HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-12-14; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, December 14, 2016 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011 PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hu Isa rt called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Trustees DeForest, Cannon and Hulsart Absent: Trustees Parsons and Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Fiona Everett, Sr. Management Analyst Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Devin Castel, Senior Business Systems Specialist Megan Vanzandt, Senior Office Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion, the minutes of the Library Board of Trustees meeting of ITEM #3 Oct. 19, 2016, were approved as amended and the minutes of the Library Board of Trustees meeting of Nov. 17, 2016, were approved. Approved 3-0-0-2. (Trustees Parsons and Hinman absent) MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the October 2016 Monthly Library Report. Trustee Hulsart commented positively on the San Diego Union-Tribune newspaper article highlighting the Dove Library Exploration HUB. Chair Hu Isa rt inquired if interested seniors could join the new ukulele program. Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson explained that the current ukulele program was established with teens teaching teens, but if adults express an interest, additional programs can be explored. BUSINESS SYSTEMS SERVICES OVERVIEW: Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski gave an introduction to the library's business systems services from the patron's perspective in relation to the work program of the business systems group. Business systems provides technology support for the staff of every division in the department, as well as interacting with the public. Page 2 of 4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the December 14, 2016 Meeting Senior Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel provided an overview of the business systems team, project management and implementation services, management ofthe library's integrated system, patron discovery services, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) services, as well as public computer, print and copy management services. Analytics and reporting, as well as oversight of the department's technology roadmap, comprise the primary work ofthe division. Chair Hulsart inquired about the RFID security gates being activated when patrons exit with library materials that appear to have been checked out. Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski explained that the RFID tag security standard that existed when Carlsbad first adopted RFID technology in 2007 has subsequently changed. When the Library updated its RFID systems in 2016, the systems needed to be configured to support the older security protocol along with the newer protocol that is being used for newly tagged items. The presence of multiple security protocols can intermittently trigger the gates when items have been properly checked out. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel advised that Jan. 2017 is the target for completing the transition to the new security protocol for all library materials. Trustee Cannon mentioned that the self-check machines are highly sensitive. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel explained that they are working with the self-check vendor and targeting January for updates on all the units. Staff is currently conducting testing on one of the units. Director Pizzuto explained that dates for system changes are selected to have the least impact on the public. The Quarterly Technology Report was also presented to the Board. Chair Hu Isa rt reflected on reaching the goal of 75 percent self-check use, which has been surpassed. CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS: Staff attended several conferences in the last few months and presented some of the most relevant learning to the Board. EDUCAUSE- Senior Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel reported on his attendance at the largest conference for technology providers in the education field. The conference provided creative ideas and exposure to the latest trends in the technology industry related to delivering education services. Key topics of interest included project management and offering integrated solutions. The conference also provided an opportunity to meet with various vendors. Urban Library Council Annual Forum and California Library Association Conference- Director Pizzuto reported on common themes of both the Urban Libraries Council Annual Forum and the California Library Association conference, including the importance of effective storytelling, connecting data and factual information with the experience. Director Pizzuto shared the "4 Truths of the Storyteller" with the Board. The Board was shown one video in a series from a California State Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the December 14, 2016 Meeting Library grant-funded project called "California ListensJJwhich supports community members in recording and sharing their stories as a means of connecting community members. Page 3 of 4 Deputy Library Director Bednarski reported on three national initiatives involving library outcome measurement and impact, which were discussed at the Urban Libraries Council conference: the Edge initiative, Project Outcome, and the Connect Ed. All of these initiatives offer the potential for measuring and demonstrating the Carlsbad City Library's community impact. Principal Librarian Glynn Birdwell reported that eight staff members attended the California Library Association conference in Sacramento, California in November with this year's theme being "Swing into Action." Staff attended workshops covering topics on services to community members, from babies to seniors, and connecting with the community through partnerships. Director Pizzuto added that several brown bag lunches were offered after the conferences for other library staff to learn from one another about conference content, ensuring that the investment of sending people to conferences pays off, by being shared with the rest of the organization. DEBRIEF ON LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES TRAINING SESSION The Board had the opportunity to share any follow-up questions or discuss topics covered in the joint special meeting of the Library Board and the Arts Commission, held in November. Director Pizzuto pointed out one change resulting from advice provided during the training, namely a change in seating within the board room to ensure the Board, staff and members of the public have designated spaces. This clarifies the Board's discussion and actions as distinguished from public comment and presentation. 2017 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES CALENDAR: By proper motion, the Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule for 2017 was approved. Approved 3- 0-0-2 (Trustees Parsons and Hinman absent) DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Redesign update - Director Pizzuto invited Senior Management Analyst Fiona Everett to update the Board on adjustments to fireplace heat management, the courtyard landscaping irrigation system and procurement of design services for courtyard festoon lighting. She also discussed additional research underway to ensure maximum success for a cafe operator, and final review of the donor recognition signage design. Programs and events - • Libraries will close early Dec. 24 at 3 p.m. • Carlsbad Reads Together -events planned throughout the month of February and the launch of publicity after the first of the year. Page 4 of 4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the December 14, 2016 Meeting Personnel and staff development - • Cultural Arts Manager: A fourth finalist was invited to Carlsbad earlier in December. Reference checks are being performed on the finalists. • Training Coordinator: Reference checks have recently been completed, and H/R is extending an offer to the candidate. • Circulation Supervisor (three-quarter time position): Internal recruitment has just launched. Funding- • The city's budget kick off meeting is scheduled Jan. 10, when department analysts will be informed of the next fiscal year budget policies. • Literacy grant funding for this fiscal year totals just under $51,000 including the recently announced second installment of California Library Literacy Services funding. FOUNDATION REPORT: None. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Cannon reported that the Holiday Boutique netted $6,000 in the first week. The bookstores will be closed Dec. 23 and will re-open on Jan. 3. All bookstore items will be half price two days before the Dec. 23 closure. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Marge Kealey, on behalf of Board Liaison Cindy Goodger, summarized recent and upcoming programs and events, Membership was reported at 346 members. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (DeForest/Cannon) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Senior Office Specialist Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for OCTOBER 2016 I ITEM #4 l. Started in October and completed by early November, all Library workstations equipped with Internet access for patrons were connected to the California Research and Education Network (CalREN}, a high-capacity fiber optic network designed to meet the Internet connectivity requirements of higher education institutions, K-12 schools, and, more recently, public libraries in California . This milestone represents over two years of planning and testing by City staff, and offers patrons a 1 Gigabit connection for enhanced browsing, streaming, and research over the Internet. The next phase of this project will incorporate the Library's wireless Internet services, with a target completion timeframe of first quarter 2017. 2. Collections & Technical Services (C&TS} continues to progress on its initiative to streamline the selection, purchase, and processing of materials for the Library's circulating collection. Earlier this year, C& TS worked with its primary supplier of DVDs and CD music to obtain brief database records for new titles as orders were placed. This improved process allowed patrons to see the on-order records in the online catalog and place hold requests in advance of the items being added to the collection, just as they have been able to do for print items. The next step in streamlining involves automating the manner in which new item records are created. With the new process, librarians will be able to indicate the particular library facility, and shelf location for each item as it is added to their order cart, and that information will automatically transfer to our local catalog, eliminating the need for manual re-entry. This process improves the accuracy and timeliness of the information that our patrons use to discover materials in our collection. 3. Teen Read Week was celebrated Oct. 9 to 15 at all three sites encouraging reading for fun and prizes including chocolate and bookmarks. Teens who submitted book reviews received additional rewards. 4. "From Surviving to Thriving" was the theme for the annual staff development day program on Thursday, Oct. 27. Library facilities were closed until 2 p.m. while staff learned personal development skills to improve service with their coworkers and the community. Staff heard messages from Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto, City Manager Kevin Crawford, and workshops lead by Dr. Erik Conklin. Dr. Erik Conklin also presents classes to the public through the Mindfulness series. Staff feedback to the training has been very positive. CCL, Dove Lane ... 5. Beginning Oct. 11, staff and volunteers began offering classes to the public in a soft opening of the new technology lab, the Exploration HUB. Classes offered included using the scanner and Photoshop Elements, the Silhouette Cameo cutter, Arduino, and Tinkercad, 3-D design. Tours were offered to patrons through the first weeks of operation. 6. Good Life, the semi-annual six-part lecture series about health and wellness, began its fall 2016 series during the month of October. The first event was a success with nearly 50 attendees present for a lecture on PREGenerative healing led by quadruple certified Dr. Alexandra Bunyak, M.D. Other Good Life events held during October featured a lecture on coping with autism and Monthly Library Reports for October 2016 other disorders through music led by Andrea Moriarty and a presentation on home gardening led by Cornell University Extended Learning Teacher Jana Nightingale. The series continues in November with three more lectures. 7. The first session in The Year of Mindfulness series of programs was held on Oct. 22 in the Schulman Auditorium and introduced the science and practice of mindfulness and ways to develop habits that allow us to see and operate in the world more clearly. One hundred twenty- three people attended the 10 a.m. presentation by Dr. Erik Conklin. 8. During the evening of Oct. 22, more than 100 music lovers enjoyed a night at the library's Schulman Auditorium for a concert featuring the Clay Colton Band, a popular San Diego Americana Rock band. The band performed a mix of original music as well as standards to an enthusiastic crowd, who also enjoyed meeting the musicians after the performance. 9. The Carlsbad Playreaders presented their fall production, "Oleanna," in the Schulman Auditorium on Monday, Oct. 17. "Oleanna" was attended by nearly 130 patrons and is a drama by David Mamet about political correctness, misinterpretation of social cues, and the power and limits of language. "Oleanna" follows the story of the interactions between a college student and her professor. 10. The library hosted its monthly Author Talk series featuring two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Cartoonist Steve Breen on Saturday, Oct. 30, to an audience of nearly 170 people. Breen shared stories about how he draws inspirations from his newspaper work and his two latest books, "Unicorn Executions and Other Crazy Things My Kids Make Me Draw" and "After Lives of the Rich and Famous." The program concluded with live drawings of this year's most memorable political personalities. Audiences were able to view Breen's artwork creation process through a projected image of the view from the new overhead stage camera. 11. Children's program highlights in October included a very popular visit on Oct. 11 from the Carlsbad Fire Department firefighters, who read stories to an appreciative audience of nearly 40 participants who afterward were able to explore the fire truck. The Oct. 27 "Slightly Spooky Stories" program presented by the Patchwork Players was held in the Children's Garden and was enhanced by a visit from a giant inflatable Frankenstein. 12. Teen ukulele classes taught by a teen volunteer continued every Tuesday in October with an average of four students attending each session. Students are learning "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz and all major and minor chords. Three students have borrowed ukuleles from the Library enabling them to practice at home. 13. Other teen programs included a Teen College Application Essay Writing Workshop on Oct. 11 presented by Rachel Sweigart. Twelve students and parents attended the workshop and received solid advice on ways to improve their essays. Teens also participated in a pumpkin carving afternoon and a pizza and movie night with about a dozen teens in attendance at each. 2 Monthly Library Reports for October 2016 Georgina Cole ... 14. At the Magee Park Poets event on Sunday, Oct. 9, both experienced and not-so-experienced poets enjoy a rousing poetry writing workshop led by Harry Griswold entitled "Roll Out Beer Barrel Basics." Harry Griswold is a photographer and author of two poetry books, "Obscura" and "Just Enough Clothes." He regularly teaches poetry workshops throughout the San Diego area. 15. The Library hosted two Library "Got Game" programs at the Georgina Cole Library on Oct. 1 and 24. On Oct. 1, 26 people, including seasoned players and beginners ages 20 to 65, participated and over 13 games were played. The attendees brought snacks to share and stayed an hour beyond the scheduled program time. The session on Oct. 24 had 17 attendees. 16. Children's "Tuesday Afternoon Adventures" programs in October included educational story crafts and a celebration of "Dia de las Muertos" with 125 kids learning about this traditional holiday while making sugar skulls and tissue flowers. Project Wildlife visited on Oct. 18 and the 95 participants discovered and met the unique wildlife of San Diego with special animal ambassadors Maki, a raven and Margarita, an American Crow. They also played a game that tested their knowledge of Crow vs. Raven facts. On the last Tuesday, 125 attendees participated in a "Harry Potter Halloween" at Hogwarts; they were sorted by house, made special wands and got to choose their patronus while sipping Butter Beer. 17. The Library celebrated "Family History Month" with an exhibit on display upstairs at Cole. The exhibit focused on the genealogy collection and the relationship between the Library and the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. It features records located in our subscription databases, books in the genealogy collection, photographs and documents from the Society's scrapbooks (used with their permission), and items from the Carlsbad History collection. 18. "Capturing Carlsbad," our first Public Scanning Day, was held on Oct. 29 upstairs at Cole in the Carlsbad History alcove. While attendance was low, staff did digitize 39 items, digitized four different formats (slides, negatives, photograph prints, and newspaper clippings), and taught two staff members outside our division how to use the scanner and its software. 19. The Genealogical Society's Legacy Users Group meeting featured a live webinar from esteemed genealogist Thomas MacEntee on Oct. 14. The webinar focused on the "Managing the Genealogy Data Monster." Held at Faraday, this was the first time the Society, Division, and I.T. had successfully coordinated a live webinar in which the audience was able to interact "live" with the speaker. Based on the success of the program, the Society is planning to pay for additional web speakers in the future. A total of 45 people attended. Learning Center ... 20. Children's programs included a visit from Project Wildlife on Oct. 6. They learned about the unique wildlife of San Diego. The program focused on what we can do to protect animals that are at risk of extinction. Also presented was a "Day of the Dead" celebration on Oct. 31; making sugar skulls and learning about this traditional Latin American holiday. The 31 participants enjoyed "Pan de Muerto," a sweet bread decorated with sugar pieces in the shape of flowers or bones. 3 Monthly Library Reports for October 2016 21. Career Online High School scholarships continue to be awarded. Two scholarships had to be returned because the students were not able to keep up with the pace of the program. Six other students are in various stages of the program. Outreach and Community Connections ... 22. Lead Librarian Jenn Johnson and Library Technician Emily Bruce went to La Posada for the first of the Skill Builders outreach opportunities on Oct. 3. The introduction to the library was very well received, and the residents immediately asked when the library would be coming back. Jenn was asked to join the City's new Homelessness Response Team; at their first meeting on Oct. 7, she shared information about the La Posada Skill Builders program. 23. Children's Library Assistant Kylee Seal participated as a judge for the Hope Elementary School and Calavera Hills Middle School PTA's Reflection Art Program, in the literature category. She read and judged entries on the theme: "What Is Your Story?" 24. Dove Children's staff hosted six La Costa Meadows first grade classes during the month of October, introducing almost 200 children and adults to the resources and services of the Carlsbad City Library. 25. Lead Librarian Darin Williamson hosted 18 seventh graders from the Grauer School on Oct. 25. He took them on a tour ofthe library, including the new Teen area and Exploration HUB. The group will return two more times to work on state reports and a report on Africa. Darin also made classroom visits at Carlsbad Village Academy on Oct. 24. He spoke to a total of 83 students in four classes about eResources the library provides to help the students academically, eBooks, and programs for teens. 26. Members of the Carlsbad-based First Lego League (FLL) team, "Cryptic Cookies," shared information about bats in the Dove Children's area during National Bat Week (Oct. 24 to 31). The team decided to focus on bat conservation education as part of the First Lego League's "Animal Allies" challenge. Their display board and hand-outs were well received. 27. Community Outreach Supervisor for Literacy, Carrie Scott, presented to the "Learning is for Everyone" (LIFE) meeting at MiraCosta College. Approximately 60 attendees learning how illiteracy is impacting the local area and how libraries are contributing to the solutions. 4 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS October 2016 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Oct-1s·2 Sept-16 Oct-16 1 Dove Library 12,906 9,424 9,357 2 Cole Library 0 7,960 7,355 3 Librarv Learning Center 2,824 639 583 4 Total 15,730 18,023 17,295 Technology Assistance Oct-1s*2 Seot-16 *3 Oct-16 •3 5 Dove Library -2,471 2,517 6 Cole Library -3,056 2,674 7 Librarv Learning Center -228 208 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Total -5,755 5,399 Circulation Oct-1s·2 Sept-16 Oct-16 Dove Library 70,909 52,930 53,154 Cole Library 0 31,742 30,995 Library Learning Center 6,525 1,390 1,424 eAudiobook Downloads 1,423 1,806 1,872 eBook Downloads 3,312 3,784 4,000 eMagazine Downloads 897 1,011 1,034 Total 83,066 92,663 92,479 Peoole Count Oct-15•2 Sept-16 Oct-16 Dove Library 39,458 31,080 32,435 Cole Library 0 20,937 22,561 Library Learning Center 15,367 5,625 5,593 Total 54,825 57,642 60,589 - Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Oct-1s*2 Sept-16 Oct-16 Pre-School Programs 71 63 61 Attendance 3,002 2,691 2,743 School Aged Children's Programs 38 29 43 Attendance 919 648 1,131 Young Adult Programs 4 5 10 Attendance 70 64 83 Adult Programs 35 32 40 Attendance 1,262 895 1,330 Technologv Usage Oct-1s·2 Sept-16 Oct-16 Computer Use 7,628 8,004 7,631 WiFi Use 1 7,255 7,961 7,858 Webpage Views 38,454 49,390 50,413 Database Usage 5,304 6,524 6,546 Facilitv Meeting Room Use Oct-1s*2 Sept-16 Oct-16 Events 100 70 96 Attendance 5,798 3,904 5,571 Volunteer Hours Oct-1s·2 Sept-16 Oct-16 Total Hours 1,335 1,430 1,240 .. 1. Unable to collect data on W1F1 from Jan. to July 2016 *2. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. Cole Library officially reopened Feb. 27, 2016. Dove library was closed between Feb. 23 to Feb 28, reopened with its reduced footprint starting Feb. 29. Dove Interim library closed April 14, 2016, Dove Library reopened on June 21, 2016. Library Learning Center hours returned to pre-remodel hours effective June 25, 2016 *3. New data field -Technical Assistance data required for State Library Survey. Ccc~J~J?~d ca,lsbad City Llbwy -Te,hnology Report -foly-Sept 2016 PC Mana~ement Sessions ITEM #5 Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Jul-Sep Computers 2016 2016 Change Jul-Sep 2015 2016 Change Dove Adult Lab 15 194 2,437 1156% 4,963 2,437 -51% Dove Express 2 36 436 1111% 898 436 -51% Dove Walk-up 19 1,172 7,800 566% 8,696 7,800 -10% Dove Ch ildren's 7 129 652 405% 834 652 -22% Cole Adult 19 8,766 7,629 -13% 5,020 7,629 52% Cole Express 1 582 497 -15% 485 497 2% Cole Children's 6 1,361 1,075 -21% 590 1,075 82% Cole Teen 2 287 143 -50% -143 - Learning Center Children's Lab 7 958 1,037 8% 1,171 1,037 -11% Learning Center Adult Lab 7 2,348 2,040 -13% 2,121 2,040 -4% Total 85 15,833 23,746 50% 24,778 23,746 -4% Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 through 2/21/16; Dove closed for renovations from 4/14/16 through 6/20/16; LLC closed on weekends beginning Saturday 06/25/16. Wireless User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Apr-Jun Jul-Sep 2016 Change Jul-Sep Jul-Sep Change 2016 2015 2016 Dove -6,724 ---16,122 6,724 -58% Cole -4,387 ---5,807 4,387 -24% Library Learning Center -1,182 ---2,404 1,182 -51% Total -12,293 ---24,333 12,293 -49% Wi-Fi reporting server down 12/21/15 until 8/15/16; Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 through 2/21/16; Dove closed for renovations from 4/14/16 through 6/20/16 Combined Wireless and Wired Internet Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Apr-Jun Jul-Sep 2016 Change · Jul-Sep Jul-Sep Change 2016 2015 2016 All Library Locations 15,833 36,039 128% 49,111 36,039 -27% Wi-Fi reporting server down 12/21/15 until 8/15/16; Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 through 2/21/16; Dove closed for renovations from 4/14/16 through 6/20/16. Early Literacy Stations -User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Change Jul-Sep Jul-Sep 2016 Computers 2015 Dove 4 ---1,487 - Cole 3 2,893 2,732 -6% 446 2,732 Library Learning Center 2 436 484 11% 466 484 Total 9 3,329 3,216 -3% 2,399 3,216 Dove Early Literacy Stations deployed 11/9/16; Cole increased from 1 Early Literacy Station to 3 Early Literacy Stations in February, 2016. Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 through 2/21/16; Dove closed for renovations from 4/14/16 through 6/20/16. Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Change - 513% 4% 34% Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Change Jul-Sep 2015 Jul-Sep 2016 Self-Check I Staffed Self-Check I Staffed Self-Check I Staffed Station 70% I 30% 74% I 26% 4% 63% Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 through 2/21/16; Cole increased from 3 to 4 self.checks starting on 2/22/16. Dove closed for renovations from 4/14/16 through 6/20/16;Dove increased from 5 to 6 self-checks starting on 6/21/16. Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions I 37% Self-Check I Staffed 74% I 26% Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Apr-Jun 2016 Jul-Sep 2016 Change Self-Check I Staffed Self-Check I Staffed 76% I 24% 79% I 21% 3% Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 to 2/21/16; Cole increased from 3 to 4 self·checks starting on 2/22/16. Dove dosed for renovations from 4/14/16 to 6/20/16; Dove increased from 5 to 6 self-checks starting on 6/21/16. Jul-Sep 2015 Jul-Sep 2016 Self-Check I Staffed Station Self-Check I Staffed 61% I 39% 79% I 21% Change 11% Change 18% Page 1 Enter the building Get a library card i t Look for a good book • Search the online catalog • Place a hold request ·. • Retrieve items from the shelves Do some holiday shopping • Research gift ideas • Place an online order • Print a receipt Second visit • Return materials • Checkout available holds a . . t . 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C 0 QJ t.,) ·-:::s V) u :J QJ ~ co 0 !ii,_ 0 ·-C QJ V) Library & Cultural Arts Business Systems Team Provides support and guidance for technologies that enable patron services and staff operations in the Library & Cultural Arts Department -~-. ',,\ .. ' ,1,, The Team Devin Castel -Senior Business Systems Specialist James Jones -Business Systems Associate Era Crenshaw (Part-Time) -Business System Tech Andrea Hilliard -Technology Librarian Overview • Project Management & Implementation Services • Integrated Library System Management •· Patron Discovery Services • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Services • Computer, Print and Copy Management • Analytics & Reporting • Infrastructure s::: 0 .......... 4,....) c:s 4,....) s::: cu E cu ,....,.,,,,,.. ~ E ~ C.I") c(3 cu U , 4,....) .......... ~ s::: ~ cu cu E V) cu ~ s::: c:s ~ 4,....) u cu "o' ~ ~ -' . ~ 0 .. '"'""-iii '+-l 2 ~ cu E cu ~ ~ V J _J E ~ Cl') .~ cu u '+-l .. '"'""-iii :::::.. ~ ~ cu cu E V) cu ~ ~ c:s ~ '+-l u cu -~ e ~ -- Project Management & Implementation Services • Procurement Services • Project Management • Contract Management • Vendor Management • Ongoing Support • Technology Roadmap -; '\:,:" : . '1 I\ '-- --,,,, I I Integrated Library System L_--------------- Acquisitions Booking Cataloging Circulation Configuration ILL Offline Outreach Reference Reports Requests Selection Serial Control Utility ~ Discharging ~ Fine Free Discharge fS, Renew User (i) Renew Item ~ Billing a User ~ Paying Bills ':i§ Item Search and Display ltil Check Item Status ,i Copy User ' Confirm Address Remove User A ,f Item Search and Display " !Mm Search and Dl1pl11Y Peterson's how to get money for college : financing your future beyond federal aid Rec Type Desc Date2 Ser Type Cont SU Ent ...... .I Tog ~~ G~ ~= ~= 8 = 8 = 8 ~ B~ ~= B=" 8 ~ MARC Holdings I Call Number/Item I Bound-with I Orders I Serials Ctrl I Selections I• Bib Lvl :a Entrd 9999 Ory Phys Med fr ~ovtPub 'O Lang Contents ocn433049871 OCoLC 20090903042611.0 SDLicSDLidSDEidAICldGKBldCCP iy1089-B31.X (OCoLC)433049871 15 :090825 ·.nju • eng lbPeterson's, 2000 Lenox Dr., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 n-us--- 378.309731222 LB2337.2.HB471ibP4BS1 rrypeOrl Dat_Tp Fnequn Repr Confpub Mod Rec I Return to Searchj (?isplay Holding~ I Close j Enc_Lvl '.C Datel ·a Regulr ' Pub_Type :o ~lphabt I Source ,I !2017 ir ' :a :d IBI Integrated Library System • Symphony (Server Application & Database) • WorkFlows Staff Client • Database Maintenance • Patron Notices • 3rd Party Integration • Vendor Management ' ,,, ;~".. , 11 .. I I Patron Discovery Services Limit Search Results :: .. ., ·-.. ;,;. 41 Results Found m Dw"Eirn"!;J?fflm;n [] [select an Action -----. T J Library IIIIIIIJ 11. D Cole Library D [] Dove Library El Learning Center ... ·---·-........... ---····--··-·--·-· .. --·----·-·· Material Type 1111111 El Children's-Book !'.]DVD 7 Day Author 1111!!111 [] Holablrd, Katharine. (24) 12. El HIT Entertainment (17) [] Li Craig, Helen, ill. (12) D Craig, Helen. (9) Cl Doi, DaVfs. (8) More Expand All ·-·····-·····-····--····--·· ····-··--·-··-----·--.. ---··· .. ··-- Language 11111!!111 EJ English (41) [] French (13) 3. El Spanish (13) [] ............................................... ···-····-··-············· Subject ---~·'''tl~t J,;'tl Angelina ballerina Ecfllion 2nd ed. by Ho!abird, Kalhanne. ean Number JE HOLABIRD, K Publication Date 2000 Fonnat I' Available: 1 in Carlsbad City Library -Cole Holds: 0 Copies: 3 Angelina baDerina by Ho!abird, Kalharine. can Number JE HOLABIRD, K Publication Date 2000 1983 Formal ll Available: 1 in Gartsbad City library-Main (Dove) Holds: 0 Copies: 1 AngeHna Ballerina : board book by Holabiro, Kathanne, author. can Number JBOARD HOlABIRD, K Publication Date 2013 1 2 3 4 9 ~·..., ~pl~~ Hoid '.f.'U~/.f.' Text Item Details · Place Hold -m11mn,m1mitim Place Hold -fitilll'lml•l':ll:11tWI Patron Discovery • Online Catalog (Enterprise) • eBook Integration • eResearch Authentication . • Holds Placement Services . • Online User Registration • "My Account" • · New Additions to the Collection • Genealogy & History Room Digital Content -• RFID Services • Automated Materials Handling • Self-Check Kiosks • Payment Integration Services • Staff Circulation • Tagging Stations • Security Gates • Vendor Management 4-..l s:::: Q.) E Q.) ~ s:::: ~ ~ !/J 4-..l s:: .......... ~ ~ ~ s:::: ~ ~ ~ ::s ~ E 8 . -- Computer and Print Management • Automated Computer Management • Print Management • Nerve Centers • Database Management • Payment Integration • Vendor Management Analytics & Reporting LOST-ASSUM 428 I CHECKEOOUT LOST-ASSUM 792 ILL LOST-CLAIM 1 INCOMPLETE 2005 LOST-ASSUM 986 INPROCESS 2005 LOST-CLAIM 3 INTRANSIT 2006 LOST-ASSUM 1,029 JUVDESK 2006 LOST-CLAIM 2 LOST-ASSUM 2007 LOST-ASSUM 1,000 LOST-CLAIM 2007 LOST-CLAIM 4 MISSING 2008 INTRANSIT 3 REPAIR 2008 LOST-ASSUM 1,181 rota I I I Analytics & Reporting • Patron Internet Computers • Wireless • Self-Checks • Early Literacy Stations • Item and Collection Usage • Surveys •=-Y\r,t •Y ¥•"""" N•¥ I:,. :IM3/00QUI mt~n3!00 ()\1:11.ttlSMd / \ ( ,, f L . - Infrastructure • Asset Inventory • Patron Computer Requirements • Power & Data Requirements And More .... • Early Literacy Stations Management • Department Specific Software Support (JAWS, Mavis Beacon and lnmagic) • "Ask Us" Support • Peripherals • Tablets • EMS, Exploration HUB & LibCal Consulting ' ,; Technology Roadmap 2017 Computer, Print and Copy Management 111 111 Symphony Upgrade .. Ill Patron Discovery Upgrade .. Ill Mobile Circulation .. Ill Wireless Upgrade Blue Cloud Analytics Upgrade .. Ill Self-Check Chip and Signature January February March April May June July August Future Technology Delivering innovation while finding the balance between consumer and enterprise technology. (Carlsbad City library 2017 MEETING DATES AND LOCATIONS City of Carlsbad LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 4PM Date Location Jan. 18 Cole Library Community Room Feb. 15 CCL Board Room -Dove Lane March 15 CCL Board Room -Dove Lane April 19 Library Learning Center -Room 14 May 17 CCL Board Room -Dove Lane June 21 CCL Board Room -Dove Lane July 19 Cole Library Community Room Aug. 16 CCL Board Room -Dove Lane Sept. 20 Library Learning Center -Room 14 Oct. 18 Cole Library Community Room Nov. 15 CCL Board Room -Dove Lane Dec. 20 CCL Board Room -Dove Lane !:\LIBRARY BOARD\Admin. Notes and processes\2017 Calendar\2017 Meeting dates and locations -Carlsbad Library Board of Trustees (10.18.16).docx 11/21/2016