HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-08-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, August 17, 2016 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011 PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:01p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Trustees Bradley, DeForest, Hulsart, Parsons Absent: Trustee Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Fiona Everett, Sr. Management Analyst Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Keith Gemmell, Programs & Venues Coordinator Devin Castel, Senior Business Systems Specialist Megan VanZandt, Senior Office Specialist AMENDED ITEM #3 Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto introduced Megan VanZandt as the new Senior Office Specialist. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: The Board, by proper motion (Bradley/Parsons) approved the minutes of the July 20, 2016 Library Board of Trustees meeting. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the July 2016 Monthly Library Report. TECHNOLOGY UPDATE: Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel updated the Board on the following: • Quarterly Technology Report Statistics were presented for the period of April through June 2016. Closure of the Dove Library for renovations during period resulted in increased use of public access computers at Cole Library and the Learning Center. Other data points were also affected by closure of the Dove Library and/or the increased Page 2 of4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the August 17, 2016 Meeting activity at Cole Library upon re-opening. Wireless user sessions data is now available after an extended period without a reporting tool. • Business systems staff is working closely with the I.T. department on resolving internet slowness issues. The upgrading of hardware and transition to high-speed broadband service through the CENIC consortium is expected to bring resolution of issues and greater capacity. Director Pizzuto added we continue to work closely with the city I.T. department in seeking solutions to internet slowness. The I.T. department is working on analyzing both I.T. Service Desk tickets and patron comment cards to better understand the issues. The city's implementation schedule for CENIC has been delayed to accommodate line testing and equipment installations on the part of the internet service provider. The current schedule projects the Dove Library will be cut over to the new service during the Columbus Day holiday, with the Cole Library and Learning Center to follow by the end of October. Resolving internet slowness continues to be a high priority and may result in either expedited installation of CENIC or the pursuit of interim solutions. Trustee DeForest asked whether utilization data is calculated for public access computers. He expressed interest in the number of hours the computers were in use compared to the number of hours the library is open. Deputy Bednarski responded that staff will look into whether this data is currently collected and can be evaluated in relation to other simultaneously offered programs and services that may affect computer activity. Trustee Hulsart noted the high volume of patrons using the self-check machines and the ready availability of staff to assist. She also shared her observation that the security gates have been activated while patrons exit the library. Deputy Bednarski explained that items still containing earlier version RFID software are triggering the security gates. The removal of old tags should decrease this experience over time. ELECTION OF CHAIR & VICE-CHAIR: The election of the chair and vice-chair will be continued to the September meeting. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES TO LIBRARY & ARTS FOUNDATION BOARD & GALLERY COMMITTEE: The nomination and appointment of the Library & Arts Foundation Board and Gallery Committee representatives will be continued to the September meeting. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto updated the Board on the following: A final detailed report of renovation close-up activities is being provided this month. Page 3 of4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the August 17,2016 Meeting • Furniture continues to arrive at the Dove and Cole libraries and adjustments continue to be made based on patron use and feedback. For example, response to the gondolas has led to the purchase of additional cushioned stools with wheels, adjustments in shelving and lighting. Staff will continue to adjust furniture and collections, which is typical following major library renovations. Work continues at the Dove Library on programming of the air conditioning, heating and lighting systems. • Festoon lighting for the Dove Library courtyard is still in the process of being designed. • West patio landscaping, as well as adjustments in the Cole Library easement along Carlsbad Village Drive, is proceeding. Major Programs and Events- • The summer reading program concluded on Aug. 12. • The Dove Library's Schulman Auditorium will be the site of the State ofthe City presentation Aug. 29. • Friday, Aug. 19 is the closing performance of TGIF Concerts in the Park. • Staff will test out the west patio Aug. 29 with a small internal reception before it is open to the public. The public opening is tentatively scheduled for Monday, Aug. 22. Personnel and Staffing Development updates- • The Senior Librarian responsible for cataloguing and technical services is expected to start in early September. • The Cultural Arts Manager recruitment has begun. National firm ACG (Arts and Culture Group), with offices in Los Angeles, is conducting the search. Recruitment materials will be released shortly. Recruitment for the Training Coordinator has begun. • Consultant Ruth Metz returned for two days in August to finalize a strategic fr::amework guiding the future staffing needs for the organization to deliver the department's program and service priorities. She also guided staff in testing a process for performing a talent assessment for two vacant positions and the Librarian series. An overview of the framework and process will be presented to the Board at the next meeting. Communications- • A variety of publications will feature information about the Dove library reopening and renovations, including the Z Code magazines, Carlsbad Business Journal and Carlsbad Magazine. • KPBS visited the Cole Library today for filming of a segment on the Love on a Leash Program which partners with the Library in offering its "Paws to Read" program. FOUNDATION REPORT: Representative Parsons reported the Gala is scheduled for Sept. 17 from 5:30 to 9:30p.m., with tickets now on sale through the foundation website www.carlsbadlibraryartsfoundation.org. Page 4 of4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes ofthe August 17, 2016 Meeting FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Trustee Hulsart reported that the July meeting was canceled and the Old and Interesting sale takes place in October, followed by the Holiday Boutique this winter. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Cindy Goodger summarized recent and upcoming programs and events. The Board meeting will be changed from Nov. 8 to Nov. 15 due to the Cole library being a polling place. Total membership is 363. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Library Board and Library staff recognized and thanked retiring Trustee Bradley for her years of service. Trustee Bradley will be presented with a proclamation at the Sept. 27 City Council meeting, at 6p.m. Trustee Bradley gave a farewell statement. The Board welcomed new trustee Library Trustee Sherman DeForest. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Bradley/Parsons) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:42p.m. Respectfully submitted, Megan VanZandt Senior Office Specialist Systemwide ... Monthly Library Reports for JULY 2016 ITEM#4 1. July was our first full month of operation after re-opening Dove Library. Work continues on the west patio and signage, with furnishings and service desks arriving through the month. Training was conducted on new equipment in the Schulman Auditorium. The second phase of landscape renovation at the Cole Library occurred, including replacing turf in the easement on Carlsbad Village Drive with drought resistant plantings. Planning and training also continued for services offered in the Exploration Hub. Staff received training and demonstrations on Arduino, 3D printing, Silhouette Cameo, and other applications in preparation for introducing these new services to the public in late summer. 2. The Summer Reading Program was the focus of services at all three sites in July. The program concludes Aug. 12. Special programs playing to full houses at all sites included: • Noteworthy Puppets, presenting Sherlock Homerun, a Musical, a new performer in Carlsbad that met with rave reviews, led by former Broadway performer Kevin Noonchester. The audience along with the puppets had to solve a very fun whodunit. • Pacific Animal Productions featured various animal ambassadors and discussed their special survival traits, complementing the SRP theme of On Your Mark, Get Set, Read! Rosy the Tarantula's special jumping skills were highlighted as well as the hedgehog's body curling skills despite some very prickly spines • Mad Science demonstrated some very interesting science principles through fun and noisy experiments to detail the Science of Sports. Children learned how games and sports they play are governed by the laws of science • Arty Loon, the very popular juggler, magician and puppeteer delighted a large audience with his spectacular and fun antics. Volunteers make our summer reading programs possible and their work includes assisting in special orytime, registering participants and receiving reports. Summer volunteers made full use of the Better Impact software this year which has helped to make volunteer scheduling and communication more efficient and effective. 3. The Library struggled with slow wired Internet and wireless access across all sites in July. At times the public computer network was down altogether. Staff continued to report these incidents to city I.T. staff who are working to identify causes and solutions. 4. The owners of the coffee cart at the Cole Library decided to cease business. A Request for Proposal (RFP) for a vendor to lease the cafe space at the Dove Library as well as for a replacement coffee cart vendor is now open with bid submissions due the end of August. CCL1 Dove Lane ... 5. On Sunday, July 10, the Library & Cultural Arts Department debuted the newly upgraded Schulman Auditorium with a concert featuring Richard Glazier. Glazier is an award-winning pianist, narrator, documentary filmmaker, and is one ofthe leading authorities on American Popular Song. He was also Monthly Library Reports for July 2016 the -first artist to perform on the Steinway grand piano when it was debuted in the Schulman Auditorium in 2000. About 175 attendees enjoyed Glazier's musical and multi-media performance. 6. On Monday, July 25, nearly 200 patrons were entertained by the comedic musical Triumph of Love presented by the Carlsbad Playreaders. This was their first production in the newly renovated Schulman Auditorium after a six month during renovations. The show was directed by well-known retired Moonlight Theatre director Kathy Brombacher, and performed by a top cast of well know actors from San Diego. The play is a love story set in 18th century Sparta involving a prince and princess who fall in love in spite of their families' generational resentments. 7. In its role as a community gathering place responding to timely issues, the library will host three political related events. The first, on July 30 in the Schulman, featured world-class punster Richard Lederer presenting his acclaimed program on Fascinating Facts About Our US Presidents. Attended by 135 people, the program offered feats, fates, families, foibles and firsts of American presidents, including the patterns of their elections. Dr. Lederer is the author of more than 40 books about language, history and humor. His column "Lederer on Language" runs weekly in The U-T San Diego. 8. Dove Children's staff hosted Science Saturday July 16, attracting nearly 150 community members to learn about the science of NASA and see lunar samples loaned by NASA. Attendances at weekly Make & Take Crafts in the Kids area averaged 95 per session and 54 attending Family Movie Nights. 9. Two of three teen talent shows were held in July. On July 14 the Teen Singing Talent Show featured 14 acts showcasing 16 performers. Winner Sa lima Gangani performed an operatic rendition of "Music of the Night" by Andrew Lloyd Webberfor an audience of 110, with piano accompaniment by Savanna Turk. On July 28 the Teen Dancing Talent Show featured nine performers with 70 people attending. Samara Anderson was named the winner, performing an amazing tap dance entitled "Endangered Species." The final session will take place Aug. 11. Other teen events held in July include an Ice cream social, and a screening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens with 27 teens enjoying the movie and pizza. Georgina Cole ... 10. In addition to the highlighted summer programs listed above, Cole staff presented daily storytime programs for the youngest community members. 11. Genealogy and Carlsbad History staff presented the "Focus On" series July 19, providing a glimpse into how local history collections can help genealogical research with 13 people in attendance. 12. Programs held in cooperation with the North Sail Diego County Genealogical Society included the Legacy Family Tree Users Group (LUG} which met for a workshop on sourcing documents; the Computer-oriented Genealogy Group (CoGG} which featured Jill Randall describing the web-based program Research Ties; the program for the month which presented New Zealander Jan Gow, speaking on the database Findmypast; and a DNA Interest Group work session. 13. Technical issues with the print management system in the Cole Adult Lab prevented the acceptance of bills to pay for prints, requiring the use of coin or credit pre-loaded on library cards. Xerox staff is seeking a solution to this problem. · Monthly Library Reports for July 2016 Learning Center ... 14. The Summer Youth Literacy program continued in July with seven of eight learner/volunteer pairs progressing in their goals 15. The Literacy Services Book Club enjoyed two books by William Kowalski: The Way It Works and Something Noble. This was the first time adult literacy books were chosen, and that two books were discussed. The group facilitator, Erica Zoll, reported that participants enjoyed the books and the topics provided good discussion material. 16. Literacy Services added fiction and biographies to the consumable collection which allows learners to begin building a personal library. Previously, only textbooks were available for learners to keep. 17. California Library Literacy Services Grant funds have been expended for 2015-16 the reporting period for annual data is expected to begin shortly. The first award letter of the new 2016-17 grant for $18,000 was received and grant funds for the current fiscal year should arrive in the fall. 18. The Osher Institute completed the summer sessions of two well-attended classes: The History of Weimar Germany and North American Indian Art. Classes will resume in September. Outreach and Community Connections ... 19. On July 20, reference librarians staffed a table at the Carlsbad State Street Farmers' Market. They distributed donated books and children's masks, answering reference and information questions on programs, materials, and services and issuing library cards. The Farmers' Market provides space for the library approximately once per month; staff receive wonderful comments from the community. 20. From July 6 to Aug. 17 the San Diego County Office of Education Migrant Program meets at the Learning Center with families of school-age children. Program staff provide online curriculum in English and math to enrolled students. Families are introduced to library services including the Summer Reading Program. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS July 2016 Reference, Cir<:l.llaJicjn, \{isUor~ · . : . ·~ '. Reference Questions July-15 *2 June-16 · July-16 Dove Library 14,033 2,594 7,141 Cole Library 9,325 12,406 4,963 Library Learning Center 826 1,192 542 Total 24,184 16,192 12,646 Technology Assistance July-15 June-16 July-16 *3 Dove Library --2,431 Cole Library --3,164 Library Learning Center --239 Total - -5,834 Circulation July-15 June-16 *2 July-16 Dove Library 78,086 18,637 63,726 Cole Library . 38,278 41,486 34,448 Library Learning Center 1,256 4,503 1,741 eAudiobook Downloads 1,398 1,658 1,663 eBook Downloads 3,721 3,815 4,002 eMagazine Downloads 590 946 921 Total 123,329 71,045 106,501 People Count July-15 June-16 •2 Julyc16 Dove Library 45,395 14,206 43,560 Cole Library 31,282 29,775 27,036 Library Learning Center 6,104 6,757 6,392 Total 82,781 50,738 76,988 · Progr~rns CiJnd Technology Library-Sponsored Programs July-15 June-16 *2 July-16 Pre-School Programs 46 8 44 Attendance 2,827 382 2,184 School Aged Children's Programs 31 13 48 Attendance 2,731 260 2,587 Young Adult Programs 9 1 5 Attendance 317 7 226 Adult Programs 17 23 20 Attendance 505 6,529 808 Technology Usage July-15 June-16 *2 July-16 Computer Use 9,161 6,151 7,855 WiFi Use 1 8,746 -- Webpage Views 45,035 85,732 210,765 Database Usage 4,978 6,117 6,035 Facility Meeting Room Use July-15 June-16 *2 July-16 Events 54 22 50 Attendance 3,098 898 3,058 Volunteer Hours July-15 June-16 •z July~16 34 Total Hours 5,344 2,338 4,915 .. 1. Unable to coiiect data on W1F1 for Jan. 2016, Feb. 2016, March 2016, Apnl 2016 *2. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CJP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, other staff to LLC. (Expected period: Sept. 2015-Jan. 2016). Cole Library officiaiiy reopen Feb. 27, 2016. Dove library was closed between Feb. 23 to Feb 28, reopened with its reduced footprint starting Feb. 29. Dove Interim library closed April14, 2016, Dove Library reopened on June 21, 2016. Library Learning Center hours returned to pre-remodel hours. *3. New data field-Technical Assistance data required for State Library Survey. <Carlsbad Carlsbad City Library-Technology Report April-June 2016 ITEM #5 City Library PC Management Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison location Total Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Change Apr-Jun Change Computers 2016 2016 2015 Apr-Jun 2016 Dove Adult Lab 15 2,398 194 -92% 4,130 194 -95% Dove Express 2 395 36 -91%. 906 36 -96% Dove Walk-up 19 6,149 1,172 -81% 8,135 1,172 -86% Dove Children's 7 1,025 129 -87% 886 129 -85% Cole Adult 19 2,798 8,766 213% 7,061 8,766 24% Cole Express 1 171 582 240% 760 582 -23% Cole Children's 6 469 1,361 190% 1,064 1,361 28% Cole Teen 2 90 287 219% -287 - Learning Center Children's Lab 7 1,071 958 -11.% 933 958 3% Learning Center Adult Lab 7 2,699 2,348 -13% 1,347 2,348 74% Learning Center Adult Training Room 8 1,476 108 -93% 136 108 -21% Total 93 18,741 15,941 -15% 25,358 15,941 -37% *DoVe dosed for renovations from 4/14/16 to 6/21/16 Wireless User Sessions Quarterly Comparison .. Year Comparison* Location Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Change Apr-Jun 2016 2016 2015 Apr-Jun 2016 Change Dove n/a n/a -8,038 n/a - Cole n/a n/a -13,169 n/a - Library Learning Center n/a n/a -1,553 n/a - Total - - -22,760 -- * Wi-Fi reporting server down as oflZ/21/15 **Dove dosed for renovations from 4/14/16 to 6/21/16 Combined Wireless and Wired Internet Sessions Quarterly Comparison Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Change location 2016 2016 All Library Locations 18,741 15,941 -15% * Wi-Fi Server down as of12/21/15 Earlv literacv Stations-User Sessions Quarterly Comparison location Total Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Computers 2016 2016 Dove 4 661 - Cole 3 1,248 2,893 Library Learning Center 2 436 436 Total 9 2,345 3,329 *Dove Early Literacy Station deployment on hold due to furniture availability Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Quarterly Comparison *Jan-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Self-Check Staffed Self-Check Station 62% 38% *Quarter revised based on additional analysis **Dave dosed for renovations from 4/14/16 tb 6/21/16 ***Dove increased from 5 to 6 self-checks starting on 6/22/16 70% Staffed Station 30% Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions .·· Quarterly Compari~on *Jan-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016 Self-Check Staffed Self-Check Staffed Station Station 67% 33% *Quarter revised based on additional analysis **Dove dosed for renovations from 4/14/16 to 6/21/16 ***Dove increased from S to 6 self-checks starting on 6/22/16 76% 24% Year Comparison* Apr-Jun 2015 Apr-Jun 2016 Change 48,118 15,941 -67% Year Comparison Change Apr-Jun Apr-Jun 2015 2016 Change -1,214 -- 132% 557 2,893 419% 0% 425 436 3% 42% 2,196 3,329 52% Year Comparison Apr-Jun 2015 Apr-Jun 2016 Change Self-Check Staffed Self-Check Staffed Station Station 8% 60% 40% 70% 30% Y!;!ar Comparison Apr-Jun 2015 Apr-Jun 2016 Change Self-Check Staffed Staffed Station Self-Check Station 9% 58% 42% 76% 24% Change 10% Change 18% Page 1