HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-05-22; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMEETING OF: DATE OF MEETING: PLACE OF MEETING: CALL TO ORDER: LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING Wednesday, May 22, 2019 City Council Chamber 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Vice Chair Hu Isa rt called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Trustees Hulsart, Larson and Parsons Trustee DeForest Staff Present: Heather Pizzuto, Library & Cultural Arts Director Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Megan Vanzandt, Senior Office Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Approved:(, ,,J_t-(Cf ITEM #3 The board was unable to approve the April 24, 2019 minutes due to lack of quorum of trustees who attended the April 24, 2019 meeting. This agenda item will be continued to the next meeting for approval. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. MONTHLY LIBRARY REPORTS: The board received the monthly library report for April 2019. TECHNOLOGY REPORT AND UPDATE: The board received the quarterly technology report for the period of January to March 2019. Senior Business Systems Specialist Devin Castel provided the board with highlights and trends on the report. CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER 2019 REPORT: The board received a final report on Carlsbad Reads Together 2019. Community Relations Manager Jessica Padilla Bowen provided the board with information regarding the program goal, author visit, community outreach, lessons learned, and the planning for Carlsbad Reads Together 2020. Page 2 of 2 Library Board of Trustees Minutes of the May 22, 2019 Meeting SUMMER READING ADVENTURE OVERVIEW: Senior Librarian Barbara Chung in Children's Services provided the board with a preview of this year's 2019 Summer Reading Adventure program "A Universe of Stories" which invites all ages to continue reading through the summer. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Director Pizzuto briefed the board on a variety of topics: progress on the cafe; an update on the budget presented to City Council, along with upcoming employee development opportunities, events and staff absences. FOUNDATION REPORT: Representative Larson advised of the successful Spring Social event that occurred on May 10 and the marketing efforts that continue for the upcoming Sept. 21 "Night at the Library" gala. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Representative Hu Isa rt advised the Friends are stocking up on book donations for the Summer Reading Adventure. Also, at the May meeting the Friends voted to approve library funding requests of over $130,000 for FY 2019-20. The Friends' annual meeting will take place in June. NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REPORT: None. LIBRARY BOARD COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: By proper motion, the board approved placing a discussion of the Library Board meeting start time on the next meeting agenda. Approved 3-0-0-1 (Chair DeForest absent) ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion (Hulsart/Larson) and vote the meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~t~~ Senior Office Specialist . Systemwide ... Monthly LIBRARY Report for April 2019 ITEM #5 1. The library has markedly ramped up its investment in Overdrive downloadable e-audiobook licenses in response to strong patron demand. From July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 the library added 719 downloadable e-audiobooks to our collection. From July 1, 2018 to March 30, 2019 the library added 1,040 downloadable e-audiobook titles to our collection. In the month of April 2019, 445 downloadable e-audiobook titles were added. 2. The Business Systems team worked with the library's integrated library system vendor on upgrading the online catalog and web services platform to improve functionality and integration. One noticeable improvement is that the library catalog functions more quickly. In addition, the upgrade provides a stable environment to build integration between the city's point-of-sale system used at library accounts desks and the library's integrated library system. The project had a minimum impact on public services and was completed ahead of schedule. 3. April was the first full month of STEAMworks programming at all three library locations with an average attendance of 20 per program. The programs incorporate science, technology, engineering, the arts and/or mathematics and stimulate creativity, critical thinking and innovation. The theme for April was medieval engineering (catapults, cathedrals, crossbows, etc.). Program attendees shared a lot of positive feedback, and staff is confident that the programs will grow in popularity as they become more established. 4. In April, Library & Cultural Arts Department staff celebrated National Library Week, as well as National Library Workers Day on April 9. The theme of the week, "Let's Grow Together," acknowledges libraries' role in building strong communities by providing innovative resources and offering a wide variety of programs. In honor of the week and to recognize staff for their hard work in service to the community and each other, the department's Staff Appreciation and Engagement committee recognized staff with succulent plants as gifts. CCL, Dove Lane ... 5. The Good Life Lecture Series returned in April with three lectures in the Schulman Auditorium, emphasizing health and wellness and attracting nearly 350 total attendees. Dr. Philip Goscienski gave tips on regaining a youthful memory on April 9, nutritionist Angela Vittucci provided information on curbing sugar cravings on April 16, and Carlsbad author Matt Crisci inspired attendees about second careers after age 60 on April 30. 6. Nearly 400 people attended the three Earth Month films in the Schulman Auditorium. April 10 featured the documentary Jane about scientist Jane Goodall, April 17 featured the Disney 1 Monthly Library Report for April 2019 nature film Born in China and April 24 featured the documentary American Experience: Rachel Carson about the launch of the modern environmentalist movement. Georgina Cole ... 7. On April 12, Cole Library hosted an Earth Day Celebration sponsored by the city's Public Works Department, Library & Cultural Arts Department and The Ecology Center. The celebration was one of several of the city's Earth Month programs designed to increase awareness of sustainable practices in Carlsbad. More than 250 visitors attended and participated in educational workshops, crafts and activities. Participants got their hands dirty playing in worm bins and learned about composting. Attendees assembled succulents to enhance their gardens or augment their home decor. The Ecology Center gave attendees small eggplant and tomato plants and demonstrated dying materials from plants. The library's Grow Your Garden program was part of the celebration, and staff assisted more than 140 people who stopped by to swap crops, create succulent arrangements, and share gardening tips. 8. On April 22, 25 tweens investigated the reasons for Earth Day and explored the potential of insect-rich food to provide environmental sustainability and serve as a solution to world hunger. Almost all attendees bravely tasted cricket chips, barbeque flavored larvae and chocolate covered insects. They also created seed ornaments to feed wild birds. 9. One of the most popular April Tuesday Afternoon Adventure programs for kids in grades K-3 included Point Loma Credit Union Presents Saving for the Future on April 9, attended by 72 people. The event was held in conjunction with Money Smart Week and included a presentation designed to improve financial literacy. 10. Thanks to a $4,600 donation from the North San Diego Genealogical Society, the Genealogy and Carlsbad History Division will replace its aging book scanner with a new one. In addition, the funds will cover the purchase of a large photo, slide and negative scanner that will bring the ability to digitize images to Cole Library. The Exploration HUB currently offers the digitization services, and now patrons in Northern Carlsbad will appreciate having the added convenience of the service at Cole. 11. Two popular Genealogy programs in April included the April 23 presentation by Dr. Steve Baird on common misunderstandings in genetic genealogy, attended by 92 people, and the April 9 Intermediate Genealogy Class on transcribing and abstracting genealogical records, attended by 65 people. 12. On April 28, Cole Library hosted a spring concert featuring Latin jazz musician Diego Mondragon on electric violin accompanied by keyboardist Ryman Entezari. An audience of 100 people, including kids, seniors and several music students, enjoyed a mix of jazz, flamenco and popular music. 2 Monthly Library Report for April 2019 Learning Center ... 13. The Career Online High School held ,its third graduation event on April 27 at the Learning Center. Two graduates, Teresa C. and Carmen N., participated in the ceremony, although four were eligible. City Council Member Cori Schumacher, Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto and graduate Carmen N. all spoke at the ceremony. Thirty-five guests enjoyed the ceremony and a reception immediately following the event. Carlsbad currently has six active students in the Career Online High School program. 14. Bilingual Services staff presented the annual El dia de las nifios/EI dia de las libros (Children's Day/Book Day) program with the purpose of celebrating the importance of advocating for literacy for every child regardless of linguistic and cultural background. Twelve children and six adults played library bingo and earned rewards. 15. Ten teens participated in the Learning Center's Teen Karaoke Night program on April 26. The teens enjoyed singing along to their favorites 80s songs and cheering on their friends. Outreach and Community Connections ... 16. On April 12, Librarian Missy Shaw presented a butterfly storytime to four groups of preschoolers, totaling 80 children at the Goddard School. She read stories and played interactive flannel board games based on butterflies. 17. On April 25, staff provided two tours of Cole Library to a total of 60 students, parents and . teachers from Calavera Elementary School as part of the CityStuff Program. 18. On April 30, staff conducted an outreach program in .celebration of El dia de las nifios/EI dia de las Ii bros (Children's Day/Book Day) at La Costa Paloma Apartments, across the street from the Carlsbad City Library. Dia, as its commonly known, is a celebration of children, families and reading held each April 30. Library staff read stories, did a craft, coloring and activity sheets and distributed tote bags to the 33 participants who attended the event. 19. The Books To Go team had a busy April! On April 2, Lead Librarian Darin Williamson went to the Village Voices meeting and interacted with 15 attendees. On April 11, Book Bike staff attended the Carlsbad Citizen's Academy and spoke with more than 25 residents about the Book Bike's outreach purpose and destinations. On April 12, staff rode the bike to the Carlsbad Village Coaster station and then to the beach, interacting with 29 customers and registering two people for new library cards. On April 18, Lead Librarian Darin Williamson and Librarian Missy Shaw teamed up to provide storytimes for three local preschools and reached more than a total of 100 preschoolers at LePort Montessori, Pilgrim Children's Center and Kruger House. On April 20, staff attended the Carlsbad Village Association's Spring Shop Hop and spoke with 38 people and gave away 23 books. On April 23, staff rode the Book Bike to the Carlsbad Senior Center and connected with 48 attendees during their 3 Monthly Library Report for April 2019 lunch hour, handing out donated books, bags and pencils while promoting library programs and services. On April 24, staff attended the State Street Farmer's Market and interacted with more than 350 people, promoting library programs and digital resources, handing out 50 free books and lanyards to children. On April 25, staff visited Valley Middle School and Magnolia Elementary for an after-school outreach event and distributed free books, pencils and more incentives to 45 students. 4 LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS April 2019 · "Reference, Circulation, Visitors Reference Questions Apr-18 Mar-19 Apr-19 1 Dove Library 11,916 10,086 9,041 2 Cole Library 5,657 6,192 5,729 3 Library Learning Center 826 578 562 4 Total 18,399 16,856 15,332 Technology Assistance Apr-18 Mar-19 Apr-19 5 Dove Library 3,478 2,583 2,313 6 Cole Library 2,013 1,762 1,747 7 Library Learning Center 325 261 228 8 Total 5,816 4,606 4,288 Circulation · Apr-18 Mar-19 Apr-19 9 Dove Library 55,361 55,218 51,249 10 Cole Library 29,985 32,631 31,080 11 Library Learning Center 1,543 1,445 1,331 12 eAudiobook Downloads 3,394 4,955 5,347 13 eBook Downloads 4,700 5,660 5,714 14 eMagazine Downloads 982 2,220 2,336 15 Audio Streaming* 378 453 16 Video Streaming* 800 717 17 Total 95,965 103,307 98,227 People Count Apr-18 Mar-19 Apr-19 18 Dove Library 29,149 31,208 28,845 19 Cole Library 19,525 21,048 21,401 20 Library Learning Center 4,769 3,909 4,704 21 Total 53,443 56,165 54,950 Programs and Technology Library-Sponsored Programs Apr-18 Mar-19 Apr-19 22 Pre-School Programs 66 82 70 23 Attendance 2,922 3,558 2,545 24 School Aged Children's Programs 43 49 43 25 Attendance 875 1,135 831 26 Young Adult Programs 8 9 6 27 Attendance 70 53 33 28 Adult Programs 88 76 88 29 Attendance 2,482 1,973 2,375 Technology Usage Apr-18 Mar-19 Apr-19 30 Computer Use 7,380 8,055 7,870 31 WiFi Use 8,066 13,232 13,701 32 Webpage Views 42,574 40,587 38,522 33 Database Usage 7,100 7,206 7,621 Facility Meeting Room Use Apr-18 Mar-19 Apr-19 34 Events 75 74 76 35 Attendance 5,601 4,650 4,617 Volunteer Hours Apr-18 Mar-19 Apr-19 36 Total Hours 1,487 1,303 1,420 * Video and Audia streaming added to monthly stats effective Dec. 2018. Two new streaming services launched to patrons on Dec. 3, 2018. 4(2:arlsbad. Cicy Ll.l>rary ITEM#6 Carlsbad City Library -Technology Report -January -March 2019 PC Management Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Oct-Dec 2018 Jan-Mar Change Jan-Mar Change Computers 2019 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Dove Adult Lab 15 2,591 2,606 1% 2,552 2,606 2% Dove Express 2 426 426 0% 339 426 26% Dove Walk-up 20 7,826 8,220 5% 7,263 8,220 13% Dove Children's 7 461 591 28% 494 591 20% Cole Adult 19 5,559 6,328 14% 6,102 6,328 4% Cole Express 1 396 370 -7% 432 370 -14% Cole Children's 6 540 612 13% 643 612 -5% Cole Teen 2 459 534 16% 454 534 18% Learning Center Children's Lab 7 286 296 3% 428 296 -31% Learning Center Adult Lab 7 1,055 1,328 26% 1,278 1,328 4% Total 86 19,599 21,311 9% 19,985 21,311 7% PC Management Utilization Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location Total Jan-Mar Change Jan-Mar Change Oct-Dec 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Com outers 2019 2018 Dove Adult Lab 15 32% 33% 1% 32% 33% 1% Dove Express 2 6% 4% -2% 4% 4% 0% Dove Walk-up 20 30% 31% 1% 26% 31% 5% Dove Children1s 7 7% 8% 1% 7% 8% 1% Cole Adult 19 41% 49% 8% 43% 49% 6% Cole Express 1 8% 7% -1% 8% 7% -1% Cole Children's 6 9% 11% 2% 11% 11% 0% Cole Teen 2 19% 20% 1% 20% 20% 0% Learning Center Children's Lab 7 7% 5% -2% 7% 5% -2% Learning Center Adult Lab 7 30% 33% 3% 35% 33% -2% Wireless User Sessions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Location ) Oct-Dec 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Change Jan-Mar Jan-Mar 2019 Change 2018 Dove 18,525 20,745 12% 13,844 20,745 50% Cole 12,925 14,908 15% 9,634 14,908 55% Library Learning Center 2,067 2,201 6% 1,819 2,201 21% Total 33,517 37,854 13% 25,297 37,854 50% Combined Wireless and Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Wired Internet Sessions location Oct-Dec 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Change Jan-Mar 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Change All Library Locations 53,116 59,165 11% 45,282 59,165 31% Early Literacy Stations -Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison User Sessions Location Total Comouters Oct-Dec 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Change Jan-Mar 2018 Jan-Mar Change 2019 Dove· 4 3,289 3,500 6% 3,701 3,500 -5% Cole 3 2,096 2,222 6% 2,409 2,222 -8% Library Learning Center 2 264 259 -2% 334 259 -22% Total 9 5,649 5,981 6% 6,444 5,981 -7% Early literacy Stations -Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Utilization Total Jan-Mar Location Oct-Dec 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Change Jan-Mar 2018 Change Comauters 2019 Dove 4 39% 42% 3% 43% 42% -1% Cole 3 32% 35% 3% 37% 35% -2% Library Learning Center 2 8% 9% 1% 10% 9% -1% Self-Check vs Staffed User Sessions Quarterlv Comoarison Year Comparison Oct-Dec 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Jan-Mar 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Change Station 77% 23% 77% 23% U7o 76% 24% 77% 23% l 7o Self-Check vs Staffed Item Transactions Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Oct-Dec 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Jan-Mar 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Self-Check Staffed Self-Check Staffed Station Change Self-Check Staffed Self-Check Staffed Change Station Station Station 80% 20% 81% 19% 1% 79% 21% 81% 19% 2% Self-Check vs Staffed User Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Sessions by Location Self-Check Oct-Dec 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Jan-Mar 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Location Kiosks Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change Self-Check Staffed Self-Check Staffed Change <,,,;en S.,,;nn Dove 6 77% 23% 78% 22% 1% 76% 24% 78% 22% 2% Cole 4 81% 19% 80% 20% -1% 80% 20% 80% 20% 0% library Learning Center 1 20% 80% 21% 79% 1% 16% 84% 21% 79% 4% Self-Check vs Staffed Item Quarterly Comparison Year Comparison Transactions by location Self-Check Oct-Dec 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 Jan-Mar 2018 Jan-Mar 2019 location Kiosks Self-Check Staffed Station Self-Check Staffed Station Change Self-Check Staffed Self-Check Staffed Change Station Stafon Dove 6 79% 21% 81% 19% 2% 79% 21% 81% 19% 2% !LOI€ 4 85% 15% 84% 16% -l7o 83%· 17% 84% 16% '70 library Learning Center 1 22% 78% 22% 78% 0% 18% 82% 22% 78% 4% Technology Report Senior Business Systems Specialist Devin ·castel I ~-·:~· .. ~/:: _~;;~:-·. ·: -.~(i~ -:: ; . '. . : :c'-~;)t%;.Jit-f~ ...... :.::_·::·· ~ -- Patron Computer Sessions 30000 25000 20000 +------_;__ ________ __.::!llaoo, ____ ~=----------------3o-.::-::,--I!!!!::---- 15000 -Patron Computer 10000 5000 0 Jan.:Mar 17 Apr-Jun 17 Jul-Sep 17 Oct-Dec.17 Jan-Mar 18 Apr-Jun 18 Jul-Sep 18 Oct-Dec 18 Jan-Mar 19 I I Patron Computer Sessions 30000 25000 +----------::a,,-C:...~---------------------------- 20000 15000 -Patron Computer 10000 +----------------------------------------- 5000 Jul-Sep 17 Oct-Dec 17 Jul-Sep 18 Oct-Dec 18 I I -- Wireless Sessions 40,000 ,--------------------------------------- 35,000 +-------------------------------------~:...__ ___ _ 30,000 ,-------------------------------.~'.'.'.:._ ________ _ 2s ,ooo 1 --------------..;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;.;_......-.~~~~!!!!!!!!lir------j.~---------- 20,000 r---------------------~---1---------------Wireless 15,000 10,000 +------------------------------------------ 5,000 +---------------------------------------- 0 +------.----------,---------r-----~----.----------,-------r-----~--------, Jan-Mar 17 Apr-Jun 17 Jul -Sep 17 Oct-Dec 17 Jan-Mar 18 Apr-Jun 18 Jul-Sep 18 Oct-Dec 18 Jan-Mar 19 I I Wireless Sessions 40,000 35,000 30,000 +------------------------------,=:.----------- 25,000 +-----------;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;-----~=~~!!!!!!!!i~------1-~---------- 20,000 -wireless 15,000 10,000 5,000 Jul-Sep 17 Oct-Dec 17 Jul-Sep 18 Oct-Dec 18 I I Comparison 40,000 35,000 30,000 -1------------------------------F----------- 2s,ooo I 5 ~< , f 20,000 I ... ~ \. I ~ -Wireless -Patron Computer 15,000 4------------------------------------------ 10,000 -+---------------------------------------- 5,000 -+---------------------------------------- 0 +---------.-------.------r---------.-------.------r---------.-------.---------, Jan-Mar 17 Apr-Jun 17 Jul-Sep 17 Oct-Dec 17 Jan-Mar 18 Apr-Jun 18 Jul-Sep 18 Oct-Dec 18 Jan-Mar 19 I I \ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r---lO L1) 0 0 0 0 s:t "Cl (].) C ..0 E 0 u I 0 0 0 0 (Y) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N rl 0) rl ,._ ("Cl ~ I C ("Cl --, 00 rl u (].) 0 I .... u 0 00 rl 0. (].) (/) I ::J 00 rl C ::J 7 ,._ 0. <( 00 rl ,._ ("Cl ~ C: ("Cl --, r---rl u (].) 0 I .... u 0 r---rl 0. (].) (/) ...!. ::J r---rl C ::J 7 ,._ 0. <( r---rl ,._ ("Cl ~ I C ("Cl -- -- I I Early Literacy Stations Sessions 8,000 ~------------------------------------------ 7,000 +---------::::;;_,,,..,:::__ ___ __;:~---------------------'---------- 6,000 +----------------------"'"""""-------------------31i,,~----=--- 5,000 +------------------------------------------------ 4,000 -+--------------------------------------------- 3,000 ,--------------------------------------- 2,000 ,+-------------------------------------------- 1,000 4-------------------------------------------- 0 +-----~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~ Jan-Mar 17 Apr-Jun 17 Jul-Sep 17 Oct-Dec 17 Jan-Mar 18 Apr-Jun 18 Jul-Sep 18 Oct-Dec 18 Jan-Mar 19 -ELS -- I I Self-Check Vs. Staffed User Sessions 50000 -,-------------------------------------------- 45000 __.-..,.,,,_ 40000 +----------------...-----;;;J11-=-------------~.-------=--==-;__--- 35000 +----------------------------------------- 30000 -1------------------------'---------------------- 25000 20000 15000 10000 -1----------------------------------------- 5000 -1----------------------------------------- 0 -1----~----~---~~---~-----,-------,.-------r---------,-------, Jan-Mar 17 Apr-Jun 17 Jul-Sep 17 Oct-Dec 17 Jan-Mar 18 Apr-Jun 18 Jul-Sep 18 Oct-Dec 18 Jan-Mar 19 -Self-Checks -staffed Stations I I 50000 Self-Check Vs. Staffed User Sessions 45000 ~ 40000 I '< ~ """--,..· ~ 35000 30000 25000 -+----------------------------------------- 20000 -+----------------------------------------- 15000 10000 5000 -+----------------------------------------- 0 -+-------r------,--------,------.------,-------,-----,---------r-------, Jan-Mar 17 Apr-Jun 17 Jul-Sep 17 Oct-Dec 17 Jan-Mar 18 Apr-Jun 18 Jul~Sep 18 Oct-Dec 18 Jan-Mar 19 -Self-Checks -staffed Stations I I 50000 Self-Check Vs. Staffed User Sessions . 45000 ----..._ 40000 ~ :"9t.,,.. ~ 35000 30000 -1---------------------------'---------------- 25000 +-----------------------------------------'------- 20000 -1----------------------------------------- 15000 10000 5000 Jul-Sep 17 Oct-Dec 17 Apr-Jun 18 Jul-Sep 18 Oct-Dec 18 -self-Checks -staffed Stations I I Self-Check Vs. Staffed Item Transactions 250000 ~---------------------------------------- 200000 +----------------------------------------- 150000 100000 50000 0 +----------r-------,----""T------,-----.-------.-------r-----r-------, Jan-Mar 17 Apr-Jun 17 Jul-Sep 17 Oct-Dec 17 Jan-Mar 18 Apr-Jun 18 Jul-Sep 18 Oct-Dec 18 Jan-Mar 19 -self-Checks -staffed Stations I I 250000 200000 Self-Check Vs. Staffed Item Transactions 150000 +---------------------------------------- 100000 +----------------------------------------- 50000 Jul-Sep 17 Apr-Jun 18 Jul-Sep 18 -Self-Checks -staffed Stations Carlsbad ReadsTogether ITEM #7 2019 Summary Carlsbad Reads Together brings community members together and engages them in discussion about the same selection of books at the same time. In March 2019, Carlsbad Reads Together celebrated the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley's classic Frankenstein by encouraging community members to read The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White, a reimagining of the classic story. Carlsbad resident and New York Times best-selling author Kiersten White was selected as the featured author in response to community interest in the library hosting a local author. Participants were also encouraged to read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and/or Fiona Sampson's In Search of Mary Shelley. Thanks to funding support from the Friends of the Library, the Library & Cultural Arts Department hosted 35 events including book discussions, film screenings, genealogy programs, youth and family programs, and more. A total of 786 people attended Carlsbad Reads Together events. Additional Friends of the Library funding supported the purchase of hard cover, audio CD, e-book and e-audiobook formats of Frankenstein and The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein. Spanish-language copies of Frankenstein were purchased to support the book discussion group at the Library Learning Center. The library was also able to provide "read and return" copies of Kiersten White's books for teen readers at the Pine Avenue Community Center's teen room and teen areas of the libraries to make it easier for teens to read the book. To collect input on the program and begin planning for 2020, the Carlsbad Reads Together committee held a team debrief on April 11. A survey was also distributed to Carlsbad Reads Together participants via print copies and SurveyMonkey. Based on the feedback, the team is planning changes for 2020 including incorporating an online book club for those unable to attend library events in person, researching the possibility of live streaming the author's talk and pursuing partnerships to possibly bring a higher profile author to Carlsbad. Facts About CRT 2019 PROGRAMS Total Number of Events 35 Total Attendance at Events 786 PRINT/MEDIA CIRCULATION (1/1/19 -4/10/19) The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein Audiobook In Search of Mary Shelley Frankenstein Frankenstein Audiobook Frankenstein Graphic Novel Frankenstein Spanish eBOOK/eAUDIO CIRCULATION (1/1/19 -4/10/19) The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein eBook The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein eAudiobook Frankenstein eBook Frankenstein eAudiobook In Search of Mary Shelley Frankenstein eBook Frankenstein eAudiobook 111 14 50 83 5 6 24 11 13 8 6 6 8 6 Carlsbad Reads Together 2019 -Event Attendance Date Event 3/5/19 3/5/19 3/6/19 3/10/19 3/13/19 3/14/19 3/14/19 3/16/19 3/19/19 3/19/19 3/20/19 3/24/19 3/25/19 3/26/19 3/27/19 3/31/19 3/4/19 3/4/19 3/11/19 3/11/19 3/16/19 3/18/19 3/19/19 3/25/19 3/26/19 3/4/19 3/5/19 3/15/19 Adult Programs Focus On: Finding your criminal and insane ancestors (Genealogy) Book Club -Tuesday Evening: The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein Book Club -First Wednesday: In Search of Mary Shelley by Fiona Sampson Kiersten White Author Talk Wed Film: Young Frankenstein Book Club -Thursday Afternoon: The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein Kiersten White Author Talk DNA Interest Group: Harnessing the power of DNA to resurrect our ancestors (Genealogy) Focus On: Finding your criminal and insane ancestors (Genealogy) Book Club -Spanish Language: Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo Wed Film: Victor Frankenstein Spotlight on Classic Cinema: Frankenstein Book Club -Monday Night Classics: Frankenstein Genealogy Program Meeting: "If he could do it, I could too" -Documenting strong women Wed Film : Frankenweenie CRT Closing event: Frankenstein at 200 with Author/Professor Julie Carlson Youth Programs STEAMworks -Odd Creations to celebrate Frankenstein Tween Scene -Frankensteinian Operation Tween Scene -Electrical current Frankentoys -It's Alive STEAMworks Expo Tween Scene -Robotics demonstration (Gr 4-6) Tuesday Afternoon Adventures -Robotics for younger children (K-3) Tween Scene -monstrous motorized brush bot Tuesday Afternoon Adventures: It's Alive! -automation Teen -The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein Book Club Teen -Slayer Book Club Teen -Frankenstein Mad libs Hub Programs* 3/1/19 Beginning Silhouette Cameo: Frankenstein Book Bag 3/9/19 Family Beginning Silhouette Cameo: Frankenstein T-Shirt 3/13/19 Beginning Silhouette Cameo: Frankenstein T-Shirt 3/19/19 Beginning Silhouette Cameo: Frankenstein Book Bag 3/23/19 Family Beginning Silhouette Cameo: Frankenstein Book Bag 3/27 /19 Family Beginning Silhouette Cameo: Frankenstein T-Shirt 3/30/19 Beginning Silhouette Cameo: Frankenstein Book Bag * Max 6 per class Location Attendance Learning Center 23 Cole 8 Dove 16 Dove 32 Dove 68 Cole 21 Cole 41 Cole 35 Learning Center 14 Learning Center 13 Dove 48 Dove so Dove 10 City Council Chamber so Dove 46 Dove 24 Dove 3 Cole 18 Cole 18 Dove 20 Dove 33 Cole 15 Cole 84 Cole 10 Cole 51 Learning Center 0 Dove-Study Rm 0 Learning Center 2 Hub -Dove 4 Hub -Dove 6 Hub -Dove 4 Hub -Dove 5 Hub -Dove 4 Hub -Dove 5 Hub -Dove 5 Total 786 Carlsbad Reads Together 2019 Survey Summary Q1 1. How did you hear about Carlsbad Reads Together? (check all that apply) At the library Library e-newsletter Newspaper Answered: 57 Skipped: 8 Afriend ■ City/Library Website Library Facebook/Twi... Library calendar/Flier 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Q2 How I participated: (check all that apply) Read the book Film Screening(s) ... Book Discussion ... Author Talk(s) (March 10 or ... Focus On: Finding Your ... DIG: DNA Interest Gro ... Genealogy Program Meet. .. Closing event: Frankenstein ... Youth and I Family Event(s) Teen Event(s) Exploration I HUB event(s) 0% 10% Answered; 58 Skipped: 7 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% QS Was Frankenstein/The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein a good se lection for Carlsbad Reads Together? ( check one) Answered: 42 Skipped: 23 Yes No O"/o 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Sample comments "Something new for me, which is good." "My spouse got involved; who doesn't read much for leisure." "I enjoy YA and Frankenstein. Also, I thought a retelling from the female perspective was fascinating." "Young adult? No one in the (book} club fell into that genre." "Don't enjoy the genre but loved the author talk." "I thought there was much that could lead to rich discussion in both books (and I was very happy to feature a local author!}." Q6 Do you have any suggestions for a future Carlsbad Reads Together book selection? # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Answered: 16 Skipped: 49 RESPONSES Any Historical fiction I liked Silver Shoes, a new release. no Sara Jo Maas, Holly Black, Tomi Adeyemi <-in San Diego Isabelle Allende, Dave Eggers, Victor Villasenor thank you love everything you select U do a great job! Brain on Fire/ Craig & Fred No One of John Steinbeck's books regarding California Doing good job 0\ ~ c::) "'1 ~ Q.) i5 C Q.) QJ ~ $ 0) 0 co ~ ~ 0 ra N ... ~ '"'O N ra N a.. > ~ ra ra Q.) u ~ V) ~ V) QJ ---, ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 8 Carlsbad Reads Together • Program goal: bring community members together and engage them in discussion about same selection of books at same time ~i-t ~ s en ~ '°" ~ 0 N "1 ...c s:::: u ~ .......... rn Lr) ~ "1 ,+,-J .... :::J ~ 0 E ...c tlD ~ :::J ~ 0 Vl ~ ~ QJ ...c QJ ,+,-J -0 ~ Vl C ~ ,+,-J QJ C ,+,-J QJ ,+,-J > rn QJ ~ -LO 00 CV) "' • • ~ : QJ > 0 0 -a C ro QJ -,,4.....) 0 """"'-I u C') """"'-I +-' ~ ro ~ QJ +-' 0 ·-..c 5 s ;::s C ~ QJ +-' l/) ~ QJ ·-~ ..c +-' ·-$ l/) +-' C QJ > LU • -- I I Outreach • Website • E-newsletters • Social media • Print • News releases and news site postings C car1sbaa c ity L1orary Published by SlaKe Nelson 1-,1 · Februar/ 23 · 0 Carlsbad Reads Together returns in Maren. Join us In in celebrating the 20oth anniversary or Mary Shelley's classic Frankenstein by reading The Dark Descent or Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White, her reimagining of the classic story. You can meet Kiersten at special Author Talk events on ·March 10 at 2 p.rn. at Dove or March 14 at 3:30 p.m. at Cole. We have plenty of other great events planned too. Happy reading! https://bit.ly/2kC2wzo Carlsbad ReadsTogether Celebrating 200th anniversary of Frankenstein Free Events 11',ou~h0ul M•rch 2019 ii-I{; 04~.K Dc;sct;'FJr 0,: -,_ ~ l;L IZ49{;f 1-1 Fv ' ...., \ ,· ' 2,884 People Reached 163 Engagements i ·MHH:E Boosted on Mar 4, 2019 By Blake Nelson People Reached 721 Post Engagement Completed 318 View Results Boosted on Feb 23, 20· By Blake Nelson People Reached >1 > --ro ::J -1-' ,.,_ ·-> ~ C 0 Q.) '/) __, ·--1-' t::: ro ~ QJ c.. c:s u ·-u Q.) 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