HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-22; Library Board of Trustees; Minutes ITEM #5 Monthly LIBRARY Report for November 2019 Systemwide … Library & Cultural Arts staff gathered for their annual Staff Development Day on Nov. 19, an opportunity for staff to come together to reflect on the vision for the future and to learn how staff can prepare to grow and learn as individuals and as an organization. Staff were welcomed by City Manager Scott Chadwick and Library & Cultural Arts Director Heather Pizzuto. The theme this year, Finding Your Inner Superhero, featured a panel of employees sharing how they discovered and utilized their personal strengths to enrich their professional roles. Following the panel, keynote speaker Devin Hughes led a lively presentation including how staff can be their best selves at work by recognizing how everyday interactions impact those we serve. The library partnered with the Census Bureau’s San Diego County office to host a census informational event at each of its libraries on Oct. 29, Nov. 4 and Nov. 12. Census staff shared the importance of responding to the census, how the census can shape different aspects of our community and information about job opportunities with the Census Bureau. Organizers were pleased with 25 people applying for jobs at the events. The annual In-N-Out Burger Cover-to-Cover Club library reading program began Oct. 5 and ended Nov. 16. Children between the ages of 4-12 were able to earn a certificate good toward a free hamburger for every five books read, up to three certificates per child. Again this year, the program was managed in Beanstack, the same online system used for the Summer Reading Adventure. At all three libraries, 754 children signed up for the program earning a total of 1,229 certificates. In the month of November, teens at all library locations were invited to write down books they are thankful for to earn a candy bar. Teens enjoyed participating and a total of 58 candy bars were given out. Children’s Librarian Ally Goodwin was selected to serve on the California Young Reader Medal Committee as part of the California Library Association contingent. This three-year commitment is a great honor and one for which she is well-qualified, being the selector for two of the larger juvenile fiction areas, including elementary and middle school materials for our libraries. The Embedding Evaluation in Libraries Institute Kickoff was held in Sacramento on Nov. 4 and 5. The team, Librarians Maile McKeon, Madelyn Horton, Ashleigh Hvinden and Lead Librarian Andrea Hilliard, received training on embedding evaluation into program planning and met other members of the cohort for their nine-month mentoring program. Coaching calls and cohort web meetings are planned for future months with the Wrap Institute scheduled for May 18 and 19 in Thousand Oaks. Monthly Library Report for November 2019 CCL, Dove Lane … The First Wednesday Book Club, led by Librarian Liza Blue, had a particularly fun meeting on Nov. 6, when participants met with author Jenna Blum via FaceTime to discuss her novel, The Lost Family. Twenty-three patrons attended, several of whom were new to the book club. On Nov. 19, Teen Services Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden met with four teens at the Dove Library for the very first Book Warriors teen book club meeting. The group discussed the type of books that will be read in 2020, how the meetings will be run and other teen requests. The group also created a list of books to read in future months. A large crowd of 133 children and adults participated in a variety of activities as part of Dove Children’s traditional Thanksgiving Family Fun program on Nov. 27. This all-ages program offered patrons a storytime, scavenger hunt, turkey craft and even the opportunity to “Feed the Turkey.” Thirty-six people attended the Nov. 2 workshop titled So You Want to Write a Book? led by Carlsbad-based author Matt Crisci. The participants discussed selecting the right story, the role of story outlines, the importance of the first 10 pages and more. Georgina Cole … The Good Life Lecture series moved from the Dove Library to the Cole Library for the month of November. The three lectures were Vegetable Gardening 101, brain and memory support, and successful aging in place. More than 100 people total attended the three lectures with more than 30 filling out surveys to provide positive feedback and information on upcoming lectures they’d most like to see. The library partnered with the Carlsbad Historical Society on Nov. 13 to present a book talk featuring local author and California State University San Marcos Professor Michael Wilken- Robertson sharing excerpts from his new book Kumeyaay Ethnobotany. The work focuses on the interdependence between native peoples and native plants in California. To support his program, Wilken-Robertson brought three Kumeyaay women from Mexico and during his talk, he would ask one of the women a question about the use of a plant in Spanish and she would translate it to Kumeyaay for the other women to consider and their answer would then be translated back to Spanish and finally English. The event was quite dynamic and attended by 29 people. A popular November Genealogy program was the Nov. 26 program meeting featuring Judith Brooks’ presentation, Using Ancestral Religious Migratory Patterns to Locate Church Records. This meeting also started off with the election of the North San Diego County Genealogical Society Board officers for 2020. In partnership with the Parks & Recreation Department, eight teens from the teen program at Pine Avenue Community Center attended the November Harry Potter board game-palooza held Monthly Library Report for November 2019 at the Georgina Cole Library. Teens enjoyed learning how to play Harry Potter Codenames, Harry Potter Scrabble and Harry Potter Labyrinth. On Nov. 4, 14 tweens celebrated King Tut Day by facing the challenges of the Egyptian Tomb Escape Room. They had to solve a series of mysteries and puzzles to win the prize. Those who did not finish by the end of the hour had to drink “Mummy juice,” though there were a few who also volunteered! On Nov. 12, the library partnered with the San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum for an event attended by 67 people. The museum brought several mobile exhibits that children chaperoned by their parents could visit and explore. The favorite exhibit was the Wind Tunnel which allowed students to experiment with aerodynamics by exploring how lift, drag and air pressure affect a flying object. Students launched a scarf or handmade object into the wind tunnel and watched as it floated to the top or got stuck at the bottom. Learning Center … The Learning Center launched Saturday hours on Nov. 16 after much planning and the approval of an additional staff member by City Council. Staff across the organization worked to ensure computers, lights and other critical systems would work as needed for the additional hours. Attendance on Saturdays has been growing slowly, and staff anticipate it growing more as regular programming is integrated into the Saturday hours. Promotion for Saturday hours will begin in earnest in January, allowing staff to settle into the new schedule and vacant positions to be filled. The first Saturday family program will be held on Jan. 25 at 1 p.m. for the Lunar New Year Celebration. The Early Childhood Literacy Program will also benefit from new participants thanks to the availability of Saturday hours. The Lego Builder’s Club was offered on Nov. 14 and attended by 16 children. Staff have observed a growth in attendance over the last three months after a few modifications were made to increase attendance at the program, such as incorporating themes into the building projects and displaying the students’ creations to create a sense of pride. During the month of November, the Library Learning Center celebrated Veterans Day and Thanksgiving Day with special stories and crafts. Thirty-two children and adults attended both programs. Outreach and Community Connections … Library staff led several school tours throughout November. On Nov. 4, staff conducted tours for two La Costa Meadows first grade classes. On Nov. 14, Nov. 15 and Nov. 22, staff gave library tours to nine classes from various elementary schools as part of the City Stuff program. The highlights of the tour are a demonstration of how the book return conveyor belt (also known at Cole as the “Book Bot”) works. And finally, staff conducted tours for three Poinsettia Elementary first grade classes on Nov. 18. They introduced various community helpers in the stories they read to their groups. Monthly Library Report for November 2019 On Nov. 8 and Nov. 13, Librarian Missy Shaw presented a storytime to two classes of kindergartners totaling 70 children and two classes of first graders totaling 70 children at St. Patrick Catholic School. She read funny stories based on fairy tales and gave book talks about several recently published chapter books. On Nov. 14 and Nov. 21, Librarian Shaw presented a story time to two groups at Jefferson Elementary Kids Care totaling 75 children and to two groups at Buena Vista Elementary Kids Care totaling 60 children. Librarian Barbara Chung conducted a storytime at the KinderCare site near Leo Carrillo Ranch on Nov. 18. At the request of the teachers, she read stories highlighting winter holidays. In November, the Books To Go team started the month with an Nov. 5 visit to the Village Voices meeting, where staff spoke about eBooks and business services to 10 people. The Books To Go team also visited the Senior Center on Nov. 12, interacting with 28 seniors. On Nov. 14, the team visited Valley Middle School and Magnolia Elementary School and connected with more than 135 students. Reference Questions Nov‐18 Oct‐19 Nov‐19 *1 1 Dove Library 8,106 9,760 8,346 2 Cole Library  4,468 5,871 4,831 3 Library Learning Center 402 933 479 4 Total  12,976 16,564 13,656  Technology Assistance Nov‐18 Oct‐19 Nov‐19 *1 5 Dove Library 1,852 2,541 2,017 6 Cole Library  1,339 1,653 1,296 7 Library Learning Center 134 457 197 8 Total 3,325 4,651 3,510 Circulation Nov‐18 Oct‐19 Nov‐19 *1 9 Dove Library 49,576 60,506 54,577 10 Cole Library 29,282 33,380 30,492 11 Library Learning Center 1,361 1,373 1,133 12 eAudiobook Downloads 4,138 6,277 5,889 13 eBook Downloads 5,343 6,223 5,921 14 eMagazine Downloads 2,591 1,333 1,274 15 Audio Streaming*2 ‐ 272 *4 16 Video Streaming*2, *3 ‐ 988 ‐ 17 Total  92,291 110,352 99,286 People Count Nov‐18 Oct‐19 Nov‐19 *1 18 Dove Library 29,806 33,899 28,867 19 Cole Library  22,129 19,354 17,533 20 Library Learning Center 4,065 5,279 3,231 21 Total 56,000 58,532 49,631 Library‐Sponsored Programs Nov‐18 Oct‐19 Nov‐19 *1 22 Pre‐School Programs 53 82 56 23 Attendance                        2,303                            3,263                         2,093  24 School Aged Children’s Programs 41 55 63 25 Attendance                        1,308                            1,566                         1,560  26 Young Adult Programs 8 19 8 27 Attendance                              88                               364                               96  28 Adult Programs 75 78 62 29 Attendance                        1,230                            1,892                            883  Technology Usage Nov‐18 Oct‐19 Nov‐19 *1 30 Computer Use                        6,742                            7,466                         5,806  31 WiFi Use                       10,643                          11,956                        10,212  32 Webpage Views 34,396 41,189 37,475 33 Database Usage                        5,860                            7,082                         6,717  Facility Meeting Room Use Nov‐18 Oct‐19 Nov‐19 *1 34 Events  59 96 65 35 Attendance 7,312 5,716 4,281 Volunteer Hours Nov‐18 Oct‐19 Nov‐19 *1 36 Total  Hours 1,156 1,182 1,032 *1 *2 *3 *4 Reference, Circulation, Visitors Programs and Technology LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS November 2019 Vendor provides data, not available at time of report Effective Oct. 28,2019,  video streaming service no longer active Library Learning Center began offering Saturday hours effective Nov. 16, 2019 Video and Audio streaming added to monthly statistics.  Two new streaming services launched to patrons on Dec. 3, 2018. ITEM #5 Monthly LIBRARY Report for December 2019 Systemwide … As part of the library’s ongoing effort to provide a variety of talent development opportunities for staff, the Collections & Technical Services Division hosted an open house for staff on Dec. 11. The open house was held in response to feedback from staff in other divisions, who have asked for more exposure to the variety of roles they might consider throughout the department as they think about their future professional development. Nearly 40 staff members attended the guided tours that took staff through a variety of stations demonstrating how library materials are selected, ordered, added to the online catalog and physically prepared (and repaired) for their life on the shelves for public use. The library’s upgraded self-check kiosks made their debut at the Learning Center on Dec. 13. The self-check kiosks have been upgraded with new computers, software and the Windows 10 operating system to provide patrons with an improved look and feel, a faster checkout experience and easier access to library accounts. Initial feedback from Learning Center patrons was overwhelmingly positive. Next steps include installing and configuring the self-check kiosk upgrade on all Dove and Cole self-check kiosks the week of Jan. 6. All library locations hosted holiday programs for youth. Programs during the month included an afternoon of making ornaments for the Learning Center’s Christmas tree on Dec. 5. On Dec. 10 at Cole Library, the Gift of Giving Story Craft featured stories and a snowman-making activity. Also on Dec. 10 at Dove Library, the audience enjoyed a performance of holiday songs by the budding musicians of the Craig Devine Guitar School. The always popular Visit with Santa drew nearly 240 children and parents to Cole Library and Library Learning Center on Dec. 19. Teens enjoyed working in teams to solve a holiday-themed escape room at the Learning Center on Dec. 20. The library also celebrated the holidays with a concert at each of its locations. Fifty people enjoyed a concert at the Library Learning Center on Dec. 5 featuring vocalist Allison Adams Tucker and guitarist Peter Sprague performing Christmas tunes mixed with some popular favorites. A lively crowd of 150 enjoyed a performance by vocalist and electric violinist Val Vigoda, who shared stories of touring with Cyndi Lauper and the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, on Dec. 8 at the Dove Library. A final holiday concert on Dec. 15 at Cole Library featured performers Danny Green on keyboard and Rebecca Jade on vocals for an enthusiastic audience of 100. CCL, Dove Lane … The Dove Children’s Division hosted its first Happy Noon Year Celebration, ringing in the New Year at noon on Dec. 31 with stories, music, dancing and even a ball drop. One hundred and eighty children and adults attended this program, which will likely return next year due to its popularity. Monthly Library Report for December 2019 On Dec. 4, a large and enthusiastic group of 20 patrons braved the rain to discuss one of the bestselling books of 2019: Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. There was risk of the meeting turning into a one-sided love fest as patron after patron raved about the book. Thankfully, one brave attendee took on the other 19 to voice why she didn’t enjoy the book and a fun, dynamic debate unfolded. Georgina Cole … Senior Librarian Sarah Dana worked with Police Senior Volunteer Larry Engel on his work to determine the make and model of the city’s first patrol car. This information will be used by the Police Department in their upcoming project to restore a vintage car to be used at special events and to celebrate the history of the Carlsbad Police Department. Using the Carlsbad Journal and City Council minutes, Sarah determined the makes and models of several early city police vehicles and shared these findings with Police Department colleagues. Cole Library Children’s staff hosted a Hogwarts Winter Festival inspired by the Harry Potter books for kids in kindergarten to third grade on Dec. 17. The 65 attendees spent a fun hour visiting different stations representing classes from Harry Potter’s Hogwarts. The kids entered through Platform 9 ¾ and received a tie with their house colors. Once they visited and learned four fun assigned lessons, they collected a Master of Wizardry certificate. Learning Center … On Dec. 18, fourteen children enjoyed learning about aerospace engineering by piloting a drone and making boomerangs at the Learning Center’s STEAMworks Lab. Outreach and Community Connections … On Dec. 5 and Dec. 12, Librarian Missy Shaw presented storytimes to two classes of kindergartners totaling 70 children and two classes of first graders totaling 70 children at St. Patrick Catholic School. That same day, she also visited Jefferson Elementary Kids Care and Buena Vista Elementary Kids Care for storytimes to two groups totaling 100 children. Missy read stories about winter and gave book talks about several recently published books for the older children. On Dec. 13, Library Assistant Kylee Seal gave library tours to three third grade classes from Jefferson Elementary School as part of the CityStuff program, a partnership between the city, Junior Achievement and local elementary schools. As usual, the highlights of the tour were a demonstration of how the automated materials system works (also known at Cole as the “Book Bot”) and a tour of the downstairs area of the library. In December, the Books To Go team started the month with a Dec. 10 visit to the Senior Center, where staff spoke with 16 people. The Books To Go team also visited Valley Middle School and Magnolia Elementary School on Dec. 12, interacting with 80 students and 10 adults throughout Monthly Library Report for December 2019 the afternoon. On Dec. 19, the team visited two local preschools, LePort Montessori and the city- run Kruger House, providing storytimes to 34 preschoolers total. Reference Questions Dec‐18 Nov‐19 *1 Dec‐19 *1 1 Dove Library 12,869 8,346 7,577 2 Cole Library  4,011 4,831 4,752 3 Library Learning Center 380 479 599 4 Total  17,260 13,656 12,928  Technology Assistance Dec‐18 Nov‐19 *1 Dec‐19 *1 5 Dove Library 2,570 2,017 1,930 6 Cole Library  1,297 1,296 1,332 7 Library Learning Center 172 197 298 8 Total 4,039 3,510 3,560 Circulation Dec‐18 Nov‐19 *1 Dec‐19 *1 9 Dove Library 46,288 54,577 51,949 10 Cole Library 26,183 30,492 28,325 11 Library Learning Center 1,014 1,133 1,617 12 eAudiobook Downloads 4,149 5,889 5,868 13 eBook Downloads 5,287 5,921 6,244 14 eMagazine Downloads 1,682 1,274 1,413 15 Audio Streaming*2 1,093 *4 583 16 Video Streaming*2, *3 954 ‐ ‐ 17 Total  86,650 99,286 95,999 People Count Dec‐18 Nov‐19 *1 Dec‐19 *1 18 Dove Library 24,714 28,867 25,973 19 Cole Library  17,556 17,533 19,243 20 Library Learning Center 3,181 3,231 3,234 21 Total 45,451 49,631 48,450 Library‐Sponsored Programs Dec‐18 Nov‐19 *1 Dec‐19 *1 22 Pre‐School Programs 59 56 56 23 Attendance                        2,091                            2,093                         1,821  24 School Aged Children’s Programs 38 63 53 25 Attendance                           909                            1,560                         1,458  26 Young Adult Programs 6 8 12 27 Attendance                              11                                 96                               78  28 Adult Programs 58 62 52 29 Attendance                        1,428                               883                            829  Technology Usage Dec‐18 Nov‐19 *1 Dec‐19 *1 30 Computer Use                        6,935                            5,806                         6,241  31 WiFi Use                       10,462                          10,212                        11,836  32 Webpage Views 41,466 37,475 40,157 33 Database Usage                        7,459                            6,717                         6,165  Facility Meeting Room Use Dec‐18 Nov‐19 *1 Dec‐19 *1 34 Events  40 65 52 35 Attendance 3,794 4,281 3,340 Volunteer Hours Dec‐18 Nov‐19 *1 Dec‐19 *1 36 Total  Hours 918 1,032 1,003 *1 *2 *3 *4 Programs and Technology Library Learning Center began offering Saturday hours effective Nov. 16, 2019 Video and Audio streaming added to monthly statistics.  Two new streaming services launched to patrons on Dec. 3, 2018. Effective Oct. 28,2019,  video streaming service no longer active Vendor provides data, not available at time of report LIBRARY BOARD STATISTICS December 2019 Reference, Circulation, Visitors      Donations Received ‐ July 1, 2019 to Dec. 31, 2019 Value Category Amount Contributors $.01 ‐ $99 $239.31 58 $100 ‐ $249 $382.37 3 $250 ‐ $499 $550.00 2 $500 ‐ $999 $500.00 1 $1000 ‐ $4,999 $2,000.00 2 >$5,000 $5,000.00 1 Totals:$8,671.68 67      Donation Designations  Non‐specified:$2,156.68 Non‐specified Specified:$1,515.00 Purchase library materials for all libraries $5,000.00 Support Dove Library programs and services $6,515.00 Specified  1st Half of Fiscal Year FY 2015‐16 FY 2016‐17 FY 2017‐18 FY 2018‐19 FY 2019‐20 July $1,601.15 $10,651.06 $424.16 $83.05 $141.24 August $157.15 $91.95 $1,601.75 $343.27 $60.87 September $52.45 $254.70 $52.20 $54.69 $269.16 October $81.01 $156.41 $51.40 $861,735.16 $5,065.52 November $1,053.08 $74.76 $200.80 $74.66 $131.63 December $1,154.90 $1,245.85 $2,021.50 $2,883.92 $3,003.26 Total $4,099.74 $12,474.73 $4,351.81 $865,174.75 $8,671.68 2nd Half of Fiscal Year Jan. to June 30 Totals $47,727.67 $12,316.16 $1,357.95 $15,866.99 N/A Annual Donation Totals $51,827.41 $24,790.89 $5,709.76 $881,041.74 ‐ Source: IFAS accounts ‐ 0014010‐5651 (General Fund), 1454010‐5651 (Library Gifts & Bequests) Notes:  Jan. 2015 to June 30, 2017 ‐ Pre/Post Carlsbad City Library & Cole Library renovation donation activity FY 2018‐19, Oct. 2018, Received one‐time trust donation of $861,163.01 from the Rosemary Falkenstein Estate 1/14/2020 Not reported:  Funding provided by Friends of the Library, special trusts and endowments managed by Carlsbad Library & Arts  Foundation, and cultural arts special revenue accounts. City of Carlsbad Library Semi‐annual Library Donation Report Totals      Fiscal Activity ITEM #7 Community Relations Division Jessica Padilla Bowen Jan. 22, 2020 Community Relations Responsibilities •Community programs •Rental and venue support •Communications (internal and external) •Community outreach Community Relations Team Community Programs Supported 2019 •510 internal events •300 rental events •51,514 attendees Venues Managed Gowland Meeting Room Schulman Auditorium Dove Courtyard Cole Community Room C Cole Community Room Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium •Signature performance venue for city •219 seats •Used 70% of available time George & Patricia Gowland Meeting Room •Seats up to 70 with flexible layouts •Used 90% of available time •AV upgrade in 2019 Community Programs Produced •Concert series •Author talks •Workshops •Play readings •Cinema series Community Programs Produced •Workshops –Business –Good Life Lecture Series –Good Life Travel Series –Writing workshops Carlsbad Reads Together Communications •Website •E-newsletters •Print materials •News releases •Digital displays •Videos •Social media Upcoming Communications Initiatives •Digital strategy with consultant help •Website upgrade •Outreach training for staff Upcoming Initiatives •Schulman Auditorium Sound System Replacement Questions? DISPLAY & DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS 1 P&P\DISPLAY AND DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS 01/2020 ITEM #9 DISPLAY & DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS Purpose: Organizational and administrative ease POLICY: The mission and vision of Library & Cultural Arts is to foster learning opportunities for the community. Consistent with that mission and vision, only announcements and literature published by non-profit organizations engaged in educational and cultural activities in Carlsbad and in the Carlsbad area will be considered for display. The greater Carlsbad area is defined as Solana Beach to Oceanside to Escondido to Fallbrook. Due to limited display space, it may not always be possible to distribute or display all announcements and publications that fall into these categories. Fliers up to 11 x 17 may be accommodated when space permits. No tear-offs, rough-edged or handwritten materials may be posted. Prior approval from L&CA administration is required for all materials and any materials posted or left for free distribution without approval will be discarded. The provision of display space for public use does not constitute L&CA endorsement of the views advocated in these displays. L&CA is not responsible for the preservation or protection of materials posted or placed for free distribution. The following criteria will be used, in this prioritized order, to determine which items will be distributed or displayed: 1. Materials produced by L&CA and other City of Carlsbad departments. 2. Information and instructional materials from federal, state and local government agencies. 3. Information and instructional materials from schools in the Carlsbad area. Schools are defined by the California Department of Education at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/si/ds/dos.asp. 4. Materials and publications that include content with a byline by City of Carlsbad staff. 5. Announcements of public events to be held in Carlsbad by 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations engaged in educational activities that support L&CA’s mission and vision. 6. Announcements of public events to be held in the greater Carlsbad area by 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations engaged in educational activities that support L&CA’s mission and vision. Non-L&CA or non-city materials will be displayed for a period to be determined at the discretion of L&CA administration, subject to the above priorities. Approved by the Library Board of Trustees – DISPLAY & DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS 2 P&P\DISPLAY AND DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS 01/2020 ITEM #9 Procedure: • Each L&CA facility will designate one point of receipt for announcements and materials to be reviewed by L&CA administration or other staff as may be assigned. If the materials have previously been approved, they need not be re- submitted to L&CA administration each time updates or additional quantities of the same items are received. • Staff will be assigned to monitor posting/distribution areas regularly and remove items which are in violation of the policy. • Each L&CA facility will post a copy of the basic policy statement in the area where materials are posted or distributed. The entire policy is available on the L&CA’s web page. • Individuals who leave materials for review should be advised that the materials will not be returned to them. Alternatively, they may choose to leave one copy for review and contact information for the L&CA to notify them of approval, before supplying additional quantities. Appeal of Decision Process • Appeal of any decision adverse to an applicant may be made in writing to the L&CA director within five business days of its making. The L&CA director shall render a decision within ten business days. The applicant may appeal the L&CA director’s decision to the chief operating officer within five business days of the L&CA director’s decision. The chief operating officer will render a decision within 30 calendar days. The chief operating officer’s decision shall be final.