HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-07-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesVf\J Approved:~/ilP{ If MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, July 19, 2017 Cole Library Community Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Trustees DeForest, Hinman, Hulsart, and Pearson Absent: Trustee Parsons Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Devin Castel, Senior Business Systems Specialist Megan Vanzandt, Senior Office Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion, the minutes of the Library Board of Trustees meeting of ITEM #3 June 21, 2017 were approved as amended. Approved 4-0-0-1. (Trustee Parsons absent) MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the June 2017 Monthly Library Report. Chair Hulsart and Trustee Hinman commented on the success of the Summer Reading Program. Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson advised that participation has increased this year, with two and a half weeks remaining in the program. COLLECTIONS & TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION OVERVIEW: Senior Librarian Kristi Bell and Lead Librarian Jacqui Petri explained the Collections & Technical Services Division's role to acquire library materials, prepare materials for public use, make materials easy to locate and to perform maintenance of the collection. They explained the workflow, including the selection ordering, receiving, cataloging and processing of materials. Senior Librarian Bell and Lead Librarian Petri reviewed the division's budget and how it is allocated for various material types. They also advised on the interlibrary loan process that expands the offerings of the library. Industry trends and new approaches for managing library collections were shared with the Library Board. Page 2 of 5 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the July 19, 2017 Meeting Trustee DeForest commented on his surprise that only 36 percent of the budget is spent on books and asked if the popularity of books is decreasing. Senior Librarian Bell explained that they are declining to some extent, but the statistics show that books are holding their own, with this being the preferred format for some collections, such as materials for children. Trustee DeForest inquired as to what is done to protect materials in the collection. Senior Librarian Bell explained that the books are wrapped in Mylar, DVD's are placed in sturdier cases, and RFID tags are applied to all physical materials for security as well as checkout. Chair Hu Isa rt inquired as to how long the process takes from receipt of material to arrival on the shelves. Senior Librarian Bell advised that this varies, with items awaiting holds being processed more quickly; generally, processing may take two to three weeks from receipt. Chair Hu Isa rt thanked the staff for setting up the interim library during the Dove library renovations. Chair Hulsart repeatedly heard from community members how they valued the availability of the interim library during the renovations. Trustee Hinman inquired about the purchase of multiple formats of a title. Lead Librarian Petri provided examples of indicators that determine purchase strategies. For example, an increase in holds on materials not yet published is a reliable indicator of a popular title. Senior Librarian Bell added that the division tracks the marketplace and reads reviews, in order to identify popular items being published. Trustee Pearson asked if the department had considered vintage quality records and adding older, more obscure CDs to the collection. Lead Librarian Petri advised that the library does, in fact, have such items in the collection. Marketplace analysis indicates more people are streaming music rather than using vinyl, however, if enough patrons requested this format, staff would investigate the demand. Senior Librarian Bell added that the department is looking at more electronic resources and input is welcome on this. RFID SYSTEM UPDATES: Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski updated the Board on a question from the last Library Board meeting regarding frequent activation of the security gate alarms. Deputy Library Director Bednarski reported on activities during the past month addressing this question. Business Systems staff has turned off the older security protocol so that the newest RFID standard is now used. The Business Systems team and vendor have been applying software updates and working to improve self-check operations. Deputy Library Director Bednarski also advised that circulation staff members have been . stationed within close view of the self-checks at Dove Library in order to observe and help patrons use the equipment in the correct manner, ensuring the RFID tag has been properly read and the security setting is activated. Deputy Library Director Bednarski explained that this observation revealed some patrons are scanning the barcode instead of placing the item in the proper location for the RFID tag to be properly read. As a result, alternate placement of the Page 3 of 5 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the July 19, 2017 Meeting barcode to the inside cover is being explored. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel added that testing is being conducted with the RFID vendor on speeding up the process in which the security is activated at self-checks, with improvements implemented on all self-checks at the three library locations. Responding to an inquiry by Chair Hu Isa rt, Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel updated the Board on recent downtime experienced with the materials handling system at the Dove Library, caused by a failed piece of hardware that was critical to the overall communication of the device. Senior Business System Specialist Castel advised the Board that new hardware was installed and the sorting system is now back in operation, and staff has worked with the vendor to ensure that this does not happen again. Chair Hu Isa rt inquired if the Cole Library's sorter might experience the same failure. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel advised that diagnostic work is scheduled on both the Dove and Cole sorting systems to verify that they are fully operational. ELECTION OF CHAIR & VICE-CHAIR: Trustee DeForest nominated Trustee Hulsart as Chair, and Trustee Hulsart nominated Trustee DeForest as Vice-Chair for FY 2017-18. Approved 4-0-0-1. (Trustee Parsons absent) APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES TO CARLSBAD LIBRARY & ARTS FOUNDATION BOARD AND GALLERY COMMITTEE: Trustee Hinman nominated Trustee Hulsart as the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation Board representative for FY 2016-17. Approved 4-0-0-1. (Trustee Parsons absent) The nomination to appoint a Trustee as the Gallery Committee representative was continued to the August meeting. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Personnel- Principal Librarian Glynn Birdwell retires next week; a staff celebration will be taking place today. An oral hiring board is scheduled tomorrow for this position. Senior Circulation Supervisor Wilma Kuhn retired last week. Internal candidates from the existing eligible list have been interviewed, and reference checks are underway. The Senior Program Manager recruitment is targeted to open Friday, with the oral board tentatively scheduled the week of Aug. 28. Training and development- Four library staff members are participating in a California State Library all-day leadership session on July 21 at the Pasadena Public Library. Facilities and renovation items- Senior Management Analyst Fiona Everett provided a cafe update, advising the Board that staff met with a prospective vendor last week. The firm has 30 days to return architectural Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the July 19, 2017 Meeting drawings and detailed cost projections that confirm viability and provide specific information in order to commence negotiations. Page 4 of 5 The Dove Library Courtyard landscaping, affected by heavy rain and over-irrigation during the winter, is expected to be refreshed before Aug. 21. The contract for upgrade of the Dove Library HVAC control is tentatively scheduled for City Council approval next week. Bids are being requested for festoon lighting in the Dove Library courtyard, with a desired completion date of Sept. 16. Programs and Services- A delay in execution of the agreement for surveying of residents and library users has delayed the survey period until after Labor Day. Library staff has compiled a short list of program ideas for a California State Library grant opportunity titled Libraries Illuminated. Those concepts will be vetted with the agency administering the grant program this week to determine if they align with the desired grant outcomes. The next step would be to determine resources and specific programming needs before selecting one concept and submitting an application. The grant application will require city council approval and is due on Sept 15. Upcoming events- The State of the City presentation will take place at the Dove Library on Aug. 21 in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. A graduation celebration for up to three graduates of the Career Online High School Program will take place Sept. 23. The annual Library & Cultural Arts Staff Development event will take place Tuesday, Oct. 24, with all library facilities closed until the afternoon; the re-opening time is still being determined. FOUNDATION REPORT: Director Pizzuto advised that the Foundation met yesterday and their focus was preparing for the second Night at the Library Gala. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Hu Isa rt shared that Linda Swink assumes the position of Friends of the Library President at the July 20 meeting. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: None. Page 5 of 5 Library Board ofTrustees Minutes of the July 19, 2017 Meeting LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: Chair Hulsart advised that she and Trustee Parsons were both re-appointed as Library Trustees at the June 27 City Council meeting. Trustee DeForest inquired as to what grants the library pursues. Director Pizzuto advised that the department is conservative in pursuing grant funding because of the cost involved; before submitting a grant proposal the department confirms the resources are available to ensure the grant's success and provide corresponding value to the community. Trustee Pearson reported that he had provided feedback on the Libraries Illuminated grant concepts and suggested blending two or three of the concepts being considered. Director Pizzuto thanked Trustee Pearson for sharing his perspective during the concept stage. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Hinman/DeForest) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~t ~ Senior Office Specialist Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for June 2017 ITEM #4 1. Monday, June 19 marked the start of the seven-week Summer Reading Program themed "Build a Better World." A series of orientation sessions prepared 313 teen volunteers to sign up new participants. Kickoff programs included the Arty Loon Show featuring juggling, balloon twisting, puppetry, comedy and magic, Kid Imagine Nation musical and dance performances, a library treasure hunt, and a live concert at the Learning Center featuring international touring bi-lingual artist Angie Keilhauer. 2. Training Coordinator Emily Bruce and Lead Librarian Jennifer Johnson led the second of a two-part refresher training series for staff who serve in the capacity of a Person-in-Charge ("PIC") for one or more library facilities. In the second session, the instructors presented a series of scenarios that a PIC might be called upon to address, and attendees shared their experience on how one might best respond to the situation. The suggestions offered in the session will be used to update the department's PIC procedures manual. 3. Lead Librarian Jacqui Petri chaired a meeting to review budgets and timelines for ordering circulating materials for the FY 2017-18. The department's selectors charged with identifying materials to add to the Library's collection received details on the specific dollar amount allocated to each area of the collection. Additional topics included changes in some selector's assigned collection areas, a review of available tools for vetting titles, milestones for placing orders throughout the year, and a progress report on updating the Library's collection development policy. CCL, Dove Lane ... 4. The Wednesday night Carlsbad Film Series featured three films in June reflecting books that were recently made into movies. The first film screened was based on the critically acclaimed book of the same title, A Hologram for the King. The other two films in the series included the romance drama Me Before You and Queen of Katwe -the true story of world chess champion Phiona Mutesi. 5. On Saturday, June 24, featured author and journalist Lisa Napoli presented her most recent book Ray & Joan: The Man Who Made the McDonald's Fortune and the Woman Who Gave it All Away. Napoli lectured and shared details of the true story of Ray Kroc who was responsible for building up the McDonalds business during the 1950s and his wife, Joan Kroc who is considered to be one of the greatest ph ilanthropists of recent time, giving away billions to landmark organizations and causes. Together, their two stories form a compelling portrait of the twentieth century: "a story of big business, big love and big giving." 6. Teen Ukulele Classes continued in June with a total of 22 students spread over four sessions. Lead Librarian Darin Williamson has loaned all six ukuleles to students so they can practice at home and some of the class members are coaching other students to be better players. 7. On June 22, a Teen Open Mic Night was held in the Dove Library courtyard. There were three performers: Maile, who sang and played the ukulele; Amber, who sang and played the keyboard; and Sarah, who sang while Maile accompanied her on the ukulele. An audience of 22 enjoyed the performances very much. 1 Monthly Library Reports for June 2017 Georgina Cole ... 8. On June 11, local poet and writing instructor Janel Spencer-Levy led a poetry writing workshop in the Cole Community Room titled "Real or Surreal? Imaginative Play with Metaphor and Dream." Drawing from the writing of the masters, participants learned how dreamscapes could allow the re-construction of reality and move readers out of dream-worlds into surrealist worlds. 9. On June 21, Library Assistant Kylee Seal presented an animal mask craft program to 77 children and their families at the State Street Farmer's Market. The Summer Reading Program and other children's programs were also promoted. 10. A poetry workshop offered by Kids! San Diego Poetry Annual was held on Wednesday, June 21. Seven children signed up for the two-hour workshop. Instructors led the children through three rounds of brainstorming together about a given topic, writing descriptions individually and then sharing their descriptions with the group. The children's papers were collected at the end of the session to be published in the next issue of the poetry annual. 11. A Grow Your Garden @ the Library Crop Swap was held at the Georgina Cole Library on June 24. Sixty-three people attended and exchanged crops, succulents, herbs, and more. The library partnered with the Carlsbad Community Gardens which helped by advertising the program on their website, setting up a table with experienced gardening volunteers, offering tours of the nearby Community Garden, providing gardening literature, and donating vegetables, seeds, fruits, herbs, and veggie starter kits. The library also received volunteer assistance and donations of herbs and soil from Lowes and Vons. 12. A $1,050 patron donation designated for the purchase of genealogical research materials was used to acquire a set of Family Map Books, a rich resource of newly mapped Bureau of Land Management data that document land ownership in public land states. Sixteen books were ordered, representing counties identified by North San Diego County Genealogical Society as top research priorities in its annual county survey. 13. Genealogy and Carlsbad History staff provided research to help advance several current City initiatives. For the Council redistricting effort, staff pulled information from the early 1960s on the petition and vote that resulted in changes to the process for mayoral elections. Staff also provided assistance with the Pine Avenue Park project by reviewing the Library's collection for images documenting the barrio, downtown, and coastal elements for consideration in the design of the Pine Avenue Park photo wall. Learning Center ... 14. Six tutors joined Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott and Library Technicians Marin Fantino, Donna Olaguer and Sarah Connelly to attend the annual READ/San Diego Conference held at the University of San Diego on June 10. Staff attended workshops on phonics, comprehension, writing, and vocabulary. Dr. Stephen Krashen, an expert in language acquisition, was the keynote speaker. 15. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott was the invited speaker for the Literacy Tutor Roundtable program held at the A.K. Smiley Library in Redlands, California on June 12. Approximately 50 tutors, learners and literacy staff attended the interactive talk on Choosing a Book You and Your Learner Will Love. 2 Monthly Library Reports for June 2017 16. The Read & Play Summer Club started the summer session on June 22. Children in first through third grades will be reading The World According to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney and participating in discussions and activities along with their parents. Outreach and Community Connections ... 17. Children's staff connected with students from several school districts in an effort to promote the Summer Reading Program (SRP). Senior Librarian Barbara Chung participated in the "One Book, One School" kickoff assembly at Mission Estancia Elementary School where she provided SRP bookmarks for all 500+ students in attendance. She also shared calendars, bookmarks and other SRP swag with over 280 attendees at the Aviara Oaks Elementary School Open House. Children's staff also conducted 10 separate school tours at the Cole and Dove libraries, resulting in over 300 visitors receiving information on SRP and the broader range of children's services offered by the library. 18. On June 7, Lead Librarian Erin Zocco and Librarian Kimiko Morita attended a town hall meeting at Carlsbad by the Sea retirement community to talk to the residents about the library's eBook and eAudiobook services. A total of 85 people attended the meeting which was recorded and broadcast throughout the facility for those who were not able to attend in person. From June 12 to 14, Reference staff went back to the residence and scheduled one-on-one sessions with 20 seniors to teach them how to download digital content to their devices. 19. On June 17 and 18, staff from Reference, Circulation and Administration set up and staffed a booth at the Second Annual North County San Diego Mini Maker Faire held at the Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum in Vista. A variety of equipment from the Exploration HUB, including the Zeus 3D printer and the Silhouette Cameo cutter, were demonstrated while staff talked to Faire attendees about the Exploration HUB services and the Sewing for a Cause program offered at the Cole Library. In addition, materials and instructions were provided to make Star Wars themed Father's Day cards with LED lights and plastic straws. A total of 433 people visited the booth over the two days of the event. 20. On June 21, Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson assisted staff from Communications and Cultural Arts in hosting an informal open house at the Library Learning Center. The purpose of the event was to inform Spanish speakers in the community about two city initiatives, the Village & Barrio Master Plan and the Arts & Culture Plan. Attendees were invited to offer input on the plans. 21. Lead Librarian Erin Zocco and Reference Librarians Svetlana Kondratenko and Monica Nelson staffed a very successful information table at the Carlsbad Farmers' Market on Wednesday, June 21. Staff had a great time telling shoppers about the Summer Reading Program, the Grow your Garden series, and other library services, as well as issuing library cards. Cole Children's staff were present and had sea creature masks for children and their parents to make. In total, Reference staff assisted 162 adults and issued four library cards and Children's served 77 children and parents. 22. Librarian Maile McKean and Reference Librarian Hannah Marshall attended the La Costa Paloma Apartments Community Barbeque on June 29 to talk to the residents about Library and Cultural Arts services and programs. They distributed children's and teen calendars, "The Happenings," Exploration HUB information, TGIF concert schedules, Grow Your Garden fliers, SRP information, and Carlsbad City Library pens and pencils. The apartment complex is located on Dove Lane east of El Camino Real; Maile and Hannah spoke to 27 residents and recognized a number of them as library patrons. 3 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS June 2017 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Jun-16 •2 May-17 Jun-17 1 Dove Library 2,594 8,828 10,186 2 Cole Library 12,406 5,724 6,819 3 Librarv Learning Center 1,192 639 583 4 Total 16,192 15,191 17,588 Technology Assistance Jun-16 Mav-11 •3 Jun-17 •3 5 Dove Library 1,894 2,182 6 Cole Library 1,841 2,365 7 Librarv Learning Center 297 234 8 Total -4,032 4,781 Circulation Jun-16 •2 May-17 Jun-17 9 Dove Library 18,637 56,756 58,777 10 Cole Library 41,486 32,423 33,689 11 Library Learning Center 4,503 1,391 1,244 12 eAudiobook Downloads 1,658 2,807 2,873 13 eBook Downloads 3,815 4,277 4,415 14 eMagazine Downloads 946 1,620 943 15 Total 71,045 99,274 101,941 People Count Jun-16 •2 May-17 Jun-17 16 Dove Library 14,206 30,223 33,625 17 Cole Library 29,775 22,628 25,242 18 Library Learning Center 6,757 5,095 4,707 19 Total 50,738 57,946 63,574 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Pro~rams Jun-16 •2 May-17 Jun-17 20 Pre-School Programs 8 72 24 21 Attendance 382 3,402 1,089 22 School Aged Children's Programs 13 40 38 23 Attendance 260 1,031 2,111 24 Young Adult Programs 1 7 7 25 Attendance 7 49 66 26 Adult Programs 23 87 82 27 Attendance 6,529 1,814 2,069 Technology Usage Jun-16 •2 May-17 Jun-17 28 Computer Use 6,151 8,445 8,294 29 WiFi Use 1 n/a 8,597 8,302 30 Webpage Views 85,732 41,365 46,023 31 Database Usage 6,117 7,453 7,271 Facility Meeting Room Use Jun-16 •2 May-17 Jun-17 32 Events 22 78 63 33 Attendance 898 4,945 3,914 Volunteer Hours Jun-16 •2 May-17 Jun-17 34 Total Hours 2,338 1,263 2,280 .. 1. Unable to collect data on W1F1 from Jan. to July 2016 *2. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. Cole Library officially reopened Feb. 27, 2016. Dove library was closed between Feb. 23 to Feb. 28, reopened with its reduced footprint starting Feb. 29. Dove Interim library closed April 14, 2016, Dove Library reopened on June 21, 2016. Library Learning Center hours returned to pre-remodel hours effective June 25, 2016 *3. New data field/State Library required -Technical Assistance data is a subset of reference questions. ti) cu u -....... ~ ~ ·-!..... cu Q) +-' Q) V) cc 0.. ............ ·-·-c::s +-' ~ I" (/') u ·-CY "r"I !..... -....... ~ u 0 ~ ro N C --, ~ ro ... C 0) ·-!..... ro "r"I ~ ro ·-!..... > !..... ro ..c !..... ~ ~ ·-..c _J --, ·-!..... _J ti) 0 "O ~ ·-C ro a Q) Q) -....... U') _J 4,...) u cu ............ ............ 8 -• Role of Collections & Technical Services • Acquire library materials • Prepare materials for public use • Make materials easy to locate • Perform maintenance -All within the Collection Development Policy and Materials Budget QJ > QJ u QJ 0::: l i)_l .f.-J u QJ QJ V) ,l V) V) QJ u 0 !.... c.. l Q{,_ tl.O 0 ro .f.-J ro u -• Goals of Collections & Technical Services • Acquire desired, relevant, high -quality resources • Make it easy for people to locate materials and information Materials budget -past ten years $1,200,000 ----- $1,000,000 $600,000 $400,000 - $- FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 • I 2017-18 materials budget distribution Description Subscriptions (magazines, newspapers, etc.) Electronic (databases, eBooks, eAudiobooks, etc.) Audiovisual (DVDs, music CDs, video games, etc.) Books Operating funds: Allocation $140,000 $220,000 $285,000 $366,000 $1,011,000 Percentage of total budget 14% 22% 28% 36% Selection • ___./' 0--<'..l_ --· _J Select Order Receive I ~-----" Catalog Process L s I I ,,--,--•- Selecting materials Select • Collection Development Policy -Selection criteria • Subject expertise • Knowledge of patron1s needs • Knowledge of marketplace • Patron requests I I --•· -. Electronic resources Select eResearch 8~ Home' ,. -11 Library >• Ser\'rces " eRc~.Jrch 24/7 access to eBooks. articles, business and profes.s1onal resources, practice tests and more with vour Carl.shad City Library card . .lll2DlY~ tor access today' ••• Books & Readmg i, Business & Investing ~ Car Repair (ht!tci~ Chilton 1l'lCludc'.> photograpM, d1a9no!.ttC!t acs19ncd by 1nsttuctors, ~tcp·Dy-step rcpau procedures. Origu,JJ Eqmpmcnt MJr.ufanurcr rna1r.ten,1r,ce schoouies. w,nng d1:igr.am~. rcc:~11!i 41nd Techmc.al Scrv11:t!' Bunc-tln!; tor automobtle!. and hght Huck~ $ College & elearning • Genealogy ' Homework Help ~ogr.:;phy In (or,•.c,t 81ograph1c-s .aoout propJ1;> from around the ~'."Jrld .tnd throughout history. M:>:-1 e .:ipp C-l;1formJ ~·:.~,o~s & (001119 c?oo~ Full page color cl:3oor.s on CJhfornia "lt~s,ons ano Kid~ cao Cooe. Gm1i ... , Encv:lope~1a Frvc or.line cncyclopcd1J$ Encyclopedia ,\mcncana, Grohcr Mutt1mcd1a. America the Beautiful. Lands ano People~ ana ... a Nucv.a Enc1cicpcd1a ':·:-.. l1::, Language Learning MJngc U ngu::igc:., Vocabolary coovc-rsat,on and pronu:nctJtion tc:.~ons arc oftcreo including (n9h~h il!, o Se<ond Language lESLl. Learn on the. go vnth a va'l:;o ipo, Proriuno-,tvar The world's larg~.st language· learning service. wittl 30 languagc-s ar.d ESL for 50 non· English l.lnguagcs Motuk-app ~ Magazines & News eBooks & eAudiobooks \... Download OverDrive eBooks and eAudiobooks from Serra Digital Dov.in.load Libra ry to your computer or mobile devices. New adds each month! Mobile app. Zinio (eMagazines) Fu ll color, interactive digital magazines from you r libra ry's Zinio collection with no holds, checkout periods, or limit you ca n download. 105 apps and Android apps. ~ Acquisitions -~ Select Order Receive Catalog Process I I Acquisitions -~ Order • Best value • Reliable, respected vendors • Accountable spending • Streamline when possible Acquisitions - Select Order Receive Catalog Process I I The Better Angels of Our Nature Acquisitions Receive I) by Pinker, Steven ISBN: 9780143122012 EdltionNol: Rep riot ISBN-10: 0143122010 Street Date: Prloe: S20.00 Est. Discount Price: $16.00 NF Not New -·--·-·-------··-·--· ;(nd • Receive what wa s ordered Edition/Vol: 0385543026 Street Date: Price: '"' $28.95 Est. Discount Price: $16.79 • Approve invoice s promptly EditionNol: Street Date: $29.95 Est. Discount Price: $17.37 ·---- 'hite Cit: Larson. Erik 9780609608449 EdltlonNol: CJ6D9G08444 Street Date: 02/1112003 $28.00 Est Discount Price: $26.60 • I ~ f, I ~ l\\lf i • """'-I ~ ............ B a Q) > Q) u Q) 0:::: Ii... Q) -0 Ii... 0 -I-' u Q) -Q) V) V) V) Q) u 0 Ii... a.. Ot tl.O 0 ro -I-' ro u -• Cataloging --0 Catalog • Approximately 350,000 items are listed in our cata log • Cata loging "record" is the finding aid • Good records matter • Sourced from international database; customized for Carlsbad I UU I\I 511 111H • I Catalogers' vocabulary Pub lic view Title: Pearl Author: Snelling, Lauraine. ISBN:9780786270750 9781594150562 Personal Author: Snelling, Lauraine. Edition: Large print ed. Publication Information: Watervifle, ME : Thorndike Press, 2004. Physical Description: 571 p. (large print); 23 cm. Series Title: Oakotah treasures ; Thorndike Press large print Christian fiction series. General Note: Originally published: Minneapolis, Minn. : Bethany House, c2004. (Dakotah treasures ; 2) Subject Term: Women pioneers - Fiction .. Large type books. Geographic Term: Medora {N .O.) -Fiction. Genr e: Christian fiction. Western stories. Rec Type Desc Oate2 Repr Festschr Lang Tag 8~035 .:.I 043 ~:;;i o50 .:J 082 ·3 092 ._ 3 049 t-3 100 ._ 3 245 :=i1;;i 250 l.=.J 260 t-3 300 ._ 3 490 -3 490 -3 500 -.=.J 650 -3 651 -::)650 -3 655 -,3 655 -3 eoo -3 830 --~ Cataloger view la Bib Lvt m TypeCtrl a Entnl 040825 Oat Tp 2003 cuy meu Uus d Cont GovtPub 0 ndX 0 "'lctlon eng MOd_Rec Soun:e Ind.. Contents -. (0CoLC)56491070 n-us-nd 10 PS3569.N391bP43 2004b 00 813/.541222 SNEWNG,L CCPN 1 Snelling. Lauraine. 10 Peart ~clauralne Snelling. Large print ed. Watervllie, ME :JbThorndlke Press,lc2004" 571 p. (large print) '.Jc23 cm. 1 Oakotah treasures :IVbl<. 2 1 Thorndike Press large print ChrisUan ficUon Originally published: Minneapolis, Minn. : Betllany House. c2004. (Dakotah treasures ; 2) 0 Women ploneersJVFlctlon. 0 Medora (N.O.)JvFicUon. 0 Large type bOOkS. 0 Christian nctlon. 0 Western stones. 1 Snelling, Lauralne.J!Oakotah treasures ;Jvbl<. 2. 0 Thorndike Press large pr1nt Christian llcllon series. I • I I I I Cata logers' vocabu lary Public view Title: .Pearl Author: Snelling, Lauraine. ISBN:9780786270750 9781594150562 Personal Author: Snelling, Lauraine. Edition: Large print ed. Publication Information: Waterville, ME : Th orn dike Press, 2004. Physical Description: 571 p. (large print); 23 cm. Series Title: Dakotah treasures ; Thorndike Press large print Christian fiction series. General Note: Originally published: Minneapolis, Minn. : Bethany House, c2004. (Dakotah treasures ; 2) Subject Term: Ill/omen pioneers --Fiction. C Large type books. > Geographic Term: Medora (I\J.D.) -Fiction. Genre: Ch ristian fiction. Western stories. Rec Type Desc Date2 Repr Festschr Lang ~ .... Tag ~?35 1..:.J 043 ~~1050 _;,,;1 1082 ..:.J 1092 -3 049 -3 1100 -3 ,245 -C:::Jl25o -[3 260 -3 1300 -3 1490 -3 1490 :::: [;J :soo ..:.J,650 ::::::::i s51 ~BSO ~ 1:;i1ss5 -~1655 ::]800 f-1~830 Cataloger vi ew la Bib Lvl m ~ypeCtr1 la Entrd :040825 Dat_Tp 2003 ~ meu uus d cont GovtPub 0 nc!x 0 Fiction eng Mod Rec Source Ind. Contents . ----(OCoLC)56491070 n-us-nd 10 PS3569.N39lbP43 2004b 00 S13/.541222 SNELLING, L CCPN 1 Snelling, Lauraine. 10 Pearl /lcLauralne Snelling. Large print ed. Watervllle. ME :lbThorndlke Press,lc2004. 571 p. (large print) :lc23 cm. 1 Dakotah treasures :IVbk. 2 1 Thorndike Press large print Christian nctlon Originally published: Mlnneapolls. Minn. : Bethany House, c2004. (Dakotah treasures ; 2) 0 Women ploneerslvFlctlon. n ~ '"' " \lvFJctlon. 0 Large type books ~ 0 Chr1Stlan nctton. 0 Western stories. 1 Snelllng, Lauralne.flOakotah treasures :IVbk. 2. 0 Thorndike Press large print Christian ncllon series. I I I I I Catalogers' vocabulary Public view Electronic Format llll!i!Jml!D • ~-,.-: S octronlc Format: HTML. FOF.KINOLE,AOOBEEPUB E:xco,pt: At! Ro.IC., Le:la fl:,AusJM Smrth, Nrr'/ Av:llbbla:1 0 <'DOBEEPUB C1Hn.tl O KINOLE O t.tP3 CJ OVERDFUVE LISTEN •More •Vl•w,1.,11 c.:a, c.:a) I 28.. t.:3) ,in (171 eReader mmmm 0 Mo~ 019:11.11 Edl'aons C:'81 t]cluehre (48} D Od!lo~p t1l> Language l:!IDEl!lm 0 English (673) O s~~,~h (191 CJ French (8) 0 No llnuul1flc ~nlent (2} Oc.:.d'I {11 ,More •VleWNI mmimm l '°· 0 Vleeo r•cor'11nga 1ort... (54) O Q FJd!on l9 ) Subject 0 LG\'9~e-3. (43) C UJ~IIQ!on. (A3) c:.:.uclo:)OOks. (la) •Llore •\llcr1¥o1JI Shetrlccation amm:IIICII 0 .Wclo Book on CO I:.:) ~o Book on CD Oil.-0 Bto,;r;,phy o c.ar1s:.ac:HJ11.1orycon •.. O Ctlfleren·1e101.1'3Ph1 •Mo1e •\1ewAII Conections Q 000 CeM1'3llOH a 100PhHotophr an<1 _. 31. Holdll:O cop:iu :1 ,... A memoir or Jane Austen (sound rccon:tiog] f.\ EdtUon Un.:lbrl::i,e~ .. -:. by ~el::;h.J3MMEctN3rd. i798-187.:..autner. JANE C:tll Numb« COBf,USTEN.J. ~ ;7,:::~ ~Cl~Llb~~-Col• Holdc: 0 COp{Mo:, A walk with Jane Austen : a journey lnlo adventure. love, and falth Edttlon 11u~. by Smith. Lert. ,97,. can Number e2a.1 AUS C. Rec Type Dale2 Repr "'estschr Lang Ind. 10 00 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Cata loger view la ~ alb_Lvl m TypeCtrl __J -2003 d 0 eng Contents (OCoLC}56491070 -s-nd PS3569.N391bP43 2004D B13/.54j222 SNELUNG,L CCPN Snelllng, Lauraine. Peart /Jclauralne Snelling. Large print ed. ~ntra K;:try K;Onl n<lx ~Od Rec Waterville, ME :IDThomdlke Press,lc2004. 571 p. (large print) ;Jc23 cm. Dakolah treasures :lvbk. 2 Thorndike Press large print Christian fiction 040625 Dal Tp meu nus GoVIPUD 0 Fldlon source Originally published: Minneapolis, Minn. : Bethany House, c2004. (Dakolah treasures : 2) Women ploneersJvFlcUon. Medora (N.D.)lvFlc1!on. Large type books. Christian fiction. Western stories. Snelling, Lauralne.11Dakotah treasures ;Jvbk. 2. Thorndike Press large print Chrtstlan ficUon series.. j I I 1 \ I ~ \\l!JI ......... ~ ~ u a ~ ~ QJ > QJ u QJ 0::: I.... QJ -0 I.... 0 ....... u QJ -QJ V') \ V) V) QJ u 0 I.... a.. Ii b.O 0 ro ....... ro u Processing Process • Spine labels • "Carlsbad City Library" • RFID tags • Reinforced book covers 11111~~1mllif t/UI/Uj~111111 3 1245 011273368 • Hard media cases (earls bad City Library Maintenance of the collections Process • Maintain appealing and useful collections • Repairs • Replacements Maintenance of the collections Process • Maintain appealing and useful collections • Repairs • Replacements • Deselection I I 2016 by the numbers 16,500+ titles selected and cataloged -_,::::;..._. Select I -+ ---rg Order I -+ " ------ Receive 530+ orders placed & received ---0 -+ I Catalog f-+ Process 26,000+ physical items added 5,950+ items repaired 17,500+ items withdrawn ~ ~ "'O ~ C V) ro V) ·~ .......... 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S!ephen 25 8 Arm•trong, Kelley 11 8 Macombe.r, Debbie 2• 9 Bernes, Jennif.er 11 9 Spa~. Nichol:is 23 10 Collins, Suzemie 11 10 Ahwod, M!lrgan,t 22 11 Lo!'e, Pittec:'..ls 11 11 Sackman. Fredrik 22 12 Westerfeld, Scott 10 12 Hcffme.n, Aliee 22 t 3 Aveyerd, Victorie 9 13 Bivald, Ket~rine 21 14 Certer, A!~ 9 1.i Or.\'ell, Gecrge 18 1 S Berdugo, Leigh 8 15 Child, Lee 17 16 Gra.,.1t, Michee-l a l 6 Sih,e:4 D,imiel 17 17 Yanc~y. Riche.rd a 17 Archer, Jeffrey 16 18 Cebot, Meg 7 1 B P.atte~on, JemM 16 19 Desh.n'!r, James 7 19 ?i<:-oult, Jodi 16 20 Dessen, Sereh 20 Strout, El\ze.beth 16 L s Interlibrary loan • Expands the offerings of our library • Provides access to items outside our scope • Accomplished through the database of catalog records Trends and new approaches Library collections & services are dynamic: • Streaming digital content/electronic resources • "Library of things" model • Simplified classification for music • New coding to limit searches • New tools -collectionHQ Trends and new approaches Library collections & services are dynamic: • Streaming digital content/electronic resources • "Library of things" model • Simplified classification for music • New coding to limit searches • New tools -collection HQ CD JAZZ CD MJ DAVI KB DAVIS, M. 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