HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-03-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, March 20,2013 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, and Hulsart Absent: Library Board Trustees Hinman & Lignante Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Hulsart/Bradley) the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the regular meeting held February 20, 2013. MONTHLY UBRARY REPORTS; Trustees Hulsart had questions about the visit from the Overdrive e-book bus and Trustee Bradley was able to provide information having visited the bus herself. All three Trustees also commented on the amount of school outreach during the month of February. Trustee Bradley asked for more information on the recent Integrated Library System (ILS) vendor demonstrations. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported that the vendor demos covered three complete days and involved all levels of staff. Following the demonstrations the procurement team solicited feedback from all those staff members who participated. The next step is scheduled meetings between the Library & Cultural Arts Director and the lead executives of each of the vendor companies and reference checks for each company. She added that after a selection has been made, there are the complex contract negotiations which routinely take months. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of March 20, 2013 Meeting CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER: Community Relations Manager Jessica Padilla Bowen distributed copies of the resource guide containing Information on the author, other books she has written, and all the events scheduled for the month. She added that the Library purchased 85 physical copies ofthe book and 3 e-books, using Friends of the Library funding. All but 8 copies of the physical book are currently checked out along with all the e-books. Ms. Padilla Bowen also reminded the Board of the date of the tea ceremony and lecture and asked that they let her know if they will attend. MATERIALS RENEWAL POLICY: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reminded the Board that at their last meeting she announced the change in the renewal practice to allow for materials to be renewed twice, but only applying to those items that were already renewable. This agenda item, is to initiate a change in the policy to allow for the renewal of DVDs and video games, which was not allowed In the past. As both these items incur a fee when checked out, staff has been working to ensure that when renewed, the additional fee will appear on the account and Identified with the specific item whether renewed at the desk, at the self check, or remotely. After some discussion the Board by proper motion (Hulsart/Bradley) and vote unanimously approved the change in the renewal policy to allow for renewal of DVD's and video games. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported to the Board on the following: Citv Changes - The City has a new City Manager, John Coates, and new City Attorney, Celia Brewer and has also undergone a restructuring, but with no significant changes to the Library & Cultural Arts Department which will continue to report to the interim Assistant City Manager, Gary Barberio. Also as part ofthe restructure, the Leadership Team (LT) has been reduced. The Assistant City Manager will represent the Interests ofthe Library & Cultural Arts Department on the LT. State Librarv Forum - Librarv & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto attended the forum on March 6 & 7 in Sacramento. The State Library has proposed state funding for smaller state-wide programs and literacy but it may not be approved In the budget. A new communication tool for Libraries, boards and advocates was shared with attendees who provided feedback for improvements. Also discussed was an initiative the State Library has been helping to promote. Titled "The Edge" it Is a set of technology benchmarks developed for libraries across the country to evaluate the level and quality of technology services available to the public. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto has been involved on the advisory group providing Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of March 20, 2013 Meeting feedback from a medium size library In a large state and Carlsbad City Library has been chosen as one ofthe 20 libraries in the state to use this tool and report out on a national level. Librarv Staffing - The Library recently concluded two internal recruitments, a Library Assistant In Cole Children's and a Senior Office Specialist for the Cultural Arts office. Selections have been made and Human Resources will be making the offers and the positions filled by mid- April. Several recruitments for part-time positions have also taken place. FY2013-14 budget- The Library has Its review ofthe budget with Finance next week and the City Manager's Team review of the CIP projects was last week. The Library & Cultural Arts projects are still in the running but with City staffing changes and processes evolving, the next steps are not certain. Patron concern -The Library has been responding to concerns expressed to both the Library and the City Council by one patron, regarding the organization ofthe foreign film collection. A summary of the Library's efforts to respond to the patron's concerns was shared with the City Council. Consistent with the typical search pattern of patrons who seek foreign films by title regardless of the original language, foreign films are shelved together by title other than Spanish language films which are separated due to the size of that collection and demand for materials in that language. All films are physically labeled with the primary language, and the online catalog allows ready access to foreign films by language. Flag drop - The Carlsbad Fire Department recently placed a worn flag drop box at the Dove Lane facility and in the three weeks it has been in place more than 68 flags were deposited. The Fire Department plans to install a similar box at the Cole Library location. Fire pull in Cole Children's - The Fire Department has decided to Install a box over the fire-pull In Cole Children's and will be looking at other locations that might also need a cover to discourage false alarms. FOUNDATION REPORT: No report. The Foundation Board Is now meeting quarterly and has not met since the Library Board's last meeting. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: The Friends Board Is meeting tomorrow; however. Trustee Hulsart reminded this Board thatthe spring Better Books Sale Is scheduled for the end of April. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of March 20, 2013 Meeting NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marge Kealey reported on the programs held In March and the Spring Seminar scheduled for April 13, 2013. She also announced the evening refresher genealogy classes will begin again on March 30. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper mot[(bttf (Bradley/Hulsart) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:39 p.m. Cissie S^ton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly UBRARY Reports for FEBRUARY 2013 Systemwide... 1. The Library's eBook provider, OverDrive, launched their new eBook format for Carlsbad City Library patrons on February 26. The launch was highlighted by an all-day visit from the OverDrive Digital Bookmobile in the north parking lot ofthe Library on Dove Lane. Patrons and staff were able to visit the Bookmobile and try out various gadgets and devices and learn how to download eBooks to their own devices. 2. In addition to the Bookmobile, Reference hosted 4 eBook Clinics in February, two at the Dove Lane Library and two at the Cole Library. A total of 35 patrons attended - 20 at Dove and 15 at Cole - who brought a variety of devices, including laptop computers, eReaders, and tablets. Patrons were assisted in downloading eBooks and eAudiobooks by several librarians and trained volunteers. The Clinics will continue through March. Staff at all sites also participated in hands-on training sessions to become familiar with the new OverDrive platform 3. February Is Library Lovers' Month which inspired a new children's program for the three facilities: Library Lovers' Bingo. "Bingo" cards were handed out to children between the ages of 4 and 12. Participants who participated in enough reading or events to get Bingo, were given a prize (primarily meal coupons donated by a local restaurant). Close to 300 children participated. CCL, Dove Lane... 4. Reference Librarian Malle McKeon visited the Sunrise Senior Living facility and introduced three new Homebound volunteers to the seven residents who will be receiving Homebound Services from the Library. 5. It was time to celebrate Mardi Gras and Chinese New Year this month! The Children's Mardi Gras Party attracted 29 attendees and their Chinese New Year Celebration had 22 children and adults participating. 6. Book clubs at the Dove Lane Library: o Library Assistant II Susan Burke facilitated the First Wednesday Book Club. 14 people attended to discuss Clara and IVIr. Tiffany by Susan Vreeland o She also facilitated the First Thursday Book Club. 9 people attended to discuss Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard o Librarian II Laura Coleman and Library Assistant II Ally Goodwin stepped in to co- host the meeting ofthe Monday Night Classics Book Club's discussion of The Screwtape Letters by CS. Lewis. 9 members attended. Monthly Library Reports for February 2013 7. February's Teen Programs presented by Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson included: • Tuesday February 19th: An author signing/book release party with Kiersten White & Casie West. 36 patrons attended with a mixed crowd of teens, kids & adults. • Thursday February 21st: Pizza & a movie: Coraline (PG). 13 teens came to the movie. • Mondays: 2/4, 2/11 & 2/25: 3 Games & Refreshments : 18 teens attended Georgina Cole... 8. Reference Librarian Erin Zocco made several visits to Calavera Middle School In February resulting in training 436 students in grades 6 and 7 on the Library's databases and eResources. 9. Teens at Cole were treated to a Valentine's Day display called "Blind Date with a Book." Books were wrapped In plain brown paper with a brief description about the book's content on the cover. Other than that brief description, patrons had no clue as to what the book was before they checked it out and unwrapped it to read. The display had to be replenished at least three times with a total of 50 books wrapped for the display and only a few titles left over at the end of the month. Staff reported that this was the most successful display for YA books that they can remember. Response from the public, teens and adults alike, was very positive about the concept. They relayed that the books were not ones the teens would have selected just by looking at the cover, but that they really enjoyed the book they picked. 10. Library Technician Judy Michaels taught the Focus On genealogybookllnks.com class on February 5 and 19 with a total of 22 participants, genealogybookllnks.com is a website that provides links to newspapers and local history and genealogy books. 11. The Genealogy Division and the North San Diego County Genealogical Society sponsored several classes Including an overview ofthe new Family Tree function on the Family Search website (73 participants), a program about researching your ancestors' occupations (84 participants), and the Beginning and Refresher Genealogy class. 12. Reference Librarian Amy Davis gave three half-hour tours ofthe Carlsbad History Room to architectural design students in Tommy Gamelin's Carlsbad High School classes on February 20 and 21. Among other things, she showed them the architectural renderings of the Cole Library. About 37 students attended. 13. Book clubs at the Cole Library: o The Tuesday Evening Book Club, led by Library Assistant II Elyse Roy, discussed A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. There were 13 people present and the discussion was good. o Library Assistant II Elyse Roy also facilitated the Thursday Afternoon Book Club's discussion of The Swerve by John Stephen Greenblatt. There were 15 people present. Monthly Library Reports for February 2013 Learning Center... 14. The 3rd annual San Diego Council on Literacy spelling competition. The Bee, was held on February 21 at the San Diego Hall of Champions. The Library Learning Center's team. The Bee Boppers, consisted of Training Coordinator Amy Jordan and Literacy tutors Meli Barrett and Jaime Morgan. They had a strong showing, eventually being eliminated in the fourth round on the word "mellifluous." Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott again served as a judge for the event. 15. A writing workshop was conducted at the Learning Center on February 25 with the collaboration of Mira Costa College and the San Diego Department of Education Migrant Services. The instructor, a Mira Costa ESL teacher, presented a workshop on writing an effective essay. Nine students from Carlsbad High School participated in the workshop. There will be another session in March. 16. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott attended the premiere ofthe San Diego Council on Literacy's video Voices and Faces: Literacy In San Diego. Filmed and produced by Mark Albertazzi, the film features stories of adult learners from San Diego, including three current and one former learner from the Library's program. Learner Nyla H. was one of six panelists who discussed the film after the showing. The Council has plans for distributing the video to the affiliated programs ofthe San Diego Council on Literacy, which includes Carlsbad. Reference, Circulation, Visitors CCL Dove Lane Feb-12 Feb-13 1 Reference Questions 11,706 12,720 11,519 2 Circulation 73,448 72,865 67,231 3 People Count 35,638 34,918 32,365 Cole Library Feb-12 ian-13 ^ Feb-13 4 Reference Questions 10,671 10,599 10,786 5 Circulation 32,631 37,783 37,016 6 People Count 29,117 26,672 27,671 -< Learning Center feb'12 Jan-13 • Feb-13 7 Reference Questions 1,710 1,503 1,266 8 Circulation 1,492 1,496 1,400 9 People Count 5,506 5,152 4,817 TOTAL UBRARY Feb-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 10 Reference Questions 24,087 24,822 23,571 11 Circulation 107,571 112,144 105,647 12 People Count 70,261 66,742 64,853 Programs and Technology Ubrary-Sponsored Prograti[» Feb-12 Jan-13 reb-13 13 *Pre-School Programs 96 65 66 14 *Pre-School Attendance 4,264 2,770 3,181 15 School Aged Children's Programs 30 27 36 16 School Aged Children's Attendance 642 644 869 17 Young Adult Programs 9 6 10 18 Young Adult Program Attendance 75 61 97 19 Adult Programs 47 49 52 20 Adult Program Attendance 1,742 1,000 1,339 Technology Usage Feb-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 21 Computer Use 12,072 12,071 11,104 22 Webpage Views 53,003 54,822 49,733 23 Database Usage 9,242 8,972 9,343 24 Audio Books Downloads 0 279 241 25 eBook Downloads 1,139 1,850 1,602 Facility Meeting Room Use Feb-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 26 # Events 85 64 93 27 Event Attendance 4,942 3,713 4,747 Volunteer Hours Feb-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 28 Total Volunteer Hours 1,862 1,570 1,457 * Cole Children's program count adjustment began January 2013. 2012 was a leap year and February had an extra day. Current Loan Periods and Renewal Options for Library Materials ITEM # 6 Resource Type Books Audk>books eBooks eAudk>books Compact discs DVDs: entertainnient DVDs: documentary and instructional CD-ROMS DVD sets (3 or more in one case) Video games Overhead projectors, slide projectors and screens Mobile devices Loan Period 3 weeks Renew? Fees 3 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks 7 days 3 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks 1 day yes yes no no yes no no yes no no yes no no no no no $1 insufance fee $1 insurance fee no $1 insurance fee $1 insurance fee $5 Overdue Fines Adult collection: 25^ per day per item Children's collection: 100 per day per item Adutt collection: 25^ per day per item Chiklren's coilectk)n: 10^ per day per item None; file expires None; file expires Adult collection: 250 per day per item Children's collection: 100 per day per item $1 per day per item $1 per day per item $1 per day per item $1 per day per item $1 per day per item $5 per day per item Proposed Change: Resource Type Renew? Fee DVDs Yes $1.00 Video Games Yes $1.00 1 hour yes no $5 per hour per item