HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesITEM #3 MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Library Board Trustees Bradley, Hinman, Hulsart, and Parsons Absent: Trustee Benson Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Steve Didier, Library & Cultural Arts Sr. Management Analyst Barbara Chung, Sr. Children's Librarian Marsha Weeks, Sr. Children's Librarian APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion (Bradley/Parsons) and vote the minutes of the August 7, 2014 regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees were approved as submitted. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board discussed the reports and commented on some of the events and book club selections. CIP PROJECTS UPDATE: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced Jonathan Hartman and Andrea Gifford from Group 4 Architecture (G4) who updated the Board on the process and timeline for the projects and shared some of the discussion which took place today with the project team and the Friends of the Library representatives. Library Board of Trustees Page 2 Minutes of the September 17, 2014 Meeting Mr. Hartman explained that they would return in a couple of weeks to solidify the general layout while Ms. Gifford used the PowerPoint presentation to demonstrate some of the design concepts being considered. Sr. Management Analyst Steve Didier distributed copies of a presentation recently viewed by library staff members which identified the various elements of the projects and the timeline and advised that the Library's webpage will contain updated information on the projects on a regular basis. The architects and staff then answered a number of questions from the Board about specifics of some design elements and the availability of the entire collection during building closings. CHILDREN'S SERVICES: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced Sr. Children's Librarian Barbara Chung from the Dove Lane facility and Sr. Children's Librarian Marsha Weeks from the Cole Library. They provided the Board with an overview of the many services provided, which include readers advisory and reference assistance for both parents and children, and 1200 programs this year. They referenced the Summer Reading Program Highlights included in the agenda packet, explaining that the Carlsbad City Library's summer reading program is non-competitive as there is no set number of pages to read, etc. and is aimed at avoiding the summer learning loss experienced by most children. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto brought the Board up to date on the following: Staffing updates - The updated Deputy Library Director position was reopened at a national level 20 days ago and applications are being screened as they arrive. • Administrative staff is meeting with Human Resources tomorrow to explore possibilities including a recruitment for the vacant Sr. Circulation Supervisor position at Cole resulting from the retirement of Penny Thompson. • Interviews for the open Librarian position in Collections & Technical Services are scheduled for tomorrow. • Cole Children's Library Assistant Angie Stava has submitted her resignation to accept a Librarian position with the county. • Learning Center Library Assistant Velati-Tirona is currently on maternity leave. Library Board of Trustees Page 3 Minutes of the September 17, 2014 Meeting Staff Development Day - All Library & Cultural Arts facilities will be closed until 2 p.m. on Tuesday October 21st for the annual in-service training to allow as many staff members as possible to attend. National speaker, author, and Executive Director of the Northeast Ohio Regional Library System Catherine Hakala-Ausperk will be the presenter on the topic of change. Ms. Hakala-Ausperk will also meet with smaller staff teams during her visit. Conferences — Next month one staff member will be attending the Internet Librarian Conference in Monterey and in early November three staff members including the Library & Cultural Arts Director will be attending the California Library Association conference in Oakland. While there she also plans to join G4 staff to tour several of their projects in the area. Eureka Library Leadership Institute — At least two staff members will be participating in the competitive application process for this institute. Strategic Directions - Review of the Strategic Directions for the coming year is usually on the agenda at this time but Council has not established their priorities for the year which provides guidance for the department's focus so we will delay the annual planning process slightly. Many of the initiatives from the current year will continue into the next with the redesign work being the major focus. Technology - Zinio, which provides the full text downloadable magazine issues, was launched on September 2nd • The new website is in the final stages of review before it goes public. • On Oct. 7 & 8 the RFID consultant will be on site to assist with the decisions on replacing the current systems. Although the actual date for replacement of the system has not been established, activities will be coordinated with the building closings. • The ILS upgrade is still planned to take place over the Columbus Day holiday. Learning Center Literacy Open House — Council proclaimed this month as adult literacy awareness month in acknowledgement of the 30-year anniversary of the California State Library Literacy Services program and the Carlsbad City Library's participation. A Literacy Open House was held September 16. This is an annual event giving community members an opportunity to learn about literacy services in an informal setting which also helped celebrate the program's 30 anniversary. Citizens' Academy - The Library facility on Dove Lane will host the Citizens' Academy on Thursday, September 25tn Business Academy - The next business academy has been delayed until early 2015 and will be a one -day event. Library Board of Trustees Page 4 Minutes of the September 17, 2014 Meeting Boards & Commissions dinner - The date for this event has been announced as November 13th but invitations have not been mailed. FOUNDATION REPORT: Trustee Hulsart announced that the Foundation has not had a meeting since her last report. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported the Friends are meeting tomorrow and also announced a book sale of arts and crafts books will take place on October 20th. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY: Board Liaison Marg Kealey provided highlights of the programs and meetings in September and information on upcoming ones in October. The fall seminar will be on October 4th and the beginner/refresher Saturday class will be on October 18th at the Cole Library. The class is free and reservations are suggested. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS: Trustee Bradley distributed information on the current exhibition in the gallery that features the works of children's book illustrators. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Parsons) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:09 p.m. Cissie Seon Recording Secretary ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for SEPTEMBER 2014 Systemwide ... 1. The month of September was National Library Card Sign -Up Month (your best school supply). Children who showed their library card at any children's desk received a prize. Many children received their very first library card as part of this promotional period. 2. The new City website was launched. A team from the Library & Cultural Arts Department participated in the decisions and layout of applicable portions of the site and also received training in order to keep the site updated. Staff tested the databases and links after the website launched to verify that everything was compatible with the patron and staff networks; problems identified were resolved and the AskUs knowledge base was updated. 3. The library launched Zinio on September 2, a service that allows users to download current and back issues full -text magazine issues in their original layout. Over 100 popular magazine titles are offered and all are accessible through a web browser, tablet, or smart phone. Most titles can be downloaded by an unlimited number of simultaneous readers and kept indefinitely. The service is available to anyone with a Carlsbad City Library Card. 4. The afterschool homework help program, Homework Zone, restarted for the school year. Volunteers help students in grades K-12 navigate their homework assignments at all three libraries on Monday through Thursday afternoons. 5. Reference staff taught several classes at the Dove Lane Library and at the Library Learning Center; a total of 39 students attended classes to assist on using the Internet, email, MS Word, various apps for mobile devices, social networking, and using eBooks. 6. Volunteer Services hosted an orientation with 23 potential volunteers in attendance. These community members are now in the process of being placed within the department. 7. Staff members continue to work in various teams and subgroups in preparing for the library remodel projects. Staff reviewed, prepared, and discussed to be ready for the first all -staff workshops with the architectural team on October 1 and 2. 8. Department staff attended the Hoaders: Library Edition program offered in the Schulman Auditorium on September 11. This workshop came highly recommended from several fellow staff members who saw the presentation given by colleagues from other libraries at the most recent California Library Association conference. The program launched an effort by staff to clean out before the remodel projects. Monthly Library Reports for September 2014 CCL, Dove Lane ... 9. Local author, Edith Fine, made a special guest appearance at the Dove library for the Family Bedtime Stories program. The ongoing program is geared toward families with young children and encourages participates to attend in their pajamas and bring their favorite stuffed animal. Ms. Fine read her most recent book, "Sleepytime Me," illustrated by Christopher Denise. Mr. Denise's illustrations are currently featured in the current Canon Art Gallery exhibit, The Original Art: Celebrating the Fine Art of Children's Book Illustraton on display through Nov. 23. In keeping with the bedtime theme, Ms. Fine wore her flannel nightgown and piggy slippers! 10. The Library hosted a Pizza and a Movie program on September 18 for teens. The eighteen teens who attended enjoyed the pizza while watching the Marvel superhero movie, "Thor: The Dark World." Georgina Cole ... 11. Three story and activity programs were hosted for children at the Cole Library. Forty kids and their families attended "The Buzz on Honey Bees" which celebrated National Honey Month by reading stories about bees, a presentation of bee facts, the Waggle Dance, and a honeybee craft. Seventy children and their families attended "Slimy Science at the Library" with a reading of Slimy Sliders by Lynn Huggins, a discussion of how different animals use and produce slime (including slugs, worms, salamanders, etc.), and an opportunity to make three kinds of their own slime to take home. About 50 children with their families participated in "Talk Like a Pirate Day" story craft on September 16. Children got to put on fake mustaches, eye patches, and head scarves and were treated to some corny pirate jokes. They listened the story It's Amazing: Pirates by Annabel Savery. Children also had a chance to use an online pirate translator and concluded their visit by making their own treasure maps. 12. Farley the Fiddler —the fabulous fiddler from Disneyland —chronicled the life of Johnny Appleseed to celebrate his 240th birthday with humor and music on September 23. Nearly 80 children with their families heard about early pioneer life and music through songs played on the fiddle, banjo, guitar, and harmonica. Several children were chosen to form a band to play "Turkey in the Straw" using the washboard, spoons, clap board, bones, wash tub bass, and shakers. Learning Center ... 13. City Council issued a proclamation recognizing September as Adult Literacy Awareness month in honor of the 30th anniversary of the California Library Literacy Services. Carlsbad City Library, as one of the original literacy programs, celebrated the anniversary with an open house on Tuesday, Sept. 16, at the Carlsbad City Library Learning Center. Activities included a book signing, a showing of a video entitled Voices and Faces of Literacy, refreshments, and children's crafts. Monthly Library Reports for September 2014 14. The Library Learning Center re -introduced its computer classes for beginners taught in Spanish after an extended break in this service. The class is offered in the evenings, taught by volunteer Giovani Galicia, and has six students participating in the 8-session series. 15. Staff from the Dove Children's Division came on loan to the Learning Center and taught the Research Rangers three -class series. Four children in grades 3-5 learned about the resources the library offers. 16. On September 5, seventeen teens launched the new school year by meeting new friends, playing games and enjoying ice cream sundaes at the Learning Center. 17. Literacy Services staff offered mini -demo sessions to encourage use of the new Playaway Bookpacks. The bookpacks feature a paperback book paired with an audio recording. 33 tutors and learners participated in these sessions. 18. Local partnerships resumed at the Learning Center with the launch of the school year: • The Carlsbad High School literacy partnership with 26 students and nine tutors • The Carlsbad Laubach Literacy Center ESL conversation class with seven participants. • Osher Institute classes began on September 12 with two series: The Manhattan Project, and Cave Paintings to Cathedrals. A third series will begin in October, A Retrospective of the Cold War. Outreach and community connections... Carlsbad City Library children's staff presented a special storytime event to a group of youngsters and their parents on September 16 as part of the City's weeklong Pop-up Plaza pilot program in the Village. Children's staff represented the Carlsbad City Library and shared library opportunities and resources at • the Aviara Oaks Elementary School open house on September 9 • the Aviara Oaks Middle School open house on September 11 • the Jefferson Elementary School open house on September 9 • the Calavera Hills Middle School open house on September 11 The Library hosted visits from a troop of Boy Scouts as part of a merit badge assignment and from four first grade classes from La Costa Meadows Elementary on September 22 and 29. Library staff participated in the regular monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Education Committee on September 24, the first Y.E.S. meeting of the 2014-15 school year on September 18, and a Head Start staff meeting and orientation on September 26. The City of Carlsbad and the Barrio Association hosted the Fiesta del Barrio at Pine Avenue Community Park on September 14. The Learning Center participated by hosting an informational booth to share information about library services. Children received free books, crayons and a coloring page. Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Sep-13; Aug-14 Sep-14 1 Dove Library 11,924 11,621 12,236 2 Cole Library 10,978 9,901 10,604 3 Library Learning Center 1,286 770 933 41 Total 24,188 22,292 23,773 Circulation Sep-13 Aug-14 Sep-14 5 Dove Library 69,688 72,071 67,792 6 Cole Library 38,182 36,876 34,971 7 Library Learning Center 1,255 1,182 1,282 8 eAudiobook Downloads 612 964 931 9 eBook Downloads 2,503 2,995 3,085 10 I Total 112,240 114,088 108,061 People Count Sep-13 Aug-14 Sep-14 11 Dove Library 33,553 37,837 36,708 12 Cole Library 26,708 26,634 27,235 13 Library Learning Center 4,906 4,107 5,604 141 Total' 65,1671 68,5781 69,547 Programs and Technology Library -Sponsored Programs Sep-13 Aug-14 Sep-14 15 Pre -School Programs 61 19 77 16 Attendance 2,935 844 3,323 17 School Aged Children's Programs 22 16 33 1s Attendance 617 987 697 19 Young Adult Programs 4 2 5 20 Attendance 22 26 104 21 Adult Programs 37 38 45 22 Attendance 975 1,049 990 Technoloev Usaee 1 Sep-13 Aug-14 Sep-14 23 Computer Use 10,805 10,351 10,956 24 Webpage Views 42,592 66,248 58,665 25 Database Usage 9,165 6,435 6,820 Facility Meeting Room Use Sep-13 Aug-14 Sep-14 26 Events 71 49 87 27 Attendance 3,435 3,083 3,723 Volunteer Hours Sep-13 Aug-14 Sep-14 28lTotal Hours 1,535 2,062 1,531 1. Change in Google Analytics reporting December 2013