HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-01-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES VVednesday,Jan.20,2016 Dove Library Boardroom PLACE OF MEETING: 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad CA 92011 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Staff Present: Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hinman, Hulsart, and Parsons. None Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Nancy Blake, Temporary Office Assistant APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ITEM #3 ACTION: The Board, by proper motion (Bradley/Parsons) approved the minutes of the Nov 18, 2015 meeting. ACTION: The Board, by proper motion (Benson/Hinman) approved the minutes of the Dec. 16, 2015 meeting. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the December 2015 Monthly Library Reports with Trustee Benson congratulating the literacy program on the record 16 entries to the VVriter to VVriter Challenge. Trustee Bradley commented positively on staff cross training occurring at both the Library Learning Center and Dove Library. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS UPDATE: Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto presented a summary of the progress on the Cole project, noting that the same information would be presented to staff this week. At the Cole Library, interior work is in the final stages with the critical elevator inspection scheduled next week. Deputy Director Suzanne Smithson continued the presentation with a more detailed schedule on the final stages of construction and a tentative move-in timeline for the Cole Library. The Cole Library's grand reopening celebration event is being planned for Feb. 27 from Page 2 of 4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Jan. 20, 2016 Meeting 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A soft opening is anticipated prior to the celebration, when the library is ready. Deputy Director Diane Bednarski reviewed the milestones and activities related to the Dove Library project. Early February activities include the delivery and configuration oftemporary office trailers for staff and the commencement of construction on the Schulman Auditorium. In late February, the Dove Library will close to the public for approximately one week so that a range of interim library services can be configured in the current Children's area while staff relocates to temporary offices, allowing the construction company to commence construction. Interim library services at Dove will launch in late February and continue through mid-April. The second phase of construction will require full closure of the facility. The intent is to have the Dove Library open before the launch of the Summer Reading Program in June. The Library Learning Center will continue to have extended hours during Dove Library construction. Communication and outreach efforts for the Dove project will mirror those deployed for the Cole project, including the use of print materials, banners, website, social media and the phone and email hotlines. FY 2016-17 BUDGET TIMELINE & POLICIES: Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto presented to the Board the FY 2016-17 budget polices and timelines. A city budget kickoff was held Jan. 13. This year part-time Administrative Professional Cheryl Gerhardt will be assisting in budget development with Associate Analyst Debbie Jo McCool while Sr. Analyst Steve Didier is serving full-time as project manager. Budget materials are due in March and will then be reviewed by Finance. Staff will bring the proposed budget information to the Library Board at the May meeting. EXTERIOR CLEARANCE AREAS AT LIBRARY FACILITIES: Director Pizzuto outlined the proposed interim exterior clearance areas for all City of Carlsbad Library locations that will be used to guide individuals who would like to engage in expressive activity and to accommodate traffic flow and provide adequate access to library programs and services for the community. ACTION: The board, by proper motion (Benson/Parsons) received and approved the proposed policy on exterior clearance areas at library facilities APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTITIVE FOR CITIZENS REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR COMMUNITY ACTIVITY GRANTS: Annually, the City of Carlsbad offers a funding opportunity to residents through Community Activity Grants (governed by the attached Council Policy 51). This year, $10,000 is available in community funding. As in previous years an appointed citizen's committee will review and recommend funding allocations, including a member of the Library Board. The Library Board of Trustees nominates a representative for a two year assignment on the committee. Page 3 of 4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Jan. 20, 2016 Meeting ACTION: The Board nominated and approved the 2-year appointment of Trustee Wendy Hinman as the Library Board of Trustee representative for the Citizens Review Committee for Community Activity Grants. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto brought the Board up-to-date on the following items: • Reference checks are being conducted for the Genealogy and Local History Division senior librarian position. • Consultant Ruth Metz will assist with the department's staffing and succession planning initiative. She will visit in late January to meet with staff and learn about the change being experienced and how this will guide future staffing needs. • Temporary office assistant Nancy Blake has tendered her resignation and her last day will be Jan. 28. • The City Council approved the library's application for partial grant funding to purchase equipment required to participate in the CENIC high speed broadband service consortium. • The library had a number of donations in December. Mr. Randy Ziglar donated $2,500, Mr. Roger Nye donated $2,500 and the Hessel man Family Trust donated $1,500. • Negotiations have commenced with a prospective coffee cart vendor to provide service at the Cole Library. • Staff is now actively marketing the grant opportunities available in partnership with the California State Library to participate in the Career Online High School Program. Learners who successfully compete for the grant will complete their High School diploma online, with mentoring assistance. The Learning Center is also in the final stages of planning the new ESL program, anticipated to launch in early 2016. FOUNDATION REPORT: Representative Dr. Sandy Parsons updated the Board on the Foundation's election of officers for the upcoming year. Treasurer Gita Nassiri has tendered her resignation from that position while continuing to serve on the Board, and Frank Ruscetti has assumed the treasurer role. The Foundation discussed the calculation of funds available for distribution to the Library & Cultural Arts Department for fiscal year 2016-17 use. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Hulsart reported that the Friends of the Library Holiday Boutique broke previous sales records and the Friends remain busy preparing for opening of the new bookstore at the Cole Library. Page4 of4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Jan. 20, 2016 Meeting NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Cindy Goodger shared recent and upcoming activities of the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Parsons/Hinman) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:58p.m. Res~jtfuJiy sub 7{~/ Nancy Blake Temporary Office Assistant Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for DECEMBER 2015 ITEM #4 1. The Library renovation projects continue to progress. Based on City Public Works staffing changes, Senior Management Analyst Steve Didier added the role of Project Manager over the library renovations to his responsibilities. 2. As part of the new Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) upgrade, the Business Systems group continues to work with IT on the testing and deployment of PCI-compliant credit card acceptance for the new self-check kiosks. Schedule coordination is also underway to ensure that power and network infrastructures are in place at Cole in time for the week of Jan. 11 when the RFID solutions vendor will be on-site to install the new Automated Materials Handling (AM H) system at Cole. The vendor will return in February to install remaining RFID solutions at Cole, including new security gates and self-check kiosks. 3. Cataloging & Technical Services continues to coordinate the testing and replacement of RFID tags for the Dove Library print collection. December also marked the commencement of retagging of DVDs to use full disc overlay tags that will simplify the material check in process and offer better protection for that collection. 4. The Business Systems team worked with renovation project team members to document data, power and telephone requirements for Dove and Cole, including the temporary needs for Dove during its construction project. This included the markup offloorplans and the creation of asset lists to identify each piece of equipment that would be deployed and its precise location. 5. Staff across all locations continued to be busy planning for Cole's new central service desk functionality, related service model changes, and training and education during the library closures. Supporting these changes are a number of training opportunities coordinated by Training Coordinator Amy Jordan, with December offerings including a four-part core series on service desk essentials and a selection of standalone offerings that go into greater detail on various service aspects. All staff will eventually attend the core series and all sessions have been designed and are presented by their colleagues; the core series includes Library 101, Reference and Children's services, Circulation Services, and Library Systems. Additional sessions offered in December included training and instruction on patron privacy & confidentiality, unattended children, the public portal in the new HPRM system, and eResources topics including the catalog, website, and databases. 6. The Library & Cultural Arts department kicked offtheir 2015 holiday concert series on Thursday, Dec. 3, at the Library Learning Center with the one-man band Dean Ratzman performing a mixture of 40's, 60's and holiday music. The concert series continued over the next two weekends with nationally acclaimed Klezmer artist Yale Strom on Saturday, Dec. 5 and The Teagan Taylor Trio on Sunday, Dec 13 both in Schulman Auditorium. Each show was well attended and patrons were highly engaged. 7. Santa Claus made three visits to the two open libraries during December, receiving the holiday wishes of about 350 children and adults to take to the North Pole. This particular "Santa's helper" has been visiting the Carlsbad Libraries for a dozen years and this was his last year of greeting the children and taking photos and sharing his magic due to the long drive from his home. Monthly Library Reports for December 2015 CCL, Dove Lane ... 8. In planning and preparation for the new Tech Lab at Dove, a team of staff visited San Diego Public Library's Central Library where Emerging Technologies Librarian Uyen Tran provided a tour of their makerspaces and background information on their staffing, curriculum, equipment and software. Tech Lab team members also conducted independent research which included a tour of a San Diego Fab(rication) Lab, meeting with members of the San Diego Makers Guild, and participation in an on- site demo of an innovative 3D printing solution. 9. Staff in divisions across the department are working on operational plans for Dove's closure and two-phased renovation work. Staff are planning and coordinating interim facility services, collections, and staffing, as well as temporary work locations for displaced staff. 10. The Children's Division at Dove hosted their annual Hanukkah program on Dec. 9 attracting 24 children and adults who enjoyed songs by "Chicken Soup/' stories, a simple craft and refreshments. The Children's Division also offered a Winter Family Fun program on Dec. 30. Modeled after the popular program offered during the Thanksgiving school break, 82 participants enjoyed stories and songs, played "Feed the Snowman" with white paper "snowballs" and made polar bears. 11. In connection with the release of the latest Star Wars movie "Episode VII: The Force Awakens/' the Carlsbad City Library hosted individual films from the original Star Wars trilogy throughout the month of December to conclude the 2015 Carlsbad Film Series. Nearly 300 people attended these three screening events. 12. The Carlsbad Playreaders ended their 2015 season with a sell-out crowd who shared lots of laughter and tears through a remarkable presentation of the holiday family comedy, "Greetings!" The end of this season marks the end of the leadership tenure of Co-Artistic Directors Kathy Brombacher and Doug Smith. They served as Co-Artistic Directors for the 2014 and 2015 seasons and will be replaced by well-known San Diego actress, director, and educator Dana Case. Dana's 2016 season begins on Jan. 11 with "VANYA and SONIA and MASHA and SPIKE"-a comedy by Christopher Durang based on some of Chekov's classic characters. Georgina Cole ... 13. Cole Children's Division staff presented their regular Tuesday Afternoon Adventures programs at the Learning Center featuring three fun programs this month. Eat a Red Apple Day Story Craft was held on Dec. 1. with 28 people in attendance. Kids learned the difference between red, green and yellow apples and then were able to taste each one. Candy Science was held on Dec. 8 with 51 people in attendance. Kids had .fun with tasty treats by experimenting to see what candy is really made of while learning about acid and density. Gift of Giving Story Craft was held on Dec.15. The 25 people in attendance listened to stories that celebrate the spirit of giving and then kids made a craft to give to someone special. 14. Interviews and meet & greet sessions for the Genealogy and Carlsbad History Senior Librarian were held in late December. A final selection is expected soon. 15. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society held its Annual Meeting, Installation of Officers, and Holiday Party at the Green Dragon Tavern and Museum on Dec. 8. The 2016 officers include Marguerite Kealey in her second year as President Jeanette Shiel as Vice-President and Sandy Follmer as Treasurer. Monthly Library Reports for December 2015 learning Center ... 16. Three of the circulating Samsung tablets were sent to Literacy Services for tutors and learners to use. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott and Technology Librarian Andrea Hilliard along with literacy services staff tested some literacy apps on the devices and found they worked well. The three devices are the ones that had previously been tethered at the Dove and Cole Reference Desks and they will be tethered in three of the tutor rooms at the LLC to see if the tutors find them to be a useful training tool. If so, additional tablets may be sent to the LLC, or Literacy staff may purchase newer ones with state grant funds. This seems to a good way to deploy these devices which have experienced limited use by the general patrons. 17. Bilingual Services Library Assistant Mayra Turchiano attended the Guadalajara International Book Fair in Mexico from Nov. 30 thrbugh Dec. 3. She met with several publishers and distributors and visited children and adult book vendors who explained the process of selecting materials. She also networked with librarians from the US and Mexico. Mayra received a scholarship from the American Library Association to attend the conference. 18. Children of all ages were able to make holiday ornaments at the Learning Center on Dec. 3. 19. Teens enjoyed in a Gift in a Jar holiday program and creative activity on Dec. 18. Fourteen teens learned how to package gifts in jars and made a hot chocolate kit that they could then give to a friend or family member. 20. A record 97 entries were received to the Writer to Writer Challenge, a writing contest for adult learners in regional library literacy programs. The Carlsbad Library Literacy program participants submitted a record 16 entries. 21. Two literacy learners enrolled in the prerequisite course as part of the application process for scholarships to the Career Online High School (COHS) from the California State Library. Outreach and Community Connections ... 22. Bilingual services staff members Tracy Nelson and Mayra Turchiano participated in the Holiday Tree Lighting event sponsored by the Carlsbad Evening Rotary Club in the Village on Dec. 6. More than 100 children and their parents enjoyed making a reindeer headband and listening to a holiday story. 23. Literacy Services Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott attended the annual San Diego Council on Literacy's holiday network meeting, where there was a presentation from one of the affiliate programs on services for refugees. She also attended the Council's Chairman's Circle annual recognition event. Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for DECEMBER 2015 ITEM#4 1. The Library renovation projects continue to progress. Based on City Public Works staffing changes, Senior Management Analyst Steve Didier added the role of Project Manager over the library renovations to his responsibilities. 2. As part ofthe new Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) upgrade, the Business Systems group continues to work with IT on the testing and deployment of PCI-compliant credit card acceptance for the new self-check kiosks. Schedule coordination is also underway to ensure that power and network infrastructures are in place at Cole in time for the week of Jan. 11 when the RFID solutions vendor will be on-site to install the new Automated Materials Handling (AMH) system at Cole. The vendor will return in February to install remaining RFID solutions at Cole, including new security gates and self-check kiosks. 3. Cataloging & Technical Services continues to coordinate the testing and replacement of RFID tags for the Dove Library print collection. December also marked the commencement of retagging of DVDs to use full disc overlay tags that will simplify the material check in process and offer better protection for that collection. 4. The Business Systems team worked with renovation project team members to document data, power and telephone requirements for Dove and Cole, including the temporary needs for Dove during its construction project. This included the markup of floorplans and the creation of asset lists to identify each piece of equipment that would be deployed and its precise location. 5. Staff across all locations continued to be busy planning for Cole's new central service desk functionality, related service model changes, and training and education during the library closures. Supporting these changes are a number oftraining opportunities coordinated by Training Coordinator Amy Jordan, with December offerings including a four-part core series on service desk essentials and a selection of standalone offerings that go into greater detail on various service aspects. All staff will eventually attend the core series and all sessions have been designed and are presented by their colleagues; the coreseries includes Library 101, Reference and Children's services, Circulation Services, and Library Systems. Additional sessions offered in December included training and instruction on patron privacy & confidentiality, unattended children, the public portal in the new HPRM system, and eResources topics including the catalog, website, and databases. 6. The Library & Cultural Arts department kicked off their 2015 holiday concert series on Thursday, Dec. 3, at the Library Learning Center with the one-man band Dean Ratzman performing a mixture of 40's, 60's and holiday music. The concert series continued over the next two weekends with nationally acclaimed Klezmer artist Yale Strom on Saturday, Dec. 5 and The Teagan Taylor Trio on Sunday, Dec 13 both in Schulman Auditorium. Each show was well attended and patrons were highly engaged. 7. Santa Claus made three visits to the two open libraries during December, receiving the holiday wishes of about 350 children and adults to take to the North Pole. This particular "Santa's helper" has been visiting the Carlsbad Libraries for a dozen years and this was his last year of greeting the children and taking photos and sharing his magic due to the long drive from his home. Monthly Library Reports for December 2015 CCL, Dove lane ... 8. In planning and preparation for the new Tech Lab at Dove/ a team of staff visited San Diego Public Libraris Central Library where Emerging Technologies Librarian Uyen Tran provided a tour oftheir makerspaces and background information on their staffing/ curriculum/ equipment and software. Tech Lab team members also conducted independent research which included a tour of a San Diego Fab(rication) Lab/ meeting with members of the San Diego Makers Guild/ and participation in an on- site demo of an innovative 3D printing solution. 9. Staff in divisions across the department are working on operational plans for Dove/s closure and two-phased renovation work. Staff are planning and coordinating interim facility services/ collections/ and staffing/ as well as temporary work locations for displaced staff. 10. The Children1s Division at Dove hosted their annual Hanukkah program on Dec. 9 attracting 24 children and adults who enjoyed songs by "Chicken Soup/1 stories/ a simple craft and refreshments. The Children/s Division also offered a Winter Family Fun program on Dec. 30. Modeled after the popular program offered during the Thanksgiving school break/ 82 participants enjoyed stories and songs/ played "Feed the Snowmann with white paper "snowballsn and made polar bears. 11. In connection with the release of the latest Star Wars movie "Episode VII: The Force Awakens/ the Carlsbad City Library hosted individual films from the original Star Wars trilogy throughout the month of December to conclude the 2015 Carlsbad Film Series. Nearly 300 people attended these three screening events. 12. The Carlsbad Playreaders ended their 2015 season with a sell-out crowd who shared lots of laughter and tears through a remarkable presentation ofthe holiday family comedy/ "Greetings!JJ The end of this season marks the end of the leadership tenure of Co-Artistic Directors Kathy Brombacher and Doug Smith. They served as Co-Artistic Directors for the 2014 and 2015 seasons and will be replaced by well-known San Diego actress/ director/ and educator Dana Case. Dana's 2016 season begins on Jan. 11 with "VANYA and SONIA and MASHA and SPIKEn-a comedy by Christopher Durang based on some of Chekov's classic characters. Georgina Cole ... 13. Cole Children/s Division staff presented their regular Tuesday Afternoon Adventures programs at the Learning Center featuring three fun programs this month. Eat a Red Apple Day Story Craft was held on Dec. 1. with 28 people in attendance. Kids learned the difference between red/ green and yellow apples and then were able to taste each one. Candy Science was held on Dec. 8 with 51 people in attendance. Kids had fun with tasty treats by experimenting to see what candy is really made of while learning about acid and density. Gift of Giving Story Craft was held on Dec.lS. The 25 people in attendance listened to stories that celebrate the spirit of giving and then kids made a craft to give to someone special. 14. Interviews and meet & greet sessions for the Genealogy and Carlsbad History Senior Librarian were held in late December. A final selection is expected soon. ' 15. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society held its Annual Meeting/ Installation of Officers/ and Holiday Party at the Green Dragon Tavern and Museum on Dec. 8. The 2016 officers include Marguerite Kealey in her second year as President Jeanette Shiel as Vice-President and Sandy Follmer as Treasurer. Monthly Library Reports for December 2015 Learning Center ... 16. Three of the circulating Samsung tablets were sent to Literacy Services for tutors and learners to use. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott and Technology Librarian Andrea Hilliard along with literacy services staff tested some literacy apps on the devices and found they worked well. The three devices are the ones that had previously been tethered at the Dove and Cole Reference Desks and they will be tethered in three of the tutor rooms at the LLC to see if the tutors find them to be a useful training tool. If so, additional tablets may be sent to the LLC, or Literacy staff may purchase newer ones with state grant funds. This seems to a good way to deploy these devices which have experienced limited use by the general patrons. 17. Bilingual Services Library Assistant Mayra Turchiano attended the Guadalajara International Book Fair in Mexico from Nov. 30 through Dec. 3. She met with several publishers and distributors and visited children and adult book vendors who explained the process of selecting materials. She also networked with librarians from the US and Mexico. Mayra received a scholarship from the American Library Association to attend the conference. 18. Children of all ages were able to make holiday ornaments at the Learning Center on Dec. 3. 19. Teens enjoyed in a Gift in a Jar holiday program and creative activity on Dec. 18. Fourteen teens learned how to package gifts in jars and made a hot chocolate kit that they could then give to a friend or family member. 20. A record 97 entries were received to the Writer to Writer Challenge, a writing contest for adult learners in regional library literacy programs. The Carlsbad Library Literacy program participants submitted a record 16 entries. 21. Two literacy learners enrolled in the prerequisite course as part ofthe application process for scholarships to the Career Online High School (COHS) from the California State Library. Outreach and Community Connections ... 22. Bilingual services staff members Tracy Nelson and Mayra Turchiano participated in the Holiday Tree Lighting event sponsored by the Carlsbad Evening Rotary Club in the Village on Dec. 6. More than 100 children and their parents enjoyed making a reindeer headband and listening to a holiday story. 23. Literacy Services Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott attended the annual San Diego Council on Literacy's holiday network meeting, where there was a presentation from one of the affiliate programs on services for refugees. She also attended the Council's Chairman's Circle annual recognition event. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS .. Decernber201$ Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Dec-14 Nov-15 *4 Dec-15 *4 1 Dove Library 9,909 12,231 10,500 2 Cole Library 8,029 0 0 3 Library Learning Center 527 1,895 1,937 4 Total 18,465 14,126 12,437 Circulation Dec-14 Nov-15 *4 Dec-15 *4 5 Dove Library 59,402 63,231 60,979 6 Cole Library 31,525 0 0 7 Library Learning Center 1,190 9,483 10,889 8 eAudiobook Downloads 899 1,464 1,300 9 eBook Downloads 2,959 3,184 3,324 10 eMagazine Downloads 2 486 851 900 11 Total 96,461 78,213 77,392 People Count Dec-14 Nov-15 *4 Dec-15 *4 12 Dove Library 30,049 31,585 31,667 13 Cole Library 23,572 0 0 14 Library Learning Center 3,890 12,132 8,947 15 Total 57,511 43,717 40,614 Programs and Technology library-Sponsored Programs Dec-14 Nov-15 *4 Dec-15 *4 16 Pre-School Programs 57 50 51 17 Attendance 2,337 1,874 1,738 18 School Aged Children's Programs 21 21 22 19 Attendance 684 509 677 20 Young Adult Programs 7 4 2 21 Attendance 100 49 27 22 Adult Programs 22 34 18 23 Attendance 816 748 1,065 Technology Usage Dec-14 Nov-15 *4 Dec-15 *4 24 Computer Use 8,866 6,167 6,511 25 WiFi Use 1 -6,013 4,347 26 Webpage Views3 -34,402 31A45 27 Database Usage 5,215 5,448 6,535 Facility Meeting Room Use Dec-14 Nov~15 *4 Dec-15 *'~ 28 Events 70 59 55 29 Attendance 4,817 3,682 4,558 Volunteer: Hours Dec-14 Oct-15 *4 Dec-15 *4 30 Total Hours 1,327 1,243 1,130 1. WiFi Usage reported begmning January 2015 2. Zinia downloadable magazines launched August 2014 3. Collecting method changed Sept 2014 *4. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Dther staff to LLC. (Expected period: Sept. 2015-Jan. 2016} Memorandum January 8, 2016 To: From: Re: Kathy Dodson, Interim City Manager Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Exterior clearance areas at library facilities liTEM #7 (Carlsbad City Library During August and September, 2015, exterior areas at library entrances were actively used for expressive activity related to the Agua Hedionda South Shore Specific Plan. Staff spent a significant amount of time responding to questions and concerns from library users as well as individuals engaged in expressive activity. These included difficulty accessing library services, concerns about equity of space, and reports of being aggressively pursued. Throughout this period, staff worked with individuals engaged in expressive activity in order to accommodate traffic flow and provide adequate access to library programs and services, often on a daily basis. At the January 20 Library Board meeting, staff will present diagrams for all three library facilities identifying exterior areas to keep clear in order to maintain reasonable access to library services and manage library operations. These are intended to serve on a temporary basis while two library facilities are affected by construction which will further impact access and ultimately result in changes to their entrance areas. The Library Learning Center is also currently experiencing very heavy use resulting from the Cole Library closure, and will continue to be impacted through the conclusion of construction at the Dove Library in June, 2016. These diagrams will assist the public and staff in understanding areas to keep clear of expressive activity and other non-city business. City of Carlsbad Ordinance 2.16.085 states "The board of library trustees shall further have the power to promulgate and adopt rules and regulations pertaining to the city library." lfthe Library Board approves these diagrams they will take effect immediately and will be made available with other library policies both on-site and on the city's website. A more complete policy guiding the exterior use of library facilities will be developed for consideration by the Library Board after construction activities are complete. Attachments cc: Celia A. Brewer, City Attorney Heather L. Stroud, Deputy City Attorney Carlsbad City Library 1775 Dove Lane I Carlsbad, CA 92011 I 760-602-2011 T Georgina Cole Library Stairs to City Hall Parking Lot CIJ > 'i: 0 CIJ C'l Ia --> "'C Ia .Q Ill "i: Ia u E I Keep Area Clear Tree N Georgina Cole Library Site Map 1250 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad CA 92008 Version 1/8/16 r~ .. e ;;: ~ '* '"a·· i! I :s ·"" ~ .....,. Carlsbad City tibrarv 1775 OOVI!! lane carls-bad, CA 92011 Additional Space Available Dove Library Courtyard Diagram Library &ltranct~P F~md:s ~t()if@ c::::J r:::=J. r=:1 Cl D CJ ~ Ea:St P<~rk.if"9 lot D E I Gc'W1~nd ~ir~gAQom .·~ ~ ~ ·~'<~ r.\• & 3 = Areas to Keep Clear Version 1/8/16 Library Learning Center Site Map 3368 Eureka Place Carlsbad CA 92008 Emergency ~Exit Exit 0 Main Entrance Handicap Parking Handicap Parking E I @ Keep Area Clear [!] Book Drop fj Bike Rack Tree ~ D Landscaping @] Utility Rooms Eureka Place version 1/6/16