HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-07-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, July 20, 2016 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:00p.m. ROLLCALL: Present: Trustees Bradley, Hulsart, Parsons Absent: Trustee Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Fiona Everett, Sr. Management Analyst Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ITEM #3 ACTION: The Board, by proper motion (Bradley/Parsons) approved the minutes of the June 15 meeting. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the June 2016 Monthly Library Report. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECTS UPDATE: Director Pizzuto updated the Board on remaining construction items. Most furniture is now in place, with service desks expected to ship on July 25 with arrival and installation shortly after. The West patio will be completed in approximately three weeks including decorative concrete, fireplace flue, landscaping, and gate access. The auditorium is fully functional and operational with staff training on new components being completed this week. Several programs have taken place in the new space and were successfully received. Signage and landscape items are nearly complete, undergoing minor adjustments. The HVAC and lighting systems are also being modified to meet staff and patron needs. Cultural Arts staff are now located in their new space on the second floor of the Dove Library. The Sculpture Garden is temporarily closed until the next exhibition opens in August. Page 2 of3 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the July 20, 2016 Meeting Last Tuesday, the City Council approved soliciting proposals for operation of the Cafe. The RFP has an extended timeframe to include both Dove and Cole locations. The current coffee cart vendor at Cole has requested release from its agreement. Chair Hulsart suggested the next meeting include a trip to view the West Patio, weather permitting. ElECTION OF CHAIR & VICE-CHAIR: The election of the chair and vice-chair will be continued to the August meeting. LIBRARY & ARTS FOUNDATION BOARD & GALLERY COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES: The nomination and appointment of the Library & Arts Foundation Board and Gallery Committee representatives will be continued to the August meeting. Chair Parsons suggested the city consider adding Library Trustees to ensure adequate attendance at Library Board meetings. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Staffing/ Recruiting updates- • Senior Librarian and Senior Office Specialist positions are nearly complete with reference checks now in process for final candidates. • An agreement has been executed with ACG (Arts Consulting Group, Inc.) based in Los Angeles, CA to begin the Cultural Arts Manager candidate search. • Recruitment has begun for the Training Coordinator position. • Staff has been identifying staffing needs and assessing positions working with consultant Ruth Metz, and using focus groups to assess and affirm positions roles. The project includes succession planning to prepare and develop staff skills to meet future staffing needs. High-speed broad-band internet access for public use through the statewide consortium CENIC is tentatively scheduled to be installed in August. Site visits were completed at Dove Library and Faraday Center; both locations met readiness tests. Cole Library needs some additional electrical work to meet AT&T requirements. Deputy Director Bednarski indicated these are minor adjustments which are specific to AT&T. The FY 2016-17 City budget was approved June 28. The Summer Reading Program has been going well with participation the first few weeks above 2,000 registrants. All sites have been very busy. Final results will be reported at the September meeting. The Exploration Hub (previously known as the technology lab) will launch in August with demos, followed by classes, then open lab time. Patrons have been anxious to utilize this new space. Page 3 of 3 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the July 20, 2016 Meeting A second Career Online High School scholarship was awarded. The city is recruiting for the Assistant City Manager position and is expected to take several months. The Library & Cultural Arts Department reports to that position. FOUNDATION REPORT: Foundation meeting included a review of the investment accounts. The CLAF Finance Committee has been reinstituted. The Foundation is currently working on its gal·a to celebrate the library's re-opening and it is tentatively planned for Sept. 21. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: The July meeting was canceled. NSDC GENEAlOGICAl SOCIETY REPORT: Report was given by Board Liaison Cindy Goodger who summarized recent and upcoming programs. Membership is currently at 337 liBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: None PUBLIC COMMENTS: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Parsons/Bradley) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:29p.m. Respectfully submitted, . ;/ /11 ' /l £L;L:fay~/h--·" Kelly Clayton Part-time Office Assistant Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JUNE 2016 ITEM #4 1. On Saturday, June 25 the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane officially reopened with a community celebration attended by nearly 6,000 people. The four-hour event began with brief opening remarks by Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto and each City Councilmember. The celebration began with an official ribbon-cutting followed by a march into the building led by the Euphoria Brass Band. The remainder ofthe day consisted of craft and digital activities for all ages, musical and dance performances, a photo booth, staff-guided tours, information tables about programs and services, along with a Family Open Studios held in the Children's Garden. Throughout the day, 67 new library cards were issued, 2,953 collection items were checked out, 654 people used the new self-check machines, and nearly 1,200 people participated in a self-guided tour activity to receive a prize. Staff were also positioned and available throughout the library to answer questions on a variety of services, programs, materials, equipment, and changes that were incorporated during the renovations. 2. On Monday, June 27, the Summer Reading Program began its seven-week themed program/'On Your Mark, Get Set, READ!" The program offers reading incentives for patrons of all ages. The first day alone, staff and volunteers registered almost 1,000 participants from babies and kids to teens and adults. Events held in the first few days included a teen ice cream social and a movie matinee of Inside Out, make and take crafts, and storytimes. In addition to the physical preparations of the building and the program supplies, staff worked with and trained about 400 teen volunteers systemwide in the weeks leading up to the beginning of the program. CCL, Dove Lane ... 3. June's Author Talk event was the first event held in the newly renovated Schulman Auditorium and featured author and journalist Richard Louv. Louv led a discussion of his latest work "Vitamin N: The Essential Guide to a Nature-Rich Life" which included how individuals can take advantage of the benefits of daily interactions with nature. Louv has written nine books as well as for The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Tfmes of London and Orion. He is also a columnist for The San Diego Union-Tribune and Parents magazine. 4. The final RFID upgrade installations occurred in early June in preparation for the Dove Library June 25 reopening. Business Systems team led the set-up, installation, and testing ofthe AMH (book conveyor/sorter), security gates, self-checks, cash and credit card acceptance components, and reporting operations. Cataloging and Technical Services led the completion of the DVD RFID overlay project which included working with more than 7000 DVDs. 5. Cataloging and Technical Services (CaTS) also led the project to adjust the catalog for items returning to the shelves, "unshadowing" items that had been in storage and unavailable, changing location for items that were temporarily at Learning Center, moving hold locations, and suspending reports during times of transition. The goal was to maintain the highest levels of customer service and catalog accuracy during the transitory period. 6. The Business Systems team worked with the City's I.T. Department in the placement, installation, configuration, and testing of all ofthe public and staff computers across the renovated facility. This included the new equipment in the Tech Lab, now officially called the Exploration HUB, and the equipment used for patron computer reservations and printing. 1 Monthly Library Reports for June 2016 7. With the reopening of the Dove Lane Library, a new room management software, LibCal, was launched which allows patrons to reserve study rooms online. The program is currently being used to manage Dove's six study rooms and will eventually expand to the Cole Library and the Learning Center. The program can even be used for reserving classes or time with a tutor, which is a function we plan to add later. Lead Librarian Darin Williamson was instrumental in researching room management programs, selecting and implementing LibCal. 8. Circulation staff spent much of June shelving, re-shelving, and shifting, more than 250 boxes of returned items onto the relocated and adjusted shelves at Dove 9. The first week of reopening included the first week of the Summer Reading Program. Children's staff hosted the first session of their weekly Make & Take Crafts on June 28 with more than 120 kids decorating soft foam pennants which they enthusiastically waved around the renovated library. In addition, their first Step Out to Storytime on June 29 attracted 96 children and adults who enjoyed stories and songs themed in anticipation of the Fourth of July. 10. Reference Librarian Liza Blue facilitated the discussion of the First Wednesday Book Club on June 1 at the Alga Norte Community Park Conference Room. Fourteen members attended for a discussion of a fictionalized biography of Beryl Markham, "Circling the Sun" by Paula Mclain. The First Wednesday Book Club will return to its usual meeting location at the Dove Lane Library in July. 11. The First Thursday Book Club met at the La Costa Roasting Coffee House on June 2 to discuss "Go Set a Watchman" by Harper Lee. Library Assistant II Susan Burke facilitated the conversation with two members in attendance. Despite many efforts to increase attendance at this book club we continue to have only two or three people attend monthly. For this reason, we are suspending the First Thursday Book Club at this time. There are plans to resurrect it in a few months with a different focus that will increase its appeal to a different, potentially younger audience. Librarian Maile McKeon is currently researching other libraries' Millennia! and Gen Y book clubs for ideas on how to proceed. 12. The Monday Night Classics Book Club resumed meeting at the Dove Lane Library on June 27. Eleven people attended the meeting facilitated by Senior Librarian Leila Dooley for a discussion of the "Fer- De-Lance," the first Nero Wolfe mystery by Rex Stout. The group enjoyed the book more for the mood and characters than for the mystery, which most felt was not very well developed and was easy for readers to solve. Georgina Cole ... 13. During the month of June the Wednesday Film Series was held at the Georgina Cole Library in the Community Room due to renovations in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. This month's series was entitled "Page to Screen" and featured films that were books made into films. Films screened included "Mr. Holmes," "The Martian," and "Brooklyn." 14. On June 4, Librarians Kimiko Morita and Maile McKeon, along with Senior Librarian Sarah Dana, hosted the second Pies to Pixels workshop at the Cole Library. The workshop was a demonstration of the photo scanner and Photos hop Elements which will soon be available in the new Dove Exploration HUB, along with an opportunity to share information about other services that will be offered in the HUB. In addition, the program included guidelines for digitizing photos, slides, and negatives to archival standards; format information; file naming conventions; and storage issues and solutions. Based on questions received after the first session, additional information on archival appraisal and archival storage methods, especially for photo albums was added. Thirty-five people attended the workshop. 2 Monthly Library Reports for June 2016 15. Science Saturday was held at the Georgina Cole Library on June 18. Nineteen children and adults joined Library Assistant Fred Vrabel under canopies on the front lawn and learned about the need for good nutrition to build strong bodies and healthy minds. 16. The Genealogy staff continue to make progress on the RFID re-tagging project for the non- circulating genealogy collection, with the hope that the collection is completely re-tagged by September. 17. The Focus On series provided a deep-dive into the Family Tree feature of familysearch.org. Due to the popularity of the topic, three sessions were offered in the computer lab at LLC on June 7, 14 and 28~ A total of 24 people attended. 18. Several programs were presented in partnership with the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. The Legacy Family Tree Users Group met on June 10. The Computer-oriented Genealogy Group {CoG G) met on June 14 and invited Mary Van Orsdol to speak about the catalog, documents, and books available on familysearch.org. The DNA group heard from Kitty Speaker who spoke about GedMatch tools. Finally, the June 28 program meeting attendees heard from Jeanette Shiel on solving identity problems in genealogy research. 19. Marilyn Riggs, an accomplished genealogist that frequently made use of the library's collection, passed away in June. Her daughter, Fran Fenical, reached out to the library regarding setting up a memorial fund in her honor with the request that any donated funds be used for the purchase of genealogy research materials. As ofthe end ofthe month $1,050has been received. 20. Both the Tuesday Evening Book Club and the Thursday Afternoon Book Club, led by Lead Librarian Elyse Roy, met to discuss "Deep Winter," by Samuel Gailey and to hear from the author who also attended each meeting. Thirteen members attended the Tuesday evening meeting on June 7 and twelve members attended the Thursday afternoon meeting on June 9. All the attendees appreciated hearing from the author who was very approachable and a great speaker. Though this was a thriller with a lot of violence and far outside the groups' usual reading tastes, all the participants found the book to be very compelling. Learning Center ... 21. The Learning Center resumed its pre-CIP projects hours on June 25 and is no longer open on the weekends. We are gathering comments from patrons about the effect of the change on their use of the library. 22. On Thursday, June 23, the library kicked offthis year's annual Summer Reading Program with a concert at the Library Learning Center featuring Nathan Welden and his laid back Americana ballads. 23. The Learning Center hosted a Summer Reading Program Scavenger Hunt as a special preview program the week before Summer Reading began. Twenty-one children and adults participated and searched for prizes throughout the library then enjoyed a craft and refreshments. 24. The Summer Youth Literacy program launched in conjunction with the Summer Reading Program. Eight young learners have been matched with volunteer tutors. 25. Library Assistant Fred Vrabel offered his "Telling Family Stories with PowerPoint" program at the Learning Center. Four children attended each of the three sessions. 26. Literacy Services hosted a Lunch & Learn at the Cole Library featuring Jose Cruz, CEO of the San Diego Council on Literacy, who presented on the state of literacy in the local area and how to recognize and refer literacy patrons. 3 Monthly Library Reports for June 2016 27. Literacy Services staff hosted the Adult Learning table at the Dove Grand Reopening on June 25 to share information about the services they provide. Several potential tutors and one learner were recruited from this event. Outreach and Community Connections ... 28. Lead Librarian Erin Zocco attended the Eureka! Leadership Anniversary event on June 6 and 7 in San Jose. Erin gave a presentation on the MOVE: Mind, Body, Spirit program to an audience of other Eureka Fellows and Eureka Mentors, as well as California Library Directors and Deputy Directors from across the state. Her presentation was very well received. 29. The Carlsbad State Street Farmers' Market included Library Services provided to visitors on June 1. Staff distributed donated books and children's masks and provided answers to 67 reference and information questions on programs, materials, and services, including literacy services. They also issued eight library cards. 30. Bilingual Service Library Assistant Mayra Turchiano attended the Creando Enlaces 2016 meeting. 31. The Osher Institute started their summer session with two well-attended classes: The History of Weimar Germany and North American Indian Art. 32. Cole Children's staff presented school tours to over 16 classes varying in ages between kindergartens to middle schools, from all over North County. 4 1 2 3 4 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS June 2016 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions June-15 May-16 '2 June-16 *2 · Dove Library 12,319 0 2,594 Cole Library 9,542 12,289 12,406 Library Learning Center 881 2,444 1,192 Total 22,742 14,733 16,192 Circulation June-15 May-16 •z June-16 *2 5 Dove Library 68,505 7,812 18,637 6 Cole Library 34,428 41,912 41,486 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Library Learning Center 1,153 3,204 4,503 eAudiobook Downloads 1,310 1,654 1,658 eBook Downloads 3,338 3,824 3,815 eMagazine Downloads 670 1,181 946 Total 109,404 59,587 71,045 People Count June-15 May-16 *2 June-16 *2 Dove Library 39,198 0 14,206 Cole Library 26,957 28,737 29,775 Library Learning Center 5,332 7,690 6,757 Total 71,487 36,427 50,738 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs June-15 May-16 *2 June-16 *2 Pre-School Programs 19 72 8 Attendance 933 2,653 382 School Aged Children's Programs 15 28 13 Attendance 1,335 534 260 Young Adult Programs 3 3 1 Attendance 44 10 7 Adult Programs 39 29 23 Attendance 1,276 700 6,529 Technology Usage June-15 May-16 *2 June-16 *2 Computer Use 8,494 5,432 6,151 WiFi Use 1 7,494 -- Webpage Views 46,112 63,694 85,732 Database Usage 4,977 5,752 6,117 Facility Meeting Room Use June-15 May-16 *2 June-16 *2 Events 70 13 22 Attendance 4,308 362 898 Volunteer Hours June-15 May-16 *2 June-16 *2 Total Hours 2,940 1,278 2,338 .. 1. Unable to collect data on W1F1 for Jan. 2016, Feb. 2016, March 2016, Apni201E *2. Cole Library closed Sept.1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. (Expected period: Sept. 2015-Jan. 2016). Cole Library officially reopen Feb. 27, 2016. Dove library was closed between Feb. 23 to Feb 28, reopened with its reduced footprint starting Feb. 29. Dove Interim library closed April14, 2016, Dove Library reopened on June 21, 2016. Library Learning Center hours returned to pre-remodel hours.