HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-12-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: g--oa-.26oy ITEM #3 MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 3:55 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Hulsart, and Parsons Absent: Library Board Trustees Bradley and Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library & Cultural Arts Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Benson/Hulsart) and vote the minutes of the November 20, 2013 regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Chair Hulsart commented on the large number of attendees at library programs last month and Trustee Benson asked about the interaction with Sage Creek High School. Both Deputy Library Director Smithson and Deputy Library Director Curtis provided information about the visit to Sage Creek High School and the on -going partnerships with local schools that promote the Library's resources like the scholastic databases that are available to the student body. Trustee Hulsart asked about the overall drop in statistics and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto responded that there are several holidays during the month of November and additional days that Headstart was closed which may account for the drop. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of December 18, 2013 Meeting CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS: Management Analyst Steve Didier reported that the contract for the bridging consultant was signed and a meeting is scheduled for next week. A final feasibility study and cost estimates for potential additions to the scope of the project is expected in late December, after which staff will determine which items, if any should be recommended to the City Manager and ultimately the City Council. A formal schedule with major milestones will be set when any additional scope is known and can be programmed into the project timeline. PERFORMANCE MEASURES: Management Analyst Steve Didier reviewed the performance measures with the board noting that for the last twelve years library patrons have consistently rated their satisfaction with library services as over 95%, which is above our benchmarks. He answered questions from the Board. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER: Community Relations Manager Jessica Padilla Bowen distributed a flyer about the author's visit in February and information on other programs scheduled. She reminded the board that the date was moved to February for the community reads together event this year to coincide with the gallery exhibition, "Our Lives, Our Stories: America's Greatest Generation" taking place in the Cannon Art Gallery, January 26 — March 16. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: City Manager's office — Kevin Crawford, Interim City Manager, has announced he will be leaving to accept the position of CEO for United Way of San Diego. The City has launched a national recruitment for the city manager position and Crawford has agreed to remain until his successor is named. Meanwhile, an internal recruitment is underway to fill a second assistant city manager position while Assistant City Manager Gary Barberio will oversee large projects and land use. Pay for Performance — Supervisors received close to 20 hours of training as the City moves to the pay for performance system for employees. By December 31, every supervisor will have met with their direct reports to establish individual priorities tied to competencies that will determine their overall performance rating. Citv's strategic planning — A draft mission, vision, and value statement has been prepared and reviewed by management staff. The final version will be shared with the Board when available. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of December 18, 2013 Meeting Library & Cultural Arts Strategic Directions — Review of the strategic directions and setting of strategic initiatives for 2014 is being postponed until after the Council's priorities setting. Communications & graphics — Following an analysis of city-wide communications and graphics needs, the decision has been made to consolidate the functions under the communications office that reports directly to the City Manager. For the Library & Cultural Arts this means that several members of the staff will be relocating to the City Hall complex, probably in late spring. Staff assigned to the department will continue to oversee adult programing and meeting facilities as well as communications and some printing. The actual logistics for the move and possible transfer of assets has not been finalized at this time. Learning Center — The City Manager's office has approved the request for additional open hours at the Learning Center, and a vacant full time Library Assistant position will be transferred to this facility. A current list of eligible candidates for the position was on file so a new recruitment was not necessary; however, in addition to filling the position, there are a number of other elements involved before the expanded hours are implemented. A specific date for the expanded hours will be determined soon and announced to the Board. Community donations — During the months of October, November and December bins were located within the libraries collecting "gently hugged" baby items for charity as well at items for the Christmas Bureau. Facilities — The Schulman Auditorium was closed for three weeks for scheduled maintenance and the flag drop -box was repaired and is back in service in the parking lot at the Dove Lane location. CPLA (CALTAC) membership — Membership for the entire board is paid by the City and all at once in order to continue the Honor Board status. Although the renewal forms may be received at individual addresses, they are also received by Library Admin and the forms have already been completed and memberships paid for 2014. Concluding her report, Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto asked the Board if they were comfortable with receiving the board meeting agenda packets electronically in the future, as well as the first of the month mailing of general information. There was general agreement from those present to this change in delivery method. FOUNDATION REPORT: Chair Hulsart reporting for the Foundation announced the re-election of Dr. Rezvani as the President for 2014 and Jim Selover as the Vice President. Following the annual meeting the Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of December 18, 2013 Meeting board hosted a reception in the meeting room recognizing past board members for their service. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Chair Hulsart was pleased to announce that the Friends made $10,000 on the recent holiday book boutique. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board liaison Marg Kealey reported on their annual holiday luncheon and programs scheduled for January. She announced that the beginning and refresher genealogy classes are still on hold until sometime after the first of the year. She added that the Society will also be actively participating in the Carlsbad Reads Together events this year. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: None. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Parsons/Benson) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m. Cissie Sexton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for November 2013 Systemwide ... 1. November 16 marked the end of the popular six week "Cover to Cover" reading incentive program sponsored by In-n-Out Burger. Each child who participated (ages 4-12) received a certificate good toward a free cheeseburger or hamburger for reading five books and could earn up to three certificates during the program. Carlsbad City Library had almost 1000 participants with 594 at Cole, 374 at Dove and 30 at the Learning Center. 2. Book clubs in November read and discussed Ernest Hemingway's classic novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls; Peace like a River by Leif Enger; The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer; and The Iliad by Homer. 3. Reference staff taught five classes at the Library on Dove Lane and the Library Learning Center; a total of 16 students attended classes on improving Internet skills, downloading ebooks, and social networking. 4. Many library staff members attended the annual California Library Association Conference in Long Beach. While the conference was held November 3-5, most conference goers attended only one day, bringing brought back useful information and being freshly inspired. 5. Children's staff from all three libraries attended a meeting with Carlsbad Unified School District library staff at the new Sage Creek Carlsbad High School. Among the topics of the bimonthly meeting was a discussion of promoting the Homework Zone program and library materials, services and upcoming events. 6. On -site surveys of library patrons were administered in mid -November at all three libraries by BW Research. Telephone surveys of residents regarding library use were completed in late October and focus groups will be held in early January. A complete report will be provided at the conclusion of all facets of the survey. CCL, Dove Lane ... 7. Nearly 100 people attended the Cinema Series screening of the Academy Award -winning film "Amour," on November 2 and many stayed after for a lively post -film discussion. 8. The Wednesday November film series highlighted the theme "family" and featured the films "The Sapphires," attended by 90, and "The Way, Way Back," attended by 115. 9. On November 9, Lead Librarian Darin Williamson went to Sage Creek High School to speak to five 9th grade English classes with a total of 140 students. He presented information about academic library services and teen programs. Monthly Library Reports for November 2013 10. Lead Librarian Darin Williamson provided Pizza & a Movie for teens on November 21. 25 teens attended and enjoyed the popular superhero movie Iron Man 3. 11. Children's programs in November included the three -session class "Research Rangers," which was at capacity. "Thanksgiving Family Fun" took place on the day before Thanksgiving and attracted 116 children and adults who listened to stories and did a theme -related craft. Georgina Cole ... 12. On November 16, Volunteer Coordinator Tammy Enete hosted an orientation at the Cole Library. There were 26 generous people in attendance. Jackie, a volunteer with Cole Book Donations, shared about her experience at the library and did a phenomenal job, inspiring others to do what she's doing. It is a motivated and gifted group of people who have pursued the library as a place to give back to the community. 13. A special Veteran's Day Children's StoryCraft program was held on November 5 with 47 participants. Reference Lead Librarian and Navy veteran Erin Zocco was the guest speaker and talked about her experiences serving in the Navy as a combat photographer. Children then made an American flag beaded pin as the craft. Appreciative and complimentary comments were shared by children and their parents for this program, particularly from family whose father is currently stationed overseas. 14. Other Children's programs in November included a Voyage to Narnia Story Craft, a program on The First Thanksgiving presented by Glen Miller of Colonial Educators, and Book Bingo in which children had the opportunity to win donated books and other "leftover" prizes. The over 75 participants at Book Bingo each won several items and one parent told a staff member that if they didn't already love the library, this program would make them love it. 15. Twenty-two enthusiastic teens participated in the Catching Fire Premiere Party on November 20, two days before the movie was released in theaters. Teens made their own Mockingjay pins, competed in an archery challenge, answered trivia questions, watched the movie trailer, and entered their names into the Reaping Bowl for a chance to win prizes of Hunger Games books, bookmarks, pins, and other items. 16. On November 5 and 19, Genealogy Library Technician Judy Michaels presented the Focus on Ancestry Library Edition. 15 people attended the hands on workshop on this popular genealogy research tool. 17. Other Genealogy Division and North San Diego County Genealogical Society sponsored programs included the Legacy Family Tree Users' Group, the Computer Genealogy Group about "Using Online Sources to Expand the Family Story," the DNA Interest Group, and a program in which Alice Volkert spoke to NSDCGS about "Puritans or Pilgrims." Monthly Library Reports for November 2013 Learning Center ... 18. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended the Head Start parent meeting at Jefferson Elementary School on November 7 to share with this group the variety of opportunities available at the library and distribute the children's calendar. 19. The Learning Center celebrated the First Thanksgiving on November 14. Seventeen children and parents took an imaginary trip to the Plymouth settlement and played with toys and games from the colonial period. 20. Dove Children's Library Assistant Fred Vrabel taught a three -session workshop on using PowerPoint to six children in grades 3 to 5. The children created family stories while learning to use this software program and concluded their three sessions with a presentation of their final product to their parents. 21. Literacy Library Technician Marika Jeffery led seven members of the Literacy Book Club in a discussion of The Witch of Blackbird Pond. IBRARY BOARD STATISTICS NOVEMBER 2013 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Nov-12 Oct-13 Nov-13 1 Dove Library 11,257 11,973 10,385 2 Cole Library 8,777 11,563 9,778 3 Library Learning Center 1,360 1,693 967 4 Total 21,394 25,229 21,130 Circulation Nov-12 Oct-13 Nov-13 5 Dove Library 68,341 74,743 68,773 6 Cole Library 35,786 38,163 34,881 7 Library Learning Center 1,589 1,272 1,100 8 Audio Book Downloads 241 567 594 9 eBooks Downloads 1,559 2,271 2,180 10I People Count Total 107,516 Nov-12 117,016 Oct-13 107,528 Nov-13 11 Dove Library 29,848 34,011 30,232 12 Cole Library 25,189 27,398 22,670 13 Library Learning Center 5,032 5,668 4,161 141 Total' 60,0691 67,0771 57,063 Programs and Technology Library -Sponsored Programs Nov-12 Oct-13 Nov-13 15 *Pre -School Programs 69 75 57 16 *Attendance 3,384 3,493 3,026 17 School Aged Children's Programs 24 34 18 18 Attendance 562 999 403 19 Young Adult Programs 5 8 5 20 Attendance 53 108 53 21 Adult Programs 36 40 33 22 Attendance 632 953 642 Technology Usage Nov-12 Oct-13 Nov-13 23 Computer Use 10,271 11,677 9,264 24 Webpage Views 47,719 41,547 43,232 25 Database Usage 6,163 8,843 6,736 Facility Meeting Room Use Nov-12 Oct-13 Nov-13 26 Events 86 96 67 27 Attendance 3,235 4,523 2,833 Volunteer Hours Nov-12 Oct-13 Nov-13 28lTotal Hours 1,443 1,806 1,367 * Cole Children's program count adjustment began January 2013. 1. Audio Books and eBooks added to Circulation July 2013