HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-08-07; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesApproved: q�r�t ITEM #3 MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday, August 7, 2014 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, and Parsons Absent: Trustee Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Steve Didier, Library & Cultural Arts Management Analyst Devin Castel, Sr. Business Systems Specialist Andrea Hilliard, Technology Librarian APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Parsons/Bradley) and vote the minutes of the July 16, 2014 regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Quarterly Report (April -May -June) — Sr. Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel reviewed the quarterly statistics with the Board pointing out the drop in wireless usage. He explained that new wireless controller access points were recently installed and the City's IT Department is investigating the possibility that not all log -ins are being captured. Also contained in his report was information on the increased use of the early literacy stations at the Learning Center and increased usage systemwide of the self -check machines. "Ask Us" service - Technology Librarian Andrea Hilliard provided the Board with information about the service, including the ways questions are submitted and answered. She further explained how frequently asked questions are added to the FAQ's as well as information about Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of August 7, 2014 Meeting library programs and services. Currently about 71% of the submitted questions are during library open hours and are answered almost immediately while the 29% submitted when the library is closed are routinely answered the next morning. Overall statistics show that 52% are answered within 60 minutes, 32% are answered within 12 hours and 16% (representing the more involved questions that require some research) are answered between 1 and 3 days. FY2014-15 BUDGET: This item was on the agenda in response to a question from Trustee Benson at the last meeting having to do with vendor contracts and annual escalators. Library Management Analyst Steve Didier explained that during the economic downturn it was difficult to continue managing rising costs but that adjustments were made to this year's budget after the department submitted its budget plan. In response to a question about whether the Library had a backup plan should the budget not keep pace with increased costs the contingency fund could be used if needed. Trustee Hulsart asked about reduction in service should budget cuts be necessary in the future and Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that adjustments could be made to reduce costs for some programs; partnerships and additional outside funding would be pursued to prevent any loss or reduction of service wherever possible. ELECTION OF CHAIR & VICE: Trustee Hulsart accepted the nomination from Trustee Benson to serve another term as chair and was unanimously approved. Trustee Bradley agreed to serve another term as the Board vice chair which was also by unanimous vote. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS UPDATE: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto advised the board that it appears likely the Library will return to Council on August 19th to request the funding for the additional scope of work for the Dove Lane facility. One of the items requested by the Council is a business plan which is currently in draft form and is being reviewed by the City Manager's office. Library Management Analyst Didier then provided the Board with a quick recap of the project activity thus far including the contract with Group 4 for design work and subsequent planning meetings. He reviewed the additional scope of work and estimates for the Dove Lane facility with the Board and identified the different anticipated funding sources. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of August 7, 2014 Meeting Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained that the Business Plan will provide greater analysis including revenue generated from private use of spaces and the proposed cafe. She continued that both the Friends of the Library and the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation will receive similar briefings as both have great interest in the redesign. Trustees Hulsart and Parsons indicated they would attend the Council Meeting on August 19tn DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto brought the Board up to date on the following: Summer Reading Program - Friday, August 8th is the last day of the program this year and a recap of activities and participation will be on the September Board agenda along with an overview of children's services in general. Staffing update - There have been no highly qualified applicants responding to the recruitment for Deputy Library Director position and the market is currently abounding with advancement opportunities. Human Resources is working with the Library to reassess the recruitment and will repost at a later date. Librarian Laura Coleman from Collections & Technical Services retired last week and the recruitment for that position was posted in anticipation of interviews scheduled for early September. Technology - Zinio will be released within the next few weeks which will provide on-line full text magazines that can be downloaded thanks to funding from the State Library through the Serra Cooperative Library System. The majority of the titles fall into the category of general interest and include some Spanish language and a few children's. The service allows downloads to mobile devices and computers by multiple users. The Library has acquired some Playaway audio books designed for literacy program participants which include a print copy of the book to read along with the audio. Initial data was submitted for The Edge Initiative and preliminary results were received. Once finalized, the Library will analyze the results, take advantage of relevant training and use the data for performance measurement as well as managing the Library's technology services. Benson Trust — The Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation was named as a beneficiary of the Benson Family Trust and, and to date $1.8 million has been distributed. The funds were designated for use to enhance the collection and support the Library Learning Center. Following advice from the City Attorney's office, the library contacted the trust administrator to Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of August 7, 2014 Meeting determine if the funds could be used for ordinary expenses in delivering Learning Center services. All expenses proposed were deemed consistent with the conditions of the trust. The Foundation will need to develop a policy for distribution of funds from the endowment. FOUNDATION REPORT: No report. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the Friends will be hosting a wine and cheese party in October to celebrate the 15 year anniversary of the book store at the Dove Lane facility. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Keeley reported on programs for the month of August and upcoming meetings of the various interest groups. The Saturday beginner and refresher genealogy course is scheduled for September 6, from 9:30 to 3:30, at the Cole Library. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Parsons reported that she took part in the testing of the new website and was very pleased with the functionality and look of the new pages, especially the Library's. Trustee Benson announced he would not be available in September and Trustees Parsons and Hulsart may also have some conflicts with meetings scheduled for September and October. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto asked the trustees to email to the secretary the dates they are unavailable. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Benson/Bradley) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. Cissie Sexton Recording Secretary City Lib Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report April - June 2014 PC Management Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Computers Jan -Mar 2014 Apr -Jun 2014 Change Apr -Jun 2013 Apr -Jun 2014 Change Dove Adult Lab 20 5,603 5,309 -5% 6,685 5,309 -21% Dove Express 2 1,467 1,134 -23% 1,504 1,134 -25% Dove Walk-up 15 8,518 8,815 3% 8,880 8,815 -1% Dove Children's 7 687 707 3% 759 707 -7% Cole Adult 14 8,411 8,289 -1% 9,440 8,289 -12% Cole Express 1 1,059 919 -13% 1,265 919 -27% Cole Children's 8 1,431 1,251 -13% 1,716 1,251 -27% Learning Center Children's Lab 7 650 792 22% 913 792 -13% Learning Center Adult Lab 7 1,254 1,284 2% 1,300 1,284 -1% Total 81 29,080 28,500 -2% 32,462 28,500 -12% Wireless User Sessions - Preliminary Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Jan -Mar 2014 Apr -Jun 2014 Change Apr -Jun 2013 Apr -Jun 2014 Change Dove 14,939 11,246 -25% 13,099 11,246 -14% Cole 9,913 7,091 -28% 8,414 7,091 -16% Library Learning Center 1,601 1,210 -24% 1,436 1,210 -16% Total 26,453 19,547 -26% 22,949 19,547 -15% Page 1 City Li. r Carlsbad City Library - Technology Report April - June 2014 Combined Wireless and Wired Internet Sessions -Preliminary Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Jan -Mar 2014 Apr -Jun 2014 Change Apr -Jun 2013 Apr -Jun 2014 Change All Library Locations 55,533 48,047 -13% 55,411 48,047 -13% Early Literacy Stations - User Sessions Quarterly Comparison' Year Comparison Location Total Computers Jan -Mar 2014 Apr -Jun 2014 Change Apr -Jun 2013 Apr -Jun 2014 Change Dove 4 1,058 1,145 8% 1,280 1,145 -11% Cole 1 403 404 0% 499 404 -19% Library Learning Center 2 278 320 15% 215 320 49% Total 7 1,739 1,869 7% 1,994 1,869 -6% Self -Check vs Staffed User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Jan -Mar 2014 Apr -Jun 2014 e Apr -Jun 2013 Apr -Jun 2014 Change Self -Check Staffed Station Self -Check Staffed Station Self -Check Staffed Station Self -Check Staffed Station 60% 40% 61% 39% 1% 60% 40% 61% 39% 1% Self -Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Jan -Mar 2014 Apr -Jun 2014 e Apr -Jun 2013 Apr -Jun 2014 Change Self -Check Staffed Station Self -Check Staffed Station Self -Check Staffed Station Self -Check Staffed Station 57% 43% 58% 42% 1% 58% 42% 58% 42% 0% Page 2 ITEM # 5 CITY OF CARLSBAD FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 LIBRARY BUDGET SUMMARY LIBRARY OPERATING BUDGET FY 14-15 Personnel Budget (FT and PT) Maintenance & Operations $ 6,788, $ 3,608, 822 909 L&CA Total Budget (Library Only) $ ! 10,397 731 The Library & Cultural Arts Department (L&CA) is pleased to budget that meets multiple goals for the department, and the 15. The accomplishments include the following: * Includes ISF charges for IT, vehicles, etc. plus increase for utility costs in 14/15 present a General Fund City, heading into FY 2014- • Expanded the Library Learning Center operating hours in late FY 13-14 without any impact on the operating budget. Redeployed vacant FTE to provide expanded service hours. • Utilized 2% M&O increase to continue "right -sizing" various costs that have increased in the past few years (water, heat/light, telephones/communications, maintenance agreements, etc.) • Due to improved fiscal conditions, the California State Library announced funding in the Governor's budget that would provide an estimated $35,000 in support for Carlsbad literacy programs in FY 14-15. • All graphics and communications services were moved from the Community Relations division to be managed in the Communications division of the City Manager's office. Results in a reduction of 1.0 Full -Time FTE and 1.39 Part -Time FTE for personnel moving to the Communications office plus related maintenance and operations expenditures. • Reduced Gartner endowment fund request by about 20% due to anticipated facility closure during major capital project at the Dove Lane library. These funds are managed by the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation and distributed annually to the City to support programs and events held in the Schulman Auditorium. We are able to present the FY 14-15 budget without any reductions to public services. However, we have experienced substantial upward pressure from vendors to increase maintenance and service agreements the past few years. While we successfully negotiated zero increases in prior years, most of these contract costs have now gone up. Fortunately, we were able to use the 2% M&O block increase and savings from other minor budget adjustments to help cover those increases. We still note that any significant increase to outside services or decreases to the L&CA block in the future would likely result in a direct loss of programs and services to the public. In FY 11-12, the Library anticipated losing at least a portion of State Library funding toward literacy services. As the State's budget woes worsened mid -way through that year, we learned that we would lose not just a portion, but all State funding for literacy programs. We are pleased to report that the State Library is once again projecting funding for Carlsbad City Library in FY 14-15 of an estimated $35,000. In FY 13-14 we completed the implementation of a major upgrade of the Library's integrated library system with our current vendor. This core system maintains records for over 100,000 patrons and 365,000 print and electronic media. In the coming months we expect to be substantially under way with procurement for replacement/upgrade of the library's radio frequency identification (RFID) materials checkout system. Implementation of the selected RFID system or upgrades will occur in FY 14-15. The current RFID systems have been in use for about eight years. BUDGET PRIORITIES AND OBJECTIVES 1. Future Library Automation Systems: This is a multi -year project to evaluate and ultimately select the next generation library automation systems for managing the Library's collection/materials information, patron records, search tools, reporting, and RFID system. 2. Redesigning Libraries for the Future: This is a multi -year priority that began with development of a feasibility study that identified potential interior improvements to be done in tandem with recarpeting for both the Dove and Cole facilities. The project has been expanded to include additional improvements that would provide the best value and service to the community and create world class facilities and community gathering spaces to support current and future library and cultural arts services. 3. Fast Track Innovations Team: To vet and help implement innovations in services and programs system -wide that fall outside the strategic initiative process. The team will act as an innovation clearing house and offer the focus needed to nurture great ideas and help bring them to fruition, thus providing opportunities to become a more nimble organization that can be responsive to evolving customer interests and opportunities for business improvements. 4. Schulman Auditorium Programs: Implement use of Gartner Funds to support ongoing programs at the Schulman Auditorium. Programs include lecture series, musical performances, poetry readings, film series, and more. PROPOSED STAFFING (LIBRARY ONLY) Full -Time Equivalents (FTE) 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Full Time Positions 47.25 47.25 47.25 46.25 Part-Time/Hourly Positions 59.25 58.25 58.25 56.94 PROPOSED FEE ADJUSTMENTS/NEW FEES In the FY 13-14 Operating Budget, the City Council authorized the City Manager or his/her designee to set parks & recreation program, rental, and class fees that are included in the Community Services Guide at the department level. This change was made because of the need to update fees multiple times during the year based on market conditions in advance of distribution of the Community Service Guides. The Library & Cultural Arts Department recommended and the City Council approved providing the same department level authority for setting library and cultural arts program, rental and class fees that are included in the Community Services Guide for the same reasons. This will streamline maintenance, management, and communication of fees and fee structures internally and to the public. All other Library & Cultural Art fees remain in the Master Fee Schedule.