HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-06-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: g-17-H ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Marie Bradley called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hinman, and Hulsart Absent: Trustee Lignante Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion and vote (Hinman/Hulsart) the minutes of the May 18, 2011 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. The minutes of the March 16, 2011 meeting were also approved (Benson/Hulsart). MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board reviewed the reports and had some questions about the program statistics for children's events and Management Analyst Didier explained that the children's programs are now split between school age and pre-school age to match the categories defined in the State Library report. BUDGET UPDATE: Management Analyst Didier advised the board that the budget as submitted is scheduled for adoption on June 21st and the Library has had no indication that there will be any changes. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of June 15, 2011 Meeting STRATEGIC INITIATIVES FOR 2011-12: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reviewed the list of initiatives for the next fiscal year asking the Board for final input prior to the Library posting the initiatives on the website. She advised that the final decisions on these sixteen initiatives were based on available resources, both staff and budget, and staff consensus. Trustee Bradley asked about the programs and services for adults over 50 and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that this survey related to initiative is partially funded through the grant from the State Library. Trustees Hulsart and Hinman both had questions about e-books and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained this initiative is also funded by a grant through Serra Cooperative Library System and the State Library. The Library will use these limited funds to evaluate the local demand from our patrons for e-books and the best delivery models for possible use in the future. APPOINTMENTS OF CHAIR & VICE CHAIR: By proper motion (Hulsart/Bradley) the Board elected Trustee Benson to serve as chair (President) for the new fiscal year and Trustee Hulsart (Bradley/Benson) to serve as Vice Chair. APPOINTMENTS TO GALLERY COMMITTEE AND CLAF: The Board accepted Trustee Hulsart's offer to serve another term on the Foundation Board (CLAF). The Board decided to allow Trustee Lignante the same opportunity as the Gallery Committee representative and tabled that item due to his absence from this meeting. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto covered the following items in her report: Learner/Tutor annual celebration - The event was held on June 5th at the Carlsbad Senior Center for a group of about 100 tutors, learners, and their families who gathered to celebrate their achievements. Two Carlsbad City Council Members were also on hand to offer their congratulations. Learner Institute Graduation - This dinner event is scheduled for June 29th , also at the Carlsbad Senior Center. Transforming Life After 50 grant - As mentioned in the strategic initiatives discussion, the Library will be conducting an intercept survey of Library patrons on four different dates during the month of July and a combination of staff and volunteers will be collecting the information. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of June 15, 2011 Meeting Library staffing - The Technology Librarian full time position is still on hold waiting for adoption of the budget before the Library can move forward with the request to recruit and hire. The hourly Technical Assistant recruitment, which replaces the full time graphic artist position, will close on June 20th. Technology and Social Networking - Discovery Solution- The Library sent a request for proposals to several vendors for the discovery solution and received three responses. Staff will be reviewing the proposals and scheduling on-site demos of the products on July 7th and 8th. Following the demonstrations staff will evaluate the products and make a decision on whether or not to select a vendor and if so, implementation would be sometime this fall. Early Literacy Stations - The Library has purchased replacement early literacy stations for all three Library locations and added two more making a total of four at Dove Lane, two at the Learning Center and one at Cole. These early literacy stations are computers designed specifically for younger children and will help to alleviate the demand for the computers in the labs. Loaner netbook - This pilot program was funded by the Friends of the Library and the Library has added two tablets (iPads) and one more netbook for a total of four devices available from the Cole Reference desk for use in the Library. If all goes well with this leaner program the Library will permanently institute the leaner program and establish fees for overdue returns and replacement costs, which would be part of the budget proposal for FY2012-13. Mobile apps - The Library just launched Bookmyne, offered by SirsiDynix, which is a free mobile app specifically designed for Library catalog access on Apple mobile devices. One of the initiatives is to pursue additional mobile apps. Facebook - The email message was sent announcing the launching of the Library's Facebook page and requesting a "like" vote in order to secure a custom URL. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto announced that she will be on vacation from July 13th through the 20th which creates a conflict with the regularly scheduled meeting date for this Board. After some discussion about the best solution it was decided that staff should look at other possible dates and make the decision. FOUNDATION REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported that at the last meeting the Foundation discussed preparations for the minigolf fundraiser and the need to personally extend sponsorship opportunities to members of the community, especially major businesses. There was a short report on the success of the golf sand trap set up at the recent BeachFest which was to promote the event Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of June 15, 2011 Meeting _ and flyers announcing the event are being distributed in the Library's Summer Reading Program materials. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the Friends approved the Library's annual funding needs, including support for both the Summer Reading Program and Carlsbad Reads Together at their May meeting, and the annual meeting will take place on June 23rd at 7 p.m. at the Cole Library. She added that the Friends have collected a large number of books as prizes for participants in the Summer Reading Program. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Phyllis Johnson reporting for Marge Kealey provided information about upcoming programs for the remainder of June and in July. She also provided the schedule for the beginning and refresher classes on genealogy research being offered at no cost at the Cole Library. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Benson expressed appreciation to Trustee Bradley for her service during her term as chair of this Board. Trustee Bradley asked for an update on the installation of a coffee cart at the Dove Lane location and Management Analyst Didier responded that he had sent an RFP to prospective vendors, handed out flyers at other coffee cart locations and listed the opportunity on the Library 's web page and Facebook but so far there has been no interest. He reiterated that the owner of LaCosta Coffee Roasting across the street is adamant that he is not interested in the project. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Hulsart) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:39 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for MAY 2011 Systemwide ... 1. The annual celebration honoring the Library's part-time employees was held on May 13. The event honored the milestones of 47 employees. The event is sponsored by the Library's Staff Development Committee. 2. The Library welcomed 36 volunteers from North Coast Church on May 14-15 for their "Weekend of Service." The volunteers worked on inventorying portions of our collection, cleaning materials, and a project for the Children's Division. 3. City Volunteer Coordinator Sue Irey, Library Volunteer Coordinator Tammy Atherton, and Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott attended the "Get Involved!" symposium at the Santa Monica Public Library co-sponsored by VolunteerMatch and the California State Library. The symposium highlighted libraries' success stories using VolunteerMatch to recruit highly skilled volunteers. 4. Dove Children's Librarian Julie Conklin and Learning Center Library Technician Virginia Velati attended a meeting with Carlsbad elementary schools' library staff at the Carlsbad Unified School District Office on May 5. Staff shared information about the Summer Reading Program and provided flyers and bookmarks to share with students at the school libraries. CCL, Dove Lane... 5. On May 14, the Library hosted Karin Muller, an expert lecturer for The National Geographic Society and the Smithsonian, at Schulman Auditorium. Karin gave a presentation about her solo travels around the world using video clips from her PBS documentaries and photos, followed by a question-and-answer session. Nearly 200 attended and many stayed after to have Karin sign her travel books and DVDs. 6. Carlsbad Playreaders season continued with a reading of a new play "Iron Kisses" on May 16. Approximately 85 people attended. 7. The Reference Division conducted four computer classes for the public in May with 20 attendees getting much appreciated instruction. 8. In Children's, The Joy of Writing class took place three times in May with over a dozen aspiring authors participating at each session. 9. The Children's Division's Science Saturday program on beaches and lagoons had some special guests from Batiquitos Lagoon and Cabrillo National Monument and was attended by 120 children and adults. Monthly Library Reports for May 2011 10. Teen Programs at Dove included: • Rock the Library on May 12 where the band Breakdown performed for an enthusiastic audience of 100 people. • Rock the Library on May 26 where the band Finding Autumn, the winner of the Carlsbad Battle of the Bands, performed to 75 people. • Pizza & a Movie: The movie X2 was screened and 14 teens showed up and enjoyed this great movie. • There were four Monday Games & Refreshments sessions in May with a total attendance of 32 teens. Georgina Cole... 11. The Cole Children's staff provided nine tours to local school classes in May highlighting the children's area and the Summer Reading Program. Participating children, teachers and adult visitors totaled 193. 12. During Children's Book Week, the Cole Children's staff presented "Create Your Own Book" with a reading of Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk. Inspired by this tale, children were able to write and draw their own stories and incorporate them into booklets specially made for the program. 55 people attended the program. 13. Project Wildlife hosted 69 patrons on May 10 with their program about local San Diego wildlife highlighted by a visit from a live owl. The San Diego Air & Space Museum presented "Awesome Aerodynamics" on May 17 with 193 in attendance. Participants made various types of paper airplanes to learn about aerodynamics. 14. History Room Librarian Amy Davis made three presentations about the history of Carlsbad to third grade classes at Carrillo Elementary School. These presentations were done in conjunction with the City's "City Stuff" program. 15. Cole Reference Staff taught eight computer classes at the Library Learning Center with at total of 32 students: four sessions of Basic Internet, and one session each of Internet Tips and Tricks, E-mail Basics, Social Networking, and Career Cruising (a career guidance service). 16. Thirty-two people attended the Magee Park Poets poetry writing workshop at Cole Library on May 22. The participants included a mix of first-time attendees, along with seasoned writers. Learning Center... 17. Jon Moffat from the Vista Community Clinic was invited to talk to teens about smart safety tips when creating profiles on social networking sites and how to maintain privacy settings so that their information remained secure. Five teens participated in the May 12 program. 18. The 2011 Adult Learner Leadership Institute, sponsored by the State Library, had its fifth and final session on May 21 at the Learning Center. Twelve learners heard a presentation about networking, discussed what they had learned during the Institute, and wrote a thank-you letter to the State Library. Invitations were distributed for the June 29 graduation. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS MAY 2011 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions 14,076 12,684 12,250 Circulation 75,659 77,305 76,530 People Count * Reference Questions 35,587 8,570 35,363 11,173 35,435 12,053 Circulation 33,216 34,024 33,734 People Count1 28,261 29,681 28,004 Reference Questions 1,699 1,858 2,010 Circulation 1,389 1,515 1,237 People Count1 5,651 5,151 4,852 1. Door counters changed in March/April 2010; counts are low prior to change Programs and Technology 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 : * 21 22 23 24 •*** 25 26 27 Pre-School Programs Pre-School Attendance School Aged Children's Programs School Aged Children's Attndnce Young Adult Programs Young Adit Prgm Attndnce Adult Programs Adult Prgm Attndnce • •••- Computer Use Webpage Views Database Usage Audio Books Downloads - ;*-- „•• {»,*. *?-^'-"4f "'***' 5'. ,., > ..__;ii!L., *vC;»I # Events Booked Event Attendance # Events Cancelled 127 4,066 13 261 39 504 fe ".~'JJ 13,122 tr"7*;71 86 3,966 20 :;;- ./,LI 28 Total Volunteer Hours 1846 75 3418 26 541 9 69 43 1197 ' '"inn 12,827 63,162 7,064 383 S'™tf& 119 3,885 41 ? '!.*$ 1526 93 4064 50 1316 15 285 40 865 t"!:: 3 12,747 70,540 6,460 433 "" "•«• 119 4,822 33 .>. . „ . ' 1782.4 2. Shaded area indicates data that staff began collecting in July 2010 3. Website Users removed 4. Library Programs have been restructured to follow the State Report I CARLSBAD *l CITY LIBRARY Strategic Initiatives 2011-12 Position the Library as an active leader in the areas of learning, cultural arts, and the value of reading. • Explore early childhood literacy programming at the Learning Center Offer convenient, personalized and responsive library service. • Explore ways to align Learning Center hours with other city libraries • Implement system for patrons to print from wireless devices • Analyze program and service offerings for adults 50+ Build community by connecting Carlsbad residents with the City, the Library, and one another. • Revise budget document to more effectively portray library programs and services • Engage community virtually Develop and diversify library collections, programs and services to sustain/satisfy a broadening range of residents' needs and interests and engage all segments of the community. • Launch and promote e-books • Utilize survey results to assess library programming Ensure safe, comfortable and inviting library facilities. • Plan for improved space use in conjunction with re-carpeting Ensure that library information technology systems support community needs to create an optimal customer experience. • Partner with IT to increase bandwidth for public and staff networks • Assess/implement next generation library automation solutions • Upgrade wireless service from best effort to core service • Explore use of mobile library apps Develop and retain effective Library staff. • Develop consistent and standard staff training program Update and improve staff tools, technology and internal processes to optimize use of staff resources. • Update intranet, if supported by City IT department • Develop a tool to compile, track, analyze and report on library statistics CARLSBAD