HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Library Learning Center 3359 Eureka Place, Carlsbad CA 92008 Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:02p.m. ROLL CALL: ITEM #3 Present: Trustees Benson, Bradley, Hinman, Hulsart, Parsons (arrived at 4:06p.m.) Absent: None Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Fiona Everett, Sr. Management Analyst Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced Fiona Everett as the new Sr. Management Analyst. The Board concurred to take the agenda items out of order from the posted agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: The Board, by proper motion (Bradley/Hinman) approved the minutes of the March 16 meeting. Trustee Parsons arrived at 4:06pm and did not participate in the approval of the March minutes. She was present for the February minutes approval. ACTION: The Board, by proper motion (Bradley/Parsons) approved the minutes of the Feb. 17 meeting. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the March & April 2016 Monthly Library Reports. Trustee Bradley commented on staff's ability to offer many events during the library remodels. Chair Hulsart extended compliments on the staff's flexibility during the remodel and shared the positive community feedback she has received. Page2of4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the March 29 2016 Meeting EUREKA! LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE UPDATE: Director Pizzuto introduced Lead Librarian Erin Zocco who shared her learning experience in the Eureka! Leadership program, and presented an overview ofthe program series she developed as a result, titled MOVE: Mind and Spirit. The program was aimed at learning related to health and fitness, with specific focus on nutrition, mindfulness, stress and lifestyle management. · During the initial concept development of the project over 600 community members over the age of 50 were surveyed which served as a base in creating the program content. The funding for the 11 programs was achieved through a $5,000 grant offered by the California State Library in conjunction with the Eureka! Leadership program along with in-kind donations totaling $20,000. Thirteen volunteers assisted and over 500 participants attended the events. Grant funds were used to purchase new library materials complementing the program subject matter, which circulated 600 times during the program's five month duration. Lead Librarian Zocco will be presenting her program review and findings in San Jose on June 6, 2016 to a statewide audience of library representatives. Chair Hulsart inquired about the future of the programs. Zocco commented she will continue to seek funding options to repeat a series similar next year, proposed to be an eight week program specifically about mindfulness. She will also reach out to community partners to bring in experts on the covered subjects. NAMING OPPORTUNITY PROPOSAL: Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto presented the board with a request for a naming of the Dove Library treescape area through a proposed gift to the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation of $15,000 by Susan Meilach Seligman in honor of her parent's Dona Z and Melvin M. Meilach. The amount of the financial contribution is equal to the value established for the space as approved by City Council on Feb. 9, 2016, and the gift is committed to offset costs for improvements in the courtyard which are part of the redesign project. The duration of the naming is proposed to be for the life of the building. In accordance with the city's policy on naming rights, the Library Board is asked to offer a recommendation to the City Council on approval. Trustee Benson requested details on the visual aspects of how the naming would be identified through signage. Director Pizzuto clarified the signage would be designed by the project architect and will be properly sized and placed for visibility and consistency with other named spaces in the facility. ACTION: The Board, by proper motion (Benson/Parsons approved a recommendation to the City Council supporting the naming request. Page 3 of4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the March 29 2016 Meeting FY 2016-17 BUDGET: Part-time Administrative Professional Cheryl Gerhardt and Associate Analyst Debbie Jo McCool presented the library's fiscal year 2016-17 budget request, which conformed to the city's budget policy's and allotted block budget including a two percent increase over the prior year. The presentation included an overview of requested budget changes for the next fiscal year representing potential additionally funded items that would support the priorities of both the Library and Cultural Arts Office. ACTION: The Board, by proper motion (Hinman/Parsons) concurred with the Library & Cultural Arts budget submittal for FY 2016-17. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS UPDATE: Director Pizzuto updated the Board on the status of the Dove Library renovations. Beginning this week, equipment and furnishings will begin to arrive and staff will begin moving back in to the building the week of May 30. The Dove Library grand reopening event has been planned for Saturday, June 25, with a soft opening anticipated to be June 21. Some construction elements may continue that week, and greeters will be on hand during this time to direct patrons to proper entrances. The Schulman Auditorium is scheduled to be complete and available for the reopening. Summer Reading Program will begin June 27. The Cole Library reopening brought approximately 4,000 visitors. We are anticipating 6,000 visitors for the Dove reopening. With the high estimated attendance the staff is working closely with the City to treat this as a "Special Event" and adhering to necessary planning requirements. At the conclusion ofthe June Library Board meeting the Board will tour the newly remodeled Dove Library. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Recruitment for Collections & Technical Services Sr. Librarian is open, and will commence shortly for the positions of Cultural Arts Manager and Training Coordinator. Staff would like to extend a thank you to Chair Hulsart for speaking recently at the Library & Cultural Arts staff meeting. Highspeed broadband service through the CENIC project will be installed after the June 25 library re-opening as a result of the required scheduling time for telecommunications lines. Service is expected to be available by August. Library Learning Center hours of operation will return to the previous schedule upon the reopening of Dove Library, with the restoration of full services at all library facilities. Page4of4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the March 29 2016 Meeting FOUNDATION REPORT: Representative Dr. Sandy Parsons reported the Foundation is considering hiring consultants to update their website. The Foundation plans on moving their upcoming Gala to September. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Hulsart reported that the Friends are looking forward to moving into the newly remodeled Dove Library. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Cindy Goodger shared recent and upcoming activities of the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. There were six new members added this month. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Board recognized and thanked retiring Trustee Benson for his nearly eight years of dedicated service time to the board. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Parsons/Benson) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:10p.m. Respectfully submitted, /1 !td!f6'~1bi/!V' Kelly Clayton Part-time Office Assistant Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for MARCH 2016 1. Progress on the library renovation projects in March spanned both sites: ITEM#4A • Georgina Cole Library's reopening celebration was Feb. 27 and interim services at Dove began on Feb. 29 which made March a very interesting month exploring public services in unique spaces. • Cole functionality, workflow, collection locations, computers, equipment, etc. began to be tweaked based on usage and comfort. • Cole staff worked with city facilities st~ff on the Cole building key and rekeying issues, alarm issues, building tweaks, and HVAC and lighting issues. • Staff used a newer tool, Collection HQ, which gives usage data, to help decide how to stock the interim facility at Dove. • The Dove interim services launched with a few concerns and hiccups including restrooms and lighting safety for the public and fire and building alarms based on the contractors. The public still appreciated the effort of providing library services. • Staff were busy with their own version of central service desk functionality in the popular interim library. Dove staff balanced their work and their ability to traverse an obstacle course with the divide between the north and south campuses {primarily public and staff areas respectively). • Staff and project teams worked on plans and strategies for moving equipment and people and construction work to meet the Dove renovation project schedule. Staff worked on plans for the new technology lab at Dove Library. Staff finalized service area locations within the building for proper power and data placement. 2. The RFID equipment {conveyor/sorter and self-check equipment) at Cole began to be used by the public with great success. A few faulty pieces were replaced by Bibliotheca and some pieces were tweaked by staff to function appropriately. Documentation for staff troubleshooting was also created. RFID tagging of various parts oft he collection continued. 3. This month's Wednesday Film Series followed the theme of Cult Classics and featured three films known of their epic fan base despite wacky production style, cheesy scripts, or initially low box office sales. These titles included, The Princess Bride, Young Frankenstein, and Waiting for Guffman. The films were shown at the Georgina Cole Library Community Room due to renovations occurring in the Schulman Auditorium. Films for the Wednesday Film Series and Cinema Series will continue to be shown in the community room through May. 4. The Winter/Spring Concert Series consists offour concerts in the Cole Community Room from February through April. During the month of March the series continued on Sunday, March 20, with San Diego's sweetheart, Raelee Nikole. Nikole's concert and was attended by over 60 patrons and showcased cover songs and original pop/soul music. Her debut album, "Answer", helped her get nominated for Best Singer/Songwriter in the 2015 San Diego Music Awards. 5. The library's five-part Your Library Mean Business workshop series held the third workshop on Tuesday, March 22, at the Georgina Cole Library Community Room. The workshop was entitled Strategic Formulation Guidelines and covered how to use situational market analysis through combing industry analysis, competitor maturity and strength factors to develop a competitive Monthly Library Reports for March 2016 business strategy to enter a new market or grow your business. It was led by Anthony Gable, Founder of Breakout Strategic Systems. CCL, Dove Lane ... 6. Dove Children's preschool storytimes moved to the Alga Norte Community Park Conference Room in February. Attendance at preschool storytimes continues to be lower than regular storytimes at Dove, but those patrons who attend are appreciative of the effort to serve their area. 7. Dr. Seuss's Birthday celebration and Read Across America program on March 2 continued this year even in the interim facility. Staff hosted a "passive" program with the public this year in which children chose a Dr. Seuss-themed card, scratched off the silver box and discovered which ofthree prizes they were to receive: a bookmark, pencil or memo pad. Fifty-four children participated in the day-long event. 8. The three Dove-based book clubs are continuing to meet during the renovations at various sites. The Monday Night Classics Book Club has moved to Cole through the renovations; The First Wednesday Book Club is meeting at the Alga Norte Community Park Conference Room through the renovations; The First Thursday Book Club (a smaller group} is meeting at La Costa Roasting until the Dove Library reopens. Georgina Cole ... 9. On Sunday, March 13, the Magee Park Poets presented with the library their second poetry workshop for 2016 entitled 51 Shades of Grief: Exploring Empty Spaces. The workshop was led by Johnirenee Nelson, the current poet in residence for the World Beat Center in Balboa Park. The 18 participants attended the workshop read and discussed contemporary poems on loss and then had a chance to write their own poems based on their personal experiences followed by optional sharing. 10. March's Author Talk event featured three acclaimed fiction writers with titles perfect for any book club. The event was attended by 50 people and featured Jill G. Hall, author of The Black Velvet Coat, Sue Meissner, author of Stars Over Sunset Boulevard, and Yona McDonough, author of The House on Primrose Pond. 11. The Cole Children's Tuesday Afternoon Adventures welcomed the community back to Cole with exciting and well-attended programs this month: • Read Across America with Janell Cannon was held on March 1 with 88 people in attendance. Janell read Verdi and her favorite Dr. Seuss book "Oh, the Places You'll Go." Kids made a snake craft and sampled a special Dr. Seuss cookie to celebrate the Read Across America campaign. • Scribble Bot Fun & Science was held on March 8 with 92 people in attendance. Laurie Clarke and Sue Foote taught the kids how to complete an electrical circuit and then they built a simple contraption that skittered around while it scribbled. • Sweet Science was held on March 15 with 70 people in attendance. Kids enjoyed some sweet science with candy experiments. • Carlsbad Flower Fields presents "Plant a Sunflower" was held on March 24 with 37 people in attendance. Kids welcomed spring with the Carlsbad Flower Fields representative by planting a sunflower as part oftheir Seed and Bulb Growing Program. They also made a craft and enjoyed a presentation by the Carlsbad Flower Fields representative. 2 Monthly Library Reports for March 2016 • Van Gogh's Le Solei! Story Craft was held on March 29 with 41 people in attendance. Kids learned more about this popular artists through stories, activities and a craft. 12. The Cole Library Homework Zone re-launched to a great start with 46 patrons assisted during March. Higher participation than in March of 2015. The Homework Zone is now held in the front study room at the renovated Cole instead of at a table in the children's area with greater visibility which may play a role in the increased usage. 13. Teen Pizza and a Movie resumed at Cole with a screening of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay-Part 2. Twelve teens attended, all the teens stayed for the entire film, and they even applauded at the end of it! 14. The Eureka! Leadership Institute project for participant Lead Librarian Erin Zocco, is providing the community with the MOVE: Mind Body Spirit program series which launched with the reopening of Cole. The first workshops in the series in March included: • Live Longer Less Stress was held on March 12 with 63 people attending this workshop that discussed ways to reduce stress in your life. • Mindfulness Connection with Stress, Brain, and Body was held on March 19 with 93 people attending the presentation on how to begin or enhance mindfulness practices. • Spring Clean Your Eating was held on March 24 with 28 people attending this program on how to change your diet to build confidence and energy and to lose weight. • Health Helps was presented on March 25 with 7 people attending this hands-on workshop on finding reliable and accurate health information online. • Library Got Game was held on March 26 with 22 people who attended and played board games designed to exercise their brain power. • Cooking Up Healthy was held on March 31with 35 people attending this food preparation demonstration and were able to taste delicious and healthy dishes 15. The Genealogy and Carlsbad History Division welcomed back its genealogists to their renovated space. They also welcomed new Senior Librarian Sarah Dana, whose first day was Feb. 29. The division's regular Focus On hand-on instruction for March included three afternoons of tours of the upstairs area. 16. Programs co-sponsored with North San Diego Genealogical Society included the Computer- oriented Genealogy Group (CoGG) which invited Gena Philibert Ortega to speak about Social History websites with approximately 100 attendees, the Beginning & Refresher Genealogy Class held in the Council Chambers on March 12 with 23 learners, and the NSDCGS annual Spring Seminar on "The Power of DNA," featured nationally-recognized genetic genealogist CeCe Moore and drew 120 participants. And on March 22, Linda Serna spoke about Spanish research at the NSDCGS Program meeting with 40 people attendees. learning Center ... 17. Learning Center staff bid farewell to their Cole office-mates and welcomed Dove staff to the Learning Center providing tours and orientations to programs and services. 18. The Learning Center is now hosting computer tutoring and test proctoring services that are normally held at the Dove Library. 3 Monthly Library Reports for March 2016 19. English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) classes began on March 28, through a partnership with MiraCosta Community College District and funded by the Benson Family Trust. This beginning/intermediate class meets four days a week from 9:00-12:00 through May 19. There are 10 students currently registered though it is an open enrollment class so we expect an increase. 20. The Learning Center's partnership with the AARP tax volunteers continues to provide tax service help every Wednesday through Apr. 14 from 9:30a.m. to 3:00p.m. 21. The Osher Institute is currently hosting two classes at the Learning Center. "The Fall of the Industrial City" and "You Write!". 22. The Carlsbad Flower Fields presented "Plant a Sunflower" to a group of 12. The audience enjoyed a presentation about the history of the Flower Fields and learned how to plant and care for a ranunculus bulb. 23. Six teens enjoyed pizza and the movie, Maze Runner: the Scorch Trials. Outreach and Community Connections ... 24. Staffwelcomed the opportunity to work with many local schools this month. Senior Librarian Barbara Chung participated in Aviara Oaks Elementary School's Dress as Your Favorite Character from Literature Day on March 4. She dressed as Professor McGonagall and read two of her favorite picture books to a fourth grade class. Children's Librarian Missy Shaw joined the CUSD library staff meeting. Children's Librarian Julie Conklin spent time reviewing 30 STEM programs offered by local schools in competition for one ofthe Outstanding Educational Program Awards. Lead Librarian Darin Williamson made classroom presentations to a total of 12 classes and 354 students at Aviara Oaks Middle School, La Costa Canyon HS, and Sage Creek HS. Each presentation covered eBooks, eAudiobooks, eResources (Lynda.com, College Source, Student Resources in Context), the Enterprise catalog, along with information about the library renovations and teen services and programs. 25. Four Literacy staff members attended the Southern California Library Literacy Network Conference held in Buena Park on March 5. They were joined by one tutor and 3 learners, two of whom were Writer to Writer Challenge winners who read their letters at the award luncheon. The winners also participated in a panel discussion on Writer to Writer for a standing-room only audience. Community Outreach Coordinator Carrie Scott facilitated two workshops: Choosing a Book You and Your Learner Will Love from Your Library Collection and the Writer to Writer panel. 26. Bilingual staff members Mayra and Lizeth attended the 5th annual Seguimos Creando Enlaces Conference held at the San Diego Central Library. A series of presentations followed the opening remarks by Misty Jones, San Diego Public Library Director, and Gerry Maginnity, California Deputy State Librarian. Librarians from both sides ofthe border presented information on technology, community partnerships, immigration integration, databases and learning opportunities. 27. Lizeth attended the Y.E.S. meeting at the Harding Community Center. MiraCosta College Superintendent and President, Dr. Sunita Cooke, gave a presentation on the importance of higher education as the gateway to better opportunities in today's job market. She also mentioned the opportunities for bringing education to the community by partnering with other community organizations. Dr. Cooke mentioned the collaboration between Carlsbad Library Learning Center and MiraCosta College to offer ESL at the Learning Center. 4 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS March 2016 .· .· Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Mar-15 Feb-16 *2 March-16 *2 1 Dove Library 10,703 8,398 6,154 2 Cole Library 10,164 365 16,744 3 Library Learning Center 1,299 1,910 1,349 4 Total 22,166 10,673 24,247 Circulation Mar-15 Feb-16 *2 March-16 *2 5 Dove Library 66,853 49,074 37,445 6 Cole Library 34,906 8,088 36,041 7 Library Learning Center 1,880 5,208 2,404 8 eAudiobook Downloads 1,165 1,472 1,511 9 eBook Downloads 3,321 3,142 3,562 10 eMagazine Downloads 810 1,023 1,134 11 Total 108,935 68,007 82,097 People Count Mar-15 Feb-16 •z March-16 *2 12 Dove Library 35,298 24,901 17882.3 13 Cole Library 27,430 5,259 27,725 14 Library Learning Center 6,478 11,105 7,452 15 Total 69,206 41,265 35,177 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Mar-15 Feb-16 •2 March-16 *2 16 Pre-School Programs 86 69 82 17 Attendance 3,510 2,281 2,893 18 School Aged Children's Programs 34 20 30 19 Attendance 1,058 231 577 20 Young Adult Programs 4 2 2 21 Attendance 48 17 18 22 Adult Programs 52 23 27 23 Attendance 1,713 4,190 825 Technology Usage Mar-15 Feb-16 •2 March-16 *2 24 Computer Use 10,177 6,267 6,863 25 WiFi Use 1 7,925 -- 26 Webpage Views3 48,728 40,071 114,181 27 .Database Usage 5,885 7,483 8,522 Facility Meeting Room Use Mar-15 Feb-16 *2 March-16 *2 28 Events 84 10 15 29 Attendance 4,746 3,727 601 Volunteer Hours Mar-15 Feb-16 •2 March-16 *2 30 Total Hours 1,750 1,302 1,329 .. 1. Unable to collect data on W1F1 for Jan. 2016, Feb. 2016, March 2016 *2. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. (Expected period: Sept. 2015-Jan. 2016). Cole Library officially reopen Feb. 27, 2016. Dove library was closed between Feb. 23 to Feb 28, reopened with its reduced footprint starting Feb. 29. *3. Door count estimated for month usage based on 9 day actuals. Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for APRIL 2016 1. Library renovation project work updates for April: ITEM #4B • Staff closed and moved out of the interim library at Dove. This included moving the collection, equipment, staff, holds, circulation. Work also included adjusting the online catalog to show the appropriate items as available, appropriate hold pickup locations, and alerts to patrons. • All patrons with holds at Dove were called and provided with a "holds by mail" option for those unable to get to north Carlsbad. • Support of the Dove project continued with clarified data locations and technology placement detailed mapping, and completing furniture orders. • The new tech lab details were further planned and discussed with I.T. • The alarm system was problematic and there were several false fire alarms and various issues with arming the building. • Staff pursued cross-training in a variety of ways including new sites and new services. • Services at Cole continued to be adjusted and tweaked to support usage and complete remaining project punch list items. 2. Luna Bee Cafe opened their coffee cart for services on April13 to a welcome response from staff and patrons alike. 3. The RFID update project continued with processing additional formats of materials such as DVDs and finishing re-tagging parts of collection. Staff are coordinating delivery and installation of new automated material handler (AMH} and other equipment for the upgrades at Dove. Staff are also working on tweaking cash and card handling, recording, and reporting on self-check machines at Cole and the Learning Center. 4. The Library had many recruitments open for a variety of positions across all sites. Four new part- time reference Librarians were hired in April. The new staff are being trained and are beginning to work shifts at the Cole Library Information Desk but will also work at Dove when it reopens. We expect to have them all fully on board by the end of May. 5. The Staff Engagement and Appreciation Committee sponsored the 21st annual event celebrating our hourly employees on April 22. The theme was the Roaring Twenties/The Great Gatsby and many of the attendees dress.ed in the spirit of the period. Forty-nine part-time employees were honored for reaching significant milestones. 6. Many training sessions continue to be offered for staff to both support service model changes and to provide professional growth. Workshops in April included workplace violence, children's literature, ebooks, coding, etc. 7. Community Outreach Coordinator for Literacy Carrie Scott and Training Coordinator Amy Jordan attended the Public Library Association Conference in Denver, Colorado, in early April. 8. Better Impact is the City's online volunteer management system. The Library began utilizing a portion oft his software for the teen volunteers for Summer Reading Program last year. This year we are fully implementing this system and will include online applications via the portal beginning May 1. Senior Librarian Marsha Weeks worked with the city's Volunteer Coordinator on the process and with Greg Wallace from IT to create a shorter, custom URL to the Better Impact SRP volunteer sign-up page: srp.carlsbdca.gov. Monthly Library Reports for April 2016 9. Carlsbad kids had the opportunity to celebrate Money Smart Week by learning how to save with a fun presentation by a representative from Point Lama Credit Union. The Credit Union visited Cole Library on April 26 and the Learning Center on April 28. Participants learned how to save for the future for items they need and for emergencies. They then decorated a "piggy" bank that had the shape of a book which they took home with them to start them saving for their future. Almost 100 children were able to participate between the two sites. CCL, Dove Lane ... 10. Book clubs, movies, concerts, and programs for all ages continue to be held at alternate locations until Dove reopens in late June. Homework Zone continued at Dove through April13 when interim services closed. 11. Storytime participation at' Alga Norte Community Park continues to do well, though understandably lower attendance than at its home location at the Dove Library. Science Saturday focused on the science of the spring season and was held at Cole Library on April16. Georgina Cole ... 12. The Community Relations division supported 18 community-based programs in the Cole Community Room during April. While Dove is closed staff are testing their ability to support programming and Community Room availability to open it up for non-department and non-City sponsored activities. 13. Library and Cultural Arts programming in the Community Room in April included: • Richard Lederer's visit on April 2 presenting The World of Shakespeare • Alaskan Author Panel on April 7 • The Good Life Lecture Series presented two sessions: Weight Loss Secrets from I Love Lucy! on April19 and Time Management on April 26 • Your Library Means Business series presented Business Plan Basics on April 26 • Spring Concert Series presented Sister Speak on April 30 • Wednesday Night Movies presented in the Cole Community Room included Bridge of Spies on April 6, Spotlight on April13 and 17, and The Revenant on April 20 and 24 • The Cinema Series presented the film Room on April 9 14. The Eureka! Leadership Institute series developed by institute fellow and Lead Librarian Erin Zocco continued and concluded its twelve workshops after its launch in March. A presentation on the program will be shared at the May Library Board meeting. The MOVE: Mind Body Spirit series in April included: • Food Sensitivities and Your Health on April2-35 people attended this workshop that discussed the links between chronic inflammation and serious illnesses • Mindfulness In Your Daily Life on April16-97 people attended this presentation on how to begin or enhance mindfulness practices • Tai Chi Chuan on April 23-43 people attended • Candlelight Yoga on April 28-33 people attended • Healthy Brains Age Better on April 30-56 people attended this talk about ways to maintain brain health for years to come 15. Genealogy staff presented April's Focus On session: Focus on Family Search. Using the division's laptop and a projector, staff member Ann Montgomery led 27 patrons (in two sessions) through the complex website live, rather than explaining the site in a lecture format as has been done in the 2 Monthly Library Reports for April 2016 past. The flexibility of a live presentation allowed Ann to incorporate patrons' research questions directly into the demo. At one session, she located within seconds a digitized volume of a rare book a patron hadn't been able to find on her own! The feedback from staff and patrons on the live format was so positive that all but one Focus On topic has now been scheduled to be held in the Computer Lab at the Library Learning Center. The new location not only will allow the instructor to guide users through various databases and website but the lab setup will also allow patrons to follow along with the instructor, allow more patrons computer access, and not disrupt patrons using the computers or tables upstairs at Cole. Disadvantages include moving the workshop away from the collection, possible technology malfunctions, and more limitations on the number of attendees. learning Center ... 16. New English language adult fiction, non-fiction books as well as new DVDs' have been added to the Learning Center collection to offer more selection of English language materials to patrons who selected Learning Center as their pick up location for their holds. 17. In celebration of "EI Dfa de Los Nifios-El Dfa de Los Libras" (Day of the Children-Day of the Books) Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson and Children's Librarian Missy Shaw conducted a Bilingual Story-time at Georgina Cole Library to a group of children, parents, and grandparents. The audience enjoyed stories read in English and Spanish, songs, and crafts. 18. All three current pairs ofthe Early Childhood Literacy Program (Spring 2016) are on track to complete the program before the start of the Summer Reading Program. Four new volunteers completed the trainings and orientations so now there are seven tutors available for the program. 19. On April 22, seven teens attended the Board Games and Pizza Program. They enjoyed playing various games like Uno, Apples to Apples, and Twister, while enjoying some pizza. Outreach and Community Connections ... 20. The Business Systems Team provided a tour of the new Cole RFID equipment to both the City of San Diego and the City of Escondido library system technology and administrative staff who are interested in purchasing new equipment. 21. Learning Center staff attended the Youth Enrichment Services (YES) meeting on April 21. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott shared a brief presentation on Career Online High School and handed out supporting materials. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson shared information about the Summer Reading Program volunteers program. 22. The Learning Center staff assisted AARP volunteers with their successful tax season. Staff made 154 appointments and AARP's volunteers prepared 138 tax returns. This program continues to grow in popularity. 23. Julie Clark of the Hi-Noon Rotary Club in Carlsbad has identified members who are interested in helping our literacy learners with job preparation skills such as resume writing, filling out job applications, and preparing for interviews. Staff are working with the volunteers to ensure they are trained and ready to work with a learner/tutor pair and expect the first match to be made the week of May 16. 24. In working with the local schools in April, Librarian Julie Conklin presented a booktalk for Carlsbad High School's Library Club, and shared multiple handouts for recommended young adult titles and authors. Library Assistant Fred Vrabel represented the Carlsbad Library and shared information about the Summer Reading Program at the Poinsettia Elementary School Open House. 3 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS April2016 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Apr-15 Mar-16 *2 Apr-16 *2 1 Dove Library 10,182 6,154 3,063 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Cole Library 9,895 16,744 15,908 Library Learning Center 883 1,349 2,285 Total 20,960 24,247 21,256 Circulation Apr-15 Mar-16 *2 Apr-16 *2 Dove Library 63,946 37A45 20,118 Cole Library 33,045 36,041 39J10 Library Learning Center 1,528 2A04 2,869 eAudiobook Downloads 1,168 1,511 1,609 eBook Downloads 3,259 3,562 3,442 eMagazine Downloads 669 1,134 1,068 Total 103,615 82,097 68,816 People Count Apr-15 Mar-16 *2 Apr-16 *2 Dove Library 33,523 17,882 *3 6,571 Cole Library 27,182 27,725 29,367 Library Learning Center 5,943 7A52 7J72 Total 66,648 35,177 43,710 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Apr-15 Mar-16 *2 Apr-16 '2 Pre-School Programs 64 82 56 Attendance 2,688 2,893 2,316 School Aged Children's Programs 30 30 18 Attendance 795 577 355 Young Adult Programs 3 2 2 Attendance 36 18 8 Adult Programs 49 27 35 Attendance 1,525 825 1,204 Technology Usage Apr-15 Mar-16 *2 Apr-16 *2 Computer Use 9,375 6,863 SJ40 WiFi Use 1 7,943 -- Webpage Views3 45,598 114,181 69,842 Database Usage 5,923 8,522 6,722 Facility Meeting Room Use Apr-15 Mar-16 *2 Apr-16 '2 Events 80 15 18 Attendance 4,692 601 718 Volunteer Hours Apr-15 Mar-16 *2 ~ *2 Apr-16 Total Hours 1A96 1,329 1,276 .. 1. Unable to collect data on W1F1 for Jan. 2016, Feb. 2016, March 2016, Apnl 2016 *2. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. (Expected period: Sept. 2015-Jan. 2016). Cole Library officially reopen Feb. 27, 2016. City of Carlsbad <' ,,, , CITY OF CARLSBAD LIBRARY & CULTURAL ARTS BUDGET SUMMARY FISCAL YEAR 2016-17 '6P.i:ijA;jtN6aVR~~'', •· $4,164,490 $14,547 ITEM #6 The Library & Cultural Arts Department {L&CA} is pleased to present general fund block budget and special revenue fund budget requests that meet multiple goals for the department and the city for FY 2016-17. • Continued to maintain increased operating hours at the Library Learning Center with no fiscal impact for the third year. • Successfully negotiated no increases or manageable increases on many of our maintenance and technology services contracts. • FY 2016-17 budget received a 2% increase to assist departments with ongoing costs. FY 2016-17 will be focused on implementing new service delivery methods in the remodeled Dove and Cole Libraries, experiencing the results of these major projects which will have been completed in June 2016. With the benefit of added efficiencies such as updated RFID systems and a central service desk model, we anticipate redeploying staff to focus on more direct patron interaction and outreach efforts. One example is the introduction of a "Book Bike" which will allow library services to be delivered throughout the community. Donation funds will allow the department to continue providing enhanced programs and services, including a new English as a Second Language program and scholarships for individuals to complete a high school diploma online. In FY 2015-16, the State Library was successful in securing additional state funding for literacy services as well as special funding for high speed broadband connectivity. In FY 2016-17 we are estimating continued appropriations for literacy programs. And we will be moving forward with purchasing high speed broadband services through statewide consortium discount pricing, which will increase broadband connection to the internet tenfold allowing the library to be responsive to patron demand for high bandwidth applications such as streamlining and online instruction. The results of a Public Art Vision Plan accepted by the City Council in FY2015-16 can be seen in an expenditure enhancement request for funding of projects that don't quality for 1 percent for public art funding through CIP project allocations. With the sunset of ArtSplash, we propose redeploying some of these funds to additional public art experiences, along with increased arts grants funding that will support arts education and additional regional arts opportunities in Carlsbad. TGIF Concerts in Parks costs are projected to increase, as major contracts which were stable during the economic downturn are now experiencing upward pressure and demand for the concerts continues to rise. We will also continue moving forward with an Arts and Culture Master Plan to explore community interests, creating a vision and strategies to advance the development of arts and cultural programs and services. The process will engage the community as well as staff and identify opportunities to utilize arts and culture for downtown redevelopment, coastal development and cultural tourism efforts, as well as neighborhood and community development. Page 1 BUDGET PRIORITIES AND OBJECTIVES 1. New service delivery methods: Through efficiencies realized from the library redesigns and increased use of technology, pursue new innovations in service delivery. 2. Arts and Culture Master Plan: Complete an extensive community visioning effort that will result in a comprehensive plan and strategies for advancing the development of arts and cultural programs and services based on the community's interests. NEW AND/OR CHANGED POSITIONS library Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Library Full Time Positions 51.25 50.25 50.50 50.50 Library Part-Time/Hourly Positions 61.50 60.11 59.83 59.83 No changes for FV2016-17 MAJOR CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUESTS • Microfilm/Microfiche Scanner: This expenditure supports the community vision for history, the arts and cultural resources and promoting high quality of community services allowing the library patrons the ability to read, scan, and print from the large microfilm/microfiche collection. EXPENDITURE ENHANCEMENT REQUESTS-OTHER THAN CAPITAL AND NEW FACILITIES • TGIF Concerts in the Parks • Library Book Bike and Mobile Circulation Services • Community Arts Grants • Public Art Projects • Employee Replacement Monitors PROPOSED SAVINGS/PROCESS IMPROVEMENTS/REVENUE ENHANCEMENTS • Redeploy staff as a result oftechnology upgrades and service delivery methods • State funding and consortium purchasing allows delivery of highly increased public internet speed at discounted pricing • Private gifts are being used to support new programs such as English as a Second Language (ESL) classes and scholarships that will allow the completion of a high school diploma online through the library. ITEMS THAT MAY IMPACT Fl!TURE YEARS • Increased demand for cultural arts services, cultural facilities and community gathering spaces. • Increased costs for technology improvements, infrastructure support, and maintenance contract costs. • Long range planning for the future of the Cole Library, built in 1967. Page2