HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 3:59 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hinman, and Hulsart Absent: Library Board Trustee Lignante Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the February 15, 2012 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were unanimously approved by proper motion (Bradley/Hulsart) and vote. MONTHLY UBRARY REPORTS: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced Glynn Birdwell as the newly appointed Principal Librarian at the Library Learning Center. Trustee Bradley asked for an update on the theft ofthe iPad from the Cole Library and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that the police had determined that the identification information provided by the individual when he checked out the device was fraudulent. There are no other leads so the investigation has been suspended but the device has been recorded in the police database of stolen property. Trustee Bradley noted the increase in pre-school program attendance and Trustee Hinman commented on the overall people count relative to the population ofthe City. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of March 21, 2012 Meeting ^_ Trustee Benson asked how many children were taking the digital story-writing classes and Deputy Library Director Smithson replied that there are eight computer stations available and all were in use for each class. Trustee Hulsart asked if some ofthe recent programs were directly related to the results ofthe Transforming Life After 50 focus groups and survey and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that while the Library has not done a formal re-evaluation of our programs based on the information gathered, there has been a progressive focus toward serving patrons in that group. RULES OF CONDUCT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto advised the Board that this is not an action item but merely an update on the status ofthe review being conducted by our consultant Mary Minow. While the Library has received some comment from the City Attorney's office, the complete review by Ms. Minow has been delayed due to her busy schedule as a national speaker and her recent White House appointment to the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services Advisory Board. STRATEGIC INITIATIES 2012-13: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto referenced the draft list of Library Strategic Initiatives for Fiscal Year 2012-13 contained in the packet and explained that it represents the final 14 chosen by the staff from the initial 24 proposals. She continued that these initiatives would not require any funding from the Library block budget and would remain a draft list until the City Council's strategic goals have been finalized and any Library resources identified to meet these. The Board asked for additional information on some of the initiatives and the Library Director asked for their input on the clarity of descriptions for final public posting RESTRUCTURE: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained the purpose ofthe restructure is to use the resources of the Department to the best advantage and the draft framework had been presented to the City Manager Team for approval last month. She reviewed some of the principal elements ofthe restructure including the consolidation ofthe current two Reference Divisions into one and the subsequent reassignment of some tasks, the combination of Collection Development and Acquisitions with the Technical Services Division, and the blending of the separate Library and Cultural Arts administrative staff into one support group to include the eventual relocation of Cultural Arts staff into Library facilities. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of March 21, 2012 Meeting Also involved in the process is the analysis of the Librarian classification series to confirm classification of some positions. Human Resources is responsible for the analysis and any recommendations for reclassification which will be included with any other actions requiring approval by City Council. UBRARY BUDGET FOR FY2012-13 UPDATE: Library Management Analyst Steve Didier advised the board that the Library and Cultural Arts Budget for next year has undergone some significant changes in structure and instead of 18 different org keys (lines) tied to various divisions, the budget now reflected lines of business and was reduced to only 10 separate lines. He explained that this will make the budget much easier to manage and is a consistent with the restructure and the combining of divisions. The Library submitted the budget on March 8 and the review with Finance has been scheduled for April 3. Trustee Benson had to leave the meeting due to another commitment and Vice Chair Hulsart took over the chair. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto briefed the Board on the following: Increased bandwidth - The bandwidth was increased just last month and already there have been occasions where it was at capacity; however, those occasions are not as frequent as before the increase. The move of wireless to the public network has not taken place yet. IPad theft - Information about the missing device was previously discussed but in addition, there have been changes made in the process to provide increased security for the remaining devices. Unknown donor - The Library is the recipient of a Kindle Fire from an unknown donor and will use the device for training purposes but it will not be one that can be borrowed by patrons. Read Across America event - The Library's participation in the event has been highly successful thanks to several volunteers from the City and this Board who read to the children in the Library. Carisbad Reads Together (CRT) - The program is ready to launch the first of April and any Trustee planning on attending the author event should let the Library know as soon as possible. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of March 21, 2012 Meeting Library space redesign - Of the eighteen proposals received, three finalists were asked to provide presentations to staff recently. Reference checks are in progress with hopes of selecting one of the firms for the project in the near future. RFP FOR PC/PRINT MANAGEMENT - The Library received three proposals which are under review; however, additional information was needed and requested from some of the bidders before a complete analysis ofthe proposals can be completed. OSHER INSTITUTE - CAL SATE SAN MARCOS - Representatives from the Institute met recently with the Library's Director, Deputies and staff to discuss a possible partnership wherein the Library will provide the space for their classes which focus on continuing education for the over- 50 population, directly relating to the Library's initiative for serving this population effectively. AMERICAN UBRARY ASSOCIATION (ALA) ANNUAL CONFERENCE - The conference is scheduled for Anaheim in June and ALTAFF (Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations) is presenting some programs for members during the conference. Although most of the conference is designed primarily for staff, the Board is welcome to look over the program and advise Library Administration if they are interested in attending. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reporting for the Foundation announced that they are investigating options and ideas for major fundraising. The Mini-golf event will return this year on September 30^^ but has not proven to be a large money-maker so other alternatives are being explored. FRIENDS OF THE UBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart distributed copies of the new Friends' membership promotion bookmark and announced the Better Book Sale at the Cole library will take place on April 28 & 29. She also reported that the on-line sale of books appears to be a significant revenue source. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Kealey reported on the increase in membership and the programs for March and April. The spring seminar is scheduled for this Saturday and the free genealogy classes continue at the Cole Library. UBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Hinman commented that both she and her daughter attended the concert at the Cole Library last Sunday and were very impressed with the event. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of March 21, 2012 Meeting PUBUC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Hinman) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:46 p.m. Oyl^<^<AilS^ Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for FEBRUARY 2012 Systemwide... 1. All sites celebrated Library Lovers' Month during February. Patrons noted what they love about the library on paper hearts and received a Hershey's chocolate kiss in return. 2. Staff from all library sites participated in the third annual Edgy Librarian web conference on February 1. The conference focused on changing library culture, open source updates, and eBooks. 3. Fourteen people attended the February volunteer orientation held at Cole. Eight have already been placed in volunteer positions, with two going directly to Literacy Services. New "e-reader assistant" volunteers have been trained and are ready to start tutoring patrons who need help with downloading library e-books. CCL, Dove Lane... 4. The Ubrary hosted its third annual Local Authors' Festival on Saturday, February 4. Friends President and author Taffy Cannon led the panel discussion featuring six North County writers. Following the discussion, a book sale and signing featuring the authors took place in the courtyard. 5. Former United States Poet Laureate Billy Collins read his poems and signed books at the Schulman Auditorium on Thursday, February 9. The event was completely full, and included a diverse audience of students, writers and teachers. Many attendees stated how impressed they were to hear from a poet of Mr. Collin's caliber in Carlsbad. 6. Yale Strom and Hot Pstromi performed a concert highlighting jazz and klezmer music in the Schulman Auditorium on Sunday, February 12. The concert was a hit, with every seat full and many staying afterwards to meet the musicians. 7. In honor of Black History Month, Carlsbad Playreaders presented "Radio Golf" by August Wilson, a prominent African-American playwright, on Monday, February 13. Nearly 150 attended the performance. 8. The Carlsbad Fire Department was on site in the Library's courtyard on Saturday, February 25 to share information regarding American Heart Month. They demonstrated CPR and basic first aid and offered a fire extinguisher simulator for patrons to try. 9. The "Your Library Means Business" three-workshop series continued on Tuesday, February 28, featuring international speaker, social media teacher and author Becky Carroll. About 55 people attended and learned about utilizing social media for business. 10. In February, Teen Services programs at Dove included three Games and Refreshments programs which were enjoyed by 33 teens. The Pizza and a Movie event featured the movie "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." Monthly Ubrary Reports for February 2012 11. Children's programs in February included a Chinese New Year celebration, a leap year party, and a big crowd for Science Saturday wherel20 patrons were introduced to the inventions of African Americans. Georgina Cole... 12. Cole Children's programs in February included Valentine's Day, Presidents' Day, and leap year educational storycraft programs and a drum circle presentation in celebration of Black History Month. 13. Cole reference staff taught nine classes in February with a total of 42 students. The most popular was a new class, "Library e-books for your Kindle," which provided instruction on downloading e-books from the Library's e-book site to Kindles both wirelessly and using a USB cord and through the Library's wireless network. The class will be repeated in March and another focusing on Nooks will be offered in April. 14. Two Genealogy "Focus On" small group classes highlighted the use ofthe Library Catalog, with 14 people in attendance. The Computer Genealogy Group featured a presentation about "Movie Making with Picasa" with 57 people in attendance. Dr. Seth Mellios spoke to NSDCGS about "The Archaelogy of James Fort: America's First Permanent English Settlement" with 89 people attending. Learning Center... 15. A three-session, three week course on Digital Storytelling for children in 3rd, 4th and Sth grade was held in February, taught by Library Assistant Fred Vrabel from Dove Children's Division. The children learned to make family stories using PowerPoint and gained confidence in the use ofthe program. 16. The Spell Belles, Carlsbad City Library Literacy Services' spelling team, were strong competitors at The Bee, a fundraiser for the San Diego Council on Literacy, held on February 23. Staff members Sandra Riggins and Tiera Garfield, and volunteer tutor Meli Barrett, brought home the Best Costume trophy with gowns made by Sandra. Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott served as the rules judge for the second year. 17. Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott participated in a State Library meeting in Sacramento on February 28 regarding the future of library literacy programs. The CLA Literacy Interest Group also met with lobbyist Mike Dillon. Advocacy groups are working hard to reinstate the literacy line item in the state budget. Thirty-three programs are at risk of not continuing in 2012-2013. The previously required mid-year report has been eliminated; an "intent to participate" form will be received sometime in May. 18. Five Carlsbad learners were winners or runners up in the 2012 Writer to Writer Challenge hosted by the Southern California Library Literacy Network (SCLLN), and were recognized at that group's conference held February 25 in Buena Park. They received a certificate, cash prize, journal, and a book featuring the letters of the winners and runners up. Overall, Carlsbad had the highest number of entrants (13 out of 46 entries) and the highest number of winners and runners up (5 out of 12). LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS FEBRUARY 2012 Reference, Circulation, Visitors CCL Dove Lane Feb-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 1 Reference Questions 12,661 11,918 11,706 2 Circulation 72,918 74,065 73,448 3 People Count 34,153 35,397 35,638 Coie Library Feb-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 4 Reference Questions 10,993 10,645 10,671 5 Circulation 33,747 33,537 32,631 6 People Count 28,893 28,049 29,117 Learning Center Feb-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 7 Reference Questions 2,101 1,542 1,710 8 Circulation 1,494 1,472 1,492 9 People Count 4,832 5,172 5,506 TOTAL LIBRARY Feb-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 10 Reference Questions 25,755 24,105 24,087 11 Circulation 108,159 109,074 107,571 12 People Count 67,878 68,618 70,261 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs^ Feb-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 13 Pre-School Programs 86 73 96 14 Pre-School Attendance 3857 3,273 4,264 15 School Aged Children's Programs 29 24 30 16 School Aged Children's Attndnce 612 573 642 17 Young Adult Programs 9 9 9 18 Young Adult Prgm Attndnce 82 94 75 19 Adult Programs 45 35 47 20 Adult Prgm Attndnce 1211 1,274 1.742 Technology Usage^ Feb-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 21 Computer Use 11,513 11,737 12,072 22 Webpage Views 60,097 56,002 53,003 23 Database Usage 7,075 7,483 9,242 24 Audio Books Downloads 396 0 0 25 eBook Downloads 1227 1,139 Facility Meeting Room Use Feb-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 26 # Events 121 75 85 27 Event Attendance 6,156 3,680 4,942 Volunteer Hours Feb-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 28 Total Volunteer Hours] 1,612 1,688 1,862 1. Downloadable Audio Books will not be available until Spring 2012. 2. Adult Progranns were under reported. Literacy Programs added into Feb Report. 3. Adult Programs was revised upward. Strategic Initiatives 2012-13 DRAFT ITEM # 6 Position the Library as an active leader in the areas of learning, cultural arts, and the value and enjoyment of reading. Implement early childhood literacy program Develop and diversify library collections, programs, and services to satisfy a broadening range of residents' needs and interests and engage all segments of the community Diversify programs for teens to include gaming and social media components Establish a mobile device instruction program to support access to digital formats Ensure safe, comfortable and inviting Library facilities. Plan and design for improved space use in conjunction with re- carpeting Ensure the library information technology systems support community needs to create an optimal customer experience. Analyze and determine future direction of public computing environment Offer wireless printing to support use of mobile devices Upgrade public wireless network to top tier support Select and begin implementation of next-generation library automation system Develop and retain effective Library staff Re-evaluate and incorporate core competencies into staff training program Update and improve staff tools, technology and internal processes to optimize use of staff resources. Develop intranet conceptual design for use os a knowledge management portal Implement a statistical tool to efficiently track, analyze and report library activity data Review and adjust roles and purposes of staff teams and committees to maximize resources Deliver value to the community by optimizing efficiency and providing cost-effective services. Evaluate and implement additional security solutions to maximize protection of library assets Diversify fiscal support sources. Implement a sponsorship and partnership program K:\Strategic Planning\2012-13 Planning\lnitiatives ~ resources needed spreadsheet 2012-13.xlsx 3/14/2012 ITEM # 7 < < = D H Co u 3 3 u < cc CD c E 4-* (D Q. O to O Q. 2 0 3 U < < < Z CD < 3 a < to LU u > UJ CO I- CC O D. o. D CO < S u UJ CO o8 UJ > & fc «2 D E •!-> 111 ^ fj Z l/l < O) Z .E CQ s i CD >- CO O _i o z X UJ o i UJ tc 3 O u