HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-02-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTE S MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, February 15, 2017 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011 PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Trustees Cannon, DeForest, Hulsart, and Parsons Absent: Trustee Hinman Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Devin Castel, Senior Business Systems Specialist Megan Vanzandt, Senior Office Specialist ITEM #3 Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto introduced Richard Schultz as the new Cultural Arts Manager. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion, the minutes of the Library Board of Trustees meeting of Dec. 14, 2016, were approved. Approved 4-0-0-1. {Trustee Hinman absent) The Board was unable to approve the Jan. 18, 2017 minutes of the meeting due to lack of a quorum of Trustees who attended the Jan. 18, 2017 meeting. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the January 2017 Monthly Library Report. Chair Hulsart inquired as to what happens when an event's attendance reaches near capacity. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto and Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson explained that some events like Story Time Theater have multiple showings and for other events numbered tickets are handed out before the event to ensure attendance will not exceed facility capacity. Trustee DeForest commented on the difference in the population at the Dove Library in comparison to the Cole Library, in terms of their use of services. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto agreed and explained that is why we tailor our service levels to the populations that use those facilities. Page 2 of 4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the February 15, 2017 Meeting TECHNOLOGY UPDATE: The Board received the Quarterly Technology Report for the period of Oct. to Dec. 2016. Senior Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel provided an overview of the report. It was noted by Chair Hulsart that the self-check use and transactions percentages are significant. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel confirmed we are achieving established self-check goals. Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson added that the library's wireless and wired internet use is now evenly distributed system-wide. i Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel provided a technology update on the new self-check credit card functionality accommodating chip-enabled card acceptance and contactless payments. Currently, the Learning Center and Cole Library have the chip-enabled card acceptance installed, and plans are to have the chip-enabled card acceptance completed at the Dove Library by next week. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel provided an update on the patron computer, print and copy management procurement process. Responses to the Request for Proposal are due by Feb. 16, 2017. GIFT ACCEPTANCE AND RECOGNITION POLICY: The Board received the updated Gift Acceptance & Recognition policy. Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto explained policy changes related to acceptance of monetary gifts. A few years ago the City Council made a change to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2.08.100 on the amount of a financial gift requiring City Council acceptance of a gift, from $500 to $5,000. Now, if a financial gift is under $5,000, it can be accepted administratively on behalf of the city council. The authority for accepting Library & Cultural Arts department donations rests with the Library & Cultural Arts Director, and the policy has been updated to reflect this dollar value change. Along with the updated policy, Library & Cultural Arts Director Pizzuto presented the Board with a sample donation activity report for January 2017 entitled City of Carlsbad Library Donation Activity- General Fund/Gifts & Bequests, and provided the Board with an overview of the three endowments managed by the Foundation: the Robert H. Gartner endowment; the Benson Family Fund endowment; and the Cannon endowment. After review of the information, it was decided by the Board that it would be sufficient for this report to be presented every six months. By proper motion, the Gift Acceptance & Recognition policy was approved. Approved 4-0-0-1. (Trustee Hinman absent) DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Pizzuto updated the Board on the following: Budget- Division staff completed and submitted funding requests this week. Assembling and finalizing the budget is a key department focus through the end of February. In response to an inquiry Page 3 of 4 Li bra ry Boa rd of Trustees Minutes of the February 15, 2017 Meeting from Trustee Cannon, she briefed the Board on DVD and video games insurance fee revenue projections for FY 2016-17. Dove Library Cafe - The City is in the final stages of an agreement with a firm advising on a budget for finishing the space and cost recovery model. Staff has received what is needed regarding menu evaluation. Renovation open items - • The preliminary plan has been received for festoon lighting in the courtyard and is being reviewed. • Information has been received this week on the fireplace screen materials proposed for heat management. • Additional LED lighting fixtures were installed in the living room area above the gondolas holding new books and popular materials. Personnel and staff development - • Interviews have been completed for the three-quarter-time circulation supervisor, and reference checks are now being performed. • An accounting technician has been hired and is in the process of being trained. • Other administrative vacancies are in recruitment. • Principal Librarian Glynn Birdwell announced her retirement; effective at the end of July. Programs/services - • Feb. 25 is the main event for Carlsbad Reads Together 2017, as the Library hosts Into the Beautiful North author Luis Alberto Urrea as part of a community celebration. • Library staff has been evaluating allowing an additional (3rd) renewal. Currently, a 3rd renewal is offered when a copy remains available in the collection for other patrons to check out. The consensus from staff is to move forward with the 3rd renewal as standard. Changes to add the 3rd renewal will require system testing and updates to procedures. FOUNDATION REPORT: Representative Parsons shared that the Foundation would meet next week. She will have a report at the next Library Board of Trustees meeting. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Cannon reported the paperback spinners have arrived and are beautiful. Page4of4 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the February 15, 2017 Meeting NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Cindy Goodger summarized recent and upcoming programs and events. Membership was reported at 317 members currently. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trustee DeForest discussed an article that gave statistics on the top 10 eBooks downloaded in comparison to the top 10 books that were checked out. Library Trustee Cannon announced her decision to resign the position of Library Trustee. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Parsons/DeForest) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 4:54 p.m. R;;;;:5[(~ ~ Megan Vanzandt Senior Office Specialist Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JANUARY 2017 ITEM#4 1. The Business Systems Tea_m, in coordination with our vendor, successfully implemented an upgrade to the Library's Integrated Library System (ILS) in early January. All public services . areas were restored prior to the library opening, and the entire upgrade was complete by close of business. The upgrade lays the ground work for upcoming services and enhancements that will be provided by the Library. 2. Storytime programs across all facilities saw an increase in attendance during this unusually rainy month. Preschool and toddler age programs saw groups of more than 100 at several of the morning events at both Cole and Dove. 3. On Jan. 19, Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson and Children's Senior Librarians Barbara Chung and Marsha Weeks attended the Santiago Library System Performer's Showcase in Yorba Linda. They saw 5-minute snippets of 41 performers who present programs in libraries and schools throughout Southern California. Most of the performers for the 2017 Summer Reading Program were able to be booked while at the event. CCL, Dove Lane ... 4. Over Martin Luther King Jr. weekend the Library & Cultural Arts Department hosted three musical events in the Schulman Auditorium. On Saturday, the enormously popular This is Jazz and Opera Preview series showcased both lectures and musical performances. The weekend concluded with a well-attended concert featuring Steinway Artist and Pianist for Peace Louis Landon as he performed original compositions along with standards by Gershwin and Cole Porter. 5. The library's five-part Your Library Mean Business workshop series launched on Jan. 24 at the Dove Library with a workshop focused on sharing multiple avenues of business ownership led by Roxanne Rapske of FranNet San Diego. The workshop was attended by 14 very eager learners with passions for starting their own businesses. Upcoming workshops include how to secure business financing, create online marketing, doing business in Carlsbad, and business resources available through the Library. 6. On Monday, Jan. 30, the Carlsbad Playreaders kicked off their 2017 season with nearly 200 people with their production of Neil Simon's "Last of the Red Hot Lovers." This comedy featured a mixture of five well-known and up-and-coming San Diegan actors as they performed an outrageously funny show. 7. The first author talk of 2017 took place on Saturday, Jan. 28, and featured three novelists in a panel discussion who spoke about their own enchanting novels set in the illustrious world of Hollywood. The panel consisted of Anne Girard (Platinum Doll), Susan Meissner (Stars Over Sunset Boulevard) and Suzanne Redfern (No Ordinary Life). It was moderated by Adventures by the Book founder Susan Macbeth. Audience members heard how each author drew on characters from history and the scandal of the Hollywood lifestyle to create their stories. Members of the audience also had the opportunity to ask their own questions about character development and writing methods. Monthly Library Reports for January 2017 8. Classes continued and expanded in the Exploration HUB with a total of 41 classes and demonstrations offered and 231 patrons attending. The most popular classes (by attendance) are the Photoshop Elements, Beginning Tinkercad, and Silhouette Cameo classes. 9. Three teens performed to an enthusiastic audience of 40 patrons at a teen Open Mic Night held in the Dove Lane Library Courtyard on Jan. 26. Georgina Cole ... 10. The fourth session in The Year of Mindfulness series of programs was held in the Cole Library Community Room on Jan . 26. This session focused on relationships and how pausing for small moments lead to better relationships. Participants learned how even the smallest moments could stop or change the direction of negativity and prejudice. The session was attended by 104 people of all ages. 11. The Georgina Cole Library hosted two Library Got Game programs on Saturday, Jan. 14 and Monday, Jan. 30. Eighteen people attended the Saturday afternoon program, and eight people attended the Monday evening one. The programs have attracted patrons of all ages and demographics. One disabled adult attended both programs with his assistant and was a great participant in several games. 12. The genealogy staff presented the monthly hands-on Focus On classes which concentrated on using and accessing remotely, the Library's most recent database addition: Newspapers.com Library Edition. Site navigation, search strategies and exercises illustrating the value of newspapers in genealogical research were covered. Thirteen people attended the workshops held on Jan. 17 and 31. 13. An unexpectedly large crowd (43) attended the first Genealogy DNA Interest Group meeting of the year on Jan . 21, which is now held on Saturday afternoons from 1 to 4 p.m. (instead of Thursday nights from 6:30 to 8 p.m.). North San Diego County Genealogical Society program chair Kathleen Cooper spoke on "Your Genetic Genealogy Roadmap: Where do you want to go and what is the best route?" The class was intended for users new to DNA and provided a thorough overview of testing options, algorithms used to calculate matches by different testing companies, and programs for uploading results. 14. Beginning in January, an 11 a.m. session of Movers & Shakers (a movement, music and imagination program for ages 18 months and up) was added on Fridays in hopes of reducing the large attendance at the 10 a.m. session which has averaged around 85-90 people. The average attendance for the additional sessions in January was 44, but the average attendance for the established session remained at 85. The overall attendance at Movers & Shakers in January actually increased by 52 percent instead of having the existing attendance redistributed between the two programs, illustrating how popular programs for toddlers are at the Georgina Cole Library. 15. Tuesday Afternoon Adventures (a weekly program for grades K-5) included presentations by library staff on three Tuesdays with the themes of inaugurations, the science of snow, and Lunar New Year celebrations. Outside presenters on the remaining two Tuesdays were Mad Science and the Carlsbad High School Robotics Team. The Mad Science program on Jan. 17 2 Monthly Library Reports for January 2017 was on special effects in movies, and the 54 attendees got a behind-the-scenes glimpse of how and what effects are used by directors. They learned about the science behind the magic with special experiments that made things appear and disappear before their eyes. The Carlsbad High School Robotics Team came on Jan. 31 and demonstrated the wonders of this year's robots. The 63 kids in attendance were shown how the robots were designed and built and then they got to try out the controls. They designed their own self-powered mint mobiles. 16. The Sewing for a Cause series of classes for the public began on Jan. 11 with nine participants: eight adults and one teen. The second session on Jan. 25 incorporated a new volunteer who will be helping with the twice-a-month series. The volunteer has taught sewing to children and has a degree in fashion design. The second session had 13 participants: 11 adults and two teens. The public classes for teens and adults are modeled after the pilot series held last fall in which students learn sewing skills while making quilts for those in need. Learning Center ... 17. The new semester of English as a Second Language (ESL) classes presented in partnership with MiraCosta College started on Jan. 23. There are three classes, including basic reading and writing class, an intermediate/advanced conversation class, and basic computer and digital literacy class. 18. The Literacy Book Club met and discussed the young readers' edition of The Distance Between Us by Reyna Grande on Jan. 26. The next book club pick is the Carlsbad Reads Together selection, Into the Beautiful North by Luis Alberto Urrea. Literacy program participants who are not in the book club are being encouraged to participate in the Carlsbad Reads Together events. Copies of the book paid for by the state grant, are being given to those tutors and learners who express interest in attending Carlsbad Reads Together events. 19. The Learning Center presented a two-day workshop to a group of 11 teens on Jan. 5 and Jan. 12 in which a local Carlsbad artist taught the teens the centuries-old tradition of pinata- making. The teens enjoyed creating and decorating their own pinatas. 20. Like the children's programs at Cole, the Learning Center also hosted Mad Science presenting "Movie Special F/X". The audience of 29 learned about special effects used by movie directors. Then the following week staff presented a Lunar New Year celebration story craft session. Outreach and Community Connections ... 21. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson attended the Head Start parent meeting on Jan. 11 at Jefferson Elementary School. Thirty-five parents attended the meeting and received information about library services, early literacy, homework assistance and children's programs. 22. Members of the La Posada Homeless Outreach team visited the La Posada Shelter on Jan. 12. Residents checked out materials that they had requested and received free books that they could keep. Residents were able to set appointments to work with a librarian to have technology questions answered. Intercept exit surveys were done which demonstrated that 3 Monthly Library Reports for January 2017 attendees enjoyed the visit (100 percent), learned something new (87.5 percent), are more likely to go to a library (87.5 percent) and received a free book (100 percent). Those that replied that they did not learn something new and were not more likely to go to a library indicated that they were already a library user. The outreach team met after the event to debrief and discuss ways to best serve this patron group. 23. Children's staff at Dove hosted a local Brownie troop on Jan. 11. They shared a brief introduction to searching the catalog and highlighted some of our eResearch resources. Then the troop went on a tour of the Children's Library and participated in a scavenger hunt to learn about various resources. 24. Children's staff at Cole provided three tours to third-grade classes at Jefferson Elementary School on Jan. 26 who were visiting City Hall, the Community Garden, and Cole Library as part of the City Stuff program. Carlsbad History staff also shared a fifteen-minute presentation with the three classes. A historical map with an overlay showing changes in roads, photographs of Jefferson school, a Shipley letter was written by a child that included illustrations and a very simplified Carlsbad address on the envelope were pulled to illustrate changes to Carlsbad locations and location data over the years. Students were given historical map brochures to continue the lesson on their own time. 4 1 2 3 4 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS January 2017 ~_, Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Jan-16 •2 Dec-16 Jan-17 Dove Library 11,228 8,591 8,929 Cole Library 1,815 6,213 6,776 Library Learning Center 1,894 . 573 542 Total 14,937 15,377 16,247 Technology Assistance Jan-16·2 Dec-16 *3 Jan-17 '3 5 Dove Library 2,574 2,151 6 Cole Library 2,347 2,529 7 Library Learning Center 148 205 8 Total -5,069 4,885 Circulation Jan-16 •2 Dec-16 Jan-17 9 Dove Library 63,971 48,001 54,905 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Cole Library 0 26,100 31,796 Library Learning Center 9,812 1,263 1,504 eAudiobook Downloads 1,510 1,956 2,365 eBook Downloads 3,632 3,958 4,289 eMagazine Downloads 1,213 946 1,111 Total 80,138 82,224 95,970 People Count Jan-16 •2 Dec-16 Jan-17 Dove Library 32,340 25,876 29,342 Cole Library 0 17,756 22,171 Library Learning Center 10,128 3,999 4,724 Total 42,468 47,631 56,237 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Jan-16 *2 Dec-16 Jan-17 Pre-School Programs 62 43 70 Attendance 2,324 1,902 3,576 School Aged Children's Programs 25 24 40 Attendance 379 598 757 Young Adult Programs 2 6 7 Attendance 19 36 66 Adult Programs 28 52 75 Attendance 952 1,282 1,576 Technology Usage Jan-16 *2 Dec-16 Jan-17 Computer Use 6,815 6,611 7,397 WiFi Use 1 -7,014 6,826 Webpage Views 40,676 47,312 60,859 Database Usage 9,218 6,564 8,354 Facility Meeting Room Use Jan-16 *2 Dec-16 Jan-17 Events 48 50 69 Attendance 2,764 4,401 4,498 Volunteer Hours Jan-16 *2 Dec-16 Jan-17 Total Hours 1,278 1,066 1,409 .. 1. Unable to collect data on W1F1 from Jan. to July 2016 •2. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. Cole Library officially reopened Feb. 27, 2016. Dove library was closed between Feb. 23 to Feb 28, reopened with its reduced footprint starting Feb. 29. Dove Interim library closed April 14, 2016, Dove Library reopened on June 21, 2016. Library Learning Center hours returned to pre-remodel hours effective June 25, 2016 *3. New data field/State Library required -Technical Assistance data is a subset of reference questions. /' G:arlsbad C ity Library Carlsbad City Library -Technology Report -October -December 2016 PC Management Sessions -Quarterlv Comoarison Year Comoarison Location Total Com outers Dove Adult Lab 15 Dove Express 2 Dove Walk-up 20 Dove Children's 7 Cole Adult 19 Cole Express 1 Cole Children's 6 Cole Teen 2 Learning Center Children's Lab 7 Learning Center Adult Lab 7 Total 86 Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 through 2/21/16. Wireless User Sessions Ouarterlv Coinoarison Location Jul-Sep Oct-Dec 2016 2016 Dove 6,724 11,519 Cole 4,387 7,275 Library Learning Center 1,182 1,906 Total 12,293 20,700 Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Change 2016 2016 2,437 2,581 6% 436 407 -7% 7,800 6,876 -12% 652 535 -18% 7,629 6,845 -10% 497 451 -9% 1,075 841 -22% 143 303 112% 1,037 300 -71% 2,040 1,368 -33% 23,746 20,507 -14% Year Comoarison Change Oct-Dec Oct-Dec 2015 2016 71% 14,067 11,519 66% -7,275 61% 3,548 1,906 68% 17,615 20,700 Wi-Fi reporting server down 12/21/15 until 8/15/16; Cole closed for revovations from 9/1115 through 2/21/16. Combined Wireless and Wired Internet Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Change Oct-Dec Oct-Dec 2016 2016 2015 2016 All Library Locations 36,039 41,207 14% 35,096 41,207 Wi-Fi reporting server down 12/21/15 until 8/15/16; Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 through 2/21/16. Earlv Literacv Stations -User Sessions Oct-Dec 2015 4,009 705 7,584 1,096 - - - - 909 3,178 17,481 Change -18% - -46% 18% Change 17% Quarterlv Comoarison Year Comoarison Location Total Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec Change Oct-Dec Oct-Dec Com outer 2016 2015 2016 Dove 4 -1,856 -1,182 1,856 Cole 3 2,732 2,204 -19% -2204 Library Learning Center 2 484 299 -38% 368 299 Total 9 3,216 4,359 36% 1,550 4,359 Dove Early Literacy Stations deployed 11/9/16; Cole increased from 1 Early Literacy Station to 3 Early Literacy Stations in February, 2016; Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 through 2/21/16. Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Oct-Dec 2016 2,581 '407 6,876 535 6,845 451 841 303 300 1,368 20,507 Change 57% - -19% 181% Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Change -36% -42% -9% -51% - - - - -67% -57% 17% Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Change Oct-Dec 2015 Oct-Dec 2016 Self-Check I Staffed Self-Check I Staffed Self-I Staffed Self-Check! Staffed 74% I 26% 74% I 26% 0% 64% I 36% 74% I 26% ITEM #5 Change 10% Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 through 2/21/16; Cole increased from 3 to 4 self-checks starting on 2/22/16; Dove increased from 5 to 6 self-checks starting on 6/21/16. Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Quarterlv Comoarison Year Comparison Jul-Sep 2016 Oct-Dec 2016 Change Oct-Dec 2015 Oct-Dec 2016 Change . Self-Check Staffed Self-Check I Staffed Self-I Staffed Self-Check I Staffed 79% 21% 79% I 21% 0% 63% I 37% 79% I 21% 16% Cole closed for renovations from 9/1 15 through 2/21/16; Cole increased from 3 to 4 self-checks starting on 2/22/16; Dove increased from 5 to 6 self-checks starting on 6/21/16. Page 1 +,J V) ·-ro ·-~ u ~ QJ 0 c.. ~ V) V) cu E ~ QJ VJ QJ +,J ~ +,J V) V) ro > u 0 V) C ........... V) ·-a V) > QJ QJ s:::: C 0 ,-t:: ....... V) u :::J ~ co !ii... 0 ·-C QJ V) QJ u e - re +-' 0.. QJ u u <( -0 ~ re u -0 QJ -..c re C: LU I . a. ·~ ...c u • V) +..I C Cl) E > re a.. V) V) QJ -+-' u ro +-' C 0 u • ~ u s::: E Q. ~ u u ~ ~ 8 -c ~ RS ~ u ,...,,_,_. ~ ~ ~ {E. s::: t..t.:J c.. I -:I: Q. u ......... ~ ~ ' - • - Ill .. Upgraded Services • Copying, Printing and Scanning • Automated Computer Management • Mobile Printing • Pay:ment Integration Project Timeline • RFP Responses Due: February • Demonstrations: March • Solution Selection: April • Implementation: Late Summer GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION 1 GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION Purpose: POLICY: Fostering community support Equitable practice Administrative ease Gift Acceptance !ITEM #61 The Library & Cultural Arts department encourages and welcomes monetary gifts that support and enhance library or cultural arts services, as well as library materials in good condition. Gifts may be from individuals, families, businesses, corporations, foundations and other organizations. Depending upon the nature of the gift and the donor's interests, monetary donations may be directed to the library, Cultural Arts Office or one of its support organizations. Each support organization may have its own gift acceptance policy. Gifts of library materials are accepted if they fulfill the library's collection development plan, which includes additional policies on acceptance. Materials not suitable for addition to the library's collection are offered to the Friends of the Library for resale, with the proceeds benefitting Carlsbad City Library programs and services. Gifts of objects, furnishings and equipment, as well as in-kind contributions, may be accepted or offered to any of the support organizations if they do not fulfill the mission, vision or service goals of the department. Separate policies may apply to these gifts. The Library & Cultural Arts director or another designee of the city manager has responsibility for management of gift receipt, acceptance and recognition, and for development of acceptance criteria for gifts. A gift may be declined if, in the judgment of the Library & Cultural Arts director, acceptance of the gift presents unacceptable restrictions or challenges, expense that significantly diminishes the value of the gift, or the perception of impropriety; or if it conflicts with the organization's mission, vision or service goals. The acceptance of a gift shall not impede the ability to acquire gifts from other sources nor subject the department or the city to adverse publicity. Certain individual gifts with a value determined by the City Council must be accepted by the City Council. Donations that are accepted become the property of the City of Carlsbad; items purchased with donated funds will be retained so long as they continue to be relevant and useful to the purposes of the department, and can be properly stored, preserved and used. The department has the right to deaccession or loan any items purchased with donated funds. P & P\ GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION 02/2017 Reporting of Gifts GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION 2 The Library & Cultural Arts director will report gifts to the Library Board of Trustees directed for library use, and to the Arts Commission when directed for cultural arts services; and make a recommendation on gifts that are subject to City Council approval. All gifts are subject to applicable public record laws and regulations as determined by the City of Carlsbad and the State of California. Donor Recognition The Library & Cultural Arts Department values its donors, and will establish methods to appropriately acknowledge and recognize their gifts. The department will promptly acknowledge gifts with a letter ofthanks unless the donor declines this, and inform donors of how their gifts will be used. Gifts accepted by the City Council will also receive a letter of thanks on behalf of the City Council. Additional opportunities exist for recognition at a City Council meeting at the donor's request. If the gift is honorific in nature, the honoree or his/her family will also receive notification of the gift and its use. The department may establish methods by which gifts are publicly acknowledged. The purpose of public recognition is to thank donors, encourage others to give, and to build long-term relationships between the organization and its supporters. Every effort will be made to ensure recognition is timely, meaningful to the donor, appropriate and consistent. Such methods may include book plates; limited-term signage recognizing smaller or annual gifts; donor walls, plaques or other ongoing recognition; named spaces, amenities, programs or endowments; the establishment of giving circles or communities of giving; recognition events; and recognition utilizing print and digital communication methods such as newsletters, press releases, annual reports, websites, and social networking sites. The extent of recognition shall be in proportion to the value of the contribution and its impact. The design of donor recognition methods will complement rather than conflict with delivery of services and programs, and will be consistent with principles and standards applied to the design of facilities, marketing and communication tools. The duration of donor recognition may change as facilities and communication methods are altered . The department respects the privacy of donors and will refrain from publicly recognizing gifts if the donor requests anonymity (to the extent permitted by law). Support organizations establish and maintain their own recognition policies. The department may collaborate with one or more of these organizations in recognizing gifts to them that directly support department facilities, programs and services. Joint' recognition will be consistent with the department's policies on donor recognition. As the department establishes donor recognition programs, it P & P\ GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION 02/2017 GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION 3 will do so in consultation with its support organizations to facilitate their success in attracting gifts. Physical Space Recognition Requests for naming physical space or amenities within facilities are subject to the City Council's policies on naming rights, unless otherwise determined by the City Council. The naming or designation of facilities or amenities shall never be granted in perpetuity. Other Considerations Because of its noncommercial, nonprofit status, the department is committed to providing programs and services that are free from influence or editorial control by an external funding source. Purchasing decisions, including property, equipment, materials, furnishings, programs, and services, will reside with the department. Policy approved by the Library Board of Trustees -September 28, 2011 Procedure: Gifts with a value of $5000 or greater must be accepted by the city council. Refer questions or concerns to a supervisor, the Person-in-Charge (PIC) or L&CA administration. For more information on donations of materials see Collection Development Policy. P & P\ GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION 02/2017