HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-08-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesITEM #3 MINUTES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, August 16, 2017 Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011 Y'Ylv Approved:~ -J.O-/l • PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Trustees DeForest, Hulsart, and Pearson Trustees Hinman and Parsons Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Keith Gemmell, Library Programs & Venues Coordinator Devin Castel, Senior Business Systems Specialist Megan Vanzandt, Senior Office Specialist Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto introduced Allyson Goodwin as the new Children's Librarian. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion, the minutes of the Library Board of Trustees meeting of July 19, 2017 were approved. Approved 3-0-0-2. (Trustees Hinman and Parsons absent) MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the July 2017 Monthly Library Report. Chair Hulsart commented on the positive outreach achieved at the Farmer's Market and supported the Library's continuing participation. TECHNOLOGY UPDATE: The Board received the Quarterly Technology Report for the period of April to June 2017. Senior Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel noted that this would be the last quarter of reporting with a facility closed for renovation. The Board was provided an opportunity for questions regarding this report. Trustee DeForest commented on the usefulness of the technology report to him. Chair Hulsart expressed interest in the percentage of change during this last quarter resulting from the Dove closure, commenting that the library staff handled that volume increase very well. Page 2 of 5 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the August 16, 2017 Meeting The Board received an update on the plan for the patron wireless network upgrade. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel advised that phase one had begun today. The library will maintain the existing network during this transition to provide redundancy while the new network undergoes a testing period. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel explained that phase two of the upgrade would expand the wireless coverage areas to the courtyard, west patio and children's garden. Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel then gave an overview of the Computer, Print and Copy upgrade project and advised that the agreement is being finalized this month and implementation is expected to take place in late September. Trustee Sherman inquired about estimates on the monthly print volume. Director Pizzuto and Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel advised that estimated volumes are included in the agreement, and Director Pizzuto offered to provide that data, particularly after experiencing the first year of activity. Lastly, Senior Business Systems Specialist Castel provided an update on implementation of mobile circulation which occurred in July, with the integration of peripherals currently in progress. Trustee Pearson commented that the new mobile print functionality would benefit the public because of the high use of hand held devices. REFERENCE DIVISION OVERVIEW: Senior Librarian Leila Dooley explained the reference division's main function is to help patron's get the information they need. She provided an overview of the ways in which reference staff provide assistance; the division's management of magazine, newspaper, on line resource and database collections; and its role in providing feedback from the public on reading and information needs. Reference division staff deliver adult programming including book clubs, the adult Summer Reading Program, "Your Library Means Business" workshops, Carlsbad Reads Together, "A Year of Mindfulness" lectures, Exploration HUB classes and more. At the Dove Library, this division also delivers teen programs. Senior Librarian Dooley mentioned the division's growing community outreach efforts, including a book bike and development of a mobile maker space. Lastly, Senior Librarian Dooley advised the Board that she will be retiring in October after 30 years of service. Trustee DeForest inquired about offering classes at the Senior Center. Senior Librarian Dooley responded that there is interest in pursuing this idea. Trustee Pearson inquired about future "Year of Mindfulness" programs and encouraged continued programming related to this popular topic. Senior Librarian Dooley described the follow-up series due to launch in September, focused on mindful compassion. Trustee Pearson also asked about participation in the "Your Library Means Business" workshops. Senior Librarian Dooley described attendance and marketing efforts, particularly working with the Chamber of Commerce. Page 3 of 5 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the August 16, 2017 Meeting POLICY REVISIONS: Director Pizzuto explained the minor changes to the Gift Acceptance & Recognition, Rental Facilities and Staff Borrowing policies. The Board expressed interest in having additional time to review the policies. This item was continued to the October meeting. APPOINTMENT OF A REPRESENTATIVE TO GALLERY COMMITIEE: Trustee Hulsart nominated Trustee Pearson as the Gallery Committee representative for FY 2016-17. Approved 3-0-0-2. (Trustees Hinman and Parsons absent) DONATION ACTIVITY: The Board received the Donation Activity report for the period of January to June 2017. Chair Hulsart inquired about the large number for the FY 2015-16. Associate Analyst Debbie Jo McCool explained that large amount was due to additional money received in support of the library renovations. Trustee Pearson inquired how donated funds are allocated. Director Pizzuto explained that some donations have a designated purpose; non-designated funds will be applied to highest priority projects or activities. Trustee DeForest inquired as to what extent donations are actively solicited. Director Pizzuto explained that the city does not dedicate staffing to development. Several non-profit organizations perform this function. Director Pizzuto added that administrative staff is always available to talk with patrons about their interests in supporting programs and services. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Personnel- The Senior Program Manager recruitment closes Aug. 20; oral board is scheduled for Sept. 5. The Principal Librarian recruitment interviews are scheduled for Aug. 23. Recruitment for a Senior Librarian for Reference to replace Leila Dooley will occur in the near future. Facilities and renovation items- The courtyard landscaping has been completed with corrected irrigation and new planting. A prospective cafe vendor submitted information by the established date and staff are reviewing the additional proposal details. Upcoming events- • The State of the City presentation will take place at the Dove Library on Aug. 21 in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. • The Career Online High School Program graduation will take place on Sept. 23. Page 4 of 5 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the August 16, 2017 Meeting • The annual Library & Cultural Arts Staff Development Day will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 24, with all library facilities opening at 3 p.m. on that day. Patron feedback- Director Pizzuto reported a patron's concern about the Aug. 10 author talk featuring Ellen Ullman's newest book, Life in Code: A Personal History of Technology, where the author expressed personal views regarding the President and news sources. Director Pizzuto explained the goal of the program, to highlight her experiences as a technologist and futurist in a moderated discussion; this program was not designed as a forum for exchange of opinions; Pizzuto also described the advance planning that determined the content of this program, including previewing questions and topics with the author and agent. It was also explained that the library is guided by the ALA Library Bill of Rights. Through collections, programs, and services, the library's goal is to ensure all points of view are accessible. Typically issue-based programs are presented as forums for exchange. This program was not designed for that purpose. Director Pizzuto apologized to the patron for the experience. Staff will continue to work with authors and their agents to establish clear expectations for content while also ensuring the opportunity for the exchange of viewpoints through civil dialogue. Trustee Survey- The Board was invited to complete a survey after the meeting, if interested, administer by Library Journal to gather practices and demographics of library boards nationally. FOUNDATION REPORT: Representative Hulsart advised that Dr. Jim Selover announced his resignation as President of the Foundation for personal reasons. Vice President Gita Nassiri assumed the functions of President until the December election of new officers. Representative Hulsart distributed the flyer for the upcoming Night at the Library Gala. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Hu Isa rt reported that the Friends of the Library, in addition to providing financial support, also provided 4,000 books for youth participating in the Summer Reading Program. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Cindy Goodger summarized recent and upcoming programs and events. Membership was reported at 339 members currently. Page 5 of 5 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the August 16, 2017 Meeting LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trustee DeForest shared an article Feeding Minds and Stomachs from the NY Times describing some libraries' activities providing meals for children during the summer. Trustee DeForest inquired if Carlsbad might offer a similar service. Director Pizzuto explained that libraries serving communities where there is a large population of children who rely on free lunches serve this role. At this time two schools in Carlsbad qualify for Title 1 funds which support services for high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families. The provision of free lunches during the summer at libraries in lieu of school delivery is seen in these communities. Trustee Pearson also supported the idea of Carlsbad participating in this type of program. Chair Hulsart commented on Trustee Pearson's violin performance at an event she attended and suggested this for a library program. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (DeForest/Pearson) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Megan Vanzandt Senior Office Specialist Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for July 2017 ITEM #4 1. The Library's Print/Copy/PC Management Team met throughout the month of July to finalize details for the upgrade of patron printing, copying and PC reservation systems. In addition to moving forward with contract modifications, the team developed signage and messaging advising patrons to deplete any outstanding print/copy balances on their account in advance of the system changeover. 2. On July 21, Technology Librarian Andrea Hilliard, Senior Librarian Barbara Chung, and Deputy Library Directors Suzanne Smithson and Diane Bednarski attended a CLA program at the Pasadena Public Library entitled Straight Talk about Leadership. The topics covered included taking chances and accepting risk, identifying your personal strengths, leading through crisis, and how to manage when one makes a significant mistake. CLA President Helen McAlary also spoke about California Senate Constitutional Amendment 3 and its impact on bond-funded library construction projects. 3. Business Systems staff implemented configuration changes on the Library's self-check units in order to further minimize false alarms on the security gates. This effort included increasing the speed on turning materials security off during check out and configuring the units to prevent checking materials out via the on board barcode scanner. Patrons were at times using the barcode scanner rather than the RFID reader to check materials out, which in turn prevented the self- check from turning the materials security off. CCL, Dove Lane ... 4. Summer Reading Program performers continued to attract large audiences, with Wonders of Wildlife on July 24 drawing the biggest crowd of 197. Make & Take Crafts sessions were successful (average attendance was 83), as were Family Movie Nights (average attendance was 112). July's Science Saturday theme was NASA Science, featuring lunar samples delivered by Carlsbad Police Officers. Over 150 children and adults got a chance to view these national treasures and learn more about the moon. 5. Connecting with this year's Summer Reading Program theme (Build a Better World), the July 16 Author Talk event featured author, farm owner and climate activist, Tershia d'Elgin who discussed her newest book The Man Who Thought He Owned Water, which recounts her city-bred family's experience after they move to a farm. 6. A Grow Your Garden@ the Library Crop Swap was held at the Dove Lane Library on July 22. Seventy people attended and exchanged crops, succulents, herbs, and more. The library partnered with the Carlsbad Community Gardens Collaborative which helped by advertising the program on their website, setting up a table with experienced gardening volunteers, providing gardening literature, and donating vegetables, seeds, fruits, herbs, and veggie starter kits. J. R. Organics, a local organic farm, offered information about their CSA program as well as samples of their produce. 1 Monthly Library Reports for July 2017 7. On July 13, Lead Librarian Darin Williamson hosted the 12th Annual Teen Singing Competition in the Schulman Auditorium. A total of 18 acts competed before an audience of 110 people. Lizzie Waters was named the winner after singing an original song, Home. Second place went to Lyra Farrell who sang What a Wonderful World while accompanying herself on the guitar; third place was awarded to Almaz Kushkenbayev who performed Hallelujah accompanied by Hector Gomez on the guitar. 8. The 12th Annual Teen Dance Competition took place in the Schulman Auditorium on July 27. Lead Librarian Darin Williamson introduced a field of five dancers to an audience of 60 people. The winner, Madison Parks, performed ballet en pointe to Return of the Swans. The runner up, Angelina Gallison performed a lyrical dance to All of Me and third place went to Kelby Fisher who did a contemporary dance to Broke. 9. Carlsbad City Library hosted independent filmmaker, photographer and National Geographic adventurer Karin Muller on Saturday, July 15 for a special director's cut of her popular documentary Cuba's Secret Side. A full capacity crowd of more than 220 people attended this Cinema Series event held in the Schulman Auditorium which presented an inside look into the people, lifestyles and culture that exist in Cuba today. The Cinema Series provides a place to exchange culture as well as current and important topics through conversation and presentations led by film experts. 10. Classes continued in the Exploration HUB with a total of 43 classes and demonstrations offered and 221 patrons attending. Staff also worked on developing a new HUB program leveraging the virtual reality equipment recently acquired through the California State Library's Virtual Reality Experience Project. The new offering is expected to launch to the public in November 2017. Georgina Cole ... 11. The summer concert series continued on Sunday, July 23 in the Community Room with a special event featuring Dawn Mitschele & Lee Coulter. These two artists united to put on a soulful acoustic concert which filled the room to capacity. 12. The Family Matinee Series and Teen Movie & Ice Cream Series attracted a total of 64 attendees with showings of Moana, the Lego Batman Movie, Doctor Strange and The Fate of the Furious. 13. The Summer Reading Program continued to thrive at Cole with increases in sign-ups for the Little Ones, Kids and Teen programs. Summer Reading Program Family Programs-a weekly program for all ages-also proved popular with 132 attendees at the Noteworthy Puppets show, 149 attendees for David Cousin's juggling and comedy show, 163 attendees for the Mad Science program, and 171 attendees for Wonders of Wildlife, a live animal presentation where kids were able to explore how Mother Nature has designed animals to fit certain roles in the animal kingdom. 14. July's Genealogy programs attracted over 200 attendees with instruction on using FamilySearch.org to research and document family heritage, leveraging newspapers for genealogical research, and interpreting the results of DNA tests for genealogy mapping. 15. On Thursday, July 20, Senior Librarian Marsha Weeks, Librarian Missy Shaw, Library Assistant Kylee Seal and Library Technician Angelica Morales attended an all-day event at the San Diego Public Library, the 2 Monthly Library Reports for July 2017 Comics Conference for Educators and Librarians: Library Panels. These panels included a variety of topics all focusing on comics in libraries, such as Picture Books for Grown-Ups: Why Graphic Novels Matter to Adults, Young Adult Graphic Novel and Mango Collection Essentials: What Titles Every Library Should Carry, Diversity in Comics: A Librarian's Perspective and How to Judge What Is Appropriate in Comics: What Does Tfor Teen Really Mean? The panels reinforced the role of comics in advancing adult literacy programs and enticing teen readers. 16. Senior Librarian Sarah Dana attended the July 23 to 29 Society of American Archivists annual meeting held in Portland, OR. Programs covered teaching students how to use, interpret, and enrich their research with primary sources, addressing ethics and privacy concerns within archives, and the use of natural language descriptors to improve researchers' ability to discover relevant visual material housed within a collection. Learning Center ... 17. The San Diego County Office of Education-Migrant Program resumed their meetings with families of school-age children at the Learning Center. From July 12 to August 16, the Migrant Program staff will be providing online curriculum in English and math to students enrolled in the program. They will utilize the story time room and families will be introduced to library services including the Summer Reading Program. 18. During the month of July, special programs were presented at the Learning Center as part of the Summer Reading Program. The programs were: Noteworthy Puppets on Friday, July 7, David Cousins on Monday, July 10, Mad Science on Tuesday, July 18 and Wonders of Wildlife on Monday, July 24. The four programs were well attended by 264 children and adults. 19. Bilingual Services Library Technicians Christina Lorenzo and Rita Garcia presented two teen programs, Kindness Rocks and Crafting Kindness. Teens painted and decorated rocks with positive messages and created craft kits for younger children. A total of 11 teens participated in both programs. 20. Twenty-three children and adults joined Library Assistant Fred Vrabel for a program in recognition of the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. The participants were able to see real lunar samples that the astronauts brought back from the moon. Outreach and Community Connections ... 21. Lead Librarian Erin Peak and Reference Librarians Svetlana Kondratenko and Monica Nelson staffed an information table at the Carlsbad Farmers' Market on Wednesday, July 19. Staff informed shoppers about the Summer Reading Program, the Grow your Garden series, and other library services. Reference staff were joined by staff from the city's Communications Department who handed out approximately 150 cards promoting the Arts and Culture survey. In total, Reference assisted 222 adults and issued six library cards. 22. Senior Librarian Barbara Chung attended the July 12 Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Committee Mixer held at the Chamber offices. The Committee Mixer provides an opportunity to learn about the work of each committee as well as to make contacts in the business community. Library staff actively participate in the Chamber's Technology Committee and Education Committee. 3 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS July 2017 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Julv-16 •2 June-17 July-17 1 Dove Library 9,572 10,186 10,626 2 Cole Library 8,127 6,819 7,587 3 Library Learning Center 781 583 715 4 Total 18,480 17,588 18,928 Technology Assistance July-16 June-17 July-17 5 Dove Library 2,431 2,182 2,134 6 Cole Library 3,164 2,365 2,893 7 Library Learning Center 239 234 270 8 Total -4,781 5,297 Circulation Julv-16 •2 June-17 July-17 9 Dove Library 63,726 58,777 66,262 10 Cole Library 34,448 33,689 36,710 11 Library Learning Center 1,741 1,244 1,419 12 eAudiobook Downloads 1,663 2,873 2,849 13 eBook Downloads 4,002 4,415 4,917 14 eMagazine Downloads 921 943 1,139 15 Total 106,501 101,941 113,296 People Count Julv-16 •2 June-17 July-17 16 Dove Library 43,560 33,625 38,821 17 Cole Library 27,036 25,242 28,699 18 Library Learning Center 6,392 4,707 5,326 19 Total 76,988 63,574 72,846 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Julv-16 •2 June-17 July-17 20 Pre-School Programs 44 24 46 21 Attendance 2,184 1,089 2,417 22 School Aged Children's Programs 48 38 42 23 Attendance 2,587 2,111 2,691 24 Young Adult Programs 5 7 10 25 Attendance 226 6E 24, 26 Adult Programs 20 82 68 27 Attendance 808 2,069 1,19( Technologv Usage Julv-16 *2 June-17 July-17 28 Computer Use 7,855 8,294 8,387 29 WiFi Use 1 -8,302 9,25~ 30 Webpage Views 210,765 46,023 46,645 31 Database Usage 6,035 7,271 8,072 Facility Meeting Room Use Julv-16 •2 June-17 July-17 32 Events 50 63 52 33 Attendance 3,058 3,914 5,122 Volunteer Hours Julv-16 *2 June-17 July-17 34 Total Hours 4,915 2,280 4,817 1. Unable to collect data on W1F1 from Jan. to July 2016 *2. Cole Library closed Sept. 1, 2015 for CIP modernization project; Genealogy staff relocated to Dove, Other staff to LLC. Cole Library officially reopened Feb. 27, 2016. Dove library was closed between Feb. 23 to Feb. 28, reopened with its reduced footprint starting Feb. 29. Dove Interim library closed April 14, 2016, Dove Library reopened on June 21, 2016. Library Learning Center hours returned to pre-remodel hours effective June 25, 2016 <earls bad City Library . Carlsbad City Library -Technology Report -April -June 2017 PC ManaJ?ement Sessions ITEM #5 Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Computers Jan-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Change Apr-Jun 2016 Dove Adult Lab 15 2,636 Dove Express 2 416 Dove Walk-up 20 7,698 Dove Children's 7 574 Cole Adult 19 7,187 Cole Express 1 389 Cole Children's 6 718 Cole Teen 2 458 Learning Center Children's Lab 7 386 Learning Center Adult Lab 7 1,406 Total 86 21,868 Dove closed for renovations from 2/22/16 -6/21/16; Dove Interim open 2/29/16 -4/13/16. Wireless User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Location Jan-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Change Dove 13,738 14,157 3% Cole 8,565 8,748 2% Library Learning Center 2,316 2,282 -1% Total 24,619 25,187 2% 2,793 6% 377 -9% 8,156 6% 772 34% 7,396 3% 449 15% 865 20% 381 -17% 597 55% 1,458 4% 23,244 6% Year Comparison Apr-Jun 2016 Apr-Jun 2017 -14,157 -8,748 -2,282 -25,187 Wi-Fi report server down 12/21/15 -8/15/16; Dove closed for renovations from 2/22/16 -6/21/16; Dove Interim open 2/29/16 -4/13/16. Combined Wireless and Wired Internet Sessions Quarter!\ Comoarison Year Comparison Location Jan-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Change Apr-Jun 2016 Apr-Jun 2017 All Library Locations 46,487 48,431 4% 15,833 48,431 Wi-Fi report server down 12/21/15 -8/15/16; Dove closed for renovations from 2/22/16 -6/21/16; Dove Interim open 2/29/16 -4/13/16. Early Literacy Stations -User Sessions 194 36 1,172 129 8,766 582 1,361 287 958 2,348 15,833 Change - - - - Change 206% Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Computers Jan-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Change Apr-Jun 2016 Apr-Jun 2017 Dove 4 3,719 4,070 9% 0 4,070 Cole 3 2,327 2,449 5% 2,893 2,449 Library Learning Center 2 355 366 3% 436 366 Total 9 6,401 6,885 8% 3,329 6,885 Dove Early Literacy Stations not available from 2/29/16 until 11/9/16. Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Apr-Jun 2017 2,793 377 8,156 772 7,396 449 865 381 597 1,458 23,244 Change - -15% -16% 107% Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Change 1340% 947% 596% 498% -16% -23% -36% 33% -38% -38% 47% Jan-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Apr-Jun 2016 Apr-Jun 2017 Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station 73% 27% 75% 25% 2% 70% 30% 75% 25% Dove closed for renovations from 2/22/16 -6/21/16; Dove Interim open 2/29/16 -4/13/16; Dove increased from 5 to 6 self-checks starting on 6/21/16. Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Jan-Mar 2017 Apr-Jun 2017 Apr-Jun 2016 Apr-Jun 2017 Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Change Station Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station 79% 21% 81% 19% 2% 76% 24% 81% 19% Dove closed for renovations from 2/22/16 -6/21/16; Dove Interim open 2/29/16 -4/13/16; Dove increased from 5 to 6 self-checks starting on 6/21/16. Change 5% Change 5% Technology Report Senior Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel Highlighted Projects • Patron Wireless Upgrade • Com·puter, Print and Copy Management • Mobile Circulation Update -~ ,, i". ~ ' •", Patron Wireless Update Deployment Plan • Phase 1 -Cutover to new network -Verify functionality -Maintain backup coverage • Phase 2 -Additional wireless coverage Computer, Print and Copy Upgrade Project Overview • Upgrade all patron accessible multi-functional devices and print release stations • Upgrade of the computer management system • Implementation of mobile printing Project Timeline • Finalize agreement -August • Upgrade hardware & software -September • Mobile printing -Late 2017 Mobile Circulation ••••• I r.,1 ,lid·' l(; 8.47 AM -· Sign In Username Password ---1 j Sign In Setup Work Offline L Mobile Circulation • Mobile Circulation will enable library staff to create library cards and check-out items during outreach events. Mobile Circulation Status • Mobile Circulation installation -July • Peripheral integration -August µd 1in ,l l~c:~tut itu l · fu r.:: V l:' r~ GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION 1 Purpose: Fostering community support Equitable practice Administrative ease POLICY: Gift Acceptance The Library & Cultural Arts department encourages and welcomes monetary gifts that support and enhance library or cultural arts services, as well as lib rary materials in good condition. Gifts may be from individuals, families, businesses, corporations, foundations and other organizations. Depending upon the nature of the gift and the donor's interests, monetary donations may be directed to the library, Cultural Arts Office or one of its support organizations. Each support organization may have its own gift acceptance policy. Gifts of library materials are accepted if they fulfill the library's collection development plan, which includes additional policies on acceptance. Materials not suitable for addition to the library's collection are offered to the Friends of the Library for resale, with the proceeds benefitting Carlsbad City Library programs and services. Gifts of objects, furnishings and equipment, as well as in-kind contributions, may be accepted or offered to any of the support organizations if they do not fulfill the mission, vision or service goals of the department. Separate policies may apply to these gifts. The L&CA director or another designee of the city manager has responsibility for management of gift receipt, acceptance and recognition, and for development of acceptance criteria for gifts. A gift may be declined if, in the judgment of the L&CA director, acceptance of the gift presents unacceptable restrictions or challenges, expense that significantly diminishes the value of the gift, or the perception of impropriety; or if it conflicts with the organization's mission, vision or service goals. The acceptance of a gift shall not impede the ability to acquire gifts from other sources nor subject the department or the city to adverse publicity. Certain individual gifts with a value determined by the City Council must be accepted by the City Council. Donations that are accepted become the property of the City of Carlsbad; items purchased with donated funds will be retained so long as they continue to be relevant and useful to the purposes of the department, and can be properly stored, preserved and used. The department has the right to deaccession or loan any items purchased with donated funds. P & P\ GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION 02/2017 ITEM #7 Reporting of Gifts GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION 2 The L&CA director will report gifts to the Library Board of Trustees directed for library use, and to the Arts Commission when directed for cultural arts services; and make a recommendation on gifts that are subject to City Council approval. All gifts are subject to applicable public record laws and regulations as determined by the City of Carlsbad and the State of California. Donor Recognition The L&CA Department values its donors, and will establish methods to appropriately acknowledge and recognize their gifts. The department will promptly acknowledge gifts with a letter of thanks unless the donor declines this, and inform donors of how their gifts will be used. Gifts accepted by the City Council will also receive a letter of thanks on behalf of the City Council. Additional opportunities exist for recognition at a City Council meeting at the donor's request. If the gift is honorific in nature, the honoree or his/her family will also receive notification of the gift and its use. The department may establish methods by which gifts are publicly acknowledged. The purpose of public recognition is to thank donors, encourage others to give, and to build long-term relationships between the organization and its supporters. Every effort will be made to ensure recognition is timely, meaningful to the donor, appropriate and consistent. Such methods may include book plates; limited-term signage recognizing smaller or annual gifts; donor walls, plaques or other ongoing recognition; named spaces, amenities, programs or endowments; the establishment of giving circles or communities of giving; recognition events; and recognition utilizing print and digital communication methods such as newsletters, press releases, annual reports, websites, and social networking sites. The extent of recognition shall be in proportion to the value of the contribution and its impact. The design of donor recognition methods will complement rather than conflict with delivery of services and programs, and will be consistent with principles and standards applied to the design of facilities, marketing and communication tools. The duration of donor recognition may change as facilities and communication methods are altered. The department respects the privacy of donors and will refrain from publicly recognizing gifts if the donor requests anonymity (to the extent permitted by law). Support organizations establish and maintain their own recognition policies. The department may collaborate with one or more of these organizations in recognizing gifts to them that directly support department facilities, programs and services. Joint recognition will be consistent with the department's policies on donor recognition . As the department establishes donor recognition programs, it P & P\ GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION 02/2017 GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION 3 will do so in consultation with its support organizations to facilitate their success in attracting gifts. Physical Space Recognition Requests for naming physical space or amenities within facilities are subject to the City Council's policies on naming rights, unless otherwise determined by the City Council. The naming or designation of facilities or amenities shall never be granted in perpetuity. Other Considerations Because of its noncommercial, nonprofit status, the department is committed to providing programs and services that are free from influence or editorial control by an external funding source. Purchasing decisions, including property, equipment, materials, furnishings, programs, and services, will reside with the department. Policy approved by the Library Board of Trustees -@@, 2017 Procedure: Gifts with a value of $5000 or greater must be accepted by the city council. Refer questions or concerns to a supervisor, the Person-in-Charge (PIC) or L&CA administration. For more information on donations of materials see Collection Development Policy. P & P\ GIFT ACCEPTANCE & RECOGNITION 02/2017 RENTAL FACILITIES Purpose: Equitable access Organizational mission & vision POLICY: RENTAL FACILITIES 1 The Carlsbad Library & Cultural Arts department (L&CA) upholds the following policy outlined by the American Library Association "Library Bill of Rights" concerning meeting rooms: "Libraries which make meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of the individual or groups requesting their use." Use of the public meeting facilities does not constitute L&CA endorsement of the content provided in the course of use. No advertisement or announcement implying such endorsement will be permitted. No organization meeting at a L&CA facility shall use the location as its official address. On-site storage of goods by organizations using the public meeting facilities will not be permitted. Classification of Applicants Each application will be reviewed by staff and classified into a group depending on the type of organization and the intended use. The classifications are listed in order of priority with classification "A" first, classification "B" second, etc. Staff will attempt to accommodate all groups; however, a limited amount of public meeting space exists. Considering that demand often exceeds availability, the following priority system ha.s been established: A. L&CA and other city department-sponsored activities B. Carlsbad resident, non-profit (non-paid management) C. Carlsbad resident, non-profit (paid management) D. Nonresident, non-profit E. Resident, all others F. Nonresident, all others In order to qualify as classification group B or C non-profit user, the organization must meet all of the following criteria: 1. The organization must be registered as a non-profit corporation with the State of California, or, if not registered with the state, must be a Carlsbad chapter and have a constitution or by-laws which clearly state that the objectives of the organization are of a non-profit, non-commercial nature. P & P\RENTAL FACILITIES xx/2017 RENTAL FACILITIES 2 2. The organization must be comprised of volunteers, and 70 percent of its membership and participants must be Carlsbad residents. Verification of residency may be required. Official membership list complete with city of residence addresses may be required with applications. Such lists shall be maintained by the staff and shall remain confidential. The following requirement applies to groups B, C & D to qualify as non-profit user: 3. The organization may be required to submit the following: a. If incorporated, submit state incorporation papers; if not incorporated, submit constitution. b. Financial verification of organization's exemption from income tax. (Department of the Treasury Form 990 may be used). Liability Insurance Requirements The City of Carlsbad is not liable for accidents, injuries or loss of individual property in connection with any of its facilities. Applicant shall provide, when applicable, evidence of commercial general liability insurance naming the City of Carlsbad as an additional insured and with a coverage amount to be determined by the risk manager according to the size and risk factors of the event. User Conduct • No activity will be permitted that is in violation of local, state or federal statutes. Renters must adhere to all city policies. fire codes and L&CA Rules of Conduct during their use of the facility. • All groups must be under the direction and supervision of their own leadership. There must be at least one adult present and responsible for each 10 minors at all times. • Groups are responsible for controlling noise that could disturb other activities in the L&CA facility. L&CA reserves the right to full access of all activities in order to ensure that all rules and regulations are being observed. Use may be terminated for misrepresentation or engagement in any activities that jeopardize participants' safety and welfare. Admission/Sales P & P\RENTAL FACILITIES xx/2017 RENTAL FACILITIES 3 Charging of admission is left up to the discretion of the hosting organization. L&CA encourages hosting organizations to accommodate individuals who wish to participate in public meetings but are unable to do so based on financial hardship. L&CA will not take a percentage of the sales. Organizations using meeting facilities will be permitted to make sales under the following circumstances: • Sales must be confined to the rented facility and its immediate area. • No effort shall be made to solicit other L&CA patrons. This means no signage is allowed inside or in front of the entrance of L&CA facilities. The L&CA department has established procedures for facility use that cover: • Reservation and Cancellation • Deposits and Payments • Hours of Use • Kitchen Use/Food/Drink The person securing the use of the facility will be responsible for complying with these procedures which are listed below. The person interested in securing use of a rental facility ("renter") at a L&CA location for himself/herself and/or his/her children, and/or his/her represented organization (collectively "Releasing Party") agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold the city, its council members, agents, representatives, Board members and employees (the "City Indemnified Parties") harmless from and against any and all claims from and against any and all liabilities, judgments, claims, settlements, losses, damages, costs, fees (including reasonable attorney fees and court costs) incurred or suffered (collectively "Losses") by such City Indemnified Party arising out of this use of city property, purpose of the facility use agreement, or related activities or otherwise; and further agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold the City Indemnified Parties harmless from any losses to the City Indemnified Parties as the result of injury or death to person(s) or damage(s) to property arising out of the use of said property, purpose, or activity; provided however, that the Releasing Party duty to indemnify and hold harmless shall not include any claims or liability arising from the established sole gross negligence or willful misconduct of the city, its council members, agents, representatives, Board members or employees. Appeals Appeal of any decision adverse to an applicant may be made in writing to the L&CA director within five business days of its making. The director shall render a decision within 10 business days. The applicant may appeal the director's decision to the chief operations officer within five business days of the director's decision. The chief operations officer's decision shall be final. P & P\RENTAL FACILITIES xx/2017 RENTAL FACILITIES 4 The calendar of available dates, room amenities, fee schedule, procedures for facility use and applicable forms are located on the L&CA's website (www.carlsbadlibrary.org). All rentals of L&CA facilities are processed through the Community Relations division and requests for additional information or questions should be directed to the contact listed below: Carlsbad City Library 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011 media-assist. office@carlsbadca.gov 760-602-2055 Policy Approved by the Library Board of Trustees -mmm dd, 2017 Procedure: Reservation and Cancellation • All applications for use of any L&CA public meeting facilities must be made via the online reservation system accessible on the library's website at www.carlsbadlibrary.org. If the applicant does not have access to a computer they may contact L&CA Community Relations division to request an accommodation for making a reservation. • Applications for reservations must be submitted at least 10 business days in advance of the first requested reservation date. • Applicants must be age 18 or older. When serving of alcohol is requested for the event, the applicant must be 21 or older. • Facility reservations will not be approved for any group or individual for use on an ongoing basis. Other than city-sponsored groups, all groups are permitted up to four meeting dates per month. This is to ensure that rooms will be available to other community groups. Additional adjustments to booking frequency can be made by the authority of the L&CA director. • The individual submitting the application will be held responsible for all fees and damages. Use of the facility is not transferable to another person or group. • The L&CA department reserves the right to deny an application request for any reason. Typical reasons for denial include but are not limited to the following: a. Applicant has unsatisfactory record of prior use b. Hazardous condition exists within the facility c. Non-payment of fees before due date d. Failure to give proper cancellation notice e. Civic emergencies f. False or misleading information from the applicant g. Applicant's invalid association with group P & P\RENTAL FACILITIES xx/2017 h. Other applicant misrepresentation i. Use/activity exceeds room capacity RENTAL FACILITIES 5 • Applicant-initiated cancellations must be made at least 10 calendar days prior to the event date. Cancellations submitted fewer than 10 days prior to the event will be charged a $25 processing fee. Deposits and Payments • Rental fees are set based on one-hour increments for each space rented and will not be pro-rated . There is a two-hour minimum rental period for L&CA venues. • A $200 refundable cleaning deposit will be charged at the time of application acceptance, unless currently on deposit. If the department has drawn down an existing cleaning deposit for a previous booking, the applicant must replenish the deposit to the full $200 prior to future reservations being approved. • Invoices for rental services are issued at the time of application approval. Full payment must be received for the total invoiced amount 30 days prior to the first event. When space is reserved fewer than 30 days in advance of the first event, payment is due upon receipt of invoice and must be made within three business days. • Failure to make full payment on or before the due date will result in cancellation of the requested reservation and a $25 processing fee will be charged per reservation. • All past due amounts on an applicant's account must be paid in full prior to any future bookings. Hours of Use L&CA facilities are generally not scheduled for use before or after the facility's regular public hours (except for Group A, which is exempt). For events requested outside regular hours, if approved, a fee of three times the regular rate will be charged with additional fees subject to applicable billing. Groups staying beyond their reserved hours may be subject to additional fees for the necessary staff coverage and may be denied future privileges. Kitchen Use/Food/Drink • Food or drinks are not allowed in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium (water bottles with lids are permitted). • The meeting room kitchen is not intended for cooking but rather to provide convenient space for the preparation of ready-to-serve items. P & P\RENTAL FACILITIES xx/2017 RENTAL FACILITIES 6 • L&CA does not provide supplies such as cups, containers, paper goods, tea and coffee. • Groups using the facility are expected to leave it in the condition they found it. Failure to do so will result in a clean-up or damage charge. • Alcoholic beverages are restricted to beer, wine and champagne. Serving of alcoholic beverages must adhere to City of Carlsbad liability insurance requirements. Groups selling alcohol (beer, wine and champagne only) must obtain "Daily On-Sale License" from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and liquor liability coverage must be obtained (Carlsbad City Council Policy Statement 28/93). P & P\RENTAL FACILITIES xx/2017 STAFF BORROWING Purpose: Fairness of access to patrons Security of materials POLICY: STAFF BORROWING 1 Library & Cultural Arts staff will follow all existing circulation policies and procedures in their use of library materials. A basic principle the Library & Cultural Arts department observes is not giving L&CA staff any privileges or advantages that interfere with the primary goal of serving the public. • L&CA staff must observe renewal limits and due dates. • L&CA staff may not override holds when renewing items. • New materials must be allowed to go on the public shelves before L&CA staff can check them out. • L&CA staff must always check out materials in their possession, for home or office use. All items must be ·checked out at the circulation desk or using the L&CA's self- check machines. • All items must be returned to a designated book return for check-in. (This is necessary for the accuracy of the database and to ensure that the RFID security tags are set properly.) • All L&CA staff are responsible for the replacement cost of lost or damaged items, may be sent to collection and all resulting fees will be posted to their personal library account. Both full and part-time L&CA employees may choose to have their personal library account changed to a STAFF user profile and will observe the following additional policies: • May not place holds on items that are on order. In the library's catalog, the status will be ON-ORDER. • May not place a hold or check out a new DVD until 30 days after the date the item is added to the collection. The STAFF user profile cannot be extended to family or friends. Abuse of any portion of this policy may result in loss of the STAFF user profile and disciplinary action, and may include termination of employment. Policy approved by the Library Board of Trustees -@@, 2017 Procedure: L&CA staff choosing STAFF user profile for their personal account do so with the understanding that the account may be used by the library for system tests and reports, resulting in the examination of a variety of fields of information. In exchange for allowing this access, STAFF user profile individuals will not be charged routine fines and fees. (Does not apply to charges for lost or damaged items or collection fees.) P & PISTAFF BORROWING 10/2016 STAFF BORROWING 2 L&CA staff will complete and sign the "Acknowledgment for Library & Cultural Arts Staff Borrowing" document during their Library & Cultural Arts orientation. The training coordinator will modify the staff profile if appropriate and route the completed and signed form to L&CA administration support staff. When the employee is no longer on active payroll, as defined by City of Carlsbad Human Resources, administration support staff will notify the circulation supervisor or community outreach supervisor to change the STAFF profile to PUBLIC. P & P\STAFF BORROWING 10/2016 ( City of Carlsbad Non-specified: City of Carlsbad Library Donation Activity -General Fund/ Gifts & Bequests Totals Value Category Amount Contributors $1-$99 $508.43 66 $100 -$249 $300.00 2 $250-499 $500.00 2 $500 -$999 $500.00 1 $1000 -$4,999 $4,507.73 3 Over $5,000 $6,000.00 1 Totals: $12,316.16 75 $4,031.16 Specified: $8,285.00 $200.00 Purchase honors paperback books for the Cole library $200.00 Offset Library Learning Center Literacy celebration ITEM #9 $300.00 Purchase additional library furniture for use by older adult patrons at the Cole library $1,585.00 Purchase library materials for all libraries $6,000.00 Naming opportunity funds to offset Dove library FY 2015-16 improvements FY 2016-17 FY 2015-16 FY 2014-15 January $932.67 $155.40 $16.60 February $8,154.34 $1,316.30 $589.65 March $57.20 $39,895.16 $1,178.61 April $56.97 $52.25 $215.50 May $253.53 $641.56 $10,425.63 June $2,861.45 $5,667.00 $10.14 Total $12,316.16 $47,727.67 $12,436.13 Source: IFAS accounts -0014010-5651 (General Fund), 1454010-5651 (Library Gifts & Bequests) Not reported: Funding provided by Friends of the Library, specia l trusts and endowments managed by Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation 8/3/2017