HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-01-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, January 18, 2017 Cole Library Community Room PLACE OF MEETING: 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hu Isa rt called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Staff Present: Trustees Cannon, Hinman and Hulsart Trustees DeForest and Parsons Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Fiona Everett, Sr. Management Analyst Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Megan Vanzandt, Senior Office Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Board was unable to approve the Dec. 14, 2016 minutes at the meeting due to lack of a quorum of Trustees who attended the Dec. 14, 2016 meeting. This agenda item will be presented at the next meeting for approval. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the November and December 2016 Monthly Library Reports. Trustee Cannon inquired as to how the Wi-Fi use statistics are measured. Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski explained that users are counted the first time they acknowledge the city's internet use policy, for the day. Public internet computers in the library are not operating using the wireless network, so, therefore, are not included in Wi-Fi use statistics. Chair Hu Isa rt commented on the implementation of tablet computers for use by literacy learners and tutors at the Library Learning Center. Principal Librarian Glynn Birdwell advised that staff regularly discuss the goals of learners in using tablet computers. Chair Hulsart also gave congratulations on the HUB and asked where patrons could find a listing of the classes at the HUB. Deputy Library Director Bednarski advised that there are printed handouts and class information is also available online. Page 2 of 4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the January 18, 2017 Meeting COMMUNITY RELATIONS DIVISION OVERVIEW: Programs & Venues Coordinator Keith Gemmell provided an overview ofthe division, its employees and the major service areas managed by Community Relations which include rental and venue support, library programming for adults and assisting with external communications as well as coordinating internal department communications. Chair Hulsart inquired whether digital signage would be added at the Learning Center. Programs & Venues Coordinator Gemmell explained that the redesign project included signage for the Dove and Cole Libraries only. Director Pizzuto added that sometimes we utilize special projects like the renovations to incorporate new technology when the opportunity arises because of the expense of installation, and certainly the Learning Center is a potential for additional digital signage, as opportunities arise. Chair Hu Isa rt also mentioned that the Friends bookstores might be a good resource for spreading information by word of mouth about programs. Programs & Venues Coordinator Gemmell will look into how to increase outreach to the Friends of the Library bookstore volunteers to promote programs. Trustee Cannon inquired if there were going to be additional rental venues in the future. Programs & Venues Coordinator Gemmell explained that in time we hope to increase community gathering spaces available for general public use. During the renovations, the Cole Community room was used on a test basis during the closure of Dove. Various opportunities are being considered which require analyzing staffing and support needs to expand rental facilities. Chair Hu Isa rt also inquired if the Dove Library West Patio will be available for rent in the future. Programs & Venues Coordinator Gemmell explained that more analysis and discussion is needed to confirm that space can be made available for rental. Director Heather Pizzuto mentioned that the Board was recently made aware of an event involving the use of its meeting facilities for public rental and as changes are experienced in community needs or a matter arises that will affect a policy, it may be brought back to the Board for reconsideration consistent with the role of the Library Board. The Board will have an opportunity in tne near future to consider an extension of the rental policy to include other venues such as the Cole Community Room . FY 2017-18 BUDGET POLICIES AND TIMELINES: Senior Management Analyst Fiona Everett and Associate Analyst Debbie Jo McCool provided information on the FY 2017-18 city budget policies and timelines. Tuesday, Jan. 10 a budget kick-off meeting served as the official opening of the budget season. Administrative Services Director Charles McBride gave a presentation providing information on the city's planning process to prepare the FY 2017-18 budget. Senior Managem~nt Analyst Everett and Associate Analyst McCool will be working with department staff to examine each area of the budget and funding needs. Key dates were reviewed with the Board. Page 3 of4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the January 18, 2017 Meeting Trustee Cannon inquired about revenue received in relation to DVD loans and whether the insurance fee is still relevant. Director Pizzuto explained the insurance fee, the associated benefits to the patron and the allocation of funds to the City's general fund which supports the purchase and maintenance of the DVD collection. This fee has been discussed over time, along with alternative approaches to the lending of DVDs. Director Pizzuto noted that fees are set by the City Council. Chair Hulsart inquired whether any unusual budget items are anticipated. Senior Management Analyst Everett advised that we are in the preliminary stages of developing budget allocations. Director Pizzuto added that the budget is aligned with the priorities of the city council and the department. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: The Dove Library north side patron elevator is currently closed for repairs. In the interim, public works staff has established temporary public,access through to the south side elevator which has only been accessible to staff in the past. A public works contract is moving forward for repair of the elevator. The Library Board of Trustees photo collage has recently been updated at each of the city library locations. The City's IT department upgraded its managed WAN (wide area network) this week; self-check credit card acceptance and internal access to premium databases was briefly affected; both items were resolved. Upgrade to the library public wireless network can now be scheduled . • Director Pizzuto reviewed several personnel and staff development activities, including the arrival of Cultural Arts Manager Richard Schultz Feb. 1, the status of the Training Coordinator vacancy, and a variety of other ongoing recruitments. Three staff will attend a Performer's Showcase in Orange County to learn about, sample and schedule children's performers for the Summer Reading Program and throughout the year. Outreach and community items - • CS USM library staff toured both the Dove and Cole libraries in February, and partnering opportunities were discussed. • A donation from the Seligman Family was received, associated with a naming opportunity already approved by the City Council. The donation will be presented to the City Council for approval Jan. 24. A policy addressing filming and photography in the library is being drafted and will be presented to the Library Board in the near future. Chair Hulsart inquired about the Cafe. Director Pizzuto advised that efforts continue in working with an agency to obtain additional advice on evaluating proposals and selecting the optimal cafe operator. Page 4 of4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the January 18, 2017 Meeting FOUNDATION REPORT: Director Pizzuto advised that the Foundation Board meeting was held yesterday where the endowment fund distributions were confirmed for budget planning purposes. The Library Board acknowledged receipt of the Jan. 18 letter from the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation regarding an event the Foundation board is planning to bring together organizations supporting library and cultural arts services in Carlsbad. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Cannon reported that the Friends of the Library Board meeting is tomorrow. In December the Friends netted $9,000 from its holiday book sale. Representative Cannon described the partnership that the Friends have with La Posada through the Library, enabling extra donated books to go to the shelter. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Cindy Goodger summarized recent and upcoming programs and events. Membership was reported at 361 members at the end of 2016. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trustee Cannon provided a copy of a sign posted in the Sacramento Library that provides teens a list of call numbers for library materials addressing sensitive topics, with the suggestion of adding a similar sign for teens using our libraries. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Cannon/Hinman) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~y~ Senior Office Specialist Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for NOVEMBER 2016 ITEM #4 1. Cole and the Learning Center joined the Dove facility in having its patron Internet workstations connected to California Research and Education Network (CalREN), a high-capacity fiber optic network designed to meet the Internet connectivity requirements of higher education institutions, K-12 schools, and, more recently, public libraries in California. 2. The annual California Library Association conference, "Swing into Action," was held in Sacramento from Nov. 3 to 6. Seven Carlsbad City Library staff members attended and participated in various sessions focusing on topics such as outreach, programs, r;iartnerships, management, technology, catalog.ing, current trends, ebooks, serving various population groups, circulating non-traditional materials, maker spaces, adult literacy, school-readiness, and digital storytelling. Attendees shared the highlights of the conference at "brown bag" sessio 1 ns open to all staff in December. At this conference, Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto received the Outstanding Librarian in Support of Literacy award. 3. The annual ln-N-Out Burger reading incentive program for children between the ages of 4 and 12, "Cover to Cover" ended Nov. 12. This program is hosted by participating libraries in areas where ln- N-Out restaurants are located. Across all three Carlsbad City Library sites, 1,060 children registered for the program and earned 1,743 certificates for free burgers at ln-N-Out Burger. CCL, Dove Lane ... 4. Good Life, the semi-annual six-part lecture series about health and wellness, concluded its fall 2016 series during the month of November. The last three events were quite successful with nearly 30 attendees present for each lecture. Topics instructed included healthy desserts with a cooking demonstration by cookbook author Laura Marquis, treating PTSD without medications led by Dr. Bart Billings (Ret. Army Col.), and relaxation through meditation led by MiraCosta College instructor Regina Gill. 5. The Exploration HUB continued to grow in its offerings. Open Lab hours were hosted by both staff and volunteers to allow patrons to work on their own projects or explore the offerings of the HUB. Regular instruction sessions were also held with a total of 35 classes and demonstrations offered with 122 patrohs attending. The classes offered included Beginning and Intermediate Arduino, Beginning Garage Band, Beginning iMovie, Beginning Silhouette Cameo, Exploring Tinkercad, Final Cut Pro Demonstration, iMovie Demonstration, Scanner and Photoshop Elements: VHS to Digital Conversion Demonstration. 6. Children's Services hosted its annual "Thanksgiving Family Fun" event on Wednesday, Nov. 23. Stories and crafts were enjoyed by the 156 children and adults who participated in this family program. A week later, on Nov. 30, dozens of children made ornaments for the children's area Christmas tree, as well as ornaments to take home. "- 7. Four Early Literacy Stations were once again made available to excited young library visitors at Dove, who have been asking for them since reopening. Staff has made some sign-on adjustments from 1 Monthly Library Reports for November 2016 before the renovations based on their new location; these will be evaluated when final furniture is obtained. 8. The Cinema Series presented a screening of select episodes of Tough Rides: Brazil on Saturday, Nov. 19. Director Ryan Pyle was present to show his films and led a lecture about his exhibition and shared stories and images of his trip riding a motorcycle on an 8,700 mile, 60-day circumnavigation around Brazil. Cinema Series events occur the third Saturday of every other month and are dedicated to screening independent and critically acclaimed films. 9. November's monthly Author Talk series featured former antiquarian bookstore owner Stan Katz as he discussed his research and work writing a historical fiction novel, The Emperor and the Spy. Katz's presentation on Sunday, Nov. 6 focused on his initial discovery of papers, photos and documents once owned by Colonel Mashbir, an American spy, which led to his research and writing of the novel. Georgina Cole ... 10. The second session in "The Year of Mindfulness" series of programs, Mindfulness 101, was held in the Cole Community Room on Nov. 10 and explored the concept of using mindfulness to handle change and the stress change can cause. The session was attended by 86 people who gave the program rave reviews. 11. Children's Tuesday after-school programs included "Blast off Balloon Rocket Science" where the 26 kids who attended on Nov. 1 were asked to imagine how it is possible for a rocket or space shuttle to soar through the sky. They then experimented with Newton's third law of motion (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction) by launching balloon rockets. The next week, on Election Day, 40 children learned about the election process and helped elect the new Cole Library Youth Service Ambassador. The next two Tuesdays in November celebrated "Picture Book Month" with local author Shelley Moore Thomas by 54 attendees listening to her read her new book, an afternoon of Book Bingo with 38 children playing bingo to win the best prize ever: a book! And finally, the Museum of Making Music presented an interactive musical exploration to a group of 48 kids with ukuleles, percussion, historical events and innovations that influenced music making and the development of musical instruments. 12. The "Ask a Genealogist" program, which was piloted at Dove during Cole's closure during renovations, was re-launched in November. The division received seven requests for support in November with two appointments completed. With the holidays, several researchers have opted to set an appointment in the New Year. The advance notice of the topic of the session has allowed staff to do some preparatory work in order to maximize the time spent with the patron. 13. The second Public Scanning Day, Capturing Carlsbad, was held on Nov. 12 at Dove in the Exploration HUB. While attendance was low, Genealogy and History Collection staff did digitize over 60 items, including slides and ticket stubs and were able to become more familiar with using the scanner and its software. Learning Center ... 14. The fall Osher class series on both writing and art history finished on Nov. 18. 2 Monthly Library Reports for November 2016 15. Two family programs held in November included a Veterans Day program on Nov. 10 in which participants learned the history of this holiday through stories, crafts and a Thanksgiving celebration program on Nov. 17. 16. Fifteen teens had an exciting time playing detective in the "Murder Mystery Escape Room" event held on Nov. 18. They worked in teams to solve the mystery and escape from the storytime room that had been specially modified by Bilingual Services staff. 17. The implementation of tablet computers for use by literacy learners and tutors is complete. Ten of the tutoring rooms have tablets available to use during lessons with a wide variety of apps. Outreach and Community Connections ... 18. On Election Day, Nov. 8, the Library served as polling locations at both the Cole Community Room and the Dove Lane Library Gowland Meeting Room. A few dedicated staff were on hand early and late as the County Registrar of Voters staff prepared for and opened the polling place at the Cole Library beginning at 5:30 am and completed their work by 9:30 pm in both locations. Both sites experienced a steady stream of voters throughout the day. Early in the day, one couple at Cole expressed how excited they were to be able to vote in their public library. For the week prior to the election, the Dove Lane Library also served as a drop-off location for mail-in ballots. 19. A troop of Junior Girl Scouts (4th_5th grades) from La Costa and San Elijo Hills visited Dove on Nov. 17 for two hours. They were working on a badge regarding construction, architecture and buildings. They received a tour from Deputy Director Suzanne Smithson discussing the recent renovations and the structure of the Dove facility. This was followed by time in the kid's area with Senior Librarian Barbara Chung who read "Grandmother's Dreamcatcher," and then the Girls Scouts were able to make their own dream catchers. 20. Children's Services at Cole hosted a school tour of 30 students in grades K-5 from Beautiful Savior Lutheran School on Nov. 10. The children greatly enjoyed a scavenger hunt around the children's area familiarizing themselves with the layout of the area and who and where to ask for help. 21. Children's Librarian Julie Conklin participated in the November meeting of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Education Committee on Nov. 30. This meeting highlighted the Brandt Academy in San Marcos. Ian Brandt presented information about his new school which offers students classes in engineering and technology. Impressive presentations were also made by two award-winning teams representing CUSD's First Lego League Robotics. 22 . Librarian Maile McKean participated in a meeting of the Carlsbad High School Film Academy Advisory Board on Nov. 7. In addition to contributing to the discussion regarding a final project for seniors to complete, Maile also talked about the Exploration HUB and what it has to offer to the film students. 23. A team of staff across several divisions visited the La Posada de Guadalupe shelter in Carlsbad on Nov. 10. The group issued 14 new library cards, checked out ten library books to shelter residents, answered ebook questions and discussed how the residents could best be supported by the Library. 24. Community Outreach Supervisor Scott presented to the Southwest Carlsbad Homeowners Association Coalition. Twelve attendees learned how illiteracy is impacting the local area and how libraries are contributing solutions. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS November 2016 - -R~ference~ Circµlation, Yisitors - Reference Questions Nov-15 *2 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dove Library 12,231 9,357 9,103 Cole Library 0 7,355 6,583 Librarv Learning Center 1,895 583 551 Total 14,126 17,295 16,237 Technologv Assistance Nov-1s*2 Oct-16 *3 Nov-16 •3 Dove Library -2,517 2,374 Cole Library -2,674 2,487 Library Learning Center -208 202 Total -5,399 5,063 Circulation Nov-1s*2 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dove Library 63,231 53,154 52,516 Cole Library 0 30,995 28,300 Library Learning Center 9,483 1,424 1,326 eAudiobook Downloads 1,464 1,872 1,924 eBook Downloads 3,184 4,000 3,740 eMagazine Downloads 851 1,034 1,014 Total 78,213 92,479 88,820 People Count Nov-15 •2 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dove Library 31,585 32,435 30,062 Cole Library 0 22,561 21,737 Library Learning Center 12,132 5,593 4,628 Total 43,717 60,589 56,427 Programs and Technology Librarv-Sponsored Programs Nov-15 •2 Oct-16 Nov-16 Pre-School Programs 50 61 55 Attendance 1,874 2,743 2,285 School Aged Children's Programs 21 43 32 Attendance 509 1,131 607 Young Adult Programs 4 10 7 Attendance 49 83 53 Adult Programs 34 40 69 Attendance 748 1,330 994 Technology Usage Nov-15 *2 Oct-16 Nov-16 Computer Use 6,167 7,631 7,174 WiFi Use 1 6,013 7,858 5,828 Webpage Views 34,402 50,413 48,954 Database Usage 5,448 6,546 6,778 Facility Meeting Room Use Nov-15 *2 Oct-16 Nov-16 Events 59 96 56 Attendance 3,682 5,571 4,102 Volunteer Hours Nov-1s·2 Oct-16 Nov-16 Total Hours 1,243 1,240 1,283 1. Unable to collect data on WiFi from Jan. to July 2016 •2. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. Cole Library officially reopened Feb. 27, 2016. Dove library was closed between Feb. 23 to Feb 28, reopened with its reduced footprint starting Feb. 29. Dove Interim library closed April 14, 2016, Dove Library reopened on June 21, 2016. Library Learning Center hours returned to pre-remodel hours effective June 25, 2016 *3. New data field -Technical Assistance data required for State Library Survey. Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for DECEMBER 2016 ITEM #4 1. The Library & Cultural Arts Department presented a concert at each of the three library facilities during the month of December for its annual Holiday Concert Series. The concerts began Dec. 1 with Jara be Mexicano, a Latin string quintet, performing at the Library Learning Center to over 80 patrons; some of whom were seen dancing in the library during the performance. On Dec. 4, Whitney Shay and San Diego Blues legend Robin Henkel performed together at the Georgina Cole Library for a special afternoon of Jazz and Blues music. The series concluded with a performance by R&B/Neo-Soul singer Rebecca Jade in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium at the Carlsbad City Library on Dove Lane to over 180 people. 2. The staff PC management procurement team, led by Senior Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel, ' finalized the computer, print and copy management Request for Proposals (RFP) in December which was then posted for bids. The RFP captures the unique complexities in the Library's patron computing environment, and the project encompasses the replacement of the following technologies: patron computer management system, signup stations, print release stations, copiers, printers, payment stations, and associated peripherals. Proposals are due in February. 3. The Business Systems team continued to work with the Library's merchant gateway provider in order to enable "chip-and-signature" functionality on all of the self-check units. The second major step in this process was successfully completed in December. This involved directing all of the self-checks to the new chip-and-signature merchant payment gateway envjronment. It is anticipated that chip-and- signature functionality will be launched in January and that the update will also allow the Library to offer patrons additional payment methods such as "Apple Pay" and "Samsung Pay." 4. Extensive testing was finalized to prepare for the SirsiDynix Symphony 3.5.2 intergraded library system upgrade of existing core and special)unctions which will take place in January 2017. 5. Value Line has changed licensing and the library is now able to provide remote access to the service for our patrons. Reference Librarians worked with the vendor and IT staff to add Value Line to EZProxy so patrons can now use Value Line at any time from outside the library. CCL, Dove Lane ... 6. The Carlsbad Playreaders closed their 2016 season with a performance of "Be My Baby" on Monday, Dec. 6, which marked their fourth performance in the newly renovated Schulman Auditorium. Approximately 150 patrons enjoyed this Ken Ludwig comedy-about John, an irascible Scotsman, and Maude, an uptight English woman, who despise each other but must work together to bring the newly adopted baby safely home to its parents. 7. The December Author Talk celebrated the 100th birthday of the San Diego Zoo with an event in the Schulman Auditorium on Saturday, Dec. 3 featuring Dr. Richard Lederer. Eighty patrons enjoyed an afternoon with the International Punster of the Year and radio personality as he shared facts and laughs about the San Diego Zoo in honor of its centennial celebration. His lecture covered its early history and a caravan of animals that run, swim, jump, fly and crawl through our beastly English language. 1 Monthly Library Reports for December 2016 8. Dove Children's Services hosted several holiday programs in December. The first was an after-school program on Dec. 13 featuring performer Georgette Baker who explored winter holidays around the world through guitar playing and other activities. Two performances of "A Very Beary Nutcracker" marionette show by Kathy Felker were presented on Friday, Dec. 16 in place of the usual Storytime Theater. Participants included two adults who had attended Kathy's last performance in the Schulman Auditorium in 2014 and were thrilled to see that she was returning. And finally, the library hosted an evening performance of Craig Newton's Holiday Music Show on Dec. 19 which attracted 44 children and adults who sang along with Craig, one ofthe most talented musicians in the area. The Library also hosted a Winter Family Fun program on Dec. 28 which attracted 102 attendees. 9. The Library sponsored its first Succulent Swap on Saturday, Dec. 3. Seventy people attended and exchanged succulents from their home gardens along with additional plants provide by the Carlsbad Water District. Each participant left with a small succulent garden they had created in a pot, wooden box, or upcycled piece of china. Additional gardening programs are currently being planned for the spring and summer at both the Dove Lane and Cole Libraries. 10. The third session in The Year of Mindfulness series took place on Dec. 8 in the Gowland Meeting Room and focused on holiday stress and how to enjoy the time we have this season. The session was attended by 92 people and programs in this series continue to get rave reviews from the participants. 11. Classes continued in the Exploration HUB with a total of 37 classes and demonstrations offered and 142 patrons attending. An excellent article about the Exploration HUB appeared in the Union- Tribune on Dec. 10. Prior to the article, average attendance for HUB classes was 2.6 students; after the article, average attendance was 4.4 students. Though other factors may have contributed to the increase in interest in the classes, the publicity has helped get the word out to the public about this new service. A series of four Intermediate Silhouette Cameo classes were added in December. The students in each class created a different holiday project that they were able to take home with them. These classes were very popular with an average of over six students in each class. Georgina Cole ... 12. The two Tuesday after school programs for December were a ninja storycraft and activity program on Dec. 6 and a celebration of Melvil Dewey's 165th birthday on Dec. 13. This famous librarian was honored with stories and learning the Dewey Decimal rap. On Dec. 15, the Cole Library hosted a visit with Santa during the regular preschool storytime hours. More than 160 patrons shared their holiday wishes, took photos and then Santa recited the Night Before Christmas, read a special Christmas story to the children and described how Christmas is celebrated in different countries. The children and their families were delighted. Weekly programs went on hiatus during the last two weeks in December during the Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) winter break when attendance at children's programs is low. 13. Two Ask a Genealogist appointments were completed in December. One inquiry in particular was especially challenging and provided an opportunity for some collaboration to work on a family with a very common name. In the end, it was a notice in the library's newest database addition, Newspapers.com that cracked the case. Learning Center ... 2 Monthly Library Reports for December 2016 14. December was a month of fun holiday programming at the Learning Center. Two events launched the festivities on Dec. 1: ornaments were made by 33 children for the Learning Center tree (as well as some to take home) and then an audience of 85 enjoyed Jara be Mexicano who performed traditional and popular selections from their Latin American repertoire. The highlight of the month was the visit from Santa on Dec. 15 when 60 adults and children came to sing carols, listen to holiday stories and have their photos taken with Santa. All of the children received a new book donated by the San Diego Council on Literacy. 15. The Spanish Book Club's first meeting took place at the Learning Center on Dec. 6. The group of ten community members met and are excited about participating in the Carlsbad Reads Together program. 16. The teen movie program on Dec. 16 featured the film Spare Parts. The teens enjoyed discussing the themes of this engaging film. 17. The English as a Second Language classes offered in partnership with MiraCosta College finished the semester on Dec. 14. Work is in progress to develop a new agreement to continue classes in 2017. 18. The Writer to Writer Challenge, an annual writing contest for adult learners enrolled in library literacy programs in Southern California had a Dec. 2 entry deadline. Eighty-four entries were received; seven from Carlsbad. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott chairs the event for Southern California, and the library's Literacy staff receive, log and scan all entries for judging panels at various libraries. 19. Career Online High School students are continuing their course of study. Six students are in various stages ofthe program. Two are more than 60 percent complete; one is over 50 percent complete. The library's first graduate is expected by November 2017. Materials for Career Online High School were given to the Management Analyst for Public Works, who arranged to have them posted for the crew. Outreach and Community Connections ... 20. Library Assistant Mayra Turchiano attended the Feria Internacional del Libro (FIL) in Guadalajara, Mexico in early December. FIL is an international book and cultural festival that features authors and publishers from around the world. Mayra networked with many Spanish book publishers and with other librarians serving the Spanish-speaking population. 21. A team of staff members from all library sites visited the La Posada Shelter in Carlsbad. The residents received library cards and checked out books in English and Spanish. The Friends of the Library shared six boxes of science fiction, fantasy, and horror paperbacks to give away. 22. Three Learning Center staff members represented the library at the Holiday Tree Lighting on Dec. 4 sponsored by the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Evening Rotary Club. Holiday crafts and stories were enjoyed by 72 children who were also able to select a book to take home courtesy of the Friends of the Library. 3 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS December 2016 """. ~--Reference, CirG_ulation, Visitors Reference Questions Dec-15 *2 Nov-16 Dec-16 1 Dove Library 10,500 9,103 8,591 2 Cole Library 0 6,583 6,213 3 Librarv Learning Center 1,937 551 573 4 Total 12,437 16,237 15,377 TechnologvAssistance Dec-1s·2 Oct-16 *3 Nov-16 *3 5 Dove Library -2,374 2,574 6 Cole Library -2,487 2,347 7 Library Learning Center -202 148 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Total -5,063 5,069 Circulation *2 Dec-15 · Nov-16 Dec-16 Dove Library 60,979 52,516 48,001 Cole Library 0 28,300 26,100 Library Learning Center 10,889 1,326 1,263 eAudiobook Downloads 1,300 1,924 1,956 eBook Downloads 3,324 3,740 3,958 eMagazine Downloads 900 1,014 946 Total 77,392 88,820 82,224 People Count Dec-1s·2 Nov-16 Dec-16 Dove Library 31,667 30,062 25,876 Cole Library 0 21,737 17,756 Library Learning Center 8,947 4,628 3,999 Total 40,614 56,427 47,631 Programs an.d Tec_hnology - ~ Library-Sponsored Programs Dec-15 *2 Nov-16 Dec-16 Pre-School Programs 51 55 43 Attendance 1,738 2,285 1,902 School Aged Children's Programs 22 32 24 Attendance 677 607 598 Young Adult Programs 2 7 6 Attendance 27 53 36 Adult Programs 65 69 52 Attendance 4,744 994 1,282 Technology Usage Dec-15 •2 Nov-16 Dec-16 Computer Use 6,511 7,174 6,611 WiFi Use 1 4,347 5,828 7,014 Webpage Views 31,445 48,954 47,312 Database Usage 6,535 6,778 6,564 Facilitv Meeting Room Use Dec-15 *2 Nov-16 Dec-16 Events 8 56 so Attendance 879 4,102 4,401 Volunteer Hours Dec-15 *2 Nov-16 Dec-16 Total Hours 1,130 1,283 1,066 1. Unable to collect data on WiFi from Jan. to July 2016 •2. Cole Library closed Sept 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. Cole Library officially reopened Feb. 27, 2016. Dove library was closed between Feb. 23 to Feb 28, reopened with its reduced footprint starting Feb. 29. Dove Interim library closed April 14, 2016, Dove Library reopened on June 21, 2016. Library Learning Center hours returned to pre-remodel hours effective June 25, 2016 *3. New data field -Technical Assistance data required for State Library Survey. Community Relations Division Mission Keith Gemmell Jan. 18,2017 Provide and support gathering spaces and programming that enriches the lives of our community. 1/18/2017 1 Three Arms of Community Relations • Rental and Venue Support • Programming • Communications (internal and external) Our Team • Rental and Venues Support -Bonnie Crane-Sullivan, Lead Production Technician -Audra Mahoney, Rental Reservations and Invoicing Library Clerk -A/V and Event Technicians • Lester Rottsolk, Jr. • John McGrath • Matthew Chewiwie • Grant Gebler • Programs and Marketing Assistant -Emily Bruce, Library Technician • Print and Internal Projects -Sue Loveland, Library Clerk 1/18/2017 2 Rental & Venue Support A primary focus is to provide technical and program support for all Library & Cultural Arts programs as well as outside organizations Venues Managed Gowland Meeting Room "1 - Dove Courtyard Schulman Auditorium Other venues as needed 1/18/2017 3 .· ..... ' ·t. • Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium --..... .: t '\,,,. -=-- ~.~:.~~~· ..,,.,. • 2,184 sqft ' • 219 fixed seats (continental style) on sloped floor • Adjustable stage lighting • 5.1 surround sound capabilities with assisted listening • Stage dimensions: -29.5' wide, 20.5 deep {to rear curtain) -Mid-traveler curtain and 16'x9' rear projection screen George & Patricia Gow/and Meeting Room • Over a 1,000 sqft • Seats up to 70 with flexible layouts • Amenities: -Portable lectern -Sou~d system with assisted listening system -Front projector system integrated with lectern -Kitchenette ~t~: 'Carlsbad City Library 1/18/2017 4 Methods of Use 1. Present Library & Cultural Arts programs 2. Rent venues to non-city organizations or individuals 3. Help an outside organization present their own program through joint partnership Staff Support • Book and invoice rental reservations • Provide ALL technical and logistical components (rental & internal events) • Configure equipment per each event and coordinate maintenance 1/18/2017 5 Reservations ~;,~,\ f-C O © r.k:.;,~1~ww~;,,:;:.a:lV$1 Libi.ruyRoou~OnlineBool.:ing Vrdcr l\ly Acrounl tnbal>0\1! · C1f.\le,,..:1,:to.r.t l.:,g;in;)l'd~,...,c,1nt,r~ t~ .. ~~iHN1,r"°l"f:,tu1Jir.W•·rdf,r41~~'~ Hlin>cite·1,;Jit4~101c..r"i!tin"""t.o li.eww,t~liayl ~~ ..... 1~t.i.e1 .... 11nwt.l-....,,~,K«'>•~u,,1•i11n~~.'1«W1p,n...,it<11tfffl""''~ in..-.;i.<»•~;,.~•« iU,VV~tl-.'11£¥H:11,pct1tm1cSr,r.n-J1:td.\\t'ffl1D'~btunto"w,,11ittr&,.,t:n-,t)w~1t...,.;n,kt1Niri.1. ... ,,rfht--~.~~~11 Ullda" lnfo tab abo,~. Special Programs Supported • State of the City Address • Citizen's Academy: Community Services ('city of Carlsbad Citizens Academy 1/18/2017 6 Full Year of Support In 2016, CR technical staff supported 342 internal events and 216 rental events to provide community engagement to nearly 40,000 patrons Programming • Concert Series • Carlsbad Film Series (Wednesdays) • Cinema Film Series (Every other month on the third Saturday) 1/18/2017 7 Programming • Play Readings • Workshops -Business -Good Life Health & Wellness Lecture Series -Poetry Workshops with the Magee Park Poets c Si8f .-1 . ,, . --·.·.-.·::.,,. ~;,iii . ti~{\ l!I.~-. Programming • Author Talks 1/18/2017 8