HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, April 18, 2012 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, and Lignante Absent: Library Board Trustee Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Management Analyst Erin Zocco, Reference Librarian APPROVAL OF MINUTES; By proper motion (Bradiey/Hulsart) and vote, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the March 21, 2012 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Both Trustees Bradley and Hulsart commented on the quality and quantity of programs being offered and number of participants. Trustee Benson asked about outreach at other corporate events similar to Life Technologies' annual volunteer fair. Deputy Library Director Smithson responded that the Library does not receive many invitations from corporations for direct marketing for volunteers and is not aware of other similar events in the community. Both Trustees Bradley and Hulsart commented on Saturday's outstanding program with the author of this year's Carlsbad Reads Together selection, T. Jefferson Parker. Library Board of Trustees f^^S® 2 Minutes of April 18, 2012 Meeting ' Trustee Hulsart noted the increase in the e-book usage and asked if patrons were expressing frustration at the length of time they had to wait for many of the more popular titles. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that for the most part they are patient and that the Library is constantly evaluating materials purchasing trying to maintain a balance within the various formats according to patron usage. e-RESOURCES: Reference Librarian Erin Zocco provided an overview of the various electronic resources available to Library patrons that included lists of the most popular databases and statistics on usage. In 2011 there were over 50,000 unique searches of the electronic databases and 16% were mobile device users. FY2012-13 LIBRARY BUDGET: Management Analyst Steve Didier explained that the budget this year has been consolidated into a combined one for Library and Cultural Arts based on lines of business versus physical location creating organizational and budgetary efficiencies. In doing so, the Library & Cultural Arts Department was able to submit a block budget with significant savings which allowed for $23,000 to be redeployed to the TGIG Jazz in the Parks program to help fill a funding gap caused by a reduction in special revenues. Trustee Bradley asked about the impact of consolidated budgets and Management Didier responded that the Library and Cultural Arts have always been a single department but with separate budgets and the consolidation would actually simplify management of its budget. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto added that although lumped together in the print budget, the funds could still be tracked separately and the Arts Commission would continue its role in relation to Cultural Arts programs. By proper motion and vote (Hulsart/Bradley) the Library Board of Trustees concurred with the budget as presented. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto briefed the Board on the following: Rules of Conduct review - The Library has just recently received the advice and review of the existing document from Library consultant and attorney Mary Minow. Her recommendations are being submitted to the City Attorney's office for final review with hopes of presenting the findings to this Board at their regular meeting in May. Library Board of Trustees Paq© 3 Minutes of April 18, 2012 Meeting Request for Patron Records - The Library recently received a proper warrant for the release of computer use records of one of our patrons. The Library followed the procedure as set forth and submitted the records via the City Attorney's office. There is no expectation of any further feedback on the request or circumstances surrounding it. Carlsbad Reads Together Events - Two more events remain before the conclusion of the month-long program for this year: the panel discussion and the Playreader's performance. eLibrary - The upgrade to the Library catalog, was launched Thursday providing new functionality and convenience for users. This installation represented Phase I which replaced the customized version with the more "out of the box" version making it much easier for SirsiDynix to make changes on our behalf without involving the City's IT staff. Phase II of the upgrade will allow for on-line registration resulting in immediate access to e-resources. The next major milestone will be the evaluation and selection of the next Integrated Library System (ILS). Print/PC Management contract - The Library is negotiating on price for the renewal of the contract with Xerox with hopes of reaching agreement in May. Library Space Redesign Project - The Library has entered into a contract with Carrier Johnson plus Culture for the analysis and redesign of some spaces at both larger library locations and the kickoff meeting is scheduled to take place April 24. Librarian Series Study - As part of the restructure plan, Human Resources has initiated the position study related to the reclassification of the Senior Librarian position in Collection Development and Acquisitions. They anticipate that the results of the study and recommendations will be available by the end of June. Waste Management Bins - The Library has a display of the new bins that has proved to be quite popular. Foot traffic has increased significantly, as has the request for information brochures. Upcoming Events - The Library's Volunteer Recognition Tea is scheduled for April 26. The City sponsored Spring Fiesta will be held on May 5 and the Library's annual hourly employee recognition event will be May 11. FOUNDATION REPORT: Library Trustee Hulsart reporting for the Foundation announced the opportunity drawing for a 40 inch HD television set. Tickets are on sale at all Library locations and the winning ticket will be drawn by the Mayor on May 31^\ Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of April 18, 2012 Meeting FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart also reporting for the Friends announced the Better Books Sale will be held on April 28 at the Cole Library. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Keeley reported that attendance at the April Seminar was nearly 100, with many attendees from surrounding counties. She reviewed the previous programs and announced upcoming events for May, including the genealogy classes which will start again on May 9. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Bradley commented that she and her husband greatly enjoyed the NSDCG Society seminar on the census. PUBLIC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Hulsart) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports For March 2012 Systemwide... 1. The Carlsbad Flower Fields provided docents to present programs on seeds, flowers, and bulbs to welcome Spring at the Cole Library and the Learning Center. The children and families were able to learn about the flowers and then plant sunflower seeds in their own pot of dirt to take home. Cole Library had 43 participants and the Learning Center had 14 participants. 2. Dr. Seuss' birthday and Read Across America were celebrated in March. The Library on Dove Lane had weekly readings on Fridays. On March 2, 155 children and adults came to hear guest readers, including two city council members, and enjoy birthday cake. The 48 attendees at the "Read Across America" program on March 23 enjoyed a visit from Captain Jack Sparrow, convincingly played by library volunteer Mark McCune. The Cole Library held an afternoon program with stories, games, and crafts. 3. Library staff, along with Barnes & Noble staff, hosted a Gadget Petting Zoo on March 31 in the Gowland Meeting Room with various electronic gadgets provided by the Serra Cooperative Library System. Staff demonstrated how to download eBooks from the Library's collection to various devices, such as iPads and Kindles and were able to help patrons one-on-one. A similar lunchtime brown-bag event (without the Barnes & Noble participation) was provided earlier in the week for City staff to learn how to use the library's downloadable products. ecu Dove Lane... 4. The library hosted filmmaker Rick Ray on March 10 for a screening of his documentary "East Africa Safari" in the Schulman Auditorium. Approximately 150 attended and almost all stayed afterwards for a Q&A with the director. 5. Carlsbad Playreaders presented Larry Kramer's Tony Award-winning play "The Normal Heart" on March 19. Nearly 100 people attended, including a number of MiraCosta College theater students who stayed afterwards for an informal talk in the courtyard with the actors from the show. 6. The "Your Library Means Business" three-workshop series concluded on Tuesday, March 27 with a business plan workshop led by Joe Molina, director of the Business & Entrepreneurship Center and faculty member/business consultant at MiraCosta College. 22 people attended and learned more about creating a comprehensive business plan. 7. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson provided four teen programs in March. 29 teens attended the Games & Refreshments programs. 9 teens enjoyed the movie Kung Fu Panda II. Georgina Cole... 8. The Reuben H. Fleet Science Center presented one of their popular programs featuring catapults. 71 children made their own mini marshmallow-throwing catapult out of plastic spoons, rubber bands and other doo-dads in a program entitled "Crazy Contraptions." Monthly Library Reports for March 2012 9. To tie-in with the highly anticipated release of the movie based upon the YA novel. The Hunger Games. Cole Library held a Hunger Games Party after hours on Friday, March 9 from 6-8 p.m. Thirty-seven very enthusiastic teens attended the program. Library Technician Dan Wood, took the lead on planning the book-related activities including costumes, games, food challenges, and prizes. 10. The March 25 poetry writing workshop was led by Carlsbad teacher/poet Jill Moses at Cole Library and had 33 attendees. 11. Cole Library's Spring Concert featured The Scarlet Furies, a folk/country rock band, on March 18. More than 50 people attended and enjoyed a mix of original music and standards. 12. The Genealogy Division and the NSDCGS hosted their annual Spring Seminar at the Senior Center on Saturday, March 24, with 97 attendees hearing from Curt Witcher, the head of the Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center (the largest genealogy collection in a U.S. public library). His presentations stressed the need to understand the historical, cultural, and ethnic contexts in which our ancestors lived as a method of locating source materials. 13. Genealogy Library Technician Ann Montgomery participated in the Escondido Family History Fair on Saturday, March 3. Ms. Montgomery presented two lectures: Introduction to the Carlsbad City Library Genealogy Collection (25 participants) and User Guides on the Carlsbad City Library Website (30 participants). Learning Center... 14. Thirty literacy program learners, 40% of all learners in the Library's program, participated in small group classes in March. This statistic indicates that the learners are receiving more instruction than their scheduled 3 hours per week. Examples of the small groups attended included classes on computer skills, couponing, writing, and the book club. 15. The Carlsbad Garden Club taught a class on succulents to a group of 8 teens. Club members volunteered their time and generously provided materials necessary to create beautiful arrangements. The teens had many questions regarding care of their plants, which were answered by these passionate gardeners. The Club president and vice president offered to come back to teach a class on vegetables and sustainable gardens. 16. Community Outreach Coordinator Carrie Scott and Library Technician Sandra Riggins participated in Life Technologies' annual volunteer fair. Over 120 employees stopped by the Library table to discover the Learning Center, learn about volunteer opportunities, and spin the prize wheel. Three prospective volunteers signed up for upcoming tutor orientations. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS MARCH 2012 Reference, Circulation, Visitors CCL Dove Lane Mar-lX Feb-12 Mar-12 1 Reference Questions 13,957 11,706 13,144 2 Circulation 82,723 73,448 81,687 3 People Count 38,856 35,638 39,130 Cole Library "^UPm^ Mar-11 Feb-12 Mar-12 4 Reference Questions 12,712 10,671 12,844 5 Circulation 36,247 32,631 37,912 6 People Count 31,240 29,117 31,403 Learning Center Mar-11 Feb-12 Mar-12 ' 7 Reference Questions 2,239 1,710 2,160 8 Circulation 2,516 1,492 2,183 9 People Count 6,588 5,506 6,698 tOTAL LIBRARY Mar-11 Feb-12 Mar-12 10 Reference Questions 28,908 24,087 28,148 11 Circulation 121,486 107,571 121,782 12 People Count 76,684 70,261 77,231 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Mar-11 Feb-12 Mar-12 13 Pre-School Programs 106 96 97 14 Pre-School Attendance 4,651 4,264 4,565 15 School Aged Children's Programs 34 30 35 16 School Aged Children's Attendance 765 642 1,001 17 Young Adult Programs 10 9 11 18 Young Adult Program Attendance 99 75 109 19 Adult Programs 48 47 53 20 Adult Program Attendance 1,706 1,742 1,604 Technology Usage Mar-11 Feb-12 Mar-12 21 Computer Use 13,955 12,072 12,293 22 Webpage Views 68,677 53,003 58,359 23 Database Usage 8,255 9,242 10,123 24 Audio Books Downloads 407 -113 25 eBook Downloads 1,139 1,261 Facility Meeting Room Use Mar-11 Feb-12 Mar-12 26 # Events 123 85 83 27 Event Attendance 5,628 4,942 5,284 Volunteer Hours Mar-11 Feb-12 Mar-12 28 1 Total Volunteer Hours 1 1,941 1,862 1,951 CITY OF CARLSBAD FISCAL YEAR 2012-13 LIBRARY BUDGET SUMMARY ITEM # 6 FY 12-13 Library & Cultural Arts Block 8,385,998 FT Personnel 4,861,752 PT Personnel 1,914,440 Maintenance & Operations 1,587,333 Total L&CA Budget Request 8,363,525 (Under)/Over Block $ (22,473) * Does not include ISP charges $1.5- $1.8M for IT, vehicles, etc. The Library & Cultural Arts Department (L&CA) is pleased to present a General Fund block budget request that meets multiple goals for the department, and the City, heading into FY 2012-13. The accomplishments include the following: • Consolidate the Library and Cultural Arts into one department operationally to create organizational and budgetary efficiencies. • Align Library & Cultural Arts operations into lines of business, versus by location. • Consolidate budgets to align with lines of business, reducing from 18 org keys to 10. • Achieved significant savings from various position adjustments that allow us to: o Restore $23,317 to the TGIF Jazz in the Parks program to help fill SF^ funding gap o Reduce 1.0 part-time FTE o Reduce block budget request by $22,474 We are able to present this budget proposal without any changes to the Library's operating hours or public services. It should be noted that we have gone to great lengths each of the past three years to trim, adjust and speculate savings within our budget in order to do so. Last year we were successful in negotiating zero increases on many of our maintenance and technology services contracts. Unfortunately, substantial upward pressure forced those same vendors to increase their costs for FY 12-13. Fortunately, we've been able to make some minor adjustments to accommodate. But any significant increases to outside service or decreases to the L&CA block in the future will likely result in a direct loss of programs and services to the public. In FY 11-12, the Library anticipated losing at least a portion of State Library funding toward literacy services. As the State's budget woes worsened mid-way through the year, we learned that we would lose not just a portion, but all State funding for literacy programs. We are not projecting any supporting revenue for literacy from the State in FY 12-13. In FY 12-13 we will continue work toward procurement to replace the Integrated Library Automation System (ILS), which maintains records for over 100,000 patrons and 365,000 print and electronic media. We will also be replacing our print, PC, and copy management systems for patrons early in the fiscal year. LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS PROPOSED STAFFING FulUTime Equivalents (FTE) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012,13 Full Time Positions 48 47.25 47.25 47.25 Part-Time/Hourly Positions 59.25 59.25 59.25 58.25 PROPOSED FEE ADJUSTMENTS/NEW FEES Mobile Device late fee NEW FEE: $5 per tiour for each hour late. LIBRARY BUDGET PRIORITIES AND OBJECTIVES Summary of the main priorities, objectives, goals and/or initiatives the Department's budget will be funded in the coming year All of the initiatives listed below will be supported with existing funding in the FY 12-13. 1. Future Librarv Automation Systems: This is a multi-year project to evaluate and ultimately select the next generation library automation systems for managing the Library's collection/materials information, patron records, search tools and reporting. 2. Dove/Cole Interior Redesign Services: Develop conceptual designs to change layout and use of various areas of the Dove and Cole facilities in advance of a major recarpeting project. 3. Print/PC Management & Wireless Printing: The City's current maintenance agreement for patron PC, copier and print services is expiring after seven years and we will be replacing all patron equipment. We will also be evaluating the possibility for wireless printing. 4. Electronic Materials and Mobile Devices: Expand the Library's new downloadable e- book and audiobook services and host workshops to expose patrons to the variety of technology that is rapidly changing the delivery of Library content. 5. Programming that Responds to Community Demographics: Utilize Library survey results completed in FY 11-12 to begin incorporating recommendations into community programming, staff training, service delivery, and promotional/marketing plans consistent with the needs and interests of the community. 6. Library Materials Security: Research, evaluate and implement new security solutions to better protect library materials. 7. Sponsorship Policy: Implement a department wide sponsorship program, following the guidelines of the City's new sponsorship policy, to procure various types of sponsorships for library and cultural arts programs, such as TGIF Jazz in the Parks. 8. Schulman Auditorium Programs: Implement use of $65,000 of Gartner Funds to support ongoing programs at the Schulman Auditorium. Programs include lecture series, musical acts, poetry readings, film series, and more.