HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-04-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, April 17,2013 Georglna Cole Library Community Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Beth Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Hinman and Hulsart Library Board Trustees Benson, Lignante Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Bradley/Hulsart) the minutes of the regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees held March 20, 2013 were approved. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the monthly reports commenting favorably on the huge success of the Carlsbad Reads Together events, especially the author visit and gallery exhibition. The Trustees expressed their appreciation for the literacy program learners' book of collected writings and the obvious success and value of this program. STRATEGIC INITIATIVES FOR 2013-14: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto presented the final selection of Library & Cultural Arts initiatives for next year and explained that some were a continuation of current initiatives and others were new. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of April 17, 2013 Meeting She offered further explanation of the Economic Gardening initiative which is a partnership with the City's Community and Economic Development Department and the Chamber of Commerce, focusing on growing and nurturing local businesses. This will include preparing library staff for providing accurate, timely and relevant information to local entrepreneurs about key areas such as their competitors, customers, markets, and industry trends. Trustee Hulsart asked about the Fast Track Innovations Team initiative. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that there are always many smaller projects that do not rise to the level of an initiative but are none the less important work and this team will focus on getting that work completed. FY2013-14 BUDGET: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto provided the Board with a broad overview of the submitted budget which will be presented to the City Manager Team tomorrow. Library Management Analyst Steve Didier explained that the budget was streamlined last year which made it much less challenging to prepare with few or significant changes. Trustee Hulsart asked about the funds to replace or upgrade the Integrated Library System (ILS) for FY2014-15. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that funds are not part of the operating budget but contingency funds instead. She further explained that the contingency funds can only be used for one-time purchases and the maintenance for the new system will be part of the operating budget. By proper motion (Bradley/Hinman) the Board approved the Library & Cultural Arts budget submittal for FY2013-14. CIP PROJECTS UPDATE: Management Analyst Didier reported that the projects for both the Cole and Dove Lane facilities are moving forward and will be presented to City Council in early May, followed by public workshops before the June 11 council meeting where the budget including the CIP projects will be on the agenda for adoption. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto provided the Board with a list of upcoming major events and reported to the Board on the following: Citv Staff - Gary Barberio has been appointed as the Assistant City Manager and Kathy Dodson has been appointed as the director of the Community & Economic Development Department. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of April 17, 2013 Meeting Also at the March 26*^ City Council Meeting, Craig Lindholm was appointed as the City Treasurer to serve out the remainder of the current term. Integrated Librarv Svstem - Top executives from the top two vendors met with the Library & Cultural Arts Director in separate meetings earlier this month while the procurement team is checking references, but a final choice has not been made. Citv's website - The RFP for website design was published and has a deadline of May 3. The goal is to increase the functionality. Librarv & Cultural Arts staffing- Interviews are scheduled for the three-quarter time nH Circulation Supervisor at the Dove Lane location on May 2 Library Media and Graphics Supervisor Kelly Gilfillen is relocating to the East Coast before the end of this month. April events - The Library & Cultural Arts Citizen's Academy presentation is tomorrow night and our Volunteer Recognition event is on Thursday, April 25*^. Osher partnership - The City's draft agreement for a partnership with the CSUSM Osher Institute was not acceptable to the purchasing officer and was therefore rejected. The Library will look for alternate partners offering lifelong learning opportunities. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart, on behalf of the Foundation, reported that the Board meeting frequency has been changed to quarterly and the latest meeting was dedicated to an update on the investments. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart also reporting for the Friends of the Library reminded everyone that the Better Books Sale will take place on April 20 and 21 at the Cole Library. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Kealey reported on the highlights of their Spring Seminar and other April events and provided information on upcoming events for May. Also included in her report was the reminder that the Wednesday night beginner and refresher genealogy classes are free and continue until May 30. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of April 17, 2013 Meeting LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Hulsart announced that she will be out of town on the date of the May Library Board meeting. PUBUC COMMENT: None present. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Hinman/Bradley) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:49 p.m. Cissie S^on Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly UBRARY Reports for MARCH 2013 Systemwide... 1. Staff from all divisions and all positions participated in on-site demonstrations and conversations with the top three integrated library system (ILS) vendors on March 5, 6, and 7. 2. Through a partnership with the Carlsbad Fire Department, worn flag drop boxes are now located at both the Dove Lane and Georgina Cole libraries. In the first month, over 500 flags have been collected and delivered to the Fire Department for respectful destruction. 3. After several months of planning and preparatory work, EZProxy authentication launched on March 4. This authentication service allows patrons to more easily access the library databases from outside the library. 4. Reference Division staff hosted four eBook Workshops in March, two at the Dove Lane Library and two at the Cole Library. A total of 28 patrons attended - 14 at Dove and 14 at Cole - who brought a variety of devices, including laptop computers, eReaders, and tablets. Patrons were assisted in downloading eBooks and eAudiobooks by librarians and trained volunteers. Though the original plan was to run these workshops only through March, demand has not waned so we will continue to offer them going forward. The schedule will be reduced to one a month at each location. 5. The library's business workshop series continued March 26 with a session on starting a business with James Hayes from MiraCosta's Business & Entrepreneurship Center. Approximately 40 people attended and stressed their appreciation for the high-quality, free advice. The library's business workshop series concludes on April 30 with a session about doing business in Carlsbad which will be led by Kathy Dodson. CCL, Dove Lane... 6. Childrens' most well-attended March programs certainly had a Spring feel to them: Plant a Sunflower, a program put on by The Flower Fields, attracted 54 children and adults. There was a return visit from the Butler Fearon O'Connor Irish dancers on March 14. They did two back-to-back performances with a total attendance of 151. 7. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson provided: • March 21: Pizza & a Movie: The Amazing Spiderman (PG). 18 teens came to the movie. • March 4,11,18, & 25: Games & Refreshments with 28 teens attending. Monthly Library Reports for March 2013 Georgina Cole... 8. March 5 celebrated the annual Dr. Seuss-themed "Read Across America" program. This year's featured guest readers were newly appointed City Manager John Coates and Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto. Children and their families enjoyed Dr. Seuss stories, trivia and a craft. Fifty-four people attended this special event. 9. With some recent adjustments to the schedule of regular Cole Children's programs, it seems as though the numbers are holding steady in their new times and days. Preschool Storytimes had an average attendance of 61 per session and featured the annual Spring Egg Hunt on March 27 and 28. Baby Rhyme Time had an average attendance of 56 in March. Movers & Shakers in its new day and time is growing an audience as well with an average attendance of 19 in March. Toddler Time continues to attract an average audience of 46. 10. History Room librarian Amy Davis was the guest speaker at the 80th Anniversary Luncheon of the Carlsbad Garden Club. She shared tidbits of Carlsbad history as recorded in the early newspapers, The Plain Truth and Spirit of Love. Over 100 hundred people attended the celebration, including Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall. 11. The Carlsbad History collection received two donations. Elsie Gastelum Zaiinski donated several items from her family collection. This donation is just the latest in a series of donations from Ms. Zaiinski and represents librarian Amy Davis' success in strengthening the collection with items from Carlsbad's early Hispanic families. Joyce West Smith donated a small group of items, including a photograph of her with Anna Mull Ebersole, who served as an unofficial midwife for many births in Carlsbad during the 1930s. 12. On March 5 and March 19, Library Technician Ann Montgomery presented the Focus on fold3 classes. fold3 is one of the subscription databases for genealogy ; its strength is U. S. military records, and city directories. 20 people attended the two classes. Learning Center... 13. Literacy Services hosted the "Friends and Family" author signing event for the learner- authored book "Sharing Our Stories in a Shared Space." 94 people attended the event on the evening of March 27. 14. Three sessions of the Digital Storytelling Chapter 2 class, taught by Dove Children's Library Assistant Fred Vrabel, were held at the Learning Center. This series covered more advanced PowerPoint topics and was intended for children who had completed in basic Digital Storytelling three-part class. Monthly Library Reports for March 2013 15. A second "Paragraph Writing" workshop was conducted on March 4 at the Learning Center in collaboration with MiraCosta College and the San Diego Department of Education Migrant Services. This workshop, attended by 9 students, focused on writing an essay for college applications. 16. Three Literacy staff members attended the Southern California Library Literacy Network (SCLLN) Conference held in Buena Park on March 9. SCLLN's Writer-to-Writer Challenge winners and runners-up were announced at the conference luncheon. Carlsbad learner Carmen C. was the winner of the Emerging Writer category. Carlsbad City Library had the highest number of participants from any library. Reference, Circulation, Visitors CCL Dove Une Mar42 Feb-13 Mar-13 1 Reference Questions 13,144 11,519 11,898 2 Circulation 81,687 67,231 73,998 3 People Count 39,130 32,365 35,191 Cole Library Feb-13 Mar-13 4 Reference Questions 12,844 10,786 11,140 5 Circulation 37,912 37,016 40,703 6 People Count 31,403 27,671 29,801 learning Center -^eb|13-JMar-13 7 Reference Questions 2,160 1,266 1,330 8 Circulation 2,183 1,400 1,890 9 People Count 6,698 4,817 5,750 TOTAL UBRARY Mar-12 Feb-13 10 Reference Questions 28,148 23,571 24,368 11 Circulation 121,782 105,647 116,591 12 People Count 77,231 64,853 70,742 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs IVIar-12 Feb-13 Mar-13 13 *Pre-School Programs 97 66 75 14 *Pre-School Attendance 4,565 3,181 3,787 15 School Aged Children's Programs 35 36 40 16 School Aged Children's Attendance 1,001 869 808 17 Young Adult Programs 11 10 10 18 Young Adult Program Attendance 109 97 72 19 Adult Programs 53 52 56 20 Adult Program Attendance 1,604 1,339 1,737 Technology Usage IVIar-12 Feb-13 Mar-13 21 Computer Use 12,293 11,104 12,114 22 Webpage Views 58,359 49,733 55,823 23 Database Usage 10,123 9,343 10,170 24 Audio Books Downloads 113 241 345 25 eBook Downloads 1,261 1,602 2,112 Facility Meeting Room Use Mar-12 Feb-13 Mar-13 26 # Events 83 93 87 27 Event Attendance 5,284 4,747 5,272 Volunteer Hours Mar-12 Feb-13 Mar-13 28 1 Total Volunteer Hours 1,951 1,457 1,582 Cole Children's program count adjustment began January 2013. ITEM # 5 CARLSBAD"^ CITY LIBRARY Library & Cultural Arts Strategic Directions 2013-14 Position the organization as an active leader in the areas of learning, cultural arts, and the value and enjoyment of reading. • Implement outreach program to newborns and their families Position the organization as an active partner with other agencies in the areas of education, economic development, and public safety. • Partner with Community & Economic Development Department to support local businesses through an economic gardening program Offer convenient, personalized and responsive service. • Develop a fast-track innovations team to evaluate and pursue smaller service-based initiatives • Implement eLearning to support both the public and staff in their learning and professional development Ensure safe, comfortable and inviting facilities. • Complete design and planning for re-carpet and redesign of library facilities Ensure that information technology systems support community needs to create an optimal customer experience. • Implement upgrade of Integrated Library System • Evaluate and update public computing environment (wired and wireless) Update and improve staff tools, technology and internal processes to optimize use of staff resources. • Explore collection development tools and maintenance software to improve collection management decisions • Evaluate communication efforts and products to ensure the most convenient and accessible communication to the public • Pursue technology solution for staff scheduling to create greatest efficiency • Review and consolidate electronic records to ensure accurate retention • Investigate use of GIS data for planning service delivery and outreach Diversify fiscal support sources. • Implement a sponsorships and partnership program K:\Strategic Planning\2013-14 PianningVDirections and initiatives 2013-14 for Library Board.docx CITY OF CARLSBAD FISCAL YEAR 2013-14 ITEM # 6 LIBRARY BUDGET SUMMARY Llbraiy & Cultural Arts Block FY 13-14 $ 8,422,694 FT Personnel PT Personnel Maintenance & Operations L&CA Total Budget Request $ 4,886,703 $ 1,924,327 $ 1,611,664 $ 8,422,694 (Under)/Over Block $ * Does not include ISF charges $1.5 - $1.8M for IT, vehicles, etc. The Library & Cultural Arts Department (L&CA) is pleased to present a General Fund block budget request that meets multiple goals for the department, and the City, heading into FY 2013-14. The accomplishments include the following: • Made further enhancements to the consolidation of Library and Cultural Arts org keys into one department operationally to create organizational and budgetary efficiencies. • Utilized 2% M&O increase to begin "right-sizing" various costs that have increased in the past three years. • Consolidated all graphics and printing services for the library and cultural arts programs under the Community Relations division. We are able to present this budget proposal without any changes to the Library's operating hours or public services. However, it should be noted that we have gone to great lengths each of the past four years to trim, adjust and speculate savings within our budget in order to do so. This was also reflected in FY 11-12 when the Library further reduced maintenance and operations (M&O) expenditures by 5% and part-time personnel expenditures by 1% in order to meet the block budget requirement. We have experienced substantial upward pressure from vendors to increase maintenance and service agreements the past few years. While we successfully negotiated zero increases in prior years, most of these contract costs have now gone up. Fortunately, we were able to use the 2% M&O block increase and savings from other minor budget adjustments to help cover those increases in FY 13-14. We still note that any significant increase to outside services or decreases to the L&CA block in the future will likely result in a direct loss of programs and services to the public. In FY 11-12, the Library anticipated losing at least a portion of State Library funding toward literacy services. As the State's budget woes worsened mid-way through that year, we learned that we would lose not just a portion, but ail State funding for literacy programs. Two years later, we still are not projecting any supporting revenue for literacy from the State. In FY 12-13 we will complete the procurement process to replace the integrated library system or upgrade it with our current vendor. This core system maintains records for over 100,000 patrons and 365,000 print and electronic media. Implementation of the chosen solution will take place in FY 13-14. We will also begin replacement of RFID systems and services next year. The current RFID systems have been in use for about seven years. PROPOSED STAFFING (LIBRARY ONLY) Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Full Time Positions 47.25 47.25 47.25 47.25 Part-Time/Hourly Positions 59.25 59.25 58.25 58.25 PROPOSED FEE ADJUSTMENTS/NEW FEES None LIBRARY BUDGET PRIORITIES AND OBJECTIVES Summary of the main priorities, objectives, goals and/or initiatives the Department's budget will be funded in the coming year All of the initiatives listed below will be supported with existing funding in the FY 13-14. 1. Future Librarv Automation Systems: This is a multi-year project to evaluate and ultimately select the next generation library automation systems for managing the Library's collection/materials information, patron records, search tools and reporting. 2. Dove/Cole Interior Redesign Services: Finalize designs to change layout and use of various areas of the Dove and Cole facilities in advance of major recarpeting projects. We are already beyond the carpet replacement cycle and wear indicates the need for replacement in the near future. Approved concept changes may involve moving stacks, changing display areas, opening up new space for public use, etc. These projects will need to be completed prior to the recarpeting projects for both facilities. 3. Electronic Materials and Mobile Devices: Continue expanding the Library's downloadable e-book and audiobook services and supporting patrons' use of mobile technology to access resources, which is rapidly changing the delivery of Library content. 4. Programming that Responds to Community Demographics: Utilize Library survey results completed in FY 11-12 to continue incorporating recommendations into community programming, staff training, service delivery, and promotional/marketing plans consistent with the needs and interests of the community. 5. Schulman Auditorium Programs: Implement use of Gartner Funds to support ongoing programs at the Schulman Auditorium. Programs include lecture series, musical acts, poetry readings, film series, and more. 6. Art Education Programs: Pelican program. Continue Three-Part-Art program and summer Camp