HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-23; Library Board of Trustees; Minutes ITEM #5 Monthly LIBRARY Report for September 2019 Systemwide … September was National Library Card Sign-up Month and children who showed their library card could select a reward from a treasure chest. More than 100 children showed staff their library cards. A special beach-themed children’s library card was also launched in September to encourage families to get their young ones their first library card. A new early literacy initiative for newborns was launched in September as well. New parents can visit a children’s service desk to receive a baby book bundle to help promote the importance of early literacy, including a book bag, board book, information about the library, and a pre- and post-survey. Parents will receive a second book if they return their survey. Approximately 150 people enjoyed a Night at the Library, the Carlsbad Library & Arts Foundation’s annual fundraiser to support Library & Cultural Arts Department facilities and programs. Attendees at the Sept. 21 event enjoyed a pre-show reception, a performance by singer-dancer Elijah Rock, dinner and dessert in the library, and dancing. CCL, Dove Lane … Sept. 19 was a big day for after-school programming at Dove Library. In addition to hosting Captain Book in the Gowland Meeting Room for Talk Like a Pirate Day, the library concurrently held Paws to Read in the Children’s Garden. A total of 85 children and adults attended the two programs. In addition, the Baby Rhyme Time program has been attracting capacity crowds of more than 30 attendees during the month of September. The library hosted Carlsbad residents Drs. Steffanie Strathdee and Thomas Patterson for a discussion about their book, The Perfect Predator: A Scientist's Race to Save her Husband From a Deadly Superbug. Fifty-five attendees were riveted by the presentation at the Sept. 26 event as they also learned more about the researchers’ work at UCSD to save lives around the country. The library was honored to host American war hero, founder of the Navy's Top Gun fighter pilot school and author Dan Pedersen at the Schulman Auditorium on Sept. 28. Not only were there more than 100 fans in the audience, but we were honored to also host about 20 military veterans. As the veterans gathered together on the stage after the event, the audience gave these heroes a standing ovation in gratitude for their service to our country. Georgina Cole … Popular youth programs at Cole in September included the Sept. 24 Tuesday Afternoon Adventures program for children featuring Farley the Fiddler Presents Johnny Appleseed, attended by 82 people. Retired Disney fiddler Gary Francisco told the story of Johnny Appleseed by playing historic tunes with different instruments such as the fiddle, guitar, harmonica, banjo, Monthly Library Report for September 2019 and spoons. On Sept. 30, tweens had a fiesta to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month. Eighteen tweens made papel picado mats, played games popular in the Latino community and enjoyed special snacks. Despite the rain, 15 attendees participated in Grow Your Garden on Sept. 28. Swap tables offered succulents and seeds, and a community partner assisted with the presentation on preserving your garden crops. The library received a large anonymous donation of approximately 24 banker’s boxes of genealogy books on Sept. 20. About two boxes of materials will be added to the library’s Genealogy collection, two boxes were given to the Friends, 16 boxes went to the North San Diego County Genealogical Society, which may be donated to the Paradise Genealogy Society, and four boxes were recycled. Learning Center … Weekly programming resumed on Sept. 2 after the summer hiatus. All Star Readers Club, an after-school reading club, started their meeting with nine children. Preschool and all ages storytime programs featuring stories in English and Spanish as well as crafts were well attended by 262 children. Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson was honored as an Espiritu de la Comunidad recipient by Latino Literacy Now for her work serving others in need while solving key issues that confront communities. The award was presented to Lizeth at the Sept. 28 Latino Book and Family Festival at MiraCosta College. In anticipation of Community Outreach Supervisor Lizeth Simonson’s retirement in October, Lizeth participated in an hour-long interview on Sept. 30 to capture her oral history of the Centro de Información, the city’s first bilingual library, and the opening and early years of the Library Learning Center. Carlsbad History staff are working on transcribing the hour-long interview to save it to the collection for future posterity. The Mariachi Divas Trio entertained children and adults with an hour-long concert in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month on Sept. 23. They performed music from the movie Coco and pleased the audience of more than 70 with song requests. The evening also included a short tribute to and comments from Lizeth Simonson on her nearly 29 years of service. Outreach and Community Connections … Librarian Missy Shaw presented a storytime about books and going to the library to two classes of kindergartners totaling 60 children at St. Patrick Catholic School on Sept. 5. During the month of September, library staff hosted several library visits from local schools. Two different 8th grade groups from the Grauer School toured the Dove Library on Sept. 11 and Monthly Library Report for September 2019 12. On Sept. 27, librarians Darin Williams and Missy Shaw provided a Cole Library tour to 20 Buena Vista Elementary School children. Learning Center staff promoted library programs and services at the 2019 San Diego County Latino Book and Family Festival at MiraCosta College on Saturday, Sept. 28. The library booth was visited by 307 people and staff answered 38 questions. After a summer hiatus, library staff resumed visits to the La Posada Homeless Shelter in Carlsbad. Staff issued eight new library cards to shelter residents, collected several surveys and promoted library programs and services. In September, the Books To Go team started the month with a visit to the Carlsbad Senior Center, where staff interacted with 75 attendees on Sept. 17. On Sept. 19, staff provided preschool storytimes for three local preschools to nearly 100 children. And on Sept. 25, staff visited the Farmer’s Market and interacted with 125 people, processed three library card applications and handed out more than 100 books and other giveaways. Reference Questions Sep‐18 Aug‐19 Sep‐19 1 Dove Library 10,261 9,305 8,973 2 Cole Library  6,911 6,565 6,053 3 Library Learning Center 1,010 682 747 4 Total  18,182 16,552 15,773  Technology Assistance Sep‐18 Aug‐19 Sep‐19 5 Dove Library 1,970 2,457 2,002 6 Cole Library  1,812 1,882 1,513 7 Library Learning Center 203 453 347 8 Total 3,985 4,792 3,862 Circulation Sep‐18 Aug‐19 Sep‐19 9 Dove Library 53,076 57,560 57,525 10 Cole Library 29,462 30,637 31,885 11 Library Learning Center 1,193 1,155 1,222 12 eAudiobook Downloads 3,886 6,100 5,973 13 eBook Downloads 5,291 6,743 6,163 14 eMagazine Downloads 625 1,346 1,382 15 Audio Streaming*1 446 *2 16 Video Streaming*1 1,532 1,285 17 Total  93,533 105,519 105,435 People Count Sep‐18 Aug‐19 Sep‐19 18 Dove Library 29,029 33,819 31,489 19 Cole Library  20,339 21,537 21,235 20 Library Learning Center 4,481 4,027 4,972 21 Total 53,849 59,383 57,696 Library‐Sponsored Programs Sep‐18 Aug‐19 Sep‐19 22 Pre‐School Programs 62 18 77 23 Attendance             2,619                    1,005                   2,946  24 School Aged Children’s Programs 44 28 47 25 Attendance             3,622                    1,487                   1,146  26 Young Adult Programs 5 15 18 27 Attendance                   22                       525                         87  28 Adult Programs 80 78 74 29 Attendance             2,057                    2,325                   1,865  Technology Usage Sep‐18 Aug‐19 Sep‐19 30 Computer Use             7,624                    8,271                   7,497  31 WiFi Use            11,338                12,130                 12,845  32 Webpage Views 35,655 42,919 41,206 33 Database Usage             6,564                    6,777                   6,655  Facility Meeting Room Use Sep‐18 Aug‐19 Sep‐19 34 Events  52 48 67 35 Attendance 3,350 3,490 3,750 Volunteer Hours Sep‐18 Aug‐19 Sep‐19 36 Total  Hours 1,066 1,414 1,244 *1 *2 Programs and Technology Video and Audio streaming added to monthly stats effective Dec. 2018.  Two new streaming services launched to  patrons on Dec. 3, 2018. Sept. 2019 ‐ Video streaming data not available from vendor at the time of report. LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS September 2019 Reference, Circulation, Visitors California Public Library Survey THEFIELDS (IN GREEN) BELOW AREFOR CSL USEONLY THEFIELDS (IN RED) BELOW ARESYSTEMCALCULATED Section 1 Directory and Administrative Information 1.1 Library ID 1.2 FSCS ID 1.3 Short Name 1.4 Library Name Director(Ifpositionisnotfilled,enter "VACANT"in1.6andleave1.7& 1.8blank) 1.5 Courtesy Title 1.6 Director First Name 1.7 DirectorMiddleName 1.8 Director Last Name 1.9 Director Title 1.10 Street Address 1.11 City 1.12 Zip 1.13 Zip +4 1.14 Mailing Address 1.15 Mailing City 1.16 Mailing Zip 1.17 Mailing Zip +4 1.18 PublicPhoneNumber -Administration 1.19 ReferencePhoneNumber 1.20 TDD for Deaf 1.21 Library Director'sEmail address 1.22 Library'sPublic Email address 1.23 Library'sWeb Address 1.24 Nameofperson completingthissurvey 1.25 Phone#ofpersoncompletingthissurvey 1.26 Email addressofperson completingthissurvey THEFIELDS (IN GREEN) BELOW AREFOR CSL USEONLY 1.27 SizeSquareMile 1.28 Interlibrary Relationship code 1.29 Legal BasisCode 1.30 AdministrativeStructureCode 1.31 FSCS Public Library Definition 1.32 Geographic Code 1.33 LegalServiceAreaBoundaryChange 1.34 Library Type 1.35 County 1.36 CLSASystem Library 1.37 State 1.38 Fiscal Year 1.39 InstituteCode 1 M616 San Diego CA0020 Carlsbad CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY Ms. Heather -1 Pizzuto Director 1775 DOVE LANE CARLSBAD 92011 4048 1775 DOVE LANE CARLSBAD 4048 7606022011 (760) 602-2038 92011 (760) 434-8113 Heather.pizzuto@carlsbadca.gov librarian@carlsbadca.gov http://www.carlsbadlibrary.org Debbie Jo McCool (760) 602-2012 Debbiejo.McCool@carlsbadca.gov 40.00 Member of a Federation or Cooperative Municipal Government (city, town or village) Administrative Entity with Multiple Direct Service Outlets where Administrative Offices are Not Separate Yes Municipal Government (city, town or village) (exactly) No Municipal Library Serra Cooperative Library System Public California 2018-19 Section 2 Population and Outlets 2.1 PopulationofTheLegalServiceArea 2.2 RegisteredUsersasofJune30 2.3 Children Borrowers 2.4 # ofCentral Libraries 2.5 # ofBranch Libraries 2.6 # ofBookmobiles 2.7 Total #of Outlets 2.8 Total SquareFootage Section 3 Library Income Operating Income 3.1 Local Government (all sources) 3.2 StateFunds(e.g. CLSA, PLF, ELLI, etc.) 3.3 Federal Funds(e.g. LSTAor other) 3.4 All Other Operating Income 3.5 Total Operating Income 3.6 CALiteracyServices Capital Income 3.7 Local Government (taxesand allocations) 3.8 StateFunds 3.9 Federal Funds 3.10 Other Income 3.11 Total Capital Outlay Income Section 4 Library Expenditures StaffExpenditures 4.1 Salary & WagesExpenditures 4.2 EmployeeBenefits Expenditures 4.3 Total Staff Expenditures Collection Expenditures 4.4 Print MaterialsExpenditures(except Serials) 4.5 Print Serial Subscription Expenditures 4.6 Total Print MaterialsExpenditures 4.7 Electronic MaterialsExpenditures 4.8 Other MaterialsExpenditures 4.9 Total Collection Expenditures Other Expenditures 4.10 All Other Operating Expenditures 4.11 Total Operating Expenditures Capital Expenditures 4.12 Total Capital Expenditures 2 114,622 99,993 114,622 107,075 106,249 -1 -1 1 1 2 2 0 0 3 3 99,993 $13,700,250 $0 $12,076,558 $54,907 $68,275 $0 $0 $0 $0 $13,755,157 $12,144,833 $54,907 $54,907 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,134,162 $0 $4,997,715 $1,888,611 $1,816,565 $7,022,773 $6,814,280 $490,092 $413,503 $120,842 $109,825 $610,934 $523,328 $338,520 $267,926 $142,435 $155,497 $1,091,889 $946,751 $4,404,219 $3,270,551 $12,518,881 $11,031,582 $0 FY 2018-19 FY 2017-18 Section 5 Library Staff 5.1 Total count of persons employed -full and part time 5.2 ALA Librarians (FTE) who haveaccredited ALA Masters 5.3 FTETotal Librarians(ALAor other) 5.4 FTEAll other paid staff 5.5 StaffFTE 5.6 FTEVolunteers(AverageFTEper week -not hours) Section 6 Library Collections 6.1 BooksChildren Held asofJune30 6.2 BooksYoungAdult Held asofJune30 6.3 Total Print Materials Held 6.4 # of Electronic Books in Collection 6.5 # of Physical Audio Materials in Collection 6.6 # ofDownloadable Audio Materialsin Collection 6.7 # of Physical Video Materials in Collection 6.8 # ofDownloadable Video Materialsin Collection # of Electronic Collections through Local and Other Funding in 6.9 Collection 6.10 # ofElectronic Collectionsthrough State Funding in Collection 6.11 # of Electronic Collections in Collection 6.12 # of Current Serial Subscriptions Section 7 Library Services 7.1 HoursOpen, All Outlets 7.2 Library Visits 7.3 ReferenceQuestions Circulation 7.4 Physical Item Circulation 7.5 Circulation ofChildrensMaterials 7.6 Circulation ofNon English Materials 7.7 Circulation ofElectronic Materials 7.8 Successful Retrieval ofElectronic Information 7.9 Electronic Content Use 7.10 Total Circulation 7.11 Total Collection Use 7.12 ILL loansto others 7.13 ILL loansreceived Programming 7.14 # of Children's Programs 7.15 Children'sProgram Attendance 7.16 # of Young Adult Programs 7.17 Young Adult Program Attendance 7.18 # of Adult Programs 7.19 Adult Program Attendance 3 211.00 11.00 199.00 25.78 25.78 25.78 25.78 76.02 77.02 101.80 102.80 9.50 29 101,818 104,391 6,990 8,391 256,531 247,894 15,407 8,542 29,448 29,545 7,438 4,140 16,188 17,382 0 0 29 0 419 0 29 29 445 9,776 10,794 9,776 668,973 685,188 195,258 222,577 1,030,981 1,063,863 555,344 557,482 8,331 122,056 103 104,435 82,327 85,553 204,383 189,988 1,153,037 1,168,298 1,235,364 1,253,851 248 276 58 95 92 1,147 888 963 1,013 22,409 25,382 1,211 1,179 48,354 47,675 7.20 OffsitePrograms -Number 7.21 OffsitePrograms -Attendance 7.22 Total #of Programs 7.23 Total Program Attendance Electronic Services 7.24 CIPACompliant 7.25 Annual UsesofPublic Internet Computers 7.26 Virtual Visitsto thelibrary website 7.27 WirelessSessionsPer Year 7.28 # ofInternet Terminals Library Community Development and Support Information Pleaseconsider addingyour story in thenotessection ofthedataentry form. Shareyour storiesand successes! Did your library providesupport for vulnerablepopulationsin 7.29 thecommunity? Did your library support your users’ personal economic 7.30 development? Did your library play a role in responding to, or building 7.31 resilience after, a crisis in the community? Did your library support users’ personal learning and 7.32 knowledge development? Did your library help in develop social capital in your 7.33 community? Referenda Pleaseleaveblank ifno referendaoccurred duringthereport year. Do not report referendafrom prior years. 8.1 ReferendaElection Date 8.2 ReferendaLocal Agency 8.3 ReferendaFundingPurpose 8.4 ReferendaTypeofTax 8.5 ReferendaPercentageofYesVotes 8.6 ReferendaVoteRequire 8.7 ReferendaVoteOutcome 8.8 ReferendaNotes 4 179 5,662 59 10,406 2,269 2,284 71,910 73,945 No 93,593 No 93,633 93,451 492,157 529,144 138,691 125 92 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes # of Electronic Books in Collection 6.4 - FY 2018-19 - Staff intentionally increased electronic book offerings this fiscal year.--2019-10-17 # of Current Serial Subscriptions 6.12 - FY 2018-19 - Total=445; Adults 416, Juvenile & Young Adults 29--2019-10-29 # of Children's Programs 7.14 - FY 2018-19 - Total=1,211; Preschool 710, School-aged programming 501--2019-10-17 Childrens Program Attendance 7.15 - FY 2018-19 - Total=48,354; Preschool 29,952, School-aged programming attendance 18,402--2019-10-29 # of Internet Terminals 7.28 - FY 2018-19 - Total=125; Terminal distribution: Dove Library 56, Cole Library 34, and Library Learning Center 35--2019-10-29 Did your library provide support for vulnerable populations in the community? 7.29 - FY 2018-19 - Provided Community Service Guide, homeless outreach, free tax preparation assistance, and provided English as a Second Language classes in partnership with local community college, MiraCosta College.--2019-10-29 Did your library support your users' personal economic development? 7.30 - FY 2018-19 - Provided program: "Your Library Means Business" series intended to provide the community with resources to start, build, and sustain a successful business.--2019-10-17 Did your library play a role in responding to, or building resilience after, a crisis in the community? 7.31 - FY 2018-19 - In Dec. 2017, the Lilac wildfire occurred in an adjacent city and City of Carlsbad opened a shelter to assist displaced residents. Library staff worked in the shelter, assisting with basic needs and bringing library programs and books to sheltered residents.--2019-10-17 Did your library support your users' personal learning and knowledge development? 7.32 - FY 2018-19 - The libraries provided the following services: Adult literacy services, Early childhood literacy tutoring, Homework help, Exploration Hub technology classes, English as a Second Language classes in partnership with local community college, MiraCosta College. Partnered with Oasis, a non-profit educational organization, bringing local experts to engage community members on a wide range of health and wellness topics. Provided meeting rooms and study rooms for community gathering. Managed the Career Online High School with multiple graduates completing the program.--2019-10-17 Did your library help to develop social capital in your community? 7.33 - FY 2018-19 - Hosted "Library's Got Game" program, game night for community members. Hosted "Sewing for a Cause" program, supporting intergenerational learning of sewing basics, resulting in quilts continuing to be donated to the local Trauma Intervention Program.--2019-10-17 Section 10 Library Outlets THE FIELDS (IN GREEN) BELOW ARE FOR CSL USE ONLY 10.1 FSCSKey 10.2 State assigned identification number 10.3 Library Code 10.4 Short Name 10.5 Legal Name 10.6 Physical Street Address 10.7 City 10.8 Zip Code 10.9 Zip+4 Code 10.10 Mailing Street Address 10.11 Mailing City 10.12 Mailing Zip Code 10.13 Mailing Zip +4 10.14 County 10.15 Phone 10.16 Outlet Type Code 10.17 Facility Owned By 10.18 Facility Update Needs 10.19 Population Served 10.20 Total Outlet Staff FTE 10.21 Hours Open, Weekly 10.22 Hours Open, Annually 10.23 Weeks Open, Annually 10.24 Volumes Held 10.25 Circulation 10.26 Total Outlet Operating Expenditures 10.27 Year Built 10.28 Date Library Opened (mm/yyyy) 10.29 Year Library Remodeled 10.30 Is this Outlet LEED certified? 10.31 Size in Square Feet of outlet 10.32 Number of Reader Seats 10.33 Days Per Week Library is Open to the Public 10.34 Staffed when open to public by at least 1 paid librarian & 1  paid clerical? 10.35 Housed in Seperate Quarters? 10.36 Established Scheduled Hours for Public Service? 10.37 Degree of Adequacy of this Facility 10.38 Number of Internet Terminals ‐ General Public 10.39 What is your library's highest connection speed to the  Internet? 10.40 Is Wireless available at this location? 10.41 Metropolitan Status Code 10.42 FSCS Submission Year CA0020 68.00 M616 M616.004 Carlsbad DOVE LIBRARY 1775 DOVE LANE CARLSBAD 92011 8516 1775 DOVE LANE CARLSBAD 92011 8516 San Diego 7606022038 Central City Not Applicable 73,363 60.80 68.00 72,789 61.80 3,536 2017-18 52 182,558 648,262 $8,012,645 1999 08/1999 2016 No 64,000 261 7 Yes Yes Yes 10 56 40.1 Mbps - 1.0 Gbps (gigabips/second) True Central City 2018-19 3,536 52 180,007 676,981 $7,060,212 1999 08/1999 2016 No 64,000 261 7 Yes Yes Yes 10 44 40.1 Mbps - 1.0 Gbps (gigabips/second) True Central City 10.43 Outlet Type Sort Code Notes 1 1 Section 10 Library Outlets THE FIELDS (IN GREEN) BELOW ARE FOR CSL USE ONLY 10.1 FSCSKey 10.2 State assigned identification number 10.3 Library Code 10.4 Short Name 10.5 Legal Name 10.6 Physical Street Address 10.7 City 10.8 Zip Code 10.9 Zip+4 Code 10.10 Mailing Street Address 10.11 Mailing City 10.12 Mailing Zip Code 10.13 Mailing Zip +4 10.14 County 10.15 Phone 10.16 Outlet Type Code 10.17 Facility Owned By 10.18 Facility Update Needs 10.19 Population Served 10.20 Total Outlet Staff FTE 10.21 Hours Open, Weekly 10.22 Hours Open, Annually 10.23 Weeks Open, Annually 10.24 Volumes Held 10.25 Circulation 10.26 Total Outlet Operating Expenditures 10.27 Year Built 10.28 Date Library Opened (mm/yyyy) 10.29 Year Library Remodeled 10.30 Is this Outlet LEED certified? 10.31 Size in Square Feet of outlet 10.32 Number of Reader Seats 10.33 Days Per Week Library is Open to the Public 10.34 Staffed when open to public by at least 1 paid librarian & 1  paid clerical? 10.35 Housed in Seperate Quarters? 10.36 Established Scheduled Hours for Public Service? 10.37 Degree of Adequacy of this Facility 10.38 Number of Internet Terminals ‐ General Public 10.39 What is your library's highest connection speed to the  Internet? 10.40 Is Wireless available at this location? 10.41 Metropolitan Status Code 10.42 FSCS Submission Year CA0020 68.00 M616 M616.001 Carlsbad GEORGINA COLE LIBRARY 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD 92008 1991 1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE CARLSBAD 92008 1991 San Diego 7604342870 Branch City Not Applicable 28,199 30.89 68.00 27,978 30.89 3,536 2017-18 52 147,991 367,685 $3,079,860 1967 11/1967 2016 No 24,600 135 7 Yes Yes Yes 10 34 40.1 Mbps - 1.0 Gbps (gigabips/second) True Central City 2018-19 3,536 52 149,275 373,475 $2,757,896 1967 11/1967 2016 No 24,600 135 7 Yes Yes Yes 10 34 40.1 Mbps - 1.0 Gbps (gigabips/second) True Central City 10.43 Outlet Type Sort Code Notes Section 10 Library Outlets THE FIELDS (IN GREEN) BELOW ARE FOR CSL USE ONLY 10.1 FSCSKey 10.2 State assigned identification number 10.3 Library Code 10.4 Short Name 10.5 Legal Name 10.6 Physical Street Address 10.7 City 10.8 Zip Code 10.9 Zip+4 Code 10.10 Mailing Street Address 10.11 Mailing City 10.12 Mailing Zip Code 10.13 Mailing Zip +4 10.14 County 10.15 Phone 10.16 Outlet Type Code 10.17 Facility Owned By 10.18 Facility Update Needs 10.19 Population Served 10.20 Total Outlet Staff FTE 10.21 Hours Open, Weekly 10.22 Hours Open, Annually 10.23 Weeks Open, Annually 10.24 Volumes Held 10.25 Circulation 10.26 Total Outlet Operating Expenditures 10.27 Year Built 10.28 Date Library Opened (mm/yyyy) 10.29 Year Library Remodeled 10.30 Is this Outlet LEED certified? 10.31 Size in Square Feet of outlet 10.32 Number of Reader Seats 10.33 Days Per Week Library is Open to the Public 10.34 Staffed when open to public by at least 1 paid librarian & 1  paid clerical? 10.35 Housed in Seperate Quarters? 10.36 Established Scheduled Hours for Public Service? 10.37 Degree of Adequacy of this Facility 10.38 Number of Internet Terminals ‐ General Public 10.39 What is your library's highest connection speed to the  Internet? 10.40 Is Wireless available at this location? 10.41 Metropolitan Status Code 10.42 FSCS Submission Year CA0020 52.00 M616 M616.003 Carlsbad CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LEARNING CENTER 3368 EUREKA PLACE CARLSBAD 92008 2424 3368 EUREKA PLACE CARLSBAD 92008 2424 San Diego 7609314500 Branch City Not Applicable 13,060 10.11 52.00 12,958 10.11 2,704 2017-18 52 17,156 15,034 $1,426,376 2008 08/2008 No 11,393 56 5 Yes Yes Yes 10 35 40.1 Mbps - 1.0 Gbps (gigabips/second) True Central City 2018-19 2,704 52 17,752 15,719 $1,213,474 2008 08/2008 No 11,393 56 5 Yes Yes Yes 10 14 40.1 Mbps - 1.0 Gbps (gigabips/second) True Central City 10.43 Outlet Type Sort Code Notes The total collection contained 347,705 items 107,075 people have a card at our library There were 122,056 electronic materials circulated Service was delivered by 101.80 dedicated FTE staff CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY The collection contained 256,531 print materials The library was open 9,776 hours There were 492,157 website visits 1,153,037 items checkouts 195,258 Reference questions were answered 2,269 total programs offered 71,910 people attended all programs FY2018-19 668,973 people walked through our doors last year Mission The Library provides community members of all ages with convenient access to high quality resources and services to inform and enrich individual and community life. Vision The Library is the destination for information, enjoyment of reading, lifelong learning, and cultural enrichment for those who live, work and play in Carlsbad. 179 total off-site programs offered 10,406 people attended off-site programs www.carlsbadlibrary.org California Public Library Survey FY 2018-19 Debbie Jo McCool, Associate Analyst Diane Bednarski, Deputy Library Director Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Oct. 23, 2019 Overview •California Public Library Report & Infographic •Survey Background •Highlights of FY2018-19 State Library Survey Changes •Survey Highlights •Feedback & Questions? •Receive and approve FY2018-19 Public Library Survey Report 2 Survey Background •State survey is completed annually •Carlsbad Municipal Code 2.16.090 •Statistics are reported to Institute of Museum and Library Services •Survey completion allows city to apply for Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grants or funding opportunities •Information used by staff to benchmark against results of other libraries 3 FY2018-19 Survey Changes •July 2019 Public Library Survey •Changed survey format making it easier to navigate •Eliminated 30 survey elements •Reduced reporting frequency on salary information •Eliminated Technology Assistance •Combined Preschool & School-aged Programming = Children’s Programs & Attendance 4 Library Expenditures •Operating expenditures increased by nearly $1.49M (13.5%) from $11.03M to $12.52M •Per Capita spending increased from $96 to $109 Population (2.1): 114,622 for both FY18 & FY19, Source: California Dept. of Finance, Demographic Research Unit 5 Library Expenditures •Succession planning activities •Additional staff training offerings •New café space •Increased off-site programming •Upgraded a/v systems in rental spaces and meeting rooms •Expanding e-content 6 Library Collection Changes •Total print material held -Increased by 8,637 (3.5%) from 247,894 to 256,531 •Number of electronic books in collection - Increased by 6,865 (80.4%) from 8,542 to 15,407 7 Library Visits •Library visits decreased by 16,215 (2.4%) From 685,188 in FY2017-18 to 668,973 in FY2018-19 8 Programming •Total number of programs decreased less than 1% from 2,284 to 2,269 •Total program attendance decreased by 2.8% from 73,945 to 71,910 in FY2018-19 •Off-site programs, a subcategory of all programs, increased 203% from 59 to 179 •Off-site attendance increased by 83.8% from 4,744 to 5,662 •The average attendance for on-site programs totaled 31, while off-site programming averaged 58 attendees9 Electronic Services •Wireless sessions per year have increased from 93,583 in FY2017-18 to 138,691 in FY2018-19 •The number of internet terminals reported count increased from 92 to 125 as a result of changes to the counting methodology, which now includes classroom training terminals 10 Feedback & Questions? 11 Recommended Action •By proper motion receive and approve the FY 2018-19 California Public Library Survey 12