HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: UBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER; Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. ROLL CALL; Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, and Hulsart Absent: Library Board Trustees Hinman and Lignante Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst Devin Castel, Sr. Business Systems Specialist Leila Dooley, Sr. Reference Librarian APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the January 18, 2012 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were unanimously approved as submitted by proper motion (Hulsart/Bradley) and vote. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Bradley noted the large attendance at the Saturday program at the Dove Lane location and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that Science Saturday has continued to be a very popular program. Trustee Benson asked for an update on the ESL classes at the Learning Center and Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that there had been three classes so far and the participants were for the most part regular Learning Center patrons. Trustee Bradley asked if there was any new information learned in the California Library Literacy Services statewide webinar on state funding for literacy services and survival of literacy programs. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of February 15, 2012 Meeting Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that no conclusions had been reached or reported and that any information received in the future would be relayed to the Board. QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Sr. Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel presented the technology report covering the last quarter of the calendar year. He pointed out that at Dove Lane some of the computers have been reallocated and also renamed in the report. Two previous online catalog machines have been converted to fifteen minute Internet computers (designated as Dove Express) and the number of Dove Walk-up computers (60 minute Internet sessions) was increased to a total of 8. He pointed out that the number of sessions was down at all locations but also reminded the Board that November and December contain several holiday closures, reducing availability of computers. LAPTOP/TABLET PROGRAM UPDATE: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that the laptop loaner program has been a pilot program at the Cole Library to try to alleviate the often long wait for computers in the lab. The Cole has neither more room nor the capacity to add any more wiring and the idea was to allow patrons to check out the laptop or tablet for internal use accessing the wireless network. The item on the agenda today was to present them with a summary of the experience and to propose making the program permanent with the establishment of related fines and fees. She added that just last week one of the loaner devices was stolen. She then asked Deputy Library Director Smithson to update the Board. Deputy Library Director Smithson explained that the number of devices had been increased over the last two years to 2 netbooks and 2 i-pads and had proven to be a very successful and popular program with the patrons. The devices can be checked out at the Reference Desk for 1-hour periods; however, last week when it was discovered that the device was 20 minutes over due, neither the device nor the patron could be located in the building. The police were called and an investigation is underway. Both Deputy Library Director Smithson and Sr. Business Systems Specialist Castel responded to questions from the Board about safety measures in place for identifying the borrower as well as passwords and markings on the device which might deter theft or help recover the property. In spite of the many measures taken and safeguards on the device it appears the thief was successful and the Library is looking at other practices to incorporate into the process. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto added that the Library would like to continue the program and establish a $5.00 late fee for every ten minutes past the one-hour borrowing period. Replacement for loss or damage would be assessed per existing policy. She added that Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of February 15, 2012 Meeting any new fines or fees need to be submitted at the same time as the budget for next year, but the Board does not need to vote on the proposal yet. Trustees Hulsart and Benson voiced their support for the continuation of the program and by proper motion (Hulsart/Benson) and vote the board unanimously approved the proposed fine. COUNCIL PRIORITIES: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto referenced the information provided to the Board following the Council's planning workshop eariier this month. She explained that several areas may involve Library participation and that the Leadership Team meeting scheduled for tomorrow will translate focus areas into priority goals and departmental goals that support those of the Council. The Library's key goal will be the replacement of the ILS (Integrated Library System) and other goals will be made more specific as the strategic initiatives are finalized and the budget is developed. STATE UBRARY DIRECTOR SUMMIT: Deputy Library Director Curtis attended the summit meeting which was being held the same day as the Council planning workshop. The purpose of the summit was threefold: to hear updates on the contracted services to create a consistent statewide library message; to hear proposed updates to non-controversial elements ofthe California Library Services Act (CLSA); to brainstorm on what services libraries would like state-funded if there were any state funds available. The top three that came out of the brainstorm session were funding for digitized local content, a statewide technology infrastructure, and the continuation of literacy program funding. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto added that the changes in the CLSA are badly needed as it is more than 20 year old and needs updating to be flexible as funding and service delivery changes. BUDGET FOR FY2012-13: Management Analyst Steve Didier advised the Board that the budget for next year is to remain flat with no new positions and no increase in maintenance and operation (M&O). The Board had received a copy ofthe calendar timeline for budget submittal and public workshops which he then reviewed. He advised that the Library's proposed budget for FY2012-13 will be presented to this Board for concurrence at their April meeting. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of February 15, 2012 Meeting 1 ~~ DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported on the following topics: Bandwidth - The Library's bandwidth is being increased from 20 to 100 megabits per second (bps) at the end of February and the wireless access is being moved to the public network. Serra Cooperative Librarv Svstem - The exchange of returned materials is working well so far. The Vista County Branch is our exchange point. The redesign of second-level reference questions is underway and meantime the questions are being handled informally by member libraries. There is also a small team analyzing member dues and calculation methods keeping in mind that most ofthe members do not support an increase. Read Across America - Dr. Seuss's birthday - The Library will be participating in this event and on Fridays in the month of March will have guest readers in the Children's division. Council members have been invited to participate as well as the Trustees on this Board. Communitv Cleanup - Village event - The spruce-up and celebration event, hosted bythe City, is being planned for May and will take place in the Barrio. The Library will take an active part and more information will be forthcoming. Annual Spelling Bee - The San Diego Council on Literacy spelling bee will take place on February 23 at 5:30 p.m. at the Sheraton in San Diego. Last year the Learning Center team took second place at this fundraiser. Re-design Services for Librarv spaces - The Library received 18 proposals for the project and is in the process of reducing the number to a shorter list. Reviewers hope to make a final selection by March. RFP for PC/PRINT management - This RFP will close on February 17. Proposed Librarv restructure - The Library met with the City Manager team to seek approval for a restructuring plan designed to provide a systemwide approach to service delivery and the maximizing of staff. Currently the Library has two open full time positions, the Principal Librarian at the Learning Center and a Sr. Librarian in Collection Development and Acquisitions (currently fliled on a temporary basis). Meanwhile, Cultural Arts programs are underfunded. Staff is responding to some questions from the team and hopes to have more information by March. Librarv Rules of Conduct - The Rules of Conduct are not on the agenda this month as we have entered into a contract with Mary Minow but have not received any advice yet to share with the City Attorney. Once received, a draft revision will be prepared for review by this Board. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of February 15, 2012 Meeting Water element in Dove Lane courtyard - This fountain has not been functioning for some time and after several unsuccessful attempts to repair it, staff has recommended removing it. There is a process for reconsideration of public art which includes a recommendation from the Arts Commission to the City Council. At their last meeting the Arts Council votes to recommend its removal to Council and this item will be presented around April. Still to be determined ishow the large piece will be removed or if there will be an alternative use. FOUNDATION REPORT; Reporting for the Foundation, Trustee Hulsart said the main focus ofthe meeting was the newly installed monitor in the lobby of the Library on Dove Lane which will be used to provide information on activities of the Foundation as well as recognize their donors. Cultural Arts Manager Peter Gordon distributed brochures for the year's events for the Cultural Arts Office including scheduled exhibits in the gallery and the Board made a tentative decision to hold mini-golf again this year, although not as a signiflcant fundraiser. FRIENDS OF THE UBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart also reporting for the Friends noted that their pamphlet sale was a huge success and the next Better Books Sale is scheduled for March. She reported that the Friends will be moving towards a greater use of on-line sales as a new source of revenue as the profit margin is much larger. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Reporting for the Society, Marge Kealey announced the membership is on the rise again. She provided an overview of the upcoming programs including information on the Spring Seminar scheduled for March 24 at the Sr. Center and the next series of classes beginning Saturday, February 18. UBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Bradley had recently visited the Titanic exhibit in San Diego and recommended it to everyone present. Trustee Benson asked ifthe Library has received any inquiries related to a story about security in Libraries around the county and Community Relations Manager Padilla Bowen responded that we have not. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto added that we are aware that there is a story about the level of crime in libraries but this library had not been contacted for input. Library Board of Trustees Page 6 Minutes of February 15, 2012 Meeting PUBUC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT; By proper motion (Hulsart/Bradley) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:18 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 January 2012 Monthly Library Reports Systemwide... 1. Volunteer Coordinator Tammy Atherton held a volunteer orientation (nine participants) January 7. Two attendees knew immediately they wanted to volunteer as literacy tutors. Others have been placed in homework zone, circulation, and Saturday stories. 2. A new class was developed on using e-book readers. The first sessions were presented in January by Librarians Maile McKeon (at Dove) and Kimiko Morita (at the Learning Center). The presentations were well received and will be repeated. CCL, Dove Lane... 3. The "Your Library Means Business" three-workshop series kicked off January 31 with a workshop featuring City of Carisbad's Economic Development Manager Kathy Dodson and Development Services Manager Mike Peterson. Approximately 25 people learned about doing business in Carisbad and had questions answered bythe city's helpful staff. 4. The Library's film series highlighted three new releases in January: The Help, Moneyball, and The Debt. Each screening was at capacity, with lively post-discussions. 5. Author, filmmaker and worid traveler Karin Muller returned to the Schulman Auditorium January 14. An expert lecturer for the National Geographic Society, Karin shared worid travel tips and answered audience questions. The event attracted a capacity audience, with many staying to speak one-on-one with Karin and have their books signed. 6. Cafecito, the Library's new coffee kiosk, held its opening celebration January 14 from 1 to 3 p.m. The event featured drink and food samples, as well as live music. 7. Seven computer classes were offered by Dove Reference in January, with 24 attendees. 8. Dove Library staff hosted three books clubs in January, reading: A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle; You Deserve Nothing by Alexander Maksik; and Great Expectations by Charies Dickens. 9. January Teen Services activities included three Games and Refreshments programs (35 participants); and a Pizza and Movie event featuring the movie Thor (31 participants). 10. The Children's Division held three programs in January: a three part "Research Rangers" class (five participants) instructed students in grades 3-5 about all the resources the Library offers; a pajama party (34 participants) for K-2nd graders featured stories, a simple craft and milk and cookies; and the January Science Saturday focused on "The Science of Dragons" (165 participants). Georgina Cole... 11. Children's programs in January included a celebration of Chinese New Year with Chinese folk tale readings and construction of 3D dragons (51 participants); two story crafts (71 Monthly Library Reports for January 2012 total participants), and a costumed performance by Mainly Mozart, about the life and music of W.A. Mozart (50 participants). 12. To fulflll her Gold project, Giri Scout Kelsey Aijala prepared and presented an early literacy workshop January 27 in the Cole Community Room. The workshop was open to the public. Senior Librarian Marsha Weeks served as Kelsey's mentor in this project. 13. Cole Reference staff hosted three book clubs in January reading Alan Paton's classic novel Cry, the Beloved Country; Stacy Schiff's biography Cleopatra: a Life; and Charles Dickens' novel Great Expectations. 14. Cole Reference Staff taught nine classes at the Library Learning Center (37 students). 15. Genealogy programs resumed in January. Three Beginning and Refresher Genealogy class were held Wednesday evenings, taught by volunteers (nine participants). Library Technician Margaret Reed taught the small group workshop "Focus on: Find a Grave" (14 attendees), introducing a free website that provides cemetery readings. On January 24, popular speaker Colleen Fitzpatrick lectured on "The Mascot: A Heart Wrenching Story or Just Another International Holocaust Fraud?" Ms. Fitzpatrick works in forensic genealogy and has assisted the Air Force and law enforcement agencies in using DNA and genealogy methodologies to identify remains. Learning Center... 16. Mad Science of San Diego presented a program called "Adventures in Winter" on January 26. Participants were able to see a winter snowstorm vanish before their eyes and discover the wonders of dry ice. 30 children and 13 adults attended the program. 17. A hip-hop dance instruction program for teens was offered January 19th by Eveoke Dance Theater. The story time room had just enough space for the teens, who learned all the choreography to a song in less than one hour. 18. The flrst ESL class provided through a trial partnership with the Carisbad Laubach Literacy Center was held on January 25. The weekly class is delivered by two Laubach- provided volunteer tutors; nine students enrolled is this initial session. 19. Community Outreach Coordinator for Literacy Services Carrie Scott spoke to the Greater Encinitas Kiwanis meeting on January 18. 20. California Library Literacy Services held a statewide webinar to discuss the future of library literacy programs in light of State budget cuts. The number of library literacy programs is now 99, the flrst time in 10 years this number has dropped below 100. In February, Carrie Scott will join a discussion in Sacramento on the future of library literacy programs with leaders from approximately twenty other literacy programs. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS JANUARY 2012 Reference, Circulation, Visitors CCL Dove Lane Jan-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 1 Reference Questions 12,695 10,295 11,918 2 Circulation 74,927 67,777 74,065 3 People Count 34,600 29,652 35,397 Coie Library Jan-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 4 Reference Questions 11,051 8,731 10,645 5 Circulation 34,350 29,383 33,537 6 People Count 28,871 24,093 28,049 Learning Center Jan-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 7 Reference Questions 2,145 1,281 1,542 8 Circulation 1,494 1,192 1,472 9 People Count 4,984 4,683 5,172 TOTAL LIBRARY Jan-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 10 Reference Questions 25,891 20,307 24,105 11 Circulation 110,771 98,352 109,074 12 People Count 68,455 58,428 68,618 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Jan-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 13 Pre-School Programs 87 71 73 14 Pre-School Attendance 3634 2,709 3,273 15 School Aged Children's Programs 26 28 24 16 School Aged Children's Attndnce 543 698 573 17 Young Adult Programs 8 9 9 18 Young Adit Prgm Attndnce 56 86 94 19 Adult Programs 43 24 35 20 Adult Prgm Attndnce 1119 658 1,274 Technology Usage^ Jan-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 21 Computer Use 12,639 10,793 11,737 22 Webpage Views 57,006 47,773 56,002 23 Database Usage 5,708 6,819 7,483 24 Audio Books Downloads 390 305 0 25 eBook Downloads 1061 1,227 Facility Meeting Room Use Jan-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 26 # Events 95 77 75 27 Event Attendance 2,849 3,529 3,680 Volunteer Hours Jan-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 281 Total Volunteer Hours| 1,724 1,514 1,688 1. Downloadable Audio Books will not be available until Spring 2012. CARLSBAD^J*^ CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Oct - Dec 2011 PC Managennent Sessions Location Total Computers Sessions Jul - Sep 2011 Sessions Oct- Dec 2011 Change Sessions Oct- Dec 2010 Sessions Oct- Dec 2011 Change Dove Adult Lab 20 9,486 8,482 -11% 8,067 8,482 5% Dove Adult Lab 2 3 1,446 1,287 -11% 982 1,287 31% *Dove Express 2 870 870 *Dove Email 0 *Dove Walk-up 8 0 7,900 7,900 Dove Children's 7 963 1,005 4% 1,076 1,005 -7% Cole Adult 12 9,965 8,808 -12% 9,400 8,808 -6% Cole E-mail 1 1,383 1,161 -16% 1,242 1,161 -7% Cole Children's 8 2,246 1,790 -20% 1,855 1,790 -4% Learning Center Children's Lab 7 1,202 1,068 -11% 1,029 1,068 4% Learning Center Adult Lab 7 1,508 1,242 -18% 1,211 1,242 3% *Dove Express consists of two former online catalog computers the have been converted to 15 minute Internet computers. The Dove Email group consisting of four computers have been converted from 15 minute to 60 minute Internet computers and have been added to the Dove Walk-up group. Wireless User Sessions Location Jul -Sep 2011 Oct-Dec 2011 Change Dove 8,422 8,370 -1% Cole 6,652 6,051 -9% Library Learning Center 654 619 -5% H CJl CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Oct - Dec 2011 Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Jul - Sep 2011 Oct-Dec 2011 Change Oct-Dec 2010 Oct-Dec 2011 Change Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change 56% 44% 56% 44% 0% 54% 46% 56% 44% 2% Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Jul - Sep 2011 Oct-Dec 2011 Change Oct-Dec 2010 Oct-Dec 2011 Change Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change 53% 47% 52% 48% -1% 52% 48% 52% 48% 0% Top Internet Categories Jul -Sep 2011 Catagory Pet Oct-Dec 2011 Catagory Pet Audio/Video Clips 15% AudioA/ideo Clips 17% Social Networking 10% Computers/Internet 9% Computers/Internet 10% Social Networking 9% Search Engines/Portals 9% Search Engines/Portals 9% Reference 8% Reference 4% Email 3% Content Servers 3% Games 3% Email 3% Business/Economy 3% Business/Economy 3% Content Servers 3% Shopping 2% Shopping 3% Open/Mixed Content 2% 2/6/2012