HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-28; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved:ITEM #3 Corrected MINUTES MEETING OF: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DATE OF MEETING: Wednesday, September 28,2011 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hinman and Hulsart Absent: Trustee Lignante Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Callie Ahrens, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held August 17, 2011, were unanimously approved by proper motion (Hulsart/Hinman) and vote. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board reviewed the report and had some questions about the Homebound Program and methods used to market the service. Community Relations Manager Jessica Padilla Bowen explained the various methods used including information on the website and posters in the facilities. Trustee Hulsart asked if the Library had any information about the impact the San Diego County Office of Education-Migrant Program mobile unit had on new users of the library. Principal Librarian Ahrens responded that the Learning Center did not collect that specific information but that she would ask the staff from the mobile unit for the number of individuals they served. Trustee Bradley mentioned the increase in e-book usage and asked if the Library had plans to provide instruction on how to download e-books and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto announced that a "gadget workshop" has been planned for the Dove Lane location for October 22nd and will offer hands- Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of September 28, 2011 Meeting CITY NAMING RIGHTS POLICY REVIEW: Chair Benson announced to the Board that this item is being continued to the October meeting at the request of Parks and Recreation. GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION POLICY: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto advised the Board that the draft version of the policy which they reviewed previously was submitted to the City Attorney for legal review. The policy has been returned with no substantive changes and is presented for final approval. By proper motion (Hinman/Hulsart) the Library Board of Trustees approved the Gift Acceptance and Recognition Policy. SUMMER READING PROGRAM RECAP: Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson was on hand to answer any questions the Board had on the statistics report contained in the agenda packet. He explained that the Summer Reading Program provides the opportunity for the Library to serve a diverse group of individuals, offers the opportunity for teens to volunteer for community service, and is supported by a large donation from the Friends of the Library but also by 20-30 different businesses and organizations within the community. During the seven weeks of the program the Library experiences the largest number of visits, items borrowed, and program attendance. STATE LIBRARY REPORT: Library Management Analyst Steve Didier was on hand to answer any questions the Board had on the report which had been provided in their packet. Trustee Bradley asked about the change in the virtual visits to the Library column. Management Analyst Didier explained that the State Library wants only outside visits to the website reported and currently the Library is not able to separate outside visits from website use on computers located in the Library, but is investigating possibilities of capturing the information in the future. By proper motion (Hulsart/Bradley) the Library Board approved the State Library Report for submittal. COMMUNITY GRANTS REPRESENTATIVE: In response to the request from Housing and Neighborhood Services for a representative from the Library Board of Trustees to serve on the Community Grants Committee this year, Trustee Bradley volunteered and the Board accepted her offer. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of September 28, 2011 Meeting DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported on the following: Theft of Library materials - Because of an active and observant Cole Library staff who saw and heard things that did not seem usual, an individual was confronted and police called. The Carlsbad Police department pursued the issue and discovered a large quantity of library materials belonging to this library as well as several in the county. A list of recovered materials has been provided but these may not be returned until the case is closed. This is currently an open investigation, with the next court date in early October. Power outage - The Dove Lane facility has a generator and was able to continue to provide services until 6:00 p.m. when the City decided to close all facilities. Neither the Cole Library nor the Learning Center have backup generators and were without computers, etc. All three facilities experienced some interruptions in telephone service, but were able to open the next day with very little problem. The City held a debrief on lessons learned as the magnitude of the outage far exceeded any experienced in the past. Library Survey & Life After 50 Grant - The work has been completed and the final narrative for the grant has been filed with the State Library but we have not received the final report from BW Research on the results of the combined telephone resident survey, the one conducted with library visitors, and the focus group. Library card sign-up month - During the month of September the Library offered free replacements for lost or damaged library cards to also market the Library's recently updated privacy & security policy which will require patrons to present their cards for Library services. Annual Staff Training Day - The Library will be closed until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18th for its annual staff training day. Major topics will include an introduction to the City's new timekeeping & human resources management system, an update on the City's Best Value Service program, and an in- depth look at the Library's top notch services and programs. Halloween on Elm Street - The second year for this event is scheduled for Saturday, October 29. Best Value Services Plan - The City Council received a report and proposed plan for the program at a Council Workshop and that presentation is currently being shared across the City in order for staff to have the opportunity to understand the process and ask questions. The program has multiple phases starting with the identification of each department's major lines of business which will be used to evaluate what lines might be delivered more effectively or efficiently in order to provide the highest quality services at the best value. Recruitments - The previously frozen Technology Librarian position recruitment resulted in over 100 applications. Human Resources conducted the initial screening, reducing the number to 40 for Library Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of September 28, 2011 Meeting applications. Human Resources conducted the initial screening, reducing the number to 40 for Library review. The number has been further reduced to a more manageable number for the interview panel. The Library has also filled several hourly positions. Library Board Meeting location - In order to maximize the presence of a quorum for the meetings the remaining meetings for this calendar year will be held at the facility on Dove Lane. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the Mini-golf event drew more than 250 players and the relocation of the entertainment and food vendors to the front of the Library was well received. Final numbers on the proceeds are not yet available but there was a disappointing number of corporate sponsors for the event this year. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart, also reporting for the Friends, announced their upcoming Better Books Sale will be held at the Cole Library on October 29 and 30 and the Garden Club will be partnering with them at the event again. Also scheduled is the Holiday Boutique in the bookstore on Dove Lane beginning Decembers. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Secretary of the Society, Jean Tempke, was on hand to provide a recap of the programs during the month of September and to preview upcoming program topics. She also announced the four week genealogy classes continue with another series beginning tonight. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Bradley commented on how much she liked the newly combined calendar of events. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Hulsart) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for AUGUST 2011 Systemwide... 1. The Summer Reading Program concluded on Friday, August 5, with final celebrations and volunteer thank you events at all sites on August 8 and 9. • Cole Library celebrated with comedian juggler Michael Rayner as the featured performer at the event. The staff received many compliments about Mr. Rayner and about the party which also included crafts, games, and snacks. • The Learning Center final party included crafts, music, face painting, and refreshments • Dove Childrens had a great turn-out for their End of SRP Party on August 8. 302 attendees were entertained by Craig Newton, participated in a bean bag toss, enjoyed make and take crafts, a storytime, and snacks. • The Cole SRP Volunteer Appreciation pizza lunch and dance party event was held right after the End of SRP Party and had approximately 40 teens attend. It was scheduled to run from 12:30 to 2:00 pm but the teens were having so much fun they did not want to leave. • Seventeen Learning Center SRP volunteers celebrated the end of the program with refreshments, pizza, games, and a presentation of certificates with their total hours. 2. Library staff participated with Parks and Recreation staff in a Care and Shelter Training exercise at Calavera Park on August 23. The opportunity to practice procedures in a simulated situation was very helpful and participants are better prepared to handle duties in the event of an emergency situation that requires the City to open any of its three designated sites as shelters. 3. On August 28, 33 writers attended the Magee Park Poets poetry writing workshop taught by local writer and teacher Judy Reeves. CCL, Dove Lane ... 4. Approximately 120 people attended the Carlsbad Playreaders reading of the comedy "Matt and Ben" on August 22 in the Library's Schulman Auditorium. 5. The August film series featured movies based on books. Nearly 350 people total attended the three movie nights and many participated in the post-film discussions. The library chose the August 24 film, "Alice in Wonderland," to complement the Cannon Art Gallery's "Almost Alice" exhibition and the gallery stayed open late to allow patrons to visit after watching the movie. 6. The final Teen Services talent show featured 9 competitors and 130 people were in attendance. There was a variety of acts including a sideshow variety routine, a yo-yo act, pianist, guitars, and singers with a guitar accompaniment. Adam Abadilla won the competition playing a medley of contemporary songs on piano. 7. Dove Reference staff taught five computer classes with a total attendance of 21 students. 8. The August new volunteer orientation brought many new faces to the Library. There were a total of 20 attendees, with 17 following up with an interview. The Library was especially in need of Monthly Library Reports for August 2011 volunteers for the Homebound program, Saturday Story-tellers, and Homework Zone assistants, so the large orientation has helped immensely. Georgina Cole ... 9. One additional netbook computer and two iPads were added to the in-library services offered through the Cole Library Reference Desk. These three devices, combined with the one existing netbook computer, help alleviate the frequent lines and wait times. After two weeks in August and minimal publicity, patrons are requesting the devices, indicating the netbook pilot program is a success. Working with the iPads in a public library setting has proven to be challenging as they are not designed for multiple users, but the Business Systems staff has worked very hard and come up with solutions for keeping them secured and yet usable. This equipment was provided with funding from the Friends of the Library. 10. Cole Reference Staff taught eight computer classes at the Library Learning Center during August. Staff saw lower attendance than usual in each class with a combined total of only 19 students. 11. The Carlsbad History Room received a number of interesting donations in August, including a 1928 map of Carlsbad and a 1933 eleven-piece coastal Carlsbad map. The Carlsbad Planning Department sent over a 1993 planning map for Lego World and the Pointe Resort. 12. The Genealogy Division presented two "Focus On" classes in August by Library Technician Judy Michaels with the topic of city directories. Fifteen people attended. The Genealogy Division and the North San Diego County Genealogical Society held the first meeting of its new monthly discussion group, the DNA Interest Group, which also had fifteen participants. The NSDCGS- sponsored programs included a presentation on Google Maps to the Computer Group (with 46 participants) and "Ethnic Groups and Immigration" (84 participants). 13. Children's staff presented a special preschool storytime on August 25: a Kindergarten Kick-Off. There were 31 people in attendance (15 soon-to-be kindergarteners with 16 adults and siblings). Children's staff read stories about starting kindergarten and then staffed a craft station where kids explored kindergarten concepts (shapes, spelling their name, etc.) and made a photo frame for their first day of school. Learning Center... 14. On August 24, the San Diego County Office of Education-Migrant Program mobile technology unit visited the Learning Center for the last time of the summer. During the nine weeks of the partnership with the Migrant Program, new families were introduced to the Library Learning Center and received information about the services that Carlsbad Libraries have to offer. 15. The A-Z Reading Program matches struggling young readers in a one-on-one long-term program to develop early literacy skills. On August 18, the two current participants, both entering 1st grade, (along with a parent for each participant) completed their sessions with their matched tutors. 16. The California Library Literacy Services (CLLS) literacy grant final report for 2010-11 was completed and submitted. The grant for this year totaled $40,500. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS AUGUST 2011 Reference, Circulation, Visitors i 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CCL Dove Lane Reference Questions Circulation People Count Cole Library Reference Questions Circulation People Count Learning Center Reference Questions Circulation People Count TOTAL LIBRARY Reference Questions Circulation People Count Aug-10 13,981 77,963 40,224 Aug-10 10,060 35,537 31,292 Aug-10 1,796 1,184 4,149 Aug-10 25,837 114,684 75,665 Jul-11 14,718 86,330 45,465 Jul-11 12,546 38,831 33,288 Jul-11 1,589 1,472 6,360 Jul-11 27,309 124,795 76,304 Aug-11 12,800 79,863 39,312 Aug-11 11,011 35,322 30,441 Aug-11 1,522 1,369 4,651 Aug-11 25,333 116,554 74,404 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs1 Aug-10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Pre-School Programs Pre-School Attendance School Aged Children's Programs School Aged Children's Attndnce Young Adult Programs Young Adit Prgm Attndnce Adult Programs Adult Prgm Attndnce 21 812 7 1,415 4 176 34 1,117 Technology Usage2'3 Aug-10 21 22 23 24 25 Computer Use Webpage Views Database Usage Audio Books Downloads eBook Downloads 13,570 62,351 6,937 334 ^-— -""' Facility Meeting Room Use Aug-10 26 27 28 # Events Booked Event Attendance # Events Cancelled 78 3,849 23 Volunteer Hours Aug-10 29 Total Volunteer Hours 1,941 Jul-11 59 2,607 26 2,116 15 298 25 553 Jul-11 12,068 71,223 5,373 487 Jul-11 81 3,327 18 Jul-11 3,992 Aug-11 21 988 11 955 4 193 30 972 Aug-11 13,586 68,484 7,167 1,013 958 Aug-11 71 2,982 22 Aug-11 2,202 1. Library Programs have been restructured to follow the State Report 2. July 2011 Transition from NetLibrary to EBSCOhost for Audio Books Download. 3. July 2011 eBook Downloads initiated July = 14 days: 258 Aug = 1st Full Month: 700 ITEM # 6 GIFT ACCEPTANCE AND RECOGNITION Purpose: Fostering community support Equitable practice Administrative ease POLICY: Gift Acceptance The Carlsbad City Library encourages and welcomes monetary gifts that support and enhance library services, as well as materials in good condition. Gifts may be from individuals, families, businesses, corporations, foundations and other organizations. Depending upon the nature of the gift and the donor's interests, monetary donations may be directed to the Library or one of its support organizations. Each support organization may have its own gift acceptance policies. Gifts of materials are accepted if they fulfill the Library's collection development plan, which includes additional policies on acceptance. Materials not suitable for addition to the Library's collection are offered to the Friends of the Library for resale, with the proceeds benefitting Carlsbad City Library programs and services. Gifts of objects, furnishings and equipment, as well as in-kind contributions, may be accepted or offered to any of the Library's support organizations if they do not fulfill the Library's mission, vision or service goals. Separate policies may apply to these gifts. The Library & Cultural Arts Director or another designee of the City Manager has responsibility for management of gift receipt, acceptance and recognition, and for development of acceptance criteria for gifts of less than $500. A gift may be declined if, in the judgment of the Library & Cultural Arts Director, acceptance of the gift presents unacceptable restrictions or challenges, expense that significantly diminishes the value of the gift, or the perception of impropriety; or if it conflicts with the organization's mission, vision or service goals. The acceptance of a gift shall not impede the ability of the Library to acquire gifts from other sources nor subject the Library or the City to adverse publicity. Any individual gift with a value of $500 or greater must be accepted by the City Council. Donations that are accepted become the property of the City of Carlsbad; items purchased with donated funds will be retained so long as they continue to be relevant and useful to the purposes of the Library, and can be properly stored, preserved and used. The Library has the right to deaccession or loan any items purchased with donated funds. Reporting of Gifts Gifts of $500 or greater will be reported to the Library Board of Trustees, and recommended for acceptance to the City Council, by the Library & Cultural Arts Director. All gifts to the Carlsbad City Library are subject to applicable public record laws and regulations as determined by the City of Carlsbad and the State of California. 9/8/11 Donor Recognition The Library values its donors, and will establish methods to appropriately acknowledge and recognize their gifts. The Library will promptly acknowledge gifts with a letter of thanks unless the donor declines this, and inform donors of how their gifts will be used. Gifts of $500 or more will also receive a letter of thanks on behalf of the City Council. Additional opportunities exist for recognition at a City Council meeting at the donor's request. If the gift is honorific in nature, the honoree or his/her family will also receive notification of the gift and its use. The Library may establish methods by which gifts are publicly acknowledged. The purpose of public recognition is to thank donors, encourage others to give, and to build long-term relationships between the Library and its supporters. Every effort will be made to ensure recognition is timely, meaningful to the donor, appropriate and consistent. Such methods may include book plates; limited-term signage recognizing smaller or annual gifts; donor walls, plaques or other ongoing recognition; named spaces, amenities, programs or endowments; the establishment of giving circles or communities of giving; recognition events; and recognition utilizing print and digital communication methods such as newsletters, press releases, annual reports, websites, and social networking sites. The extent of recognition shall be in proportion to the value of the contribution and its impact. The design of donor recognition methods will complement rather than conflict with the Library's delivery of services and programs, and will be consistent with principles and standards applied to the design of library facilities, marketing and communication tools. The duration of donor recognition may change as Library facilities and communication methods are altered. The Library respects the privacy of donors and will refrain from publicly recognizing gifts if the donor requests anonymity (to the extent permitted by law). Library support organizations establish and maintain their own recognition policies. The Library may collaborate with one or more of these organizations in recognizing gifts to them that directly support library facilities, programs and services. Joint recognition will be consistent with the Library's policies on donor recognition. As the Library establishes donor recognition programs, it will do so in consultation with its support organizations to facilitate their success in attracting gifts. Physical Space Recognition Requests for naming physical space or amenities within facilities are subject to the City Council's policies on naming rights, unless otherwise determined by the City Council. The naming or designation of facilities or amenities shall never be granted in perpetuity. Other Considerations Because of its noncommercial, nonprofit status, the Library is committed to providing programs and services that are free from influence or editorial control by an external funding source. Purchasing decisions, including property, equipment, materials, furnishings, programs, and services, will reside with the Library. 9/8/11 ITEM # 7 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY 2011 Summer Reading Program Highlights Systemwide Program Participants Babies (under 3 years old) 383 (down 23% from 2010) Children's (ages 3 - 6th grade) 4,252 (up 3% from 2010) Teens (7th-12th grades) 432 (up 1% from 2010) Adult (ages 18 and up) 232 (down 9% from 2010) Total 5,299 SRP Volunteer hours 4,959 (up 8% from 2010) (teens- grades 7-12 assisting with Children's program) Noteworthy items for 2011: • Children's SRP participation grew 10% at Cole and 58% at LLC and decreased 6% at Dove • This was the second year of reduced SRP funding. This has had a cumulative effect on the 10th reports which no longer have a substantial incentive • Though adult reports and participation were down, 969 adult reports (book reviews) were submitted over the seven week program • Total teen volunteer hours equate to approximately one hour of volunteer time for every youth participant. ITEM # 8 CARLSBAD CITY t I B ". A R v State Library Survey Fiscal Year 2010-2011 FAST FACTS 1. Population: The population number calculated by the State for the City's service area showed essentially no change, sliding from 106,804 to 106,555. 2. Library Visits: FY 10-11 marked the first full year after installing the new door counters at Library facilities in April 2010. Reported visits should stabilize and flatten out going forward. 3. Operating Expenditures: Increased 4.3%, or roughly $400,000 from $9.3M to S9.7M. This is due an increase in interdepartmental charges from the Information Technology Department and a large citywide project being budgeted through the Library & Cultural Arts Department. Core Library operating costs stayed roughly the same. However, print materials expenditures were down 21% while electronic materials expenditures increased 4.5%. (See chart on next page.) 4. Per Capita Spending: Increased from $87 to $91 only due to the increase in operating expenditures as described above. 5. Program Activity; Children's program attendance increased 8% despite a 5% decrease in the number of programs offered. Conversely, adult program attendance decreased 14% despite an increase of 7.5% in the number of programs offered. 6. Virtual Library Visits: The City changed the way it tracks Internet use midway during the year resulting in significant discrepancies between the two data collection methods. As such, the City is not reporting website activity for FY 10-11. Total Library Visits" 840 790 740 690 640 859 686 FY07 663 670 750 *New door counters installed April 2010 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 SEE ADDITIONAL CHARTS ON NEXT PAGE 1.6 1.5 1 1.29 * 1.3 A*•••* » 1.2 V.I A— *• 1.25 1.1 FY07 Circulation 1.33 FY08 FY09 1.38 1.36 FY10 FYII 310' 280 250 220 190 283 245 220 FY07 '• '^:'- S.":o l%t 301 305 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Materials kxpenaitui —4—Print Materials —*—Electronic Materials $8°° $701 $700 I $639^ $600 " . „ & Databases $204 $201 $M7 FY10 $ 1 'H FY11