HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-12-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2015 Dove Library Boardroom 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA 92011 ITEM #3 B ApPrOve z>-- CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Trustees Benson, Hinman, and Hulsart Absent: Trustee Bradley and Parsons Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Nancy Blake, Temporary Office Assistant APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Board was unable to approve the Nov. 18, 2015 minutes at the meeting due to lack of quorum of members who attended the Nov. 18 meeting. This agenda item will be presented at the next meeting for approval. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the November 2015 Monthly Library Reports with Chair Hulsart commenting positively on staff distribution of door hangers to the Cole Library neighborhood informing the community about library remodel progress and construction related noise. Trustee Benson noted his support of the continuing Osher Institute classes at the Library Learning Center through a partnership with California State University San Marcos. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS UPDATE: Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto updated the board on the Capital Improvement Project current status. The Board was informed that Sr. Management Analyst Steve Didier will now serve a dual project management role with both the library and public works departments due to the departure of the Public Works Department's project manager in December. Director Pizzuto shared a presentation summarizing the progress on both projects, which had been received by the City Council the day prior. At the Cole Library, the focus is now on the final stages of window installation, finishes, carpet installation and paint. Some RFID equipment has Page 2 of 4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Dec. 16, 2015 Meeting been received and will be securely stored until installation. The Cole Library's grand reopening event is tentatively being planned for late February, with a possible soft opening as move -in is completed and systems are fully tested. The Board will be informed as soon as an official date is set. Staff is currently working on the Dove Library construction phasing plan. The first phase includes the major portion of the building that shares one HVAC unit. During this time, limited service will be offered in the Children's area with the Cannon Art Gallery and Gowland Meeting Room serving as support areas. The second phase will require full closure including these areas. Final plans and specifications are now complete for the exterior areas of the Dove Library and approved by the City Council for release for bid. Also approved by the City Council this week was an application for partial grant funding to support the purchase of equipment needed for the library's participation in the statewide consortium CENIC which will bring high speed public Internet service in 2016. Communication and outreach efforts continues on interim services during the Cole Library closure and upcoming Dove Library closure, including the use of print materials, banners, website, social media and the phone and email hotlines . No complaints have been received despite the disruption to regular services; the public's patience and understanding has been greatly appreciated. Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski then provided a preliminary overview of interim services planned during Dove Library construction. Trustee Hulsart asked about the status of identifying a Cafe service provider and was informed we are working with the City's new real estate manager to continue outreach for both the Cole Library coffee cart and Dove Library cafe vendors. FY 2014-15 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC LIBRARY SURVEY: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto presented the FY 2014-15 State Library Survey and reviewed data highlights. The Board did not have any further questions about the report. The Board, by proper motion (Benson/Hinman) received and approved the FY 2014-15 California Public Library Survey. DOVE LIBRARY NAMING OPPORTUNITIES: Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto invited any remaining questions from the board on the naming opportunities recommendations presented at the November 18 meeting by consultant David Baker. Chair Hulsart inquired about the amount of signage that would be needed throughout the new spaces for naming opportunities, and whether the quantity would be overwhelming. She was assured that David Baker's suggestion of a larger lead gift model was more appropriate for the Dove project. The goal is to offer selective naming opportunities and the architect has been consulted on tastefully incorporating these into the signage design while appropriately acknowledging major gifts. Page 3 of 4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Dec. 16, 2015 Meeting The Board, by proper motion (Benson/Hinman) received and supported the proposed Dove Library Naming Opportunities, and recommends city council approval. The Library will now seek a date for presentation to the City Council. 2016 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES CALENDAR: The Board, by proper motion (Hinman/Benson) approved the 2016 Library Board of Trustees Calendar. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto brought the Board up-to-date on the following items: • Second interview recently began for the Genealogy and Local History Division senior librarian position. Some additional interviews will occur next week and a hiring decision is expected in early January. • Staff is in discussion with one RFP respondent to assist with staffing and succession planning. The project will be scheduled into the work plan for 2016. • The department received authorization to apply for the CENIC grant by City Council, which could bring as much as $20, 000.00 in support through the California State Library for new equipment to enable the library to access high speed service at a discounted price. • Staff continues to focus on technology development, with a visit to the San Diego Public Library Idea Lab next week in an ongoing effort to observe emerging trends in the delivering of technology services. • Staff has begun preparation for the Dove Library move out by emptying shelving destined for the Cole Library and removing materials from the bottom shelves to prepare for re -carpeting. FOUNDATION REPORT: As Representative Parsons was not in attendance, Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto updated the Board on the Foundation's election of officers for the upcoming year. One change took place, with Trustee John Lucas assuming the role of Secretary. The Foundation had no new financial information to report. The naming opportunities were reviewed again at their last meeting, and all new questions answered. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Hulsart reported that the Friends of the Library Holiday Boutique netted $10,000.00 in the first week with revenue anticipated to break last year's sales record. Page4of4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Dec. 16, 2015 Meeting NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Cindy Goodger shared recent and upcoming activities of the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Hinman/Benson) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Blake Temporary Office Assistant ITEM #4 Monthly LIBRARY Reports for NOVEMBER 2015 Systemwide ... 1. Cole Library renovations are continuing on schedule. Staff are preparing for logistical and service model details for moving back in to Cole and moving out of Dove. On Nov. 12, two Cole staff members walked the neighborhood around Cole and distributed updated door hangers with construction progress information for nearby residences and businesses. 2. The In-N-Out "Cover to Cover" reading incentive program ended Nov. 14. More than 1,000 children ages 4 to 12 earned a free burger certificate by reading five books. 3. Nine staff members attended the annual California Library Association Conference Nov. 5 to 7 in Pasadena. Community Outreach Coordinator for Literacy Services Carrie Scott and Training Coordinator Amy Jordan participated as panelists in sessions at the conference. Ms. Jordan also led a session as a solo presenter. 4. The new patron self -check kiosk was successfully deployed at the Learning Center and is being used by patrons. Testing and issue resolution has been handled by business systems staff. New radio frequency identification device (RFID) equipment has been scheduled for installation at Cole in January. 5. City I.T. staff are completing installation of new staff multifunction printing units across all city facilities. Staff participated in training sessions and are adapting to the new services. 6. Training and development sessions are being offered for staff on a variety of topics during the Cole closures. In November, Training Coordinator Amy Jordan planned and initiated the launch of core training groups to prepare for the new service models being implemented when Cole Library opens. The four 1.5 hour modules taught by lead library staff include: Library 101, Reference/Children overview, Circulation overview, and Systems overview. Each group will complete the four sessions and then continue with cross -training and "shadowing" for additional hands-on knowledge. The initial four groups which total 60 to 70 staff participants will complete the training before Cole reopens. CCL, Dove Lane ... 7. The new business mid -weekday workshop series, Let's Do Lunch, concluded on Wednesday, Nov. 18, with a workshop on motivation and leadership in the workplace led by Joseph Molina from San Diego's Small Business Sector Navigator's Program. 8. This month the Community Relations division hosted two Author Talk events featuring two well- known San Diego County writers, Janice Steinberg and Taffy Cannon. On Sunday, Nov. 8 Janice Steinberg spoke about her book "The Tine Horse" (a story about Jewish immigrant communities in Los Angeles and the relationship of sisters) and Jewish culture especially as it relates to holidays in the fall season. On Friday, Nov. 13, the library hosted Taffy Cannon as she debuted her newest book "Beat, Slay, Love" - a mystery thriller about celebrity chefs being killed across the United States. Her event focused on how her latest work was created within a collaboration of four other authors who wrote under the pseudonym of Thalia Filbert. 9. Nearly 80 film lovers attended a Cinema Series event at the Dove Library on Nov. 14 featuring the Noir mystery film "Chinatown." California State University San Marcos Humanities Professor Brandon Cesmat led the audience in pre- and post -show discussions about this film explaining why it was so notable, what noir film styles to look for, and the unique aspect the story has when a villain gets away with crimes. Monthly Library Reports for November 2015 10. A new six -part lecture series called "Good Life" about health and wellness concluded during the month of November. With topics covering holistic support plans for ADD and ADHD, managing stress during the holidays, and a talk on overcoming PTSD by WWII veteran and former POW Lester Tenney. Dr. Tenney spoke on Tuesday, Nov. 17, to nearly 100 participants. His lecture covered dealing with post -traumatic stress disorder, what it was like to be a POW during WWII, surviving the Bataan Death March, overcoming adversity, and the importance of forgiveness. 11. Local children's book author, Shelley Moore Thomas presented a program based on her latest book, "No, No, Kitten" in celebration of the Children's Book Council's Picture Book Month. The 23 children and adults who attended the Nov. 10 program enjoyed her book reading along with her presentation of an interactive puppet show. 12. Dove Children's annual "Thanksgiving Family Fun" program attracted 120 children and adults who listened to Thanksgiving stories, colored and made a simple turkey craft. 13. Lead Librarian Darin Williamson hosted a teen writing workshop on Nov. 2 with local writer Caitlin Rother. Sixteen aspiring teen writers attended this valuable and inspirational session. Georgina Cole (staff)... 14. The Cole Children's staff continued to present their Tuesday Afternoon Adventures programs on Tuesdays at the Learning Center. Two programs to highlight include a medieval program and a music program. "Storm the Castle Story Craft" was held on Nov. 3 with 40 people in attendance. Participants traveled back in time and learned how to defend their castle. They built a catapult and found out if they had what it takes to capture a medieval castle. Children's staff built a castle and then defended it with knightly valor against catapults loaded with marshmallow goodness. Carlsbad Strings Education Association Presents Scott Joplin's Ragtime" was held on Nov. 10 with 24 people in attendance. Kids celebrated Scott Joplin's birthday by listening to a book about his life and listening to the music he made famous. They got to try out different string instruments and attempted to play their own ragtime. 15. Genealogy staff continue to offer drop -in Ask -a -Genealogist assistance at the Dove Library with participation and interest exceeding their expectations; 31 patrons came for specialized assistance in November. They have also presented their regular hands-on small group Focus On Workshops in the Dove computer lab with good attendance; 12 patrons attended the Access Newspaper Archives session on Nov. 17. 16. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society continued to offer its classes and programs at alternate sites while Cole Library is closed with excellent attendance. These included the Beginning and Refresher class, the Computer Genealogy Group, the Legacy Family Tree Users Group, the DNA Group, and the memoir writing group. 17. On Nov. 10, Cole Lead Librarian Erin Zocco hosted a library talk with Andy Weir, author of the bestselling novel, The Martian, online via Google Hangouts. Nine people attended the program at the Library Learning Center and were very pleased with the interview and were happy when one of the questions they had submitted to the author was answered first. Learning Center ... 18. The Learning Center hosted an Anime Drawing Workshop with artist Carlos Nieto on Nov. 6. He demonstrated drawing techniques to a group of 12 teens who were excited to learn animation fundamentals. Monthly Library Reports for November 2015 19. Teen Movie and a Treat was held the afternoon of Nov. 19 and featured a screening of "When Marnie Was There." Thirteen teens attended the program. 20. Carlsbad City Library's application for scholarships to the Career Online High School (CONS) from the California State Library was approved. Carlsbad is one of 33 libraries in the state to receive funding to allow adults to pursue their high school diploma with a career certificate through an online program. There will be six scholarships available during this pilot phase; three funded by the state, and three matching scholarships funded by the Benson Family Trust. Carlsbad was one of the first three libraries to receive training to launch the program. (The other two are Yolo County and Oakland Public Library.) Lead staff attended three training sessions focused on the management aspects of the program, followed by student interview training, which included Literacy staff members. Our first potential student, a literacy learner, has started the process of applying for a scholarship. Literacy staff are meeting with other learners who have a goal of getting a GED or a high school diploma to encourage them to enroll in the program. Information about the program is available on the Library's website. Community Connections and Outreach... 21. The Osher Institute completed its two classes at the Learning Center on Nov. 20, one on modern political philosophers and one on art history. The next Osher classes are scheduled to start in February. 22. Children's Librarian Julie Conklin presented book talks for two 6th grade classes at Aviara Oaks Middle School on Nov. 18. 23. On Saturday, Nov. 7, Lead Librarian Darin Williamson and Technology Librarian Andrea Hilliard and Children's Library Assistant Fred Vrabel volunteered at the SDCUE Tech Fair at La Costa Canyon High School. They were able to attend a number of sessions including Shortcuts, Hacks and Timesavers and Maker Movement; Design Thinking and Gamification; Breaking Out! — Breakout EDU and the Power of Cooperative Games; How to be an Inspirational Leader. They also had an opportunity to interact with Sketch and Sphero and watch a 3-D printer in action. The information they gained will help with the planning for the Dove Library Tech Lab. 24. Community Outreach Coordinator for Bilingual Services Lizeth Simonson attended two community meetings in November: the Y.E.S. meeting at the New Village Arts Theatre in Carlsbad in which Kristianne Kurner, co-founder and Executive Artistic Director, welcomed the group and provided information on the upcoming season and the Hispanic Network Breakfast at MiraCosta College San Elijo Campus. 25. Children's Librarian Julie Conklin joined the Carlsbad Unified School District's library staff meeting on Nov. 12 to continue our partnership and support in working together to provide library services to Carlsbad youth. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS November 2015 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Nov-14 Oct-15 •4 Nov-15 *4 1 Dove Library 10,489 12,906 12,231 2 Cole Library 9,267 0 0 3 Library Learning Center 718 2,824 1,895 4 I Total 20,474 15,730 14,126 Circulation Nov-14 Oct-15 .4 Nov-15 •4 5 Dove Library 61,704 70,909 63,231 6 Cole Library 33,180 0 0 7 Library Learning Center 1,212 10,663*5 9,483 8 eAudiobook Downloads 915 1,423 1,464 9 eBook Downloads 2,755 3,312 3,184 10 eMagazine Downloads 2 671 897 851 111 Total 100,437 83,066 78,213 People Count Nov-14 Oct-15 04 Nov-15 •4 12 Dove Library 32,644 39,458 31,585 13 Cole Library 22,655 0 0 14 Library Learning Center 3,954 15,367 12,132 151 Total' 59,2531 54,8251 43,717 Programs and Technology Library -Sponsored Programs Nov-14 Oct-15 *4 Nov-15 *4 16 Pre -School Programs 57 71 50 17 Attendance 1,887 3,002 1,874 18 School Aged Children's Programs 26 38 21 19 Attendance 522 919 509 20 Young Adult Programs 11 4 4 21 Attendance 71 70 49 22 Adult Programs 35 35 34 23 Attendance 712 1,262 748 Technology Usage Nov-14 Oct-15 4 Nov-15 '4 24 Computer Use 8,768 7,628 6,167 25 WiFi Use 1 - 7,255 6,013 26 Webpage Views3 - 38,454 34,402 27 Database Usage 6,399 5,304 5,448 Facility Meeting Room Use Nov-14 Oct-15 *4 Nov-15 *4 28 Events 47 100 59 29 Attendance 2,968 5,798 3,682 Volunteer Hours Nov-14 Oct-15 "4 Nov-15 •4 3olTotal Hours 1,330 1,335 1,243 1. WiFi Usage reported beginning January 2015 2. Zinio downloadable magazines launched August 2014 3. Collecting method changed Sept 2014 *4. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. (Expected period: Sept. 2015 - Jan. 2016) '5 October circulation number correction (12.9.15: (Carlsbad City Library Annual Public State Library Survey Fiscal Year 2014-15 FAST FACTS ITEM #6 1. Population (#201): The population number calculated by the State for the City's service area increased by 484 or .44% from 110,169 in 2014 to 110,653 in 2015. 2. Library Visits (#801): Library reported visits increased by 12,470 or 1.58% from 791,533 in FY 2013-14 to 804,003 in FY 14-15. 3. Operating Expenditures (#411): Increased by roughly $219K or 2.25% from $9.76M to $9.98M. 4. Per Capita Spending: Increased from $89 to $90 due to ongoing utility expenditures and additional expenditures in preparation for library remodel project. 5. Program Activity (#822 & #823): During the last reporting period the total programs offered increased by 77 or 5% from 1,530 to 1,607, and the total program attendance increased 2,075 or 4% from 56,869 to 58,945 in FY 2014-15. 6. Wireless Sessions per Year (#861): This category was introduced last year to the survey. During the first year of reporting the sessions have increased by 142 or .15% from 93,115 to 93,257. 7. Collection Changes (#608 & #609): Total print material held (#608) - Decreased by 12,012 or 4.7% from 268,530 to 256,518 Total number of electronic books in collection (#609) - Increased by 974 or 30.1% from 3,158 to 4,132. The print material collection changes occurred as a result of collection weeding in preparation for the Dove and Cole Library remodels scheduled from Sept. 2015 to June 2016. The increase in electronic books demonstrates staff providing material selection alternatives to the community. 8. Other: Six new categories were added this year to the survey. • #619 — Equipment collection o #819 — Offsite Attendance • #802a — Technology Assistance o #818 — Offsite Programs • #805a — Equipment circulation • Outlet #31— LEED Certification Six category definitions were updated and reviewed by staff on Nov. 9. • #259 — Volunteers • #609 — Electronic Books (E-Books) • #611— Audio — Downloadable Units • #613 — Video — Downloadable Units • #614 - Electronic Collections • #806 — Circulation of Electronic Materials Updated 12.8.15 1 790 0 o 740 1- 690 640 - 350 300 -o 250 VI 'o ~ 200 150 100 Total Library Visits 859k 859k 2144 792k *New door counters installed April 2010 �670k 804k FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Reference Questions 301k 305k 299k 283k 284k 3%4 272k 263k FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Circulation .24% T 1.33m 1.38m 1.36m 1.36m 1.37m � 1.33m 1.33m \♦ ♦ FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 800 600 400 200 0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Materials Expenditures $648k $598k — 0— Print Materials —*—Electronic Materials — —Databases $471k c447k $441k $428k $444k $1 $ $204k $201k $184k $190k $171k $160k $137k $143k $145k $175k $193k $159k 2014-15 California Public Library Survey Directory Update #1-45 THE FIELDS (IN GREEN) BELOW ARE FOR CSL USE ONLY 1 LIBRARY IDa 2 FSCS_ID 3 ShortName 4 Name M616 CA0020 Carlsbad CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Director (If position is not filled, enter "VACANT" in 6 and leave 7 & 8 blank) 5 Courtesy Title (Ms., Mr., Dr.) 6 First Name 7 Middle Name or Initial (only if used) 8 Last Name 9 Title 10 Street Address 11 City 12 Zip 13 Zip4 14 Mailing Address 15 Mail City 16 Mail Zip 17 Mail Zip4 18 Public Phone Number- Administration 19 Reference Phone Number 20 FAX Ms. Heather -1 Pizzuto Director 1775 DOVE LANE CARLSBAD 92011 4048 1775 DOVE LANE CARLSBAD 92011 4048 (760) 602-2011 (760) 602-2038 (760) 602-7942 21 TDD for Deaf. 22 Library Director's Email address 23 Library's Public Email address 24 Library's Web Address 25 ILL Period: # of Weeks 26 ILL Photocopy free up to 10 pages? 27 Copy fee. ONLY if answer to #26 is No; otherwise, leave blank. 28 Name of person completing this survey. 29 Phone # of person completing this survey. 30 Email address of person completing this survey. (760) 434-8113 Heather.pizzuto@carlsbadca.gov librarian@carlsbadca.gov http://www.carlsbadlibrary.org 3 Yes Steve Didier (760) 602-2014 steven.didier®carlsbadca.gov THE FIELDS (IN GREEN) BELOW ARE FOR CSL USE ONLY 40.00 31 Size Sq. Miles 32 Interlibrary Relationship Code 33 Legal Basis Code 34 Administrative Structure Code 35 FSCS Public Library Definition 36 Geographic Code 37 Legal Service Area Boundary Change 38 LIBR_TYPE 39 MSA_NAME 40 COUNTY 41 CLSASYSTEM 42 TABLE Member of a Federation or Cooperative Municipal Government (city, town or village) Administrative Entity with Multiple Direct Servic Yes Municipal Government (city, town or village) (ex No Municipal Library San Diego San Diego Serra Cooperative Library System 3 43 STATE 44 FISCAL_YR 45 INST_CODE Population and Outlets #201-212 201 Population of the Legal Service Area 202 Population of Children under 5 Years 203 Population of Children Age 5-14 204 Registered Users as of June 30 205 Children Borrowers Age 0-14 206 Main Library (Enter 1 if there is a main or central library, leave blank if not) 207 Branches (See Instructions) 208 Stations (See Instructions. Must have staff & separate quarters). 209 Total Branches + Stations (#207 + #208) 210 Bookmobiles. Vehicle count. 211 TOT_OUTLET(11206 + #207 + #208 + #210) 212 TOT_SQFEET (SUM #31 ALL OUTLETS) California Public FY 2014-15 110,653 FY 2013-14 110,169 104,075 1 2 0 2 0 3 99,993 106,313 1 2 0 2 0 3 99,993 3 Library Staff #251-259 FY 2014-15 251 Total count of persons employed - full and 191 _00 part time. 252 ALA Librarians (FTE) who have accredited 26.50 ALA Masters 253 FTE Total Librarians (ALA or other) 254 FTE Special Professionals 255 FTE Lib. Tech. Assistants 256 FTE Other 257 ALL SUPPRT (#254 + #255 + #256) 258 TOTAL_STAF (#253 + #257) 259 FTE Volunteers (Average FTE per week - not hours) 26.50 7.00 39.50 29.98 76.48 102.98 11.60 Income - for Operational Expenses #301-307 301 Local Government (all sources - see Help) 302 State Funds (e.g. CLSA, PLF, ELLI, etc.) 303 Federal Funds (e.g. LSTA or other) 304 All Other Operating Income 305 Total Operating Income (#301 + #302 + #303 + #304) $10,065,240 $47,100 $0 $462,185 FY 2013-14 202.00 26.00 26.00 6.00 38.41 34.17 78.58 104.58 12.07 $9,361,300 $34,736 $0 $439,062 $10,574,525 $9,835,098 THE FIELDS (IN GREEN) BELOW ARE FOR CSL USE ONLY 307 CA Library Literacy Services 4 309 Local Government (taxes and allocations - see Help) 310 State Funds 311 Federal Funds 312 Other Income 313 Total Capital Outlay Income CAPOUT_INC (#309 + #310 + #311 + #312) Income - for Capital Outlay #309-313 FY 2014-15 $0 FY 2013-14 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Standard Operating Expenditures #401-411 401 Salaries & Wages Expenditures 402 Employee Benefits Expenditures 403 Total Staff Expenditures (#401 + #402) 404 Print Materials Expenditures (except Serials) 405 Print Serial Subscription Expenditures $4,753,005 $1,498,237 $6,251,242 $329,319 $114,482 406 Total Print Materials Expenditures (#404 + $443,801 #405) 407 Electronic Materials Expenditures 408 Other Materials Expenditures $159,743 $159,230 $762,774 409 Total Collection Expenditures (#406 + #407 + #408) 410 All Other Operating Expenditures 411 Total Operating Expenditures (#403 + #409 + #410) $2,969,910 $9,983,926 $4,837,074 $1,473,395 $6,310,469 $325,132 $102,917 $428,049 $170,729 $193,185 $791,963 $2,662,311 $9,764,743 5 Capital Expenditures #500 500 Capital Expenditures Specific Expenditures #501-503 501 Preservation 502 Expenditure for Children's Materials 503 Adult Literacy Program Collections #601-619 601 Children's Books Added 602 Books Children Held as ofJune 30 603 Books Young Adult Held as ofJune 30 604 Book Volumes Added 605 Book Titles Added 606 Books Total Held as ofJune 30 607 Government Documents in separate Collections 608 Total Print Materials Held (#606 + #607) 609 Electronic Books 610 Total Physical Audio Materials 611 Total Online Audio Materials 612 Total Physical Video Materials 613 Total Online Video Materials FY 2014-15 FY 2013-14 $0 $0 $4,700 $104,307 $537,830 8,502 104,748 7,603 20,114 9,831 256,518 0 256,518 4,132 38,967 1,696 24,821 $3,248 $161,690 $487,776 9,924 105,318 5,604 22,251 11,892 268,530 0 268,530 3,158 42,439 1,208 25,995 0 0 6 FY 2014-15 FY 2013-14 614a Databases - Local/Coops & Other 614b Databases - State 614c Databases - Total (#614a + #614b) 615 Number of Current Print Serial Subscriptions 616 Number of records in library catalog as of June 30 617 Children's Audio Materials held as of June 30 618 Children's Video Materials held as of June 30 619 Equipment that Circulates held as of June 30 Library Services, Annual #801-823 800 Total Public Service Hours (SUM #21 + #23) from Bookmobiles & Outlets respectively 801 Library Visits 802 Reference Questions (omit directional) 802a Technology Assistance 803 Circulation of Children's Materials 804 Circulation Non -English 805 Circulation Non -Book 805a Circulation of Equipment 806 Circulation of Electronic Materials 807 Total Circulation 808 ILL loans to others 809 ILL loans received 810 Pre -School Programs - Number 38 29 0 0 38 29 539 555 357,862 361,576 3,817 4,903 9,888 6,162 28 9,776 9,776 804,003 791,533 262,798 271,855 -1 635,910 13,494 278,004 89 56,816 1,331,921 237 653,630 15,075 296,797 38,968 1,328,734 291 120 220 704 682 7 811 Pre -School Programs - Attendance 812 School Age Programs - Number 813 School Age Programs - Attendance 814 Young Adult Programs - Number 815 Young Adult Programs - Attendance 816 Adult Programs - Number 817 Adult Programs - Attendance 818 Offsite Programs — Number 819 Offsite Programs — Attendance 820 Children's Programs - Number (#810 + #812) 821 Children's Programs — Attendance (#811 + #813) 822 Total Programs - Number (#810 + #812 + #814 + #816) 823 Total Programs - Attendance (#811 + #813 + #815 + #817) Salary Survey #901-918 901 Director (monthly rate) - Begin 902 Director (monthly rate) - Final 903 Assistant Dir. - Begin 904 Assistant Dir. - Final 905 Chief Lib. Div. - Begin 906 Chief Lib. Div. - Final 907 Branch Libn - Begin 908 Branch Libn - Final 909 Entry Level Librarian - Begin FY 2014-15 31,818 FY 2013-14 31,960 336 13,089 66 1,051 303 11,101 72 1,116 501 473 12,987 12,692 -1 1,040 44,907 1,607 58,945 $9,458.00 S13,525.00 $7,058.00 $9,717.00 $5,192.00 $7,117.00 $5,264.00 $6,887.00 $4,401.00 985 43,061 1,530 56,869 $9,458.00 $13,525.00 $7,058.00 $9,717.00 $5,192.00 $7,117.00 $5,264.00 $6,887.00 $4,401.00 8 FY 2014-15 FY 2013-14 910 Entry Level Librarian - Final 911 Journeyman Librarian - Begin 912 Journeyman Librarian - Final 913 Lib. Tech. Asst. - Begin 914 Lib. Tech. Asst. - Final 915 Clerk Non -Pro. (see Help) - Begin 916 Clerk Non -Pro. (see Help) - Final 917 Mgr. Of Spec. Services (non-MLS) - Begin 918 Mgr. Of Spec. Services (non-MLS) - Final Electronic Services #856-863 856 Took advantage of CA Teleconnect subsidies during this report year. 857 Took advantage of federal E-RATE subsidies during this report year. 858 Does your library meet CIPA compliance requirements? Y/N (see Help for Children's Internet Protection Act requirements) Electronic Resources Usage 859 Uses (sessions) of Public Internet Computers (per year) 860 Virtual Visits to Library Website 861 Wireless Sessions per year 862 Does your library use the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system for circulation? Y/N 863 GPTERMS (#28 + #39) from Bookmobiles and Outlets respectively. $5,757.00 $4,765.00 $6,234.00 $3,679.00 $4,813.00 $2,703.00 $3,536.00 $5,264.00 $6,887.00 Yes No No 114,946 93,257 Yes 81 $5,757.00 $4,765.00 $6,234.00 $3,679.00 $4,813.00 $2,703.00 $3,536.00 $5,264.00 $6,887.00 Yes No No 125,185 93,115 Yes 81 9 Referenda #870-877 Please leave blank if no referenda occurred during the report year. Do not report referenda from prior years. 870 Referenda Election Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 871 Local Agency Authorizing Election 872 Funding Purpose 873 Type of Tax 874 Percentage of "Yes" Vote (Ex.: 66.5) 875 Vote Requirement to Pass 876 Vote Outcome 877 Notes 10 Library Outlet #1-44 FY 2014-15 THE FIELDS (IN GREEN) BELOW ARE FOR CSL USE ONLY CA0020.005 1 FSCSID 2 LIBRARY_ID 3 LIB_Code 4 Short Name 5 Outlet Name: 6 Street Address: 7 City: 8 ZIP: 9 ZIP+4: 10 Mail Address: 11 Mail City: 12 Mail ZIP: 13 Mail ZIP+4: 14 County: 15 FAX: 16 Phone: 17 Type of Outlet: 18 This Facility is Owned by: 19 This Facility is in need of: 20 Population Served By Outlet. 21 Total Outlet Staff, in FTE. 22 Hours Open, Weekly. • FY 2013-14 M616 M616.004 Carlsbad DOVE LIBRARY 1775 DOVE LANE CARLSBAD 92011 8516 1775 Dove Lane Carlsbad 92011 8516 San Diego (760) 602-7942 (760) 602-2038 Central City Remodel 70,822 62.47 68.00 60,593 62.00 68.00 11 FY 2014-15 FY 2013-14 23 Hours Open, Annually. 24 Weeks Open, Annually. 25 Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 26 Total Annual Circulation by Outlet. 27 Total Outlet Operating Expenditures. 28 Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 29 Month and Year outlet opened (i. e., 06/2008) 30 Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 31 LEED Certification? 32 Size of Outlet, sq. ft. 33 Number of Reader Seats in Outlet 34 Days per week outlet is open to the public. 35 Staffed when open to public by at least 1 paid librarian & 1 paid clerical? 36 Housed in separate quarters? 37 Established schedule of hours for public service? 38 Degree of Adequacy of this Facility. 39 Number of Internet Terminals --General Public. 40 Internet Connection. What is your library's highest connection speed to the Internet? 41 Wi-Fi. Is Wireless available at this 3,536 52 221,324 830,110 $5,491,159 1999 08/1999 3,536 52 228,545 871,419 $5,370,609 1999 08/1999 N/A N/A No 64,000 248 7 Yes Yes Yes 10 44 40.1 Mbps - 1.0 Gbps (gigabips/second) True location? (Y/N) Central City 42 MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status: 43 FISCAL_YR CODE 44 OUTLET TYPE SORT CODE 2014-15 1 64,000 248 7 Yes Yes Yes 10 44 40.1 Mbps - 1.0 Gbps (gig True Central City 2013-14 1 12 Library Outlet #1-44 FY 2014-15 FY 2013-14 THE FIELDS (IN GREEN) BELOW ARE FOR CSL USE ONLY 1 FSCS_ID 2 LIBRARY ID 3 LIB_Code 4 Short Name 5 Outlet Name: 6 Street Address: 7 City: 8 ZIP: 9 ZIP+4: 10 Mail Address: 11 Mail City: 12 Mail ZIP: 13 Mail Z1P+4: 14 County: 15 FAX: 16 Phone: 17 Type of Outlet: 18 This Facility is Owned by: 19 This Facility is in need of: 20 Population Served By Outlet. 21 Total Outlet Staff, in FTE. 22 . Hours Open, Weekly. CA0020.004 M616 M616.003 Carlsbad CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LEARNING CEi` 3368 EUREKA PLACE CARLSBAD 92008 2424 3368 Eureka Place Carlsbad 92008 2424 San Diego (760) 729-8150 (760) 931-4500 Branch City 12,609 9.40 52.00 13,220 9.00 52.00 13 42 MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status: 43 FISCAL_YR CODE 44 OUTLET TYPE_SORT CODE 23 Hours Open, Annually. 24 Weeks Open, Annually. 25 Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 26 Total Annual Circulation by Outlet. 27 Total Outlet Operating Expenditures. 28 Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 29 Month and Year outlet opened (i.e., 06/2008) 30 Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 31 LEED Certification? 32 Size of Outlet, sq. ft. 33 Number of Reader Seats in Outlet 34 Days per week outlet is open to the public. 35 Staffed when open to public by at least 1 paid librarian & 1 paid clerical? 36 Housed in separate quarters? 37 Established schedule of hours for public service? 38 Degree of Adequacy of this Facility. 39 Number of Internet Terminals --General Public. 40 Internet Connection. What is your library's highest connection speed to the Internet? 41 Wi-Fi. Is Wireless available at this FY 2014-15 3,536 FY 2013-14 3,536 52 324,581 428,506 $3,294,696 1967 11/1967 1999 No 24,600 131 7 Yes Yes Yes 7 23 40.1 Mbps - 1.0 Gbps (gigabips/second) True location? (Y/N) Central City 52 329,431 441,602 $3,222,365 , 1967 11/1967 1999 24,600 131 7 Yes Yes Yes 7 23 40.1 Mbps - 1.0 Gbps (gig True Central City 2014-15 2013-14 14 Library Outlet #1-44 FY 2014-1.5 FY 2013-14 • THE FIELDS (IN GREEN) BELOW ARE FOR CSL USE ONLY CA0020.004 1 FSCS_ID 2 LIBRARY ID 3 LIB Code 4 Short Name 5 Outlet Name: 6 Street Address: 7 City: 8 ZIP: 9 ZIP-1-4: 10 Mail Address: 11 Mail City: 12 Mail ZIP: 13 Mail ZIP+4: 14 County: 15 FAX: 16 Phone: 17 Type of Outlet: 18 This Facility is Owned by: 19 This Facility is in need of: 20 Population Served By Outlet. 21 Total Outlet Staff, in FTE. 22 • Hours Open, Weekly. M616 M616.003 Carlsbad CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LEARNING CEP 3368 EUREKA PLACE CARLSBAD 92008 2424 3368 Eureka Place Carlsbad 92008 2424 San Diego (760) 729-8150 (760) 931-4500 Branch City 12,609 9.40 52.00 13,220 • 9.00 52.00 15 42 MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) Status: 43 FISCAL YR CODE 44 OUTLET TYPE SORT CODE 23 Hours Open, Annually. 24 Weeks Open, Annually. 25 Total Number of Volumes Held by Outlet. 26 Total Annual Circulation by Outlet. 27 Total Outlet Operating Expenditures. 28 Year in which Outlet was Originally Built. 29 Month and Year outlet opened (i.e., 06/2008) 30 Year in which Outlet was Remodeled. 31 LEED Certification? 32 Size of Outlet, sq. ft. 33 Number of Reader Seats in Outlet 34 Days per week outlet is open to the public. 35 Staffed when open to public by at least 1 paid librarian & 1 paid clerical? 36 Housed in separate quarters? 37 Established schedule of hours for public service? 38 Degree of Adequacy •of this Facility. 39 Number of Internet Terminals --General Public. 40 Internet Connection. What is your library's highest connection speed to the Internet? 41 Wi-Fi. Is Wireless available at this FY 2014-15 2,704 52 17,676 16,489 $1,198,071 2008 8/2008 FY 2013-14 2,704 52 16,799 15,573 $1,171,769 2008 8/2008 N/A N/A No 11,393 56 5 Yes Yes Yes 10 14 10.1 Mbps - 40 Mbps True location? (Y/N) Central City 11,393 56 5 Yes Yes Yes 10 14 10.1 Mbps - 40 Mbps True Central City 2014-15 2013-14 16 ITEM #7 GIVING DESIGN Forging eamectioas. Building /P,ntio Dove Library Naming Opportunities Market Valuation Report November 2015 This work was commissioned to meet the requirements of the City of Carlsbad's Naming Rights Policy. The results will provide the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation with a framework for major gift cultivation and solicitation. The opportunities presented are tied primarily to major spaces, rooms and features. With the exception of a few strategic "furniture groupings," this focus intentionally excludes the naming of individual furniture/fixture items. While a revaluation of past opportunities was beyond the scope of this commissioned work, the review of the past naming opportunities revealed four (4) spaces that Giving Design believes should be reconsidered as part of this effort. Those areas include: Children's Library, Great Hall, Children's Storytime Circle and Auditorium Stage. Suggested Naming Opportunities are based on a thorough review of: O All Architect and Library Provided Renovation Program Planning Documents and Drawings M National Chart of Standards for a $6,400,000 capital campaign (attachment A) 0 Cost per Square Analysis - Insured Value and Improved Value 0 Recent Local and Regional Campaign Naming Opportunities1 0 Similar Library Campaign Naming Opportunities Across the Country2 0 Past Carlsbad City Library Naming Opportunities Three assumptions were also considered: i The naming opportunities are permanent i.e. for the life of the building; The foundation will encourage and allow multi -year pledges to secure the level of funding sought for the opportunities; and 0 The naming opportunities will persist as a major gift opportunity beyond the life of any organized campaign around the Dove renovations. I Reviewed naming opportunities for the following projects: ✓ San Diego Central Library d UC San. Diego Geisel Library Revitalization Initiative ▪ San Diego Parks and Recreation Campaign O Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego • Helen Woodward Animal Center (Rancho Santa Fe) O St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church (Carlsbad) O Army & Navy Academy Duffield Sports Center (Carlsbad) 2Similar library campaigns: O Gwinnett County Public Library (Suburban Atlanta) • St. Louis County Library O Hyrum Library & Museum (Utah) * Fargo Public Library 1 National Chart of Standards $6.4 Million Capital Campaign Campaign Investment Level $1,280,000 $640,000 $320,000 $160,000 $96,000 $64,000 $32,000 $16,000 $8,000 Small Gifts Totals Larger Lead Gift Results Number of Number of Gifts Prospects Required Required 1 1 2 3 5 10 15 20 40 Many 4 4 8 9 15 30 45 40 80 Many Smaller Lead Gift Results Campaign Investment Level $640,000 $320,000 $160,000 $96,000 $64,000 $32,000 $16,000 $8,000 $4,800 Small Gifts Total Number of Number of Gifts Prospects Required Required 1 2 3 6 12 25 50 75 100 Many 4 8 12 18 36 75 150 150 200 Many Attachment A Total Giving At This Level $1,280,000 $640,000 $640,000 $480,000 $480,000 $640,000 $480,000 $320,000 $320,000 $1,120,000 $6,400,000 Total Giving At This Level $640,000 $640,000 $480,000 $576,000 $768,000 $800,000 $800,000 $600,000 $480,000 $616,000 $6,400,000 2 Carlsbad City Library I Proposed Naming Opportunities Dove Library Total Standing Naming Inventory Value of Standing Naming Inventory Family & Corporate Legacy Gifts 1 Grande Courtyard & Entrance $1,000,000 $1,000,000 2 The Great Hall $1,000,000 $1,000,000 3 Children's Library $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Prominent First Level & Outdoor Spaces 4 Community Living Room $400,000 $400,000 5 Large Study Room $60,000 $60,000 6 Small Study Room $40,000 $40,000 7 Marketplace $20,000 $20,000 8 Conversational Groupings (2 avail.) $15,000 ea $30,000 9 Community Patio & Hearth (West Patio) $350,000 $350,000 10 Reading Wall/Hearth $100,000 $100,000 11 Fireplace $100,000 $100,000 12 Schulman Auditorium Stage $150,000 $150,000 13 Children's Storytime Circle $100,000 $100,000 14 Memorial Tree-Scape $15,000 $15,000 Prominent Second Level Spaces 15 Teen Space $250,000 $250,000 16 Teen Team Rooms (2 available) $15,000 ea $30,000 17 Teen Tech Grouping $15,000 $15,000 18 Teen Den $8,000 $8,000 19 Study Alcoves (2 available) $5,000 ea $10,000 20 Tech Lab $100,000 $100,000 21 Large Group Study Room $30,000 $30,000 22 General Access Computer Grouping $15,000 $15,000 $4,823,000 First Floor & Outdoor A B D D.5 E • 1 2 2.4 3 - 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.4 12 • • ; I 1 -kir r-- E -5 ---I:is— MATCHLINE • sa SHEET A10 t 4 MATCHLINE • SEE SHEET A10.1.5 G H J K ' • 1 .. ..1 r= I I • I ti -1°1- -42- 14:1; —SU - - ----- igi • 44-4__ § I LI' 1 IJ u FP • FIRST FLOOR SHELVING & FURNITURE rt.) PLAN 1/16- 1•4r L L 1 i It MAT -SEE SHEET A10.1 3 LIATCHLINE SEE SHEET A10.1 2 4 1 2 2.4 3 x3.5 4 4.5 5 .5.5 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 D.5 r E MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET A10.1.5:' E.5 MATCHLWE -SEE SHEET A10.1.4 'I- 1! I_ 1 II!..I I I_II I, 1T>TTffl ' II • I:i.l r -•fir _ - H rq'l- �Q rr •n L.! rFt p�f fYi' 4 (11 10.5 11 11.4 12 K Grande Courtyad &Entrance FP • FIRST FLOOR SHELVING & FURNITURE ®1 PLAN J 1f16" P YE �l'•hi-}as'p4�.YY Y /�, Lcf �fc. . yY r\ ✓ 1<E-- — MATCHUAL--SEE SHEET A10.1.3 MATCHLRNE -SEE SHEET A10.1.2 5 1 , 2 2.4. A D D.5 L. • E • ri ALINE SEE SHEET AID 1 5 I E.5 ALINE - SEE SHEET Al D.1-4 .1G J K 3 3.5 ......_,' • ,-i-- 1 1_. , .i. 1 1 ...Ei-j. .., _ __..c_r_r.' ..,?..,..,,i,,,4 • „...4_,..._.,— •:,,,t.iii 1 q.s.---;-- The Great Hall i , ., . .•.s. . I-- ..f.i :ZS .L.L1 • V V tt m Ci) (t) JjJ tc.a. 1P11 / 9 '47 Sig, ttto • ,k4,9 -1 MATaHLINE • SEE StEET A10.1.3 MATCHUNE - SEE SHEET /110.1.2 _" .57 6 SAATCHLIt:E • SEE SHEET A10.1.5 MATCHUNE• SEE SHEET AIo.I•2 ENLARGED FP - FIRST FLOOR SHELVING & FURNITURE PLAN AREA - B IArzra' SHEET NOTES A. EXISTING FURNITURE WILL BE REMOVED DURING CONSTRUCTION. NOT ALL FURNITURE IS $NOW FOR CLAIRITV. B. C. ALL MI LABELED SHELWN0 ASSEMBLY INCLUDING UPRIGHTS SHALL BE REMOVED OV CONTRACTOR ALL (RL) LABELED SHELVNG ASSEMBLY INCLUDING UPRIGHTS SHALL BE REMOVED ANO REINSTALLED LW OWNER. CUN1RACTUR SHALL PATCH AND REPAIR WALLS AT SINGLE FACED SHELVING D. ALL IE) LABELED DOUBLE FACED SHELVING ASSEMBLY SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE. OWNER SHALL REMOVE AND RESNSTALL BASE SHELVES FOR NEW CARPET INSTALLATION E ALL IE) LABELED SINGLE FACED SHELVING UPRIGHTS ANO WOOD CANOPY TOPS SHALL REMAIN N PLACE. OWNER SHALL REMOVE AND RE $INSTALBASE AND METAL Children'sNWALLS AT SINOLE TA�A�o KEYNOTES CS OPAL Library D IGIT A L S'G7AGE Children's Storytime Circle AREA D AREA El. - AREA C AREA A 7 N on_,Ransamme • Ire:1•11:0, Ili 72 1 A 4 MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET A10.14 J •„/ • LJ 211 L Community Living Room 8 IL: L f{Li •UM .1M11 1111•SQMIt 1 72 •••• •=1 MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET A10.1-4 g § 65 ; flVS RNDS Films FANOS FRNOS F ANDS I FRFIDS MIRA ••••••••••••••,...... dommunity Livin I I 10..Ar VV 65 LJ OS.3 TT.A 1V1 ROoin 7 CIA 9 OCOURTYARD -REFERENCE IMAGE SCAIG RTS OFIREPLACE-REFERENCEIMAGE SCAM 1>n Memorial Tree-Scape Community Patio & Hearth 1 �. l.,c IgP1 'glro =craT)R;sto ti 7 Si —1-- 1REPIACE COO.RU ?DUMP CIF,F I RFTl5)I)'. JCY I II ``.�\•. . p1POSTE NTE9 `.` 11VVVVARRMMMCCCCC tA3,0,1)T Stet IS,L, IIr ttIRC. Co _ I I \ FIREPLACE REFERENCE PLAN GROUP 4 ARCH/RECTOR! RESEARCH P;A NNiC Cc. INC 711 r1NOIN AMA). SO SNI PRANCISCO CA 9Ag8o HsA 670 13 1 9709 CARLSBAD DOVE LIBRARY FIREPLACE COURTYARD RENOVATIONS I pCOYt IAW. uMtSEAaCAaoII REFERENCE IMAGES A0.1 10 L2; . • 4- 1 I I Fil P man Auditorium Stage ENLARGED FP - FIRST FLOOR SHELVING & •••••• •••••• ••••••••• •••• • • • • ••••••• • •••• 11 11 10.5 0'1 11 -n [=1 q�0?I la•1 . , . 3 eer 3.11 i Z i i r] iww 4.10. CNA dda1� ,_n n • -1 I AAATCHLINE ,RGED FP - SEPOND FLOOR SHELVING & 12 (Carlsbad City Library 2016 MEETING DATES AND LOCATIONS City of Carlsbad LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 4PM ITEM #8 Date Location Jan. 20 CCL Board Room - Dove Lane Feb. 17 City Council Chambers March 16 Library Learning Center — Room 14 April 20 City Council Chambers May 18 Library Learning Center — Room 14 June 15 CCL Board Room - Dove Lane July 20 CCL Board Room - Dove Lane Aug. 17 CCL Board Room - Dove Lane Sept. 21 CCL Board Room - Dove Lane Oct. 19 Cole Library Community Room Nov. 16 CCL Board Room - Dove Lane Dec. 21 CCL Board Room - Dove Lane Please note: location subject to change depending on CIP remodel. I:\LIBRARY BOARD\Agendas - Library Board\2015\2015-11 \8 - 2016 Meeting dates and locations - Carlsbad Library Board of Trustees (11.9.15).docx 11/12/2015