HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-24; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved ITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF DATE OF MEETING PLACE OF MEETING LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday July 24 2013 Carlsbad Library Learning Center 3358 Eureka Place Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER Chair Bob Benson called the meeting to order at 4 00 p m ROLL CALL Present Library Board Trustees Benson Bradley Hinman Hulsart and Parsons Absent None Staff Present Heather Pizzuto Library & Cultural Arts Director Dave Curtis Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen Community Relations Manager Steve Didier Library Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES By proper motion (Hulsart/Bradley) and vote the minutes of the June 19 2013 regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS Trustee Hulsart commented on the increased use of e books and the convenience it will offer patrons when a building is closed during the remodel projects Both Trustees Bradley and Hulsart asked for information about the acquisitions budget portioning between print material and electronic Trustee Benson remarked that he had heard great comments from the community about the Summer Reading Program seemingly more than in past years LIBRARY CIP PROJECT UPDATE Library Management Analyst Steve Didier reported that the Public Works Director approved the design/build concept for the projects and an RFP for a consultant to assist with writing the bid Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of July 24 2013 Meeting documents was being developed Mr Didier estimated the actual RFP for the project would not be ready until the spring of 2014 anticipating work to begin no sooner than the fall of 2014 The Board expressed concerns about the interruption of services and Mr Didier said those issues would be addressed in the RFP to minimize the impact on the public as much as possible Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto added that Library staff and this board are encouraged to visit other newer library facilities looking for models of innovation and design elements to bring back for final design consideration SELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR OF THE BOARD By proper motion (Bradley/Hinman) Trustee Hulsart accepted the nomination and selection as the chair for this Board and Trustee Bradley by the same process (Benson/Hinman) accepted the nomination and selection as the vice chair APPOINTMENTS TO CLAF BOARD & GALLERY COMMITTEE Trustee Hulsart volunteered to serve another term as liaison to the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation and Trustee Bradley volunteered to serve on the Gallery Committee The Board accepted both of their offers DIRECTOR S REPORT Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto briefed the board on the following Technologv update The Library is concluding negotiations with SirsiDynix for the upgraded Integrated Library System in preparation for the very complex contract documents to be prepared The contract will then need review City Website The City has selected a vendor for the website redesign and the project is in the contract phase The Library may once again ask for volunteers from this board to test the changes before the anticipated go live date in early 2014 Library Programs & Services As in previous years one of the Library divisions will be scheduled on the agenda each month to provide an overview of the programs and services they provide The Collections and Technical Services Division which includes acquisitions will be on the September agenda Recruitments The Library recently hired Tammy Enete as the new volunteer coordinator The recruitment for the Cultural Arts Manager position closed last month and preliminary Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of July 24 2013 Meeting boards were held earlier this month The next phase is an interview for the fit with the organization in hopes of having the position filled by the end of August Library staff restructure During the past year the Library has been working with Human Resources to restructure the Librarian classification Previously the series included Librarian I and 11 Senior Librarian and Principal Librarian A revised classification combines the Librarian I and II and adds Lead Librarian which will report to a Senior Librarian This new classification will be important in the structure of system wide services The internal recruitment for three positions IS underway and open only to those full time Librarians previously classified as Librarian I or II Lunar samples The Library was privileged to obtain an exhibit of lunar samples which were on display for the public on July 20*^ and will be part of the Science Saturday program this weekend Osher Institute Some progress has been made in the language of the agreement between the City Attorney and the purchasing office at Cal State San Marcos Library Bi annual survey The Library received eight responses to the RFP for a firm to design and manage the bi annual resident/user survey Every effort is being made to have the survey completed during the summer so as not to compete with the City s survey routinely conducted in the fall Final report and results of the Library survey will be shared with this Board as in years past Previous Board Trustee Lignante The Mayor and City Council recognized Bill Lignante s service to the City and this board at the Council meeting Tuesday night State of the City video The screening for the public of the State of the City video will be on August 26 in the Schulman Auditorium Foreign language DVD location The Library tn response to a patron suggestion about the arrangement of foreign film DVDs conducted a survey of 400 DVD users and received 168 responses Many of the responses included additional suggestions and ideas on the DVD collection and the Board will receive more information once the results are tabulated FOUNDATION REPORT Trustee Hulsart reported that a celebration is being planned for Alan Marblestone who has resigned as the treasurer a position he has filled for many years The new treasurer was introduced Mike Williams and a major portion of the meeting was devoted to procedural review The Foundation is also considering a major fundraiser to purchase badly needed Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of July 24 2013 Meeting replacement seats in the Ruby G Schulman Auditorium Also discussed was the recent offer received of the donation of a Rodin sculpture FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT Trustee Hulsart reported that the Friends have donated over 4 000 books to children participating in the Summer Reading Program this year Other news included the election of new officers Pat Roberts as their new President and the ability to accept credit cards at the Book Store in the Dove Lane facility She added that their on line book sales have been extremely successful NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Society Liaison to the Board Marg Kealey provided highlights from the July programs and information on upcoming events in August Their annual Summer Social is scheduled for August 21 * and the next Saturday genealogy class will be on October 12*^ at the Cole LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS Newly selected Chair Hulsart thanked outgoing Chair Benson for his leadership and especially for his well written letter of support for the Library s CIP projects which Trustee Hulsart read into the record at the Council meeting She also welcomed newest Trustee Parsons to the Board PUBLIC COMMENT City resident Mehdi Sarram addressed the Board on a number of issues dealing primarily with the math and science print collection and asked that the printed statement he provided be included in the official minutes of this meeting That statement is attached ADJOURNMENT By proper motion (Bradley/Hulsart) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5 48 p m Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary July 24 2013 City Library Board ol'Trustees From Mehdi Sarram Carlsbad Resident Subject Questions I am concerned that our city libraries in particular Dove hbrary do not adequate number of science and math books I had mentioned this lo Dove library management a few years ago I had provided them with a massive list of science and math books form the city of San Diageo library system I understand our city hbrary budget is limited however when they purchase thousands of books of all sort I recommend that at least 20% be math and science books While buying math an d science books does not guarantee that the young generation will pursue these fields but it can help as today America is somewhere in the 20^*^ ranking below other countnes in math and science Suggestions 1 Library management tells us what is the average percent of math and science books they have purchased in the past 5 years 2 They should also tell us how many books are checked per year out of thousands of books already in the library The point being that they have purchased thousands of books which have not been checked out in a typical year or seldom they are cheeked out I do not know hence I ask to learn 3 What IS the oversight for purchasing books'? At least I do not know 4 Books o^climate change global warming energy and environment etc should be considered by the committee when purchasing books in 2013 and 2014 etc Presented to the Library Board of Trustees at the July 24 2013 regular meeting and attached herewith to the minutes of that meeting os requested by the presenter Dr Mehdi Sarram ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for June 2013 System wide Library & Cultural Arts partnered with Park & Recreation to cross promote a new Parks & Rec Meditation Basics and Stress Management class by offering free preview workshops at the library 22 people attended the June 5 workshop at Dove Library and 10 people attended the Cole Library workshop on June 12 The class previews allowed community members to try out the class to see if they d like to register for the full seven week session to be held at Calavera Hills Community Center These preview classes were a pilot for a plan to partner with other City departments resulting from the work of the 50+ programs and services initiative Staff attendees and the instructor all feel that it was a successful effort worth duplicating with other Parks & Recreation course offerings After the first weeks of June began with preparation volunteer training and decorating the Summer Reading Program started on June 17 with a bangi By the end of June there were over 4000 babies children and teens registered which also means that the Friends of the Library placed over 4000 like new books in the hands of each of those participants Over 200 adults participated in the Summer Reading Program in June by submitting book reviews and thus entering into the weekly bookstore gift card drawings The Friends of the Library held their annual meeting on June 27 at the Georgina Cole Library Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto Deputy Library Directors Curtis and Smithson and Children s Senior Librarian Chung attended and shared the Department s appreciation for all of the Friends efforts and contributions Book clubs hosted June read and discussed The Snowman by Jo Nesbo Tender is the Night by F Scott Fitzgerald The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson The Time in Between by Maria Duenas and The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara Reference staff taught several classes at the Dove Lane Library and the Library Learning Center a total of 26 students attended classes on improving internet skills downloading ebooks using email and social networking Reference also hosted 2 eBook Workshops with a total of 12 patron learners in June one each at the Dove Lane Library and the Georgina Cole Library Carlsbad City library staff from all three sites attended a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funded workshop being presented at several libraries entitled Teen Digital Literacy for VA Librarians presented by librarian and teen advocate Linda Braun We were fortunate that the Southern California session was held in the Schulman Auditorium The workshop provided an overview for content creation and connection with teens in the digital world the support of teens acquisition of digital literacy skills the impact of mobile devices on teen digital literacy and how digital literacy fits into the Monthly Library Reports for June 2013 mission and philosophy of a public library Attendees were also given an opportunity to try out a variety of tablets eReaders and other devices CGL, Dove Lane 7 As part of the launch of the Summer Reading Program the library screened movies based on books for its Wednesday evening film series Each of the films - Les Miserables Life of PI and Lincoln - had packed crowds of 200 in the library s Schulman Auditorium and many audience members stayed after the films for a post discussion 8 On June 29 75 community members attended a book talk and signing with seven award winning female San Diego authors This Summer Reading Program event featured the authors speaking in the Schulman Auditorium about the impact libraries have had on their lives their writing habits and their books After the talk attendees enjoyed talking one on one with the authors in the library s courtyard 9 The lure of home made ice cream attracted 102 children and adults to our first Summer Science Saturday on June 22 10 Teen Services Librarian Darin Williamson hosted teen programs which included two Monday Games & Refreshments with 18 teens attending one Pizza & a Movie on June 20 where 22 teens enjoyed Wreck It Ralph, and an Ice Cream Social on June 24 with 12 teens enjoying the cool sweet treat On June 6 Out to Sea the winner of this year s Carlsbad Battle of the Bands played for 60 people 36 of whom were teens in the Schulman Auditorium Georgina Cole 11 Teens at Cole participated in the library s version of Iron Chef pitting three teams of teens against each other in the ultinnate culinary battery featuring the secret ingredient of Fruit Loops This program brought in 16 teens to test their skills 12 Children s staff presented tours and information about the library with a special emphasis on the Summer Reading Program to almost 200 2nd and 3rd grade students from local schools 13 June Genealogy programs included two sessions of the small group Focus On series with the topic for June being Focus On Google Search for Genealogists 22 people attended the sessions presented by Library Technician Jan Mongoven 14 The North County Genealogical Society presented workshops on using digital newspaper collections periodicals the regular beginning genealogy instruction and the DNA interest group Monthly Library Reports for June 2013 Learning Center 15 The community enjoyed a summer concert on June 20 presented by Besos de Coco a trio featuring a classical guitarist a bassist and a tap dancer An enthusiastic audience of all ages enjoyed their eclectic mix of musical styles 16 Literacy Services annual Tutor/Learner Celebration was held on Sunday June 9 at the Senior Center Eighty one attendees including City Council member Lorraine Wood enjoyed the North County premier of the San Diego Council on Literacy s documentary Voices and Faces Literacy in San Diego The documentary features three of our learners and one of our graduates Tutor Em Dawson and Carrie Scott received the President s Volunteer Service Award Two tutors and five learners shared their personal success stories with the guests After the program attendees enjoyed a cake and punch reception 17 The Learning Center received 100 bilingual books as a part of the United Way Day of Action a virtual book drive that distributes books to local agencies The books will be distributed at the end of the Summer Reading Program to babies and children as well as to adults in the literacy program who have a goal of reading to their young children 18 The Head Start program which leases space at the Learning Center site closed for the summer in mid May This program usually runs through the summer on a reduced schedule but due to the federal sequester it will be completely closed until the fall Partnership opportunities with participating families have effectively been reduced and this appears to be impacting Learning Center use LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS JUNE 2013 Reference, Circulation, Visitors CCL Dove Lane Jun 12 May 13 Jun 13 1 Reference Questions 13 027 11 495 13 603 2 Circulation 78 538 74 018 77 792 3 People Count 42 246 33 821 39 524 Cole Library Jun-12 May 13 Jun 13 4 Reference Questions 10 964 9 845 11 158 5 Orculation 37 920 37 090 38 996 6 People Count 29 699 25 149 28 529 Learning Center Jun 12 May 13 Jun 13 7 Reference Questions 1499 996 1035 8 Circulation 1 284 1084 1 395 9 People Count 5 477 4 830 4 993 TOTAL UBRARY Jun 12 May 13 Jun 13 10 Reference Questions 25 490 22,336 25,796 11 Circulation 117 742 112 192 118,183 12 People Count 77,422 63 800 73 046 Programs and Technology Library Sponsored Programs Jun 12 May 13 Jun-13 13 *Pre School Programs 37 59 26 14 *Pre School Attendance 1465 3 188 1024 15 School Aged Children s Programs 21 27 19 16 School Aged Children s Attendance 1 553 578 1553 17 Young Adult Programs 7 8 8 18 Young Adult Program Attendance 124 149 160 19 Adult Progranns 36 46 40 20 Adult Program Attendance 1 466 1 295 1 257 Technology Usage Jun 12 May 13 Jun 13 21 Computer Use 11 517 11454 10 542 22 Webpage Views 53 925 55 157 49 264 23 Database Usage 8 879 8 035 7 806 24 Audio Books Downloads 166 505 516 25 eBook Downloads 1495 2 238 2 427 Facility Meeting Room Use Jun 12 May 13 Jun 13 26 U Events 73 84 66 27 Event Attendance 4 522 4 497 4 434 Volunteer Hours Jun 12 May 13 Jun 13 Total Volunteer Hours 3 567 1695 3 921 ColG Children s program count adjustment began ianusry 2013