HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-02-20; Library Board of Trustees; Minutes'approved: ITEM #3 MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 4:09 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, and Lignante Absent: Library Board Trustee Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst Devin Castel, Sr. Business Systems Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Bradley/Lignante) and vote the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the regular meeting held December 19, 2012. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board reviewed the monthly reports for both December and January and Trustees Hulsart & Benson commented on the innovative and successful programs the Library continues to provide. Trustee Bradley expressed appreciation forthe linl<ed icons forthe databases recently added to the web page. TECHNOLOGY: • Quarterly Technology Report for Oct - Dec 2012 Sr. Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel reviewed the statistics for computer use in the labs as well as the wireless usage. Also included in his report were the use of the self-check machines, the early literacy stations, and the top categories for Internet use. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of February 20, 2013 Meeting • Integrated Library System (ILS) proposals Mr. Castel reported that the Library received six responses to the RFP and the procurement team after scoring all selected the top three for on-site demonstrations, which includes our existing vendor, SirsiDynix. The demonstrations are scheduled for March 6*^ and 7*^ with one vendor each day. The demos will take place in multiple locations throughout the Library in order to provide opportunities for all levels of staff to evaluate various modules. Also attending the demonstrations will be Library staff from San Diego Public and possibly Escondido Public. The team debrief is scheduled for March 13. FY 2013-14 BUDGET: Library Management Analyst Steve Didier reported that the City's Finance Director projects a modest increase in revenue and based on this the City Manager has authorized a 2% increase to the operating budget for next year. As previously reported the Property and Environmental Management Department is taking the lead on the CIP projects for the Library, following the same schedule as the operating budget. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto added that she will continue to brief the Board over the next couple of months as any changes are made to the submitted budget and will brief them in detail prior to the public budget workshops in May. UPDATED 2013-14 STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto pointed out the addition of Cultural Arts to the directions so that they would represent the entire department and asked for Board feedback. The Trustees were very supportive of the directions. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto added that there are still some resource needs to be identified for several proposed initiatives before they are confirmed to move forward. The January Council goal setting meeting affirmed that the Library's goals are in alignment with those ofthe City. MATERIALS RENEWAL POLICY: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that in response to patron and community interests, the Library is considering changing the policy while trying to balance the demand with the number of times an item can be renewed. The number of renewals was recently increased to two for those items that can be renewed and testing is In progress on allowing for the renewal of DVDs and video games. Since both DVDs and video games incur a fee at check-out, it is important that the additional fee is properly identified when posted to the patron's account. Staff is also making sure that the process will work on-line and at the self-check machines. Once the final evaluation is completed, the recommended changes will be brought back to the Board for approval. Librai7 Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of February 20, 2013 Meeting CALTAC WORKSHOP: Information about the CALTAC southern workshop to be held on March 2"^^ was included in the Board packet and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto advised the board that the Library would be happy to register for any Trustee who wished to attend. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto briefed the board on the following: Staffing changes - Gary Barberio, Community & Economic Development Director, has been named as the Interim Assistant City Manager and the Library & Cultural Arts Department will be reporting directly to him. The City has also hired Celia Brewer as the new City attorney. Cultural Arts Manager Peter Gordon has announced his plans to retire effective June 30 after eleven years in that position. The Library Assistant recruitment oral board is scheduled for next Monday and Tuesday, February 25 and 26. The Sr. Office Specialist recruitment for Library & Cultural Arts closes tomorrow, Feb 21. The position is expected to eventually be located in the Cole Library with the relocation of Cultural Arts staff into Library facilities and Deputy Library Director Smithson will be assisting with the selection. Recent thefts in the Librarv - Two purse thefts took place at the Cole Library last month and the strong assistance from the Carlsbad Police Department resulted in a suspect being arrested. Also in January at the Dove Lane location a loss of video games and computers was extensively investigated resulting in one laptop and two PC's recovered. The case is still ongoing so information release is limited at this time. Serra Cooperative Librarv Svstem The transfer of financial authorities to SCLC was completed this month and other business activities are being transferred as they arise. Deputy Library Director Dave Curtis worked with the Youth Services Committee to identify goals and the committee's priorities for networking and shared activities. The first Administrative Council meeting supported by SCLC is scheduled for this Friday and the Council will continue to look for where SCLC can help Serra efficiently deliver services of value to the member libraries. Upcoming Events - The Overdrive Digital Bookmobile will be here on February 26^"^ and the public is invited to visit and try various devices for downloading digital formats. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of February 20, 2013 Meeting AARP tax assistance is now available at the Learning Center by appointment or drop-in every Wednesday through April 10**^. 'The Bee" spelling bee fundraiser for San Diego Council on Literacy will be held tomorrow, February 21, at the Hall of Champions in Balboa Park. State Librarv Directors Forum - The forum is being held in Sacramento on March 6 & 7 and the Library Director will be attending and out of the office through Sunday. Both Deputy Directors will be available if needed. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that Dr. Rezvani is the new Chair. At the meeting the Board decided to meet only quarterly and created subcommittees to focus on specific work. The Executive Committee will continue to meet monthly. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported there had not been a Friends meeting since this Board last met. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marge Kealey announced the latest membership numbers and reviewed the past month's programs. She also provided information on upcoming events to include the Wednesday evening genealogy classes which will start again on March 6 at Cole. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Chair Benson recognized the three seniors from Rancho Buena Vista High School who were observing the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Hulsart/Bradley) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Oy^^A4j.Z^ Cissie S^^on Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for December 2012 Systemwide... 1. On December 5*^ the Library released its 24th annual Magee Park Poets Anthology, produced with support from the Friends ofthe Library. About 60 poets and their friends and family celebrated its publication with a reading in Schulman Auditorium and reception in the Gowland Meeting Room. The Anthology features 51 poems by poets from around San Diego County. 2. Santa Claus visited with youth at all three library sites (almost 200 at Cole, almost 100 at the Learning Center, and almost 250 at Dove) with corollary activities while children waited or got up the courage to talk to Santa about their holiday wishes. 3. The web pages for eResearch, subject searches. Genealogy, Kids and Teens were revamped to include linked icons to databases. These graphics encourage use and identification. 4. All Library & Cultural Arts sites participated in records audits by the City's Records Management. Report on their findings and recommendations are forthcoming. 5. Holiday concerts: Jazz musicians Allison Adams Tucker Trio performed for a crowd of 80 at Cole Library on December 2. Cajun/Zydeco musicians The Bayou Brothers performed for 200 at Carlsbad City Library on December 9. And finally, on December 13, internationally acclaimed Paraguayan harpist Alfredo Rolando Ortiz shared classical and popular holiday music from many countries to a group of about 70 at the Learning Center. CCL, Dove Lane... 6. Carlsbad Playreaders held a reading of "Love Letters" on December 3rd featuring Jazzercise CEO Judi Sheppard-Missett and her longtime husband Jack Missett. The reading was a great success, with a full house in the Schulman and another 60 people watching on closed circuit in the Gowland Meeting Room. 7. The Children's Division's had several successful programs during the month of December including the Hanukkah Party on the 13th with 65 attendees and the celebration ofthe First Day of Kwanzaa was attended by 24 children and adults, who all got up and danced and sang with Josiah, the Musical Storyteller. 8. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted 18 teens at two Games and Refreshments Programs, and showed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II to 22 teens attending the Pizza and a Movie program. Monthly Library Reports for December 2012 9. Two book clubs met in December and read and discussed Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathon Foer and The Swerve: How the World Became Modern by Stephen Greenblatt. Georgina Cole... 10. Cole Children's celebrated "National Cookie Day" with a StoryCraft program. A crowd of 75 participants learned about the history ofthe cookie, read stories about cookies and children decorated a cookie (some actually waited until they were done to eat it). Children's programs also included a "Dinosaur Holiday Puppet Show" which drew an unusually large crowd of 145 people who enjoyed the holiday sing-a-long with the dinosaur puppets. 11. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society held its annual membership meeting on December 11 and new officers for 2013 were installed. 12. Cole Reference Staff taught 14 students in five computer and ebook classes held at the Library Learning Center 13. One book club met in December and read and discussed The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Learning Center... 14. Learning Center staff members Virginia Velati and Lizeth Simonson participated in the Holiday Tree Lighting event on December 2 sponsored bythe Carlsbad Evening Rotary Club and the City of Carlsbad. Approximately 80 people listened to stories in English and Spanish and created a holiday craft. 15. Carlsbad City Library Literacy Services is one ofthe San Diego Council on Literacy's affiliate programs featured in the San Diego Union-Tribune's special publication. Making a Difference 2013 Nonprofit Guide. 16. Holiday programs at the Learning Center included children making ornaments to decorate the Center's Christmas tree and teens participating in a holiday "bake-off." The teens used a no-bake mix and added a variety of toppings to create original cookies. The teens also decorated pot holders to give as holiday gifts. Reference, Circulation, Visitors CCL Dove tane A Oec-11 Nov-12 t)ec-12 1 Reference Questions 10,295 11,257 9,974 2 Circulation 67,777 68,341 62,217 3 People Count 29,652 29,848 26,112 • Oec-il 4 Reference Questions 8,731 8,777 8,002 5 Circulation 29,383 35,786 32,732 6 People Count 24,093 25,189 22,895 ~S Nov-12 Dec'-iz 7 Reference Questions 1,281 1,360 1,151 8 Circulation 1,192 1,589 1,005 9 People Count 4,683 5,032 4,219 • ] TOTAUtmRAKV Nov-12 Oec-12 10 Reference Questions 20,307 21,394 19,127 11 Circulation 98,352 105,716 95,954 12 People Count 58,428 60,069 53,226 Programs and Technology Dec-11 1^bv-12 Dec-12 13 Pre-School Programs 71 69 66 14 Pre-School Attendance 2,709 3,384 2,644 15 School Aged Children's Programs 28 24 22 16 School Aged Children's Attendance 698 562 764 17 Young Adult Programs 9 5 5 18 Young Adult Program Attendance 86 53 62 19 Adult Programs 24 36 28 20 Adult Program Attendance 658 632 1,084 Technology Usage '-^^ «s©i^*4l''ii '^^ei>€2 Zp: 21 Computer Use 10,793 10,271 10,529 22 Webpage Views 47,773 47,719 44,239 23 Database Usage 6,819 6,163 6,577 24 Audio Books Downloads 305 241 249 25 eBook Downloads 1,061 1,559 1,722 Facility Meeting Room Use Nov-12 Dec-12 26 # Events 11 86 68 27 Event Attendance 3,529 3,235 4,013 Volunteer Hoiirs Oec41 Nov-12 i Dec-12 28 Total Volunteer Hours 1,514 1,443 1,106 ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for January 2013 Systemwide... 1. Six vendors replied to the Library's Request for Proposals for a new Integrated Library System (ILS) including our current vendor, SirsiDynix. Staff reviewed the proposals and are planning for demonstrations in early March for the top candidates. 2. EBook drop-in workshops are scheduled weekly during January, February, and March rotating each week between Dove Lane and Cole. Patrons with various mobile gadgets and eReaders are welcome to drop in with their devices for hands-on individualized assistance in downloading and reading library eBooks. The January workshops were well attended and quite successful. 3. Children's programs presented across all sites have been renamed to provide consistency and clarity for the patrons. Publicity now reflects Baby Rhyme Time, Toddler Time, and Preschool Storytime. CCL, Dove Lane... 4. Cafecito, the coffee kiosk in the Dove Lane Library Courtyard, celebrated its one-year anniversary with live music and samples on January 12. 5. The Library's "Your Library Means Business" workshops kicked off on January 29 with the program "Facebook for Business" attended by 40 people in the Gowland Meeting Room. The series continues with three additional sessions over the next three months. 6. Award-winning filmmaker Rick Ray presented his documentary "The Soul of India" at Schulman Auditorium on January 12. The Schulman Auditorium was packed and some people were turned away, so a second screening with the filmmaker is being planned. 7. On January 17, a handful of invited guests along with many surprised library patrons and staff witnessed the exchange of wedding vows in the Dove Lane Library magazine area between Alexia and Pat - who love reading and libraries. With just 24 hours' notice ofthe happy event, staff worked to make the wedding possible without interfering with use of the Library by others. 8. The Children's Division's "Love Your Lagoon" program sponsored by the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation on January 29 was attended by 33 adults and children who learned interesting facts about the lagoon and its inhabitants. Children's Division also celebrated Amelia Bedelia's 50th Birthday on January 31 with cake and a lively game of "Pin the pie in Amelia's hands," which was enjoyed bythe 16 participants. 9. The Children's Division held a successful Science Saturday program January 19 with this session's focus on changing technology. Some kids experienced for the first time how to use a dial telephone. A scavenger hunt through the library led the 67 participants to discover technology equipment currently in use. The library's conveyor system ~ used to check in and sort library materials being returned - was of particular interest. Monthly Library Reports for January 2013 10. Young Adult Services Librarian Darin Williamson had 14 teens attend the showing of Brave for their Pizza and a Movie programs. 28 teens attended the Games and Refreshments programs. 11. The Cannon Art Gallery's latest exhibition, "The 2013 Juried Biennial," welcomed more than 900 visitors (not all in the gallery at once!) at its opening reception on the evening of January 19. One hundred works of art, created by 72 San Diego County artists, are on display in the exhibit, which continues through March 9. Georgina Cole... 12. The Genealogy Division and the NSDCGS provided a Beginning Genealogy course over four-evenings in January with a total of 45 attendees. They also provided instruction and information for the Computer Genealogy Group, the DNA Interest Group, and a session with 92 attendees by popular guest speaker and genealogist, Coleen Fitzpatrick. Library Technician Jan Mongoven taught two sessions of the hands on instruction course. Focus on Findagrave. 13. Cole Children's programs resumed the second week of January after a holiday break with some adjustments to the standard storytime schedules. Staff are evaluating the move and impacts on attendance and participation as the goal is to better accommodate the high attendance at some of the programs. So far, a comparison of January 2012 and January 2013 attendance averages shows in increase of 15% for Baby Rhyme Time and an increase of 42% for Toddler Time. 14. Reference Librarian Erin Zocco presented a well-received discussion on Library programs and book clubs to a group at Pilgrim Community Church on January 9. Learning Center... 15. Mad Science of San Diego presented "Adventures in Winter" to a group of about 30 who took a journey through the wonders of winter and were amazed by the melting snowman and the arctic fog. 16. Literacy Library Assistant Helen Lindner Is presenting an 8-week Health Education and Literacy class for tutors and learners. The curriculum is provided by Health Literacy San Diego, a joint effort of the San Diego Council on Literacy and Community Health Improvement Partners. 17. Bilingual Services Community Outreach Coordinator Lizeth Simonson was invited to participate at the MAAC Head Start and Early Head Start Literacy Night on January 17. The event was held at Jefferson Elementary School where families from Carlsbad, San Marcos, Oceanside, Vista, Escondido, and Fallbrook received information and demonstrations on literacy activities to replicate at home with their children. Lizeth staffed a table with information about library services, children's' calendars, and activity sheets for children. Reference, Circulation, Visitors CCL Dove Lane lan-12 Dec-12. Jan-13 • 1 Reference Questions 11,918 9,974 12,720 2 Circulation 74,065 62,217 72,865 3 People Count 35,397 26,112 34,918 Ce^mrary •-K -i^^ !^Z'^r^.:> Dec-12 Jan-13 4 Reference Questions 10,645 8,002 10,599 5 Circulation 33,537 32,732 37,783 6 People Count 28,049 22,895 26,672 tearnlr^ Center :^: '3an-12 Dec-12 7 Reference Questions 1,542 1,151 1,503 8 Circulation 1,472 1,005 1,496 9 People Count 5,172 4,219 5,152 • TOTALifBRARY lan-12 ••Dec-t2-f 10 Reference Questions 24,105 19,127 24,822 11 Circulation 109,074 95,954 112,144 12 People Count 68,618 53,226 66,742 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Prbgrams Jan-I2 ^ Dec.l2 i}an-l3 13 *Pre-School Programs 73 66 65 14 *Pre-School Attendance 3,273 2,644 2,110 15 School Aged Children's Programs 24 22 27 16 School Aged Children's Attendance 573 764 644 17 Young Adult Programs 9 5 6 18 Young Adult Program Attendance 94 62 61 19 Adult Programs 35 28 49 20 Adult Program Attendance 1,274 1,084 1,000 Technology Usage . ''•:^^0Z^' :i ian-12 Jan-13 21 Computer Use 11,737 10,529 12,071 22 Webpage Views 56,002 44,239 54,822 23 Database Usage 7,483 6,577 8,972 24 Audio Books Downloads 0 249 279 25 eBook Downloads 1,227 1,722 1,850 Facility Meeting Room Use c . Jan-12 ' Dec-121 Jan»13 26 # Events 75 68 64 27 Event Attendance 3,680 4,013 3,713 Volunteer Hours Jan-12 Dec.l2 281 Total Volunteer Hours 1,688 1,106 1,570 CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Oct - Dec 2012 Self-Check vs Staffed User Se«;«;lnn«: Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Top Internet Categories Quarteriy Comparison Year Comparison Pet 19% 10% 8% 7% 5% Oct-Dec 2012 Category Pet 10% 9% 8% 7% 5% Oct-Dec 2011 Catagory Audio/Video Clips Search Engines/Portals Social Networking Computers/Internet Content Servers Search Engines/Portals Social Networking Audio/Video Clips Computers/Internet Business/Economy AudioA/ideo Clips Computers/Internet Social Networking Search Engines/Portals Reference 17% 9% 9% 9% 4% Search Engines/Portals Social Networking Audio/Video Clips Computers/Internet Business/Economy Content Servers 5% 4% Content Servers 3% Open/Mixed Content Email 3% Open/Mixed Content Reference 4% 3% Business/Economy 3% 3% 2% Email Shopping 2% Shopping 3% Open/Mixed Content 2% Shopping l:\Technology planning\Technology Reports\2012\Oct-Dec H tfl CJl CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Oct - Dec 2012 PC Management Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Computers Jul-Sep 2012 Oct-Dec 2012 Change Oct-Dec 2011 Oct-Dec 2012 Change Dove Adult Lab 20 7,852 6,636 -15% 8,482 6,636 -22% *Dove Express 2 2,112 1,550 -27% 870 1,550 *n/a *Dove Walk-up 11 8,405 8,033 -4% 9,187 8,033 *n/a Dove Children's 7 889 806 -9% 1,005 806 -20% Cole Adult 12 9,887 8,987 -9% 8,808 8,987 2% Cole Express 1 1,427 1,264 -11% 1,161 1,264 9% Cole Children's 8 1,543 1,704 10% 1,790 1,704 -5% Learning Center Children's Lab 7 1,331 889 -33% 1,068 889 -17% Learning Center Adult Lab 7 1,291 1,296 0% 1,242 1,296 4% Total 75 34,737 31,165 -10% 33,613 31,165 -7% ^Percentage of change is unavailable due to a configuration change for this location Early Literacy Stations - User Sessions QuafteHyl^itip^siDn Year Comparison Location Total Computers Jul-Sep 2012 Oct-Dec 2012 Change Oct-Dec 2011 Oct-Dec 2012 Change Dove 4 1291 1135 -12% 626 1135 81% Cole 1 466 450 -3% 459 450 -2% Library Learning Center 2 283 197 -30% 223 197 -12% Total 7 2040 1782 -13% 1308 1782 36% Wireless User Sessions Qtfarterh f Comparison Year Comparison Location Jul-Sep 2012 Oct-Dec 2012* Change Oct-Dec 2011 Oct-Dec 2012* Change Dove 12,011 10,291 -14% 8,370 10,291 23% Cole 8,449 7,771 -8% 6,051 7,771 28% Library Learning Center 1061 980 -8% 619 980 58% Total 21,521 19,042 -12% 15,040 19,042 27% •Wireless reporting data was unavailable for 10/15/12,12/24/12.