HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 Dove Library Boardroom 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA 92011 ITEM #3 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Staff Present: Trustees Bradley, Parsons and Hulsart Trustee Benson and Hinman Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Steve Didier, Senior Management Analyst Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Nancy Blake, Temporary Office Assistant APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: The Board, by proper motion (Bradley/Parsons) approved the minutes of the Sept. 30, 2015 meeting. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the September 2015 Monthly Library Reports with Trustee Hulsart inquiring about item #15 regarding the three scholarships made available to the Carlsbad City Library to award for participation in the Career Online High School. Principal Librarian Glynn Birdwell updated the Board on the status of this program. Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson reviewed and highlighted items on the September 2015 Library Board Statistics. In particular, use patterns have been impacted by the closure of the Cole Library beginning Sept. 1 for remodeling. Deputy Director Smithson also discussed how well staff and the public have adapted during the remodel. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS UPDATE: Senior Management Analyst Steve Didier updated the Board on the Capital Improvement Projects which included a progress report on the Cole Library construction site and the upcoming phasing process for the Dove Library project. Currently, the construction schedule is Page 2 of 3 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Oct. 21, 2015 Meeting on track. Recent Cole Library site activity included preparing the elevator pit, new second floor windows installation, and electrical wiring. Staff anticipates the roofing to be completed within the next few weeks. Staff is already planning move -in activities for the Cole Library, such as furniture delivery and the return of books and staff into the facility. A soft opening of the Cole Library is anticipated in early 2016 prior to an official re -opening event. Senior Management Analyst Didier also reviewed planning efforts in progress with Public Works staff on the Dove Library phasing plan with the goal of minimizing impact on public service availability while maintaining a safe work environment for staff who may remain on -site. RFID UPDATE: Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski presented the Board with information on the radio frequency identification (RFID) project with an update on the deployment of the new self- service kiosk at the Library Learning Center. Self -check kiosks will allow patrons to use credit card chip and pin technology in compliance with new financial management requirements. A new Digital Library Assistant (DLA) handheld device was demonstrated to the Board with an explanation of its inventory management capabilities. A total of three units will be purchased for use at all three library sites. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: Library Impacts Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski shared with the Board data collection methods that public libraries are exploring to measure the impact of programs and services offered to the community. The Public Library Association (PLA) has been working on a three year project to develop outcome measures for public libraries and specifically the success of library programs in their impact. PLA offers four methods to look at programs and services that include inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto brought the Board up-to-date on the following items: • Recruitment has begun for a Genealogy and Local History Division senior librarian position. The recruitment ends on Nov. 2, 2015. • On Oct. 14, Interim City Manager Kathy Dodson and the city leadership hosted a summer's end celebration to thank city staff for all their hard work. • Technology Librarian Andrea Hilliard will attend the Internet Librarian conference from Oct. 26 to 28 in Monterey, CA. The conference theme is "Morph! Exploring new roles and directions for the info service biz." • The Library & Cultural Arts department will hold its annual all staff training session on Oct. 27. All library and cultural arts locations will be closed until 1:00 p.m. to allow all staff the opportunity to participate. • The city has retained a consultant to perform an audit to ensure ADA compliance at all facilities. Library and Cultural Arts facilities were evaluated earlier this month. Page 3 of 3 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Oct. 21, 2015 Meeting • On Tuesday, Oct. 13 Dove Library staff and patrons experienced a brief building evacuation as a result of the fire alarm being triggered by concrete construction dust from a public works job near the building's exterior. The fire department responded immediately and gave the all clear to re-enter the building. Earlier in the month the library had a complete fire suppression system inspection. • The Community Services portion of the Fall Citizens Academy was presented on Oct. 15 at the Dove Library with 43 people attending the session to learn about Library & Cultural Arts as well as Parks & Recreation services. • Teen Read Week is occurring Oct. 18 to 24. Teens in grades 6 to 12 were invited to complete book reports and receive a prize. • Upcoming city holidays include Nov. 11 and Nov. 26 to 27 with all library facilities closed on those dates. The libraries will also close at 5 pm Nov. 25. FOUNDATION REPORT: Representative Parsons reported that the foundation board discussed the timing for re -opening of the remodeled Dove Library in anticipation of planning a gala/fundraising event. This would be separate from a city -hosted official re -opening event. The foundation approved a budget for website updates. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Hulsart reported that the Friends of the Library Bookstore Holiday Boutique is scheduled to begin Dec. 7. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Cindy Goodger shared recent and upcoming activities of the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Parsons) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:46 p.m. RespOctfully submitted; Nancy Bfake Temporary Office Assistant Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for OCTOBER 2015 ITEM #4 1. All Library & Cultural Arts staff were invited to attend an update and development session on the morning of Tuesday, Oct. 27. Special guest speakers included the Interim City Manager Kathy Dodson and redesign project architect Jonathan Hartman from Group4 Architecture. Libraries were closed until 1:00 p.m. to allow all staff to join the event. 2. Staff continued to work with the RFID vendors through a variety of issues regarding the implementation of the self -check system at the Learning Center. This multi -faceted process will help staff to be prepared for installing the new system in the remodeled Cole Library. 3. The Cover to Cover Reading Club, an annual reading incentive program sponsored by In-N- Out, began at the two open library locations. From Oct. 3 to Nov. 14, children between the ages of 4 and 12 can participate in this program. For each five books that a child reads, they will earn a certificate for a free hamburger or cheeseburger. 4. Teen Read Week was celebrated Oct. 18 -24 at both the Dove Lane Library and the Learning Center. Teens at Dove wrote book reviews and received a chocolate bar reward. At the Learning Center staff created a display with this year's theme "Get Away @ Your Library." The display featured books that are set in different countries in several different genres. 5. Staff from all divisions and locations have the opportunity to participate in a variety of training sessions during the Cole closure. Training Coordinator Amy Jordan scheduled and worked with staff to develop and present many sessions in October on such topics as accountability, using eBooks, handling uncomfortable interactions, writing incident reports, and preparing for service model changes. She has also publicized and made available webinars for group viewing and discussion. CCL, Dove Lane ... 6. The new business mid -weekday workshop series, Let's Do Lunch, continued on Wednesday, Oct. 28, with a well -attended session on social media marketing for small businesses. The workshop was led by Cyndi Darlington, President of Darlington Marketing, and offered participants a chance to see what online marketing tools are available, which platforms appeal to certain demographics as well as tips on how to best craft marketing messages. 7. The library hosted its monthly Author Talk series on Saturday, Oct. 24, featuring Ingrid Croce (widow of legendary singer Jim Croce) and her husband Jimmy Rock as they spoke about their book, I Got a Name: The Jim Croce Story. To an audience of nearly 100 people, Ingrid shared stories about how she met Jim Croce, their life together, overcoming several personal life trials and how she overcame adversity to become a successful business woman. 1 Monthly Library Reports for October 2015 8. One hundred and fifteen music lovers enjoyed a Saturday evening concert at the Schulman Auditorium featuring San Diego popular jazz musicians The Danny Green Trio on Oct. 17. The band performed a mix of original music as well as standards to an enthusiastic crowd who also enjoyed meeting the musicians after the performance. 9. A new six -part lecture series called "Good Life" about health and wellness began during the month of October. The first event was a huge success with nearly 100 attendees present for a lecture on arthritic healing through herbs and stem cell repair led by quadruple certified Dr. Alexandra Bunyak, M.D. Other lectures held during October featured a lecture on home safety for aged living led by Fritzi Gros-Dailion and a lecture on interpreting dreams led by Dr. Patricia Ariadne, Ph.D., MFT. The series continues in November with three more lectures. 10. Two programs for teens had a great turnout: Pizza and a Movie on Oct. 22 showed the inspirational sports film, McFarland USA, and a pumpkin carving program on Oct. 26 brought in teens carving both spooky and funny creations. 11. The Patchwork Players shared their favorite "Slightly Spooky Stories" to a group of 40 listeners in the Children's Garden on Oct. 29. Having the program after dark with special lighting in the Gazebo added to the spine -tingling atmosphere. Georgina Cole ... 12. The Cole Library Book Clubs moved to the Learning Center during the renovations but have not lost attendance. The Tuesday Evening Book Club read and discussed Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. There were 15 people present and it was a wonderful discussion that touched on du Maurier's character development and her ability to describe place and time and give the reader the feeling that she is there. The Thursday Afternoon Book Club discussed Magician's Assistant by Ann Patchett. Sixteen members attended and all enjoyed this well researched book. 13. The Ask a Genealogist program, led by Cole genealogy staff and held at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane has proven to be popular while Cole's physical materials are unavailable. Thirty-two people took advantage of the division's offer of assistance and kept the genealogy staff busy, using 52 computer hours this month. Patrons who are new to genealogy and the Carlsbad collection and those who are experiencing "brick walls" have been primary visitors. 14. Genealogy Focus On classes continue to be held using genealogical resources available online. The Focus On "Ancestry Card Catalog" class was held the Dove Adult Computer Lab with near capacity attendance of seven. 15. The regular workshops sponsored by the Society and the Genealogy division continue to be held at Council Chambers, the Faraday building, and the Library Learning Center. 2 Monthly Library Reports for October 2015 16. The Cole Baby Rhyme Time programs which are being offered both outdoors in the Pine Avenue Community Park and indoors at the Senior Center have been well attended. The unintended outdoor session has been particularly popular with double the attendance of the indoor session. Several of the parents have asked if staff could continue holding an outdoor session of Baby Rhyme Time when Cole reopens; staff is evaluating many options to fulfill this request. 17. Cole Children's Tuesday Afternoon Adventures have continued at the Learning Center. October programs included: Fire Prevention Week with the Carlsbad Fire Department was held on Oct. 6 and kids learned about fire safety from their favorite firefighters from the Carlsbad Fire Department; Forensic fun attendees experienced crime scene investigation and forensic science with an actual fingerprint and evidence specialist from the Carlsbad Police Department; Slightly Scary Story Craft was held on Oct. 27 with reading of scary stories, playing a Trick -or -Treat game and learning to make spider webs on black paper. Learning Center ... 18. On Oct. 29, the Learning Center celebrated the "Day of the Dead" with children of all ages learning about this traditional Latin American holiday and creating their own sugar skull. Forty-five children and adults attended this program. 19. Literacy Services hosted its annual "Each One Reach One" open house on Oct. 8. Guests enjoyed food and beverages while learning about literacy services at the library. 20. Staff submitted a successful application to participate in the California State Library's Career Online High School pilot program. The Library will receive three scholarships from the state and will purchase three matching scholarships. Training will begin In November and the program will launch soon after training is complete. Outreach and Community Connections... 21. The Library's homebound delivery program currently has 12 volunteers who donate their time to select and deliver library materials 21 homebound patrons. 22. Genealogy librarian Amy Davis sat on a panel at the first annual Genealogy Day at Balboa Park on Oct. 10. She and her fellow panel members shared the offerings and resources of their particular facilities at two sessions. Each session had approximately 40 attendees. 23. Cole Children's librarian Missy Shaw and technician Laurie Clarke were invited to present a Halloween Storytime at the pumpkin patch at the Carlsbad Strawberry Fields location on Oct. 18. They read scary stories, played games, and shared a simple spooky craft. 24. Dove Children's staff conducted six La Costa Meadows first grade library tours and two Carrillo Elementary third grade tours. 25. The Osher Institute started two new classes at the Learning Center on Oct. 23, one on modern political philosophers and one on art history. The classes will continue every Friday until Nov. 20. 3 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS October 2015 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Oct-14 Sep-15 Oct-15 *4 1 Dove Library 12,095 13,488 12,906 2 Cole Library 10,633 0 0 3 Library Learning Center 837 2,814 2,824 a I Total 23,565 16,302 15,730 Circulation Oct-14 Sep-15.4 Oct-15 - _ 5 Dove Library 68,173 70,220 70,909 6 Cole Library 35,616 0 0 7 (Library Learning Center 1,631 6,204 6,525 8 9 10 eAudiobook Downloads eBook Downloads 938 2,911 1,410 3,408 1,423 3,312 eMagazine Downloads 2 660 792 897 111 Total 109,929 82,034 83,066 People Count Oct-14 Sep-15 *4 Oct-15.4 12 Dove Library 37,550 39,002 39,458 13 Cole Library 26,460 0 0 14 Library Learning Center 5,893 13,072 15,367 151 Total 69,9031 52,0741. 54,825 Programs and Technology Library -Sponsored Programs Oct-14 Sep-15.4 _ Oct-15 64 16 Pre -School Programs 62 3,748 58 2,031 71 17 Attendance 3,002 18 School Aged Children's Programs 32 26 38 19 Attendance 856 837 919 zo 21 Young Adult Programs 7 3 4 Attendance 128 28 70 22 23 Adult Programs 50 35 35 Attendance 1,303 987 1,262 Technology Usage Oct-14 Sep-15 Oct-15 24 Computer Use 10,688 8,180 7,628 25 WiFi Use 1 - 7,198 7,255 26 Webpage Views3 - 41,655 38,454 27 Database Usage 7,252 5,072 5,304 Facility Meeting Room Use Oct-14 Sep-15.4 Oct-15 r4 28 Events 99 5,451 77 100 29 Attendance 5,368 5,798 Volunteer Hours Oct-14 Sep-15 *4 Oct-15 *4 3olTotal Hours 1,578 _ 1,233 1,335 1. WiFi Usage reported beginning January 2015 2. Zinio downloadable magazines launched August 2014 3. Collecting method changed Sept 2014 *4. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. (Expected period: Sept. 2015 - Jan. 2016)