HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesITEM #3A MINUTES /.{)-/ Approved 5/18/2016 MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES VVednesday, Feb. 17,2016 Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad CA 92008 Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:00p.m. ROLLCALL: Present: Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hulsart, and Parsons. Absent: Trustee Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: The Board, by proper motion (Bradley/Benson), approved the minutes ofthe Jan. 20, 2016 meeting. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the January 2016 Monthly Library Reports. Trustee Bradley commented positively on the Sounds like Science program presented by Mad Science at the Library Learning Center on Jan. 28. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS UPDATE: Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto brought the Board up-to-date on the following items: • Cole Library has passed two of three building inspections necessary for reopening to public with the final inspection for occupancy planned for Feb. 18. • The Schulman Auditorium closed on Feb. 1 to begin demolition while library services continue to be available at Dove. Dove staff trailers and storage are onsite. Construction fencingis in place. Closure of the Dove library for conversion to limited service is anticipated Tuesday, Feb. 23-Sunday, Feb. 28 provided Cole Library soft opens on Monday, Feb. 22. The limited service library will re-open on Feb.29. Page 2 of 3 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Feb. 17, 2016 Meeting Trustee Hulsart mentioned that some patrons visiting the Friends' bookstore seemed surprised to learn Dove would be closing and did not seem prepared for the closure. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto reviewed the various communication channels and efforts that have been used to make the community aware of the changes. Trustee Hulsart suggested having volunteers greet patrons during the week of closure and offered her assistance. Director Pizzuto explained that staff would be scheduled to greet patrons at the entrance-similar to the Cole Library closure-and thanked Trustee Hulsart for her help augmenting this with volunteers. TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel updated the Board on the RFID upgrade project. The Automated Materials Handling System is operational at the Cole Library and features a staff and a patron induction. Self-check kiosks have been installed at Cole with support for credit card and cash payments. Security gates have been installed with door counter capabilities and the ability to provide staff with details on items that pass through with the security still on. The remaining task for Cole is the deployment of three staff stations. Trustee Hulsart asked about the benefits of the Cole AMHS offering 7 bins vs. the 5 bins currently at Dove. Castel mentioned the increased number of bins provides a more granular sort. Deputy Di~ector Bednarski added that the number of sorting bins relates to collection size and physical layout. The new Dove system will have 11 bins reflecting its larger collection. Trustee Bradley asked how the collection is divided. Deputy Director Bednarski responded that the categories included Adult Fiction, Adult Non-Fiction, Juvenile collections, and an Exceptions bin for items that are on hold, belonging to other locations or other library systems. Trustee Hulsart asked if the self-check kiosk or gates alerts patrons if the item does not have the correct coding. Castel explained how the system detects various conditions. Director Pizzuto noted that the close proximity between service desk and self-check units allows staff to quickly respond to issues. Additional information was provided on receipts that are issued and staff protocol on resolving issues. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto brought the Board up-to-date on the following items: • An offer was extended to a candidate for the Sr. Librarian position responsible Genealogy and Local History, which has been accepted. • Staff are processing the partnership agreement with Mira Costa College to begin English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction at the Library Learning Center. The program is anticipated to begin with the late spring semester in March. FOUNDATION REPORT: Representative Dr. Sandy Parsons updated the Board on the Foundation's review of the endowment funds and planned distribution levels to support library and cultural arts programs Page 3 of3 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Feb. 17, 2016 Meeting in 2016-17, following receipt of a report on earnings and current market conditions from their investment representative. Funding needs have been identified for FY 2016-17 programs planned in the Schulman Auditorium using Gartner endowment funds and for support of programs in the Cannon Art Gallery using the Cannon endowment fund. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Hulsart reported that the Friends of the Library are excited to move into the new bookstore located at the remodeled Cole Library. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Cindy Goodger shared recent and upcoming activities of the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. Total membership is 284. Attendees appreciated the list provided. Trustee Bradley inquired about any charges for programs, and was told that some have fees, and members pay a discounted cost. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trustee Benson advised that he will be completing his second term on the Library Board this May and will not be seeking another term. He expressed his appreciation to the board and staff for their support during his term. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Benson/Bradley) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:27 p.m. to the Cole Library for a tour of the remodel facility. Respectfully submitted, A'1Je-~~ Kelly Clayton Temporary Office Assistant Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JANUARY 2016 ITEM #4 1. Work on the library renovation projects continued in January with milestones including final construction work at the Cole Library, installation of new RFID and other technology equipment, ongoing planning and training for service changes at both facilities, and preparations for interim services at Dove for public and staff work processes. On Jan. 20 and 21, project team members presented update sessions for staff. 2. In tandem with the remodel work are the preparations and installation of next-generation RFID equipment. The automated materials handler (AMH) was configured and installed at Cole Library by the Library's Business Systems group and the Bibliotheca installation team. Network requirements and connectivity issues with the AMH and the new self-check machines are still being resolved. The self-check machine and security gates at the Learning Center have been undergoing testing to ensure systems there are functioning. Retagging of the collection, especially the audio-video portions, continued in January. 3. Staff at all levels attended and Library Staffing/Succession Planning sessions with Consultant Ruth Metz on Jan. 27 and 28. 4. Staff took advantage of training opportunities by participating in 26 learning sessions on 11 different topics offered on January. Staff participated in topics ranging from navigating the new HP Records Management system, to privacy & confidentiality, to deep dive instruction sessions about our eResource offerings. One unique lunch & learn session emphasized understanding the library's literacy program and was presented by Jose Cruz from the San Diego Council on Literacy. He spoke about the state of literacy in San Diego County and provided valuable tips on how to recognize literacy issues and make referrals. CCL, Dove lane ... 1. The Magee Park Poets kicked off their 2015 workshop series on Sunday, Jan. 10 by Jim Moreno and included a record number of 36 attendees. The workshop taught participants how creative line breaks, revision and poetic elements can enhance the poet's voice. They learned about choices between colloquial vs. academic and intuitive vs. rational stances in writing. 2. On Jan. 23, the Community Relations division resumed their Cinema Series dedicated to independent and critically acclaimed films. This event featured Travel Channel Director of Special Projects Dennis Burkhart, as he personally presented his latest feature film documentary, "Our National Parks," a travel documentary about the animals, life and weather found in each United States National Park. The Cinema Series continues on April 9 with Academy Award Nominated film, "Room." 3. The library's five-part, Your Library Mean Business, workshop series launched on Jan. 26 at the Dove Library with a workshop focused on social media skills for small businesses led by Cyndi Darlington of Darlington Marketing. Beginning next month, this free workshop series moves to the newly renovated Georgina Cole Library due to the Dove Library construction activity. The first event at the Cole Library will teach tips for business startup and financing on Feb. 23. The series continues monthly through May. Monthly Library Reports for January 2016 4. The Carlsbad Playreaders kicked off their 2016 season on Jan. 11 with the Christopher Durang comedy, VANYA and SONIA and MASHA and SPIKE. This play, based on some of Chekov's classic characters, is a comedy revolving around the relationships of three middle-aged single siblings. The Playreaders' season is on hold until the Dove Library reopens in June when they will present the musical, Triumph of Love. 5. Movies were a highlight in January. Dove Children's third annuai"Read the Book, See the Movie" program held on Jan. 6 was attended by 12 children who enjoyed watching "Charlotte's Web" while munching on popcorn. After the screening of the movie, they participated in a lively discussion of the book. Lead Librarian Darin Williamson hosted the teen movie program on Jan. 21 with 11 teens who enjoyed pizza while watching a capella sequel, "Pitch Perfect 2." 6. Carlsbad favorite Craig Newton presented his top-notch performance of "A Historical Journey through America's Music" on Jan. 14. Twelve children participated by clapping and singing along as Craig played and shared information about various musical instruments from America's past and present. Although attendance was disappointing this time, staff realized this was a significant performance, as Craig was the last children's program presented before the upcoming renovations and he had been the first program presented when the Dove facility opened in 1999, performing on Sept. 27 just two days after the library opened. 7. Reference staff facilitated three book club discussions in January. Fourteen members attended the January 6 meeting to discuss of E.L Doctorow's historical novel about the infamous New York hermits, the Collyer brothers, Homer & Langley: A Novel. The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchester was discussed on January 7. The Monday Night Classics Book Club on January 25 had thirteen people in attendance for a lively discussion of Mary Stewart's story of Merlin's early years, "The Crystal Cave". Georgina Cole ... 1. The Cole Children's division presented their weekly Tuesday Afternoon Adventures programs at the Learning Center in January. National Bird Day Story Craft was held on Jan. 5 and participants learned how to keep a pet bird happy, read stories and made a special craft to celebrate the 14th Annual National Bird Day. Genealogy staff member Judy Michaels, who also volunteers with the San Diego Parrot Education and Rescue Center, was the special guest along with her two parrot ambassadors. Two additional story craft days were held in honor of Jan. 12 National Pie Day and Jan. 19 National Popcorn Day. The kids learned about these specific treats, how they're made, listened to stories about them, and of course, enjoyed tasty samples. Finally, Mad Science concluded with month with Sounds Like Science on Jan. 26 with 55 people in attendance. The audience participated by experimenting with different objects to simulate the sounds of several animals as they took a trip through the jungle. 2. The Cole Library Book Clubs were once again held at the Learning Center with Library Assistant Elyse Roy hosting both groups. On Jan. 5, the fourteen readers of "Tell the Wolves I'm Home" by Carol Rifka Brunt had much to discuss about this coming-of-age novel such as characters, relationships, jealousies, and prejudices about AIDS. On Jan. 14, sixteen people discussed Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert. It was an interesting Monthly Library Reports for January 2016 conversation that focused on the title character and how the author did such a great job conveying to the reader the feeling of the time period and what France and women in particular were experiencing. 3. The Ask a Genealogist service provided by Cole genealogy staff at Dove during the Cole closure wrapped up at the end of January. It was a successful program and proved to be a great way to introduce the Library's genealogy offerings and services to the residents in south Carlsbad. 4. Programs presented in partnership with the North San Diego County Genealogical Society continued to meet at alternate sites through January, meeting at the Learning Center, Council Chambers, and the Faraday building. Regular program groups continued: DNA, Legacy Family Tree, and Beginning Genealogy. Two programs of note include the Jan. 12 presentation to the Computer Genealogy Group by Jean Wilcox Hibben, "Hints for a Successful Research Trip to Salt Lake City" with 69 attendees and the Jan. 26 presentation by Mary Anne Vincent about "Civil War Widows' Pensions" with 71 attendees. Learning Center ... 1. On Jan. 21, a New Year, New You program for teens was presented at the Learning Center with emphasis on promoting healthy habits. The program included a Zumba class led by instructor Mauricio Hernandez. Eight girls and their mothers attended the program. 2. Mad Science presented a second presentation of their Sounds like Science program on Jan. 28 to a group of 30. The program involved the audience by using a variety of objects to simulate the sounds of animals. 3. The Early Childhood Literacy tutors are finishing up the 14-week session. Post- assessments will be conducted in the coming weeks to measure the progress of the children. 4. There are three prospective Career Online High School students working their way through the application process. The first interview with a potential student is scheduled for early February. Outreach and Community Connections ... 1. Bilingual Services Community Outreach Coordinator Lizeth Simonson was invited to attend the Head Start parent meeting at Jefferson Elementary School. Seventy-two parents and children attended the meeting and received information on library services, early literacy, homework assistance and children's programs. Lizeth distributed children's event calendars and Happenings at Your Library with the latest redesign information. 2. Library Assistant Mayra Turchiano attended the Y.E.S. (Youth Enrichment Services) meeting at the Harding Community Center. Carlsbad Unified School District Superintendent Suzette Lovely shared a presentation on generational differences and how they affect the workplace. Mayra discussed possible collaborations with representatives from the San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth and the YMCA Youth and Family Services. 3. Children's Librarian Julie Conklin participated in both the Carlsbad Unified School District's library staff meeting on Jan. 14 and the regular monthly meeting of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Education Committee on Jan. 27. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS January 2016 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Jan-15 Dec-15 *2 Jan-16 *2 1 Dove Library 11,025 10,500 13,043 2 Cole Library 9,672 0 ·0 3 Library Learning Center 751 1,937 1,894 4 Total 21,448 12,437 14,937 Circulation Jan-15 Dec-15 *2 Jan-16 *2 5 Dove Library 63,868 60,979 63,971 6 Cole Library 34,162 0 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Library Learning Center 1,247 10,889 9,812 eAudiobook Downloads 1,065 1,300 1,510 eBook Downloads 3,184 3,324 3,632 eMagazine Downloads 771 900 1,213 Total 104,297 77,392 80,138 People Count Jan-15 Dec-15 *2 *2 Jan-16 · Dove Library 33,017 31,667 32,340 Cole Library 25,829 0 0 Library Learning Center 4,219 8,947 10,128 Total 63,065 40,614 42,468 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Jan-15 Dec-15 *2 Jan-16 *2 Pre-School Programs 73 51 62 Attendance 3,175 1J38 2,324 School Aged Children's Programs 28 22 25 Attendance 577 677 379 Young Adult Programs 4 2 2 Attendance 30 27 19 Adult Programs 47 18 28 Attendance 852 1,065 952 Technology Usage Jan-15 Dec-15 *2 Jan-16 *2 Computer Use 9,199 6,511 6,815 WiFi Use 1 7,388 4,347 - Webpage Views 3 50,285 31A45 40,676 Database Usage 5,760 6,535 9,218 Facility Meeting Room Use Jan-15 Dec-15 *2 Jan-16 *2 Events 81 55 48 Attendance 4,294 4,558 2,764 Volunteer Hours Jan-15 Dec-15 *2 Jan-16 *2 Total Hours 1A88 1,130 1,278 .. 1. Unable to collect data on W1F1 for Jan. 2016 *2. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. (Expected period: Sept. 2015 -Jan. 2016) G:arlsbad City Library Carlsbad City Library-Technology Report October-December 2015 ITEM #6 PC Mana~ement Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Computers Jui-Sep 2015 Oct-Dec 2015 Change Oct-Dec 2014 Oct-Dec 2015 Change Dove Adult Lab 20 4,963 4,009 -19% 4,833 4,009 -17% Dove Express 2 898 705 -21% 1,036 705 -32% Dove Walk-up 15 8,696 7,584 -13% 8,631 7,584 -12% Dove Children's 7 834 1,096 31% 764 1,096 43% Learning Center Children's Lab 7 1,171 909 -22% 680 909 34% Learning Center Adult Lab 7 2,121 3,178 50% 1,336 3,178 138% Learning Center Training Lab 8 926 1,978 114% 0 1,978 na Total 66 19,609 19,459 -1% 17,280 19,459 13% . . Cole L1brary closed on 9/1/15. LLC tra1n1ng lab open to the public on 9/1/15 . Wireless User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Jui-Sep 2015 Oct-Dec 2015 Change Oct-Dec 2014 Oct-Dec 2015 Change Dove 16,122 14,067 -13% 11,693 14,067 20% Library Learning Center 2,404 3,548 48% 1,208 3,548 194% Total 18,526 17,615 -5% 12,901 17,615 37% Cole Library closed on 9/1/15. Combined Wireless and Wired Internet Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Jui-Sep 2015 Oct-Dec 2015 Change Oct-Dec 2014 Oct-Dec 2015 Change All Library Locations 38,135 37,074 -3% 30,181 37,074 23% Cole Library closed on 9/1/15. Earlv Literacv Stations -User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison -.uo Location Computer Jui-Sep 2015 Oct-Dec 2015 Change Oct-Dec 2014 Oct-Dec 2015 Change Dove 4 1,487 1,182 -21% 950 1,182 24% Library Learning Center 2 466 368 -21% 357 368 3% Total 6 1,953 1,550 -21% 1,307 1,550 19% Cole Library closed on 9/1/15. Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Jui-Sep 2015 Oct-Dec 2015 Oct-Dec 2014 Oct-Dec 2015 Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station 63% 37% 64% 36% 1% 60% 40% 64% 36% :ole Library closed on 9/1/15. Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Jui-Sep 2015 Oct-Dec 2015 Oct-Dec 2014 Oct-Dec 2015 Staffed Staffed Station Change Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Self-Check Self-Check Station Station 61% 39% 63% 37% 2% 58% 42% 63% 37% Cole L1brary closed on 9/1/15. Change 4% Change 5% Page 1