HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-04-04; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: ITEM #3 MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Friday, April 4, 2014 Gowland Meeting Room — Carlsbad City Library 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, and Parsons Absent: Trustee Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Jessica Padilla Bowen, Community Relations Manager Steve Didier, Library & Cultural Arts Management Analyst David de Cordova, Principal Planner, City of Carlsbad Items 3 (approval of the minutes) and 4 (Library monthly reports) were trailed at the request of the Chair. LIBRARY RESIDENTS AND PATRONS SURVEY RESULTS: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced Ryan Young of BW Research who reviewed the results of the two surveys and two focus groups. The surveys are used to evaluate user satisfaction of services and facilities and helped to identify areas for possible improvement. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS UPDATE: Management Analyst Didier provided an in-depth report on the additional scope of work proposed for both buildings and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto provided background information on the process and analysis of the projects thus far. She added that the cost of improvements that would position the Cole Library to provide world class service into the future approaches the cost for replacing that structure and the department's recommendation to Council will be to plan for replacement in the next ten years. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of April 4, 2014 Meeting The Trustees had several questions about the different elements of the project that were addressed by Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto. On a motion by Trustee Benson, second by Trustee Bradley, the board was unanimous in their vote to "accept and support the recommendations from Library leadership for the CIP projects as presented." DRAFT GENERAL PLAN UPDATE: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced Principal Planner David de Cordova who provided the board with an overview of the draft General Plan which included the purpose of the General Plan, the process that led to this draft, and the structure and highlights of each element. He offered additional detail on the element addressing Art, History, Culture and Education. He also provided the dates for the public hearings. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto brought the Board up to date on the following: Communications - An offer has been made to a candidate for the Library Programs & Venues position with an anticipated start date in mid -April. The Media Graphics Supervisor position was filled on March 24 and the library graphics staff, equipment and files will be relocated this week to the new office space at City Hall including Community Relations Manager Padilla Bowen. New ILS - Enterprise, the new enhanced library catalog, is now available although some of the links on the website are still being updated to point to the new version. Sr. Business Systems Specialist Castel would welcome input and comments from the board. Windows 7 - All of the public and staff computers are now running Windows 7 which was a huge undertaking as each individual machine had to be touched. It was also necessary to update the PCs that control the automated materials handling system and self -checkout stations. Outreach - In March staff from the Reference Division hosted a table at the Farmer's Market distributing information about library services. Proclamation - Betty Groves who retired in 1998 after 22 years as a library volunteer celebrated her 100th birthday last month and was presented with a proclamation signed by Mayor Hall. Flag disposal collection boxes - Since installation at the two library locations, 3,500 flags have been collected for proper and respectful disposal by the Fire Department. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of April 4, 2014 Meeting Conferences - The Public Library Association (PLA) conference held every two years was attended by two library staff members last month in Indianapolis. The Library & Cultural Arts director attended the State Library's Directors' Forum last month where the focus was on increasing broadband connectivity. The American Library Association (ALA) conference this year is in Las Vegas June 26-July 1 and will be attended by several staff members who will also use that time to tour several new library buildings in the Las Vegas -Clark County area. The Edge Initiative - During the months of April and May the library will be participating in benchmarking public access technology to measure and report on performance and identifying where improvement can be made . Bedtime Math - In response to a question from the board last month, this program was for grades 1 through 3 and involved creating an interest in math through games. Volunteer recognition event — Invitations for the April 11th event have been sent. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that at the last meeting Jim Selover was elected as the President. Mr. Selover was present at today's meeting and provided the Library Board with information about the Foundation's mission to support library and arts programs and facilities. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart also reporting for the Friends of the Library reminded the board of the better Books sale coming up this month and announced that the Friends have signed up with Amazon Smile, a new program with Amazon that allows for portions of a sale to be donated to a designated charity. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Kealey reported that the spring seminar was very successful and she reviewed the programs planned for April. The genealogy evening classes begin again on May 21st and Saturday classes on June 28th. Reservations are recommended for both classes and can be made by calling the Genealogy Division desk. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: trailed By proper motion (Parsons/Bradley) and vote the minutes of the February 19, 2014 regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of April 4, 2014 Meeting MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: trailed There were no comments or questions about the reports. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Library Trustee Bradley distributed copies of the information on the newest exhibit in the Cannon Gallery: John Cederquist, Illusions in Wood. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Persons/Bradley) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 3:48 p.m. 1 Cissie Sexto Recording Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for March 2014 Systemwide ... 1. The library's upgraded integrated library system (ILS), which includes the public catalog, was successfully launched and made available to the public on March 31. The catalog offers improvements that will help library users easily discover and access the diverse resources through a single search. The new catalog can be found at https://cbcl.sdp.sirsi.net or through links on the Library's web page. 2. Libraries and schools across the country, including Carlsbad libraries, celebrated the national Read Across America campaign, which takes place on or around Dr. Seuss' birthday. On March 3, children at Dove Library enjoyed hearing Dr. Seuss books read aloud and birthday cake. Cole Library visitors enjoyed a special guest on March 4: award -winning Carlsbad author, illustrator and former library employee Janell Cannon. Almost 100 enthusiastic participants listened to Janell read her story while the pages came to life on the big screen behind her. 3. It has been one year since the Cole and Dove libraries received "worn flag" drop boxes through a partnership with the Fire Department, increasing the visibility and convenience of a service that had previously been available only at the fire station on Carlsbad Village Drive. In that time community members have deposited 3,500 worn flags into the boxes for respectful disposal, and have expressed their appreciation often about the availability of this service. 4. City librarians hosted a table at the March 12 State Street Farmer's Market to reach community members in locations convenient for them. They brought laptops, a Kindle loaded with eBooks, historic walking maps, calendars and more. The librarians answered 42 questions in three hours about eBooks and other materials, account information and programming. They also received expressions of appreciation and had the opportunity to meet other local and out-of-state librarians who were impressed with the library's outreach efforts. 5. The week of March 3-6, patron computers at all three library facilities were upgraded to Windows 7. Throughout the week, Business Systems staff helped configure the machines and performed testing of printing, eResearch, catalog, and other functions on each machine. Staff computers were upgraded later in the month. CCL, Dove Lane ... 6. Carlsbad Playreaders' season continued on March 24 with the popular Broadway play "God of Carnage." Nearly 200 people attended this dark comedy in the Schulman Auditorium. 7. The library hosted visiting travel documentary filmmaker Steve McCurdy on March 29. Steve presented his film "Postcards From Italy" to a full house in the Schulman Auditorium and via closed circuit to a nearly -full Gowland Meeting Room. 8. More than 100 people turned out March 8 at the Schulman Auditorium for the Cultural Arts Office's third installment of Opera Previews featuring Verdi's A Masked Ball. Later that day, the Palomar Jazz big band performed to a full house for the second of four concerts in the Cultural Arts Office This Is Jazz! 2014 concert series. Monthly Library Reports for March 2014 9. The library hosted its third in a four-part business workshop series on March 25 with a workshop about writing a business plan. James Hayes shared advice with 19 prospective business owners on the necessary components of an excellent business plan and working with local partners, such as the SBDC & SCORE, that can assist budding entrepreneurs. 10. Lead Librarian Darin Williamson gave presentations about the Library's eResearch sources on March 3 to 5 classes of seventh graders — a total of 150 students. The instruction focused on the students learning to use research databases Opposing Viewpoints, Student Resources in Context, and CQ Researcher. Georgina Cole ... 11. Children's after -school programs included an interactive performance of Irish music and the history of St. Patrick's Days by "Celia the Fiddle Girl" and a visit by "Coach Ted" from Team Touche Fencing who shared the history of fencing through an entertaining and interactive demonstration for the 82 people in attendance. 12. In a partnership with Carlsbad High School, the Carlsbad High School Robotics Team got children fired up about technology on March 25 by presenting various robotic devices they have made and answering questions from the curious children. The 65 children in attendance then made their own robots powered by a balloon. Library volunteer and CHS Robotics Team Outreach Coordinator Kristie Can provided the craft. 13. The Genealogy Division presented two Focus On workshops on Military Records with 23 attendees. They supported the March 29, North San Diego County Genealogical Society Spring Seminar with speaker Colleen Fitzpatrick presenting "Forensic Genealogy" to 82 genealogists. Learning Center ... 14. The San Diego Natural History Museum presented "Ms. Frizzle — Digging for Dinosaurs" (of Magic School Bus fame) at the Learning Center on March 27 to an audience of 50. 15. On March 18, the Learning Center hosted staff from North County Health Services in offering free assistance to residents who could benefit from the low to no -cost health coverage options offered through Covered California. 30 residents were given individualized help and walked through the online application process. The NCHS staff commented that the response they had at the Learning Center was the largest of any of their venues. 16. Former volunteer Betty Graves was honored at her 100th birthday celebration on March 21. Library Director Heather Pizzuto presented her with a proclamation signed by Mayor Matt Hall honoring her 22 years of service as a volunteer tutor in literacy services. Approximately 15 current and former literacy tutors, learners and staff attended, including founding coordinator Lynda Jones. ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for February 2014 Systemwide ... 1. The library celebrated the 10th anniversary of Carlsbad Reads Together featuring Emmy Award -winning writer Alan Brennert's "Palisades Park." Book discussions took place throughout the month, attracting diverse audiences that included both regular and new participants. On February 22, Alan Brennert discussed and signed his popular books "Moloka'i," "Honolulu" and "Palisades Park" for an audience of 150 at the Schulman Auditorium. The program complements the Cannon Art Gallery exhibition "Our Lives, Our Stories: America's Greatest Generation." 2. Additional Carlsbad Reads Together programs included a concert on February 9 featuring the six -member High Society Jazz Band accompanied by the Sweethearts of Swing, a trio in the style of the popular female singing group The Andrews Sisters. They performed the wartime music of the 30s and 40s for an enthusiastic audience of 215 in the Schulman Auditorium. On February 24, Carlsbad Playreaders presented Neil Simon's "Lost in Yonkers" for an enthusiastic full house in the Schulman Auditorium. On February 12, 19 and 26, the library showed "Greatest Generation" films for a combined audience of 300 and the Cannon Art Gallery was kept open late to allow moviegoers to view the exhibition in conjunction with the movies. On Feb. 8, 300 people celebrated the Cannon Art Gallery exhibition at the Cultural Arts' Family Open Studios PLUS. The day included hands-on art making projects and free performances in the Schulman Auditorium by The Amazing Etch Man with his array of Etch -A -Sketch toys and a live band. In addition, the Carlsbad Historical Society shared Carlsbad history and a coloring activity for children while the trio The Fabulous Earrings performed boogie-woogie tunes from the 1940s, 50s and 60s. 3. As part of the Carlsbad Reads Together program all 5 of the Reference sponsored book clubs read Alan Brennert's novel Palisades Park. Discussions at the book clubs, facilitated by Reference staff, varied significantly, with some groups really disliking the book for not being literary enough, and some appreciating the book as an evocation of a time and place much loved by the author. A total of 60 people joined the discussions. 4. All three library locations enjoyed visits from the popular library presenter Chazz Ross and his modern drum circle consisting of 20 African Djembe drums. Appreciative audiences were introduced to the "universal rhythm" and got to do some drumming themselves in celebration of Black History Month. 5. The Library worked with Cultural Arts staff to get the word out about the public artwork to be located at the Coastal Rail Trail Roundabout at Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street. Community Relations staff worked with the City Manager's Office to create a 90-second video about the project that encouraged community members to share their comments online. The video was viewed more than 600 times. Staff also created an online comment form that resulted in 78 online comments and distributed a news release about the project and feedback opportunities. Monthly Library Reports for February 2014 6. Training Coordinator Amy Jordan led ten 30-minute systemwide staff training sessions on the topic "Defusing Angry Patrons." Curriculum and guidelines were developed from the new staff Go -To Guide and the Staff Training Team. The training was well received by the 68 attendees. 7. February is Library Lovers' Month and to celebrate, all Carlsbad City Library locations offered "Library Lovers' Bingo" for children ages 4-12. Children received a simplified bingo card where they could match three activities in a row such as "read a book" and "attend a library program." Approximately 300 children completed the card, turned it in, and received a Palomar Pizza & Pasta gift certificate (or an alternate prize made available as an option for children who may have food allergies, etc.). In addition, children wrote valentines to the libraries, sharing what they love most about it. CCL, Dove Lane ... 8. Paws to Read had more than 50 children attending the two sessions on Feb. 6 and 20. 9. On Feb. 22, the second installment of Opera Previews sponsored by the Cultural Arts Office drew 117 enthralled listeners to learn about "The Elixir of Love," being performed this week by the San Diego Opera. The highlight was a 1969 video of the young yet masterful Luciano Pavarotti's spellbinding aria when he sees his lady love shed one secret tear. 10. On Monday, Feb 24, Cultural Arts Office Staff and Lead Librarian Darin Williamson teamed up to present Teen Open Studios, an interactive hands-on art program. Nine teens were given a tour of the current exhibition "Our Lives, Our Stories: America's Greatest Generation" and then created a pop -art inspired work of art. 11. The Your Library Means Business Workshop Series continued with Business Start -Up and Financing Options on Feb. 25. James Hayes gave a presentation about financing options for new businesses. He shared advice on funding resources and local partners, such as the SBDC and SCORE, which are available to assist budding entrepreneurs. Seventeen prospective business owners attended. 12. On Feb. 8, the Cultural Arts Office presented a special Young Audiences of San Diego introduction to "Jazz: An American Art Form" by the Rob Thorsen Quartet. Featuring four of San Diego's top jazz musicians performing in the library's Schulman Auditorium, the first program of the annual series This Is Jazz introduced 108 young people and adults to the development of jazz music from its New Orleans roots to an international form of creative expression incorporating music styles from world-wide cultures. Georgina Cole ... 13. Reference Lead Librarian Erin Zocco spoke to 175 Calavera Middle School seventh -grade students on February 13 and taught them how to use Student Resources in Context and CQ Researcher. Monthly Library Reports for February 2014 14. Genealogy Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol presented the month's small group workshops, Focus on Probate Records, on February 4 and 18 with 24 participants. Jeff Charles, history professor at California State University, San Marcos, presented to a group of 67 about "Technological Developments during the Mid-20th Century" on February 25. This NSDCGS lecture complemented the "Our Lives, Our Stories" exhibit. 15. Children's programs in February included a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first appearance by the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show with a unique story craft, dance, and music program. Paws to Read, a read out loud program for independent readers, resumed on February 19 after a brief hiatus. 16. Teen programs included our monthly anime program on February 5 in which 8 teens enjoyed an hour of Japanese anime and snacks; and a book club discussion on February 26 in which 16 teens participated in a lively and successful book club focusing on Veronica Roth's Divergent. The book club teens used a life-sized flowchart to find their faction, made faction pins, competed in answering trivia questions, discussed the book in small groups, watched the Divergent movie trailer, and won drawing prizes related to the book and movie. Learning Center ... 17. The open hours of the Learning Center were expanded as of February 18. The Learning Center is now open 9:00-8:00 Monday -Thursday and 9:00-5:00 on Friday, an additional 18 hours a week. 18. Principal Librarian Glynn Birdwell and Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott gave a presentation about the Learning Center and Literacy Services at the city's Quarterly Management meeting. They were able to share information about the Learning Center as well as Carrie's "Leap for Literacy." The presentation was well -received by the approximately 100 managers in attendance, with several inquiries and support generated from the presentation including one staff member now pursuing becoming a tutor. 19. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute through Cal State University San Marcos started two new classes at the Learning Center. The classes meet on Fridays, one at 9:30 and one at 1:00 and each has 15-20 attendees. 20. Library staff members Adam Packard and Angie Stava, along with volunteer tutor Jamie, participated in the San Diego Council on Literacy's Spelling Bee fundraiser as the "Zom- Bees." The team did a great job, making it to the sixth round and winning the costume contest! LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS February 2014 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Feb-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 1 Dove Library 11,519 11,093 10,680 2 Cole Library 10,786 10,144 9,199 3 Library Learning Center 1,266 1,031 1,300 4 Total 23,571 22,268 21,179 Circulation 1 Feb-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 5 Dove Library 67,231 71,720 67,548 6 Cole Library 37,016 37,410 33,660 7 Library Learning Center 1,400 1,149 960 8 eAudiobook Downloads 241 804 733 9 eBook Downloads 1,602 2,660 2,389 10I Total 107,490 113,743 105,290 People Count Feb-13` Jan-14 Feb-14 11 Dove Library 32,365 32,985 32,274 12 Cole Library 27,671 25,006 24,650 13 Library Learning Center 4,817 5,426 4,843 141 Total' 64,8531 63,4171 61,767 Programs and Technology Library -Sponsored Programs Feb-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 15 Pre -School Programs 66 68 68 16 Attendance 3,181 3,192 3,232 17 School Aged Children's Programs 36 29 30 18 Attendance 869 667 856 19 Young Adult Programs 10 6 7 20 Attendance 97 34 70 21 Adult Programs 52 46 43 22 Attendance 1,339 1,000 1,446 Techroloev Usage Feb-13 Feb-14 23 Computer Use 11,104 10,201 9,501 24 Webpage Views* 49,733 70,928 61,559 25 Database Usage 9,343 9,045 10,024 Facility Meeting Room Use Feb-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 26 Events 93 65 81 27 Attendance 4,747 2,882 4,816 Volunteer Hours Feb-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 28'Total Hours 1,457 1,668 1,593 1. eAudiobooks and eBooks added to Circulation July 2013 2. Change in Google Analytics reporting December 2013 Carlsbad Library report March 2014 [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 2725 Jefferson Street, Suite 13, Carlsbad, CA 92008 T (760) 730 9325 F (888) 457 9598 www.bwresearch.com Carlsbad Library Report Conducted for the Carlsbad City Library EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY In November 2013, the Carlsbad City Library partnered with BW Research to conduct a comprehensive research study to assess usage, perceptions, and satisfaction with the Carlsbad City Library among both residents and library patrons. The 2013 research is an update to the study that BW Research conducted for the library in 2011. Specifically, the main research objectives of the study were to: • Assess use of the library and its many programs and services; • Identify overall perceptions of the library; • Evaluate importance of, and user satisfaction with, various library programs and services; • Explore usage and satisfaction with the library's communications mediums, including the library's website, and • Assess priorities and satisfaction as it relates to library facilities. METHODOLOGY OVERVIEW The 2013 Carlsbad City Library research study included: • A telephone survey of Carlsbad residents 18 years and older; • Intercept surveys of library patrons at Dove and Cole Libraries and the Library Learning Center. • Two focus groups, one with adult residents that completed the telephone survey and one with teenagers in the Carlsbad Unified School District between 7th and 11th grade. When reading the report, it is important to remember that the telephone survey of residents is statistically representative of the adult population of Carlsbad residents and includes both library users and non -users. Comparatively, the intercept survey of library patrons includes both Carlsbad residents and non-residents and is reflective of the composition of library users during the data collection period. The focus groups are a qualitative assessment meant to get a better understanding of the context for different preferences and priorities. The city-wide telephone survey was completed by 400 residents and was conducted from October 22 to November 3, 2013 with a resulting maximum margin of error plus or minus 4.89 percent (at the 95 percent level of confidence) for questions answered by all 400 respondents. [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 1 Carlsbad Library Report Conducted for the Carlsbad City Library A total of 393 patron intercept surveys were conducted at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane (Dove), the Georgina Cole Library (Cole), and the Library Learning Center over four shifts from November 13 to November 18, 2013. For more information about the project methodology or demographic differences between the samples, please refer to the appendices. KEY FINDINGS BW Research offers the following key findings to the Carlsbad City Library. Use of the Carlsbad City Libraries by Residents Carlsbad Libraries are a well -used asset for most Carlsbad residents, particularly those that have lived in the community for five years or more. Almost nine out of ten (85%) residents visit the library in -person or have used its online services and almost 60 percent (57%) do so on at least a monthly basis. The survey results revealed that the longer residents live in Carlsbad the more likely they are to have visited the library. Residents who have lived in Carlsbad for 4 years or less are almost three times as likely to have never visited the Cole or Dove libraries (31 %) compared to those that have lived in the City for 5 or more years (11 %). Carlsbad City Library Customers Carlsbad residents account for over two-thirds of the Library's patron respondents (70%) with a smaller proportion (27%) residing in the surrounding areas of Oceanside (12%), Encinitas (6%), Vista (5%) and San Marcos (5%). Satisfaction with the Carlsbad City Libraries Carlsbad residents and library patrons continue to give the library increasingly high overall ratings, with 65 percent of residents and 79 percent of library patrons providing an excellent rating for the library. Although the percentage of excellent ratings among residents slightly diminished from 2011 to 2013 (from 68% to 65%), the combined percentage of respondents that gave "Excellent" or "Good" ratings increased by one percent. This becomes even more noteworthy when you consider residents who regularly visit the library are more likely to give the library an excellent rating than those who seldom or never visit one of the libraries; 71 % of those who regularly visit gave an excellent rating and 52% of those who seldom or never visit gave an excellent rating. Comparisons with the 2011 Carlsbad Library Research In 2011, the Carlsbad Library staff teamed with BW Research to complete a research assessment of resident and customer usage, preferences, and satisfaction towards its facilities and programs. The 2011 research effort - similar to what was completed for the current study - provides a comparable dataset that we can use to look at the changing behaviors and attitudes of residents and library patrons. [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 2 Carlsbad Library Report Conducted for the Carlsbad City Library Resident Telephone Survey Comparison: 2011 to 2013 Carlsbad residents continue to value and use the library facilities and the services they offer. The following are the key differences between usage and satisfaction ratings from 2011 to 2013. • The percentage of residents that have "Never" visited one of Carlsbad's libraries has decreased from 25 percent to 16 percent. • The perceived importance of several library services and programs rose between 2011 and 2013. The library services and programs that saw an increase in the percentage of resident -respondents to indicate as "Extremely important" included access at the library to computers, the Internet, and online research databases (from 48% to 55%), wireless internet access (from 43% to 49%), and downloadable audiobooks and ebooks (from 25% to 31%). • The proportion of those who use the Library's e-newsletter as a source of information about Carlsbad library increased from one percent to seven percent. Patron Intercept Survey Comparison: 2011 to 2013 Library patrons continue to highly rate the services and programs offered at Carlsbad Library facilities. Below are the main differences between customer satisfaction and importance ratings from 2011 to 2013. • The percentage of those who indicated that a primary reason they visited the library was to study or do homework increased from 17 percent to 26 percent. It should be noted that the 2011 intercept surveys were completed in August and the 2013 intercept surveys were completed in November. • The level of satisfaction with the library's website declined from 60 percent to 52 percent. It should be noted that this survey was taken before the new Library website was implemented in the Summer of 2014. • The combined percentage of those who are "Very satisfied" or "Somewhat satisfied" has increased in the following services or programs: cultural events (from 46% to 54%) and wireless internet access (from 41% to 49%). Allocating Resources for the Library's Programs and Services Today's library provides a multitude of services and programs for an increasingly diverse group of patrons. The City of Carlsbad's Libraries are no exception and an analysis of the survey results provide measures of satisfaction and importance for many of the programs and services provided by the libraries. The results provide; • an assessment of satisfaction among the library's different programs and services and • an assessment of the library's priorities, by residents and patrons, as they relate to the different programs and services. [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 3 Carlsbad Library Report Conducted for the Carlsbad City Library Together, the satisfaction and importance results for library programs and services can be used to provide insight in terms of how resources can be allocated for the libraries. A program or service that receives relatively high importance and satisfaction ratings provides direction to maintain and even emphasize that program while services that receive low importance scores and relatively low satisfaction scores should be seen as programs that provide opportunities for improvement. It is worth noting that even categories that received below average satisfaction often received over 50 percent of residents or patrons indicating they were very satisfied, and over 85 percent either very or somewhat satisfied. Continued Emphasis (High Importance -High Satisfaction) When analyzing the results from both the resident and intercept surveys, the following services were categorized as "High Importance -High Satisfaction" relative to their respective averages, meaning that respondents assigned a higher than average importance level to each service and also reported above average satisfaction with the library's efforts in each area. The "High Importance -High Satisfaction" group included: • In -person customer service [Patrons & Residents]. • Access at the library to computers, the Internet and online research databases [Patrons] • Wireless Internet access [Residents] Priorities for Improvement (High Importance -Low Satisfaction) The following program was categorized as "High Importance -Low Satisfaction," meaning that patron respondents viewed the items as above average in importance and reported lower than average satisfaction. This program represents a valuable opportunity for improvement for patrons. The "High Importance -Low Satisfaction" group included: • Lifelong learning programs that provide opportunities for personal and intellectual growth to all residents [Patrons]; Lifelong Learning Programs at Carlsbad Library: Not surprisingly library customers placed a higher importance on lifelong learning programs than residents, who on average visit the library less often. However, both residents and customers indicated this was an area that received below average levels of satisfaction compared to the other library programs evaluated. This indicates that lifelong learning programs are an area that Carlsbad Library should consider as an opportunity to improve for customers and look to expand interest with residents. [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 4 Carlsbad Library Report Conducted for the Carlsbad City Library Opportunities for Improvement (Low Importance -Low Satisfaction) The following programs and services were categorized as "Low Importance -Low Satisfaction," meaning that respondents viewed the items as below average in importance and reported lower than average satisfaction in each area. This group represents another opportunity for improvement. The "Low Importance -Low Satisfaction" group included: • Downloadable audiobooks and ebooks [Residents and Patrons]; • Wireless internet access [Patrons]. CONCLUSIONS BW Research offers the following research conclusions to the Carlsbad City Library based on 2013 research findings. Overall Satisfaction with the Carlsbad City Library Carlsbad City Library continues to receive consistently high marks from both residents and customers. Almost two-thirds (64%) of residents rated the library as excellent and over three-quarters (79%) of customers rated the library as excellent. The excellent ratings are even higher among residents (72%) and customers (81 %) who visit the library frequently, at least on a monthly basis. This reflects an important reality, that the more people use the library the more they enjoy it, even if we cannot determine whether they are going to the library more because they like it or the more they go to the library the more they learn to like it. Programs and Services An evaluation of the perceived importance and satisfaction of library services and programs reveals that generally the library gets higher satisfaction marks for the most importance services and programs (in -person customer service) and relatively lower satisfaction marks for those services and programs that are comparatively less important (downloadable audiobooks and ebooks). [bw] RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP 5