HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-06-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: UBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, June 19, 2013 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, and Hulsart Library Board Trustees Hinman and Lignante Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library Management Analyst Devin Castel, Library Sr. Business Systems Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Bradley/Hulsart) and vote, the minutes of the May 9, 2013 regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Huisart commented on the amount of outreach by the Children's Division staff during the past month and both Trustees Hulsart and Benson asked for some additional information on the Adult Learner Leadership Institute (ALLl). Principal Librarian Glynn Birdwell described the Institute as a "boot camp" for building confidence for public speaking and developing leadership in both learners and facilitators and draws attendees from a number of southern California literacy programs. Trustee Bradley commented on the increase in e-book usage. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto pointed out that those numbers have not been included in the total circulation statistics and the Library will be looking for a method of displaying both print and e-books circulation Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes oi the June 19, 2013 Meeting together to accurately represent the use of the overall collection while conforming to State Library reporting requirements. Trustee Bradley responded that she would still like to see e- books broken out in the monthly statics report. QUARTERLY TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Senior Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel reviewed the Library's technology report for the "January through'March quarter which indicated public computer uselncreased by 8%'over last" quarter. He explained that 18 days of data was missing during this period due to wireless controller issues which have since been addressed by the City's IT division. The report also included information on the self-check usage, up from last quarter, and the top Internet categories. Mr. Castel took this opportunity to bring the Board up to date on the negotiations with SirsiDynix for the new Integrated Library System. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER: Community Relations Manager Jessica Padilla Bowen reported on the success of this year's program which incorporated exhibits and events for all ages. The exhibition in the Cannon Gallery was very well received and programs for children were added this year. She also provided the Board with information about next year's program planning and although no title has been selected, the committee Is considering a tie-in with the Gallery exhibition "The Greatest Generation." PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE FOR GIFT ACCEPTANCE: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced the item with an explanation of the current process for acceptance of donations to the City valued at $500 or more. The Parks & Recreation Department has drafted a proposal to increase the level of authority of the City Manager to accept on behalf of the City, donations of less than $10,000. Trustee Hulsart expressed concern that smaller donations will decline as those individuals may see their donation as having less value if City Council action is not required. , Trustee Benson said he would support the proposed change in the authority level as more efficient, but would like to hear if there were concerns from other members ofthe board. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes ofthe June 19, 2013 Meeting Trustee Bradley agreed with Trustee Hulsart adding that for the most part, those individuals donating should have the opportunity for recognition of their generosity, regardless of the dollar amount, and that recognition coutd encourage others to donate. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that public recognition is not excluded by the change in authority for the City Manager and could continue to be handled as a presentation at the beginning of a council meeting without requiring a formal agenda bill and resolution for action. She added that currently public recognition of a donation is the option of the donor, and most of those individuals making a donation to the Library choose not to attend a council meeting for a presentation. Trustee Hulsart asked if the $10,000 authority for the City Manager was'consistent with neighboring cities and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that research of limitations of City Manager authority included both regional and statewide municipalities and ranged from $5,000 to $1,000,000. The Board then discussed a variety of options for recognizing donations and agreed to support the proposed change to the ordinance in a motion by Trustee Benson, second by Trustee Hulsart and unanimously approved. Motion as follows: The Library Board of Trustees accepts the proposed language to increase the change in authority for gift acceptance by the City Manager on behalf of the City, with a strong recommendation that a policy be created to provide any donor with options for public recognition by the City Council and/or by the Library Board of Trustees. SELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR: This item was tabled until the July meeting ofthe Board. BOARD APPOINTMENTS: This item was tabled until the July meeting ofthe Board. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported on the following: Citv Council actions - The City Council adopted the City's FY-2013-14 budget at their meeting on June 18^^ and reappointed Trustee Hulsart to the Library Board for another four years. The Council also appointed Dr. Sandy Parsons to fill the board vacancy previously held by. Bill Lignante, who has served the maximum term allowed. At the July 23 Council meeting, Mr. Lignante will be presented with a proclamation in appreciation for his years of service. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes ofthe June 19, 2013 Meeting New Economic Development Manager - Christine Vincent is the City's new Economic Development manager to fill the position vacated by Kathy Dodson when she became Community & Economic Development Director. Recruitments - The individual who was selected for the % time Circulation Supervisor position resigned having found a 40 hour position and the % time Circulation Supervisor position has been filled by Tiffany Pennant-Jones. Ms. Pennant-Jones has been a part-time employee in circulation, most recently as a library technician. The Library is now in the process of recruiting to fill that vacancy. The recruitment for the Library's volunteer coordinator position closes the end of this month and Interviews for the Cultural Arts Manager position are scheduled for July 2 and 9. Summer Reading Program - June 16 was the first day of the program and attendance at all facilities that day registered far above average. The door count at Dove Lane was 2,300; at the Cole it was 1,400; and at the Learning Center the count was 300. The Dove Lane average door count is 1,100, while Cole averages 900 and the Learning Center, 200. As of today there are nearly 1,000 registered participants. State grant funds - The Library received a grant from the California State Library of LSTA funds which were designated to purchase 378 Items forthe collection in specified subject areas. Osher Program partnership - The Library Is working with the purchasing office at Cal State San Marcos on an agreement that will meet their requirements as a state agency for lifelong learning programming. Librarv Director leave - The Director will be out ofthe office from July 10 through the 19. Gallery Exhibition - "On Your Own Time" opens today In the Cannon Gallery and is a collection of work submitted by City employees and their families. This annual exhibition is funded through the National Arts Program Foundation and the City of Carlsbad. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart announced that the Foundation Board has not met since the last Library Board of Trustees meeting. FRIENDS OF THE UBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reporting for the Friends announced the annual meeting scheduled for June 27^*^ at 7:00 p.m. at the Cole Library. A new slate of officers will be voted In at the meeting and Ubrary Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes ofthe June 19, 2013 Meeting long-standing president, Taffy Cannon will be stepping down. NCSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Marge Kealy reporting for the society provided a summary of recent programs and information about upcoming events. She announced the next session of beginner classes starts on July 10*^ at 7:00 p.m. and will continue until August 1^\ UBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Benson polled the Trustees for an alternative date for the July meeting in view of the Library Director's leave and the known absence of one of the Trustees. The Board agreed to change the meeting date for July only, to July 24'^ the fourth Wednesday of the month, to accommodate the planned absences. Trustee Benson also wanted to state for the record how much he had enjoyed serving on the board with outgoing Trustee Lignante. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Hulsart/Bradley) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m. Cissie Section Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for May 2013 Systemwide... 1. The library's 18th Annual Hourly Employee Appreciation Event was held on May 10 at the Carlsbad Senior Center. More than 100 library employees came together to celebrate nearly 30 hourly staff members who were marking milestone years of service. 2. Staff has moved forward into final negotiations with SirsiDynix for future integrated llbrary-automatlon-system services. During May, staff worked with-SirslDynixto-pursue responses to detailed follow-up questions, contract language requirements, as well as new pricing based on the specific selection of SirsiDynix products and services being pursued. These will be reviewed by the department and City Attorney's office during June with the intent to present a recommendation to the City Manager and City Council in August. 3. Reference staff taught several classes at the Dove Lane Library and the Library Learning Center; a total of 51 students attended classes on improving internet skills, downloading ebooks, using email, and social networking. The personalized downloadable ebook classes are assisted by two trained volunteers. 4. Book clubs were hosted at all three libraries in May. They read and discussed The Swerve: How the World Became Modern by Stephen Greenblatt, The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka, The Nine: Inside the Secret World ofthe Supreme Court by Jeffery Toobin, A Historv of the World In Six Glasses by Tom Standage. and Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. Literacy learners read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. 5. The Carlsbad Fire Department placed worn flag drop boxes at the Cole and Dove libraries in March. As ofthe end of May, 1,147 flags have been deposited for retirement and proper disposal. CCL, Dove Lane... 6. Library & Cultural Arts partnered with New Village Arts for two special performances of "Macbeth" titled "Sixty-Minute Shakespeare" on May 3 and 4 in Schulman Auditorium. A cast of six talented actors tackled all of the roles in this abbreviated version of Shakespeare's tragedy, which was enjoyed by approximately 150 people. The same cast of six actors showed their comedic side with two "Sixty-Minute Shakespeare" performances of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" on May 10 and 12 drawing more than 175 attendees. 7. Childrens' annual Bingo for Books took place during Screen Free Week (April 29 - May 5) on May 1. Seventeen children and adults participated, with every child taking home a brand-new book for getting Bingo. Monthly Library Reports for May 2013 8. In honor of Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, fifteen children and adults "took a trip" to Hawaii on May 21. They listened to "A is for Aloha: a Hawaii Alphabet," made a mobile of things they might see in Hawaii and enjoyed a snack of pineapple. 9. - The Children's staff was busy connecting in the community in May: • Library Assistant Fred Vrabel attended a CUSD school librarians meeting on May 2. • Librarian Julie Conklin participated In a CUSD Interview panel on May 2. • Senior Librarian Barbara Chung attended the regular monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Education Committee on May 22. • Librarian Julie Conklin participated in the Aviara Oaks Middle School Open House on May 22. • Library Assistant Ally Goodwin participated in the Community Read In at Aviara Oaks Elementary on May 30. 10. A full house of more than 200 attended the library's Cinema Series program on May 18. The group enjoyed a lively pre-show cinema chat, a screening of "Ladies in Lavender" starring Judi Dench and Maggie Smith and a post-film discussion. 11. The Library celebrated 50 years of James Bond this month by screening "Goldfinger" on May 15, "Die Another Day" on May 22 and "Skyfall" on May 29. Approximately 250 people attended the three films. 12. Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted teen programs which included three Monday Games & Refreshments with 25 teens attending and one Pizza & a Movie on May 16 in which 7 teens enjoyed Jurassic Park. Two teen bands played in the Schulman Auditorium as part of the Rock the Library series which the library hosts in partnership with Parks & Recreation's Battle of the Bands. Fractal Pterodactyl, the excellent rock band played for 35 teens on May 9. The band was very happy with quality of the auditorium and the skill of the Library's sound technician and commented that they had never sounded better. John's Last Ghost played on May 23 to a very appreciative audience of 75, 90% of whom were teens. Georgina Cole... 13. Twenty-two writers attended the poetry writing workshop led by poet and teacher Jackleen Holton at Cole Library on May 19. 14. On May 7 and May 21, Library Technician Judy Michaels presented the Focus on Access Newspaper Archives classes with 12 participants. Access Newspaper Archives is one of the Library's subscription databases and is one of the, most popular for genealogy research. 15. Children's programs included partnerships with a variety of local agencies. On May 7, the Noonan Family Swim School presented a Spring Water Safety Story Craft to celebrate National Water Safety Awareness Month! They read stories and brought a craft that reinforced their message of pool and water safety. On May 14, Carlsbad City Monthly Ubrary Reports for May 2013 Police Department's Crime Prevention Specialist Jodee Sasway presented a program on child safety to celebrate National Police Week which included handing out police shield stickers and coloring books. In addition. Corporal Develasco from the K-9 unit brought three year old Tyson (a Belgium Malinois) and talked about what the K-9 unit does to apprehend criminals and search for missing people. The children then were treated to a tour of the police car with a kennel made especially for the police canines. The children showed their appreciation by giving the officers a signed card thanking them for all they do for the city. On May 17, the Carlsbad High School Robotics Club gave a demonstration of the robots they build for regional competitions. They talked about what knowledge they needed to build robots, and taught some audience members how to operate the robots. Learning Center... 16. The Adult Learner Leadership Institute (ALLl) was held on May 3 through 5 at the Cole Library. Fifteen learners attended from 6 Southern California libraries with six of the learners from Carlsbad's literacy program. 17. Missy Shaw from Cole Children's and Lizeth Simonson from the Learning Center represented the library at the Jefferson Elementary School Open House on May 30. Adults and children received information and promotional Items about the Summer Reading Program 2013 from the staff who dressed in aprons and chef hats to highlight the "Reading Is So Delicious" theme. 18. On May 16, Birch Aquarium presented a program called "Tide Pool Treasures." Through the use of puppets and live animals, children learned how tide pool creatures find food and protect themselves. An audience of 27 enjoyed the program. 19. In collaboration with Mira Costa College, the Learning Center provided a presentation on May 20 to a group of six young adults on financial aid and how to apply for financial assistance for college. 20. The All Star Readers Club held their last meeting of 2012/2013 school year on May 22. This year 71 participants received awards for a total of 1,104 hours of reading. The club continues to function as a reading lab, with a strong emphasis on phonics skills for the younger children. Reference, Circulation, Visitors M l^agiS 1 Reference Questions 12,513 11,898 . 12,195 2 Circulation 77,829 73,998 75,082 3 People Count 37,695 35,191 35,225 E3 4 Reference Questions -10,915 - 11,140 10,452 5 Circulation 35,476 40,703 39,882 6 People Count 27,762 29,801 28,712 7 Reference Questions 1,748 1,330 1,275 8 Circulation 1,780 1,890 1,483 9 People Count 5,362 5,750 5,169 E iPJlLMj^RySjiHiBi^^ 10 Reference Questions 25,176 24,368 23,922 11 Circulation 115,085 116,591 ,116,447 12 People Count 70,819 70,742 69,106 Programs and Technology u braTvfb bonsbred {RrogramsWUKjjB m *Pre-School Programs 77 75 61 m *Pre-School Attendance 3,253 3,787 2,927 m School Aged Children's Programs 31 40 30 m School Aged Children's Attendance 862 808 686 m Young Adult Programs 11 10 7 m Young Adult Program Attendance 105 72 71 ED Adult Programs 50 56 48 m Adult Program Attendance 1,462 1,737 1,618 i^Vpr^Ul m Computer Use 11,467 12,114 12,000 Webpage Views 56,249 55,823 52,602 m Database Usage 9,946 10,170 8,385 m Audio Books Downloads 143 345 346 m eBook Downloads 1,340 2,112 2,131 l^?!ll*Viiy!fiSl!I38iR9.omi^^^ »^gl2i •MApdi3..f^ m # Events 79 87 64 m Event Attendance 4,153 5,272 3,213 p? LVolunteei^HQursll^iiiSMMii fAp?|l?l m Total Volunteer Hours 1,764 1,582 1,508 '• Cole Children's program count adjustment began January 2013. Reference, Circulation, Visitors ii CCLTbweTiSneMWiHSWaMB mwm 1 Reference Questions 12,477 12,195 11,495 2 Circulation 76,826 75,082 74,018 3 People Count 36,361 35,225 33,821 i 4 '- - - Reference Questions 11,317 -10,452 - -9,845 5 Circulation 35,392 39,882 37,090 6 People Count 28,169 28,712 25,149 1 i^^Bg^l^3HI^M^ mm 7 Reference Questions 1,672 1,275 996 8 Circulation 1,218 1,483 1,084 9 People Count 6,049 5,169 4,830 ^ iQMUBMRYjIBiiniHHI i^f3l 10 Reference Questions 25,466 23,922 22,336 11 Circulation 113,436 116,447 112,192 12 People Count 70,579 69,106 63,800 Programs and Technology Sa^2j m *Pre-School Programs 84 61 59 m *Pre-School Attendance 3,901 2,927 3,188 m School Aged Children's Programs 35 30 27 m School Aged Children's Attendance 742 686 578 m Young Adult Programs 10 7 8 m Young Adult Program Attendance 172 71 149 m Adult Programs 41 48 46 m Adult Program Attendance 1,120 1,618 1,295 ilEb^l9i^{llllBHi^nHI mmm ^i@3| • Computer Use 11,942 12,000 11,454 m Webpage Views 57,814 52,602 55,157 m Database Usage 12,542 8,385 8,035 m Audio Books Downloads 127 346 505 m eBook Downloads 1,400 2,131 2,238 mwm KayHi m # Events 90 64 84 Event Attendance 5,101 3,213 4,497 mmm l^ay^Bl -1 Total Volunteer Hours 1,850 1,508 1,695 Cole Children's program count adjustment began January 2013. CARLSBAD^^ CITY LIBRARY Cartsbad City Library - Technology Report Jan - IVIar 2013 PC IVIanagement Sessions 'Vi-Xk-J.. \^^Quaiierly:G6mpariso^ :.fi.t^-^::X^Zj-'}^j^^"'^ '::^A;f^^^i:^i , Year Com pa^ Location Total Computers Oct-Dec 2012 Jan-Mar 2013 Change Jan-Mar 2012 Jan-Mar , 2013 Change Dove Adult Lab 20 6,636 7,027 6% 8,419 7,027 -17% Dove Express 2 1,550 1,768 14% 2,291 1,768 -23% *Dove Walk-up 11 8,033 8,720 9% 8,169 8,720 *n/a Dove Children's 7 806 816 1% 947 816 -14% Cole Adult 12 8,987 9,757 9% 9,138 9,757 ; 7% Cole Express 1 1,264 1,460 16% 1,066 1,460 37% Cole Children's S 1,704 1,880 10% 1,705 1,880 10% Learning Center Children's Lab 7 889 1,005 13% 1,233 1,005 -18% Learning Center Adult Lab 7 1,296 1,218 -6% 1,205 1,218 1% Total 75 31,165 33,651 8% 34,173 33,651 -2% •Percentage of char^ge is not available due to a configuration change for this location. *AII 3 Dove Adult Lab 2 computers were converted to the Dove Walk-up group effective July 1, 2012. Early Literacy Stations - User Sessions , .e^ i^^^-M V^Quarterly Com Iru^YearXon-parison ::2v'J Location Total Computers Oct-Dec 2012 Jan-Mar 2013 Change Jan-Mar 2012 Jan-Mar 2013 Change Dove 4 1,135 1,138 0% 893 1,138 27% 1 Cole 1 450 501 11% 480 501 4% 1 Library Learning Center - 2 197 249 26% 274 249 -9% 1 Total 7 1,782 1,888 6% 1,647 1,888 15% • 1 H in tJl CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Jan-Mar 2013 Wireless User Sessions V XluarteHy.Cbmparison T;^.^^^^^^ YearGoniRan Location Oct-Dec 2012 Jan-Mar 2013* Change* Jan-Mar 2012 Jan-Mar 2013* Change* Dove 10,291 9,584 --7% 11,331 9,584 -15% Cole 7,771 6,891 -11% 7,902 6,891 -13% Ubrary Learning Center 980 1075 10% 960 1075 12% Total 19,042 17,550 -8% 20,193 17,550 -13% * Wireless user session data was unavailable for 18 total days during 1st quarter of 2013 due to wireless controller failures. Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions J^.'-^'V •;• V^'l^.-'-j; f QuarteiHy;iEomparisb*r -'-^i V ••^^f^^5i^C.^©^^iS^ea 1^6 nil pian -.-^u^- Oct-Dec 2012 Jan-Mar 2013 Change Jan-Mar 2012 Jan-Mar 2013 Change Self-Check staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check staffed Station Change 59% 41% 59% 41% 0% 57% 43% 59% 41% 2% Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions •^QMarterlyXomparison-^X.^ ^^'-.rt Oct-Dec 2012 Jan-Mar 2013 Change Jan-Mar 2012 Jan-Mar 2013 Change Self-Check Staffed station Self-Check Staffed Station Change Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change 56% 44% 57% 43% 1% 54% 46% 57% 43% 3% CARLSBAD^'^ CITY LIBRARY Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report Jan-Mar 2013 Top Internet Categories ^? •• -'fti^rterly-Cpmparis!^^ V|f Oct-Dec 2012 Category Pet Jan-Mar 2013 Category Pet Jan-Mar 2012 Category Pet 1 Jan-Mar 2013 Category Pet Search Engines/Portals 10% Search Engines/Portals 10% Audio/Video Clips 17% Search Engines/Portals 10% Social Networking 9% Social Networking -7% Search Engines/Portals 11% Social Networking 7% Audio/Video Clips 8% Computers/Internet 6% Social Networking 9% Computers/Internet 6% Computers/Internet 7% Audio/Video Clips 4% Reference 8% Audio/Video Clips 4% Business/Economy 5% Reference 4% Computers/Internet 5% Reference 4% Content Servers 5% Open/Mixed Content 4% Content Sen/ers 5% Open/Mixed Content 4% Open/Mixed Content 4% Business/Economy 4% Email 4% Business/Economy 4% Reference 4% Content Servers 3% Business/Economy 4% ' Content Servers 3% Email 3% Email 2% Shopping 3% Email 2% Shopping 3% Shopping 2% Open/Mixed Content • 3% • Shopping 2% ITEM # 6 LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM REVIEW Program title: Carlsbad Reads Together 2013 featuring "Shanghai Girls" Program date and times: The Art of Chinese Tea & An Afternoon with Lisa See • April 13 at 1 and 2 p.m. Shanghai Girls Book Discussions • , ApriL2 at.7 p.m. . _ . • April 3 at 2 p.m. • April 4 at 7 p.m. • April 11 at 2 p.m. • April 22 at 7 p.m. Spanish-language discussion • April 23 at 6 p.m. Carlsbad Reads Together Movies • AprillOatep.m. • April 17 at 6 p.m. • April 24 at 6 p.m. Concert Featuring Grammy-nominated Musician Wu Man • April 21 at 2 p.m. Cannon Art Gallery Exhibition Vanishing Traditions: Textiles and Treasures from Southwest China • April 2-June 2 Carlsbad Reads Together Teen Event • April 29, 3:30-5 p.m. Carlsbad Reads Together Youth Events • Dragons of Ancient China Story Craft April 9 at 3:30 p.m. • Chinese Kite Making April 11 at 3:30 p.m. • Chinese Folk Tales Story Craft April 16 at 3:30 p.m. • Blue Ming Chinese Dancers April 30 at 3:30 p.m. Was the program a success (met purpose/objective)? QX Yes • No • Partially Did the program receive the expected level of attendance? UX Yes • No Revised 3/21/12 What program elements were successful? • The author visit from Lisa See drew a full house in the auditorium and more than 50 people in the Gowland Meeting Room. Ms. See shared great insight into her book and survey feedback from attendees praised her as an interesting speaker. • " There was positive audience feedback about the "Art of Chinese Tea" event and an added sense of community as attendees drank tea together. • Book groups provided lively discussions. • The tie-in with the Cannon Art Gallery added depth to the experience and it was an even stronger partnership with the addition of Gallery exhibition items in the Library's display cases. The extra displays provided one more opportunity to cross-promote programs. • .Thexoncert^byXartsbad resident.Wu Man drew.a,fulLhouse_and.the.peri'prmer added:. - context by sharing the history ofthe music and her instrument, the Chinese pipa. • Additional Carlsbad Reads Together programs for youth provided opportunities for more community members to become involved as well as extra cross-promotion for Cartsbad Reads Together as a whole. • This year's book selection had more checkouts than last year. Between Jan. 1 and April 30,2013: o Shanghai Girls books checked out 384 times o audiobooks21 times o eAudiobooks 5 times o eBooks 18 times • Program attendance was just over 1100, which is more than the 750 who attended in 2012. This is due to the large turnout for the author event as well as the packed concert and additional youth events. • 94% of the 60 survey respondents noted that they felt "Shanghai Girls" was a good selection for Carlsbad Reads Together. What program elements were less successful? • One book club member shared that she and her Chinese friends felt the book and movie selections, as well as the art exhibition, showcased an older view of China rather than a more contemporary viewpoint. • There was a larger audience at the "Art of Chinese Tea" event than anticipated and it was a challenge to serve the tea quickly enough for the size of the group. • Some attendees shared that the two back-to-back events (Chinese tea ceremony and Lisa See talk) resulted in a long wait for free event tickets. Would you offer this program again? ax Yes • No • With Changes Why or why not? Any suggestions for improvement? • Committee will discuss other possible ticket distribution methods. • For future events with food or drink, will plan for a best-case scenano for the largest possible attendance. • There were a couple of suggestions from the survey that the library have additional copies ofthe author's other books (non-Cartsbad Reads Together selections). Revised 3/21/12 other comments: The Cartsbad Reads Together committee is already planning for Cartsbad Reads Together 2014. The 2014 selection for the 10*^ anniversary of Cartsbad Reads Together is proposed to complement the Cannon Art Gallery exhibition "Our Stories, Our Lives: Amenca's Greatest Generation," about those whose lives were shaped by the Great Depression and World War It. The Gallery exhibition runs from January 26 - March 16, 2014 so Carlsbad Reads Together could be moved from its usual April to eartier in the year. Program Review submitted by: Date: WLLLL^ Reviewed by: (H/uAy l^y^ • Date:0iil3 Revised 3/21/12