HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING \Nednesday,Feb.21,2018 Cole Library Community Room 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Chair Hulsart called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Trustees DeForest, Hinman, Hulsart, and Parsons Absent: Trustee Pearson Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst Viktor Sjoberg, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Megan Vanzandt, Senior Office Specialist ITEM #3 Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto introduced Jessica Padilla Bowen as the new Community Relations Manager. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion, the minutes of the Library Board of Trustees special meeting of Jan. 24, 2018 were approved. Approved 3-0-1-1 (Trustee Parsons abstain and Trustee Pearson absent) PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The Board received the monthly library report for January 2018. Trustees Hulsart and Parsons commented positively on the Carlsbad Reads Together 2018 program featuring Author Daniel Pink. Chair Hulsart also expressed interest in the upcoming Career Online High School graduation. In response to questions, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson advised the board that the "Books to Go" mobile book bike will begin monthly visits to the State Streets Farmers' Market in the spring. TECHNOLOGY UPDATE: The Board received the amended Quarterly Technology Report for the period of October to December 2017. The Board was provided an opportunity for questions regarding this report. Senior Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel provided the board with an overview of mobile printing, its features, and the upcoming schedule to launch this project. He discussed the design of Page 2 of 3 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Feb. 21, 2018 Meeting the system including the patron experience of selecting and sending a job to the print queue and ability to retrieve prints at any one of the several print release stations available at the three library locations. The launch of mobile printing depends on the wireless solution deployment that is almost complete; mobile printing launch should occur within the next six weeks. In response to questions, he explained security measures such as time-out settings that protect patron accounts from being accessed by others if they don't immediately log out. The library will observe whether usage of mobile printing aligns with increased wireless usage, as anticipated. GENEALOGY & LOCAL HISTORY DIVISION OVERVIEW: Senior Librarian Sarah Dana explained the Genealogy & Local History division's programs, outreach, collection, genealogy databases, reference resources, and the long-time and valued partnership with the North San Diego County Genealogical Society. Senior Librarian Dana also reviewed the Carlsbad History collection preserved on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. She explained current efforts to digitize the collection with the goal to increase the number of items available online. In conclusion, Senior Librarian Dana shared the Genealogy & Carlsbad History division's role to encourage genealogy research, support genealogical education, promote the use of local history resources, and engage residents with images and documents that tell the story of Carlsbad. Trustee Hinman asked if the division's collection of oral history is still ongoing. Senior Librarian Dana advised that it is continuing and they are always looking for opportunities to interview those who can contribute their stories to the oral history of Carlsbad. Trustee Hinman advised she could provide a list of people. Director Pizzuto added that it is the responsibility of the library to preserve Carlsbad's history in print and photographic format and the Library Board is encouraged to share this information with others. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Pizzuto briefed the board on the following items: Personnel - Interviews were held last week for the Reference Senior Librarian position; the position is anticipated to be filled in March. Cafe RFP - City Council authorized negotiation with the strongest Cafe proposer. The agreement terms will also need to be approved by City Council. Projects - The Dove library courtyard festoon lighting installation began on Feb. 21. The Dove library HVAC control system upgrade is continuing. A draft of the 2017 biennial survey report was received; the City also conducted a survey of residents in the fall. Results from both surveys will be shared at an upcoming board meeting. Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Feb. 21, 2018 Meeting Programs and Upcoming events - Carlsbad Reads Together 2018 programs continue through the end of February. The Career Online High School graduation is scheduled for April 28. Page 3 of 3 The library has contracted with the Colorado State Library to bring a two-day Research Institute for Public Libraries (RIPL) training workshop to Carlsbad that will be attended by 30 staff and up to 20 representatives from surrounding libraries on Feb. 28 and March 1. RIPL training focuses on the following outcomes: • Designing outcome-based evaluation of programs and services. • Assessing community needs. • Techniques for tracking public library data and using the data for planning, management and demonstrating the library's worth. • Using data and stories to document the impact of the programs and services. FOUNDATION REPORT: Representative Hulsart reported that the Foundation's Holiday Party is rescheduled for April 3 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and invitees should expect to receive an email invitation. Chair Hulsart requested that Cultural Arts Manager Richard Schultz, who was observing the meeting, describe the new Cinema Club brochure and the upcoming Arts & Culture Plan workshop on March 8. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Hu Isa rt reported that sales of the book When by Daniel Pink, which was featured in Carlsbad Reads Together author Daniel Pink's presentation, have been successful; some additional copies remain available for purchase at the Friend's bookstore. NSDC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Cindy Goodger summarized recent and upcoming programs and events. Membership was reported at 279 members currently; this number represents an annual renewal purge and reset. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Parsons/Hinman) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted, '~Vo Megan Vanzandt Senior Office Specialist Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for JANUARY 2018 ITEM #5 1. Carlsbad Reads Together preparations were completed in January accompanied by the publication of the resource guide, marketing materials, and all program and event schedules. The month-long celebration of Daniel H. Pink and his works will be highlighted by a visit from the author on Sunday, Feb. 11. 2. Following an extensive outreach period to the public, staff began a pilot test period to adapt a portion of the library's music CD collection to a new classification system. The country music CDs are the first to be relabeled and reorganized. After that part of the collection's use is analyzed, additional portions will be reorganized on the shelf and in the catalog to help patrons better locate the music in which they are interested. 3. Another area of the collection is also being tested for relabeling: the children's picture books. Staff is testing a portion of this collection at Dove to gain feedback from the patrons and staff before taking on the task of relabeling all of the picture books. The new labels will be simplified to include only the first three letters of the author's last name. 4. On Thursday, Jan. 25, Children's Senior Librarians Marsha Weeks and Barbara Chung, along with Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson, attended the annual Orange County Performers Showcase presented by the Santiago Library System. Over 40 performers presented a five-minute sample of their program. This valuable event helps connect library staff with new performers and a chance to gauge how well a program will succeed in Carlsbad. 5. Both the eResearch brochure and the catalog were updated to reflect changes in the library's electronic resource offerings. The offerings were also updated in the Calija Who has What database and were highlighted in the Happenings eNews and in the children's calendar to promote the on line 24/7 services. 6. Staff conducted eBook workshops and eBook one-on-one training sessions for patrons in January. These sessions included instruction on the Kindle platform and the new Libby App. CCL, Dove Lane ... 7. Winter Family Fun, a program for all ages, took place on Jan. 3 (during the school's winter break) and was well-attended with 105 children and adults listening to stories, coloring and creating winter crafts. 8. Staff and patrons settled back into the usual schedule of preschool storytimes and after school programs the week of Jan. 8. Terrific Tuesday after-school program has seen an increase in attendance; the Down the Rabbit Hole Alice in Wonderland-themed program on Jan. 30 attracted 74 children and adults who did a variety of activities outside in the Children's Garden. 1 Monthly Library Reports for January 2018 9. Library Assistant Angelica Mejia conducted her first bilingual preschool storytime on Jan. 18. Angelica will be presenting these on a trial basis, once a month, for a few more months and gathering feedback from attendees. Angelica reported that the initial response was positive. 10. Reference Librarians Andrea Hilliard and Maile McKean are preparing to implement the virtual reality-based services provided by the Libraries Illuminated grant. Classes are prepared and scheduled to coincide with Carlsbad Reads Together. 11. In the Exploration HUB, there were a total of 36 classes and demonstrations offered and 153 patrons attending, averaging 4.3 attendees per class. The tween and family classes continue to grow in popularity in the HUB. 12. Business Systems Associate James Jones worked with the L&CA's RFID vendor to complete repairs on the Dove automated materials handling system. Also, James worked with the RFID vendor on resolving a cash acceptance issue on a self-check located at Dove. This effort included the coordination of multiple technicians to provide onsite repair support. Georgina Cole ... 13. The Carlsbad City Library hosted the fourth event in the eight-part Year of Compassion Series - Embracing Shared Common Humanity on Jan. 25 at the Cole Library. Dr. Erik Conklin presented to 34 people. Participants learned to broaden compassion for people in their lives that may be overlooked in their daily interactions. Breath work, visualizations, and discussion are part of each class. 14. Topics for Tuesday Afternoon Adventures, a weekly program for grades K-5, in January included S.T.E.A.M. based programs. Jan. 9 featured the "Rube Goldberg Machine Challenge." Forty children tested their knowledge by building their own Rube Goldberg machines from a variety of materials, such as cardboard tubes, duct tape, paper cups, strings, and marbles. Jan. 16 featured the Carlsbad High School Robotics Team! The 75 children in attendance watched this award-winning team perform a fascinating demonstration of this year's robots and then were able to create their own robots. 15. The Focus On: Genealogy Crash Course was held on Jan. 16 and Jan. 30 with 39 people attending. Senior Librarian Sarah Dana worked with Library technician Jan Mongoven to develop and present this much appreciated two-hour program. The pair received very positive feedback from attendees including several self-initiated compliments via email. 16. The North San Diego County Genealogical Society's DNA Interest Group presentation was filled to capacity with 85 people attending their Back to Basics: How to Understand and Analyze Test Results session on Jan. 20. The Society is considering having an occasional DNA Basics course to meet the needs of those beginning their DNA discoveries. 2 Monthly Library Reports for January 2018 17. Sewing for a Cause met four times in January with a total of 25 participants. Lead Librarian Jenn Johnson was interviewed on the morning show on channel 8 to highlight the Sewing for a Cause program and its relationship with the Trauma Intervention Prog_ram (TIP). http://www.cbs8.com/story/37228750/tuesday-sewing-class-provides-comfort-to-survivors Learning Center ... 18. Mad Science presented "Walloping Winter Weather." The audience discovered how winter storms form and how powerful they can be. They also learned how air temperature affects weather. Seventeen children and adults enjoyed the program as well as making mini snow globes. 19. Community Outreach Supervisor Carrie Scott was invited to speak at a Career Online High School webinar. The webinar was hosted by Cengage Learning and the California State Library. Twenty-seven attendees from various California libraries learned about starting a Career Online High School (COHS) program. 20. A third student graduated from "career Online High School. Two Career Online High School students are over 80 percent complete. A graduation celebration for the most recent graduates is being planned for April. An application to obtain three scholarships to be funded by the California State Library was submitted. 21. The Spanish Book Club met to discuss the book Dispara, yo ya estoy muerto by Julia Navarro. This historical book touched on the Palestinian Jewish conflict very thoroughly and was enjoyed by the 12 participants. The group also celebrated its one-year anniversary with cake and certificates were given to two members 'with perfect attendance. Principal Librarian Viktor Sjoberg worked with various staff to ensure the Spanish Book Club (and the rest of our Spanish speaking community) was provided access to a Spanish translation of one of Carlsbad Reads Together author Daniel Pink's works. Since the translations were not available in print format, staff purchased the book in eBook format and helped the book club members download the books, while in the process educating them about our eBook and eAudiobook collections. 22. MiraCosta College started their English as a Second Language classes at the Learning Center for the spring semester during the week of Jan. 22. Outreach and Community Connections ... 23. San Diego County Library (SDCL) Collection Development and Acquisitions staff visited the Carlsbad City Library on Jan. 31. Collections & Technical Services Senior Librarian Kristi Bell and Lead Librc1rian Jacqui Petri hosted the group of five SDCL staff members starting at Cole where they were given a tour of the Genealogy and Carlsbad History Collection. They then proceeded to Dove for a tour of the Exploration Hub and Collections and Technical Services. During the three hour visit, best practices from both sides were discussed, and Acquisitions Clerk Ruben Valenzuela gave a demonstration of how Carlsbad staff submit orders. 3 Monthly Library Reports for January 2018 24. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson represented the Carlsbad City Library at the Hispanic Network Breakfast. The Hispanic Network is a group of community members and service providers who meet twice a year to share and discuss the needs and resources for Latino youth and their families in the North San Diego region. 25. On Jan. 24 Reference Lead Librarian Darin Williamson and Children's Senior Librarian Barbara Chung attended the Education Committee at the Chamber of Commerce. MiraCosta president Sunita Cooke presented about the state of MiraCosta, community colleges in California and current challenges and opportunities for students, staff and their community. 26. On Jan. 29 Reference Lead Librarian Erin Peak and Circulation Technician Anne Deane put together some of the equipment needed for the "Books 2 Go" mobile book bike and reviewed information that should be added to the bike's procedures before leaving and when arriving back from a ride. In addition, they reviewed contact numbers and best ways to communicate with staff should there be issues. They also rode the bike through town to get some practice time on the bike and spoke with kids from the Boys and Girls Club to show off the new bike. 4 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS January 2018 Reference, Circulation, Visitors - Reference Questions Jan-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 1 Dove Library 8,929 8,607 11,847 2 Cole Library 6,776 4,694 5,944 3 Library Learning Center 542 397 504 4 Total 16,247 13,698 18,295 Technology Assistance Jan-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 5 Dove Library 2,151 2,116 3,115 6 Cole Library 2,529 1,836 2,174 7 Library Learning Center 205 203 212 8 Total 4,885 4,155 5,501 Circulation Jan-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 9 Dove Library 54,905 47,429 53,834 10 Cole Library 31,796 25,868 30,430 11 Library Learning Center 1,504 868 1,394 12 eAudiobook Downloads 2,365 2,949 3,300 13 eBook Downloads 4,289 4,398 4,783 14 eMagazine Downloads 1,111 796 974 15 Total 95,970 82,308 94,715 People Count Jan-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 16 Dove Library 29,342 24,998 29,638 17 Cole Library 22,171 18,247 21,279 18 Library Learning Center 4,724 3,843 2,624 19 Total 56,237 47,088 53,541 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Jan-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 20 Pre-School Programs 70 61 70 21 Attendance 3,576 2,401 2,877 22 School Aged Children's Programs 40 41 37 23 Attendance 757 1,051 958 24 Young Adult Programs 7 5 5 25 Attendance 66 20 19 26 Adult Programs 75 110 76 27 Attendance 1,576 3,966 1,545 Technology Usage Jan-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 28 Computer Use 7,397 6,470 7,130 29 WiFi Use 6,826 7,012 7,999 30 Webpage Views 60,859 35,724 44,585 31 Database Usage 8,354 6,508 6,008 Facility Meeting Room Use Jan-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 32 Events 69 59 60 33 Attendance 4,498 3,663 3,687 Volunteer Hours Jan-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 34 Total Hours 1,409 1,103 1,293 r;--<__cc~t,i!?!? Carlsbad City Library -Technology Report (October -December 2017) PC Management Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Computers Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Change Oct-Dec 2016 Oct-Dec 2017 Dove Adult Lab 15 3,086 2,663 -14% 2,581 2,663 Dove Express 2 570 429 -25% 407 429 Dove Walk-up 20 8,901 7,540 -15% 6,876 7,540 Dove Children's 7 641 619 -3% 535 619 Cole Adult 19 7,968 5,903 -26% 6,845 5,903 Cole Express 1 673 404 -40% 451 404 Cole Children's 6 871 565 -35% 841 565 Cole Teen -2 398 320 -20% 303 320 Learning Center Children's Lab 7 901 508 -44% 300 508 learning Center Adult Lab 7 1,568 1,207 -23% 1,368 1,207 Total 86 25,577 20,158 -21% 20,507 20,158 PC Management Utilization Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison location Total Computers Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Change Oct-Dec 2016 Oct-Dec 2017 Dove Adult Lab 15 36% 35% -1% 34% 35% Dove Express 2 7% 5% -2% 4% 5% Dove Walk-up 20 34% 29% -5% 25% 29% Dove Children's 7 14% 9% -5% 8% 9% Cole Adult 19 57% 43% -14% 48% 43% Cole Express 1 15% 8% -7% 9% 8% Cole Children's 6 14% 9% -5% 16% 9% Cole Teen 2 17% 14% -3% 13% 14% learning Center Children's Lab 7 15% 9% -6% 5% 9% Learning Center Adult Lab 7 39% 35% -4% 35% 35% Total 86 34% 28% -6% 28% 28% Wireless User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Change Oct-Dec 2016 Oct-Dec 2017 Change Dove 13,889 14,792 7% 11,519 14,792 28% Cole 8,399 8,626 3% 7,275 8,626 19% Library Learning Center 1,914 2,161 13% 1,906 2,161 13% Total 24,202 25,579 6% 20,700 25,579 24% August 2017 wireless reporing data unavailable for 14 days. Combined Wireless and Wired Internet Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Jul-Sep 2017 I Oct-Dec 2017 Change Oct-Dec 20161 Oct-Dec 2017 Change I All Library Locations 49,779 I 45,737 -8% 41,207 I 45,737 11% I Earlv L1teracv Stations -User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Computers Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Change Oct-Dec 2016 Oct-Dec 2017 Change Dove 4 4,440 3,644 -18% 1,856 3,644 Cole 3 2,649 2,060 -22% 2,204 2,060 -7% Library Learning Center 2 463 338 -27% 299 338 13% Total 9 7,552 6,042 -20% 4,359 6,042 39% Dove Early Literacy Stations not available 2/29/16 until 11/9/16. Ea riv Literacv Stations -Utilization Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Computers Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Change Oct-Dec 2016 Oct-Dec 2017 Change Dove 4 52% 44% -8% 21% 44% Cole 3 40% 33% -7% 35% 33% -2% Library Learning Center 2 14% 11% -3% 9% 11% 2% Total 9 41% 34% -7% 24% 34% 10% Dove Early Literacy Stations not available 2/29/16 unbl 11/9/16. Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Amended 2/21/18 Change 3% 5% 10% 16% -14% -10% -33% 6% 69% -12% -2% Change 1% 1% 4% 1% -5% -1% -7% 1% 4% 0% 0% Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Oct-Dec 2016 Oct-Dec 2017 I j Staffed Station Change I Staffed Station I Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Self-Check Self-Check 76% I 24% 74% I 26% -2% 74% I 26% 74% I 26% Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Jul-Sep 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Oct-Dec 2016 Oct-Dec 2017 Self-Check I Staffed Station Self-Check I Staffed Station Change Self-Check [ Staffed Station Self-Check I Staffed Station 82% I 18% 79% I 21% -3% 79% I 21% 79% I 21% Change 0% Change 0% Page 1 -1-' V) ·-ro ·-4,....) u ~ QJ 0 C. ~ V) V) Q.) E cc: QJ QJ -1-' 63 -1-' V) V) ro > u 0 V) C ........... V) ·- 0 V) > QJ QJ t: C 0 ~ ·-V) w :J ~ ca !ri.... 0 ·-C QJ V) -• Mobile Printing • A solution that will allow patrons to print from their personal device from within the library Mobile Printing • Compatible on most laptops, smartphones and tablets • Responsive web design • Accepts the printing of common file formats • Preview capability and output management • Integrates with the existing patron printing solution • Integrates with the patron library card number Mobile Printing Overview ~r .... -PHAROS ,7 r,tu1: center (i) Help (Carlsbad City Library Enter Librar1 Card Number for Prinling C Keep me logged in © Copyright 2018-Powered lly Phares® Library HomeQi!g~ I I ' I I PHAROS t1. 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Cost V -____ .J_ - $1.00 H of 1 ilems Upcoming Schedule • Finalize configuration • Expand functionality testing • Soft launch Genealogy & Carlsbad History • Collections accessible on the second floor of Cole Library • Carlsbad History collection contributes to and enhances users' understanding of local history • Genealogy collection is international in scope and largest in Southern California -• Staff teach patrons to use the Genealogy and Carlsbad History collections effectively - Genealogy Programs • Beginn.er and Refresher Genealogy Class • Intermediate Genealogy Classes • DNA Interest Group • Legacy Software Users Group • Program Meeting (topics vary) . • Memoir-writing Class • Salt Lake City Research Readiness Class • Focus On • ilndex • Ask a Genealogist ~~ ,,\' ' ,,, Reach of Genealogy Programs • Over three thousand attendees last year • Included programs created to meet specific needs • Encouraged research and taught new skills t: 0 ......... ~ u ~ ,....,,_,,,. ,....,,_,,,. 8 63 0 ,....,,_,,,. ~ V) ~ c.. t: rn V) ~ E OJ ~ V) V) ""'C OJ V) ""'O ~ OJ V) :J .bO OJ C - V) rn c.. rn tlO V) 0 OJ ~ rn u ""'C 0 V) Cl. ·-0 rn ~ -1-J ' OJ ""'C -1-J ~ OJ u V) 0 I 0 0 V) s s u C -1-J OJ rn ~ V) ~ OJ 0 OJ OJ ·--1-J OJ 0:: l9 I 0 <! z a.. I • • • • • • • • -- North San Diego County Genealogical Society • Long-time and valued partner of the library • History of NSDCGS intertwined with library • Relationship defined through an MOU • NSDCGS Book Committee selects books • Society members host programs and teach classes • Library provides space and support for programs ' Elements of the Genealogy Call Number GEN 974.841 V2 GEN indicates the book is in the Genealogy collection. 974.8 indicates a PA focus, 974.841 is specific to York County. V2 is the Record Type, this volume contains vital records. MOT is the first three letters of the title or the author's name. O! \ , 11 ~'1 ~ II ~o~:. JOt• ~-... H Cl") Cl.) Cl") ts ,_o ts I ~ ts Q 1. ~ C 0 ·-0 -1-' V) ·-........... ""'C ts !r.... E 0 UJ Cl.) -1-' > -1-' 0 s::: V) !r.... V) u QJ ro QJ • Cl.) u V) !i,,_ :J !r.... ~ C ..c C1 QJ <( ·- a. .....J C > QJ ro tlO a. ro !r.... u -1-' ro V) ·-V) rn -1-' $ !r.... QJ ·-QJ ""'C !r.... QJ u -QJ E C 0 I z <( <( LL • • • • • -- Genealogy Reference • 12,000 questions last fiscal year • Usually require a combination of resources to answer • Provide specialized technology to support research - Carlsbad History Collection • Personal papers • City records and reports • Photographs and Scrapbooks • Yearbooks • Oral histories • Maps and blueprints • Vertica I files • Periodicals • Published material ' Use Supporting the City a/Carlsbad • Highway 101: Past, present and future • Arts and Culture Plan • Pine Community Center • Historic Preservation • City Council Carlsbad History Outreach • Consultations elm avenue • Workshops and classes • Publications • Research services A Stitch in Time w•••,dt/...,,...,....,._._'*"""''"'_T,_, • Celebrations • Blueprints • ~ .,."·'"'~"/;".,"/;,!'.',, .. .,.. ;,~--·· I I Digitization Process • Documenting workflows • Digitization protocols • File-naming schemas • Metadata requirements • Electronic record storage • Delivery system Log In I My Lists I Uwa,y lnlonniitlM I S81ed. Llroguas-I 6.. {.Carlsbad Carlsbad History Collection Cityl.ihmry ·~'.W History Collection O:.gital A!• I K11yWOfd •ntal<l'VO)r,; r ---~~~•••:h~esults .f: :: 53Res,,~Fo,,alJ Subject rmm : t) ( Se!«u nA.clion Y) [!Call'fflJ~ 15'1! I q Clrti:w.1 Muele~ W.-(51) j 1. . • · .t;iC3m~dMu:,nl:.\'at.. {St)! O 91:111b... •Alds-.1ewofeataveras0amsle,May1, 1941 u ~(fr,miu11t.S'JUCL. 151) i ~ ~S026 002/.xisvi6WO:~a$~lh'/l.1~1 o::;::!lons:.S (50)1 .· . ~J ~ - ,v;ewAII I Type mmmm Min:J.'ct1ci.'5d'P SIJ&!.lli!VC:Jeri~~-USl'tur.tnllmtm-2,11 ~'Al19\,&WOIC'J!i\'Vol10..~tt.Mayl,Hl,~1-, §:; .. ----J: Ii-------------·---·----- •Carlsbad Mutual Wat.tt Co. damslte looldng do'MISRam 81511941· , ,.._Type mmmm ! u ... ,....... (50) I Q Pa!Ootumer.l:S (?J Q Vl2'111AUO!o fl) Original Format tlmm:c:J Ot>tio1o0~tit1 1501 MS025_~C3rt,blta~W..:erCCL.l\1mS::tltl::,oi,ir,g$Jv,n5trea,n6/&1S.11 <lo ha>s1,'cbd.5dp.JlfSUl911t1:11:':t'•fl.JJSIH:n:hl~!!>~5.,'0 Ellc.'pt~'et'aDarn I ... ----------···· ............. -· [JIIWIUl<f'1:t (2) 3. 0 10und'ff':O'Ol~ (11 ! 0 ~...-i '"OamandtowerlookinQeast,l\ug.1, 1941• J ...;...,.,., 4li6 MS025J)~'4Dlma"dtewer~us:,k.'Q.1,l9J.l •-CJ Ill h!lpc:Jldld.Mll)sni.r.ec.thr .. nr1JJS/&t~~ll Em::9pt:~Dam "Generalvlewofdam,Augusl 16, 1!M1" MS0:!5~.ll3iiG.m!!:il\~Wofc1.1m.JltlQ:l13! 16, 19.11 l',o Nl;p,J!d;d9dp~lll!t~~'ar.)JS.'9e~'OO\IO ~'tal.,.-er.iOairi 1 234 6 0 I•"'"'· · I Digitization of Collections • Carlsbad Water District Materials, 1911-1991 • Miles E. Rost Papers, ca. 1880-1982 • Oral history collection, 1970s-2010 Genealogy & Carlsbad History Personnel • 1 Full-time Senior Librarian • 2 Part-time Librarians • 7 Part-time Library Techs • Volunteers Role of Genealogy & Carlsbad History • Encourage genealogy research • Support genealogical education • Promote the use of local history resources • Engage residents with images and documents that tell the story of Carlsbad Thank you!