HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-09-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesLIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING \Nednesday,Sept. 19,2018 PLACE OF MEETING: Carlsbad City Library Board Room 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, CA 92011 CALL TO ORDER: Chair DeForest called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Trustees DeForest, Hulsart, Larson, Parsons and Pearson none Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Fiona Everett, Senior Management Analyst Viktor Sjoberg, Principal Librarian Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Megan Vanzandt, Senior Office Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion, the minutes of the Library Board of Trustees meeting of ITEM #3 July 18, 2018 were approved. Approved 3-0-2-0 (Chair DeForest and Trustee Pearson abstain) By proper motion, the minutes of the Library Board of Trustees meeting of Aug. 15, 2018 were approved. Approved 4-0-1-0 (Trustee Parsons abstain) PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The board received the monthly library report for August 2018. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES TRAINING: City Attorney Celia Brewer provided the board with an overview of the changes to the authorizing ordinance and practices for conducting productive board and commission meetings, along with an explanation of three major transparency laws that apply to these bodies. Page 2 of 3 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Sept 19, 2018 Meeting SUMMER READING ADVENTURE FINAL REPORT: Children's Senior Librarian Barbara Chung provided the board with an overview of the final report reflecting this year's Summer Reading Adventure, including the use of new software which expanded participation in the program. COMMUNITY RELATIONS DIVISION OVERVIEW: Community Relations Manager Jessica Padilla Bowen provided the board with an overview of Community Relations that included the division's responsibilities, programs produced and supported, the venues managed, the internal and external communications provided and the division's current initiatives. LIBRARY BOARD MEETING LOCATION: By proper motion, the board agreed to table the Library Board meeting location discussion until further information is received. Approved 5-0-0-0. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Pizzuto briefed the board on a variety of topics: current recruitments and promotions; upcoming Staff Development Day on Sept. 27 focusing on talent development and succession planning; the Urban Libraries Council annual forum attended; progress on the Cafe; the upcoming installation of sliding doors at the Library Learning Center; the Friends of the Library interest in funding streaming services; upcoming library events and holidays; and future agenda topics. FOUNDATION REPORT: Representative Larson reported on the success of the Sept. 15 "Night at the Library" gala celebration and the Foundation's recent investment decisions. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Hu Isa rt advised of the Friends' donation of over 5,000 nearly new books received through donation, which were distributed to participants as part of the 2018 Summer Reading Adventure program. NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: Board Liaison Marguerite Kealy summarized recent and upcoming programs and events. Membership reported at 351 members currently. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. Page 3 of 3 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the Sept 19, 2018 Meeting ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Parsons/Hulsart) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 6:48 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~r~~ Senior Office Specialist Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Reports for AUGUST 2018 ITEM#S 1. The Summer Reading Adventure ended on Aug. 5 after another summer of enthusiastic participation! There were 3,141 babies and children registered, 465 teens and 755 adults. Overall, participants contributed more than 1,200 book reviews and read more than 1.7 million minutes. Special events earned rave reviews, and families loved the book donations earned as rewards by youth participants. More than 4,000 books, courtesy of the Friends of the Library, were given away as part of the Summer Reading Adventure. Feedback was also very positive about Beanstack, our new partner website used for registration and to record reading. 2. The library celebrated three promotions in August, filling vacancies created by recent retirements and internal promotions. Sheri Hanlon has been promoted to library assistant II. Sheri had worked for Carlsbad City Library for six months as a part-time reference technician and prior to that gained more than 21 years of experience as a store manager for Barr:,es & Noble. Ashleigh Hvinden has been promoted from a part- time reference librarian to a full-time librarian in Reference Services. Her unique skill set and passion for working with teens and adults, especially in technology, will be an asset to the Reference team. Andrea Hilliard has been promoted to lead librarian for Reference Services at Dove Library. Andrea has worked for the library as the technology librarian for the past six years where she has demonstrated her strong technical knowledge, initiative, project management, teambuilding and communication skills. 3. Training Coordinator Emily Bruce facilitated a Brown Bag session for staff on Aug. 23 at the Library Learning Center. The Brown Bag meetings aim to foster more staff sharing through dialogue, innovation and inspiration. Attendees valued the time dedicated to collaborating and learning from one another. CCL, Dove Lane ... 4. In celebration of the Stel/aluna exhibition in the Cannon Art Gallery, the Children's Division hosted beloved local author Janell Cannon in the Gowland Meeting Room on Aug. 18. Janell presented a program about her travels in Africa to find the bat that inspired her popular children's book Stellaluna to an appreciative multigenerational audience of 70 people. As a complementary event, Cultural Arts arranged for a harpist to accompany readings of Stel/aluna in the Cannon Art Gallery. Senior Librarian Barbara Chung read the book twice, and the combination of book reading and harp playing was a hit (with the second performance attracting close to 40 children and adults). 1 Monthly Library Reports for August 2018 5. On Aug. 26, the library hosted a concert in the Schulman Auditorium featuring award- winning musicians Los Pinguos. The musicians came to the United States from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and performed a mixture of Latin rhythms, reggae, cumbia, and rock. A full house of more than 200 enjoyed the upbeat concert, dancing in the auditorium as the concert came to an end. 6. The Teen Talent Shows three-event series concluded on Aug. 9 with the final evening including seven piano players, a musical skit with six performers and a comedienne. The stand-up comic Ella Engelberg captured first prize, with a competition between 17 participants and 12 acts. There were 120 audience members that enjoyed the show and helped make it a successful event for the performers. On Aug. 17, teen talent show winners from each of the three library talent shows performed on stage as a preshow before the last TGIF Concerts in the Parks performance by Poncho Sanchez; Salima Gangani sang, Rhianna Hawley danced, and Ella Engelberg told jokes to the supportive, appreciative crowd. This was a great partnership between Reference Services and Cultural Arts to promote local teen talent. 7. The library kicked off a new travel-themed series in August. The Good Life Travel Lectures were held four Tuesday afternoons on the topics Jewels in America's Crown: Three National Parks, Great Castles of England, Traveling Light and Easy and Rediscovering Italy. Nearly 300 people attended the lectures, and the series will likely return next year. 8. On Aug. 5, the library hosted a Summer Reading panel featuring authors Michelle Gable, Liz Fenton, Jill Hall, and Janna King. The authors shared the stories behind their books covering 1950s romances and scandals, a time-ticking mystery, romances entwined decades apart, and darkness hidden by summer pleasures. An audience of 65 enjoyed meeting the authors and receiving suggestions on new books to read. Georgina Cole ... 9. More than 40 participants gathered for Grow Your Garden to exchange fruits, vegetables, succulent clippings, seeds, herbs and garden plants on Aug. 25 at Georgina Cole Library. Carlsbad Community Garden members shared gardening techniques in our Fall Plantings workshop alongside Armstrong Nurseries and invited attendees to tour the Carlsbad Community Garden. The Real Santa's United also provided seeds and shared information about healthy eating to participants in the workshop. 10. The Genealogy and Carlsbad History Division hosted several popular programs in August. More than 50 people attended a meeting in the Council Chamber to hear Library Technician Margaret Read's presentation on westward migration in the U.S. while 55 attended an Intermediate Genealogy class at the city's Faraday Center to learn about accessing and using probate records for genealogy research. 2 Monthly Library Reports for August 2018 Learning Center ... 11. The Read and Play Summer Club celebrated their last meeting by sharing their favorite part of this summer's selection, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library. In addition to reading and discussing the book, the group enjoyed different games including Bingo and Jeopardy; games were based on the book and the Library Learning Center. Since one of the main characters in the book is a librarian, Principal Librarian Viktor Sjoberg was invited to join the group to speak to the children about his job. Seven children received their certificate of completion and parents received information on the All-Star Readers Club and other fall programs. 12. In August, Carmen C. became the eighth graduate from Career Online High School. She is the first literacy program participant to graduate from the high school program. Carmen plans to continue her education by earning a certified nursing assistant certification. In addition, six students are currently enrolled in Career Online High School, with another student scheduled to be reinstated in September. Outreach and Community Connections ... 13. The Genealogy and Carlsbad History Division responded to several notable inquiries in August. A genealogy patron was interested in proving her connection to the Arizona band of the Yaqui tribe through an ancestor that migrated to the United States from Mexico. Staff worked with her to review baptismal records from Guanajuato, locate the tribe's base roll online and connect her with professional genealogists that specialize in Native American research. This is just one inquiry of several recently from patrons looking to tie their lineage to Native American tribes. 14. The Books To Go book bike had a busy schedule in August. Staff visited the beach at Pine Avenue, Art in the Village, Carlsbad Music Festival and the State Street Farmer's Market. Between all events, staff connected with more than 200 people, gave away books, signed up new library cardholders and shared information about library programs and services. 3 LIB.RARY BOARD STATISTICS August 2018 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Aug-17 Jul-18 Aug-18 1 Dove Library 10,980 10,827 10,741 2 Cole Library 6,828 6,678 6,590 3 Library Learning Center 624 535 726 4 Total 18,432 18,040 18,057 Technology Assistance Aug-17 Jul-18 Aug-18 5 Dove Library 2,990 2,555 2,949 6 Cole Library 2,528 2,027 2,165 7 Library Learning Center 315 182 395 8 Total 5,833 4,764 5,509 Circulation Aug-17 Jul-18 Aug-18 9 Dove Library 59,472 63,679 59,970 10 Cole Library 33,312 34,150 31,444 11 Library Learning Center 1,260 1,215 1,292 12 eAudiobook Downloads 3,091 3,528 3,893 13 eBook Downloads 4,616 5,430 5,620 14 eMagazine Downloads 1,018 836 982 15 Total 102,769 108,838 103,201 People Count Aug-17 Jul-18 Aug-18 16 Dove Library 31,200 33,705 33,616 17 Cole Library 24,524 23,276 22,146 18 Library Learning Center 4,902 4,809 5,157 19 Total 60,626 61,790 60,919 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Aug-17 Jul-18 Aug-18 20 Pre -School Programs 12 49 10 21 Attendance 535 2,453 519 22 School Aged Children's Programs 23 42 18 23 Attendance 1,571 1,994 1,073 24 Young Adult Programs 9 14 6 25 Attendance 161 132 153 26 Adult Programs 75 78 90 27 Attendance 1,375 1,411 1,670 Technology Usage Aug-17 Jul-18 Aug-18 28 Computer Use 9,900 8,239 9,693 29 WiFi Use 5,439 8,480 10,244 30 Webpage Views 47,525 54,384 39,252 31 Database Usage 7,918 7,098 7,205 Facility Meeting Room Use Aug-17 Jul-18 Aug-18 32 Events 51 57 45 33 Attendance 3,678 3,249 3,459 Volunteer Hours Aug-17 Jul-18 Aug-18 34 Total Hours 1,832 3,557 1,718 4,361 (Carlsbad City Library www.carlsbadlibrary.org 2018 .10,120 • Program Attendance CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Library Visits . . . .. ·-. .. .. .. . .. ·--.. . ••• I Items Checked Out Community Relations Division Jessica Padilla Bowen Sept. 19, 2018 Community Relations Responsibilities • Community programs • Rental and venue support • Communications and outreach (internal and external) I I Community Relations Team Audra Ma1honey li1:ir.ir1• Cl'erk/ ~~~~~r:rt: I Bonnie Crane Sullivan Piroduction Technrtian Grant Ge:ble,r l!.ibi.iry Technici::n John McGrath l.ibi.iry echnici;rn, 'Lester '.Rc,ttsollc !.'ibi.iry echnici:m <Courtl'an,d Thom;pron !.'il=ry echnici;rn Je-sstca Padimta !Bowen Jessica Bra,I ey libr.iryTech,/ 1Ccmmu:nic:i'!i',aa Sue Love-Jam:f ~ry Cleu/P.rint Justin .!laco'bs,-Guticerrez l!.ibr.ir( ech.f frontofHca~e: Community Programs Supported 2017 • 492 internal events • 288 rental events • 50,000 attendees Venues Managed Gowland Meeting Room Schulman Auditorium Dove Courtyard Cole Community Room Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium • State of the art • 219 seats • Used 70% of available time George & Patricia Gow/and Meeting Room • Seats up to 70 with flexible layouts • Used 90% of available time • AV upgrade later this year Community Programs Produced • Author talks • Workshops • Concert series • Play readings • Cinema series I I Community Programs Produced • Workshops Business Good Life Health & Wellness and Travel Lecture Series Poetry writing workshops Tuesdays • 12:30-1 :30 p.m. ~r~d City Libr•ry • Schulman Auditorium• 1775 Dov. l•ne Learn hO'N to live your best lift!. Health and wellness experts share tips, tools and insight on how to improve your quality of life. .l!lf,111!11 Oct. 2 A Uf• In Moflon (Lynn FlanagonJ Carts bad ltQend Lym Fl.lnaganWlt shart tht lnsplr.l'dooll story~ hor naw boolt. ALift.lnModon.ln htT boolc. lynn shAtntht challenge:sW (actda!oneof d,e first womonto put on a major m.ullll'hon In the U.S.. and how shot ovoramliJ an .abusive m.1rNg(! and'wtntontocrom sua:ossM ""~nu, such u tho(.i,tsb.,d Mam:hon. i i iiiii Oct. 9 NutrttJono/ Sl'Clftl ro Pmrntt Alzhnmm and Sllengthtn Your Memory (Angel• R. Vlttuo:O Lott your~ l.!tely1 Do -,OUC!f100fa room and 1orgt< wh.lryouworQ lookhg for? L.o.,m abour~dlattlps,wpplemonU,llflv..tyl(lchllng.151ndbraln~tusthotwlll effocttvely lmptm"& how )'OU th~ fed ar,d ~d. Oct. 16 Stms I.as (Rose Thomn) LHm hON Jtrau lm~ our bodk!s .:ind mind. Wewm dhons th:lt lmp.xt: ood Rily nutrlQOU )'OUC~ LMto wpport )'O'.Jr body, mind and spfrlt We wDI also uso somQ acupreswra 1nd dNp breathing tKttn\qoos wtth tho use or 1rornac.h9rap'I. Com& prQp.1rlitdtostrw1QsiJ Oct.23 How ta Lo .. wetg/ltAltrr.fO(Dr. PhllipGosdolUkl) lc?ilm to develop a slff1pleycten'OOM!$tn\t9)' fo, becoming li?fflC'I', 11velletiind lon,gor..Uved. PhJllpJ. GoK:ionskl, M.D. ls~ ptdli.trlc lnl'actJous dlso.\sos spoclalist wtth a 4 7.ylililr C.Jnttr 1n cllnlcal Ind lc.ldQf'fflc mtdldoo. Oct. 30 srrareglu fo, a Sustalnablt lnconw In Rttlmnent (Scott Mca.ttchey, CfP) Dhcovtr mo wataglQs for building a sustainab., 1etlnml<Kll income to malnttln )'Out smndiltd dllvh'JQ throughout ratlrenu1nt. It's QaSlt>rth/J;n )'OU thlnk.1 Scott McOatd\Qy il a wealth edvlsor and CMlfied Rnan&I PlaMff"" tn carts~d. Free Admission Seltlng Is ftm comt. l\rruefvcd. 760-602-2024.• www.corlsb,dlibrory.org V-ffl'lllb•,.MMt·ptlllriW,llopulMMl)lw<(thSMDw,oOl,t..~f.:tt"'- DtrfUm' tbf7f1fflAraRIM.'WNMT IIOhm It ~O.t11111lt!Nmffliint J'IW. (Carlsbad City Library I I Carlsbad Reads Together An Afternoon with . -· . ...--.---~-~ Saturday, April 18, 3 p.m. Join us for an engagilg afternoon with Olana Ackonnan as stw d'tSCuuos her taint book TM Human Age Thr World Shapld by Vt, and uploro""' _,, poopla •rw shoplng 1h11 modem wo~d ft,r tho boner. Ad<orman ~ • NewYortTlmos bostsolllng •uthorwho b w.D kMwn for her poetry and nonfiction writing. Including Th< Zookttper's Wit., winner ol the Ooon -Award. and A Narural flistoryof lh< S.mesc ,-~ eo:sy to lfw #I tit• monwnt wl»n you',. lrltnwMd Jn Ackcnnan'sglorlouspro,-.• -W,,ihnQl'OnPolt "A llo-chon9'"9 oan,fon. pl,,n"9-and pn,,,oaufw to rnllnd, bodyond uM#I-AdrWlll'HM II a mftlMndng '#rlttt." -S.nftanciu:oCtvon.Jdl, For more lnfonmtlon. a l 760-602-2024 or visit www.c.artst»d1ibrwy.org A Community furlsbad Reading Program u,,,'"",., ~ _---=:::;;;;.iii . 1J1i11k Like Pink r Sunday, Feb. 11, 2 p.m. C.,lsbad Oty lib my Schulman Auditorium ,ns Oovt Llne ..t*'IUlfol.ltlfflOlginQCOl'l'lfflaion -StlOoil:~'MlhHtwrt».lJlml,I bfmellingMl'l«Dtfllf!Plnk.Plntl'I woitsbc111ont>10k»l1tt1~ -·-11.trandorm-~ ,m dWIOf Oll' Ml. Downlold0t pldrup1CDP7orhl1MKta1taWlll'IM ClftstmCltyutniy. ,,..tld..tl, lll'llt '-Pl' per--,. -411 bedhtrlbJIH t.onntno•-- ;,r. -M"""-.-o....!Mlaan--.!ft ·-~~wilh~i,,rtt..leclt ~ ~o1~C::-!~., .. For more lnbmation,cAll 7MM02·1026 orv1'i1 http:/lwww.cttril.Ndu.Qo,,JCRT Carlsbad ReadsTog lher Communications • Website - • E-newsetters • Social media I I ·f ear! ba City t n,mry !1 r.nn (..ar\s .gov Dinner. Ji..-e ie-ntert.alnmeint. and more 5;,t .• Scpl.15 Hap,penings ,at y01ff Lihm1y Jour cy.s o I nspi atib Aulhoir Panel Communications • Print materials • News releases and news site postings • Dove and Cole digital di splays I I Aurhor Talk Journeys of Inspiration Author Panel Silfld.1y, Sopt 9 2p.m .. F1e~ C~bb3d City l.lb1.1ry Xhulm:1n Auditorium 177SLJOY4L.e~ 7G0-60:2-2024 lr>ln :i111N">t-;Cindy 11,,rw,r, IJun.,i.>:A.kun,y r..i,A-.r..: f"...:,,~~um/Frc,:tkv111, Us., Sli.1plrll (Nflf.Nil04lt:t1F1,,1:<1: (,omCln\.ll'llQl!IIQCom!>(•J·•llJ,\'1.,1lr.1M.•\','~rn<1nC..•l'.r1 (l~'t,,1J(Tl IW10Loo1K.lil. ,1~ w,.• r.d,•b•~W Uw ....x:uu11kJ,rn,mb e;(IJl'l<;t,:,pp;,bk'-111,-.n.,ndwuni.-n.wr,tlcO(Jllott·thl•tllli" ~t,n"°"1,1 l'tll~~<or l,1U1,:11r\;st....tM ht-\dlo<}t'lh-1,,11,,ifiro: t,1nu11u,111ydur•r~1V.\'11IJW.MIL,m1J....,.om~Ciruy I V'mon.:1nt1 K11,;T:i ,..,h, pin,.. .. ·h.wl(tl'•<:,,.,ij """"P"f\ttl•<;. ltt n~k,yut',V,,11~1, 11,,;,,,i /1b1111<:~11111(•111,J1·•:c~urnnk1 t\ic,h,lfft Lc,Jc,,(111,::•,c;i~ <1U ynu rl~'Cll '" kr111w ,ii.lout lll'A n.'ll\'lo!\ h,.~;y Nmr><. llCT~ll'<, n!cl::n:i1n,•\ au,-1:il'lli unu:.u,el rH11w1,. Ill'"'"' 1till)'i1,mt"!, pr,t.JJ,111U.' 11.iro,,~iurJ flofltrrf.:i,ul.ltltor.)fJrl'.,1b-.t1tfl.ll'nr,,, Gala Fundraiser NJ.gilt at the Library Salurd.ly,S~p(.15 S:30p.m .. TickotsS7S C.lrlsbadOtyllbr:iry 1 n s Dow L.1nt-;06S I -2S2J •:ml}b,I\J Ul'r~IY &A,t~ Ft1urdilt0flPllr.>'nts1!1\,'it ,,m1u.,lfl(lkol,,•,u1•1Kutl,t,1,,1'1.1n1lcullut.1l.,1tr. ptt1ijr,~1m nn.:J 111('.lll'ti-,!.Fnjtr,dlnnf't llWJ (nljl,11.ilr,1'1-....r,r ,lfl\llfl'}!W,J\llllc'Jlb1J.iy,~ilJ1,l~pt<bll)l!'r!Clll'll1fll,ll1/ i!J<lJd..,.s-,~.11 k-1lSa{Jr1 ((1\1!,, i.-,.Afll(',a!lk,J. l'urlioJ'l-l.•l1okh..11d1Jo.1ll01•1~·lnl!.11rtkllio.11, :.t"'.,.~~..nirl,J-.ldt!b1.)f\'n/l-:fl)111ldlnw1.001. Concert Wish and the Well Surnby,S~t.16 l p.m .. Frtt G!!"vr91m1~Llbnr, Cammunlty Room 1250 C.:rbb:idV1l!.><Jtt Ort~ ;t,Q.602-202 .. (,lt(lllrl(I th·..'~j.11111 (I! pklfl~TIO!) IOttl~,lflhL~~k>' II~• J~Rh,G,,m,f•,n,on·.<11,Jttw 0,,1Kl,!i-Ouih••1u(,1!ih:m1I,, rt.v~:.:.J:~~V.'td1.)nd 1h,:W,~l ~k•,~wJ th<'lr !,,,n IJic•!)(• M~i.: A.w,)rd 't,ln!llr>Q ckbuL.lltll.~1,7[Jdrh'rlf). ltt 21117. ~·,,1a111 i~ llrn1wd .i1ll.l llr..t wm••. flt11 ~'IW.·d, Internal Communications • An informed staff can c~;g:a better serve the community • Transitioning from newsletters to Intranet :. ... , ........ .,. . -·--·-··-· ·-J ~~~-~ _ __,.:;,;_ _ Drj .. n,. .. ,m ........... .:..... rit;tl.\lt nn 11111:1 Upcoming Initiatives • Launching revised Intranet • New, user-friendly reservation system -One-stop for all city facilities -Mobile-friendly -Credit cards accepted -Updated look Upcoming Initiatives • Updated rental fee structure • Updated rental policy and procedures for board review • Gowland AV upgrade • Dove Board Room AV upgrade Questions? I I