HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-08-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 PLACE OF MEETING: Library Learning Center 3368 Eureka Place, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hinman and Hulsart Absent: Trustee Lignante Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion and vote (Hulsart/Bradley) the minutes of the June 15, 2011 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Hinman asked if there is a film discussion period that follows the teen movie program, especially after the viewing of Mean Girls. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that she was fairly certain there is but as Deputy Library Director Curtis was not present she could not confirm it, and would get back to the board with the information. Trustee Hulsart asked about the launch of e-book availability and Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that there were over 500 downloads among the Serra member libraries participating and of those, 250 were from the Carlsbad City Library. Trustee Hulsart followed with a question about training for those patrons who need assistance downloading to their e-readers and other devices and Community Relations Manager Padilla Bowen announced the plan for a gadget training workshop at the Library in October. Trustee Benson offered congratulations on behalf of the Board to the Library employees recently recognized at the City's Peer Awards event. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of August 17, 2011 Meeting QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Sr. Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel presented the report focusing primarily on computer sessions. He pointing out that wireless usage statistics have only been available for two quarters and show a total usage of 51,000 sessions for the two quarters combined. Usage of the self-check machines has also increased and the recent update to the functionality allows the user to view his account, including holds available for pickup, items checked out and any fines or fees due. STRATEGIC INITIATIVES IN 2010-11: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that periodically they have received reports on the technology initiatives, the largest of which is the exploration of next generation library automation systems and the development of an action plan. Progress on the other initiatives has not been routinely reported so included in the packet was a list of all the initiatives and significant achievements for each. She added that three of the initiatives will be reported on in greater detail at a later meeting: the potential alignment of Learning Center hours with the other two library locations, the development of programs at the Learning Center for speakers of other languages, and the oral history project. Trustee Benson asked about the security of the netbooks and Ipads currently available for use by patrons at the Cole Library and Sr. Business Systems Specialist Castel explained the variety of safeguards on these items to include security plates, multiple identification decals, and a GPS application on the Ipads. DRAFT DONOR RECOGNITION: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto summarized the circumstances that brought this issue to the forefront and the realization that the Library needed a policy statement on donor recognition. After reviewing current practices and developing some potential recognition program elements based on research of donor recognition programs in libraries across the country, she then discussed her findings with both the Friends of the Library and the Library and Arts Foundation to determine what best supported their efforts. The Friends group expressed satisfaction with the current practice of placing book plates in donated items and the Foundation decided to also develop a donor recognition policy in collaboration with the Library. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that before the Board today was a draft of the proposed policy which would need to be reviewed by the City Attorney's office before it could be finalized for Board approval. The draft policy reflects the feedback of both the Friends and Foundation. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of August 17, 2011 Meeting Trustee Hulsart commented that the policy appeared to be broad enough to address a variety of donations to which Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that the intent was to write a policy that would accommodate the changing donor environment and not require frequent revisions over time. The board had no additional suggestions for change so the draft policy will be referred next to the City Attorney and then returned to the Board for final review. APPOINTMENT TO GALLERY COMMITTEE: Chair Benson announced to the Board that Trustee Lignante had asked to serve another term as the Board's representative on the Gallery Committee. The Board chose to vote on his request and on a motion by Trustee Bradley (Trustee Hulsart second) they unanimously approved the appointment. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto brought the Board up to date on the following: Library survey of users - The intercept survey is nearly completed for all three locations and the Transforming Life after 50 focus group has been scheduled at the Dove Lane location. City News - The State of the City video will be shown for the public in the Schulman Auditorium at the Dove Lane facility on August 9th following the viewing at the Chamber's State of the City luncheon. Responding to City Council direction, the City has been pursuing a process for evaluating service delivery through the perspective of providing the best value while maintaining the high quality of services. After extensive research, a particular path emerged: managed competition. As more detail is developed on this process we will inform the Board. The Parks and Recreation Department has drafted a city-wide naming rights policy which they will bring to this Board for comment at the September meeting. Library staffing - The Technology Librarian position has been approved as a provisional position and recruitment is underway, as well as a recruitment for two part time vacancies, while the two part-time openings on the graphics staff have been filled. Library Technology - The team has selected a preferred provider for the discovery solution and contract negotiations are underway. Service improvements - Negotiations are underway with a coffee cart vendor for the Dove Lane location. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of August 17, 2011 Meeting The Gowland Meeting Room has new chairs and will be outfitted with new wall panels and white boards, replacing those items which have seen heavy use since the Library opened in 1999. Technical Services has found a provider who will recycle the broken DVD cases which are not recyclable under routine recycling guidelines. On Sept. 18th the Library will open early, at 10:00 a.m. for the Mini-golf event. In addition to the 9- hole course inside there will be food and music and a silent auction. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reporting for the Foundation added that the Mini-Golf event is a fundraiser for the Foundation. She also announced that they are still trying to build the board and have new informational brochures available. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart also reporting for the Friends reported that the recent book sale was a huge success with sales totaling $6,000. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Marge Kealey reporting for the Society provided information about past and upcoming events and announced the beginner and refresher genealogy classes are free and offered on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Chair Benson welcomed new League of Women Voters observer Cathy Greene to the meeting and thanked Naomi Marblestone for her past service. PUBLIC COMMENT: Naomi Marblestone announced that the Foundation still needs volunteers for the Sunday, Sept. 18th Mini-golf event at the Dove Lane location. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Hulsart/Hinman) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JUNE 2011 Systemwide... 1. The 2011 Summer Reading Program began at all three sites and for all age levels on June 20. Children's programs included full-house performances of the musical comedy duo The Green Golly Project and magician John Abrams. Registration and participation during the first 10 days averaged about 10% higher than 2010. The SRP has trained and utilized over 300 teen volunteers to assist with taking reports from the younger children. 2. The replacement Early Literacy Stations were configured and installed at all three library locations. These stations provide a learning environment for 2-6 year olds who are typically too young for general computer use. 3. Public internet computers were upgraded to Internet Explorer 8. 4. The City held its annual Peer Awards on Wednesday, June 29. Two library staff members received awards: Bilingual Services Library Technician Gisela Rivera and Cole Children's Services Library Assistant Amy Jordan. The Peer Awards offer the opportunity for any City staff member to nominate any colleague as an exemplary employee and public servant. CCL, Dove Lane... 5. On June 4, the Library partnered with the Carlsbad Fire Department for a presentation covering basic first aid and summer emergencies. Fire personnel had several tables in the Library's courtyard to provide information and answer questions. 6. Carlsbad Playreaders' season continued with a reading of Lillian Hellman's classic "The Children's Hour" on June 27. Approximately 150 people attended, with more than 25 students from MiraCosta College. 7. Two plug-in scanners were acquired so that patrons can make use of a scanner at any of the lab computers. 8. Dove Reference staff held computer classes with 20 attendees. 9. At the Rock the Library concert on June 2, Emergency Shut-Off played for a raucous crowd of 120 fans in the Schulman Auditorium. 10. At June's Pizza & a Movie program, 19 teens enjoyed watching Spirited Away, and 18 teens came and socialized at three Monday Games & Refreshments programs in June. Georgina Cole... 11. The Cole Children's staff provided seven school tours in June highlighting the Children's area and the Summer Reading Program with a total of 199 children, teachers and adults. Monthly Library Reports for June 2011 12. Genealogy programs in June included the completion of the Beginning Genealogy Class series with 20 students and Focus On Digital Maps with 22 people attending the two sessions. The two NSDCGS-sponsored programs were on "Managing Your Digital Files" with 77 attendees, and "It's Your Life Story: Now Put Yourself into It" with 89 attendees. 13. Cole Library Reference staff taught six computer classes at the Library Learning Center with a total of 18 students. The "special topics" class on Social Networking has proven to be quite popular and has been taught every month since February. Learning Center... 14. The community enjoyed a free summer concert at the Learning Center on June 23. The Bayou Brothers played blues and R&B music to a group of 30 adults and 25 children. It was a fun afternoon with lots of audience participation. 15. On June 1, the All Star Readers Club (grades 1 through 5) held their last meeting of the 2010/11 school year. 54 participants received awards for reading a total of 1,860 hours. This year we continued to see growth in the number of participants and a significant increase in the hours read, especially in the 4th and 5th grade group. Last year the club had 42 participants and read 506 hours. 16. Six learners and two volunteers participated in the "Get That Job" workshop series developed by volunteer tutor Mary Lou S. and Literacy Library Technician Deanna Westphal. The class concluded with learners participating in mock interviews. 17. The 2011 Adult Learner Leadership Institute graduation was held on Wednesday, June 29. Eleven learners completed the Institute and received certificates signed by State Librarian Stacy Aldrich, along with a gift. Over 40 friends and family members enjoyed dinner from Pat & Oscar's and inspirational words from Council Member Farrah Douglas, Library Director Heather Pizzuto, and facilitator Joyce F. 18. Literacy Services held its annual celebration honoring learners and their accomplishments on Sunday, June 5, from 2:30-4:00 pm. City Council Members Keith Blackburn and Farrah Douglas, and Library Director Heather Pizzuto spoke to the gathering of 100 learners, volunteers, and their family and friends. Five learners then shared their stories of accomplishment, and two tutors shared what they have gained from their experience. Following the program, all enjoyed cake and punch. 19. San Diego County Office of Education-Migrant Program, in collaboration with the Library Learning Center, is providing supplemental academic services to families with school age children during the summer. Every Wednesday from June 29 to August 24, from 4 pm to 6 pm, a mobile technology unit will be stationed in the south side of the Learning Center parking lot. The unit will provide online curriculum in English and Math to the students and parents will learn how to access district portals to get information on their children's academic progress. As part of their curriculum, families will also sign-up for the Summer Reading Program at the Learning Center. Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JULY 2011 Systemwide... 1. Privacy training for staff occurred at all locations in July. Patron privacy is important and staff has been thoroughly exposed to our privacy policies. The sessions were fun and informative with lots of discussion. 2. The Library successfully launched the availability of e-books in July. This project is grant funded and is in conjunction with other Serra member libraries. The project brings Overdrive on board as new vendor and provides our patrons with hundreds of titles for them to download and enjoy on their computer or mobile device. Summer Reading Program... The Summer Reading Program was in full swing for the entire month of July. 3. Programs for families presented at all three locations included Travel the World with Mad Science, Walk on the Wild side with Wild Wonders animals, and Around the World with Balloon Storyteller Annie Banannie. Audiences filled the various locations to capacity. 4. Enjoying the Library after traditional closing time is a not-to-be-missed adventure. The Library on Dove Lane hosted their annual Library Sleepover, the Cole Library hosted a Kids Late Night and a Teen Late Night, and the Learning Center hosted an after-hours teen foreign film night. 5. Programs for teens varied at each location. Cole Library hosted a teen movie and ice cream social and a global cooking program. Dove teens also enjoyed an ice cream social. The Learning Center hosted their ice cream social with toppings from around the world and an art competition and traditional tattoo art demonstration. 6. Summer Reading activities in Literacy Services included 13 learners and tutors writing and sharing 36 reviews during July. 7. Wednesday family movie nights were held at the Schulman Auditorium with animated classics set in locations around the world. 8. A Brazilian music concert was held at Cole Library on July 17. An enthusiastic crowd of nearly 90 packed the room and enjoyed a performance featuring a flutist, guitarist and percussionist. CCL, Dove Lane... 9. Reference staff taught four computer classes with 22 attendees. 10. There were two Teen Talent Shows in July: Singing which featured 14 contestants. An audience of 130 (including former mayor Bud Lewis) was thoroughly entertained. Dancing Monthly Library Reports for July 2010 had 6 acts competing and 2 other acts that were too young to complete but still entertained the audience of 100. The dancers included Irish step dancers, Jazz and Tap. 11. Pizza & a Movie featured "Mean Girls." 19 teens attended and enjoyed the movie. 12. On July 9, the Library hosted a Cinema Society film screening of the independent film, "Adam." Nearly 100 people attended and many stayed for the post-film discussion. Georgina Cole... 13. The Genealogy Division received a book scanner which was purchased with funds donated by the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. It was installed and demonstrated by the vendor. Business Systems Associate James Jones worked with Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol to prepare the book scanner for the public. Genealogy staff have been trained on its use and are now introducing it to the patrons. 14. The two Genealogy "Focus On" small group classes were taught by Library Technician Ann Montgomery on FamilySearch.org with a total of 22 students. The two NSDCGS - sponsored programs were on the topics "Wikis for Genealogists" (83 attendees) and "Record Keeping Methods" (87 attendees). 15. Genealogy Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol traveled to the Bonita Springs Branch of the San Diego County Library to present an introduction to the Carlsbad Library Genealogy Division to the Chula Vista Genealogy Society. Later in the month, on Saturday, July 30, a group of nine members of the Chula Vista Genealogy Society then visited and used the resources in the Genealogy Division. 16. On July 16, a yoga for writers workshop was held at Cole Library and featured gentle yoga mixed with writing exercises. Nearly 30 people attended and were enthusiastic about another writing workshop opportunity to complement the poetry writing workshops. Learning Center... 17. Cole Reference staff taught eight computer classes at the Library Learning Center with a total of 33 students. Special topics classes were on Social Networking and Career Cruising (an electronic resource). LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS JUNE 2011 rence, Reference Questions 14,741 12,250 14,382 Circulation 82,357 76,530 84,804 People Count1 41,333 35,435 40,012 Reference Questions 9,956 12,053 11,336 Circulation 36,871 33,734 38,345 People Count1 31,293 28,004 30,875 Reference Questions 2,188 2,010 1,591 Circulation 1,922 1,237 1,646 People Count1 5,904 4,852 5,417 10 Reference questions 26,885 26,313 27,309 11 Circulation 121,150 111,501 124,795 12 People Count 78,530 68,291 76,304 1. Door counters changed in March/April 2010; counts are low prior to change 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pre-School Programs Pre-School Attendance School Aged Children's Programs School Aged Children's Attndnce Young Adult Programs Young Adit Prgm Attndnce Adult Programs Adult Prgm Attndnce 63 2,205 6 64 34 703 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Computer Use Webpage Views Database Usage Audio Books Downloads # Events Booked Event Attendance # Events Cancelled 13,014 9 ••••*"*" 91 4,206 27 28 Total Volunteer Hours 2931 93 4064 50 1316 15 285 40 865 12,747 70,540 6,460 433 119 4,822 33 1782 ^IrTT^^B^I 36 1541 19 1411 7 221 39 1180 12,236 74,227 6,075 426 104 4,492 33 1588 2. Shaded area indicates data that staff began collecting in July 2010 3. Website Users removed 4. Library Programs have been restructured to follow the State Report LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS JULY 2011 Reference, Circulation, Visitors CCL Dove Lane Jul-10 i 2 3 4 5 6 Reference Questions Circulation People Count Cole Library Reference Questions Circulation People Count Learning Center 7 8 9 10 11 12 Reference Questions Circulation People Count TOTAL LIBRARY Reference Questions Circulation People Count 15,903 89,852 49,232 Jul-10 10,387 39,331 34,145 Jul-10 1,695 2,189 6,269 Jul-10 27,985 131,372 89,646 Jun-11 14,382 84,804 40,012 Jun-11 11,336 38,345 30,875 Jun-11 1,591 1,646 5,417 Jun-11 27,309 124,795 76,304 Jul-11 14,718 86,330 45,465 Jul-11 12,546 38,831 33,288 Jul-11 1,589 1,472 6,360 Jul-11 28,853 126,633 85,113 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs1 Jul-10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Pre-School Programs Pre-School Attendance School Aged Children's Programs School Aged Children's Attndnce Young Adult Programs Young Adit Prgm Attndnce Adult Programs Adult Prgm Attndnce Technology Usage2 Computer Use Webpage Views Database Usage Audio Books Downloads Facility Meeting Room Use 25 26 27 # Events Booked Event Attendance # Events Cancelled 52 2,297 29 2,374 14 401 30 691 Jul-10 12,037 57,512 6,880 378 Jul-10 106 3,952 30 Volunteer Hours Jul-10 28 Total Volunteer Hours 3,951 Jun-11 36 1,541 19 1,411 7 221 39 1,180 Jun-11 12,236 74,227 6,075 426 Jun-11 104 4,492 33 Jun-11 2,930 Jul-11 59 2,607 26 2,116 15 298 25 553 Jul-11 12,068 71,223 5,373 487 Jul-11 81 3,327 18 Jul-11 3,992 1. Library Programs have been restructured to follow the State Report 2. Transition from NetLibrary to EBSCOhost for Audio Books Download. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Apr -Jun 2011 PC Management Sessions Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Total Computers 20 3 4 4 7* 12 1 8 7 7 Sessions Jan- Mar 2011 9,230 1,307 4,873 3,299 1,140 10,032 1,537 1,996 1,551 1,118 Sessions Apr- Jun 2011 9,030 1,412 4,708 3,432 1,152 9,788 1,284 2,329 1,124 1,535 Change -2% 8% -3% 4% 1% -2% -16% 17% -28% 37% Sessions Apr - Jun 2010 8,352 994 5,785 3,559 1,267 10,568 1,628 2,119 1,267 1,789 Sessions Apr -Jun 2011 9,030 1,412 4,708 3,432 1,152 9,788 1,284 2,329 1,124 1,535 Change 8% 42% -19% -4% -9% -7% -21% 10% -11% -14% "During the Apr-Jun qtr, the Dove Children's lab had a reduction of two computers PC Utilization Averages Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Adult Lab 2 Dove E-mail Dove Walk-up Dove Children's Cole Adult Cole E-mail Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab Total Computers 20 3 4 4 7* 12 1 8 7 7 Utilization Jan - Mar 2011 74% 83% 23% 46% 14% 83% 30% 28% 23% 50% Utilization Apr -Jun 2011 67% 82% 20% 41% 13% 79% 24% 34% 25% 49% Change -7% -1% -3% -5% -1% -4% -6% 6% 2% -1% Utilization Apr Jun 2010 67% 69% 28% 56% 16% 84% 33% 30% 30% 56% Utilization Apr -Jun 2011 67% 82% 20% 41% 13% 79% 24% 34% 25% 49% Change 0% 13% -8% -15% -3% -5% -9% 4% -5% -7% Hmi2* Ul CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Apr-Jun 2011 *During the Apr-Jun qtr, the Dove Children's lab had a reduction of two computers. Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Jan - Mar 2011 Self-Check 49% Staffed Station 51% Apr-Jun 2011 Self-Check 53% Staffed Station 47% Change 4% Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Wireless User Sessions Location Dove Cole Library Learning Center Jan - Mar 2011 7,432 5,954 558 Apr-Jun 2011 8,576 6,212 616 Change 13% 4% 9% Jan - Mar 2011 Self-Check 54% Staffed Station 46% Apr -Jun 2011 Self-Check 56% Staffed Station 44% Change 2% 8/8/2011 ^y r ITEM # 6 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY 2010-11 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES REPORT Position the Library as an active partner with other agencies in the areas of economic development and public safety. Partner with local agencies to offer programs and information around timely business ana employment topics• Adapted display and distribution policy in order to provide Carlsbad Business Journal and Carlsbad Magazine in the Library • Small team formed to strategize and connect with area agencies; Meetings are making progress Offer convenient, personalized and responsive library service. Explore ways to align Learning Center hours with other Library facilities • Survey of Learning Center patrons completed • Options analyzed and costs for each identified • Ready for implementation pending funding source and possible Council approval Build community by connecting Carlsbad residents with the City, the Library, and one another. Increase visibility of under-recognized services and resources • Marketing of Homebound Services, databases/web resources and Literacy Services in e- newsletters, city's newsletter and via redesigned printed brochures and fliers • Highlighted History Room photo collection via Facebook and Twitter Engage community virtually (social networking, Web resources, etc.) • Contributed to creation of citywide social media policy • Launched City and Library Facebook pages and Twitter to post Library news and events • Developed regular e-newsletters for specific interests (educators, Board and Commission meetings, etc.) • Began contributing library columns to local community news website, Carlsbad s Patcn.com Develop and diversify library collections, programs and services to satisfy a broadening range of residents' needs and interests and engage all segments of the community. Explore expansion of e-book collection • Serra Digital Download Library collection of 800 e-books launched and marketed Explore partnerships with community organizations to provide programs and services for speakers of other languages • Met with Laubach Literacy to explore possibility of ESL partnership for 2U11-1^ • Developed framework and guidelines for potential partnership Ensure safe, comfortable and inviting library facilities. Redesign Cole Library reading area to maximize seating and work space for patrons • Condensed reference collection and reduced shelving • Installed private study carrels with power sources for patron electronic device use • Relocated divided table from second floor Position the Library as a leader in the preservation of Carlsbad History. Preserve oral histories of city's retired and outgoing leaders • Researched and evaluated a variety of methods of recording oral histories • Posted inventory of oral histories maintained by the History Room on library web site • Piloted new interview process with retired Library Director Cliff Lange August 2011 Ensure that Library information technology systems support community needs to create an optimal customer experience. Partner with the city's Information Technology Department to maintain adequate bandwidth for public computing needs • Increased bandwidth to meet current demand; exploring long-term approach to sustaining adequate bandwidth Evaluate and pursue future library automated systems to improve service m Conducted assessment with Library and IT staff of needs, opportunities and possible steps toward next generation library automation solutions • Established three-year action plan, with direction for evaluation, selection and procurement of all major library automation solutions and/or upgrades • Negotiated three-year renewal of integrated library automation system service agreement • Evaluated catalog upgrades for possible implementation in 2011 Explore alternatives for improved public computer access • Evaluated various public computing alternatives and determined that the current public computing access solution is the most effective at this time Expand pilot laptop loaner program to increase computer availability at Cole Library • Implemented ongoing program loaning netbooks for in-library use • Diversified the program to include loaning tablets • Purchased additional devices and secure storage/charging station Develop and retain effective Library staff. Develop succession plans to minimize knowledge gaps and prepare for staff retirements • Cross training staff between service points for better understanding of varying operations • Worked with Human Resources on hiring strategies to train staff on retirees' work before their departure Establish staff training program that ensures consistent, standard skill sets and encourages employees' professional growth • Reviewed and/or updated competencies and job categories established in 2005 • Surveyed recently hired employees regarding orientation components • Researched and evaluated training programs at other libraries and online options • 2011-12 work will implement staff training program recommendations, as feasible Update and improve staff tools, technology and internal processes to optimize use of staff resources. Along with other city departments, explore creation of a knowledge management Intranet for staff • On hold until City IT has capacity to pursue, tentatively 2011-12 Assist City departments to leverage library resources to improve citywide performance. Increase city staff's awareness and use of Library resources, services and programs • Library managers presented to all city management on Library services and resources • Library newsletter intended for all city staff developed; Two editions delivered Deliver value to the community by optimizing efficiency and providing cost-effective services. Refine performance measures to deliver meaningful information about efficiency, public value and effectiveness of the Library • Reviewed current performance measures and identified potential improvements • Changes presented to Performance Measurement Team and included in 2010 City State of Effectiveness report August 2011