HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-19; Library Board of Trustees; Minutesgarlsbad City Library ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for NOVEMBER 2014 Systemwide... 1. Remodel planning continues with November highlights including the launch ofthe Interiors Subgroup and an evening Teen Area Design Workshop. The Interiors Group will work with the architects to select interior carpet, colors, finishes and furniture. The teen group consisted of 24 local area teens who were led through activities and exercises to articulate and clarify their desires for redesigned teen spaces at the Dove and Cole Libraries. 2. The In-N-Out "Cover to Cover" reading program ended on Nov. 15. Systemwide, more than 1600 certificates for free burgers were earned by children between the ages of 4 to 12 by reading at least five books during the six week period. CCL, Dove Lane... 3. Bestselling author Susan Vreeland visited the Dove Library to discuss her newest book "Lisette's List" on Nov. 2. Ninety-three people attended the event to listen to Vreeland's humor and passion for art as she discussed years of preparation and the research that went into writing her latest book. 4. The November Wednesday film series and Cinema series followed the theme of "Untold World War II stories" in honor of Veteran's Day. Films included The Monuments Men, Valkyrie, and Mayday: Tugs of War - a documentary about tug boats used during WWII hosted in person by its director Robin D. Williams. 5. Children began their Thanksgiving holiday celebration by enjoying a Thanksgiving family fun event held on Wednesday, Nov. 26. This event attracted 162 participants who listened to stories, sang songs, and made crafts. Georgina Cole... 6. Genealogy programs included two sessions of the hands on "Focus on Digital Books" classes with 17 participants. On Nov. 25, Jean Hibben spoke to the North San Diego County Genealogical Society about "Christmas Traditions of Our Ancestors" with 63 individuals in attendance. 7. In preparation to be gracious Thanksgiving dinner guests, a group of 40 grade K-5 children learned about etiquette and manners through fun stories and activities such as a table setting relay race. The Nov. 4 afternoon event concluded by the participants making a Thanksgiving table centerpiece. 8. Children and their families explored the mysteries of water through fun and exciting experiments on Nov. 18. Forty-three children learned how to do things such as making an egg float in water and changing the color of flowers. While encouraging children to be curious and stimulating their interest in science through these fun and interesting programs, they were also learning to use their critical thinking by making a hypothesis and then creating ways to test it. Many parents complimented the program and asked for more science-based programs in the future. 9. This annual Thanksgiving week "Book Bingo" program brought in over 70 children with their families who played Bingo to win the best prize ever: books. Participants also received a bookmark good toward a free kid's meal at Ruble's. The Friends ofthe Library donated two boxes' worth of children's books to support the selection of donated books on hand for the program. Monthly Library Reports for November 2014 Learning Center... 10. The Learning Center participants celebrated by learning the meaning of Veteran's Day and the Thanksgiving holiday. They learned the history ofeach holiday through stories, games, and crafts presented on Nov. 6 and Nov. 20 respectively. 11. On Nov. 21, the Learning Center staff along with Cultural Arts staff, hosted a Teen Open Studios in conjunction with the "Fine Art of Children's Book Illustration" exhibit at the William D. Cannon Gallery. A group of 12 teens participated and learned about the process of working as a children's book illustrator. 12. Maria Rojas, a local high school student and Girl Scout, completed the last of the three story times by providing time to the Library that was part of her Girl Scout "Take Action" project. The Culture Club series concluded on Nov. 26 and during the sessions, the series introduced 22 children to different countries and their cultures. 13. The Literacy Book Club had its first experience utilizing the new Playaway bookpack format, which includes a book and an audio Playaway recording (MP3player) to listen along. The literacy learner partici pants, along with some of their tutors, discussed Dewey the Library Cat on Nov. 20. The learners and their tutors enjoyed the new format. Outreach and community connections... 14. The Carlsbad City Library supported two local organizations by providing space for their donations bins in November: Gently Hugged, which provides clothing and necessities for newborns, and the Carlsbad Christmas Bureau. 15. The Dove Lane Library functioned as a polling place forthe Nov. 4 Gubernatorial Election after serving as a main-in ballot drop off location for the week prior. The Library proved to be a popular location for ballot drop off surpassing all other public agency sites during the week by count. On Election Day, Registrar of Voters staff, poll workers, and supporting library staff were on site from 5:30 a.m. until almost 10 p.m. 16. Reference staff once again hosted a table at the State Street Farmers' Market on Nov. 12. They provided information about library services for adults and children and downloadable materials while answering reference questions about the city. 17. Tours, information, and presentations were shared by library staff with: • a troop of 10 Boy Scouts at the Cole Library on Nov. 20. • a group of new parents and children from the Home-Base Head Start Program on Nov. 7 at the Learning Center. • Eighty-five parents with preschool and elementary age children at the Head Start Parent Mieeting at Jefferson Elementary School. 18. The Learning Center, in partnership with North County Health Services, offered free assistance to residents who could benefit from the low to no-cost health coverage through Covered California on Nov. 24. This is an ongoing partnership that provides services during enrollment periods. 19. Lead Librarian Erin Zocco worked with the Small Business Development Center to host two Carlsbad Means Business workshops on Saturday, Nov. 1. The workshops "Business Startup and Financing" and "Business Plans" attracted a small, but appreciative audience. She also presented a workshop Monthly Library Reports for November 2014 to a class of 43 MiraCosta College Business Marketing students on how to use the Carlsbad Library's ReferenceUSA database. 20. Children's staff from all sites attended a Serra Cooperative Youth Services Committee sponsored workshop, "Practical Uses of Common Core Programming at your Library." It featured many speakers representing San Diego area public libraries and schools. They shared ideas and examples of how to highlight and develop library collections which support the Common Core standards as well as sharing Common Core foundational concepts. Carlsbad City Library staff, Barbara Chung and Fred Vrabel, presented and highlighted Carlsbad's Science Saturday programs. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS November 2014 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Nov-13 Oct-14 Nov-14 1 Dove Library 10,385 12,095 10,489 2 Cole Library 9,778 10,633 9,267 3 Library Learning Center 967 837 718 4 Total 21,130 23,565 20,474 Circulation Nov-13 Oct-14 Nov-14 5 Dove Library 68,773 68,173 61,704 6 Cole Library 34,881 35,616 33,180 7 Library Learning Center 1,100 1,631 1,212 8 eAucliobool< Downloads 594 938 915 9 eBool< Downloads 2,180 2,911 2,755 10 eMagazine Downloads ^ 0 660 671 11 Total 107,528 109,929 100,437 People Count Nov-13 Oct-14 Nov-14 12 Dove Library 30,232 37,550 32,644 13 Cole Library 22,670 26,460 22,655 14 Library Learning Center 4,161 5,893 3,954 15 Total 57,063 69,903 59,253 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Nov-13 Oct-14 Nov-14 16 Pre-School Programs 57 62 57 17 Attendance 3,026 3,748 1,887 18 Sciiool Aged Children's Programs 18 32 26 19 Attendance 403 856 522 20 Young Adult Programs 5 7 11 21 Attendance 53 128 71 22 Adult Programs 33 50 35 23 Attendance 642 1,303 712 Technoloffv Usa?e ^ Nov-13 Oct-14 Nov-14 24 Computer Use 9,264 10,688 8,768 25 Webpage Views^ 43,232 -- 26 Database Usage 6,736 7,777 6,399 Facility Meeting Room Use Nov-13 Oct-14 Nov-14 27 Events 67 99 47 28 Attendance 2,833 5,451 2,968 Volunteer Hours Nov-13 Oct-14 Nov-14 29 llotal Hours 1,367 1,578 1,330 1. Change in Google Analytics reporting December 2013 2. Zinio downloadable magazines launched August 2014 3. Analytics error with the new website launch - October/November 2014 no figures available Cc ITEM #5 fj^^lsbad state Library Survey City Library ^ ' Fiscal Year 2013-2014 FAST FACTS 1. Population: The population number calculated by the State for the City's service area increased by 1,923 from 108,246 to 110,169. 2. Librarv Visits; Reported visits dropped by 5.8% from 841,045 in FY 2012-13 to 791,533 in FY 2013-14, remaining above pre-recession use. 3. Operating Expenditures: Increased 3.8%, or roughly $356K from $9.41M to $9.84M primarily due to routine salary and benefit costs and one-time procurement costs for SirsiDynix implementation. All utility fees continued to increase during FY 2013-14 that had been underfunded in recent years. Finance has now increased funding for FY 2014- 15 to offset the increasing costs of utilities. 4. Per Capita Spending: Increased from $87 to $89 due to costs as described above. 5. Program Activity: Some young adult programs were cancelled due to non-attendance resulting in young adult program numbers decreasing 30%, from 103 in FY 2012-13 to 72 in FY 2013-14. 6. Wireless Sessions per Year: With this new category added this year to the survey by the state, the Library reported 93,115 for FY 2013-14. Total Library Visits 840 790 TJ I 740 690 640 792k *New door counters installed April 2010 670k FY09 FYIO FYll FY12 FY13 FY14 SEE ADDITIONAL CHARTS ON NEXT PAGE circulation 1.6 1.5 § 1.4 3%^ 1.33m 1,38m 1.3 ] 1.2 1.1 1.33m FY09 FYIO FYll FY12 FY13 FY14 Reference Questions (A T3 350 300 250 200 150 100 283k 301k 305k 284k 272k FY09 FYIO FYll FY12 FY13 FY14 Materials Expenditures $800 $600 1 $400 Print Materials Electronic Materials Databases $648, $598 $471 $447 -4— $441 ^ $428 S227 $200 $0 $204 $201 $139 c^,^^ $,{43 Si-'^j FY09 FYIO FYll FY12 SI 7^^ FY13 FY14