HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: y- y olz/L ITEM #3 MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, February 19, 2014 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Beth Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hinman, Hulsart, and Parsons Absent: None Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library & Cultural Arts Management Analyst James Jones, Library Business Systems Associate Andrea Hilliard, Technology Librarian Leila Dooley, Sr. Librarian, Reference Services APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Hinman/Parsons) and vote the minutes of the January 15, 2014 regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board reviewed the reports and asked for more information on patron reaction to the extended hours at the Learning Center. Principal Librarian Birdwell responded that the patrons were delighted and the evening hours were being used by parents and children doing homework together. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of February 19, 2014 Meeting TECHNOLOGY: Quarterly Report- Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced Library Business Systems Associate James Jones to deliver the report. Mr. Jones briefed the board on the City's Internet outage yesterday which affected the staff network and all wireless access. The failed appliance was replaced and access restored. Mr. Jones then reviewed the technology statistics for the October to December quarter noting that computer use in the labs continues to decline as use of the wireless network increases. He also explained that what appears as a decrease in the use of the early literacy stations at the Learning Center actually is related to one station out of service for repair for a number of weeks in October. Mr. Jones also reported on the Windows 7 upgrade for all public computers taking place the first week in March. The process of updating and re -imagining all computers systemwide is being staged to try to minimize impact on the public. Both City IT Department and Library Business Systems staff will be involved in this huge project. ILS update — Training on the new system began in January with training for the administrators followed by a large number of staff that served both as refresher training on features already available as well as introduction to new ones. The training was hands-on at the Learning Center computer lab and SirsiDynix provided the trainer for the sessions. Technology Librarian Andrea Hilliard was introduced to the Board and she demonstrated the new catalog and its upgraded features. The catalog is scheduled to go live to the public on March 31. Among the new features is the ability to apply for a library card online which allows immediate access and a period of 14 days following to come into the library to complete verification of ID and receipt of the physical card. REFERENCE SERVICES PRESENTATION: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced Senior Librarian Leila Dooley who oversees systemwide reference services. Ms. Dooley provided a detailed overview of this division and the variety of services offered. Her staff, composed of eight full time librarians, two full time library assistants and 39 hourly librarians and technicians, covers five service desks; teaches a number of computer classes and technology gadget workshops, hosts five book clubs in addition to answering the traditional reference questions (146,000 last year). The reference division is also involved in a number of library programs such as Carlsbad Reads Together, Business Workshops, and the adult and teen elements of the Summer Reading Program. Ms. Dooley added that this library is fortunate to have seven volunteers who are willing to Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of February 19, 2014 Meeting proctor examinations allowing us to provide a much needed service in the community that supports both K-12 and college level online learning delivery. 2014-15 BUDGET: Library Management Analyst Steve Didier reviewed the budget schedule and guidelines adding that the library would be able to make small positive adjustments in the utilities and maintenance contracts i its budget for the next fiscal year and has no plans for any fee increases. He reminded the Board that all library part-time staff received a 3% raise on January 1 of this year and the City's Human Resources Department will be initiating a salary survey for part-time positions sometime next year. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto added that following the Library's meetings with Finance and the City Manager's office, but before the resident workshop, the proposed budget will be brought to this board for concurrence. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto stated that two weeks ago the cost estimates for the additional scope of work were received but any presentation to Council would probably be delayed until April. The City's Public Works Department Director has left the city and a new project manager was assigned to these projects, both occurring within the last month, and the Library has been working to bring everyone involved up to date. In addition, the recruitment for a new council member to fill the currently vacant seat has had a significant impact on the Council's agenda. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto added that funding for any of the additional work would need to be approved by the Council. Trustee Hulsart asked if the projects approved in last year's CIP budget would be ready to move forward should the additional work not be approved by Council and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto said the original projects would then proceed. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reported on the following items: City's Mission, Vision and Values Statement- The City's statement was finalized and distributed across the organization. Cityweb- The schedule to go live with the new website has been pushed out until early summer as final decision on the new City logo took longer than anticipated. The new logo has been finalized and will be incorporated into print material as current supplies are exhausted. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of February 19, 2014 Meeting General Plan update - A presentation on the new draft general plan will be on the Library Board agenda in April. Communications/Graphics - The recruitment for the Library's Programs and Venue Coordinator closed on February 10 and interviews are tentatively scheduled for the first week in March. The City's Communications Supervisor position interviews are scheduled for February 25. Beginning next week, Community Relations Manager Jessica Padilla Bowen will be working out of City Hall every Thursday with the expectation that the total transition of staff will occur in April. Library Learning Center - As previously mentioned, the Learning Center is now open to the public an additional 6 hours per week and the front doors have been retrofitted with a push bar to meet updated ADA requirements. Public Art - The rendering of the proposed Coastal Helix for the roundabout is on display at both locations for public comment through the first week of March. Staff Training - A new "Go To" guide was recently distributed to staff which contains tools for everyday situations that occur in overseeing public services. Beginning this month there will be ongoing monthly training opportunities for staff. State Library Directors Forum - The State Library will once again be hosting the forum and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto will be attending February 24 through the 26 in Sacramento. Among the items to be discussed is possible statewide funding for broadband connectivity for libraries and the future of the library cooperative systems. Library survey - The final draft report from BW Research is due next week for review and a report on those results will be scheduled for a future Library Board meeting. Saturday events - This Saturday Mr. Brennert, author of Palisade's Park, will be at the Schulman Auditorium as part of the Carlsbad Reads Together program and Library staff will also be involved in the Carlsbad — Love it! event hosted by the City's Housing & Neighborhood Services division. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reporting for the foundation announced that vice president Jim Selover assumed interim leadership of the organization following the resignation of Dr. Rezvani. There will be a special board meeting on February 28 to elect a president, as required by their by- laws. Library Board of Trustees Page 5 Minutes of February 19, 2014 Meeting FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart announced the next Better Books Sale will take place in April at the Cole Library. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Kealey provided the board with information on last month's events and program and a preview of upcoming events. The spring seminar is scheduled for March 15 at the Carlsbad Senior Center and the society has 2 new instructors for the beginner and refresher genealogy classes. The next class is scheduled for March 15 at the Cole and is free to all. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Benson said he was approached by a resident who was complaining about the noise associated with some of the children's programs at the Cole. He specifically mentioned Halloween and the recent Chinese New Year dragon dance and the excessive noise. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Hinman) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:29 p.m. Cissie Sefton Administrative Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for January 2014 Systemwide ... 1. With the New Year came New Year's Resolutions and 31 attendees at the volunteer orientation on January 11th. Making a good match between the needs of the department and the interests and abilities of our volunteers, we have placed 8 volunteers and are processing another 13 into positions at the Library. We were able to refer 2 to the Friends of the Library and 1 to the Cultural Arts Division. 2. Representatives from SirsiDynix were on site to train staff in various modules of our soon to be launched, improved Integrated Library System. 3. Book clubs in January read and discussed Leif Enger's novel Peace Like a River, Quiet: the Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain, Barbara Kingsolvers' novel about climate change, Flight Behavior, M.L. Stedman's historical novel The Light Between the Oceans, and Robert Graves' historical novel, I Claudius. 4. Reference staff taught seven classes at the Library Learning Center and held two eBook workshops at the Dove and Cole locations; a total of 45 people attended sessions on improving Internet skills, downloading eBooks, and social networking. CCL, Dove Lane ... 5. Children's programs during the month of January included a special Winter Family Fun program on Jan. 2, a Bedtime Math Pajama Party on Jan. 23 and a special screening of Babe for our young patrons who read the book on Jan. 30. 6. Media staff recorded the International Guitar Night performance in the Schulman Auditorium on Jan. 28. 7. The Cinema Series on Saturday, Jan. 18 featured "Quartet," directed by Dustin Hoffman. A full audience of 200 enjoyed the film about retired musicians and many stayed for the post - film discussion. 8. Your Library Means Business Workshop, Building Business on Facebook, was presented on Jan. 28. Bridget Ayers of Get Smart Web Consulting made a presentation on establishing a more personalized and interactive presence on Facebook. Ten entrepreneurs attended this first workshop of the library's four-part series. 9. Approximately 50 people stopped by the library's Gowland Meeting Room on Saturday Jan. 25 to attend a gadget workshop. They tried out Google Glass, made available by a Carlsbad resident participating in Google's "Explorer Program," which invites people to experience Glass and offer input on its continuing development. Library staff also provided assistance to attendees in downloading free e-books onto their personal devices. Monthly Library Reports for January 2014 10. Lead Librarian Darin Williamson provided Pizza & a Movie for teens on Thursday, Jan. 16. 8 teens attended and enjoyed the unconventional superhero movie, Chronicle. 11. On Monday, Jan. 27 teens enjoyed a Didgeridoo craft. Teens decorated didgeridoos and learned how to make the basic drone. Georgina Cole ... 12. Winter programs for kids and families are back in full swing after the holidays. Mad Science, which provides entertaining and enriching science programs for children, led a special event about "forces of nature" at Cole Library on January 7 and at the Library Learning Center on January 9. The show explored air pressure, states of matter and friction. 13. Children visited the Cole Library on Tuesday, January 14 to learn about the Winter Olympics, participate in simulated Olympic events, and make their own Olympic torch to take home. The program helped kids to better understand the upcoming Olympic games. 14. Dr. Jill Watts, history professor from California State University, San Marcos, spoke to the North San Diego County Genealogical Society and the general public about "Women's Progress during the Mid-20th Century" to an audience of 78 on January 28. This lecture was part of the events surrounding the exhibit, Our Lives, Our Stories, at the Cannon Gallery. 15. Genealogy Library Technician Jan Mongoven taught two sessions of the small group "Focus On" class. January's topic was Cemetery Records and had 25 attendees. Learning Center ... 16. The Learning Center is on track for opening extended hours on Tuesday, February 18. 17. On January 6, Bilingual Services weekly children's programs resumed after a short winter break. Toddler Time, Stories and Sweet Bread, Bilingual Story Craft, Preschool Storytime and All -Star Readers Club were well attended during the month of January. 18. Teens came to the Learning Center for a special showing of "Wreck -it Ralph" on January 24 and enjoyed pizza and hanging out with their friends at the Library. 19. The Cole Library and the Library Learning Center hosted the White Dragon Lion Dance troupe presentations during the last week of January in celebration of Chinese New Year. The martial arts group educated and entertained children and families with drums, costumes, puppets, and traditions. 20. Nine members of Literacy Services' Learner/Tutor Book Club discussed The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch. 21. The second and final California State Library 2013-14 California Library Literacy Services grant disbursement for $21,736 was received. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS anuary 2014 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Jan-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 1 Dove Library 12,720 9,008 11,093 2 Cole Library 10,599 8,384 10,144 3 Library Learning Center 1,503 858 1,031 4 1 Total 24,822 18,250 22,268 Circulation 1 an-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 5 Dove Library 72,865 63,902 71,720 6 Cole Library 37,783 32,820 37,410 7 Library Learning Center 1,496 1,041 1,149 8 eAudiobook Downloads 279 640 804 9 eBook Downloads 1,850 2,347 2,660 101 Total 114,273 100,750 113,743 People Count Jan-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 11 Dove Library 34,918 28,110 32,985 12 Cole Library 26,672 22,259 25,006 13 Library Learning Center 5,152 4,530 5,426 141 Total) 66,7421 54,8991 63,417 Programs and Technology Library -Sponsored Programs Jan-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 15 Pre -School Programs 65 52 68 16 Attendance 2,770 2,365 3,192 17 School Aged Children's Programs 27 21 29 18 Attendance 644 710 667 19 Young Adult Programs 6 4 6 20 Attendance 61 42 34 21 Adult Programs 49 25 46 22 Attendance 1,000 891 1,000 Technology Usage 2 Jan-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 23 Computer Use 12,071 9,411 10,201 24 Webpage Views* 54,822 57,379 70,928 25 Database Usage 9,054 8,335 9,045 acillty Meeting Room Use 3 Jan-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 26 Events 27 Attendance 64 3,713 56 2,438 65 2,882 Volunteer Hours 281Total Hours Jan-13 1,570 Dec-13 1,395 Jan-14 1,668 1. eAudiobooks and eBooks added to Circulation July 2013 2. Change in Google Analytics reporting December 2013 3. Auditorium closed for two weeks for lighting repairs ITEM # 5 L 0 O. CU 0.0 0 t c^.) LW 4-0 J V -Q H V Oct - Dec 2013 ement Sessions co C co 2 U a v to c _ U o r, ei 0 0 e l 00 N -O �a o .,c I %LI- o M 0 .�-I 0 n Year Comparison Oct -Dec 2013 m al Lil 0 I c-I 8,607 726 LID.m-1 N Op' 0) ^ L!1 V i-i' 580 C O ei 29,086 Oct -Dec 2012 Lc. LD Le 1,550 m O o6 806 o0o al 00 1,264 1,704 889 rn N .-i' LO '~ `� M d C t U o l0 ei o ,/ e. e o of 0 00 0 to to o N ei -43% e .` g e-I t- Quarterly Comparison Oct -Dec 2013 to 0m1 to 1,402 n Lc)N co"oo 726 No ' 1,413 580 I` e-1 t0 O 0l N Jul -Sep 2013 0 � Ii' N CO r 8,936 n lD ONO � Ol CO N e-1 0 e-I 1,022 N 00 i-1 32,855 Total Computers NO N eN-I I eN-1 e 1 00 I� N r. Location Dove Adult Lab Dove Express 'Dove Walk-up* 'Dove Children's v U 'Cole Express* 'Cole Children's Learning Center Children's Lab Learning Center Adult Lab aT+ Early Literacy Stations - User Sessions n Year Comparison Oct -Dec 2013 00 LO Oct -Dec 2012 L/1 m i-i r-i O L(1 N 01 co I` ea 0) to fsc Nin t U u1 00 m Quarterly Comparison Oct -Dec 2013 m O ci 00 LD ei CO N u1 ei m ei 0 N Q v l0 m m i-1 al m m N 00 I 0 N N N O U c 0) U 00 co co J To r°— Oct - Dec 2013 Wireless User Sessions m on 00 Year Comparison Oct -Dec 2013 m N <-1" 01 •:? C•1 Oct -Dec 2012 0' <-1 <-1 N co cr) .Z7 0 ori 172 CO N Quarterly Comparison Oct -Dec 2013 m CO m m m N C71 CN1 0. 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