HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-06-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, June 21, 2017 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hu Isa rt called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Trustees DeForest, Hulsart, and Pearson Trustees Hinman and Parsons Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst Glynn Birdwell, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Devin Castel, Senior Business Systems Specialist Megan Vanzandt, Senior Office Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: AMENDED ITEM #3 By proper motion, the minutes of the Library Board of Trustees meeting of May 3, 2017 were approved. Approved 3-0-0-2. (Trustees Hinman and Parsons absent) MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the April and May 2017 Monthly Library Reports. It was noted by Chair Hulsart that the Technology HUB is actively being used and Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski concurred stating that a number of classes are filling to capacity. TECHNOLOGY UPDATE: The Board received the Quarterly Technology Report for the period of January to March 2017. Senior Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel provided an opportunity for questions regarding this report. Chair Hulsart inquired about the Library's preferred method for responding when the RFID security gates are activated as patrons exit with materials that appear to have been checked out. Deputy Library Director Bednarski explained that the Library is still in the process oftransitioning its collection and software to the newest RFID security standard and that supporting two concurrent security methods is triggering intermittent gate activation. She advised that she will converse with her staff about approaching patrons when Page 2 of 6 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the June 21, 2017 Meeting the RFID gates are activated and assured Chair Hu Isa rt that Friends of the Library volunteers should not have to shoulder this responsibility. Chair Hulsart also inquired about the Automated Material Handling System (AMHS) having been out of service on a few occasions. Senior Business System Specialist Castel explained that Business Systems is working with the vendor to understand the root cause and resolve it. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel provided an overview of BLUEcloud Analytics, a solution that is approaching deployment. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel explained that BLUEcloud Analytics improves reporting ability, is deployed easily to staff because it is web based, and allows for the creation of dashboards offering customized data sets and visualizations of that information. Trustee DeForest inquired as to who will have access to the data and expressed interest in seeing the BLUEcloud Analytic visualizations once deployed. Deputy Library Director Bednarski explained that BLUEcloud Analytics would be routinely used by staff and advised that she and Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel have discussed a mechanism for demonstrating BLUEcloud Analytics for the Library Trustees. Trustee Pearson inquired as to why Cole Library's technology use statistics are visibly lower than Dove Library. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel explained that there are more patrons and a higher volume of use at Dove Library in comparison to Cole Library. Director Pizzuto explained that the data would not represent all of the uses of the library, only those activities related to the circulation of library materials through the Library's integrated library system. Correlation and cross-referencing of data representing other library services need to be done in order to see the big picture. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel also provided an overview of Mobile Circulation, another solution that is approaching deployment. He explained that Mobile Circulation is a product that ties into the integrated library system that will enable library staff to participate in outreach events with the ability to register new patrons, check out and renew items, and process holds on an Android device, iPad or laptop. CHILDREN'S DIVISION AND SUMMER READING PROGRAM OVERVIEW: Senior Librarian Barbara Chung explained the children's divisions' role in serving the community, their goals, and how they achieve those goals. Senior Librarian Chung gave examples of the over 1,000 programs offered annually for babies through teens such as S.T.E.A.M. programming at all three library locations, special performers, and programs for tweens and teens. Senior Librarian Chung gave an overview of the 2017 Summer Reading Program with the theme "Building a Better World" and explained that it is a non-competitive program that promotes reading for fun. Over 4,500 youth participated in the 2016 Summer Reading Program with over 350 tween and teen volunteers. Senior Librarian Chung expressed gratitude for the Friends of Page 3 of 6 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the June 21, 2017 Meeting the Library's support for this program. Programs & Venues Coordinator Keith Gemmell explained that in the first two days of the Summer Reading Program which began this week, over 1200 participants signed up to participate in all age groups, including adults. Chair Hulsart inquired about other sponsors for the Summer Reading Program. Senior Librarian Chung advised that the program receives wide support from other sponsors including local businesses and corporate contributions i.e. Chipotle and LEGOLAND. Trustee DeForest complimented the program and how important the program is for children, to get them to the library at an early age. Trustee Pearson inquired as to how Senior Librarian Chung goes about assessing a child's reading level and assisting children with low reading levels. Senior Librarian Chung explained that as a librarian she applies readers' advisory practices, gets to know the children personally and talks to their parents in order to recommend books appropriate to their reading level, often based on the last book a child has read that was enjoyable to them. This method helps children to get enthused and keep them motivated to read. Chair Hu Isa rt asked if teen volunteers for the Summer Reading Program are encouraged to share with children what books they like to read. Senior Librarian Chung explained that one of the requirements for teens to become a Summer Reading Program volunteer is that they need to also sign up for the Teen Summer Reading Program. This ensures teens are good role models for the children when they see them reading too. CAFE UPDATE: Senior Management Analyst Fiona Everett provided the Board with background information and goals on efforts to open the Carlsbad City Library cafe space. She also described the department's recent efforts working with the restaurant consultant group Culimetrics, to obtain information that will help the City estimate initial build out costs and ongoing operating costs, in order to negotiate a successful business model with a prospective Cafe operator. Chair Hulsart inquired whether any capital improvements must be made to the cafe space to make it usable as a food area. Deputy Library Director Bednarski explained the initial improvements made during construction i.e. the physical layout, water and grease traps. Director Pizzuto explained that the data received from Culimetrics has offered a roadmap to understanding where it makes sense for capital improvements to be made by the city and will support discussion of wisest investment. Trustee DeForest inquired if any of the proprietors for the cafe have been a chain . Director Pizzuto advised that we have received expressions of interest from franchises and it is very possible that we would entertain a proposal. Trustee DeForest added that he gets a lot of inquiries from various groups he volunteers with in the area asking him when the cafe will open and he expressed that the community definitely wants the cafe amenity. Page 4 of 6 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the June 21, 2017 Meeting Chair Hu Isa rt asked if it would be possible to have a temporary re-installation of a coffee cart until the cafe space is open. Director Pizzuto explained that would not be feasible for the short term investment. Chair Hu Isa rt advised that she is getting a lot of questions from individuals as to when the cafe will open, and she inquired as to the timeline of when that will happen. Director Pizzuto advised that the department is now in a positive position and has everything it needs now to find the right proprietor. Trustee Pearson inquired if the department thought of a library program to go along with the opening of the cafe to provide some validity as to why the public is waiting. Deputy Library Director Bednarski advised that she has had discussions with programming staff on healthy eating and nutrition as a possible joint kick-off. Director Pizzuto added that a key component to the success of the cafe is proper marketing, and a strong outreach effort will happen in order to ensure the community is aware of the cafe opening. ARTS & CULTURE PLAN OVERVIEW: Consultant Lynn Osgood with Go Collaborative presented an overview of the Arts & Culture Plan for the Board, providing information on the work that Go Collaborative consulting has performed in other communities, the goals of Carlsbad's planning process, the conversations to date, and the five emerging themes that have resulted from the individual stakeholder interviews, focus groups, community workshops and survey results. Lynn Osgood also shared the proposed timeline of future events and engagements, with a final plan anticipated to be presented to City Council in early 2018. Director Pizzuto advised that the Arts & Culture Plan survey will be available throughout the period that community meetings are taking place and Lynn Osgood will also have a pop-up location at the first TGIF concert on June 23. Director Pizzuto explained that the Library Trustees could serve as ambassadors to the community in this effort; she encouraged their questions and input. Trustee Pearson thanked Lynn Osgood for bringing her expertise to Carlsbad and expressed interest in a rising movement in pairing music with the arts. He suggested that art should be incorporated in the opening of the Cafe also. Lynn Osgood assured that all types of arts are included in the Arts & Culture Plan, and she has learned that Carlsbad citizens have a deep sense of civic pride, with people wanting to give time to the "city at large." Trustee DeForest expressed strong support for the Arts and Culture Plan and is anxious to see the resulting plan. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Personnel- Library Assistant Ally Goodwin was promoted to the Children's Librarian effective July 3, filling the position vacated by Julie Conklin's retirement in May. Page 5 of 6 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the June 21, 2017 Meeting The Principal Librarian recruitment closes July 10, with the oral board tentatively scheduled the week of July 17. The city has launched a Talent Management effort encouraging city staff to identify what is important to the organization, creating a sense of employee value, and what is needed to retain and develop staff. There have been a number of staff facilitated discussions and many departments participated; the results of the conversations are currently being shared back with city staff. Training and development- Library Director Suzanne Smithson attending ALA conference in Chicago this week. Person-in-Charge training: two May sessions provided an overview of the PIC role and strengthening staff abilities in handling a variety of challenging situations. The annual Staff Development Day is now set for Tuesday, Oct. 24; all facilities will remain closed until either 2 p.m . or 3 p.m. Facilities and renovation items- The Dove Library HVAC control project contract award is anticipated in July. This year Dove Library is not identified as a Cool Zone location since controlled temperature cannot be assured until this project is complete. Programs and Services-· A contract is nearly executed for the Biennial survey of residents and library users; the surveying is anticipated to take place in July with an early fall report. On June 17 to 18, the Carlsbad City Library participated in the second annual North County Mini Maker Faire, hosted by The Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum located in Vista. This event featured exhibits and activities for tech enthusiasts, educators, hobbyists and crafters to explore. Carlsbad City Library staff presented various technology offerings and software available in the Exploration HUB at the Dove Library. Quilts were also on display to showcase the "Sewing for a Cause" program at the Cole Library. Upcoming events- Technology Librarian Andrea Hilliard and Librarian Maile McKean submitted a proposal to present at the Internet Librarian conference which was accepted. The program will recap development of the Exploration HUB from idea through implementation, presented to an audience of librarians from across the country. FOUNDATION REPORT: Director Pizzuto reported that the Foundation is preparing for the Gala coming up on Sept. 16. Also, there will be a tour for newer trustees of the Foundation scheduled in the next few months. Page 6 of 6 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the June 21, 2017 Meeting FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Hulsart shared that the Friends' annual meeting will be held tomorrow at Cole Library, including the election of the board of directors. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Cindy Goodger summarized recent and upcoming programs and events. Membership was reported at 336 members currently. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trustee Deforest advised that he will not be able to attend the September and October board meetings. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (DeForest/Pearson) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:27 p.m. ~Vo' Megan Vanzandt Se_nior Office Specialist Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for APRIL 2017 ITEM #4 1. Members of the Staff Engagement and Appreciation Committee planned and presented the 2017 Part-Time Employees Awards Dinner on April 21. Eighty staff members attended the survivor-themed event which featured theme-related decor, games, food, and prizes. Thirty-seven employees received awards for service ranging from three years to 15 years. 2. The Carlsbad City Library hosted a special reading of the 28th edition Magee Park Poets Anthology on Sunday, April 23. The event featured readings from poets featured within this year's Anthology along with several of San Diego State MFA students who helped to edit the publication. This year's Anthology marks the first volume ever to be published and distributed in both paperback and eBook formats. Many thanks to local publisher Aionis Books for making the 2017 Anthology possible. 3. As an extension of Carlsbad Reads Together, a special 90-minute play reading and discussion of select scenes from Into the Beautiful North the play was presented on Monday, April 10 by San Diego Repertory. The play is based on Luis Urrea's popular novel of the same title and was performed by the world premier cast of the San Diego Repertory Theatre's stage version. Scene by scene discussions was led by assistant director Patrice Amon. CCL, Dove Lane ... 4. The Library's first Local Children's Author Festival took place on April 8. Moderated by local Author, Salina Yoon, the author panel discussion was very successful. The author sales and book signings after the panel were also a success and a number of non-attendees of the event in the Schulman Auditorium stopped by to speak with the authors and/or purchase their books. The program builds relationships with community members and showcases local authors. 5. The Library began its third year of the Good Life Lecture series in April. Good Life is a semi-annual six-part lecture series focused on promoting health and wellness. The first lecture on April 11, led by Barbara McNalley author of Wounded Warrior, Wounded Wife, covered care and support for wounded veterans and their families. On April 18, Dr. Jennifer S. Mueller, Ph.D. presented on how to develop creative change on professional and personal levels. On April 25, Dr. Heather Sandison discussed how to conquer chronic fatigue through holistic medicine practice. 6. The Wednesday film series followed the theme of "Academy Award Nominees" and showed films that were nominated for Best Picture in 2017. Each event was either at or near capacity and due to an overwhelming response, a second screening of La La Land was scheduled. On April 28, the Library had a special preshow presentation of Lego art created by Carlsbad teen Klaus Neyer. Klaus used over 1000 Lego pieces to recreate scenes from all nine Academy Award Best Picture nominees. His creations were also put on display for the third year in a row in the display case outside of the Cole Community Room. 7. The Library held its second Spring Concert event on Saturday, April 29 with an afternoon of "The Salty Suites" performing original songs and traditional music in the style of bluegrass, depression and old country, swing, classical roots with a current edge. 1 Monthly Library Reports for April 2017 8. The five-part "Your Library Mean Business" workshop series continued at the Dove Library on April 25 through a special partnership with the city's Community & Economic Development staff. The workshop topic was on how to do business in Carlsbad and led by led by Economic Development Manager Christie Marcella. 9. Various new technology classes continued in the Exploration HUB with a total of 49 classes and demonstrations offered and 196 patrons attending. 10. An All-Ages Open Mic Night was held on April 27 in the Dove Library Courtyard. Don Moody played guitar and sang four folk songs. Jed Dickerson, a teen, played guitar and sang six original songs. 11. The Children's Division's "Harry Potter Mystery Night" on April 4 was an exciting and successful event with 43 children in grades four and up attending. Mary Beach, long-time Carlsbad City Library performer, brought costumes, props, and prizes, creating an air of magic and mystery for die-hard Harry Potter fans. Georgina Cole ... 12. The seventh session in The Year of Mindfulness series of programs held on April 8, Mindful Awakening, focused on techniques to keep the connection to the present moment strong .. The session was attended by 58 people. 13. A Grow Your Garden @ the Library Succulent Swap was held at the Georgina Cole Library on Earth Day, April 22. The program for all ages attracted 85 people who were able to create their own succulent arrangements, share clippings from their own yards and take succulent clippings home to plant. 14. Two Author Talk events were presented at the Georgina Cole Library during the month of April. On April 2, bestselling author Elizabeth Letts spoke about her latest book The Perfect Horse -the true story of a daring U.S. mission to rescue priceless stallions kidnapped by the Nazis. On April 18, the Community Room was filled to capacity as Dr. Richard Lederer and Bill Shipper presented Dances with Words, a unique event that combined the talents of two sparring punsters through Lederer's unique word fun set to original music by composer, instrumentalist, and singer Shipper. Over 100 people attended this event with some patrons sitting in the main part of the library just to listen to the show. 15. Cole Children's Tuesday Afternoon Adventures-a weekly program for grades K-5-included the topics of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Bubble Science in April. Children learned from a representative from Lagoon Discovery Center who brought reptiles, amphibians and aquarium inhabitants to demonstrate the physical and behavioral adaptations used by these animals to survive in their environment. Patrons got close and personal with Carlsbad wildlife. In Bubble Science, children got to see how fun science can be by exploring the science behind how and why bubbles form. They made their own bubble wand out of pipe cleaners. 16. Genealogy's hands-on computer classes, Focus On, were presented on April 4, 18 and 25 with the topic Ancestry.com Part II-Advanced. This series proved just as popular as last month's class for Ancestry beginners. The class covered editing trees, help features, and briefly touched on Ancestry DNA. Ah additional third session was added in response to demand and a total of 24 people attended {100% capacity). Learning Center ... 17. The first phase of the improved layout for the public area in Bilingual Services was completed by staff from the city's Facilities division. The teen area was expanded, an area was prepared for additional shelving, and 2 Monthly Library Reports for April 2017 changes were made to counters in order to increase the visibility of the self-check equipment. Patrons have commented positively on the changes. 18. The S.TEA.M. Room program on April 12 hosted 17 attendees and was presented by Library Assistant Fred Vrabel. The group enjoyed learning about bugs that they might find in their own backyards. Several moths from the San Diego Natural History Museum were on display at the Learning Center. 19. The Learning Center (as well as Cole Library) celebrated Money Smart Week with a presentation, "Saving for the Future with your Piggy Bank", shared by Point Loma Credit Union staff. Attendees learned about saving money and decorated piggy banks with sequins, gems, markers, and stickers. 20. In celebration of "El Dia de Los Ninos -El Dia de Los Libras" children of all ages played Book Bingo and won the best prize ever - a new book of their very own. Forty-two children and adults enjoyed refreshments and spent a fun afternoon at the library. Outreach and Community Connections ... 21. AARP's free tax assistance program at the Learning Center finished its season on April 12. This year, three volunteer preparers were available in addition to a Spanish-speaking greeter. They completed 137 returns. 22. Staff provided tours of the Dove Library to members of PEO, a women's philanthropic organization, on April 26. The tour covered the public areas of the library with a special emphasis on the recent renovations including the Exploration HUB, circulation's conveyor/sorting system, and the Schulman Auditorium improvements. 23. Staff coordinated library tours for the City Stuff program classes (which provides an introduction for third- grade students to Carlsbad city government), tours for Beautiful Saviour school, and tours for Monte Vista school parents. 24. Senior Librarian Barbara Chung participated in the Carlsbad High School intern program mock interviews on April 19. 25. Genealogy staff reached out to two senior groups in April: La Costa Glen and the North San Diego County Jewish Seniors. Staff presented information about the collections specific to the groups' interests and instructed on accessing the three genealogy databases available remotely: HeritageQuest, Fold3, and Newspapers.com. The hands-on class at La Costa Glen was held in their computer lab with 16 students on eight Mac computers. 26. Four lead library staff attended the all-day "Summer@Your Library Community Outreach" workshop on April 13 offered by the California Library Association and held at the County's Encinitas Branch Library. The presenters provided information on how to create a safe and welcoming space in our libraries and how to develop and maintain effective partnerships. The presentation focused on community outreach, community assessments, and outcome-based approaches to developing and evaluating library programs. Outcome-based planning and evaluation models were examined as well as environmental scans, focus group questions and survey questions. The group plans to utilize the tools presented to help evaluate the Summer Reading Program and help plan and evaluate future programs. 3 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS AprU 2017 Referenc.e, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Aoril-16 *2 March-17 April-17 1 Dove Library 3,063 9,841 9,093 2 Cole Library 15,908 7,244 6,622 3 Library Learning Center 2,285 663 583 4 Total 21,256 17,748 16,298 Technology Assistance Aoril-16 *2 March-17 •3 Aoril-17 *3 5 Dove Library 2,381 2,189 6 Cole Library 2,594 2,367 7 Library Learning Center 247 248 8 Total -5,222 4,804 Circulation Aoril-16 *2 March-17 April-17 9 Dove Library 20,118 57,705 55,071 10 Cole Library 39,710 32,951 29,816 11 Library Learning Center 2,869 3,248 1,253 12 eAudiobook Downloads 1,609 2,569 2,246 13 eBook Downloads 3,442 4,239 4,317 14 eMagazine Downloads 1,068 1,200 918 15 Total 68,816 101,912 93,621 People Count Aoril-16 *2 March-17 April-17 16 Dove Library 6,571 32,746 29,437 17 Cole Library 29,367 24,552 22,161 18 Library Learning Center 7,772 6,058 4,779 19 Total 43,710 63,356 56,377 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Aoril-16*2 March-17 April-17 20 Pre-School Programs 56 83 53 21 Attendance 2,316 3,757 2,479 22 School Aged Children's Programs 18 43 38 23 Attendance 355 858 737 24 Young Adult Programs 2 13 7 25 Attendance 8 402 49 26 Adult Programs 35 91 85 27 Attendance 1,204 1,755 1,838 Technology Usage Aoril-16 •2 March-17 April-17 28 Computer Use 5,740 8,558 7,691 29 WiFi Use 1 -8,986 8,288 30 Webpage Views 69,842 88,930 153,849 31 Database Usage 6,722 6,956 7,256 Facility Meeting Room Use Aoril-16 *2 March-17 April-17 32 Events 18 82 80 33 Attendance 718 5,382 5,934 Volunteer Hours Aoril-16 *2 March-17 April-17 34 Total Hours 1,276 1,562 1,314 1. Unable to collect data on WiFi from Jan. to July 2016 •2. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. Cole Library officially reopened Feb. 27, 2016. Dove library was closed between Feb. 23 to Feb 28, reopened with its reduced footprint starting Feb. 29. Dove Interim library closed April 14, 2016, Dove Library reopened on June 21, 2016. Library Learning Center hours returned to pre-remodel hours effective June 25, 2016 *3. New data field/State Library required -Technical Assistance data is a subset of reference questions. Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for M ay 2017 ITEM #4 1. The six library-sponsored book clubs continue to be popular and engaging for community members. Books read in May include Our Souls at Night by Kent Haruf, the true crime story, Empire of Deception by Dean Jobb, Nicola Griffith's historical novel Hild, and William Shakespea re's historical play, Henry V. The Span ish Book Club met twice reading La Sombra de/ Viento (The Shadow of the Wind) by Carlos Ruiz Zafron and El Abanico de Seda {Snow Flower and the Secret Fan) by Lisa See. The Literacy Learner Book Club read and discussed The Rent Collector by Camron Wright. 2. Technology Librarian Andrea Hilliard led the application process for the California State Library Virtual Reality Experience Project. She solicited ideas for virtual reality programming from a variety of library staff and divisions, and in early May we received word that we had been awarded one VR system, which will be arriving shortly. 3. Lead Librarian Jacqui Petri created a curated list within Overdrive (the library's downloadable audiobook provider) "Audiobooks for Family Car Trips" comprised of audiobook titles appropriate and enjoyable for families to listen to together on vacations/staycations, and posted it to Carlsbad's Advantage home page. CCL, Dove Lane ... 4. Lead Librarian Erin Zocco hosted "A Year of Mindfulness: Mindfulness in Everyday Life" in the Schulman Auditorium on May 6. This final session in the series focused on how to apply the habits and exercises of mindful awareness practices in one's work, home, and recreational life. The program had originally been scheduled to take place in the Dove Children's Garden but due to rain was moved indoors. Fifty-six people attended this session; a total of 656 people attended over the course of the eight session series. 5. The first week of May saw the return of the annual Children's Book Week Book Swap . Twenty-eight children swapped one of their gently used books for one of the library's books (culled from donations) as part of this passive yet engaging program. 6. A "Grow Your Garden@the Library: Crop Swap" was held at the Dove Lane Library on May 27. This program was for all ages and was hosted by reference librarians. Twenty-five people attended, and many brought items to share from their gardens, including mulberries, rosemary, thyme, mint, and green beans. It is still early in the growing season, and the event coincided with a holiday weekend, so turnout was light. 7. An Open Mic Night was held in the Dove Lane Library Courtyard on May 25. Ephraim Reitman played two sets of acoustic folk guitar classics and commented that it was "the best venue he'd ever played in" as he likes performing outside and the natural acoustics of the space are excellent. Teen Jed Dickerson played a three song set. Bryn Ganzow performed an upbeat sultry rendition of "Cry Baby" by Melanie Martinez. An audience of 35 was very appreciative of the performances. 8. The Good Life Lectures Series featured three lectures during the month of May. The first was led by Dr. Patricia Ariadne on May 2 which focused upon decoding hidden messages in dreams; on May 9, author Taffy Cannon spoke about her newest book Sibcare and shared insights along with personal stories on how to provide caregiving assistance to loved ones in the 21st century; and on May 16, attorney-at-law Suzan Colgan spoke about the importance of creating health directives and other estate planning to offer peace for one's family. 1 Monthly Library Reports for May 2017 9. The Carlsbad Playreaders continued their 2017 season on Monday, May 8, with a performance of Stephen Sondheim's Marry Me A Little. The show, comprised of an hour of songs that were culled from the final productions of Sondheim hits, was well received by a full house in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. 10. The library's five-part 2017 "Your Library Means Business" workshop series concluded at the Dove Lane Library on Tuesday, May 23, with a presentation led by reference librarians. This particular workshop helped participants learn how to tap into library resources -specifically with how to use Lynda.com for instructional resources, download business contact lists with Reference USA and AtoZdatabases, as well as network with other professionals and library staff to generate strategies to help their businesses thrive. Georgina Cole ... 11. The annual "Circle of Poets" reading and discussion was held on Sunday, May 21, in the Cole Community Room . This year's event was led by Shadab Zeest Hashmi who was accompanied by writers Brandon Cesmat, Karen Kenyon and Victoria Featherstone. The topic for this year's reading was Dystopia; A gallery in which participants presented readings and comments on selections from various genres of literature that depict dystopia. 12. The spring concert series concluded on Saturday, May 13, with an event featuring Adrienne Nims and Spirit Wind. Nims performed contemporary jazz and global music with a variety of instruments including soprano, alto, tenor saxes, and traditional, Native American, Indian, African and Asian flutes and percussion. The event was held in the Cole Community Room to a full crowd which enjoyed an afternoon of Latin jazz infused with irresistible grooves and elegant melodies. 13. The library hosted two "Library Got Game" programs on Saturday, May 6 and Monday, May 22 with an attendance of 12 and 14 respectively. This new program continues to attract patrons from a wide range of ages and demographics. 14. The two genealogy "Focus On" sessions for May focused on the topic of Digital Books and covered the wealth of published resources relevant to genealogy that are available on line at Heritage Quest, Google Books, Internet Archive, Hathi Trust and FamilySearch. The sign up sheets for both sessions filled up early with all computers filled at each session (16 total). 15. Genealogy Library Technician Ann Montgomery introduced the new web-based indexing tool available on FamilySearch.org to the Computer-oriented Genealogy Group on May 9. Indexed records are searchable by name and are, therefore, very valuable to genealogists. 56 people attended. 16. Star Wars Celebration Day was held on Friday, May 5. All ages celebrated the Star Wars universe with Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia authors Adam Bray, Cole Horton and Tricia Barr. Costumed visitors were also on site for fun photo opportunities. Star Wars activities and refreshments were offered on the back patio. There was an attendance of 78 people. 17. Tuesday Afternoon Adventures-a weekly program for grades K-5-included diverse activities and themes: Youth celebrated Japanese Children's Day which included stories read in Japanese by Library Assistant Kylee Seal. Children designed and built motorized brush bots (mini robots made of brushes) and then raced those brush bots on courses they made themselves. They learned about the science of really gross things during "Grossology." Carlsbad Police Officer Julie Beckstrom presented information about staying safe this summer and then let the kids see her police car. Each program's attendance averaged 50 participants. 2 Monthly Library Reports for May 2017 Learning Center ... 18. Literacy Services' annual celebration was held on May 21 at the Carlsbad Senior Center. Approximately 50 tutors, learners, staff, family, and friends attended the annual event. Library Director Heather Pizzuto recognized the literacy program's accomplishments and paid tribute to the program's longest-serving volunteer Betty Groves, who passed away in December. Five learners and two tutors shared their stories. After the program, guests enjoyed light refreshments. 19. As part of the S.T.E.A.M. Room science program, on May 19 Library Assistant Fred Vrabel showed children how to use everyday tools such as rulers and magnifying glasses to conduct scientific research. He brought a variety of minerals, rocks and plants for the children to examine and provided some unprocessed cotton for the attendees to take home. 20. Library Assistant Mayra Turchiano hosted an "Ice Cream Social" on May 12 as part of her effort to promote and recruit Summer Reading Program Teen volunteers. Thirteen teens enjoyed a very lively discussion about the Summer Reading Program while enjoying their ice cream. 21. A kite-making program, with instructions provided by the Back to Tomboctou Gallery, was presented at the Learning Center on May 18. Twenty participants were shown how to make their own kites to take home. 22. The English as a Second Language classes presented in partnership with MiraCosta College ended on May 18 and will resume in the fall. Outreach and Community Connections ... 23. The Dove Library hosted the May meeting of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Education Committee on May 24. Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski addressed the committee, highlighting the resources available for both the business and educational communities. Carlsbad City Library staff members conducted tours and shared information on specific areas such as the Exploration HUB . 24. In support of local schools, Library Assistant Allyson Goodwin presented a book talk at the Carlsbad High School Library to members of the school's book club on May 22 and represented the Carlsbad City Library at the Aviara Oaks Middle School Open House on May 18. Librarian Missy Shaw gave two tours to third-grade students from Carrillo Elementary School. 25. The Library will once again be hosting an information table at the Carlsbad's State Street Farmers' Market on one Wednesday per month through the summer. The first visit for this year was held on May 24. Staff had a great time telling shoppers about the upcoming Summer Reading Program, the Grow your Garden series, and other services. They had the use of a new library MiFi device to look up information on an iPad and handed out Carlsbad City Library promotional materials including water bottles, notepads, and pencils. Children's staff were also present and had sea creature masks for kids and their parents to make. In total, Reference staff assisted 110 adults and issued three library cards, and Children's served 74 kids and parents. 26. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson and Library Assistant Mayra Turchiano attended the MAAC Head Start project's graduation celebration held at Holiday Park on May 16. They used this opportunity to publicize the upcoming Summer Reading Program. 3 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS May 2017 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Mav-16 *2 April-17 May-17 1 Dove Library 0 9,093 8,828 2 Cole Library 12,289 6,622 5,724 3 Library Learning Center 2,444 583 639 4 Total 14,733 16,298 15,191 Technology Assistance May-16 April-17 *3 Mav-17 *3 5 Dove Library 2,189 1,894 6 Cole Library 2,367 1,841 7 Library Learning Center 248 297 8 Total -4,804 4,032 Circulation Mav-16 *2 April-17 May-17 9 Dove Library 7,812 55,071 56,756 10 Cole Library 41,912 29,816 32,423 11 Library Learning Center 3,204 1,253 1,391 12 eAudiobook Downloads 1,654 2,246 2,807 13 eBook Downloads 3,824 4,317 4,277 14 eMagazine Downloads 1,181 918 1,620 15 Total 59,587 93,621 99,274 People Count Mav-16 *2 April-17 May-17 16 Dove Library 0 29,437 30,223 17 Cole Library 28,737 22,161 22,628 18 Library Learning Center 7,690 4,779 5,095 19 Total 36,427 56,377 57,946 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Mav-16·2 April-17 May-17 20 Pre-School Programs 72 53 72 21 Attendance 2,653 2,479 3,402 22 School Aged Children's Programs 28 38 40 23 Attendance 534 737 1,031 24 Young Adult Programs 3 7 7 25 Attendance 10 49 49 26 Adult Programs 29 85 87 27 Attendance 700 1,838 1,814 Technology Usage Mav-16·2 April-17 May-17 28 Computer Use 5,432 7,691 8,445 29 WiFi Use 1 -8,288 8,597 30 Webpage Views 63,694 153,849 41,365 31 Database Usage 5,752 7,256 7,453 Facility Meeting Room Use Mav-16 *2 April-17 May-17 32 Events 13 80 78 33 Attendance 362 5,934 4,945 Volunteer Hours Mav-16·2 April-17 May-17 34 Total Hours 1,278 1,314 1,263 1. Unable to collect data on WiFi from Jan. to July 2016 *2. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. Cole Library officially reopened Feb. 27, 2016. Dove library was closed between Feb. 23 to Feb. 28, reopened with its reduced footprint starting Feb. 29. Dove Interim library closed April 14, 2016, Dove Library reopened on June 21, 2016. Library Learning Center hours returned to pre-remodel hours effective June 25, 2016 *3. New data field/State Library required -Technical Assistance data is a subset of reference questions. \(earls bad City Library Carlsbad City Library-Technology Report January-March 2017 I 1TEM#SI PC Mana~ement Sessions Quarterly Comparison ~ Year Comparison Location Total Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Change Jan-Mar 2016 Com outers 2016 2017 Dove Adult Lab 15 2,581 2,636 2% 2,398 Dove Express 2 407 416 2% . 395 Dove Walk-up 20 6,876 7,698 12% 6,149 Dove Children's 7 535 574 7% 1,025 Cole Adult 19 6,845 7,187 5% 2,798 Cole Express 1 451 389 -14% 171 Cole Children's 6 841 718 -15% 469 Cole Teen 2 303 458 51% 90 Learning Center Children's Lab 7 300 386 29% 1,071 Learning Center Adult Lab 7 1,368 1,406 3% 2,699 Total 86 20,507 21,868 7% 17,265 Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 -2/21/16; Dove closed for renovations from 2/22/16 -6/21/16; Dove Interim open 2/29/16 -4/13/16. Wireless User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Change Jan-Mar Jan-Mar Location Change 2016 2017 2016 2017 Dove 11,519 13,738 19% n/a 13,738 - Cole 7,275 8,565 18% n/a 8,565 - Library Learning Center 1,906 2,316 22% n/a 2,316 - Total 20,700 24,619 19% n/a 24,619 - Jan-Mar 2017 2,636 416 7,698 574 7,187 389 718 458 386 1,406 21,868 Change 10% 5% 25% -44% 157% 127% 53% 409% -64% -48% 27% Wi-Fi report server down 12/21/15 -8/15/16;Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 -2/21/16;Dove closed for renovations 2/22/16 -6/21/16;Dove Interim open 2/29/16 -4/13/16. Combined Wireless and Wired Internet Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Change Jan-Mar Jan-Mar Location Change 2016 2017 2016 2017 All Library Locations 41,207 46,487 13% 17,265 46,487 169% Wi-Fi report server down 12/21/15 -8/15/16;Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 -2/21/16;Dove closed for renovations 2/22/16 -6/21/16;Dove Interim open 2/29/16 -4/13/16. Early Literacy Stations -User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Change Jan-Mar Com outers 2016 2017 2016 Jan-Mar 2017 Change Dove 4 1,856 3,719 100% 661 3,719 463% Cole 3 2,204 2,327 6% 1,248 2,327 86% Library Learning Center 2 299 355 19% 436 355 -19% Total 9 4,359 6,401 47% 2,345 6,401 173% Dove Early Literacy Stations not available 2/29/16 until 11/9/16; Cole increased from one Early Literacy Station to three Early Literacy Stations on 2/22/16; Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 through 2/21/16. Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Oct-Dec 2016 Jan-Mar 2017 Jan-Mar 2016 Jan-Mar 2017 Self-Check Staffed Self-Check Staffed Change Self-Check Staffed Self-Check Staffed Change Station Station Station 74% 26% 73% 27% -1% 63% 37% Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 to 2/21/16; Dove closed for renovations from 2/22/16 -6/21/16; Dove Interim open 2/29/16 -4/13/16. Cole increased from 3 to 4 self-checks starting on 2/22/16; Dove increased from 5 to 6 self-checks starting on 6/21/16. Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Station 73% 27% Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Oct-Dec 2016 Jan-Mar 2017 Jan-Mar 2016 Jan-Mar 2017 Staffed Staffed Change Staffed Staffed Self-Check Self-Check Self-Check Self-Check Station Station Station Station 79% 21% 79% 21% 0% 69% 31% 79% 21% Cole closed for renovations from 9/1/15 to 2/21/16; Dove closed for renovations from 2/22/16 -6/21/16; Dove Interim open 2/29/16 -4/13/16. Cole increased from 3 to 4 self-checks starting on 2/22/16; Dove increased from 5 to 6 self-checks starting on 6/21/16. 10% Change 10% +,J Vl ·-ro ·--4-..) u ~. OJ c.. 0 V') ~ Vl Q.) 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Functions • Register Patrons • Process Holds • Check-Out Items • Renewals V) ~ OJ OJ $ ""C C ro tlO C :J ..c u ro ,._ ro ..c ,._ ro ca .... n N OJ C :J ~ ~ ........... a ~ > -1-' ~ C ;::s ::J E a V) !i,... E V) V) 0 C -1-' -1-' 0 0 C C ro u OJ OJ u ..c -1-' !i,... !i,... ::J ro ""'C ro ""'C -1-' N 0.. $ ·-·-OJ C ..c OJ -1-' !i,... ro u -1-' !i,... OJ 0.0 ro 0 !i,... -1-' u 0.. C 0 V) -1-' ·-::J 0.. V) !i,... ""'C V) ""'C ::J ro OJ ro OJ V) 0.. V) ~ ~ ~ ~ ro ..c • • • • -- V) L QJ -0 C'O QJ L tl.Q C 0 0 0 ..c u V) a. ~ 0 0 v, E ~ QJ > QJ -0 ~ • 0 C L •- Q_ -0 C'O ~ ~ • QJ -0 . V) L QJ E E :::J V) +-' C QJ > QJ L a. ~ • V) QJ +-' ·-c 0.. :::J V) t C ..c O QJ ~ a. QJ QJ a. +-' -0 0 -0 C'O +-' C QJ C C'O QJ QJ V) -0 E C ·-a. QJ > 0 QJ 0 -::::> L Q) :> a. > +-' Q QJ L ~ -0 ~ • • How We Achieve our Goals • Public service focus • Community engagement • Responsive service • Creative and technically proficient staff • Enhanced programming 1,000 Programs Offered Annually • Programs for babies through teens • S.T.E.A.M. programming at all three library locations • Special performers • Special programs for tweens and teens, including Exploration HUB classes Why We Do What We Do • Storytimes = School Readiness & Success • Developmentally appropriate books+ being read to= early brain and literacy development • Prevent summer learning loss/summer slide with the Summer Reading Program Summer Reading Program • Over 4,500 youth participated in 2016 • Over 350 tween & teen volunteers • Non-competitive- reading for fun • 150 special programs and storytimes • Develops youth leaders Much more than books! • Graphic novels • Spanish language materials • DVDs and video games • Audio books, music CDs, book & CD kits, playaways • Family learning spaces • Ed ucationa I and age-appropriate _toys, puzzles, puppets, and games Focus on S. T.E.A.M • Early Literacy Stations • Internet computers reserved for use by youth • Exploration HUB • Mobile Maker Space • S.T.E.A.M. programming at all three library locations Conclusion We contribute to the success of the City of Carlsbad and its residents through service and our emphasis on education delivered through programs, materials and access to m~1·"' tech no logy. ·~ { 't-' ,,,,