HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-10-24; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApprq^e^: ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Community Room - Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hinman, Hulsart, and Lignante Absent: none Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Bradley/Hulsart) and vote, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the September 19, 2012 meeting ofthe Library Board of Trustees. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Hulsart asked about the trial partnership between the Library and CSUSM Osher Institute and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that the initial series was well attended and the second series scheduled for next month has registered 35 so far. Trustees Hinman and Benson asked about the Homework Zone and Deputy Library Director Smithson reported that the help is offered for all ages through high school and that it is not a tutor service but help with actual school assignments. The volunteers for the program are adults and high school students and the program is well utilized at all three locations. Trustee Bradley asked about participation at the Foundation's MiniGolf fundraiser and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto replied that they estimate the crowd at about 300 but final Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of October 24. 2012 Meeting figures on net gain had not been calculated yet. She anticipates that more information will be available after the Foundation Executive Committee meeting next week. RE-CARPET/REDESIGN UPDATE: Library Management Analyst Steve Didier reported to the Board that he is meeting with the City Property & Environmental Management Department (PEM) to discuss the project and their suggestion to combine this work with other projects such as the roof replacement and exterior painting for Cole and replacing the carpet at the Dove Lane location, costs for which are already estimated in the City's Infrastructure Replacement Program. Trustee Benson asked if there was a timeline for the project yet and Management Analyst Didier replied there was not and the project could very well be submitted as a proposed Capital Improvement Project (CIP) for consideration in next year's budget. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto added that as soon as the Library has further information on the timeline and potential funding for the project she would advise the Board. STATE LIBRARY REPORT: Management Analyst Didier reviewed portions of the report and responded to questions from the Trustees. By proper motion (Hinman/Hulsart) the Board unanimously voted to ratify the report as presented. LIBRARY STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto asked the Board to review the current Strategic Directions in preparation for the staff to begin the process of identifying strategic initiatives for fiscal year 2013-14. The Board unanimously agreed that the current Directions represent a good foundation on which to base the work for the next year. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that the staff workshop is scheduled for next month to begin the process and the Library will also be looking at Council priorities and the budget as part of the process. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto brought the board up to date on the following: Citv Retirements - Citv Manager Hildabrand announced her retirement and Assistant City Manager John Coates will be the Acting City Manager for the time being. The recruitment is underway for a replacement for City Attorney Ron Ball, who is also retiring. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of October 24, 2012 Meeting Serra Cooperative Library System - There has been a change in leadership of the Cooperative as the previous chair has left her position at San Diego Public Library. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto, who was serving as the Vice Chair, has taken on the responsibility ofthe Chair as they move forward to complete staff assignments and close the physical office. The Administrative Council is exploring options to contract some of the administrative duties and responsibilities. Annual In-service Training - Tomorrow all Library and Cultural Arts facilities will be closed until 2:00 p.m. for the annual staff training in the Schulman Auditorium. City Event - Halloween on Elm will take place this weekend from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Village. Library Personnel - The Library's full time Training Coordinator position has been filled. Amy Jordan, Children's Library Assistant from Cole, was chosen from the candidates and will begin in her new position at the end ofthe month. Currently the Library has a vacant full time Library Assistant position in Collections & Technical Services, the result ofthe resignation of Loretta Stall, who recently relocated to the east coast; and Dove Lane Circulation Supervisor Joan Ballard-Bruce is leaving her three-quarter time position next month, also moving out of the area. The Library will be evaluating the best use of the vacant FTE before seeking approval from the City Manager to fill vacancies. Technology Update - The installation of the new Xerox equipment to upgrade public print management and copy functions is underway at all three locations this week. The upgrade of Sirsi-Dynix was completed successfully over the Columbus Day holiday. The Request for Proposals (RFP) for an Integrated Library System (ILS) is being finalized in preparation for release in November. Dove Lane Courtyard - The removal ofthe non-functioning fountain created some opportunities to re-evaluate the courtyard and consider possible enhancements once natural traffic patterns are established. A team is currently collecting feedback from staff that routinely use the surrounding meeting rooms and spaces, as well as other stakeholders, on possible enhancements to the courtyard. November meeting - As previously decided by this Board, the November meeting is being cancelled and the December meeting is scheduled for the nineteenth of the month. Trustees were asked to please check their calendars for that date and advise if they will be unable to attend so that an alternate date can be chosen. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of October 24, 2012 Meeting FOUNDATION REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported that at the last meeting the MiniGolf event was a major topic of discussion although final numbers were not yet available, and a nominating committee was formed to present a slate for the December election of officers. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the book sale last week netted a little less than $2,000 and the holiday book sale is already underway in the Dove Lane entryway. The major holiday book sale will take place on December 3'^'^ in the Gowland meeting room offering a number of like-new children's books. She also invited the Trustees to attend the annual Halloween luncheon for the Friends' volunteers, in the Gowland meeting room at 12:30 on the 31^\ NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Kealey gave a brief report on the Fall Seminar and programs held during the month of October as well as upcoming programs for the month of November. She announced that the free genealogy Saturday classes will begin again on November 10^*^. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Hulsart) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:31 p.m. Qcy^yu^^ Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for September 2012 Systemwide... 1. September celebrates Library Card Sign-Up month. A special effort was made in the children's areas to encourage children to obtain their first library card. 2. The Homework Zone after-school homework help program resumed at all three sites in September. New and experienced volunteers are once again available Mondays through Thursdays from 3:30-5:30. 3. The City held a Care and Shelter training exercise on September 19 at the Harding Community Center. Approximately 20 Library staff members participated in the training. The event was instrumental in helping staff understand the logistics of setting up a shelter facility and their roles should the need arise. For further emergency preparedness, a few staff members from each site are participating in City-provided First Aid/CPR/AED training and certification. 4. The Library's Reference Division partnered with the Parks & Recreation Department to provide a trial series of four computer classes at the Senior Center. The arrangement will be evaluated and decisions made as to whether or not the Library-led classes will be provided on a continual basis 5. The CSUSM Osher Institute's trial partnership with the Library continued with the beginning of a 5-week session on "Health Myths" held at the Learning Center. CCL, Dove Lane... 6. The Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation held their Mini-Golf Fore the Library event on September 30. A great time was had by children and adults alike. The Library opened two hours early for the event. 7. The Cinema Society of Carlsbad 2012-13 series kicked off on September 15 with the Academy Award-winning film "The Separation." A full crowd of almost 200 enjoyed the pre- and post-film discussion as well as the movie. 8. The Dove Children's Division went to the dogs this month, quite literally, as Love on a Leash owners and trained therapy dogs once again visited the library so that young readers could practice reading aloud to a very non-judgmental audience, i.e., the dogs! 32 attendees enjoyed reading to and visiting with four well-behaved dogs. 9. It was time to "Talk Like a Pirate" on September 19 and the Children's area had a special guest reader - Captain Jack, aka Mark McCune, a Carlsbad City Library volunteer. Captain Jack entertained more than 50 children and adults with a story and then participants made a pirate craft, did some coloring and enjoyed a snack of "Pirate Gold" (Cap'n Crunch Monthly Library Reports for September 2012 cereal, golden raisins, Cheezits, banana chips and golden Teddy Grahams). Children's staff got into the spirit ofthe event, dressing up and talking like pirates. 10. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson organized four events with a total of 59 attendees; the Pizza and a Movie event featured Rise ofthe Planet ofthe Apes and drew 17 teens; three Games and Refreshments events drew 33 teens. 11. Dove Reference Staff taught 30 students in 8 computer and technology classes. 12. Two book clubs were led by Library Assistant Susan Burke and read Night Draws Near by Anthony Shadid and The Almost Moon by Ali Smith. The Monday Night Classics Book Club was led by Senior Librarian Leila Dooley and discussed Perst/as/on by Jane Austen. Georgina Cole... 13. Children's and teens programs resumed after Labor Day. The biggest draw ofthe month was Disneyland's "Farley the Fiddler" performing as Johnny Appleseed with 100 people in the audience. Other special programs included celebrating "Constitution Day" which attracted 56 people, and "Talk Like a Pirate Day" which drew an audience of 52. 14. The September 23 poetry program featured two youth poets, 11-year-old Avalon and 14- year-old Lily, who read their work to an audience of ten at the Cole Library. 15. Cole Reference Staff taught 43 students in nine computer and technology classes at the Library Learning Center. 16. The two Cole Library Book Club groups, led by Library Assistant Elyse Roy, read and discussed Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand and The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie. 17. On September 4 and 18, Genealogy Library Technician Judy Michaels taught the Focus on classes discussing Google Books with 15 people attending. 18. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society programs included a webinar presentation by Linda Geiger on "Digital Scrapbooking" with 67 people attending; a discussion of the basics of the Family Tree DNA website with 32 people attending; and a presentation on recent major improvements to the Daughters ofthe American Revolution (DAR) website which allow the general public to research Revolutionary War patriots with 87 people attending. Learning Center... 19. The regular Bilingual services youth programming resumed in September including Toddler Time, Bilingual story-Craft, "Puros Cuentos y Pan Dulce," and the All-Star Reading Club. Monthly Library Reports for September 2012 20. In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, the Learning Center had a special program for children called "Papel Picado-Cut Paper Banners" on September 20. In this fun workshop, 14 children and 3 adults learned to make paper decorations, a tradition in Latin American countries. 21. Twenty teens participated in an ice cream social on Friday afternoon, September 14. As the first teen program at the Learning Center for the school year, they enjoyed the opportunity to meet with their peers, informally learn about library services and programs, and, of course, enjoy the ice cream. 22. The Literacy Learner book club is participating in a book discussion program provided by the California Center for the Book. The program, entitled "Caught in the Crossfire: Young People and War," sparked a lively discussion led by Library Assistants Helen Lindner and Deanna Westphal. 23. Literacy Services' learner Linda P. was a guest speaker at the Carlsbad Citizen's Academy on September 27. She did a great job describing how the Learning Center has changed her life. 24. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth attended the first monthly meeting for the school year 2012-13 ofthe Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services (V.E.S.) on September 20 at the Harding Community Center. Dr. Matt Steitz, principal of Carlsbad High School, shared information about new technology, programs, and renovated classrooms at CHS. 25. Cole Children's Library Assistant Amy Jordan joined with Learning Center Community Outreach Coordinator Lizeth Simonson to participate in the Jefferson Elementary back-to- school event on the evening of September 5. They shared information about programs and services for children and answered questions about the Library. 26. The City Council approved the acceptance of $35,852 in California Library Literacy Services grant funds for 2012-2013. LIBRARY BOAftD STATISTICS SEPTEMBER 2012 Reference, Circulation, Visitors CCL Dove Lane Serli Aug-12 Sep-12 1 Reference Questions 11,424 11,419 11,542 2 Circulation 75,029 75,843 72,545 3 People Count 34,753 39,058 35,086 Cole Library Sep-11 Aug-12 Sep-12 4 Reference Questions 11,516 10,232 9,019 5 Circulation 34,416 34,702 35,037 6 People Count 28,562 28,627 27,216 Learning Center Sep-11 Aug-12 Sep-12 7 Reference Questions 1,849 1,742 1,844 8 Circulation 1,314 1,280 1,519 9 People Count 5,318 4,583 5,601 TOTAL LIBRARY Sep-11 Aug-12 Sep-12 10 Reference Questions 24,789 23,393 22,405 11 Circulation 110,759 111,825 109,101 12 People Count 68,633 72,268 67,903 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Sep-11 Aug-12 Sep-12 13 Pre-School Programs 86 14 88 14 Pre-School Attendance 3,745 584 3,921 15 School Aged Children's Programs 26 10 23 16 School Aged Children's Attendance 546 1,294 614 17 Young Adult Programs 9 7 9 18 Young Adult Program Attendance 69 196 93 19 Adult Programs 47 30 41 20 Adult Program Attendance 1,062 676 945 Technology Usage Sep-11 Aug-12 Sep-12 21 Computer Use 12,692 12,447 12,119 22 Webpage Views 54,481 54,905 52,297 23 Database Usage 6,113 9,632 8,634 24 Audio Books Downloads 609 235 219 25 eBook Downloads 583 1,513 1,392 Facility Meeting Room Use Sep-11 Aug-12 Sep-12 26 # Events 86 59 65 27 Event Attendance 2,666 3,454 3,576 Volunteer Hours Sep-11 Aug-12 Sep-12 28 Total Volunteer Hours 1,694 1,720 1,505 > ITEM # 6 CARLSBAD AP State Library Survey Fiscal Year 2011-2012 FAST FACTS 1. Population; The population number calculated by the State for the City's service area increased by 1,119 from 106,555 to 107,674. Note: our registered borrowers also increased by about 1,000. 2. Library Visits: FY 11-12 is the second full year after installing the new door counters at Library facilities in April 2010. We anticipated that reported visits would stabilize, which they have. FYlO-11 = 858,788; FYI 1-12 = 858,422 3. Operating Expenditures: Decreased 1.4yo, or roughly $131,000 from $9.7M to $9.57M. Reduction primarily due to a decrease in part-time staff expenditures of $72,000 and the loss of the Adult learning grant from the State. 4. Per Capita Spending: Decreased from S91 to S89 due to the decrease in operating expenditures and increase in population as described above. 5. Program Activity: Children's program attendance increased 8% despite a 5% decrease in the number of programs offered. Conversely, adult program attendance decreased 14% despite an increase of 7.5% in the number of programs offered. 6. Virtual Library Visits: The City does not have a means of tracking and providing the specific data requested by the State, so we are no longer providing an estimate for virtual visits. Total Library Visits* 840 790 TJ C 3 740 o 859k 859k No Change 750k 690 p- ' 1 663 k < " 670k 640 FY08 FY09 FYIO FYll FY12 SEE ADDITIONAL CHARTS ON NEXT PAGE 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 350 300 V) 200 150 100 Circulation No Change «/> 1.38m 0 1-^ = 1.33 m 1 . , ^'^^"^ ^ 1.36m 1.36m FY08 FY09 FYIO FYll FY12 Reference Questions 2% 4^ I 7cn 283k g 250 ^ 301k ^^^^ 299k 245k FY08 FY09 FYIO FYll FY12 Materials Expenditures - Print Materials Electronic Materials $701 $6iB Databases $D98 S4;i $800 $600 I $400 3 O ^ ^^^^ $201 $184 $200 ^ • - •-' ' - .-.fv >44 $0 $1B9 $139 FY08 FY09 FYIO FYll FY12 ITEM # 7 CARLSBAD'^.^ CITY LIBRARY Strategic Directions Position the Library as an active leader in the areas of learning, cultural arts, and the value and enjoyment of reading. Position the Library as an active partner with other agencies in the areas of education, economic development, and public safety. Position the Library as an active provider of information on current quality of life issues in the community. Offer convenient, personalized and responsive library service. Build community by connecting Carlsbad residents with the City, the Library, and one another. Develop and diversify library collections, programs and services to satisfy a broadening range of residents' needs and interests and engage all segments of the community. Ensure safe, comfortable and inviting Library facilities. Position the Library as a leader in the preservation of Carlsbad History. Ensure that library information technology systems support community needs to create an optimal customer experience. Develop and retain effective Library staff. Update and improve staff tools, technology and internal processes to optimize use of staff resources. Assist City departments to leverage library resources to improve citywide performance. Deliver value to the community by optimizing efficiency and providing cost- effective services. Diversify fiscal support sources. K:\Strategic Planning\Strategic Directions 2012-13.Doc 11/2011