HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-07-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: ITEM #3 MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, July 16, 2014 Library Learning Center 3368 Eureka Place, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Hulsart, and Parsons Trustee Bradley arrived at 4:04 p.m. Absent: Trustee Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Steve Didier, Library & Cultural Arts Management Analyst Jacqui Petri, Lead Librarian APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Benson/Parsons) and vote the minutes of the June 18, 2014 regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: Trustee Hulsart asked for additional information about the Samsung Galaxy tablets available for patron use and Trustee Bradley was happy to see that Osher Institute classes were continuing at the Learning Center. EBOOKS PRESENTATION: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced Lead Librarian Jacqui Petri who provided the board with an overview of the management of the eBook collection. Her presentation included information on the licensing differences among the publishers as well as the formula for determining how many copies of any particular title are ordered. She reviewed the current Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of July 16, 2014 Meeting budget for eBook acquisitions adding that the library currently divides the orders among new titles, requested titles from patrons, and additional copies of those that are in high demand (currently about 20% is spent on additional copies). Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto then briefed the board on possible changes to the market and copyright laws and a move towards a state-wide consortium for future purchases. PREVIEW OF NEW CITY WEBSITE: Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Gemmell provided a quick look at the City's new website and screen shots of the Library's pages, still in migration. The Board was most impressed with the addition of "Google Translate" available for all the content and expressed interest in volunteering to test the site before the August launch. Trustee Benson inquired about response time to the "Ask Us" button and Deputy Library Director Smithson provided a brief explanation of the service. As the service has undergone some changes since originally provided, Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto suggested that the topic be added to the agenda for the next meeting for a more in-depth answer to the inquiry. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS UPDATE: Library Management Analyst Didier reported that Group 4 is the architectural firm selected for the design phase of the project and a contract was being negotiated. The agenda bill seeking Council approval is tentatively set for the July 22, 2014 meeting, with the kick off meeting between Group 4 and City staff to follow the next week to develop a schedule for the project. The additional scope of work proposed for the Dove Lane facility drew a number of questions from the Council. The Library is targeting an August council meeting to present the information requested. Should the Council ultimately choose to expand the scope of the Dove Library project, the Group 4 contract includes an option for the additional design work. The Board asked to be informed whenever the Library projects are on the Council agenda. ELECTION OF CHAIR & VICE -CHAIR: The Board unanimously decided to postpone this item until next month's meeting. SELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES: Trustee Hulsart volunteered to continue to serve as liaison to the Board of the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation and Trustee Bradley volunteered to continue as a member of the Gallery Committee. Both offers were immediately accepted by the Board. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of July 16, 2014 Meeting DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto brought the Board up to date on the following: American Library Association Conference — Three Library staff members attended the conference in Las Vegas last month where the common theme was the redesigning libraries to meet community needs into the future. Both Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto and Deputy Library Director Smithson also toured several libraries in the area that were recent construction or remodels. Brown Bag sessions to share information from the conference with staff are being scheduled for later this month. Deputy Library Director Recruitment - Both an oral board and departmental interviews were held on Monday for the position of Deputy Library Director; however, no candidate was selected. The recruitment will continue to remain open until filled and future interview dates will be scheduled as qualified candidates are identified. Part time positions - There have been a number of recruitments for part time staff with the addition of several new Library Techs. Sr. Circulation Supervisor at Cole — Library Sr. Circulation Supervisor Penny Thompson broke her leg which required surgery and has been off work for over two months as she continues her recuperation. During this time her counterpart at the Dove Lane facility and other staff have been straddling the duties. Technology - An update is scheduled for the integrated Library System Tuesday which will require the system to be down. It is hoped that the update will be completed before the 9:00 a.m. opening. The upgrade will further integrate e-content so that "My Account" will display all the items checked out including eBooks. A much larger upgrade, which is focused on the staff side of the system, is scheduled for Columbus Day to take advantage of the holiday closure. Volunteer Program — There are currently 190 volunteers actively working at the Library and the interest in volunteering has been so heavy that the orientations had to be capped at 25 attendees. The July session is already filled and registrations are being accepted for the September session. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the meeting held yesterday included a presentation from Wells Fargo bank with regard to the Foundation's investments. There were also two guests attending as potential board members. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of July 16, 2014 Meeting FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart also reporting for the Friends that the Old and Interesting Books sale is on -going at the Dove Lane book store. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board liaison Marge Kealey reported on the previous month's activities and upcoming programs for August. She also announced the next Wednesday night sessions of beginning/refresher genealogy classes begin July 23 and continue through August 13. The Saturday classes will not begin again until September 8. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Benson had several questions relating the 2014-15 budget summary, including to some pro -active measures with regard to maintenance contracts and increases in the future and Trustees Hulsart and Bradley asked that the item be placed on next month's agenda for discussion. Trustee Benson agreed to their request. Trustee Bradley commented that following the meeting last month at the Cole Library she took a tour of the Genealogy/Local History division and was most impressed with the holdings. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Parsons/Bradley) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:18 p.m. Cissie Sextdn Recording Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for J U N E 2014 Systemwide ... 1. The Summer Reading Program began on June 23 and will run through August 8 with this year's theme, Paws to Read. More than 400 teens were trained by children's staff in early June to prepare to volunteer at all sites. During the first week of the program, through June 30, staff and volunteers registered more than 100 adults, 200 teens, 2500 children, and 250 "little ones" (3 and under). 2. New Orleans jazz combo band, Jazzy Ash and the Leaping Lizards, helped to kick off the summer reading program with full -house performances at all three library locations on June 24. Children were literally dancing in the aisles to the jazz -style family songs. 3. Volunteer Services placed 15 new volunteers in positions throughout the library. They will be assisting with book donations, keeping the books in the right places on the shelves and helping our young patrons get excited about science at our Science Saturday program. 4. Staff participated in presentations from architects on June 19 who had responded to the Request for Qualifications for the design phase of the Cole and Dove Library remodels. The next step is for the project team to prepare a contract for council approval 5. Three Library staff members attended the annual American Library Association Conference held in Las Vegas at the end of June. The conference focused on very timely topics, directly related to current initiatives in Carlsbad: redesigning libraries for the future, e-learning and staff development, community engagement, and innovation. Staff toured recently built or remodeled libraries in the Las Vegas -Henderson area and met with vendors. 6. The Library supported continuing fire recovery processes during June. On June 9 the United States Small Business Administration began a two week outreach program at the Library Learning Center. The program offered low -interest federal disaster loans to California residents and business owners affected by the recent San Diego County wildfires. In addition to this program, the California State Board of Equalization hosted a small business expo to over 200 local businesses on Tuesday, June 10 at the Dove Library. Through this exposition, several state and federal agencies offered assistance to business owners affected by the fires as well as a seminar on small business strategy. 7. Samsung Galaxy tablets are now available for in -library circulation at the Dove and Cole Libraries. Learning Center staff are still being trained and the tablets will start circulating at that location in mid -July. CCL, Dove Lane ... 8. The library's June film series was themed "Page to Screen" which highlighted movies that were based on popular books. The movies included "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," "Philomena," and Monthly Library Reports for June 2014 "The Great Gatsby" (2013 remake). In addition to these movies, the Academy Award winning film "Gravity" was shown after being rescheduled due to the Poinsettia fire. 9. The Carlsbad Playreaders' season continued with another sell -out crowd on June 16 to their production of "Love, Loss and What I Wore." The Schulman Auditorium filled to capacity approximately 15 minutes prior to curtain and nearly 40 people were turned away. The popularity was based on the fact that five well-known San Diego actresses starred in this production and that it was by playwright Nora Ephron, author of Sleepless in Seattle and You've Got Mail. This performance marks the third sell out for the play readers this year. 10. Local author and illustrator Salina Yoon presented a program based on her most recent children's picture book, "Found," on June 5 at the Library on Dove Lane. The program featured a lively scavenger hunt throughout the Children's Library and an opportunity for each child attending to have a portrait of their favorite stuffed animal done by Ms. Yoon. This program had been rescheduled from May because of the fires. 11. Young Adults ended the school year with the final Rock the Library concert held on June 5 with 50 attendees and a Pizza and a Movie program on June 19. Teens kicked off the Summer Reading Program with a Games and Refreshments program on the first day, Monday, June 23, and a showing of the movie "Clueless" on June 30—complete with summer refreshment of ice cream sundaes. Georgina Cole ... 12. The five regular book clubs met at Cole and Dove during June, but Cole's June 12 Thursday Afternoon Book Club had a special visit by author Laura Corona. Ms. Corona, author of The Four Seasons: a Novel of Vivaldi's Venice, attended the meeting and shared a presentation about the book followed by a Q&A session facilitated by Library Assistant Elyse Roy. Twenty-nine people attended. 13. Children's staff at Cole led tours, read stories, and promoted the SRP to 195 students from Leo Carrillo Elementary. Additional SRP outreach was provided to assemblies and open houses at Buena Vista and Hope elementary schools. 14. Teen programs in June included Sugoi Anime Fun Time watching anime and eating Japanese snacks on June 3 and Ice Cream and a Movie, showing "Catching Fire" to 27 teens on June 25. 15. Cole Library's weekly summer Family Movie Matinee launched the first movie of the summer on June 26 with a screening of the new release, "The LEGO Movie," with 47 attendees and the second movie on June 30 with 40 attendees enjoying the modern classic, "The Lion King." 16. Genealogy and Carlsbad History services merged their public service points to a single desk on the second floor during June. Changes managed by staff to accommodate the adjustment included moving part of the Carlsbad History book collection to the second floor, moving the Carlsbad History Collection newspaper microfilm collection to the second floor, arranging for access to the Extensis Portfolio database, creating user guides for InMagic and Extensis Portfolio, Monthly Library Reports for June 2014 rearranging the decorative pictures on the second floor to include a historic aerial photograph of Carlsbad, and most important, providing continued cross -training and support for staff. 17. Genealogy classes taught in June included Library Technician Jan Mongoven leading two sessions of Focus on Census Records classes with 16 attendees, and Senior Librarian Mary Van Orsdol presenting "Going Paperless" to the Computer Genealogy Group with 83 attendees. NSDCGS provided its regular schedule of workshops including two sessions of the Beginning Genealogy classes. Learning Center ... 18. Approximately 80 tutors, learners, family and friends enjoyed Literacy Services' annual celebration held Sunday, June 1, at the Senior Center. This event is held to congratulate our literacy learners on their accomplishments, recognize our volunteer tutors for their outstanding dedication (more than 12,000 hours per year) and thank the City and Library leaders for their support. The program included a slide show of our accomplishments during the year, remarks from Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto, and comments from tutors and learners sharing what the program has meant to them. Light refreshments and cake followed the program. 19. The Learning Center began hosting two new CSUSM Osher Institute classes, "To Your Health" and "Let's Write!" The classes will run through August 1. 20. Learning Center staff participated in outreach events which included information about the Summer Reading Program, presenting storytimes and crafts at the Buena Vista Elementary Open House and the Jefferson Elementary Multicultural Fair, meeting almost 400 members of the community. Additional outreach included staff participation at the San Diego Food Bank distribution at the Pilgrim Church in Carlsbad on June 17. During the distribution, 31 families received Library Learning Center brochures and information on the Summer Reading Program. 21. To get patrons excited for the Summer Reading Program, the Learning Center hosted a Scavenger Hunt on June 17 in which 51 people enjoyed the morning hunt with prizes and art activities. 22. Jimmy & Enrique performed a lively concert to kick off the Summer Reading Program on the evening of June 19. In addition, the audience of 46 enjoyed a "petting zoo" of instruments and explored their own musical talent. 23. The Summer Youth Literacy Program is in progress. Three Learning Center staff members have worked as a team to select and assess students, train volunteers, and develop a schedule. There are nine "teams" consisting of a child (grades 2-5) and their parent working with a volunteer tutor to improve reading skills. The teams will meet twice a week for eight weeks this summer. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS June 2014 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Jun-13 May-14 Jun-14 `. 1 Dove Library 13,603 10,424 11,738 2 Cole Library 11,158 9,379 10,513 3 Library Learning Center 1,035 978 1,024 41 Total 25,796 20,781 23,275 Circulation 1 Jun-13 May-14 Jun-14 5 Dove Library 77,792 67,875 74,951 6 Cole Library 38,996 35,022 37,199 7 Library Learning Center 1,395 1,314 1,337 8 eAudiobook Downloads 516 899 869 9 eBook Downloads 2,427 2,638 2,981 101 Total 121,126 107,748 117,337 People Count Jun-13 " May-14 Jun-14 11 Dove Library 39,524 31,854 36,359 12 Cole Library 28,529 25,445 28,769 13 Library Learning Center 4,993 5,148 4,872 141 Total' 73,0461 62,4471 70,000 Programs and Technology Library -Sponsored Programs Jun-13 May-14 Jun-14 15 Pre -School Programs 26 75 25 16 Attendance 1,024 3,422 1,180 17 18 School Aged Children's Programs 19 28 15 Attendance 1,553 893 914 19 Young Adult Programs 8 5 6 20 Attendance 160 80 112 21 Adult Programs 40 38 49 22 Attendance 1,257 966 1,325 Technoioev Usaee 2 Jun-13 May-14 Jun-14 23 Computer Use 10,542 9,622 9,957 24 Webpage Views 49,264 46,789 64,505 25 Database Usage 7,806 6,181 5,970 Facility Meeting Room Use Jun-13 May-14 Jun-14 26 Events 66 81 75 27 Attendance 4,434 5,123 4,016 Volunteer Hours ;; Jun-13 ? May-14 Jun-14 28ITotal Hours 3,921 1,593 3,192 1. eAudiobooks and eBooks added to Circulation July 2013 2. Change in Google Analytics reporting December 2013