft had a Spring/Earth Day combo theme and featured a bumble bee craft made out of recycled water bottles. There were 36 participants in this program. Monthly Library Reports for April 2011 Learning Center... 19. As part of the community-wide program "Carlsbad Reads Together/' the Learning Center hosted a movie and book discussion in Spanish of Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel which was attended by 13 adults. 20. Ms. Frizzle and the Bees (from the San Diego Natural History Museum) visited the library on April 14 with 13 children and 7 adults who learned about the amazing life and work of bees. 21. On April 28, the Learning Center celebrated "The Day of the Child/Day of the Book," or Dia, with Mexika and their "Sounds of Ancient Mexico." 32 children of all ages and their parents enjoyed pre-hispanic music and stories about love and respect. 22. Bilingual Services invited Recreation Supervisor Michael Bodman to talk to a group of teens about Parks and Recreation's L.I.T.E. (Leadership in Training and Education) program. Seventeen teens received information on what the program entails, the impact the L.I.T.E. participants have in their community and how to sign up for the program. This was an opportunity for the teens to learn about a free and comprehensive after-school program and to find out about other community resources available for them. 23. Literacy Services Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott presented information about the Learning Center and volunteer opportunities to a group of about 50 members of the California Retired Teachers Association. 24. Literacy Services Library Technician Deanna Westphal organized two small group workshop series for learners and tutors, "Get That Job" with 7 participants and "U.S. History" for those studying for their citizenship test with 6 participants. Deanna also facilitated an in-service program, "Tutor Talk," where 4 tutors shared ideas and experiences about working with their learners. 25. The City Council issued a proclamation on Tuesday, April 5, recognizing National Volunteer Week April 10-16. Councilwoman Farrah Douglas read the proclamation that honored the volunteers who support the Library's Literacy Services. Volunteer tutor Meli Barrett spoke to the audience, explaining what the literacy program has meant to her and describing her learner's many accomplishments, including earning a license, getting a certification pertaining to his job, receiving two job promotions and a separate job offer. REVISED LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS APRIL 2011 Reference, Circulation, Visi CCL Dove La Reference Questions 15,094 13,957 12,684 Circulation 78,152 82,723 77,305 People Count1 40,496 38,856 35,363 Reference Questions 9,696 12,712 11,173 Circulation 34,892 36,247 34,024 People Count1 30,281 31,240 29,681 Reference Questions 1,530 2,239 1,858 Circulation 1,878 2,516 1,515 People Countl 6,701 6,588 5,151 10 Reference questions 26,320 28,908 25,715 11 Circulation 114,922 121,486 112,844 12 People Count 77,478 76,684 70,195 1. Door counters changed in March/April 2010; counts are low prior to change Programs and Technology 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pre-School Programs Pre-School Attendance School Aged Children's Programs School Aged Children's Attndnce Young Adult Programs Young Adit Prgm Attndnce Adult Programs Adult Prgm Attndnce ..-•«•*""" 77 2,069 4 34 31 521 21 22 23 J24 25 26 27 Computer Use Webpage Views Database Usage Audio Books Dov/nloads 13,374 «••*"""*** ...*•"*"*"" # Events Booked Event Attendance # Events Cancelled 90 3,681 25 28 Total Volunteer Hours 1766 -*••"""" 140 5,416 10 99 48 1706 13,955 68,677 8,255 407 123 5,628 39 2021.75 75 3418 26 541 9 69 43 1197 12,827 63,162 7,064 383 119 3,885 41 1526 2. Shaded area indicates data that staff began collecting in July 2010 3. Website Users removed 4. Library Programs have been restructured to follow the State Report CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Jan- Mar 2011 PC Management Sessions Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Total Computers 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Sessions Oct - Dec 2010 8,067 982 5,135 3,302 1,076 9,400 1,242 1,855 1,029 1,211 Sessions Jan - Mar 2011 9,230 1,307 4,873 3,299 1,140 10,032 1,537 1,996 1,551 1,118 Pet of Change 14% 33% -5% 0% 6% 7% 24% 8% 51% -8% Sessions Jan - Mar 2010 8,869 1,106 5,772 3,717 1,684 9,989 1,211 2,448 1,312 2,098 Sessions Jan - Mar 2011 9,230 1,307 4,873 3,299 1,140 10,032 1,537 1,996 1,551 1,118 Pet of Change 4% 18% -16% -11% -32% 0% 27% -18% 18% -47% PC Utilization Averages Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Total Computers 20 3 4 4 9 12 1 8 7 7 Utilization Oct - Dec 2010 67% 78% 25% 54% 13% 80% 25% 25% 24% 41% Utilization Jan - Mar 2011 74% 83% 23% 46% 14% 83% 30% 28% 23% 50% Pet of Change 10% 6% -8% -15% 8% 4% 20% 12% -4% 22% Utilization Jan - Mar 2010 71% 77% 28% 59% 20% 79% 26% 35% 29% 62% Utilization Jan - Mar 2011 74% 83% 23% 46% 14% 83% 30% 28% 23% 50% Pet of Change 4% 8% -18% -22% -30% 5% 15% -20% -21% -19% HM CJ1 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Jan- Mar 2011 Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Oct- Dec 2010 Self-Check 56% Staffed Station 44% Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Jan - Mar 2011 Self-Check 49% Staffed Station 51% Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Oct - Dec 2010 Self-Check 52% Staffed Station 48% Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Jan - Mar 2011 Self-Check 54% Staffed Station 46% ITEM # 6 CARLSBAD mj^CITY LIBRARY Community Services Program Review Worksheet Prul™ C3rlSbad ^^ T°8ether 2011 f-U^ * ** >n Prance by Julia Child with A.ex Dates of programs: • Book discussions: April 5, 6, 7, 14, and 25 • Family-friendly cooking event with The Good Food Factory April 9 • Culture Craft for kids: Cuisine de France: April 12 • Foodie" film series: April 6, 14, 21 and 28: rrr^reT^ • Culmary Journey to France cooking demo and sampling: April 23 Did the program meet the proposed objectives? -encTj^ the measurable outcomes below. V' ' the Pr°gram met its obJective- See Measurable outcomes: . Nearly 800 people attended the April 20U Carlsbad Reads the* o o ° ^^Uldha!eatt7n d^^^^eeven,s.Fabulous!-' njoyed food tasti informative and Resources used: • Reference staff wrote content for the resource guide. Community Relations staff worked on marketing materials. • Community Relations staff also provided technical support for the various events. They also filmed the April 23 event for use on the city's YouTube channel. • Community Relations staff coordinated the Carlsbad Reads Together community art/photo exhibit at the libraries. • Community Relations staff coordinated overall event publicity. Marketing efforts: • Ad in Winter Carlsbad Community Services Guide • Resource guides distributed at the Library locations • Bi-monthly calendar of events distributed • Film posters, event posters/fliers at libraries • Website included program info, event info, author info and resource guide • Press releases distributed to local media outlets • Proclamation at April 5 City Council meeting • Columns on Carlsbad's Patch.com • E-newsletters in March and April highlighted programs • Display cases at all three libraries promoted programs Suggestions for change: • If using Library Courtyard for other 100+ attendance events, provide stanchions to guide the lines and set food stations further apart. • Upgrade wireless microphone signal in auditorium to prevent microphone from cutting out (in progress). • Check timing of events with Easter holiday to avoid conflicts. Opportunities for future collaboration: • Continue photo/art exhibit opportunity to further involve community members. The last two years, Carlsbad High School students have participated in the exhibit and other local art classes will be invited to participate as well. • Keep Cal State San Marcos and other local colleges in mind as possible partners. Other comments: The Carlsbad Reads Together committee met on May 5 for a program debrief and has a list of possible book/author ideas for 2012, with the goal to announce a selection by October 2011. A local author is being strongly considered for 2012; the committee agrees it is important to follow a year without an author with a year featuring an author. Program review submitted by: Jessica Padilla Bowen Date: May 9, 2011 Carlsbad Reads Together Culture Craft: Cuisine de France April 12,2011 Carlsbad Reads Together A Culinary Journey to France April 23, 2011 CITY OF CARLSBAD FISCAL YEAR 2011-12 LIBRARY BUDGET SUMMARY ITEM # 7 Library Block * Library FT Personnel Library PT Personnel Library M&O Total Budget Request (Under)/0ver Block FY10-11 7,777,941 4,335,874 1,848,262 1,593,805 7,777,941 $ FY11-12 7,856,418 4,501,596 1,833,981 1,520,841 7,856,418 $ (0) lncrease/(Decrease] 78,477 165,722 (14,281) (72,964) 78,477 % AV 3.8% -0.8% -4.6% 1.0% * Does not include ISF charges <R1 ^ . <R1 8IWI for IT uphirlps Ptr. The Library faces significant budgetary challenges going into FY 11-12. However, staff was able to present a balanced budget within block despite increases in personnel costs, all while maintaining existing service levels to the public. To accomplish this, staff tightened up expenditure plans and negotiated zero increases on many maintenance agreements and technology services contracts for FY 11-12. However, there are substantial upward pressures on most services, which will likely result in higher costs in future years. This includes the Library's ILS/catalog, RFID, print/pc management and discovery systems which are due for review or replacement. Despite presenting a balanced budget, all departments were tasked by the City Manager with developing recommendations for additional expenditure reductions equivalent to $3 million to close a budget gap. The Library presented various efficiencies and budget reductions that are currently under consideration by the Finance Department and City Manager. Any accepted reductions will be reflected in the final FY 11-12 operating budget that is presented to the City Council for adoption. Any further cutbacks to operating budgets or staffing will result in more direct losses of programs and services to the public. Lastly, the Library will lose at least a portion of State Library funding in FY 11-12 dedicated to providing literacy services. The Governor's May budget revise estimates State funding at only 50% of last year's levels. This will result in a 50% reduction in the Learning Center's State grant funded literacy programming. LIBRARY PROPOSED STAFFING Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) Full Time Positions Part-Time/Hourly Positions 2009-10 48 59.25 2010-11 47.25 59.25 2011-12 47.25 59.25 PROPOSED FEE ADJUSTMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 r / Black/White Copies Color Copies CD/DVD Copy Fee Audio CD Copy Microphone Set Up Stage Monitor Fee Additional Microphone VMS Video Copy Fee Mini-Disc Recording Per Hour Increase from $.15 to $.20 per print/copy Increase from $.75 to $1.00 per print/copy Increase from $12 to $20 per copy Currently $15, combining with DVD Fee to have one fee Increasing from $100 to $120 and combining with Stage Monitor Fee as they always go together Currently $25: Combining with Microphone Set Up fee Currently $15: Combined with Microphone Set Up fee, no longer charging separately for more microphones. Removed: no longer providing this service; Currently $15 Removed: no longer providing this service; Currently $25 per hour LIBRARY BUDGET PRIORITIES AND OBJECTIVES Summary of the main priorities, objectives, goals and/or initiatives the Department's budget will be funding in the coming year. All of the initiatives listed below will be supported with existing funding in the FY11-12. The potential selection of a new library automation system would likely be funded in a future year. 1. Improve Broadband Services: Partner with IT to identify a solution to increase bandwidth on the public and staff networks for more efficient use of technology. 2. Improve Wireless Services: Upgrade the Library's wireless services to improve up- time for library patrons. 3. E-books: Implement downloadable e-book services as an addition to the collection of Library materials. 4. Future Library Automation Systems: This is a multi-year project to evaluate and ultimately select the next generation library automation systems for managing the Library's collection/materials information, patron records, discovery tools and reporting. 5. Responsive Programming through Library Surveys: Complete various Library survey initiatives and incorporate results into community programming ideas, staff training, service improvements, and promotional/marketing plans to highlight changes or focus on under recognized service areas. 6. Wireless Printing: Provide the option for wireless users to print to Library public access printers directly from their laptop computers. 7. Mobile Device Library Applications: This initiative will explore the feasibility, costs, staff time, ease of use, and implementation process of various applications being developed and used for access to Library information and services via patrons' mobile devices.