HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, May 16, 2012 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bob Benson calleci the meeting to order at 4:59 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hinman, and Lignante Absent: Library Trustee Hulsart Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst Devin Castel, Sr. Business Systems Specialist Barbara Chung, Sr. Children's Librarian APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Bradley/Lignante) and vote, the Board approved the minutes ofthe April 18, 2012 meeting ofthe Library Board of Trustees. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board reviewed the monthly reports and Trustee Benson asked for more information on the Career and Job Seeking workshop conducted recently at the North Coast Calvary Church. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that the Library was contacted by the church requesting the workshop. Deputy Library Director Curtis added that we provide this service a couple of times a year to this group. Trustee Hinman added that she is aware of this church sponsored outreach that promotes networking for job seekers and has had very successful results. Library Board of Trustees '^^9© 2 Minutes of May 16. 2012 Meeting ^ . CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto advised the Board that the wrap-up meeting for the committee was scheduled for tomorrow and the evaluations are still being tallied. Community Relations Manager Padilla Bowen circulated some photographs taken the day of the author event which drew 110 attendees. She commented that the subject matter of guns and drug trafficking across the border was not for everyone but some evaluations called it both pertinent and timely. In spite of the mixed reaction, the hard bound copies circulated 350 times; 42 eBooks and 30 eAudiobooks were downloaded. When asked by Trustee Benson if the participation numbers were in line with previous years. Community Relations Manager Padilla Bowen said that the numbers vary in accordance with the book selection and author visit. She gave the example that when author Alexander McCall Smith visited it was necessary to stream the video from the capacity auditorium to the Gowland meeting room on site and to the Council Chambers up north. QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel reviewed the information in the report highlighting the significant increase in wireless usage. Also of note was the steady increase in the use ofthe self-check stations both in number of users and number of items checked out. INTEGRATED LIBRARY SYSTEM (ILS) UPGRADE/REPLACEMENT: Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel reviewed the process for the project with the Board explaining the function ofthe ILS in providing library services. The project concept has already been presented to the City's technology governance committee and the next step will be to select an ILS consultant to assist with the preparation of an RFP. Based on the responses and demonstrations of the products, the Library will determine whether to upgrade the current system or to move forward with a new one. The Library anticipates that decision will be made by January of 2013 in hopes of having a signed agreement before the end of May 2013. Trustee Benson had several questions about the analysis ofthe various products as well as the Library's relationship with the current vendor. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that the Library team working on the project has contacted other libraries and researched other systems. As for the current vendor, they are aware that the Library is looking to either upgrade or replace the system as the current contract was extended for only three years to provide the time for evaluation and analysis of what is available. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of May 16, 2012 Meeting PREVIEW OF SUMMER READING PROGRAM: Sr. Children's Librarian Chung provided the Board with information about the program which will extend from June 18 through August 3 this year and is open to all ages, infant to adult. The nighttime theme this year has inspired some related prizes that the children earn based on the number of books read and reported. She added that the program would not be possible without the support of the Friends of the Library and the teen volunteers who hear the oral book reports from the children. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto brought the Board up to date on the following items: Rules of Conduct review - There have been several exchanges with Mary Minow, the consultant, and we are waiting for her final recommendations which then have to be reviewed by our City Attorney. Whether the draft policy will be on the June meeting agenda depends on the workload of both parties. State Emergency Exercise - The City recently took part in a state-wide exercise. Golden Guardian, during which time the City's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was activated. The day following the state-wide exercise, the City conducted its own exercise by setting up the Local Assistance Center (LAC) at the Library on Dove Lane. The LAC is routinely set up following a disaster to provide information to the residents impacted and the Library has been chosen as the logical location. Literacv Program - Invitations for the June 3rd annual tutor/learner event should have been received by the Board. The San Diego Council on Literacy Union Tribune subscription fund raiser has been very successful and each two cent Sunday subscription results in $7.00 for our program. De-accession of art work - The Ziegler fountain in the courtyard ofthe Dove Lane Library has not been working for some time and efforts to repair and maintain the piece have been unsuccessful. Following the procedure for assessment of City-owned art work, the Arts Commission is making a recommendation to the City Council to remove the piece. The item is expected to be on the Council agenda next week. Interior Redesign proiect - A meeting was held yesterday with the consultants to review initial findings for reuse of space in the libraries in preparation for the scheduled re-carpet. PC/Print Management contract - Negotiations with Xerox indicate they will meet our price point and we anticipate a signed contract by July. Library Board of Trustees ^^9® ^ Minutes of May 16, 2012 Meeting Osher Institute partnership - As part of a trial partnership, the Osher Institute will be presenting a free introductory session on Irish Culture at the Schulman Auditorium in June followed by two series in the fall, one at the Dove Lane location and one at the Learning Center. The Institute and the Library will be assessing the interest in these sessions to determine if a continuing partnership would be beneficial to both. Theft of Librarv Material - At the recent sentencing hearing for Ms. Nater, she was ordered to make restitution to the libraries involved and the City received a check from her attorney for just under $3,000 which was appropriated into the Library's materials budget to help replace the missing items. FOUNDATION REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported that at the last meeting of the Foundation their focus was on the current fund raiser, the opportunity drawing for the large screen television set, and plans for Mini-golf scheduled for September 30, 2012. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported that the Friends have not held a meeting since this Board last met. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Kealey provided an overview of past and upcoming programs, including topics and guest presenters. Also noted that the evening genealogy classes continue and the Saturday classes will resume next month. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None. PUBUC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Lignante) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:01 p.m. (X^yU^^J^^^^ Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports For April 2012 Systemwide... 1. Carlsbad Reads Together, featuring T. Jefferson Parker's Iron River, was celebrated for the month of April. Events mcluded book discussions, a debate by Carlsbad High School Speech and Debate team, a panel discussion, Carlsbad Playreaders presenting Agatha Christie's And Tiien Tiiere Were None and a mystery film series. A highlight of Carlsbad Reads Together was a visit from Mr. Parker on April 14, attended by 110 people. Mr. Parker was very complimentary ofthe library and its patrons, and library patrons remarked on how much they enjoyed hearing from and meeting Mr. Parker. 2. During National Volunteer Week, the Library honored its volunteers at its annual Volunteer Appreciation Celebration on Thursday, April 26. The afternoon tea event was well attended by volunteers and City Council. 3. Three staff gadget petting zoo and eBook workshops were held in April, one at each library location. More than 40 staff attended and learned more about eBooks, tablets and eReaders to be able to better serve library patrons. 4. An important upgrade to the Library's catalog occurred during April. The changes were required because the previous catalog was no longer supported by the vendor. Improvements include: The ability to place multiple holds with only a single login for the session The ability to choose between multiple notification methods. An improved display on FIrefox browsers 5. Library staff was very responsive to an attentive public user base during the upgrade. As a result, many ofthe suggestions that were brought up were incorporated into the solution within the first week of launching the upgraded catalog. 6. The Learning Center and the Georgina Cole Library hosted children's events in celebration of National Day of Puppetry and Money Smart Week. Both libraries welcomed Circus Minimus Marionette Show, a marionette group presenting a fun and colorful puppet show that also introduced children to how marionettes are made and operated. To celebrate Money Smart Week, Point Loma Credit Union presented a financial program at each site, "Saving for the Future," in which participants learned about the importance of saving. Children received a piggy bank that they decorated at the end of the presentation. CCL, Dove Lane... 7. On April 18, the Children's Division held Mystery in the Library. This program was attended by 11 intrepid detectives that solved the mystery ofthe missing bookplate. 8. On April 20, the Children's Division had a wildly successful Star Wars program, which featured a visit and discussion with Jason Fry, a DK author and two costumed Storm Troopers. Attendance for this event was over 300. 9. The Dove Children's Division celebrated Screen Free Week with Bingo for Books, a program which has become an annual tradition. This year the event attracted 19 attendees. Monthly Library Reports for April 2012 10. Waste Management's new rolling containers that are coming to Carlsbad residents went on display with informational material for the public. This community informational display has been very much in demand and staff members have been helpful to those with questions. 11. Five computer classes were held in April with 23 attendees gaining important skills. The Introduction to eBooks class had seven eager attendees, and an offering of the Online Job Applications class helped five job seekers. 12. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson provided four games and refreshments events. These events averaged 15 attendees. Ten teens enjoyed the Pizza and a Movie event featuring X-Men: First Class. 13. The Tests collection was moved out of the Reference area to a location adjacent to the nonfiction DVDs. This move will help patrons find the Test books and help clarify that these titles are available for checkout. Georgina Cole... 14. An April 22 poetry reading was held at Cole Library in honor of National Poetry Month. Seven poets read work and led a post-reading discussion with nearly 30 attendees. 15. Reference Librarian Erin Zocco presented a Career and Job Seeking workshop to a group of job seekers at North Coast Calvary Church on Monday evening, April 23. Ms. Zocco instructed the 43 participants on how to use Library databases such as ReferenceUSA, Rand, LearningExpress Library, and Mango to assist in their job searches and job skill development. 16. Cole Reference Staff taught five technology classes serving 24 students at the Library Learning Center on topics including basic computer skills and using eBooks for Kindles and Nooks. 17. Genealogy programs included the "Focus On" instruction discussing the fold3 research database, an all-day Saturday Beginning Genealogy class, a presentation by Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol "Source Citation in the Digital Age" for the Computer Genealogy Group, and Dr. Stephen Baird discussing "Human Migrations: What Our DNA Haplogroups Tells Us about Where Our Ancestors came from" with 92 attendees. 18. Teens were treated to a special version of Animanga Hour on April 4 entitled, "A 'Devilishly British' Animanga Hour." Sixteen teens in grades 6-12 attended the program and were treated to British- themed anime and were served tea and scones. Learning Center... 19. On April 30, the Learning Center celebrated El Di'a de los Ninos - El Dia de los Libros. Children received a free donated book when they attended any of the children's programs throughout the day. Monthly Library Reports for April 2012 20. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson shared information with a group of parents at the Laurel Tree Head Start Program on April 5. She provided parents with information about library services, children's programs and the Summer Reading Program. 21. Literacy Services staff participated in a webinar hosted by the California State Library Literacy Services on the upcoming changes to the GED test that will be implemented in 2014. Staff will further research how these changes will impact the learners, the collection, and related tutoring needs. 22. Information available to learners on voter registration and voting was updated and all learners who have a goal of registering to vote were informed of upcoming deadlines. Easy Voter Guides were ordered and received. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS APRIL 2012 Reference, Circulation, Visitors CCL Dove Lane Apr-11 Mar-12 Apr-12^ 1 Reference Questions 12,684 13,144 12,513 2 Circulation 77,305 81,687 77,829 3 People Count 35,363 39,130 37,695 ll Cole Library ^^1^^^ "^pr-ll Mar-12 4 Reference Questions 11,173 12,844 10,915 5 Circulation 34,024 37,912 35,476 6 People Count 29,681 31,403 27,762 Learning Center Apr-11 Mar-12 Apr-12 i 7 Reference Questions 1,858 2,160 1,748 8 Circulation 1,515 2,183 1,780 9 People Count 5,151 6,698 5,362 • tOTAL LIBRARYlilHHIHMI pApr-11 Mar-12 Apr-:^B 10 Reference Questions 25,715 28,148 25,176 11 Circulation 112,844 121,782 115,085 12 People Count 70,195 77,231 70,819 Programs and Technology | Library-Sponsored Programs Apr-11 Mar-12 Apr-lsH Pre-School Programs 75 97 77 Pre-School Attendance 3,418 4,565 3,253 School Aged Children's Programs 26 35 31 School Aged Children's Attendance 541 1,001 862 Young Adult Programs 9 11 11 Young Adult Program Attendance 69 109 105 Adult Programs 43 53 50 Adult Program Attendance 1,197 1,604 1,462 Technology Usage Apr-11 Mar-12 Apr-12 Computer Use 12,827 12,293 11,467 Webpage Views 63,162 58,359 56,249 Database Usage 7,397 10,123 9,946 Audio Books Downloads 383 113 143 eBook Downloads 1,261 1,340 Facility Meeting Room Use Apr-11 Mar-12 Apr-12 26 # Events 119 83 79 27 Event Attendance 3,885 5,284 4,153 Volunteer Hours Apr-11 Mar-12 Apr-12 28 Total Volunteer Hours 1,556 1,951 1,764 OVRLSBAD"^^ CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Jan - Mar 2012 PC Management Sessions QudrteHy Comparison YearCim rtparison Location Total Computers Oct-Dec 2011 Jan-Mar 2012 Change Jan-Mar 2011 Jan-Mar 2012 Change Dove Adult Lab 20 8,482 8,419 -1% 9,230 8,419 -9% Dove Adult Lab 2 3 1,287 1,272 -1% 1,307 1,272 -3% *Dove Express 2 870 2,291 163% n/a 2,291 n/a *Dove Walk-up 8 7,900 6,897 -13% n/a 6,897 n/a Dove Children's 7 1,005 947 -6% 1,140 947 -17% Cole Adult 12 8,808 9,138 4% 10,032 9,138 -9% Cole Express 1 1,161 1,066 -8% 1,537 1,066 -31% Cole Children's 8 1,790 1,705 -5% 1,996 1,705 -15% Learning Center Children's Lab 7 1,068 1,233 15% 1,551 1,233 -21% Learning Center Adult Lab 7 1,242 1,205 -3% 1,118 1,205 8% •January through March 2011 data is unavailable due to a configuration change for this location Wireless User Sessions Quarterly / Comparison Yeartorrtiiafison Location Oct-Dec 2011 Jan-Mar 2012 Change Jan-Mar 2011 Jan-Mar 2012 Change Dove 8,370 11,331 35% 7,502 11,331 51% Cole 6,051 7,902 31% 6,047 7,902 31% Library Learning Center 619 960 55% 558 960 72% Total 15,040 20,193 34% 14,107 20,193 43% H as Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Jan - Mar 2012 Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Quartirly Oowparrson YilrCoffplHson Oct-Dec 2011 Jan-Mar 2012 Jan-Mar 2011 Jan-Mar 2012 Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change 56% 44% 57% 43% 1% 54% 46% 57% 43% 3% Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Quarterly Compdrlson Year CoiHfiarlson Oct-Dec 2011 Jan-Mar 2012 Jan-Mar 2011 Jan-Mar 2012 Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change 52% 48% 54% 46% 2% 49% 51% 54% 46% 5% Top internet Categories Quaitferty Comparison Oct-Dec 2011 Catagory Pet Jan-Mar 2012 Catagory Pet Audio/Video Clips 17% Audio/Video Clips 17% Computers/Internet 10% Search Engines/Portals 11% Social Networking 9% Social Networking 9% Search Engines/Portals 9% Reference 8% Reference 9% Co m p ute rs/1 nte r n et 5% Content Servers 4% Content Servers 5% Email 3% Email 4% Business/Economy 3% Business/Economy 4% Shopping 3% Shopping 3%